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Jonathan Prieto-Cubides beb2556111 w.i.p Fixing test suite
2022-04-07 18:10:53 +02:00

397 lines
13 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Main (main) where
import Commands.Extra
import Commands.MicroJuvix
import Commands.MiniHaskell
import Commands.Termination as T
import Control.Exception qualified as IO
import Control.Monad.Extra
import MiniJuvix.Pipeline
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi qualified as A
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language qualified as M
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Parser qualified as Parser
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Highlight qualified as Scoper
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.InfoTable qualified as Scoper
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ansi qualified as M
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base (defaultOptions)
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base qualified as M
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Text qualified as T
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper qualified as Scoper
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ansi qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Ansi qualified as Hask
import MiniJuvix.Termination qualified as T
import MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraph qualified as A
import MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as Hask
import MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract qualified as Abstract
import MiniJuvix.Utils.Version (runDisplayVersion)
import Options.Applicative
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty
import Text.Show.Pretty hiding (Html)
data Command
= Scope ScopeOptions
| Parse ParseOptions
| Html HtmlOptions
| Termination TerminationCommand
| MiniHaskell MiniHaskellOptions
| MicroJuvix MicroJuvixCommand
| DisplayVersion
| DisplayRoot
| Highlight HighlightOptions
data ScopeOptions = ScopeOptions
{ _scopeInputFiles :: NonEmpty FilePath,
_scopeShowIds :: Bool,
_scopeInlineImports :: Bool,
_scopeNoColors :: Bool
data ParseOptions = ParseOptions
{ _parseInputFile :: FilePath,
_parseNoPrettyShow :: Bool
newtype HighlightOptions = HighlightOptions
{ _highlightInputFile :: FilePath
data HtmlOptions = HtmlOptions
{ _htmlInputFile :: FilePath,
_htmlRecursive :: Bool,
_htmlTheme :: Theme
parseHtml :: Parser HtmlOptions
parseHtml = do
_htmlInputFile <- parseInputFile
_htmlRecursive <-
( long "recursive"
<> help "export imported modules recursively"
_htmlTheme <-
(eitherReader parseTheme)
( long "theme"
<> metavar "THEME"
<> value Ayu
<> showDefault
<> help "selects a theme: ayu (light); nord (dark)"
pure HtmlOptions {..}
parseTheme :: String -> Either String Theme
parseTheme s = case s of
"nord" -> Right Nord
"ayu" -> Right Ayu
_ -> Left $ "unrecognised theme: " <> s
parseHighlight :: Parser HighlightOptions
parseHighlight = do
_highlightInputFile <- parseInputFile
pure HighlightOptions {..}
parseParse :: Parser ParseOptions
parseParse = do
_parseInputFile <- parseInputFile
_parseNoPrettyShow <-
( long "no-pretty-show"
<> help "Disable formatting of the Haskell AST"
pure ParseOptions {..}
parseScope :: Parser ScopeOptions
parseScope = do
_scopeInputFiles <-
some1 $
( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE(s)"
<> help "Path to one ore more MiniJuvix files"
<> action "file"
_scopeShowIds <-
( long "show-name-ids"
<> help "Show the unique number of each identifier"
_scopeInlineImports <-
( long "inline-imports"
<> help "Show the code of imported modules next to the import statement"
_scopeNoColors <-
( long "no-colors"
<> help "Disable ANSI formatting"
pure ScopeOptions {..}
parseDisplayVersion :: Parser Command
parseDisplayVersion =
(long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Print the version and exit")
parseDisplayRoot :: Parser Command
parseDisplayRoot =
(long "show-root" <> help "Print the detected root of the project")
descr :: ParserInfo Command
descr =
(parseCommand <**> helper)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "The MiniJuvix compiler."
<> headerDoc (Just headDoc)
<> footerDoc (Just foot)
headDoc :: Doc
headDoc = dullblue $ bold $ underline "MiniJuvix help"
foot :: Doc
foot = bold "maintainers: " <> "The MiniJuvix Team"
parseCommand :: Parser Command
parseCommand =
<|> parseDisplayRoot
<|> hsubparser
( mconcat
[ commandParse,
commandMicroJuvix :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandMicroJuvix = command "microjuvix" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(MicroJuvix <$> parseMicroJuvixCommand)
(progDesc "Subcommands related to MicroJuvix")
commandMiniHaskell :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandMiniHaskell = command "minihaskell" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(MiniHaskell <$> parseMiniHaskell)
(progDesc "Translate a MiniJuvix file to MiniHaskell")
commandHighlight :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandHighlight = command "highlight" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(Highlight <$> parseHighlight)
(progDesc "Highlight a MiniJuvix file")
commandParse :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandParse = command "parse" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(Parse <$> parseParse)
(progDesc "Parse a MiniJuvix file")
commandHtml :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandHtml = command "html" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(Html <$> parseHtml)
(progDesc "Generate HTML for a MiniJuvix file")
commandScope :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandScope = command "scope" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(Scope <$> parseScope)
(progDesc "Parse and scope a MiniJuvix file")
commandTermination :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandTermination = command "termination" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(Termination <$> parseTerminationCommand)
(progDesc "Subcommands related to termination checking")
mkScopePrettyOptions :: ScopeOptions -> M.Options
mkScopePrettyOptions ScopeOptions {..} =
{ M._optShowNameId = _scopeShowIds,
M._optInlineImports = _scopeInlineImports
parseModuleIO :: FilePath -> IO (M.Module 'M.Parsed 'M.ModuleTop)
parseModuleIO = fromRightIO id . Parser.runModuleParserIO
-- parseModuleIO' :: FilePath -> IO Parser.ParserResult
-- parseModuleIO' = fromRightIO id . Parser.runModuleParserIO'
minijuvixYamlFile :: FilePath
minijuvixYamlFile = "minijuvix.yaml"
findRoot :: IO FilePath
findRoot = do
r <- IO.try go :: IO (Either IO.SomeException FilePath)
case r of
Left err -> do
putStrLn "Something went wrong when figuring out the root of the project."
putStrLn (pack (IO.displayException err))
cur <- getCurrentDirectory
putStrLn ("I will try to use the current directory: " <> pack cur)
return cur
Right root -> return root
possiblePaths :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
possiblePaths start = takeWhile (/= "/") (aux start)
aux f = f : aux (takeDirectory f)
go :: IO FilePath
go = do
c <- getCurrentDirectory
l <- findFile (possiblePaths c) minijuvixYamlFile
case l of
Nothing -> return c
Just yaml -> return (takeDirectory yaml)
class HasEntryPoint a where
getEntryPoint :: FilePath -> a -> EntryPoint
instance HasEntryPoint ScopeOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . _scopeInputFiles
instance HasEntryPoint ParseOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _parseInputFile
instance HasEntryPoint HighlightOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _highlightInputFile
instance HasEntryPoint HtmlOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _htmlInputFile
instance HasEntryPoint MicroJuvixOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _mjuvixInputFile
instance HasEntryPoint MiniHaskellOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _mhaskellInputFile
instance HasEntryPoint CallsOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _callsInputFile
instance HasEntryPoint CallGraphOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _graphInputFile
runCommand :: Command -> IO ()
runCommand c = do
root <- findRoot
case c of
DisplayVersion -> runDisplayVersion
DisplayRoot -> putStrLn (pack root)
Scope opts@ScopeOptions {..} -> do
l <- (^. Scoper.resultModules) <$> runIO (upToScoping (getEntryPoint root opts))
forM_ l $ \s -> do
printer (mkScopePrettyOptions opts) s
printer :: M.Options -> M.Module 'M.Scoped 'M.ModuleTop -> IO ()
| not _scopeNoColors = M.printPrettyCode
| otherwise = T.printPrettyCode
Highlight o -> do
let entry :: EntryPoint
entry = getEntryPoint root o
res <- runIO (upToScoping entry)
let tbl = res ^. Scoper.resultParserTable
items = tbl ^. Parser.infoParsedItems
names = res ^. (Scoper.resultScoperTable . Scoper.infoNames)
putStrLn (Scoper.go items names)
Parse ParseOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _parseInputFile
if _parseNoPrettyShow then print m else pPrint m
Html o@HtmlOptions {..} -> do
res <- runIO (upToScoping (getEntryPoint root o))
let m = head (res ^. Scoper.resultModules)
genHtml defaultOptions _htmlRecursive _htmlTheme m
MicroJuvix (Pretty o) -> do
micro <- miniToMicro root o
Micro.printPrettyCodeDefault micro
MicroJuvix (TypeCheck o) -> do
micro <- miniToMicro root o
case Micro.checkModule micro of
Right _ -> putStrLn "Well done! It type checks"
Left (Micro.TypeCheckerErrors es) -> sequence_ (intersperse (putStrLn "") (printErrorAnsi <$> toList es)) >> exitFailure
MiniHaskell o -> do
a <- head . (^. Abstract.resultModules) <$> runIO (upToAbstract (getEntryPoint root o))
let micro = Micro.translateModule a
case Micro.checkModule micro of
Right checkedMicro -> do
minihaskell <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ Hask.translateModule checkedMicro)
Hask.printPrettyCodeDefault minihaskell
Left es -> printErrorAnsi es >> exitFailure
Termination (Calls opts@CallsOptions {..}) -> do
a <- head . (^. Abstract.resultModules) <$> runIO (upToAbstract (getEntryPoint root opts))
let callMap0 = T.buildCallMap a
callMap = case _callsFunctionNameFilter of
Nothing -> callMap0
Just f -> T.filterCallMap f callMap0
opts' = T.callsPrettyOptions opts
A.printPrettyCode opts' callMap
putStrLn ""
Termination (CallGraph o@CallGraphOptions {..}) -> do
a <- head . (^. Abstract.resultModules) <$> runIO (upToAbstract (getEntryPoint root o))
let callMap = T.buildCallMap a
opts' = A.defaultOptions
completeGraph = T.completeCallGraph callMap
filteredGraph = maybe completeGraph (`T.unsafeFilterGraph` completeGraph) _graphFunctionNameFilter
recBehav = map T.recursiveBehaviour (T.reflexiveEdges filteredGraph)
A.printPrettyCode opts' filteredGraph
putStrLn ""
forM_ recBehav $ \r -> do
let n = M.renderPrettyCode M.defaultOptions $ A._recBehaviourFunction r
A.printPrettyCode A.defaultOptions r
putStrLn ""
case T.findOrder r of
Nothing -> putStrLn (n <> " Fails the termination checking")
Just (T.LexOrder k) -> putStrLn (n <> " Terminates with order " <> show (toList k))
putStrLn ""
miniToMicro :: FilePath -> MicroJuvixOptions -> IO Micro.Module
miniToMicro root o = do
res <- runIO (upToAbstract (getEntryPoint root o))
return (Micro.translateModule (head (res ^. Abstract.resultModules)))
main :: IO ()
main = execParser descr >>= runCommand