Add a test case to replicate issue 71.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2017-02-25 06:01:38 +00:00
parent b3c96f1f99
commit 95eed7524c

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ tests =
, T "deadlock2" scDeadlock2 $ gives' [(Left Deadlock, ()), (Right (), ())]
, T "success" scSuccess $ gives' [Right ()]
, T "illegal" scIllegal $ gives [Left IllegalSubconcurrency]
, T "issue 71" scIssue71 $ gives' [()]
@ -254,3 +255,12 @@ scIllegal = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
void . fork $ readMVar var
void . subconcurrency $ pure ()
-- | Test case from issue 71. This won't fail if the bug is
-- reintroduced, it will just hang.
scIssue71 :: Monad n => Conc n r ()
scIssue71 = do
let ma ||| mb = do { j1 <- spawn ma; j2 <- spawn mb; takeMVar j1; takeMVar j2; pure () }
s <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- subconcurrency (takeMVar s ||| pure ())
pure ()