more documentation work

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Mitchell Rosen 2021-01-31 15:33:41 -05:00
parent eb5df7f378
commit 3d29f59aff
8 changed files with 310 additions and 292 deletions

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@ -15,126 +15,6 @@
* [Go Concurrency Patterns: Context](
* [.NET 4 Cancellation Framework](
## Overview
### Structured concurrency
Structured concurrency aims to make concurrent programs easier to understand by delimiting the lifetime of all
concurrently threads to a syntactic block, akin to structured programming.
This library defines five primary functions; please read the Haddocks for more comprehensive usage information.
-- Perform an IO action within a new scope
scoped :: (Scope -> IO a) -> IO a
-- Create a background thread (propagates exceptions to its parent)
fork :: Scope -> IO a -> IO (Thread a)
-- Create a background thread (does not propagate exceptions to its parent)
async :: Scope -> IO a -> IO (Either ThreadFailed a)
-- Wait for a thread to finish
await :: Thread a -> IO a
-- Wait for all threads created within a scope to finish
wait :: Scope -> IO ()
A `Scope` is an explicit data structure from which threads can be created, with the property that by the time the
`Scope` itself "goes out of scope", all threads created within it will have finished.
When viewing a concurrent program as a "call tree" (analogous to a call stack), this approach, in contrast to to
directly creating green threads in the style of Haskell's `forkIO` or Golang's `go`, respects the basic function
abstraction, in that each function has a single ingress and a single egress.
Please read [Notes on structured concurrency](
for a more detailed overview on structured concurrency.
### Error propagation
When a parent thread throws or is thrown an exception, it first throws exceptions to all of its children and waits for
them to finish. This makes threads hierarchical: a thread cannot outlive the thread that created it.
When a child thread throws or is thrown an exception, depending on how it was created (see `fork` and `async` above), it
_may_ propagate the exception to its parent. This is intended to cover both of the following cases:
* It is is _unexpected_ for a thread to fail; if it does, the program should crash loudly.
* It is _conceivable_ for a thread to fail; if it does, this is not an exceptional circumstance, so should not require
installing an exception handler.
### Soft-cancellation
Sometimes it is desirable to inform threads that they should endeavor to complete their work and then gracefully
terminate. This is a "cooperative" or "soft" cancellation, in contrast to throwing a thread an exception so that it
terminates immediately.
In `ki`, soft-cancellation is exposed as an alternative superset of the core API, because it involves additional
plumbing of an opaque `Context` type.
withGlobalContext :: (Context => IO a) -> IO a
scoped :: Context => (Context => Scope -> IO a) -> IO a
fork :: Scope -> (Context => IO a) -> IO (Thread a)
Creating a new scope _requires_ a context, whereas the callbacks provided to `scoped` and `fork` are _provided_
a context. (Above, the context is passed around as an implicit parameter, but could instead be passed around in a
reader monad or similar).
The core API is extended with two functions to soft-cancel a scope, and to observe whether one's own scope has been
cancel :: Scope -> IO ()
cancelled :: Context => IO (Maybe CancelToken)
Canceling a scope is observable by all threads created within it, all threads created within _those_ threads, and so on.
#### A small soft-cancellation example
A worker thread may be written to perform a task in a loop, and cooperatively check for cancellation before doing work.
worker :: Ki.Context => IO ()
worker =
forever do
checkCancellation :: IO ()
checkCancellation = do
maybeCancelToken <- Ki.cancelled
case maybeCancelToken of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just cancelToken -> do
putStrLn "I'm cancelled! Time to clean up."
throwIO cancelToken
The parent of such worker threads may (via some signaling mechanism) determine that it should cancel them, do so, and
then defensively fall back to _hard_-cancelling in case some worker is not respecting the soft-cancel signal, for
whatever reason.
Ki.scoped \scope -> do
-- Some time later, we decide to soft-cancel
Ki.cancel scope
-- Give the workers up to 10 seconds to finish
Ki.waitFor scope (10 * Ki.seconds)
-- Fall through the bottom of `scoped`, which throws hard-cancels all
-- remaining threads by throwing each one an asynchronous exceptions
## Recommended reading
In chronological order of publication,
@ -146,3 +26,7 @@ In chronological order of publication,
## Documentation
See [Ki.Documentation](

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@ -16,15 +16,7 @@ version:
A lightweight structured-concurrency library.
This package provides two variants:
* "Ki" exposes a simplified version of the full API that does not include support for soft-cancellation. Thus, none of
the functions mention a __context__ type, and you may use any @MonadUnliftIO@-compatible monad, including plain
@IO@. If you do not intend to use soft-cancellation, there is no benefit to using the full API. Start here :)
* "Ki.Implicit" and "Ki.Reader" extend "Ki" with a __context__ type that's used to propagate soft-cancellation
signals. Because manually threading the right __context__ throughout a program is error-prone boilerplate,
package offers two ways of handling it implicitly: using implicit parameters, and using a reader monad.
Please read "Ki.Documentation" for an overview of how to use this library.
@ -82,6 +74,7 @@ library

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-- | Please read "Ki.Documentation" for an overview of how to use this library.
module Ki
( -- * Scope
@ -6,20 +7,14 @@ module Ki
-- * Creating threads
-- * Thread
-- ** Fork
-- ** Async
-- ** Await
@ -52,11 +47,9 @@ import Ki.Internal.Thread
import Ki.Internal.Timeout (timeoutSTM)
-- | Create a child __thread__ within a __scope__.
-- | Create a child thread within a scope.
-- /Throws/:
-- * Calls 'error' if the __scope__ is /closed/.
-- Reference manual: "Ki.Documentation#reference_manual_async"
async ::
MonadUnliftIO m =>
-- |
@ -68,11 +61,9 @@ async =
{-# INLINE async #-}
-- | Variant of 'Ki.async' that provides the __thread__ a function that unmasks asynchronous exceptions.
-- | Variant of 'Ki.async' that provides the thread a function that unmasks asynchronous exceptions.
-- /Throws/:
-- * Calls 'error' if the __scope__ is /closed/.
-- Reference manual: "Ki.Documentation#reference_manual_async"
asyncWithUnmask ::
MonadUnliftIO m =>
-- |

src/Ki/Documentation.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
module Ki.Documentation
( -- * Introduction
-- $introduction
-- * Tutorial
-- ** Background
-- $tutorial-background
-- ** Structured concurrency
-- $tutorial-structured-concurrency
-- ** Creating threads
-- $tutorial-creating-threads
-- ** Exception propagation
-- $tutorial-exception-propagation
-- ** Soft-cancellation
-- $tutorial-soft-cancellation
-- * Examples
-- $example-has-context-anchor
-- ** Integrating ki with your application monad
-- $example-has-context
-- * Reference manual
-- $reference-manual
-- $introduction
-- This package provides two variants:
-- .
-- * "Ki" exposes a simplified version of the full API that does not include support for soft-cancellation. Thus, none of
-- the functions mention a __context__ type, and you may use any @MonadUnliftIO@-compatible monad, including plain
-- @IO@. If you do not intend to use soft-cancellation, there is no benefit to using the full API. Start here :)
-- .
-- * "Ki.Implicit" and "Ki.Reader" extend "Ki" with a __context__ type that's used to propagate soft-cancellation
-- signals. Because manually threading the right __context__ throughout a program is error-prone boilerplate,
-- package offers two ways of handling it implicitly: using implicit parameters, and using a reader monad.
-- $tutorial-background
-- In GHC Haskell, a thread can be created with 'Control.Concurrent.forkIO' at any time, and its lifetime is unrelated
-- to the lifetime of its parent: if the child dies, it has no effect whatsoever on the parent, and vice-versa. The
-- programmer is responsible for managing the two parallel threads of execution independently.
-- Commonly, though, there is some higher-level structure to this relationship between parent and child, and we'd like
-- to codify that relationship in a general way that permits reuse. For example, a child thread can be considered to
-- have a return value, which can be retrieved by making a blocking "await" call. This is idea explored in many
-- ecosystems, including in the venerable @async@ package.
-- Exception-handling needs some careful thought in this setting, as a parent thread may want to consider the exceptions
-- its children may throw, and a child thread may want to consider the exception its parent may throw.
-- Furthermore, in Haskell, there is a distinction between synchronous and asynchronous exceptions. A synchronous
-- exception is thrown directly from an @IO@ action that a thread attempts to perform; it is typically used to indicate
-- that the @IO@ action, or some sub-action attempted within, failed in some way. Such exceptions are sometimes
-- anticipated and caught by the surrounding context, rather than allowed to propagate indefinitely up the call stack.
-- An asynchronous exception is instead delivered to a thread anonymously, and is not related to whatever @IO@ action
-- the target thread happened to be performing at that time. It is strongly recommended to always yield to such
-- exceptions, no matter how important of a job the target thread is performing, as ignoring them can can easily bring a
-- program into a chaotic state wherein one thread remains running while another thread believes it to have terminated.
-- $tutorial-structured-concurrency
-- "Structured concurrency", in a nutshell, extends some sensible of implementation of parent-child lifetime and
-- exception handling semantics with the additional constraint that a child thread cannot outlive the scope in which it
-- is created.
-- The primary benefit of this restriction is that even the concurrent parts of an application respect the basic
-- function abstraction. While "structured programming" argues that a program becomes significantly easier to understand
-- if each function only has a single exit point (that is, the use of @goto@ to jump arbitrarily from one instruction
-- to another is avoided entirely), "structured concurrency" makes the exact same argument, only with
-- concurrently-running threads in mind.
-- By the time a function returns, all threads it may have created to accomplish its goal are guaranteed to have
-- terminated, so whether or not it created any threads is irrelevant to the calling code's basic understanding of the
-- control structure of the program. Functions that create "background threads", like functions that may jump elsewhere
-- with @goto@, are avoided entirely.
-- $tutorial-creating-threads
-- In @ki@, the scope in which threads are created is a first-class value. It can only be created by the
-- 'Ki.scoped' (cf. _implicit_ 'Ki.Implicit.scoped', _reader_ 'Ki.Reader.scoped') function, which is a "with-style" (or
-- "bracket-style") function that accepts a callback, and the scope is only valid for the duration of the callback.
-- A thread can be only created within a scope, because all variants of creating a thread, such as 'Ki.fork' (cf.
-- _implicit_ 'Ki.Implicit.fork', _reader_ 'Ki.Reader.fork') and 'Ki.async' (cf. _implicit_ 'Ki.Implicit.async',
-- _reader_ 'Ki.Reader.async') accept a scope as an explicit argument. Each thread created within a scope is said to be
-- a sibling of the others, distinct from the parent thread which created the scope itself, and related to each other
-- only implicitly by the relationship each has to the parent thread.
-- When the callback provided to 'Ki.scoped' returns, the scope becomes "closed", and no new threads can be created
-- within it. All remaining threads that were created within the scope are delivered an asynchronous exception, and
-- 'Ki.scoped' does not return until all of them have terminated. This satisfies the basic requirement of structured
-- concurrency: a thread cannot outlive the scope in which it was created.
-- Here's a simple example, annotated below.
-- @
-- __1.__
-- (result1, result2) <-
-- Ki.'Ki.scoped' \\scope ->
-- __2.__
-- thread1 <- Ki.'Ki.async' scope worker1
-- thread2 <- Ki.'Ki.async' scope worker2
-- __3.__
-- result1 <- Ki.'Ki.await' thread1
-- result2 <- Ki.'Ki.await' thread2
-- __4.__
-- pure (result1, result2)
-- __5.__
-- @
-- 1. First, we open a new scope with 'Ki.scoped'. It's only "open" for the duration of the callback we provide.
-- 2. Next, we create two worker threads within the scope.
-- 3. Next, we wait for both threads to return with either a value or an exception.
-- 4. Finally, we reach the end of the callback. The scope is "closed", and all remaining threads are terminated,
-- 5. Here, all threads that were created within it scope are guaranteed to have terminated.
-- An explicit scope is a powerful abstraction: although it is indeed an additional argument to pass around as compared
-- to simpler thread creation APIs such as 'Control.Concurrent.forkIO' and
-- @< async>@, the relationship
-- between threads created within a scope can often simply be read off the page.
-- In the example above, we can immediately see that that @worker1@ and @worker2@ are the only threads created within
-- the scope; there are no additional lifetimes to consider when attempting to understand the behavior of this program.
-- This would not be the case if the scope was explicitly passed down into @worker1@, for example, which would bestow
-- @worker1@ with the ability to create its own siblings, nor would it be the case if the scope was implicitly passed
-- around.
-- Passing a scope value around is still an option, and is necessary for certain advanced use cases, as well as
-- implementing concurrency abstractions such as worker pools, actors, and supervisors. But be careful - wherever the
-- scope goes, so goes the ability to create threads within it!
-- $tutorial-exception-propagation
-- In @ki@, exception propagation is bi-directional between parent and child threads. We've already discussed one
-- circumstance in which a parent throws exceptions to its children: when the callback provided to 'Ki.scoped' returns.
-- But this is also the case if the parent terminates abnormally by throwing an exception, or if it is thrown an
-- asynchronous exception from another thread. In short, no matter what happens to a parent thread with an open scope,
-- the scope will be closed, at which point all remaining child threads are terminated.
-- @
-- 'Ki.scoped' \\scope ->
-- __1.__
-- __2.__
-- @
-- 1. It does not matter how many threads are created within here, whether whether the callback itself throws an
-- exception, or whether the parent thread is thrown an asynchronous exception...
-- 2. the time we get here, all threads created within the scope are guaranteed to have terminated.
-- Sometimes, a child thread may be performing an operation that is expected to sometimes fail; for this case, @ki@
-- provides 'Ki.async', which creates a thread that does not propagate any synchronous exceptions to its parent.
-- Rather, these exceptions are made available for the parent thread to 'Ki.await' and handle however it wishes.
-- Other times, it is considered very unexpected or erroneous for a child thread to fail; for this case, @ki@ provides
-- 'Ki.fork', which creates a thread that immediately propagates any synchronous exception it throws to its
-- parent. The intention is to facillitate "failing fast and loud" when there is little or nothing sensible for the
-- programmer to do besides propagate the exception up the call tree.
-- In either case, if a child thread is deliviered an asynchronous exception, it is immediately propagated to its
-- parent. This is in accordance with exception-handling best practices, which dictate that asynchronous exceptions
-- should always be respected, never ignored, and if caught, should always be re-thrown after performing any desired
-- cleanup actions.
-- Each child thread can be thought to increases the "surface area" of the parent thread's identity, because any
-- asynchronous exception delivered to any child will ultimately be propagated to the parent.
-- $tutorial-soft-cancellation
-- $example-has-context-anchor
-- #example_has_context#
-- $example-has-context
-- You may have an application monad that is defined similar to the following.
-- @
-- data Env
-- = Env
-- { ...
-- }
-- newtype App a
-- = App { runApp :: Env -> IO a }
-- instance MonadUnliftIO App where ...
-- @
-- To use this module, first add one field to your @Env@ type that holds a __context__.
-- @
-- data Env
-- = Env
-- { ...
-- , envContext :: 'Ki.Reader.Context'
-- , ...
-- }
-- @
-- Then, write a 'Ki.Reader.HasContext' instance, which is a bit of boilerplate that encapsulates how to get and set
-- this field.
-- @
-- instance 'Ki.Reader.HasContext' App where
-- 'Ki.Reader.askContext' =
-- App \\env -> pure (envContext env)
-- 'Ki.Reader.withContext' context action =
-- App \\env -> runApp action env{ envContext = context }
-- @
-- And finally, when running your monad down to @IO@ in @main@ by providing an initial environment, use
-- 'Ki.Reader.globalContext'.
-- @
-- main :: IO ()
-- main =
-- runApp initialEnv action
-- initialEnv :: Env
-- initialEnv =
-- Env
-- { ...
-- , envContext = 'Ki.Reader.globalContext'
-- , ...
-- }
-- action :: App ()
-- action =
-- ...
-- @
-- $reference-manual
-- This reference manual contains implementation details for all of the major types and functions provided by the "full"
-- variant of this library (i.e. "Ki.Implicit" or "Ki.Reader"), which includes support for soft-cancellation.
-- The implementation of the stripped-down "Ki" variant is the same, but all references to cancellation and contexts can
-- simply be ignored.
-- ==== 'Ki.Reader.asyncWithUnmask' #reference_manual_async#
-- 'Ki.Reader.asyncWithUnmask' creates a thread within a scope.
-- If the scope is closed, this function calls 'error'. Otherwise, it creates a thread with the same masking state as
-- the thread that created it, and provides the thread with an @unmask@ function, which unmasks asynchronous exceptions.
-- The new thread is tracked in a data structure inside the scope, keyed by a monotonically increasing integer, so that
-- when the scope is closed, all remaining threads can be thrown an asynchronous exception in the order they were
-- created.
-- When the thread terminates, if it terminated with an exception, it first determines whether or not it should
-- propagate the exception to its parent.
-- - If the exception is a 'Ki.Internal.ScopeClosing', it is not propagated, as it is assumed to have come from the
-- parent thread directly.
-- - If the exception is a 'Ki.Internal.CancelToken' that was observable by the thread calling 'Ki.Reader.cancelled',
-- it is not propagated, as the parent thread either initiated the cancellation directly, or else some ancestor of
-- the parent thread initiated the cancellation (in which case the parent thread could observe the same cancel token
-- with 'Ki.Reader.cancelled'); either way, the parent thread could "know about" the cancellation, so it would be
-- incorrect to propagate this exception to the parent thread and induce an immediate termination of the thread's
-- siblings.
-- - If the exception is asynchronous (e.g. a subclass of 'Control.Exception.SomeAsyncException'), it is propagated.
-- - Otherwise, the exception is not propagated.
-- The thread's result is then made available via 'Ki.Reader.await', and finally the thread removes itself from the data
-- structure in its scope that tracks its existence, because the purpose of the data structure is to track all threads
-- still running within a scope, so they can all be terminated when the scope closes.

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-- | This module exposes an API that uses an implicit parameter to pass around the __context__ implicitly. If you do not
-- | Please read "Ki.Documentation" for an overview of how to use this library.
-- This module exposes an API that uses an implicit parameter to pass around the __context__ implicitly. If you do not
-- intend to use soft-cancellation, you may want to use the simpler API exposed by "Ki".
module Ki.Implicit
( -- * Context
@ -15,20 +17,14 @@ module Ki.Implicit
-- * Creating threads
-- * Thread
-- ** Fork
-- ** Async
-- ** Await
@ -81,11 +77,9 @@ import Ki.Internal.Timeout (timeoutSTM)
type Context =
?context :: Ki.Internal.Context.Context
-- | Create a __thread__ within a __scope__.
-- | Create a thread within a scope.
-- /Throws/:
-- * Calls 'error' if the __scope__ is /closed/.
-- Reference manual: "Ki.Documentation#reference_manual_async"
async ::
MonadUnliftIO m =>
-- |
@ -98,11 +92,9 @@ async scope action =
threadAsync scope (with scope action)
{-# INLINE async #-}
-- | Variant of 'Ki.Implicit.async' that provides the __thread__ a function that unmasks asynchronous exceptions.
-- | Variant of 'Ki.Implicit.async' that provides the thread a function that unmasks asynchronous exceptions.
-- /Throws/:
-- * Calls 'error' if the __scope__ is /closed/.
-- Reference manual: "Ki.Documentation#reference_manual_async"
asyncWithUnmask ::
MonadUnliftIO m =>
-- |

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-- | Internals. This module does not follow the < Haskell Package Versioning Policy>.
module Ki.Internal
( module Ki.Internal.CancelToken,
module Ki.Internal.Context,

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-- | This module exposes an API that uses a reader monad to pass around the __context__ implicitly. If you do not intend
-- | Please read "Ki.Documentation" for an overview of how to use this library.
-- This module exposes an API that uses a reader monad to pass around the __context__ implicitly. If you do not intend
-- to use soft-cancellation, you may want to use the simpler API exposed by "Ki".
-- For an example of how to integrate this library with your reader monad, click @Example@ on the left or scroll down to
-- the bottom of this module.
-- For an example of how to integrate this library with your reader monad, see "Ki.Documentation#example_has_context".
module Ki.Reader
( -- * Context
@ -17,20 +18,14 @@ module Ki.Reader
-- * Creating threads
-- * Thread
-- ** Fork
-- ** Async
-- ** Await
@ -49,9 +44,6 @@ module Ki.Reader
-- * Example
-- $example
@ -75,66 +67,6 @@ import Ki.Internal.Thread
import Ki.Internal.Timeout (timeoutSTM)
-- $example
-- You may have an application monad that is defined similar to the following.
-- @
-- data Env
-- = Env
-- { ...
-- }
-- newtype App a
-- = App { runApp :: Env -> IO a }
-- instance MonadUnliftIO App where ...
-- @
-- To use this module, first add one field to your @Env@ type that holds a __context__.
-- @
-- data Env
-- = Env
-- { ...
-- , envContext :: 'Ki.Reader.Context'
-- , ...
-- }
-- @
-- Then, write a 'Ki.Reader.HasContext' instance, which is a bit of boilerplate that encapsulates how to get and set
-- this field.
-- @
-- instance 'Ki.Reader.HasContext' App where
-- 'Ki.Reader.askContext' =
-- App \\env -> pure (envContext env)
-- 'Ki.Reader.withContext' context action =
-- App \\env -> runApp action env{ envContext = context }
-- @
-- And finally, when running your monad down to @IO@ in @main@ by providing an initial environment, use
-- 'Ki.Reader.globalContext'.
-- @
-- main :: IO ()
-- main =
-- runApp initialEnv action
-- initialEnv :: Env
-- initialEnv =
-- Env
-- { ...
-- , envContext = 'Ki.Reader.globalContext'
-- , ...
-- }
-- action :: App ()
-- action =
-- ...
-- @
-- | The class of reader monads that contain a __context__ in their environment.
class MonadUnliftIO m => HasContext m where
-- | Project the __context__ from the environment.
@ -143,11 +75,9 @@ class MonadUnliftIO m => HasContext m where
-- | Run an @m@ action, replacing its __context__ with the one provided.
withContext :: Context -> m a -> m a
-- | Create a __thread__ within a __scope__.
-- | Create a thread within a scope.
-- /Throws/:
-- * Calls 'error' if the __scope__ is /closed/.
-- Reference manual: "Ki.Documentation#reference_manual_async"
async ::
HasContext m =>
-- |
@ -158,11 +88,9 @@ async ::
async scope action =
threadAsync scope (with scope action)
-- | Variant of 'Ki.Reader.async' that provides the __thread__ a function that unmasks asynchronous exceptions.
-- | Variant of 'Ki.Reader.async' that provides the thread a function that unmasks asynchronous exceptions.
-- /Throws/:
-- * Calls 'error' if the __scope__ is /closed/.
-- Reference manual: "Ki.Documentation#reference_manual_async"
asyncWithUnmask ::
HasContext m =>
-- |

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
module Ki.Tutorial
( -- * Introduction
-- $introduction
-- $introduction
-- In GHC Haskell, a background thread can be spawned with "Control.Concurrent.forkIO" at any time, and its lifetime is
-- wholly disconnected from the lifetime of its parent: if the child dies, it has no effect whatsoever on the parent,
-- and vice-versa. It is hereafter the programmer's responsibility to manage the two parallel threads of execution.
-- Commonly, though, there is some higher-level structure to this relationship between parent and child, and we'd like
-- to codify that relationship in a general way that permits reuse. For example, the notion that a child thread has a
-- "return value" is an idea explored in many ecosystems and packages, including the venerable @async@ Haskell package,
-- wherein a child thread can be "awaited", which is an operation that blocks until the child thread terminates with a
-- value or an exception.
-- Here it is supposed, but not required, that whatever parent thread is creating child threads is also awaiting their
-- termination.
-- And when a child thread is though to have a "return value", we of course have to reason through how our program
-- should behave if that return value never materializes, because the child thread threw (or, in Haskell, was thrown) an
-- exception.
-- Sometimes, it might be erroneous for a parent thread to continue running if one of its children has thrown an
-- exception, so we might endeavor to eagerly throw an asynchronous exception from child to parent in this case, so the
-- exception is noticed in a timely manner.
-- Other times, it would not make sense
-- it would not it would not make sense for a child thread to continue running
-- if its parent is no longer alive, so we might endeavor to kill all of a thread's children just before it terminates.
-- These ideas and more have been explored in various Haskell libraries that are built on top of @forkIO@, most notably
-- the venerable @async@ library, which has an entire book authored by Simon Marlowe that motivates its design.
-- Structured concurrency takes the idea of a sensible parent-child relationship one step further by requiring _all_
-- concurrently running threads to be created within some "scope", such that when the scope exits, or closes, or ceases
-- to exist for one reason or another, all threads that were created within it, if any, are terminated. In short, a
-- function cannot create
-- Structured concurrency, in a nutshell, is a restricted style of programming wherein a thread is prevented from
-- outliving some sort of scope in which it was created.