mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 11:01:50 +03:00
@ -14,11 +14,15 @@ unreleased
- New `isInternalError`, `isAbort`, `isDeadlock`, `isUncaughtException`, and
`isIllegalSubconcurrency` functions for matching failure types. Also exported from Test.DejaFu.
- The `UncaughtException` `Failure` constructor now includes the exception.
The `Read`, `Enum`, and `Bounded` instances are gone. The `Eq`, `Ord`, and `NFData` instances
use the `show` of the exception. Pretty-printed failures include the exception text.
- New `ThreadDelay` and `WillThreadDelay` constructors in `ThreadAction` and `Lookahead`. Uses of
`threadDelay` are no longer reported as a use of `yield`.
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ initialIdSource = Id 0 0 0 0 [] [] [] []
-- | All the actions that a thread can perform.
-- @since
-- @since unreleased
data ThreadAction =
Fork ThreadId
-- ^ Start a new thread.
@ -279,6 +279,8 @@ data ThreadAction =
-- ^ Set the number of Haskell threads that can run simultaneously.
| Yield
-- ^ Yield the current thread.
| ThreadDelay Int
-- ^ Yield/delay the current thread.
| NewMVar MVarId
-- ^ Create a new 'MVar'.
| PutMVar MVarId [ThreadId]
@ -355,9 +357,9 @@ data ThreadAction =
-- ^ Stop executing an action with @subconcurrency@.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | @since
instance NFData ThreadAction where
rnf (Fork t) = rnf t
rnf (ThreadDelay n) = rnf n
rnf (GetNumCapabilities c) = rnf c
rnf (SetNumCapabilities c) = rnf c
rnf (NewMVar m) = rnf m
@ -418,7 +420,7 @@ tvarsOf act = S.fromList $ case act of
-- | A one-step look-ahead at what a thread will do next.
-- @since
-- @since unreleased
data Lookahead =
-- ^ Will start a new thread.
@ -432,6 +434,8 @@ data Lookahead =
-- simultaneously.
| WillYield
-- ^ Will yield the current thread.
| WillThreadDelay Int
-- ^ Will yield/delay the current thread.
| WillNewMVar
-- ^ Will create a new 'MVar'.
| WillPutMVar MVarId
@ -495,8 +499,8 @@ data Lookahead =
-- ^ Will stop executing an extion with @subconcurrency@.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | @since
instance NFData Lookahead where
rnf (WillThreadDelay n) = rnf n
rnf (WillSetNumCapabilities c) = rnf c
rnf (WillPutMVar m) = rnf m
rnf (WillTryPutMVar m) = rnf m
@ -526,6 +530,7 @@ rewind MyThreadId = Just WillMyThreadId
rewind (GetNumCapabilities _) = Just WillGetNumCapabilities
rewind (SetNumCapabilities i) = Just (WillSetNumCapabilities i)
rewind Yield = Just WillYield
rewind (ThreadDelay n) = Just (WillThreadDelay n)
rewind (NewMVar _) = Just WillNewMVar
rewind (PutMVar c _) = Just (WillPutMVar c)
rewind (BlockedPutMVar c) = Just (WillPutMVar c)
@ -566,6 +571,7 @@ rewind StopSubconcurrency = Just WillStopSubconcurrency
willRelease :: Lookahead -> Bool
willRelease WillFork = True
willRelease WillYield = True
willRelease (WillThreadDelay _) = True
willRelease (WillPutMVar _) = True
willRelease (WillTryPutMVar _) = True
willRelease (WillReadMVar _) = True
@ -813,6 +819,7 @@ preEmpCount :: [(Decision, ThreadAction)]
-> Int
preEmpCount (x:xs) (d, _) = go initialThread x xs where
go _ (_, Yield) (r@(SwitchTo t, _):rest) = go t r rest
go _ (_, ThreadDelay _) (r@(SwitchTo t, _):rest) = go t r rest
go tid prior (r@(SwitchTo t, _):rest)
| isCommitThread t = go tid prior (skip rest)
| otherwise = 1 + go t r rest
@ -820,6 +827,7 @@ preEmpCount (x:xs) (d, _) = go initialThread x xs where
go tid _ (r@(Continue, _):rest) = go tid r rest
go _ prior [] = case (prior, d) of
((_, Yield), SwitchTo _) -> 0
((_, ThreadDelay _), SwitchTo _) -> 0
(_, SwitchTo _) -> 1
_ -> 0
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ instance Monad n => C.MonadConc (ConcT r n) where
myThreadId = toConc AMyTId
yield = toConc (\c -> AYield (c ()))
threadDelay n = toConc (\c -> ADelay n (c ()))
-- ----------
@ -192,6 +192,9 @@ stepThread sched memtype tid action ctx = case action of
-- yield the current thread
AYield c -> simple (goto c tid (cThreads ctx)) Yield
-- yield the current thread (delay is ignored)
ADelay n c -> simple (goto c tid (cThreads ctx)) (ThreadDelay n)
-- create a new @MVar@, using the next 'MVarId'.
ANewMVar n c -> do
let (idSource', newmvid) = nextMVId n (cIdSource ctx)
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ data Action n r =
| forall a. AAtom (STMLike n r a) (a -> Action n r)
| ALift (n (Action n r))
| AYield (Action n r)
| ADelay Int (Action n r)
| AReturn (Action n r)
| ACommit ThreadId CRefId
| AStop (n ())
@ -181,6 +182,7 @@ lookahead (AMasking ms _ _) = WillSetMasking False ms
lookahead (AResetMask b1 b2 ms _) = (if b1 then WillSetMasking else WillResetMasking) b2 ms
lookahead (ALift _) = WillLiftIO
lookahead (AYield _) = WillYield
lookahead (ADelay n _) = WillThreadDelay n
lookahead (AReturn _) = WillReturn
lookahead (AStop _) = WillStop
lookahead (ASub _ _) = WillSubconcurrency
@ -661,9 +661,9 @@ yieldCountInc sofar prior (d, lnext) = case prior of
Just (tid, _) -> ycount (tidOf tid d)
Nothing -> ycount initialThread
ycount tnext = case lnext of
WillYield -> M.alter (Just . maybe 1 (+1)) tnext sofar
_ -> M.alter (Just . fromMaybe 0) tnext sofar
ycount tnext
| willYield lnext = M.alter (Just . maybe 1 (+1)) tnext sofar
| otherwise = M.alter (Just . fromMaybe 0) tnext sofar
-- | Determine if an action is a commit or not.
isCommitRef :: ThreadAction -> Bool
@ -799,11 +799,13 @@ initialDPORThread = S.elemAt 0 . dporRunnable
-- | Check if a thread yielded.
didYield :: ThreadAction -> Bool
didYield Yield = True
didYield (ThreadDelay _) = True
didYield _ = False
-- | Check if a thread will yield.
willYield :: Lookahead -> Bool
willYield WillYield = True
willYield (WillThreadDelay _) = True
willYield _ = False
-- | Check if an action will kill daemon threads.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user