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synced 2024-12-14 17:32:00 +03:00
This PR introduces FileExt type, and consequently, one can generalise methods and matches based on the file extension; for example, `parseInputJuvixAsmFile` is now an app. `parseInputFile FileExtJuvixAsm`
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279 lines
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module Commands.Extra.Compile where
import Commands.Base
import Commands.Extra.Compile.Options
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.FileEmbed qualified as FE
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
import System.Environment
import System.Process qualified as P
runCommand :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => CompileOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand opts = do
inputFile <- getMainFile (opts ^. compileInputFile)
result <- runCompile inputFile opts
case result of
Left err -> printFailureExit err
_ -> return ()
runCompile ::
(Members '[App, Embed IO] r) =>
Path Abs File ->
CompileOptions ->
Sem r (Either Text ())
runCompile inputFile o = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
ensureDir buildDir
ensureDir (juvixIncludeDir buildDir)
prepareRuntime buildDir o
case o ^. compileTarget of
TargetWasm32Wasi -> runError (clangWasmWasiCompile inputFile o)
TargetNative64 -> runError (clangNativeCompile inputFile o)
TargetGeb -> return $ Right ()
TargetVampIR -> return $ Right ()
TargetCore -> return $ Right ()
TargetAsm -> return $ Right ()
prepareRuntime :: forall r. (Members '[App, Embed IO] r) => Path Abs Dir -> CompileOptions -> Sem r ()
prepareRuntime buildDir o = do
mapM_ writeHeader headersDir
case o ^. compileTarget of
TargetWasm32Wasi | o ^. compileDebug -> writeRuntime wasiDebugRuntime
TargetWasm32Wasi -> writeRuntime wasiReleaseRuntime
TargetNative64 | o ^. compileDebug -> writeRuntime nativeDebugRuntime
TargetNative64 -> writeRuntime nativeReleaseRuntime
TargetGeb -> return ()
TargetVampIR -> return ()
TargetCore -> return ()
TargetAsm -> return ()
wasiReleaseRuntime :: BS.ByteString
wasiReleaseRuntime = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/_build.wasm32-wasi/libjuvix.a" >>= FE.embedFile)
nativeReleaseRuntime :: BS.ByteString
nativeReleaseRuntime = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/_build.native64/libjuvix.a" >>= FE.embedFile)
wasiDebugRuntime :: BS.ByteString
wasiDebugRuntime = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/_build.wasm32-wasi-debug/libjuvix.a" >>= FE.embedFile)
nativeDebugRuntime :: BS.ByteString
nativeDebugRuntime = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/_build.native64-debug/libjuvix.a" >>= FE.embedFile)
writeRuntime :: BS.ByteString -> Sem r ()
writeRuntime =
. BS.writeFile (toFilePath (buildDir <//> $(mkRelFile "libjuvix.a")))
headersDir :: [(Path Rel File, BS.ByteString)]
headersDir = map (first relFile) $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/include" >>= FE.embedDir)
includeDir :: Path Abs Dir
includeDir = juvixIncludeDir buildDir
writeHeader :: (Path Rel File, BS.ByteString) -> Sem r ()
writeHeader (filePath, contents) = embed $ do
ensureDir (includeDir <//> parent filePath)
BS.writeFile (toFilePath (includeDir <//> filePath)) contents
outputFile :: forall r. (Member App r) => CompileOptions -> Path Abs File -> Sem r (Path Abs File)
outputFile opts inputFile =
maybe defaultOutputFile fromAppPathFile (opts ^? compileOutputFile . _Just)
defaultOutputFile :: Sem r (Path Abs File)
defaultOutputFile = do
invokeDir <- askInvokeDir
let baseOutputFile = invokeDir <//> filename inputFile
return $ case opts ^. compileTarget of
TargetNative64 ->
| opts ^. compileCOutput -> replaceExtension' cFileExt inputFile
| opts ^. compilePreprocess -> addExtension' cFileExt (addExtension' ".out" (removeExtension' inputFile))
| opts ^. compileAssembly -> replaceExtension' ".s" inputFile
| otherwise -> removeExtension' baseOutputFile
TargetWasm32Wasi ->
| opts ^. compileCOutput -> replaceExtension' cFileExt inputFile
| opts ^. compilePreprocess -> addExtension' cFileExt (addExtension' ".out" (removeExtension' inputFile))
| opts ^. compileAssembly -> replaceExtension' ".wat" inputFile
| otherwise -> replaceExtension' ".wasm" baseOutputFile
TargetGeb ->
| opts ^. compileTerm -> replaceExtension' juvixGebFileExt inputFile
| otherwise -> replaceExtension' lispFileExt baseOutputFile
TargetVampIR ->
replaceExtension' vampIRFileExt baseOutputFile
TargetCore ->
replaceExtension' juvixCoreFileExt baseOutputFile
TargetAsm ->
replaceExtension' juvixAsmFileExt baseOutputFile
clangNativeCompile ::
forall r.
(Members '[App, Embed IO, Error Text] r) =>
Path Abs File ->
CompileOptions ->
Sem r ()
clangNativeCompile inputFile o = do
outputFile' <- outputFile o inputFile
buildDir <- askBuildDir
| o ^. compileCOutput ->
copyFile inputFile outputFile'
| otherwise ->
runClang (native64Args buildDir o outputFile' inputFile)
clangWasmWasiCompile ::
forall r.
(Members '[App, Embed IO, Error Text] r) =>
Path Abs File ->
CompileOptions ->
Sem r ()
clangWasmWasiCompile inputFile o = do
outputFile' <- outputFile o inputFile
buildDir <- askBuildDir
| o ^. compileCOutput ->
copyFile inputFile outputFile'
| otherwise -> do
clangArgs <- wasiArgs buildDir o outputFile' inputFile <$> sysrootEnvVar
runClang clangArgs
sysrootEnvVar :: Sem r (Path Abs Dir)
sysrootEnvVar =
<$> fromMaybeM (throw msg) (embed (lookupEnv "WASI_SYSROOT_PATH"))
msg :: Text
msg = "Missing environment variable WASI_SYSROOT_PATH"
commonArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> CompileOptions -> Path Abs File -> [String]
commonArgs buildDir o outfile =
["-E" | o ^. compilePreprocess]
<> ["-S" | o ^. compileAssembly]
<> (if o ^. compileDebug then ["-DDEBUG"] else ["-DNDEBUG"])
<> [ "-W",
toFilePath (juvixIncludeDir buildDir),
toFilePath outfile
<> ( if
| not (o ^. compilePreprocess || o ^. compileAssembly) ->
[ "-L",
toFilePath buildDir
| otherwise -> []
optimizationOption :: CompileOptions -> String
optimizationOption o =
"-O" <> show (maybe defaultOptLevel (max 1) (o ^. compileOptimizationLevel))
defaultOptLevel :: Int
| o ^. compileDebug = debugClangOptimizationLevel
| otherwise = defaultClangOptimizationLevel
native64Args :: Path Abs Dir -> CompileOptions -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String]
native64Args buildDir o outfile inputFile =
commonArgs buildDir o outfile
<> [ "-DARCH_NATIVE64",
optimizationOption o,
toFilePath inputFile
<> ( if
| not (o ^. compilePreprocess || o ^. compileAssembly) ->
| otherwise -> []
wasiArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> CompileOptions -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs Dir -> [String]
wasiArgs buildDir o outfile inputFile sysrootPath =
commonArgs buildDir o outfile
<> [ "-DARCH_WASM32",
optimizationOption o,
toFilePath sysrootPath,
toFilePath inputFile
<> ( if
| not (o ^. compilePreprocess || o ^. compileAssembly) ->
| otherwise -> []
findClangOnPath :: (Member (Embed IO) r) => Sem r (Maybe (Path Abs File))
findClangOnPath = findExecutable $(mkRelFile "clang")
findClangUsingEnvVar :: forall r. (Member (Embed IO) r) => Sem r (Maybe (Path Abs File))
findClangUsingEnvVar = do
p <- clangBinPath
join <$> mapM checkExecutable p
checkExecutable :: Path Abs File -> Sem r (Maybe (Path Abs File))
checkExecutable p = whenMaybeM (embed @IO (isExecutable p)) (return p)
clangBinPath :: Sem r (Maybe (Path Abs File))
clangBinPath = fmap (<//> $(mkRelFile "bin/clang")) <$> llvmDistPath
llvmDistPath :: Sem r (Maybe (Path Abs Dir))
llvmDistPath = do
p <- embed (lookupEnv llvmDistEnvironmentVar)
embed @IO (mapM parseAbsDir p)
data ClangPath
= ClangSystemPath (Path Abs File)
| ClangEnvVarPath (Path Abs File)
extractClangPath :: ClangPath -> Path Abs File
extractClangPath = \case
ClangSystemPath p -> p
ClangEnvVarPath p -> p
--- Try searching clang JUVIX_LLVM_DIST_PATH. Otherwise use the PATH
findClang :: (Member (Embed IO) r) => Sem r (Maybe ClangPath)
findClang = do
envVarPath <- findClangUsingEnvVar
case envVarPath of
Just p -> return (Just (ClangEnvVarPath p))
Nothing -> (fmap . fmap) ClangSystemPath findClangOnPath
runClang ::
forall r.
(Members '[Embed IO, Error Text] r) =>
[String] ->
Sem r ()
runClang args = do
cp <- clangBinPath
(exitCode, _, err) <- embed (P.readProcessWithExitCode cp args "")
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
_ -> throw (pack err)
clangBinPath :: Sem r String
clangBinPath = do
p <- findClang
maybe (throw clangNotFoundErr) (return . toFilePath . extractClangPath) p
clangNotFoundErr :: Text
clangNotFoundErr = "Error: The clang executable was not found. Please install the LLVM toolchain"
debugClangOptimizationLevel :: Int
debugClangOptimizationLevel = 1
defaultClangOptimizationLevel :: Int
defaultClangOptimizationLevel = 1
llvmDistEnvironmentVar :: String
llvmDistEnvironmentVar = "JUVIX_LLVM_DIST_PATH"