Add hlint and weeder to travis script

This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2017-10-20 14:29:53 +01:00
parent 9cb33bf431
commit 888c371665
3 changed files with 198 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -30,13 +30,31 @@ before_install:
- export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
- mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
- curl -L | tar xz --wildcards --strip-components=1 -C ~/.local/bin '*/stack'
- rm stack.yaml
- if [[ -e .travis/$RESOLVER.yaml ]]; then mv .travis/$RESOLVER.yaml stack.yaml; else stack init --resolver=$RESOLVER; fi
- stack setup
# Run tests
- stack --resolver=$RESOLVER setup
- stack --resolver=$RESOLVER build concurrency
- stack --resolver=$RESOLVER build dejafu
- stack --resolver=$RESOLVER build hunit-dejafu
- stack --resolver=$RESOLVER build tasty-dejafu
- stack --resolver=$RESOLVER build dejafu-tests
- stack --resolver=$RESOLVER exec dejafu-tests
- echo '# build' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:script.stack-build\\r'
- stack build concurrency
- stack build dejafu
- stack build hunit-dejafu
- stack build tasty-dejafu
- stack build dejafu-tests
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:script.stack-build\\r'
- echo '# weeder' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:script.weeder\\r'
- curl -sL | sh -s .
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:script.weeder\\r'
- echo '# hlint' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:script.hlint\\r'
- curl -sL | sh -s concurrency
- curl -sL | sh -s dejafu
- curl -sL | sh -s hunit-dejafu
- curl -sL | sh -s tasty-dejafu
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:script.hlint\\r'
- echo '# test' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:script.stack-exec\\r'
- stack exec dejafu-tests
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:script.stack-exec\\r'

.travis/lts-6.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
resolver: lts-6.35
- concurrency
- dejafu
- dejafu-tests
- hunit-dejafu
- tasty-dejafu
- leancheck-0.6.7

.weeder.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# It would be good to not need this
- package:
- name: dejafu-tests
- section:
- name: exe:dejafu-tests
- message:
- name: Weeds exported
- module:
- name: Cases.Async
- identifier:
- ! '@?='
- TestException
- TestFailed
- assertEqual
- assertFailure
- async_cancel
- async_exwait
- async_exwaitCatch
- async_poll
- async_poll2
- async_wait
- async_waitCatch
- case_concurrently_
- case_replicateConcurrently
- case_replicateConcurrently_
- testCase
- threadDelay
- throwIO
- value
- withasync_wait2
- withasync_waitCatch
- module:
- name: Cases.Discard
- identifier: nondet
- module:
- name: Cases.Litmus
- identifier:
- compareTest
- intelWP21
- intelWP22
- intelWP23
- intelWP24
- intelWP25
- intelWP26
- intelWP27
- intelWP28
- litmus2
- litmusTest
- module:
- name: Cases.MultiThreaded
- identifier:
- crefTests
- exceptionTests
- mvarTests
- stmTests
- subconcurrencyTests
- threadingTests
- module:
- name: Cases.Refinement
- identifier:
- mvar
- mvarProps
- module:
- name: Cases.SingleThreaded
- identifier:
- capabilityTests
- crefTests
- exceptionTests
- mvarTests
- stmTests
- subconcurrencyTests
- module:
- name: Common
- identifier:
- BT
- failing
- module:
- name: Examples.AutoUpdate
- identifier:
- UpdateSettings
- catchSome
- deadlocks
- defaultUpdateSettings
- mkAutoUpdate
- nondeterministic
- updateAction
- updateFreq
- updateSpawnThreshold
- module:
- name: Examples.ClassLaws
- identifier:
- Concurrently
- concurrently
- concurrently'
- eq
- eq'
- eqf
- prop_alternative_assoc
- prop_alternative_left_id
- prop_alternative_right_id
- prop_applicative_comp
- prop_applicative_fmap
- prop_applicative_homo
- prop_applicative_id
- prop_applicative_inter
- prop_functor_comp
- prop_functor_id
- prop_monad_ap
- prop_monad_ap'
- prop_monad_assoc
- prop_monad_fmap
- prop_monad_left_id
- prop_monad_pure
- prop_monad_right_id
- race
- runConcurrently
- module:
- name: Examples.Logger
- identifier:
- LogCommand
- Logger
- Message
- Stop
- initLogger
- isBad
- isGood
- logMessage
- logStop
- logger
- raceyLogger
- validResult
- module:
- name: Examples.Philosophers
- identifier:
- philosophers
- way
- module:
- name: Examples.SearchParty
- identifier:
- ! '@!'
- Find
- allOf
- blockOn
- checkResultLists
- concFilter
- failure
- getState
- hasFailed
- invPred
- result
- success
- unFind
- unsafeResult
- unsafeRunFind
- work
- module:
- name: QSemN
- identifier: signal