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synced 2025-01-06 22:06:36 +03:00
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@ -440,12 +440,13 @@ representative p xs = result { _failures = choose . collect $ _failures result }
choose = map $ minimumBy (comparing $ \(_, trc) -> (preEmpCount' trc, length trc))
groupBy' res _ [] = res
groupBy' res eq (x:xs) = groupBy' (insert' eq x res) eq xs
groupBy' res eq (y:ys) = groupBy' (insert' eq y res) eq ys
insert' eq x [] = [[x]]
insert' _ x [] = [[x]]
insert' eq x (ys@(y:_):yss)
| x `eq` y = (x:ys) : yss
| otherwise = ys : insert' eq x yss
insert' _ _ ([]:_) = undefined
-- | Check that a computation never aborts.
abortsNever :: Predicate a
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ module Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal
) where
import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..), SomeException(..))
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, fromMaybe, isNothing, listToMaybe)
@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case actio
stepModRefCas cref@(CRef crid _) f c = synchronised $ do
tick@(Ticket _ _ old) <- readForTicket fixed cref tid
let (new, val) = f old
casCRef fixed cref tid tick new
void $ casCRef fixed cref tid tick new
simple (goto (c val) tid threads) $ ModRefCas crid
-- | Write to a @CRef@ without synchronising
@ -406,8 +407,8 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case actio
threads' = goto a tid (mask m tid threads)
-- | Reset the masking thread of the state.
stepResetMask b1 b2 m c = simple threads' action where
action = (if b1 then SetMasking else ResetMasking) b2 m
stepResetMask b1 b2 m c = simple threads' act where
act = (if b1 then SetMasking else ResetMasking) b2 m
threads' = goto c tid (mask m tid threads)
-- | Create a new @CVar@, using the next 'CVarId'.
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ bufferWrite fixed (WriteBuffer wb) i cref@(CRef _ ref) new tid = do
let buffer' = I.insertWith (><) i write wb
-- Write the thread-local value to the @CRef@'s update map.
(map, count, def) <- readRef fixed ref
writeRef fixed ref (M.insert tid new map, count, def)
(locals, count, def) <- readRef fixed ref
writeRef fixed ref (M.insert tid new locals, count, def)
return $ WriteBuffer buffer'
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ commitWrite fixed w@(WriteBuffer wb) i = case maybe EmptyL viewl $ I.lookup i wb
BufferedWrite _ cref a :< rest -> do
writeImmediate fixed cref a
return . WriteBuffer $ I.insert i rest wb
EmptyL -> return w
-- | Read from a @CRef@, returning a newer thread-local non-committed
@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ goto a = M.alter $ \(Just thread) -> Just (thread { _continuation = a })
-- | Start a thread with the given ID, inheriting the masking state
-- from the parent thread. This ID must not already be in use!
launch :: ThreadId -> ThreadId -> ((forall b. M n r s b -> M n r s b) -> Action n r s) -> Threads n r s -> Threads n r s
launch parent tid a threads = launch' mask tid a threads where
mask = fromMaybe Unmasked $ _masking <$> M.lookup parent threads
launch parent tid a threads = launch' ms tid a threads where
ms = fromMaybe Unmasked $ _masking <$> M.lookup parent threads
-- | Start a thread with the given ID and masking state. This must not already be in use!
launch' :: MaskingState -> ThreadId -> ((forall b. M n r s b -> M n r s b) -> Action n r s) -> Threads n r s -> Threads n r s
launch' mask tid a = M.insert tid thread where
thread = Thread { _continuation = a umask, _blocking = Nothing, _handlers = [], _masking = mask, _known = [], _fullknown = False }
launch' ms tid a = M.insert tid thread where
thread = Thread { _continuation = a umask, _blocking = Nothing, _handlers = [], _masking = ms, _known = [], _fullknown = False }
umask mb = resetMask True Unmasked >> mb >>= \b -> resetMask False mask >> return b
umask mb = resetMask True Unmasked >> mb >>= \b -> resetMask False ms >> return b
resetMask typ m = cont $ \k -> AResetMask typ True m $ k ()
-- | Kill a thread.
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ pbBound (PreemptionBound pb) ts dl = preEmpCount ts dl <= pb
-- | Count the number of pre-emptions in a schedule prefix.
preEmpCount :: [(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> (Decision, a) -> Int
preEmpCount ts (d, _) = go Nothing ts where
go p ((d, a):rest) = preEmpC p d + go (Just a) rest
go p ((d', a):rest) = preEmpC p d' + go (Just a) rest
go p [] = preEmpC p d
preEmpC (Just Yield) (SwitchTo _) = 0
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ initialSchedState sleep prefix = SchedState
bporSched :: MemType
-> ([(Decision, ThreadAction)] -> Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, Lookahead) -> [ThreadId])
-> Scheduler SchedState
bporSched memtype init = force $ \s trc prior threads -> case _sprefix s of
bporSched memtype initials = force $ \s trc prior threads -> case _sprefix s of
-- If there is a decision available, make it
(d:ds) ->
let threads' = fmap (\(t,a:|_) -> (t,a)) threads
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ bporSched memtype init = force $ \s trc prior threads -> case _sprefix s of
-- them arbitrarily (recording the others).
[] ->
let threads' = fmap (\(t,a:|_) -> (t,a)) threads
choices = init trc prior threads'
choices = initials trc prior threads'
checkDep t a = case prior of
Just (tid, act) -> dependent memtype unknownCRState (tid, act) (t, a)
Nothing -> False
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ findBacktrack memtype backtrack = go initialCRState S.empty initialThread [] . S
, let is = idxs' u n v tagged
, not $ null is]
idxs' u n v = mapMaybe go where
go (i, b)
idxs' u n v = mapMaybe go' where
go' (i, b)
| _threadid b == v && (killsEarly || isDependent b) = Just i
| otherwise = Nothing
@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ todo bv = go initialThread [] where
let todo' = [ x
| x@(t,c) <- M.toList $ _backtrack b
, let decision = decisionOf (Just . activeTid $ map fst pref) (_brunnable bpor) t
, let lookahead = fromJust . M.lookup t $ _runnable b
, bv pref (decision, lookahead)
, let lahead = fromJust . M.lookup t $ _runnable b
, bv pref (decision, lahead)
, t `notElem` M.keys (_bdone bpor)
, c || M.notMember t (_bsleep bpor)
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ dependent' _ _ (_, ThrowTo t) (t2, a) = t == t2 && a /= WillStop
dependent' _ _ (t2, a) (_, WillThrowTo t) = t == t2 && a /= Stop
dependent' _ _ (_, STM _ _) (_, WillSTM) = True
dependent' _ _ (_, GetNumCapabilities a) (_, WillSetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
dependent' _ _ (_, SetNumCapabilities a) (_, WillGetNumCapabilities) = True
dependent' _ _ (_, SetNumCapabilities _) (_, WillGetNumCapabilities) = True
dependent' _ _ (_, SetNumCapabilities a) (_, WillSetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
-- This is safe because, if the thread blocks anyway, a context switch
-- will occur anyway so there's no point pre-empting the action.
@ -108,9 +108,8 @@ doTransaction fixed ma idsource = do
TStop -> return (newIDSource, newUndo, newReaden, newWritten, TStop:newSofar)
TRetry -> writeRef fixed ref Nothing
>> return (newIDSource, newUndo, newReaden, newWritten, TRetry:newSofar)
TThrow -> writeRef fixed ref (Just . Left $ case act of SThrow e -> wrap e)
TThrow -> writeRef fixed ref (Just . Left $ case act of SThrow e -> wrap e; _ -> undefined)
>> return (newIDSource, newUndo, newReaden, newWritten, TThrow:newSofar)
_ -> go ref newAct newUndo newIDSource newReaden newWritten newSofar
-- | This wraps up an uncaught exception inside a @SomeException@,
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