Implement throwTo and killThread

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Michael Walker 2015-02-13 17:13:00 +00:00
parent 2a79b78901
commit 8faee29b27
5 changed files with 86 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -3,11 +3,16 @@
-- | This module captures in a typeclass the interface of concurrency
-- monads.
module Control.Monad.Conc.Class where
module Control.Monad.Conc.Class
( MonadConc(..)
-- * Utilities
, spawn
, killThread
) where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, readMVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, tryPutMVar, takeMVar, tryTakeMVar)
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Exception (Exception, AsyncException(ThreadKilled))
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadThrow, catch, throwM)
import Control.Monad.STM (STM)
@ -61,19 +66,6 @@ class ( Monad m, MonadCatch m, MonadThrow m
-- | Get the @ThreadId@ of the current thread.
myThreadId :: m (ThreadId m)
-- | Create a concurrent computation for the provided action, and
-- return a @CVar@ which can be used to query the result.
-- > spawn ma = do
-- > cvar <- newEmptyCVar
-- > _ <- fork $ ma >>= putCVar cvar
-- > return cvar
spawn :: m a -> m (CVar m a)
spawn ma = do
cvar <- newEmptyCVar
_ <- fork $ ma >>= putCVar cvar
return cvar
-- | Create a new empty @CVar@.
newEmptyCVar :: m (CVar m a)
@ -126,6 +118,11 @@ class ( Monad m, MonadCatch m, MonadThrow m
catch :: Exception e => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
catch = Control.Monad.Catch.catch
-- | Throw an exception to the target thread. This blocks until the
-- exception is delivered, and it is just as if the target thread
-- had raised it with 'throw'. This can interrupt a blocked action.
throwTo :: Exception e => ThreadId m => e -> m ()
-- | Runs its argument, just as if the @_concNoTest@ weren't there.
-- > _concNoTest x = x
@ -155,9 +152,24 @@ instance MonadConc IO where
readCVar = readMVar
fork = forkIO
myThreadId = C.myThreadId
throwTo = C.throwTo
newEmptyCVar = newEmptyMVar
putCVar = putMVar
tryPutCVar = tryPutMVar
takeCVar = takeMVar
tryTakeCVar = tryTakeMVar
atomically = S.atomically
-- | Create a concurrent computation for the provided action, and
-- return a @CVar@ which can be used to query the result.
spawn :: MonadConc m => m a -> m (CVar m a)
spawn ma = do
cvar <- newEmptyCVar
_ <- fork $ ma >>= putCVar cvar
return cvar
-- | Raise the 'ThreadKilled' exception in the target thread. Note
-- that if the thread is prepared to catch this exception, it won't
-- actually kill it.
killThread :: MonadConc m => ThreadId m => m ()
killThread tid = throwTo tid ThreadKilled

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ module Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
, spawn
, atomically
, throw
, throwTo
, killThread
, catch
-- * Communication: CVars
@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ instance C.MonadConc (Conc t) where
fork = fork
myThreadId = myThreadId
throwTo = throwTo
newEmptyCVar = newEmptyCVar
putCVar = putCVar
tryPutCVar = tryPutCVar
@ -149,6 +152,18 @@ tryTakeCVar cvar = C $ cont $ ATryTake $ unV cvar
throw :: Exception e => e -> Conc t a
throw e = C $ cont $ \_ -> AThrow (SomeException e)
-- | Throw an exception to the target thread. This blocks until the
-- exception is delivered, and it is just as if the target thread had
-- raised it with 'throw'. This can interrupt a blocked action.
throwTo :: Exception e => ThreadId -> e -> Conc t ()
throwTo tid e = C $ cont $ \c -> AThrowTo tid (SomeException e) $ c ()
-- | Raise the 'ThreadKilled' exception in the target thread. Note
-- that if the thread is prepared to catch this exception, it won't
-- actually kill it.
killThread :: ThreadId => Conc t ()
killThread = C.killThread
-- | Catch an exception raised by 'throw'. This __cannot__ catch
-- errors, such as evaluating 'undefined', or division by zero. If you
-- need that, use Control.Exception.catch and 'ConcIO'.

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@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ module Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.IO
, spawn
, atomically
, throw
, throwTo
, killThread
, catch
-- * Communication: CVars
@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ instance C.MonadConc (ConcIO t) where
fork = fork
myThreadId = myThreadId
throwTo = throwTo
newEmptyCVar = newEmptyCVar
putCVar = putCVar
tryPutCVar = tryPutCVar
@ -154,6 +157,18 @@ tryTakeCVar cvar = C $ cont $ ATryTake $ unV cvar
throw :: Exception e => e -> ConcIO t a
throw e = C $ cont $ \_ -> AThrow (SomeException e)
-- | Throw an exception to the target thread. This blocks until the
-- exception is delivered, and it is just as if the target thread had
-- raised it with 'throw'. This can interrupt a blocked action.
throwTo :: Exception e => ThreadId -> e -> ConcIO t ()
throwTo tid e = C $ cont $ \c -> AThrowTo tid (SomeException e) $ c ()
-- | Raise the 'ThreadKilled' exception in the target thread. Note
-- that if the thread is prepared to catch this exception, it won't
-- actually kill it.
killThread :: ThreadId => ConcIO t ()
killThread = C.killThread
-- | Catch an exception raised by 'throw'. This __cannot__ catch
-- errors, such as evaluating 'undefined', or division by zero. If you
-- need that, use Control.Exception.catch and 'liftIO'.

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@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
-- functions.
module Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException(..), fromException)
import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Cont (Cont, runCont)
import Control.State
import Data.List (intersect)
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ data Action n r s =
| ANew (CVarId -> n (Action n r s))
| ALift (n (Action n r s))
| AThrow SomeException
| AThrowTo ThreadId SomeException (Action n r s)
| forall a e. Exception e => ACatching (e -> M n r s a) (M n r s a) (a -> Action n r s)
| APopCatching (Action n r s)
| AStop
@ -141,6 +143,8 @@ data ThreadAction =
-- ^ Pop the innermost exception handler from the stack.
| Throw
-- ^ Throw an exception.
| ThrowTo ThreadId
-- ^ Throw an exception to a thread.
| Killed
-- ^ Killed by an uncaught exception.
| Lift
@ -189,12 +193,12 @@ instance NFData Failure where
-- state, returning a 'Just' if it terminates, and 'Nothing' if a
-- deadlock is detected. Also returned is the final state of the
-- scheduler, and an execution trace.
runFixed :: Monad n => Fixed n r s -> (forall x. s n r x -> CTVarId -> n (Result x, CTVarId))
runFixed :: (Functor n, Monad n) => Fixed n r s -> (forall x. s n r x -> CTVarId -> n (Result x, CTVarId))
-> Scheduler g -> g -> M n r s a -> n (Either Failure a, g, Trace)
runFixed fixed runstm sched s ma = (\(e,g,_,t) -> (e,g,t)) `liftM` runFixed' fixed runstm sched s initialIdSource ma
runFixed fixed runstm sched s ma = (\(e,g,_,t) -> (e,g,t)) <$> runFixed' fixed runstm sched s initialIdSource ma
-- | Same as 'runFixed', be parametrised by an 'IdSource'.
runFixed' :: Monad n => Fixed n r s -> (forall x. s n r x -> CTVarId -> n (Result x, CTVarId))
runFixed' :: (Functor n, Monad n) => Fixed n r s -> (forall x. s n r x -> CTVarId -> n (Result x, CTVarId))
-> Scheduler g -> g -> IdSource -> M n r s a -> n (Either Failure a, g, IdSource, Trace)
runFixed' fixed runstm sched s idSource ma = do
ref <- newRef (wref fixed) Nothing
@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ data Handler n r s = forall e. Exception e => Handler (e -> Action n r s)
-- which can deal with it.
propagate :: SomeException -> [Handler n r s] -> Maybe (Action n r s, [Handler n r s])
propagate _ [] = Nothing
propagate e (Handler h:hs) = maybe (propagate e hs) (\act -> Just (act, hs)) $ fmap h e' where
propagate e (Handler h:hs) = maybe (propagate e hs) (\act -> Just (act, hs)) $ h <$> e' where
e' = fromException e
-- | The number of ID parameters was getting a bit unwieldy, so this
@ -261,7 +265,7 @@ initialIdSource = Id 0 0 0
-- efficient to prepend to a list than append. As this function isn't
-- exposed to users of the library, this is just an internal gotcha to
-- watch out for.
runThreads :: Monad n => Fixed n r s -> (forall x. s n r x -> CTVarId -> n (Result x, CTVarId))
runThreads :: (Functor n, Monad n) => Fixed n r s -> (forall x. s n r x -> CTVarId -> n (Result x, CTVarId))
-> Scheduler g -> g -> Threads n r s -> IdSource -> r (Maybe (Either Failure a)) -> n (g, IdSource, Trace)
runThreads fixed runstm sched origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc [] (-1) origg origthreads where
go idSource sofar prior g threads
@ -294,9 +298,9 @@ runThreads fixed runstm sched origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc [] (-1) ori
isBlocked = isJust . (\(_,b,_) -> b) $ fromJust thread
isNonexistant = isNothing thread
isTerminated = 0 `notElem` M.keys threads
isDeadlocked = M.null runnable && (((~= OnCVarFull undefined) `fmap` M.lookup 0 threads) == Just True ||
((~= OnCVarEmpty undefined) `fmap` M.lookup 0 threads) == Just True)
isSTMLocked = M.null runnable && ((~= OnCTVar []) `fmap` M.lookup 0 threads) == Just True
isDeadlocked = M.null runnable && (((~= OnCVarFull undefined) <$> M.lookup 0 threads) == Just True ||
((~= OnCVarEmpty undefined) <$> M.lookup 0 threads) == Just True)
isSTMLocked = M.null runnable && ((~= OnCTVar []) <$> M.lookup 0 threads) == Just True
runconc ma i = do { (a,_,i',_) <- runFixed' fixed runstm sched g i ma; return (a,i') }
@ -312,7 +316,7 @@ runThreads fixed runstm sched origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc [] (-1) ori
-- | Run a single thread one step, by dispatching on the type of
-- 'Action'.
stepThread :: Monad n => Fixed n r s
stepThread :: (Functor n, Monad n) => Fixed n r s
-> (forall x. M n r s x -> IdSource -> n (Either Failure x, IdSource))
-- ^ Run a 'MonadConc' computation atomically.
-> (forall x. s n r x -> CTVarId -> n (Result x, CTVarId))
@ -338,6 +342,7 @@ stepThread fixed runconc runstm action idSource tid threads = case action of
ANew na -> stepNew na
ALift na -> stepLift na
AThrow e -> stepThrow e
AThrowTo t e c -> stepThrowTo t e c
ACatching h ma c -> stepCatching h ma c
APopCatching a -> stepPopCatching a
ANoTest ma a -> stepNoTest ma a
@ -345,7 +350,7 @@ stepThread fixed runconc runstm action idSource tid threads = case action of
-- | Start a new thread, assigning it the next 'ThreadId'
stepFork a b = return $ Right (goto (b tid) tid threads', idSource', Fork newtid) where
stepFork a b = return $ Right (goto (b newtid) tid threads', idSource', Fork newtid) where
threads' = launch newtid a threads
(idSource', newtid) = nextTId idSource
@ -406,12 +411,23 @@ stepThread fixed runconc runstm action idSource tid threads = case action of
-- | Throw an exception, and propagate it to the appropriate
-- handler.
stepThrow e = return $
case propagate e . (\(_,_,c) -> c) . fromJust $ M.lookup tid threads of
case propagate e . (\(_,_,hs) -> hs) . fromJust $ M.lookup tid threads of
Just (act, hs) ->
let threads' = M.alter (\(Just (_, Nothing, _)) -> Just (act, Nothing, hs)) tid threads
in Right (threads', idSource, Throw)
Nothing -> Left UncaughtException
-- | Throw an exception to the target thread, and propagate it to
-- the appropriate handler.
stepThrowTo t e c = return $
let threads' = goto c tid threads
in case propagate e . (\(_,_,hs) -> hs) <$> M.lookup t threads of
Just (Just (act, hs)) -> Right (M.insert t (act, Nothing, hs) threads', idSource, ThrowTo t)
Just Nothing
| t == 0 -> Left UncaughtException
| otherwise -> Right (kill t threads', idSource, ThrowTo t)
Nothing -> Right (threads', idSource, ThrowTo t)
-- | Create a new @CVar@, using the next 'CVarId'.
stepNew na = do
let (idSource', newcvid) = nextCVId idSource

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@ -227,5 +227,6 @@ interesting _ (BlockedRead _) = True
interesting _ (BlockedTake _) = True
interesting _ (STM _) = True
interesting _ BlockedSTM = True
interesting _ (ThrowTo _) = True
interesting l Lift = l
interesting _ _ = False