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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
-- | Dynamic partial-order reduction.
module Test.DejaFu.DPOR where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.List (foldl')
-- | Scheduling decisions are based on the state of the running
-- program, and so we can capture some of that state in recording what
-- specific decision we made.
data Decision thread_id =
Start thread_id
-- ^ Start a new thread, because the last was blocked (or it's the
-- start of computation).
| Continue
-- ^ Continue running the last thread for another step.
| SwitchTo thread_id
-- ^ Pre-empt the running thread, and switch to another.
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData thread_id => NFData (Decision thread_id) where
rnf (Start tid) = rnf tid
rnf (SwitchTo tid) = rnf tid
rnf d = d `seq` ()
-- | Get the resultant thread identifier of a 'Decision', with a default case
-- for 'Continue'.
tidOf ::
-- ^ The @Continue@ case.
-> Decision t
-- ^ The decision.
-> t
tidOf _ (Start t) = t
tidOf _ (SwitchTo t) = t
tidOf tid _ = tid
-- | Get the 'Decision' that would have resulted in this thread identifier,
-- given a prior thread (if any) and list of runnable threads.
decisionOf :: (Eq thread_id, Foldable f)
=> Maybe thread_id
-- ^ The prior thread.
-> f thread_id
-- ^ The runnable threads.
-> thread_id
-- ^ The current thread.
-> Decision thread_id
decisionOf Nothing _ chosen = Start chosen
decisionOf (Just prior) runnable chosen
| prior == chosen = Continue
| prior `elem` runnable = SwitchTo chosen
| otherwise = Start chosen
-- | Get the tid of the currently active thread after executing a
-- series of decisions. The list MUST begin with a 'Start', if it
-- doesn't an error will be thrown.
activeTid ::
[Decision thread_id]
-- ^ The sequence of decisions that have been made.
-> thread_id
activeTid (Start tid:ds) = foldl' tidOf tid ds
activeTid _ = error "activeTid: first decision MUST be a 'Start'."
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing, listToMaybe)
import Test.DejaFu.DPOR (Decision(..))
import Test.DejaFu.STM (Result(..))
import Test.DejaFu.Internal
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal.Common
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.List (sort, nub, intercalate)
import Data.List.Extra
import Test.DejaFu.DPOR (Decision(..))
import Test.DejaFu.Internal
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use record patterns" :: String) #-}
@ -282,17 +283,17 @@ initialIdSource = Id 0 0 0 0 [] [] [] []
-- attempts to (a) schedule a blocked thread, or (b) schedule a
-- nonexistent thread. In either of those cases, the computation will
-- be halted.
type Scheduler s = s -> [(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, NonEmpty Lookahead) -> (Maybe ThreadId, s)
type Scheduler s = s -> [(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)] -> Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, NonEmpty Lookahead) -> (Maybe ThreadId, s)
-- | One of the outputs of the runner is a @Trace@, which is a log of
-- decisions made, alternative decisions (including what action would
-- have been performed had that decision been taken), and the action a
-- thread took in its step.
type Trace = [(Decision, [(Decision, Lookahead)], ThreadAction)]
type Trace = [(Decision ThreadId, [(Decision ThreadId, Lookahead)], ThreadAction)]
-- | Like a 'Trace', but gives more lookahead (where possible) for
-- alternative decisions.
type Trace' = [(Decision, [(Decision, NonEmpty Lookahead)], ThreadAction)]
type Trace' = [(Decision ThreadId, [(Decision ThreadId, NonEmpty Lookahead)], ThreadAction)]
-- | Throw away information from a 'Trace'' to get just a 'Trace'.
toTrace :: Trace' -> Trace
@ -317,24 +318,6 @@ showTrace trc = intercalate "\n" $ trace "" 0 trc : (map (" "++) . sort . nub $
toKey (Start (ThreadId (Just name) i), _, _) = Just $ show i ++ ": " ++ name
toKey _ = Nothing
-- | Scheduling decisions are based on the state of the running
-- program, and so we can capture some of that state in recording what
-- specific decision we made.
data Decision =
Start ThreadId
-- ^ Start a new thread, because the last was blocked (or it's the
-- start of computation).
| Continue
-- ^ Continue running the last thread for another step.
| SwitchTo ThreadId
-- ^ Pre-empt the running thread, and switch to another.
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData Decision where
rnf (Start tid) = rnf tid
rnf (SwitchTo tid) = rnf tid
rnf d = d `seq` ()
-- | All the actions that a thread can perform.
data ThreadAction =
Fork ThreadId
@ -92,9 +92,6 @@ module Test.DejaFu.SCT
, (&+&)
, trueBound
, backtrackAt
, tidOf
, decisionOf
, activeTid
, preEmpCount
, preEmpCount'
, yieldCount
@ -108,8 +105,9 @@ import Data.List (nub, partition)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, isJust, fromJust)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic hiding (Decision(..))
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal (initialThread, willRelease)
import Test.DejaFu.DPOR (Decision(..), decisionOf)
import Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
@ -119,7 +117,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
-- | A bounding function takes the scheduling decisions so far and a
-- decision chosen to come next, and returns if that decision is
-- within the bound.
type BoundFunc = [(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision, Lookahead) -> Bool
type BoundFunc = [(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision ThreadId, Lookahead) -> Bool
-- | Combine two bounds into a larger bound, where both must be
-- satisfied.
@ -251,7 +249,7 @@ pbBound :: PreemptionBound -> BoundFunc
pbBound (PreemptionBound pb) ts dl = preEmpCount ts dl <= pb
-- | Count the number of pre-emptions in a schedule prefix.
preEmpCount :: [(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision, a) -> Int
preEmpCount :: [(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision ThreadId, a) -> Int
preEmpCount ts (d, _) = go Nothing ts where
go p ((d', a):rest) = preEmpC p d' + go (Just a) rest
go p [] = preEmpC p d
@ -315,7 +313,7 @@ fBound :: FairBound -> BoundFunc
fBound (FairBound fb) ts dl = maxYieldCountDiff ts dl <= fb
-- | Count the number of yields by a thread in a schedule prefix.
yieldCount :: ThreadId -> [(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision, Lookahead) -> Int
yieldCount :: ThreadId -> [(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision ThreadId, Lookahead) -> Int
yieldCount tid ts (_, l) = go initialThread ts where
go t ((Start t', Yield):rest) = (if t == tid then 1 else 0) + go t' rest
go t ((SwitchTo t', Yield):rest) = (if t == tid then 1 else 0) + go t' rest
@ -323,12 +321,11 @@ yieldCount tid ts (_, l) = go initialThread ts where
go _ ((Start t', _):rest) = go t' rest
go _ ((SwitchTo t', _):rest) = go t' rest
go t ((Continue, _):rest) = go t rest
go t (_:rest) = go t rest
go t [] = case l of WillYield | t == tid -> 1; _ -> 0
-- | Get the maximum difference between the yield counts of all
-- threads in this schedule prefix.
maxYieldCountDiff :: [(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision, Lookahead) -> Int
maxYieldCountDiff :: [(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision ThreadId, Lookahead) -> Int
maxYieldCountDiff ts dl = maximum yieldCountDiffs where
yieldCounts = [yieldCount tid ts dl | tid <- nub $ allTids ts]
yieldCountDiffs = [y1 - y2 | y1 <- yieldCounts, y2 <- yieldCounts]
@ -414,7 +411,7 @@ sctBoundedIO memtype bf backtrack c = sctBoundedM memtype bf backtrack run where
-- | Generic SCT runner.
sctBoundedM :: (Functor m, Monad m)
=> MemType
-> ([(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision, Lookahead) -> Bool)
-> ([(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision ThreadId, Lookahead) -> Bool)
-> ([BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep])
-> (MemType -> Scheduler SchedState -> SchedState -> m (Either Failure a, SchedState, Trace'))
-- ^ Monadic runner, with computation fixed.
@ -465,7 +462,7 @@ initialSchedState sleep prefix = SchedState
-- including the runnable threads, and the alternative choices allowed
-- by the bound-specific initialise function.
bporSched :: MemType
-> ([(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, Lookahead) -> [ThreadId])
-> ([(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)] -> Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, Lookahead) -> [ThreadId])
-> Scheduler SchedState
bporSched memtype initials = force $ \s trc prior threads -> case _sprefix s of
-- If there is a decision available, make it
@ -493,7 +490,7 @@ bporSched memtype initials = force $ \s trc prior threads -> case _sprefix s of
-- the current thread if available and it hasn't just yielded,
-- otherwise add all runnable threads.
initialise :: BoundFunc
-> [(Decision, ThreadAction)]
-> [(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)]
-> Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction)
-> NonEmpty (ThreadId, Lookahead)
-> [ThreadId]
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, isJust, fromJust, listToMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL(..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal hiding (Decision(..))
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Schedule
import Test.DejaFu.DPOR (Decision(..), decisionOf, tidOf)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
data BacktrackStep = BacktrackStep
{ _threadid :: ThreadId
-- ^ The thread running at this step
, _decision :: (Decision, ThreadAction)
, _decision :: (Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)
-- ^ What happened at this step.
, _runnable :: Map ThreadId Lookahead
-- ^ The threads runnable at this step
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ grow dependency conservative = grow' initialCRState initialThread where
-- | Add new backtracking points, if they have not already been
-- visited, fit into the bound, and aren't in the sleep set.
todo :: ([(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision, Lookahead) -> Bool) -> [BacktrackStep] -> BPOR -> BPOR
todo :: ([(Decision ThreadId, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision ThreadId, Lookahead) -> Bool) -> [BacktrackStep] -> BPOR -> BPOR
todo bv = go Nothing [] where
go priorTid pref (b:bs) bpor =
let bpor' = backtrack priorTid pref b bpor
@ -277,26 +278,6 @@ pruneCommits bpor
-- * Utilities
-- | Get the resultant 'ThreadId' of a 'Decision', with a default case
-- for 'Continue'.
tidOf :: ThreadId -> Decision -> ThreadId
tidOf _ (Start t) = t
tidOf _ (SwitchTo t) = t
tidOf tid _ = tid
-- | Get the 'Decision' that would have resulted in this 'ThreadId',
-- given a prior 'ThreadId' (if any) and list of runnable threads.
decisionOf :: Maybe ThreadId -> Set ThreadId -> ThreadId -> Decision
decisionOf prior runnable chosen
| prior == Just chosen = Continue
| prior `S.member` S.map Just runnable = SwitchTo chosen
| otherwise = Start chosen
-- | Get the tid of the currently active thread after executing a
-- series of decisions. The list MUST begin with a 'Start'.
activeTid :: [Decision] -> ThreadId
activeTid = foldl' tidOf initialThread
-- | Check if an action is dependent on another.
dependent :: MemType -> CRState -> (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> Bool
dependent _ _ (_, Lift) (_, Lift) = True
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ library
, Test.DejaFu
, Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
, Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Schedule
, Test.DejaFu.DPOR
, Test.DejaFu.SCT
, Test.DejaFu.STM
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