mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 19:11:37 +03:00
Move dependency function to Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal.
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Monad.Ref (MonadRef)
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Random (RandomGen)
@ -353,13 +353,13 @@ sctBound memtype cb conc = go initialState where
nextPrefix = findSchedulePrefix (>=initialThread)
-- The DPOR scheduler.
scheduler = dporSched (dependent memtype) (cBound cb)
scheduler = dporSched memtype (cBound cb)
-- Find the new backtracking steps.
findBacktracks = findBacktrackSteps (dependent' memtype) (cBacktrack cb)
findBacktracks = findBacktrackSteps memtype (cBacktrack cb)
-- Incorporate a trace into the DPOR tree.
addTrace = incorporateTrace (dependent memtype)
addTrace = incorporateTrace memtype
-- Incorporate the new backtracking steps into the DPOR tree.
addBacktracks = incorporateBacktrackSteps (cBound cb)
@ -390,123 +390,6 @@ sctRandom memtype g0 lim0 conc = go g0 lim0 where
((res, trace):) <$> go (schedGen s) (n-1)
-- Dependency function
-- | Check if an action is dependent on another.
dependent :: MemType -> DepState -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> Bool
-- This is basically the same as 'dependent'', but can make use of the
-- additional information in a 'ThreadAction' to make different
-- decisions in a few cases:
-- - @SetNumCapabilities@ and @GetNumCapabilities@ are NOT dependent
-- IF the value read is the same as the value written. 'dependent''
-- can not see the value read (as it hasn't happened yet!), and so
-- is more pessimistic here.
-- - When masked interruptible, a thread can only be interrupted when
-- actually blocked. 'dependent'' has to assume that all
-- potentially-blocking operations can block, and so is more
-- pessimistic in this case.
-- - The @isBlock@ / @isBarrier@ case in 'dependent'' is NOT a sound
-- optimisation when dealing with a 'ThreadAction' that has been
-- converted to a 'Lookahead'. I'm not entirely sure why, which
-- makes me question whether the \"optimisation\" is sound as it
-- is.
-- - Dependency of STM transactions can be /greatly/ improved here,
-- as the 'Lookahead' does not know which @TVar@s will be touched,
-- and so has to assume all transactions are dependent.
dependent _ _ _ (SetNumCapabilities a) _ (GetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
dependent _ ds _ (ThrowTo t) t2 a = t == t2 && canInterrupt ds t2 a
dependent memtype ds t1 a1 t2 a2 = case rewind a2 of
Just l2
| isSTM a1 && isSTM a2
-> not . S.null $ tvarsOf a1 `S.intersection` tvarsOf a2
| not (isBlock a1 && isBarrier (simplifyLookahead l2)) ->
dependent' memtype ds t1 a1 t2 l2
_ -> dependentActions memtype ds (simplifyAction a1) (simplifyAction a2)
isSTM (STM _ _) = True
isSTM (BlockedSTM _) = True
isSTM _ = False
-- | Variant of 'dependent' to handle 'Lookahead'.
-- Termination of the initial thread is handled specially in the DPOR
-- implementation.
dependent' :: MemType -> DepState -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> ThreadId -> Lookahead -> Bool
dependent' memtype ds t1 a1 t2 l2 = case (a1, l2) of
-- Worst-case assumption: all IO is dependent.
(LiftIO, WillLiftIO) -> True
-- Throwing an exception is only dependent with actions in that
-- thread and if the actions can be interrupted. We can also
-- slightly improve on that by not considering interrupting the
-- normal termination of a thread: it doesn't make a difference.
(ThrowTo t, WillStop) | t == t2 -> False
(Stop, WillThrowTo t) | t == t1 -> False
(ThrowTo t, _) -> t == t2 && canInterruptL ds t2 l2
(_, WillThrowTo t) -> t == t1 && canInterrupt ds t1 a1
-- Another worst-case: assume all STM is dependent.
(STM _ _, WillSTM) -> True
-- This is a bit pessimistic: Set/Get are only dependent if the
-- value set is not the same as the value that will be got, but we
-- can't know that here. 'dependent' optimises this case.
(GetNumCapabilities a, WillSetNumCapabilities b) -> a /= b
(SetNumCapabilities _, WillGetNumCapabilities) -> True
(SetNumCapabilities a, WillSetNumCapabilities b) -> a /= b
-- Don't impose a dependency if the other thread will immediately
-- block already. This is safe because a context switch will occur
-- anyway so there's no point pre-empting the action UNLESS the
-- pre-emption would possibly allow for a different relaxed memory
-- stage.
_ | isBlock a1 && isBarrier (simplifyLookahead l2) -> False
| otherwise -> dependentActions memtype ds (simplifyAction a1) (simplifyLookahead l2)
-- | Check if two 'ActionType's are dependent. Note that this is not
-- sufficient to know if two 'ThreadAction's are dependent, without
-- being so great an over-approximation as to be useless!
dependentActions :: MemType -> DepState -> ActionType -> ActionType -> Bool
dependentActions memtype ds a1 a2 = case (a1, a2) of
-- Unsynchronised reads and writes are always dependent, even under
-- a relaxed memory model, as an unsynchronised write gives rise to
-- a commit, which synchronises.
(UnsynchronisedRead r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> a2 /= UnsynchronisedRead r1
(UnsynchronisedWrite r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> True
(PartiallySynchronisedWrite r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> True
(PartiallySynchronisedModify r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> True
(SynchronisedModify r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> True
-- Unsynchronised writes and synchronisation where the buffer is not
-- empty.
-- See [RMMVerification], lemma 5.25.
(UnsynchronisedWrite r1, _) | same crefOf && isCommit a2 r1 && isBuffered ds r1 -> False
(_, UnsynchronisedWrite r2) | same crefOf && isCommit a1 r2 && isBuffered ds r2 -> False
-- Unsynchronised reads where a memory barrier would flush a
-- buffered write
(UnsynchronisedRead r1, _) | isBarrier a2 -> isBuffered ds r1 && memtype /= SequentialConsistency
(_, UnsynchronisedRead r2) | isBarrier a1 -> isBuffered ds r2 && memtype /= SequentialConsistency
(_, _)
-- Two actions on the same CRef where at least one is synchronised
| same crefOf && (synchronises a1 (fromJust $ crefOf a1) || synchronises a2 (fromJust $ crefOf a2)) -> True
-- Two actions on the same MVar
| same mvarOf -> True
_ -> False
same :: Eq a => (ActionType -> Maybe a) -> Bool
same f = isJust (f a1) && f a1 == f a2
-- Utilities
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List (intercalate, nubBy, partition, sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), toList)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isNothing, listToMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isJust, isNothing, listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ findSchedulePrefix predicate = listToMaybe . go where
-- | Add a new trace to the tree, creating a new subtree branching off
-- at the point where the \"to-do\" decision was made.
:: (DepState -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> Bool)
-- ^ Dependency function
:: MemType
-- ^ Memory model
-> Bool
-- ^ Whether the \"to-do\" point which was used to create this new
-- execution was conservative or not.
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ incorporateTrace
-- and the action performed.
incorporateTrace dependency conservative trace dpor0 = grow initialDepState (initialDPORThread dpor0) trace dpor0 where
incorporateTrace memtype conservative trace dpor0 = grow initialDepState (initialDPORThread dpor0) trace dpor0 where
grow state tid trc@((d, _, a):rest) dpor =
let tid' = tidOf tid d
state' = updateDepState state tid' a
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ incorporateTrace dependency conservative trace dpor0 = grow initialDepState (ini
-- Construct a new subtree corresponding to a trace suffix.
subtree state tid sleep ((_, _, a):rest) =
let state' = updateDepState state tid a
sleep' = M.filterWithKey (\t a' -> not $ dependency state' tid a t a') sleep
sleep' = M.filterWithKey (\t a' -> not $ (dependent memtype) state' tid a t a') sleep
{ dporRunnable = S.fromList $ case rest of
((_, runnable, _):_) -> map fst runnable
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ incorporateTrace dependency conservative trace dpor0 = grow initialDepState (ini
-- runnable, a dependency is imposed between this final action and
-- everything else.
:: (DepState -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> ThreadId -> Lookahead -> Bool)
-- ^ Dependency function.
:: MemType
-- ^ Memory model.
-> BacktrackFunc
-- ^ Backtracking function. Given a list of backtracking points, and
-- a thread to backtrack to at a specific point in that list, add
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ findBacktrackSteps
-> Trace
-- ^ The execution trace.
-> [BacktrackStep]
findBacktrackSteps dependency backtrack boundKill = go initialDepState S.empty initialThread [] . F.toList where
findBacktrackSteps memtype backtrack boundKill = go initialDepState S.empty initialThread [] . F.toList where
-- Walk through the traces one step at a time, building up a list of
-- new backtracking points.
go state allThreads tid bs ((e,i):is) ((d,_,a):ts) =
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ findBacktrackSteps dependency backtrack boundKill = go initialDepState S.empty i
_ -> False
{-# INLINE isDependent #-}
isDependent b = dependency (bcktState b) (bcktThreadid b) (bcktAction b) u n
isDependent b = dependent' memtype (bcktState b) (bcktThreadid b) (bcktAction b) u n
in backtrack bs idxs
-- | Add new backtracking points, if they have not already been
@ -429,13 +429,13 @@ backtrackAt toAll bs0 = backtrackAt' . nubBy ((==) `on` fst') . sortOn fst' wher
-- yielded. Furthermore, threads which /will/ yield are ignored in
-- preference of those which will not.
:: (DepState -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> Bool)
-- ^ Dependency function.
:: MemType
-- ^ Memory model.
-> BoundFunc
-- ^ Bound function: returns true if that schedule prefix terminated
-- with the lookahead decision fits within the bound.
-> Scheduler DPORSchedState
dporSched dependency inBound trc prior threads s = schedule where
dporSched memtype inBound trc prior threads s = schedule where
-- Pick a thread to run.
schedule = case schedPrefix s of
-- If there is a decision available, make it
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ dporSched dependency inBound trc prior threads s = schedule where
[] ->
let choices = restrictToBound initialise
checkDep t a = case prior of
Just (tid, act) -> dependency (schedDepState s) tid act t a
Just (tid, act) -> dependent memtype (schedDepState s) tid act t a
Nothing -> False
ssleep' = M.filterWithKey (\t a -> not $ checkDep t a) $ schedSleep s
choices' = filter (`notElem` M.keys ssleep') choices
@ -561,6 +561,123 @@ randSched _ _ threads s = (pick choice enabled, RandSchedState weights' g'') whe
-- The runnable threads.
tids = map fst (toList threads)
-- Dependency function
-- | Check if an action is dependent on another.
dependent :: MemType -> DepState -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> Bool
-- This is basically the same as 'dependent'', but can make use of the
-- additional information in a 'ThreadAction' to make different
-- decisions in a few cases:
-- - @SetNumCapabilities@ and @GetNumCapabilities@ are NOT dependent
-- IF the value read is the same as the value written. 'dependent''
-- can not see the value read (as it hasn't happened yet!), and so
-- is more pessimistic here.
-- - When masked interruptible, a thread can only be interrupted when
-- actually blocked. 'dependent'' has to assume that all
-- potentially-blocking operations can block, and so is more
-- pessimistic in this case.
-- - The @isBlock@ / @isBarrier@ case in 'dependent'' is NOT a sound
-- optimisation when dealing with a 'ThreadAction' that has been
-- converted to a 'Lookahead'. I'm not entirely sure why, which
-- makes me question whether the \"optimisation\" is sound as it
-- is.
-- - Dependency of STM transactions can be /greatly/ improved here,
-- as the 'Lookahead' does not know which @TVar@s will be touched,
-- and so has to assume all transactions are dependent.
dependent _ _ _ (SetNumCapabilities a) _ (GetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
dependent _ ds _ (ThrowTo t) t2 a = t == t2 && canInterrupt ds t2 a
dependent memtype ds t1 a1 t2 a2 = case rewind a2 of
Just l2
| isSTM a1 && isSTM a2
-> not . S.null $ tvarsOf a1 `S.intersection` tvarsOf a2
| not (isBlock a1 && isBarrier (simplifyLookahead l2)) ->
dependent' memtype ds t1 a1 t2 l2
_ -> dependentActions memtype ds (simplifyAction a1) (simplifyAction a2)
isSTM (STM _ _) = True
isSTM (BlockedSTM _) = True
isSTM _ = False
-- | Variant of 'dependent' to handle 'Lookahead'.
-- Termination of the initial thread is handled specially in the DPOR
-- implementation.
dependent' :: MemType -> DepState -> ThreadId -> ThreadAction -> ThreadId -> Lookahead -> Bool
dependent' memtype ds t1 a1 t2 l2 = case (a1, l2) of
-- Worst-case assumption: all IO is dependent.
(LiftIO, WillLiftIO) -> True
-- Throwing an exception is only dependent with actions in that
-- thread and if the actions can be interrupted. We can also
-- slightly improve on that by not considering interrupting the
-- normal termination of a thread: it doesn't make a difference.
(ThrowTo t, WillStop) | t == t2 -> False
(Stop, WillThrowTo t) | t == t1 -> False
(ThrowTo t, _) -> t == t2 && canInterruptL ds t2 l2
(_, WillThrowTo t) -> t == t1 && canInterrupt ds t1 a1
-- Another worst-case: assume all STM is dependent.
(STM _ _, WillSTM) -> True
-- This is a bit pessimistic: Set/Get are only dependent if the
-- value set is not the same as the value that will be got, but we
-- can't know that here. 'dependent' optimises this case.
(GetNumCapabilities a, WillSetNumCapabilities b) -> a /= b
(SetNumCapabilities _, WillGetNumCapabilities) -> True
(SetNumCapabilities a, WillSetNumCapabilities b) -> a /= b
-- Don't impose a dependency if the other thread will immediately
-- block already. This is safe because a context switch will occur
-- anyway so there's no point pre-empting the action UNLESS the
-- pre-emption would possibly allow for a different relaxed memory
-- stage.
_ | isBlock a1 && isBarrier (simplifyLookahead l2) -> False
| otherwise -> dependentActions memtype ds (simplifyAction a1) (simplifyLookahead l2)
-- | Check if two 'ActionType's are dependent. Note that this is not
-- sufficient to know if two 'ThreadAction's are dependent, without
-- being so great an over-approximation as to be useless!
dependentActions :: MemType -> DepState -> ActionType -> ActionType -> Bool
dependentActions memtype ds a1 a2 = case (a1, a2) of
-- Unsynchronised reads and writes are always dependent, even under
-- a relaxed memory model, as an unsynchronised write gives rise to
-- a commit, which synchronises.
(UnsynchronisedRead r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> a2 /= UnsynchronisedRead r1
(UnsynchronisedWrite r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> True
(PartiallySynchronisedWrite r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> True
(PartiallySynchronisedModify r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> True
(SynchronisedModify r1, _) | same crefOf && a2 /= PartiallySynchronisedCommit r1 -> True
-- Unsynchronised writes and synchronisation where the buffer is not
-- empty.
-- See [RMMVerification], lemma 5.25.
(UnsynchronisedWrite r1, _) | same crefOf && isCommit a2 r1 && isBuffered ds r1 -> False
(_, UnsynchronisedWrite r2) | same crefOf && isCommit a1 r2 && isBuffered ds r2 -> False
-- Unsynchronised reads where a memory barrier would flush a
-- buffered write
(UnsynchronisedRead r1, _) | isBarrier a2 -> isBuffered ds r1 && memtype /= SequentialConsistency
(_, UnsynchronisedRead r2) | isBarrier a1 -> isBuffered ds r2 && memtype /= SequentialConsistency
(_, _)
-- Two actions on the same CRef where at least one is synchronised
| same crefOf && (synchronises a1 (fromJust $ crefOf a1) || synchronises a2 (fromJust $ crefOf a2)) -> True
-- Two actions on the same MVar
| same mvarOf -> True
_ -> False
same :: Eq a => (ActionType -> Maybe a) -> Bool
same f = isJust (f a1) && f a1 == f a2
-- Dependency function state
Reference in New Issue
Block a user