Remove Bool from Throw/ThrowTo/ThrownSTM actions

If the Maybe MaskingState is Just, then the thread survived; if it's
Nothing the thread was killed.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2020-07-01 00:18:44 +01:00
parent 9601a78cef
commit 75eac6693f
8 changed files with 56 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -376,11 +376,11 @@ genThreadAction = HGen.choice
, D.CommitIORef <$> genThreadId <*> genIORefId
, D.STM <$> genSmallList genTAction <*> genSmallList genThreadId
, D.BlockedSTM <$> genSmallList genTAction
, D.ThrownSTM <$> genSmallList genTAction <*> HGen.maybe genMaskingState <*> HGen.bool
, D.ThrownSTM <$> genSmallList genTAction <*> HGen.maybe genMaskingState
, pure D.Catching
, pure D.PopCatching
, D.Throw <$> HGen.maybe genMaskingState <*> HGen.bool
, D.ThrowTo <$> genThreadId <*> HGen.maybe genMaskingState <*> HGen.bool
, D.Throw <$> HGen.maybe genMaskingState
, D.ThrowTo <$> genThreadId <*> HGen.maybe genMaskingState
, D.BlockedThrowTo <$> genThreadId
, D.SetMasking <$> HGen.bool <*> genMaskingState
, D.ResetMasking <$> HGen.bool <*> genMaskingState

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Changed
* ``Test.DejaFu.Types.ThreadAction``, ``Throw``, and ``ThrowTo`` now
include the resultant masking state.
include the resultant masking state, and no bool.

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@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ stepThread _ _ _ _ tid (AThrowTo t e c) = synchronised $ \ctx@Context{..} ->
Nothing -> pure
(Succeeded ctx { cThreads = threads' }
, ThrowTo t Nothing False
, ThrowTo t Nothing
, const (pure ())
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ stepThread _ _ _ _ tid (ANewInvariant inv c) = \ctx@Context{..} ->
-- | Handle an exception being thrown from an @AAtom@, @AThrow@, or
-- @AThrowTo@.
stepThrow :: (MonadDejaFu n, Exception e)
=> (Maybe MaskingState -> Bool -> ThreadAction)
=> (Maybe MaskingState -> ThreadAction)
-- ^ Action to include in the trace.
-> ThreadId
-- ^ The thread receiving the exception.
@ -642,21 +642,21 @@ stepThrow :: (MonadDejaFu n, Exception e)
-- ^ The execution context.
-> n (What n g, ThreadAction, Threads n -> n ())
stepThrow act tid e ctx@Context{..} = case propagate some tid cThreads of
Just (ms, ts') -> pure
Just ts' -> pure
( Succeeded ctx { cThreads = ts' }
, act (checkMask ms tid cThreads) False
, act (Just . _masking $ elookup tid ts')
, const (pure ())
| tid == initialThread -> pure
( Failed (UncaughtException some)
, act Nothing True
, act Nothing
, const (pure ())
| otherwise -> do
ts' <- kill tid cThreads
pure ( Succeeded ctx { cThreads = ts' }
, act Nothing True
, act Nothing
, const (pure ())

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@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ data Handler n = forall e. Exception e => Handler MaskingState (e -> Action n)
-- | Propagate an exception upwards, finding the closest handler
-- which can deal with it.
propagate :: HasCallStack => SomeException -> ThreadId -> Threads n -> Maybe (MaskingState, Threads n)
propagate :: HasCallStack => SomeException -> ThreadId -> Threads n -> Maybe (Threads n)
propagate e tid threads = raise <$> propagate' handlers where
handlers = _handlers (elookup tid threads)
raise (ms, act, hs) = (ms, except ms act hs tid threads)
raise (ms, act, hs) = except ms act hs tid threads
propagate' [] = Nothing
propagate' (Handler ms h:hs) = maybe (propagate' hs) (\act -> Just (ms, act, hs)) $ h <$> fromException e
@ -114,13 +114,6 @@ except ms act hs = eadjust $ \thread -> thread
mask :: HasCallStack => MaskingState -> ThreadId -> Threads n -> Threads n
mask ms = eadjust $ \thread -> thread { _masking = ms }
-- | Check the masking state of a thread, returning @Nothing@ if it
-- matches the given one.
checkMask :: HasCallStack => MaskingState -> ThreadId -> Threads n -> Maybe MaskingState
checkMask ms tid threads =
let ms0 = M.findWithDefault Unmasked tid (_masking <$> threads)
in if ms0 == ms then Nothing else Just ms0
-- * Manipulating threads

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@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ tvarsOf act = tvarsRead act `S.union` tvarsWritten act
tvarsWritten :: ThreadAction -> Set TVarId
tvarsWritten act = S.fromList $ case act of
STM trc _ -> concatMap tvarsOf' trc
ThrownSTM trc _ _ -> concatMap tvarsOf' trc
ThrownSTM trc _ -> concatMap tvarsOf' trc
BlockedSTM trc -> concatMap tvarsOf' trc
_ -> []
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ tvarsWritten act = S.fromList $ case act of
tvarsRead :: ThreadAction -> Set TVarId
tvarsRead act = S.fromList $ case act of
STM trc _ -> concatMap tvarsOf' trc
ThrownSTM trc _ _ -> concatMap tvarsOf' trc
ThrownSTM trc _ -> concatMap tvarsOf' trc
BlockedSTM trc -> concatMap tvarsOf' trc
_ -> []
@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ rewind (WriteIORef c) = WillWriteIORef c
rewind (CasIORef c _) = WillCasIORef c
rewind (CommitIORef t c) = WillCommitIORef t c
rewind (STM _ _) = WillSTM
rewind (ThrownSTM _ _ _) = WillSTM
rewind (ThrownSTM _ _) = WillSTM
rewind (BlockedSTM _) = WillSTM
rewind Catching = WillCatching
rewind PopCatching = WillPopCatching
rewind (Throw _ _) = WillThrow
rewind (ThrowTo t _ _) = WillThrowTo t
rewind (Throw _) = WillThrow
rewind (ThrowTo t _) = WillThrowTo t
rewind (BlockedThrowTo t) = WillThrowTo t
rewind (SetMasking b m) = WillSetMasking b m
rewind (ResetMasking b m) = WillResetMasking b m
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ tidsOf (TakeMVar _ tids) = S.fromList tids
tidsOf (TryTakeMVar _ _ tids) = S.fromList tids
tidsOf (CommitIORef tid _) = S.singleton tid
tidsOf (STM _ tids) = S.fromList tids
tidsOf (ThrowTo tid _ _) = S.singleton tid
tidsOf (ThrowTo tid _) = S.singleton tid
tidsOf (BlockedThrowTo tid) = S.singleton tid
tidsOf _ = S.empty
@ -377,12 +377,12 @@ updateMaskState tid (Fork tid2) = \masks -> case M.lookup tid masks of
Nothing -> masks
updateMaskState tid (SetMasking _ ms) = M.insert tid ms
updateMaskState tid (ResetMasking _ ms) = M.insert tid ms
updateMaskState tid (Throw _ True) = M.delete tid
updateMaskState tid (Throw (Just ms) _) = M.insert tid ms
updateMaskState tid (ThrownSTM _ _ True) = M.delete tid
updateMaskState tid (ThrownSTM _ (Just ms) _) = M.insert tid ms
updateMaskState _ (ThrowTo tid _ True) = M.delete tid
updateMaskState _ (ThrowTo tid (Just ms) _) = M.insert tid ms
updateMaskState tid (Throw Nothing) = M.delete tid
updateMaskState tid (Throw (Just ms)) = M.insert tid ms
updateMaskState tid (ThrownSTM _ Nothing) = M.delete tid
updateMaskState tid (ThrownSTM _ (Just ms)) = M.insert tid ms
updateMaskState _ (ThrowTo tid Nothing) = M.delete tid
updateMaskState _ (ThrowTo tid (Just ms)) = M.insert tid ms
updateMaskState tid Stop = M.delete tid
updateMaskState _ _ = id

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@ -399,8 +399,8 @@ renumber memtype tid0 crid0 = snd . mapAccumL go (I.empty, tid0, I.empty, crid0)
(s, CasIORef (renumbered cridmap old) b)
updateAction s@(tidmap, _, _, _) (STM tas olds) =
(s, STM tas (map (renumbered tidmap) olds))
updateAction s@(tidmap, _, _, _) (ThrowTo old ms b) =
(s, ThrowTo (renumbered tidmap old) ms b)
updateAction s@(tidmap, _, _, _) (ThrowTo old ms) =
(s, ThrowTo (renumbered tidmap old) ms)
updateAction s@(tidmap, _, _, _) (BlockedThrowTo old) =
(s, BlockedThrowTo (renumbered tidmap old))
updateAction s act = (s, act)

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@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ independent safeIO ds t1 a1 t2 a2
-- :(
-- See #191 / #190
check _ (ThrowTo t _ _) tid _ | t == tid = True
check _ (ThrowTo t _) tid _ | t == tid = True
check _ (BlockedThrowTo t) tid _ | t == tid = True
-- can't re-order an unsynchronised write with something which synchronises that IORef.
check _ (simplifyAction -> UnsynchronisedWrite r) _ (simplifyAction -> a) | synchronises a r = True
@ -582,23 +582,23 @@ dependent safeIO ds t1 a1 t2 a2 = case (a1, a2) of
-- actually blocked. 'dependent'' has to assume that all
-- potentially-blocking operations can block, and so is more
-- pessimistic in this case.
(ThrowTo t _ _, ThrowTo u _ _)
(ThrowTo t _, ThrowTo u _)
| t == t2 && u == t1 -> canInterrupt ds t1 a1 || canInterrupt ds t2 a2
(ThrowTo t _ _, _) | t == t2 -> canInterrupt ds t2 a2 && a2 /= Stop
(_, ThrowTo t _ _) | t == t1 -> canInterrupt ds t1 a1 && a1 /= Stop
(ThrowTo t _, _) | t == t2 -> canInterrupt ds t2 a2 && a2 /= Stop
(_, ThrowTo t _) | t == t1 -> canInterrupt ds t1 a1 && a1 /= Stop
-- Dependency of STM transactions can be /greatly/ improved here, as
-- the 'Lookahead' does not know which @TVar@s will be touched, and
-- so has to assume all transactions are dependent.
(STM _ _, STM _ _) -> checkSTM
(STM _ _, BlockedSTM _) -> checkSTM
(STM _ _, ThrownSTM _ _ _) -> checkSTM
(BlockedSTM _, STM _ _) -> checkSTM
(BlockedSTM _, BlockedSTM _) -> checkSTM
(BlockedSTM _, ThrownSTM _ _ _) -> checkSTM
(ThrownSTM _ _ _, STM _ _) -> checkSTM
(ThrownSTM _ _ _, BlockedSTM _) -> checkSTM
(ThrownSTM _ _ _, ThrownSTM _ _ _) -> checkSTM
(STM _ _, STM _ _) -> checkSTM
(STM _ _, BlockedSTM _) -> checkSTM
(STM _ _, ThrownSTM _ _) -> checkSTM
(BlockedSTM _, STM _ _) -> checkSTM
(BlockedSTM _, BlockedSTM _) -> checkSTM
(BlockedSTM _, ThrownSTM _ _) -> checkSTM
(ThrownSTM _ _, STM _ _) -> checkSTM
(ThrownSTM _ _, BlockedSTM _) -> checkSTM
(ThrownSTM _ _, ThrownSTM _ _) -> checkSTM
_ -> dependent' safeIO ds t1 a1 t2 (rewind a2)
&& dependent' safeIO ds t2 a2 t1 (rewind a1)
@ -622,15 +622,15 @@ dependent' safeIO ds t1 a1 t2 l2 = case (a1, l2) of
-- thread and if the actions can be interrupted. We can also
-- slightly improve on that by not considering interrupting the
-- normal termination of a thread: it doesn't make a difference.
(ThrowTo t _ _, WillThrowTo u)
(ThrowTo t _, WillThrowTo u)
| t == t2 && u == t1 -> canInterrupt ds t1 a1 || canInterruptL ds t2 l2
(ThrowTo t _ _, _) | t == t2 -> canInterruptL ds t2 l2 && l2 /= WillStop
(ThrowTo t _, _) | t == t2 -> canInterruptL ds t2 l2 && l2 /= WillStop
(_, WillThrowTo t) | t == t1 -> canInterrupt ds t1 a1 && a1 /= Stop
-- Another worst-case: assume all STM is dependent.
(STM _ _, WillSTM) -> True
(BlockedSTM _, WillSTM) -> True
(ThrownSTM _ _ _, WillSTM) -> True
(ThrownSTM _ _, WillSTM) -> True
-- the number of capabilities is essentially a global shared
-- variable

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@ -289,24 +289,23 @@ data ThreadAction =
| STM [TAction] [ThreadId]
-- ^ An STM transaction was executed, possibly waking up some
-- threads.
| ThrownSTM [TAction] (Maybe MaskingState) Bool
| ThrownSTM [TAction] (Maybe MaskingState)
-- ^ An STM transaction threw an exception. Give the resultant
-- masking state after jumping to the exception handler (if it
-- changed). If the 'Bool' is @True@, then this killed the thread.
-- masking state after jumping to the exception handler (if the
-- thread is still alive).
| BlockedSTM [TAction]
-- ^ Got blocked in an STM transaction.
| Catching
-- ^ Register a new exception handler
| PopCatching
-- ^ Pop the innermost exception handler from the stack.
| Throw (Maybe MaskingState) Bool
| Throw (Maybe MaskingState)
-- ^ Throw an exception, and give the resultant masking state after
-- jumping to the exception handler (if it changed). If the 'Bool'
-- is @True@, then this killed the thread.
| ThrowTo ThreadId (Maybe MaskingState) Bool
-- jumping to the exception handler (if the thread is still alive).
| ThrowTo ThreadId (Maybe MaskingState)
-- ^ Throw an exception to a thread, and give the resultant masking
-- state after jumping to the exception handler (if it changed). If
-- the 'Bool' is @True@, then this killed the thread.
-- state after jumping to the exception handler (if the thread is
-- still alive).
| BlockedThrowTo ThreadId
-- ^ Get blocked on a 'throwTo'.
| SetMasking Bool MaskingState
@ -360,15 +359,15 @@ instance NFData ThreadAction where
rnf (CasIORef c b) = rnf (c, b)
rnf (CommitIORef t c) = rnf (t, c)
rnf (STM as ts) = rnf (as, ts)
rnf (ThrownSTM as (Just m) b) = m `seq` rnf (as, b)
rnf (ThrownSTM as Nothing b) = rnf (as, b)
rnf (ThrownSTM as (Just m)) = m `seq` rnf as
rnf (ThrownSTM as Nothing) = rnf as
rnf (BlockedSTM as) = rnf as
rnf Catching = ()
rnf PopCatching = ()
rnf (Throw (Just m) b) = m `seq` rnf b
rnf (Throw Nothing b) = rnf b
rnf (ThrowTo t (Just m) b) = m `seq` rnf (t, b)
rnf (ThrowTo t Nothing b) = rnf (t, b)
rnf (Throw (Just m)) = m `seq` ()
rnf (Throw Nothing) = ()
rnf (ThrowTo t (Just m)) = m `seq` rnf t
rnf (ThrowTo t Nothing) = rnf t
rnf (BlockedThrowTo t) = rnf t
rnf (SetMasking b m) = rnf (b, show m)
rnf (ResetMasking b m) = rnf (b, show m)