Try alternative decisions if runnable prior is excluded by the bound

This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2017-11-01 14:52:42 +00:00
parent 30ab912210
commit 424bdd2a6b

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@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ dporSched memtype boundf = Scheduler $ \prior threads s ->
-- otherwise add all runnable threads.
initialise = tryDaemons . yieldsToEnd $ case prior of
Just (tid, act)
| not (didYield act) && tid `elem` tids -> [tid]
| not (didYield act) && tid `elem` tids && isInBound tid -> [tid]
_ -> tids
-- If one of the chosen actions will kill the computation, and
@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ dporSched memtype boundf = Scheduler $ \prior threads s ->
doesKill t = killsDaemons t (action t)
-- Restrict the possible decisions to those in the bound.
restrictToBound f =
filter (\x -> let t = f x in isJust $ boundf (schedBState s) prior (decision t, action t))
restrictToBound f = filter (isInBound . f)
isInBound t = isJust $ boundf (schedBState s) prior (decision t, action t)
-- Move the threads which will immediately yield to the end of the list
yieldsToEnd ts = case partition (willYield . action) ts of