mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 11:01:50 +03:00
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
-- interface of this library.
module Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..))
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
@ -42,8 +43,13 @@ data DPOR = DPOR
, dporTodo :: Map ThreadId Bool
-- ^ Follow-on decisions still to make, and whether that decision
-- was added conservatively due to the bound.
, dporDone :: Map ThreadId DPOR
-- ^ Follow-on decisions that have been made.
, dporNext :: Maybe (ThreadId, DPOR)
-- ^ The next decision made. Executions are explored in a
-- depth-first fashion, so this changes as old subtrees are
-- exhausted and new ones explored.
, dporDone :: Set ThreadId
-- ^ All transitions which have been taken from this point,
-- including conservatively-added ones.
, dporSleep :: Map ThreadId ThreadAction
-- ^ Transitions to ignore (in this node and children) until a
-- dependent transition happens.
@ -59,6 +65,7 @@ data DPOR = DPOR
instance NFData DPOR where
rnf dpor = rnf ( dporRunnable dpor
, dporTodo dpor
, dporNext dpor
, dporDone dpor
, dporSleep dpor
, dporTaken dpor
@ -99,7 +106,8 @@ initialState :: DPOR
initialState = DPOR
{ dporRunnable = S.singleton initialThread
, dporTodo = M.singleton initialThread False
, dporDone = M.empty
, dporNext = Nothing
, dporDone = S.empty
, dporSleep = M.empty
, dporTaken = M.empty
, dporAction = Nothing
@ -117,24 +125,24 @@ initialState = DPOR
-> Maybe ([ThreadId], Bool, Map ThreadId ThreadAction)
findSchedulePrefix = listToMaybe . go where
go dpor =
let prefixes = here dpor : map go' (M.toList $ dporDone dpor)
in case concatPartition (\(t:_,_,_) -> t >= initialThread) prefixes of
([], choices) -> choices
(choices, _) -> choices
go' (tid, dpor) = (\(ts,c,slp) -> (tid:ts,c,slp)) <$> go dpor
findSchedulePrefix dpor = case dporNext dpor of
Just (tid, child) -> go tid child <|> here
Nothing -> here
go tid child = (\(ts,c,slp) -> (tid:ts,c,slp)) <$> findSchedulePrefix child
-- Prefix traces terminating with a to-do decision at this point.
here dpor = [([t], c, sleeps dpor) | (t, c) <- M.toList $ dporTodo dpor]
here =
let todos = [([t], c, sleeps) | (t, c) <- M.toList $ dporTodo dpor]
(best, worst) = partition (\([t],_,_) -> t >= initialThread) todos
in listToMaybe best <|> listToMaybe worst
-- The new sleep set is the union of the sleep set of the node we're
-- branching from, plus all the decisions we've already explored.
sleeps dpor = dporSleep dpor `M.union` dporTaken dpor
-- The new sleep set is the union of the sleep set of the node
-- we're branching from, plus all the decisions we've already
-- explored.
sleeps = dporSleep dpor `M.union` dporTaken dpor
-- | Add a new trace to the tree, creating a new subtree branching off
-- at the point where the \"to-do\" decision was made.
-- | Add a new trace to the stack. This won't work if to-dos aren't explored depth-first.
:: MemType
-- ^ Memory model
@ -150,20 +158,23 @@ incorporateTrace memtype conservative trace dpor0 = grow initialDepState (initia
grow state tid trc@((d, _, a):rest) dpor =
let tid' = tidOf tid d
state' = updateDepState state tid' a
in case M.lookup tid' (dporDone dpor) of
Just dpor' ->
let done = M.insert tid' (grow state' tid' rest dpor') (dporDone dpor)
in dpor { dporDone = done }
Nothing ->
in case dporNext dpor of
Just (t, child)
| t == tid' -> dpor { dporNext = Just (tid', grow state' tid' rest child) }
| hasTodos child -> err "incorporateTrace" "replacing child with todos!"
_ ->
let taken = M.insert tid' a (dporTaken dpor)
sleep = dporSleep dpor `M.union` dporTaken dpor
done = M.insert tid' (subtree state' tid' sleep trc) (dporDone dpor)
in dpor { dporTaken = if conservative then dporTaken dpor else taken
, dporTodo = M.delete tid' (dporTodo dpor)
, dporDone = done
, dporNext = Just (tid', subtree state' tid' sleep trc)
, dporDone = S.insert tid' (dporDone dpor)
grow _ _ [] _ = err "incorporateTrace" "trace exhausted without reading a to-do point!"
-- check if there are to-do points in a tree
hasTodos dpor = not (M.null (dporTodo dpor)) || (case dporNext dpor of Just (_, dpor') -> hasTodos dpor'; _ -> False)
-- Construct a new subtree corresponding to a trace suffix.
subtree state tid sleep ((_, _, a):rest) =
let state' = updateDepState state tid a
@ -173,11 +184,14 @@ incorporateTrace memtype conservative trace dpor0 = grow initialDepState (initia
((_, runnable, _):_) -> map fst runnable
[] -> []
, dporTodo = M.empty
, dporDone = M.fromList $ case rest of
, dporNext = case rest of
((d', _, _):_) ->
let tid' = tidOf tid d'
in [(tid', subtree state' tid' sleep' rest)]
[] -> []
in Just (tid', subtree state' tid' sleep' rest)
[] -> Nothing
, dporDone = case rest of
((d', _, _):_) -> S.singleton (tidOf tid d')
[] -> S.empty
, dporSleep = sleep'
, dporTaken = case rest of
((d', _, a'):_) -> M.singleton (tidOf tid d') a'
@ -286,8 +300,12 @@ incorporateBacktrackSteps bv = go Nothing [] where
let bpor' = doBacktrack priorTid pref b bpor
tid = bcktThreadid b
pref' = pref ++ [(bcktDecision b, bcktAction b)]
child = go (Just tid) pref' bs . fromJust $ M.lookup tid (dporDone bpor)
in bpor' { dporDone = M.insert tid child $ dporDone bpor' }
child = case dporNext bpor of
Just (t, d)
| t /= tid -> err "incorporateBacktrackSteps" "incorporating wrong trace!"
| otherwise -> go (Just t) pref' bs d
Nothing -> err "incorporateBacktrackSteps" "child is missing!"
in bpor' { dporNext = Just (tid, child) }
go _ _ [] bpor = bpor
doBacktrack priorTid pref b bpor =
@ -296,7 +314,8 @@ incorporateBacktrackSteps bv = go Nothing [] where
, let decision = decisionOf priorTid (dporRunnable bpor) t
, let lahead = fromJust . M.lookup t $ bcktRunnable b
, bv pref (decision, lahead)
, t `notElem` M.keys (dporDone bpor)
, Just t /= (fst <$> dporNext bpor)
, S.notMember t (dporDone bpor)
, c || M.notMember t (dporSleep bpor)
in bpor { dporTodo = dporTodo bpor `M.union` M.fromList todo' }
@ -795,17 +814,3 @@ killsDaemons _ _ = False
-- | Internal errors.
err :: String -> String -> a
err func msg = error (func ++ ": (internal error) " ++ msg)
-- | A combination of 'partition' and 'concat'.
concatPartition :: (a -> Bool) -> [[a]] -> ([a], [a])
{-# INLINE concatPartition #-}
-- note: `foldr (flip (foldr select))` is slow, as is `foldl (foldl
-- select))`, and `foldl'` variants. The sweet spot seems to be `foldl
-- (foldr select)` for some reason I don't really understand.
concatPartition p = foldl (foldr select) ([], []) where
-- Lazy pattern matching, got this trick from the 'partition'
-- implementation. This reduces allocation fairly significantly; I
-- do not know why.
select a ~(ts, fs)
| p a = (a:ts, fs)
| otherwise = (ts, a:fs)
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