# Changes
1. Adds a new command `juvix dev anoma node`. This command runs the
anoma node.
2. Adds a flag `--anoma-dir` to `juvix dev nockma run`. When given, it
must point to the anoma clone. Then, it will run the nockma code in the
anoma node and report the result (with no traces).
# Prerequisites
1. An anoma clone at some specific commit.
git clone git@github.com:anoma/anoma.git
cd anoma
git checkout 98e3660b91cd55f1d9424dcff9420425ae98f5f8
# build anoma
mix deps.get
mix escript.install hex protobuf
mix compile
# build the client
mix do --app anoma_client escript.build
2. The `mix` command (elixir).
3. The [`grpcurl`](https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl) command. To
install a single binary in `~/.local/bin` you can run:
curl -sSL
| tar -xz -C ~/.local/bin --no-wildcards grpcurl
# Testing
I've not included any test. It can be tested locally like this:
cd juvix/tests/Anoma/Compilation/positive
juvix compile anoma test001.juvix
echo 20 > args.debug.nockma
juvix dev nockma run --anoma-dir ~/projects/anoma test001.nockma --args args.debug.nockma