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synced 2024-12-18 11:01:50 +03:00
Messy implementation of subconcurrency
This makes `stepThread` messier, and doesn't actually prevent nesting currently - although it does prevent usage when there are multiple threads, which may be enough.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Test.HUnit.DejaFu (testDejafu)
import Control.Concurrent.Classy
import Control.Monad.STM.Class
import Test.DejaFu.Conc (Conc, subconcurrency)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
@ -49,6 +50,13 @@ tests =
, testGroup "Daemons" . hUnitTestToTests $ test
[ testDejafu schedDaemon "schedule daemon" $ gives' [0,1]
, testGroup "Subconcurrency" . hUnitTestToTests $ test
[ testDejafu scDeadlock1 "deadlock1" $ gives' [Left Deadlock, Right ()]
, testDejafu scDeadlock2 "deadlock2" $ gives' [(Left Deadlock, ()), (Right (), ())]
, testDejafu scSuccess "success" $ gives' [Right ()]
, testDejafu scIllegal "illegal" $ gives [Left IllegalSubconcurrency]
@ -207,3 +215,40 @@ schedDaemon = do
x <- newCRef 0
_ <- fork $ myThreadId >> writeCRef x 1
readCRef x
-- Subconcurrency
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks sometimes.
scDeadlock1 :: Monad n => Conc n r (Either Failure ())
scDeadlock1 = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
subconcurrency $ do
void . fork $ putMVar var ()
putMVar var ()
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks sometimes, and action after it still
-- happens.
scDeadlock2 :: Monad n => Conc n r (Either Failure (), ())
scDeadlock2 = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
res <- subconcurrency $ do
void . fork $ putMVar var ()
putMVar var ()
(,) <$> pure res <*> readMVar var
-- | Subcomputation successfully completes.
scSuccess :: Monad n => Conc n r (Either Failure ())
scSuccess = do
var <- newMVar ()
subconcurrency $ do
out <- newEmptyMVar
void . fork $ takeMVar var >>= putMVar out
takeMVar out
-- | Illegal usage
scIllegal :: Monad n => Conc n r ()
scIllegal = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
void . fork $ readMVar var
void . subconcurrency $ pure ()
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module Cases.SingleThreaded where
import Control.Exception (ArithException(..), ArrayException(..))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Test.DejaFu (Failure(..), gives, gives')
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (hUnitTestToTests)
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ import Test.HUnit (test)
import Test.HUnit.DejaFu (testDejafu)
import Control.Concurrent.Classy
import Control.Monad.STM.Class
import Test.DejaFu.Conc (Conc, subconcurrency)
import Utils
@ -58,6 +59,12 @@ tests =
[ testDejafu capsGet "get" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu capsSet "set" $ gives' [True]
, testGroup "Subconcurrency" . hUnitTestToTests $ test
[ testDejafu scDeadlock1 "deadlock1" $ gives' [Left Deadlock]
, testDejafu scDeadlock2 "deadlock2" $ gives' [(Left Deadlock, ())]
, testDejafu scSuccess "success" $ gives' [Right ()]
@ -252,3 +259,22 @@ capsSet = do
caps <- getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities $ caps + 1
(== caps + 1) <$> getNumCapabilities
-- Subconcurrency
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks.
scDeadlock1 :: Monad n => Conc n r (Either Failure ())
scDeadlock1 = subconcurrency (newEmptyMVar >>= readMVar)
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks, and action after it still happens.
scDeadlock2 :: Monad n => Conc n r (Either Failure (), ())
scDeadlock2 = do
var <- newMVar ()
(,) <$> subconcurrency (putMVar var ()) <*> readMVar var
-- | Subcomputation successfully completes.
scSuccess :: Monad n => Conc n r (Either Failure ())
scSuccess = do
var <- newMVar ()
subconcurrency (takeMVar var)
@ -50,12 +50,10 @@ import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Base as Ba
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Ca
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO
import Control.Monad.Ref (MonadRef, newRef, readRef, writeRef)
import Control.Monad.Ref (MonadRef,)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Data.Dynamic (toDyn)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.STRef (STRef)
import Test.DejaFu.Schedule
@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Conc.Class as C
import Test.DejaFu.Common
import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal
import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.Common
import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.Threading
import Test.DejaFu.STM
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Avoid lambda" :: String) #-}
@ -182,23 +179,9 @@ runConcurrent :: MonadRef r n
-> s
-> Conc n r a
-> n (Either Failure a, s, Trace)
runConcurrent sched memtype s (C conc) = do
ref <- newRef Nothing
let c = runCont conc (AStop . writeRef ref . Just . Right)
let threads = launch' Unmasked initialThread (const c) M.empty
(s', trace) <- runThreads runTransaction
out <- readRef ref
pure (fromJust out, s', reverse trace)
runConcurrent sched memtype s ma = do
(res, s', trace) <- runConcurrency runTransaction sched memtype s (unC ma)
pure (res, s', reverse trace)
-- | Run a concurrent computation and return its result.
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
module Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal where
import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..), toException)
import Control.Monad.Ref (MonadRef, newRef, writeRef)
import Control.Monad.Ref (MonadRef, newRef, readRef, writeRef)
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), fromList)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing, listToMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, listToMaybe)
import Test.DejaFu.Common
import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.Common
@ -36,6 +36,35 @@ import Test.DejaFu.STM (Result(..))
-- * Execution
-- | Run a concurrent computation with a given 'Scheduler' and initial
-- state, returning a failure reason on error. Also returned is the
-- final state of the scheduler, and an execution trace (in reverse
-- order).
runConcurrency :: MonadRef r n
=> (forall x. s x -> IdSource -> n (Result x, IdSource, TTrace))
-> Scheduler g
-> MemType
-> g
-> M n r s a
-> n (Either Failure a, g, Trace)
runConcurrency runstm sched memtype g ma = do
ref <- newRef Nothing
let c = runCont ma (AStop . writeRef ref . Just . Right)
let threads = launch' Unmasked initialThread (const c) M.empty
(g', trace) <- runThreads runstm
out <- readRef ref
pure (fromJust out, g', trace)
-- | Run a collection of threads, until there are no threads left.
-- Note: this returns the trace in reverse order, because it's more
@ -53,13 +82,13 @@ runThreads runstm sched memtype origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc [] Nothin
| isNonexistant = die g' InternalError
| isBlocked = die g' InternalError
| otherwise = do
stepped <- stepThread runstm memtype (_continuation $ fromJust thread) idSource chosen threads wb caps
stepped <- stepThread runstm sched memtype g (_continuation $ fromJust thread) idSource chosen threads wb caps
case stepped of
Right (threads', idSource', act, wb', caps') -> loop threads' idSource' act wb' caps'
Right (threads', idSource', act, wb', caps', mg') -> loop threads' idSource' act (fromMaybe g' mg') wb' caps'
Left UncaughtException
| chosen == initialThread -> die g' UncaughtException
| otherwise -> loop (kill chosen threads) idSource Killed wb caps
| otherwise -> loop (kill chosen threads) idSource (Right Killed) g' wb caps
Left failure -> die g' failure
@ -96,21 +125,28 @@ runThreads runstm sched memtype origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc [] Nothin
stop outg = pure (outg, sofar)
die outg reason = writeRef ref (Just $ Left reason) >> stop outg
loop threads' idSource' act wb' =
let sofar' = ((decision, runnable', act) : sofar)
loop threads' idSource' trcOrAct g'' =
let trc = case trcOrAct of
Left (act, acts) -> (decision, runnable', act) : acts
Right act -> [(decision, runnable', act)]
sofar' = trc++sofar
threads'' = if (interruptible <$> M.lookup chosen threads') /= Just False then unblockWaitingOn chosen threads' else threads'
in go idSource' sofar' (Just chosen) g' (delCommitThreads threads'') wb'
in go idSource' sofar' (Just chosen) g'' (delCommitThreads threads'')
-- * Single-step execution
-- | Run a single thread one step, by dispatching on the type of
-- 'Action'.
stepThread :: forall n r s. MonadRef r n
stepThread :: forall n r s g. MonadRef r n
=> (forall x. s x -> IdSource -> n (Result x, IdSource, TTrace))
-- ^ Run a 'MonadSTM' transaction atomically.
-> Scheduler g
-- ^ The scheduler.
-> MemType
-- ^ The memory model
-> g
-- ^ The scheduler state.
-> Action n r s
-- ^ Action to step
-> IdSource
@ -123,8 +159,8 @@ stepThread :: forall n r s. MonadRef r n
-- ^ @CRef@ write buffer
-> Int
-- ^ The number of capabilities
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r, Int))
stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, Either (ThreadAction, Trace) ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r, Int, Maybe g))
stepThread runstm sched memtype g action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
AFork n a b -> stepFork n a b
AMyTId c -> stepMyTId c
AGetNumCapabilities c -> stepGetNumCapabilities c
@ -165,8 +201,8 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
stepFork :: String
-> ((forall b. M n r s b -> M n r s b) -> Action n r s)
-> (ThreadId -> Action n r s)
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r, Int))
stepFork n a b = return $ Right (goto (b newtid) tid threads', idSource', Fork newtid, wb, caps) where
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, Either z ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r, Int, Maybe g))
stepFork n a b = return $ Right (goto (b newtid) tid threads', idSource', Right (Fork newtid), wb, caps, Nothing) where
threads' = launch tid newtid a threads
(idSource', newtid) = nextTId n idSource
@ -177,7 +213,7 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
stepGetNumCapabilities c = simple (goto (c caps) tid threads) $ GetNumCapabilities caps
-- | Set the number of capabilities
stepSetNumCapabilities i c = return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, SetNumCapabilities i, wb, i)
stepSetNumCapabilities i c = return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, Right (SetNumCapabilities i), wb, i, Nothing)
-- | Yield the current thread
stepYield c = simple (goto c tid threads) Yield
@ -243,12 +279,12 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
-- Add to buffer using thread id.
TotalStoreOrder -> do
wb' <- bufferWrite wb (tid, Nothing) cref a
return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, WriteRef crid, wb', caps)
return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, Right (WriteRef crid), wb', caps, Nothing)
-- Add to buffer using both thread id and cref id
PartialStoreOrder -> do
wb' <- bufferWrite wb (tid, Just crid) cref a
return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, WriteRef crid, wb', caps)
return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, Right (WriteRef crid), wb', caps, Nothing)
-- | Perform a compare-and-swap on a @CRef@.
stepCasRef cref@(CRef crid _) tick a c = synchronised $ do
@ -268,7 +304,7 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
-- Commit using the cref id.
PartialStoreOrder -> commitWrite wb (t, Just c)
return $ Right (threads, idSource, CommitRef t c, wb', caps)
return $ Right (threads, idSource, Right (CommitRef t c), wb', caps, Nothing)
-- | Run a STM transaction atomically.
stepAtom stm c = synchronised $ do
@ -276,14 +312,14 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
case res of
Success _ written val ->
let (threads', woken) = wake (OnTVar written) threads
in return $ Right (goto (c val) tid threads', idSource', STM trace woken, wb, caps)
in return $ Right (goto (c val) tid threads', idSource', Right (STM trace woken), wb, caps, Nothing)
Retry touched ->
let threads' = block (OnTVar touched) tid threads
in return $ Right (threads', idSource', BlockedSTM trace, wb, caps)
in return $ Right (threads', idSource', Right (BlockedSTM trace), wb, caps, Nothing)
Exception e -> do
res' <- stepThrow e
return $ case res' of
Right (threads', _, _, _, _) -> Right (threads', idSource', Throw, wb, caps)
Right (threads', _, _, _, _, _) -> Right (threads', idSource', Right Throw, wb, caps, Nothing)
Left err -> Left err
-- | Run a subcomputation in an exception-catching context.
@ -328,7 +364,7 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
stepMasking :: MaskingState
-> ((forall b. M n r s b -> M n r s b) -> M n r s a)
-> (a -> Action n r s)
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r, Int))
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, Either z ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r, Int, Maybe g))
stepMasking m ma c = simple threads' $ SetMasking False m where
a = runCont (ma umask) (AResetMask False False m' . c)
@ -348,14 +384,14 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
let (idSource', newmvid) = nextMVId n idSource
ref <- newRef Nothing
let mvar = MVar newmvid ref
return $ Right (goto (c mvar) tid threads, idSource', NewVar newmvid, wb, caps)
return $ Right (goto (c mvar) tid threads, idSource', Right (NewVar newmvid), wb, caps, Nothing)
-- | Create a new @CRef@, using the next 'CRefId'.
stepNewRef n a c = do
let (idSource', newcrid) = nextCRId n idSource
ref <- newRef (M.empty, 0, a)
let cref = CRef newcrid ref
return $ Right (goto (c cref) tid threads, idSource', NewRef newcrid, wb, caps)
return $ Right (goto (c cref) tid threads, idSource', Right (NewRef newcrid), wb, caps, Nothing)
-- | Lift an action from the underlying monad into the @Conc@
-- computation.
@ -373,15 +409,16 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
stepStop na = na >> simple (kill tid threads) Stop
-- | Run a subconcurrent computation.
stepSubconcurrency ma k
stepSubconcurrency ma c
| tid /= initialThread = return (Left IllegalSubconcurrency)
| M.size threads > 1 = return (Left IllegalSubconcurrency)
-- todo: this case!
| otherwise = return (Left IllegalSubconcurrency)
| otherwise = do
(res, g', trace) <- runConcurrency runstm sched memtype g ma
return $ Right (goto (c res) tid threads, idSource, Left (Subconcurrency, trace), wb, caps, Just g')
-- | Helper for actions which don't touch the 'IdSource' or
-- 'WriteBuffer'
simple threads' act = return $ Right (threads', idSource, act, wb, caps)
simple threads' act = return $ Right (threads', idSource, Right act, wb, caps, Nothing)
-- | Helper for actions impose a write barrier.
synchronised ma = do
@ -389,5 +426,5 @@ stepThread runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
res <- ma
return $ case res of
Right (threads', idSource', act', _, caps') -> Right (threads', idSource', act', emptyBuffer, caps')
Right (threads', idSource', act', _, caps', g') -> Right (threads', idSource', act', emptyBuffer, caps', g')
_ -> res
Reference in New Issue
Block a user