var page = require("webpage").create(), printer = require("printer").create(), system = require("system"), fs = require("fs"); // Node to PhantomJS bridging required for nomnom var process = { exit : function(code) { phantom.exit(code); } }; var opts = require("./libs/nomnom") .nocolors() .script("phantomjs decktape.js") .options( { url: { position: 1, required: true, help: "URL of the slides deck" }, filename: { position: 2, required: true, help: "Filename of the output PDF file" }, width: { default: 1280, help: "Width of the slides deck" }, height: { default: 720, help: "Height of the slides deck" }, pause: { default: 1000, help: "Duration in milliseconds before the next slide is exported" } } ).parse(system.args); page.viewportSize = { width: opts.width, height: opts.height }; printer.paperSize = { width: opts.width + "px", height: opts.height + "px", margin: "0px" }; printer.outputFileName = opts.filename; page.onLoadStarted = function() { console.log("Loading page " + opts.url + " ..."); }; page.onResourceTimeout = function(request) { console.log("+- Request timeout: " + JSON.stringify(request)); }; page.onResourceError = function(resourceError) { console.log("+- Unable to load resource from URL: " + resourceError.url); console.log("|_ Error code: " + resourceError.errorCode); console.log("|_ Description: " + resourceError.errorString); }; // FIXME: PhantomJS is emitting this event for both pages and frames page.onLoadFinished = function(status) { console.log("Loading page finished with status: " + status); }; // Must be set before the page is opened page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) { console.log(msg); };, function(status) { if (status !== "success") { console.log("Unable to load the address: " + opts.url); phantom.exit(1); } else { var plugin = detectActivePlugin(); if (!plugin) { // TODO: backend fallback manual support console.log("No DeckTape plugin supported for the address: " + opts.url); phantom.exit(1); } console.log(plugin.getName() + " DeckTape plugin activated"); configure(plugin); printer.begin(); printSlide(plugin); } }); function printSlide(plugin) { window.setTimeout(function() { system.stdout.write('\r' + progressBar(plugin)); printer.printPage(page); if (hasNextSlide(plugin)) { nextSlide(plugin); printSlide(plugin); } else { printer.end(); system.stdout.write("\nPrinted " + plugin.currentSlide + " slides\n"); phantom.exit(); } }, opts.pause); // TODO: support a more advanced "fragment to pause" mapping for special use cases like GIF animations // TODO: add a plugin optional function to wait until a particular condition instead of a pause } // TODO: add progress bar, duration, ETA and file size function progressBar(plugin) { var cols = []; var index = currentSlideIndex(plugin); cols.push("Printing slide "); cols.push(padding('#' + index, 8, ' ', false)); cols.push(" ("); cols.push(padding(plugin.currentSlide, plugin.totalSlides ? plugin.totalSlides.toString().length : 3, ' ')); cols.push('/'); cols.push(plugin.totalSlides ? plugin.totalSlides : " ?"); cols.push(") ..."); // erase overflowing slide fragments cols.push(padding("", plugin.progressBarOverflow - Math.max(index.length + 1 - 8, 0), ' ', false)); plugin.progressBarOverflow = Math.max(index.length + 1 - 8, 0); return cols.join(''); } function padding(str, len, char, left) { if (typeof str === "number") str = str.toString(); var l = len - str.length; var p = []; while (l-- > 0) p.push(char); return left === undefined || left ? p.join('').concat(str) : str.concat(p.join('')); } function detectActivePlugin() { var plugins = fs.list("plugins/"); for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { if (!fs.isFile("plugins/" + plugins[i])) continue; var matches = plugins[i].match(/^(.*)\.js$/); if (!matches) continue; var plugin = require("./plugins/" + matches[1]); if (page.evaluate(plugin.isActive)) return plugin; } } var configure = function(plugin) { plugin.progressBarOverflow = 0; plugin.currentSlide = 1; plugin.totalSlides = slideCount(plugin); if (typeof plugin.configure === "function") return page.evaluate(plugin.configure); }; var slideCount = function(plugin) { return page.evaluate(plugin.slideCount); }; var hasNextSlide = function(plugin) { if (typeof plugin.hasNextSlide === "function") return page.evaluate(plugin.hasNextSlide); else return plugin.currentSlide < plugin.totalSlides; }; var nextSlide = function(plugin) { plugin.currentSlide++; return page.evaluate(plugin.nextSlide); }; var currentSlideIndex = function(plugin) { return page.evaluate(plugin.currentSlideIndex); };