Make tasty-dejafu multi-predicate functions take the test group name

These functions were added way back in the day to share work between a
group of predicates.  That functionality was dropped in 2017 when
bound threads were implemented and running all tests began to require
IO (#157) - confusingly, the comment about sharing work was kept for 5
more years (until #362).

hunit-dejafu has very similar functions, and I wanted to make the APIs
of both packages identical so far as possible.  HUnit supports
nameless test groups.  Tasty does not.  To keep the API the same as
hunit-dejafu, I filled in a default group name: "Deja Fu Tests".

But an unchangeable name isn't conducive to good testsuite output, and
it's time to fix that mistake.

I considered deprecating these functions instead, but they're not
really causing any problems as such, so there's no harm in keeping

Fixes #361
This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2022-08-30 20:48:42 +01:00
parent b5aea56fab
commit 700a82b1db
2 changed files with 47 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,23 @@ standard Haskell versioning scheme.
.. _PVP:
* (:issue:`361`) The following functions take a ``TestName`` parameter
to name the test group, rather than using "Deja Fu Tests":
* ``Test.Tasty.DejaFu.testAuto``
* ``Test.Tasty.DejaFu.testAutoWay``
* ``Test.Tasty.DejaFu.testAutoWithSettings``
* ``Test.Tasty.DejaFu.testDejafus``
* ``Test.Tasty.DejaFu.testDejafusWay``
* ``Test.Tasty.DejaFu.testDejafusWithSettings`` (2022-08-30)

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-- |
-- Module : Test.Tasty.DejaFu
-- Copyright : (c) 2015--2019 Michael Walker
-- Copyright : (c) 2015--2022 Michael Walker
-- License : MIT
-- Maintainer : Michael Walker <>
-- Stability : stable
@ -146,9 +146,11 @@ instance IsOption Way where
-- | Automatically test a computation. In particular, look for
-- deadlocks, uncaught exceptions, and multiple return values.
-- @since
-- @since unreleased
testAuto :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> Program pty IO a
=> TestName
-- ^ The name of the test group.
-> Program pty IO a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> TestTree
testAuto = testAutoWithSettings defaultSettings
@ -156,12 +158,14 @@ testAuto = testAutoWithSettings defaultSettings
-- | Variant of 'testAuto' which tests a computation under a given
-- execution way and memory model.
-- @since
-- @since unreleased
testAutoWay :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> Way
-- ^ How to execute the concurrent program.
-> MemType
-- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @IORef@ operations.
-> TestName
-- ^ The name of the test group.
-> Program pty IO a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> TestTree
@ -169,14 +173,16 @@ testAutoWay way = testAutoWithSettings . fromWayAndMemType way
-- | Variant of 'testAuto' which takes a settings record.
-- @since
-- @since unreleased
testAutoWithSettings :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> Settings IO a
-- ^ The SCT settings.
-> TestName
-- ^ The name of the test group.
-> Program pty IO a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> TestTree
testAutoWithSettings settings = testDejafusWithSettings settings
testAutoWithSettings settings groupName = testDejafusWithSettings settings groupName
[("Never Deadlocks", representative deadlocksNever)
, ("No Exceptions", representative exceptionsNever)
, ("Consistent Result", alwaysSame)
@ -226,14 +232,17 @@ testDejafuWithSettings :: Show b
-> Program pty IO a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> TestTree
testDejafuWithSettings settings name p = testDejafusWithSettings settings [(name, p)]
testDejafuWithSettings settings name p concio =
testconc settings concio (name, p)
-- | Variant of 'testDejafu' which takes a collection of predicates to
-- test.
-- @since
-- @since unreleased
testDejafus :: Show b
=> [(TestName, ProPredicate a b)]
=> TestName
-- ^ The name of the test group.
-> [(TestName, ProPredicate a b)]
-- ^ The list of predicates (with names) to check.
-> Program pty IO a
-- ^ The computation to test.
@ -243,12 +252,14 @@ testDejafus = testDejafusWithSettings defaultSettings
-- | Variant of 'testDejafus' which takes a way to execute the program
-- and a memory model.
-- @since
-- @since unreleased
testDejafusWay :: Show b
=> Way
-- ^ How to execute the concurrent program.
-> MemType
-- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @IORef@ operations.
-> TestName
-- ^ The name of the test group.
-> [(TestName, ProPredicate a b)]
-- ^ The list of predicates (with names) to check.
-> Program pty IO a
@ -258,16 +269,19 @@ testDejafusWay way = testDejafusWithSettings . fromWayAndMemType way
-- | Variant of 'testDejafus' which takes a settings record.
-- @since
-- @since unreleased
testDejafusWithSettings :: Show b
=> Settings IO a
-- ^ The SCT settings.
-> TestName
-- ^ The name of the test group.
-> [(TestName, ProPredicate a b)]
-- ^ The list of predicates (with names) to check.
-> Program pty IO a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> TestTree
testDejafusWithSettings = testconc
testDejafusWithSettings settings groupName tests concio =
testGroup groupName $ map (testconc settings concio) tests
@ -341,18 +355,12 @@ instance IsTest PropTest where
-- | Produce a Tasty 'Test' from a Deja Fu unit test.
testconc :: Show b
=> Settings IO a
-> [(TestName, ProPredicate a b)]
-> Program pty IO a
-> (TestName, ProPredicate a b)
-> TestTree
testconc settings tests concio = case map toTest tests of
[t] -> t
ts -> testGroup "Deja Fu Tests" ts
toTest (name, p) =
let discarder = maybe id D.strengthenDiscard (get ldiscard settings) (pdiscard p)
traces = SCT.runSCTWithSettings (set ldiscard (Just discarder) settings) concio
in singleTest name $ ConcTest traces (peval p)
testconc settings concio (name, p) = singleTest name $ ConcTest traces (peval p) where
discarder = maybe id D.strengthenDiscard (get ldiscard settings) (pdiscard p)
traces = SCT.runSCTWithSettings (set ldiscard (Just discarder) settings) concio
-- | Produce a Tasty 'TestTree' from a Deja Fu refinement property test.
testprop :: (R.Testable p, R.Listable (R.X p), Eq (R.X p), Show (R.X p), Show (R.O p))