2015-10-26 01:53:54 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent.Async
2015-11-03 03:21:33 +03:00
import Control.Exception (AsyncException(..), BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar(..), Exception, SomeException(..), fromException)
2015-10-26 01:53:54 +03:00
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Monad.Conc.Class
import Data.Functor (void)
2015-11-03 03:21:33 +03:00
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, cast)
2015-10-26 01:53:54 +03:00
import Test.DejaFu hiding (MemType(..))
import Test.HUnit (Test(..), runTestTT, test)
import Test.HUnit.DejaFu
main :: IO ()
main = void . runTestTT $ TestList
[ TestLabel "async" $ test
[ testDejafu async_wait "async_wait" $ alwaysTrue (==Right value)
, testDejafu async_waitCatch "async_waitCatch" $ alwaysTrue (\case Right (Right v) -> v == value; _ -> False)
, testDejafu async_exwait "async_exwait" $ alwaysTrue (==Right (Just TestException))
, testDejafu async_exwaitCatch "async_exwaitCatch" $ alwaysTrue (==Right (Just TestException))
2015-11-01 18:45:54 +03:00
, testDejafu async_cancel "async_cancel" $ gives' [Left (Just TestException), Right value]
2015-10-27 01:57:35 +03:00
, testDejafu async_poll "async_poll" $ alwaysTrue (\case Right Nothing -> True; _ -> False)
2015-10-26 01:53:54 +03:00
, testDejafu async_poll2 "async_poll2" $ alwaysTrue (\case Right (Just (Right v)) -> v == value; _ -> False)
, TestLabel "withAsync" $ test
[ testDejafu withasync_waitCatch "withasync_waitCatch" $ alwaysTrue (\case Right (Right v) -> v == value; _ -> False)
2015-11-03 03:21:33 +03:00
, testDejafu withasync_wait2 "withasync_wait2" $ alwaysTrue (\case Right (Left (Just ThreadKilled)) -> True; _ -> False)
2015-10-26 01:53:54 +03:00
-- this fails because dejafu doesn't throw 'BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar' in testing yet
-- , testDejafu withasync_waitCatch_blocked "withasync_waitCatch_blocked" $ alwaysTrue (\case Right (Just BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) -> True; _ -> False)
value :: Int
value = 42
data TestException = TestException deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)
instance Exception TestException
async_wait :: MonadConc m => m Int
async_wait = do
a <- async $ return value
wait a
async_waitCatch :: MonadConc m => m (Either SomeException Int)
async_waitCatch = do
a <- async $ return value
waitCatch a
async_exwait :: MonadConc m => m (Maybe TestException)
async_exwait = do
a <- async $ throw TestException
(wait a >> return Nothing) `catch` (return . Just)
async_exwaitCatch :: MonadConc m => m (Maybe TestException)
async_exwaitCatch = do
a <- async $ throw TestException
r <- waitCatch a
return $ case r of
Left e -> fromException e
Right _ -> Nothing
async_cancel :: MonadConc m => m (Either (Maybe TestException) Int)
async_cancel = do
a <- async $ return value
cancelWith a TestException
r <- waitCatch a
return $ case r of
Left e -> Left $ fromException e
Right v -> Right v
async_poll :: MonadConc m => m (Maybe (Either SomeException Int))
async_poll = do
2015-10-27 01:57:35 +03:00
a <- async $ forever yield
2015-10-26 01:53:54 +03:00
poll a
async_poll2 :: MonadConc m => m (Maybe (Either SomeException Int))
async_poll2 = do
a <- async $ return value
wait a
poll a
withasync_waitCatch :: MonadConc m => m (Either SomeException Int)
withasync_waitCatch = withAsync (return value) waitCatch
2015-11-03 03:21:33 +03:00
withasync_wait2 :: MonadConc m => m (Either (Maybe AsyncException) ())
2015-10-26 01:53:54 +03:00
withasync_wait2 = do
2015-10-27 01:57:35 +03:00
a <- withAsync (forever yield) return
2015-11-03 03:21:33 +03:00
r <- waitCatch a
return $ case r of
Left (SomeException e) -> Left $ cast e
Right x -> Right x
2015-10-26 01:53:54 +03:00
withasync_waitCatch_blocked :: MonadConc m => m (Maybe BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar)
withasync_waitCatch_blocked = do
r <- withAsync (_concAllKnown >> newEmptyCVar >>= takeCVar) waitCatch
return $ case r of
Left e -> fromException e
_ -> Nothing