Vastly improve PB runner

This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2015-01-09 02:35:28 +00:00
parent c0ac24773e
commit 981169c25f
5 changed files with 297 additions and 253 deletions

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@ -56,115 +56,13 @@ module Control.Monad.Conc.SCT
-- * Utilities
, toSCT
, showTrace
, ordNub
) where
import Control.Monad.Conc.Fixed
import Control.Monad.Conc.SCT.Internal
import Control.Monad.Conc.SCT.PreBound
import System.Random (RandomGen)
import qualified Control.Monad.Conc.Fixed.IO as CIO
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- * Types
-- | An @SCTScheduler@ is like a regular 'Scheduler', except it builds
-- a trace of scheduling decisions made.
-- Note that the 'SchedTrace' is built in *reverse*, this is more
-- efficient than appending to the list every time.
type SCTScheduler s = Scheduler (s, SchedTrace)
-- | A @SchedTrace@ is just a list of all the decisions that were made,
-- with the alternative decisions that could have been made at each
-- step.
type SchedTrace = [(Decision, [Decision])]
-- | A @SCTTrace@ is a combined 'SchedTrace' and 'Trace'.
type SCTTrace = [(Decision, [Decision], ThreadAction)]
-- | Scheduling decisions are based on the state of the running
-- program, and so we can capture some of that state in recording what
-- specific decision we made.
data Decision =
Start ThreadId
-- ^ Start a new thread, because the last was blocked (or it's the
-- initial thread).
| Continue
-- ^ Continue running the last thread for another step.
| SwitchTo ThreadId
-- ^ Pre-empt the running thread, and switch to another.
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- * SCT Runners
-- | Run a concurrent program under a given scheduler a number of
-- times, collecting the results and the scheduling that gave rise to
-- them.
-- The initial state for each run is the final state of the last run,
-- so it is important that the scheduler actually maintain some
-- internal state, or all the results will be identical.
runSCT :: SCTScheduler s -> s -> Int -> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
runSCT sched s n = runSCT' sched s n term step where
term _ g = g == 0
step s' g _ = (s', g - 1)
-- | A varant of 'runSCT' for concurrent programs that do 'IO'.
-- Warning! The IO will be executed lots of times, in lots of
-- interleavings! Be very confident that nothing in a 'liftIO' can
-- block on the action of another thread, or you risk deadlocking this
-- function!
runSCTIO :: SCTScheduler s -> s -> Int -> (forall t. CIO.Conc t a) -> IO [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
runSCTIO sched s n = runSCTIO' sched s n term step where
term _ g = g == 0
step s' g _ = (s', g - 1)
-- | Run a concurrent program under a given scheduler, where the SCT
-- runner itself maintains some internal state, and has a function to
-- produce a new scheduler state for each run, and decide termination
-- based on the internal state.
-- Note: the state step function takes the state returned by the
-- scheduler, not the initial state!
runSCT' :: SCTScheduler s -- ^ The scheduler
-> s -- ^ The scheduler's initial satte
-> g -- ^ The runner's initial state
-> (s -> g -> Bool) -- ^ Termination decider
-> (s -> g -> SCTTrace -> (s, g)) -- ^ State step function
-> (forall t. Conc t a) -- ^ Conc program
-> [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
runSCT' sched s g term step c
| term s g = []
| otherwise = (res, trace) : rest where
(res, (s', strace), ttrace) = runConc' sched (s, [(Start 0, [])]) c
trace = reverse $ scttrace strace ttrace
(s'', g') = step s' g trace
rest = runSCT' sched s'' g' term step c
-- | A variant of runSCT' for concurrent programs that do IO.
-- Warning! The IO will be executed lots of times, in lots of
-- interleavings! Be very confident that nothing in a 'liftIO' can
-- block on the action of another thread, or you risk deadlocking this
-- function!
runSCTIO' :: SCTScheduler s -> s -> g -> (s -> g -> Bool) -> (s -> g -> SCTTrace -> (s, g)) -> (forall t. CIO.Conc t a) -> IO [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
runSCTIO' sched s g term step c
| term s g = return []
| otherwise = do
(res, (s', strace), ttrace) <- CIO.runConc' sched (s, [(Start 0, [])]) c
let trace = reverse $ scttrace strace ttrace
let (s'', g') = step s' g trace
rest <- runSCTIO' sched s'' g' term step c
return $ (res, trace) : rest
-- * Random Schedulers
-- | A simple pre-emptive random scheduler.
@ -175,139 +73,6 @@ sctRandom = toSCT randomSched
sctRandomNP :: RandomGen g => SCTScheduler g
sctRandomNP = toSCT randomSchedNP
-- * Pre-emption bounding
data PreBoundState = P
{ _pc :: Int
-- ^ Current pre-emption count.
, _next :: [[Decision]]
-- ^ Schedules to try in this pc.
, _done :: [SCTTrace]
-- ^ Schedules completed in this pc.
, _halt :: Bool
-- ^ Indicates more schedules couldn't be found, and to halt
-- immediately.
-- | An SCT runner using a pre-emption bounding scheduler. Schedules
-- will be explored systematically, starting with all
-- pre-emption-count zero schedules, and gradually adding more
-- pre-emptions.
sctPreBound :: Int
-- ^ The pre-emption bound. Anything < 0 will be
-- interpreted as 0.
-> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
sctPreBound pb = runSCT' pbSched s g (pbTerm pb') (pbStep pb') where
s = ([], [], [])
g = P { _pc = 0, _next = [], _done = [], _halt = False }
pb' = if pb < 0 then 0 else pb
-- | Variant of 'sctPreBound' using 'IO'. See usual caveats about IO.
sctPreBoundIO :: Int -> (forall t. CIO.Conc t a) -> IO [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
sctPreBoundIO pb = runSCTIO' pbSched s g (pbTerm pb') (pbStep pb') where
s = ([], [], [])
g = P { _pc = 0, _next = [], _done = [], _halt = False }
pb' = if pb < 0 then 0 else pb
-- | Pre-emption bounding scheduler, which uses a queue of scheduling
-- decisions to drive the initial trace, returning the generated
-- suffix.
pbSched :: SCTScheduler ([Decision], SchedTrace, SchedTrace)
pbSched ((d, pref, suff), trc) prior threads@(next:_) = case d of
-- If we have a decision queued, make it.
(Start t:ds) -> let trc' = (Start t, alters t) in (t, ((ds, trc':pref, suff), trc':trc))
(Continue:ds) -> let trc' = (Continue, alters prior) in (prior, ((ds, trc':pref, suff), trc':trc))
(SwitchTo t:ds) -> let trc' = (SwitchTo t, alters t) in (t, ((ds, trc':pref, suff), trc':trc))
-- Otherwise just use a non-pre-emptive scheduler.
[] | prior `elem` threads -> let trc' = (Continue, alters prior) in (prior, (([], pref, trc':suff), trc':trc))
| otherwise -> let trc' = (Start next, alters next) in (next, (([], pref, trc':suff), trc':trc))
alters tid
| tid == prior = map SwitchTo $ filter (/=prior) threads
| prior `elem` threads = Continue : map SwitchTo (filter (\t -> t /= prior && t /= tid) threads)
| otherwise = map Start $ filter (/=tid) threads
-- | Pre-emption bounding termination function: terminates on attempt
-- to start a PB above the limit.
pbTerm :: Int -> a -> PreBoundState -> Bool
pbTerm pb _ g = (_pc g == pb + 1) || _halt g
-- | Pre-emption bounding state step function: computes remaining
-- schedules to try and chooses one.
pbStep :: Int -> (a, SchedTrace, SchedTrace) -> PreBoundState -> SCTTrace -> (([Decision], SchedTrace, SchedTrace), PreBoundState)
pbStep pb (_, rPref, rSuff) g t = case _next g of
-- We have schedules remaining in this PB, so run the next
(x:xs) -> (s' x, g { _next = xs ++ thisPB, _done = done' })
-- We have no schedules remaining, try to generate some more.
-- If there are no more schedules in this PB, and this isn't the
-- last PB, advance to the next.
-- If there are no schedules in the next PB, halt.
[] ->
case thisPB of
(x:xs) -> (s' x, g { _next = xs, _done = done' })
[] -> if _pc g == pb
then halt
else case nextPB of
(x:xs) -> (s' x, g { _pc = pc', _next = xs, _done = [] })
[] -> halt
pref = reverse rPref
suff = reverse rSuff
halt = (([], [], []), g { _halt = True })
done' = if couldPre t then t : _done g else _done g
pc' = _pc g + 1
s' ds = (tail ds, [], [])
pref' rest = if null pref then (\((d,_,_):_) -> d:rest) t else map fst pref ++ rest
thisPB = [ pref' y | y <- others suff ]
nextPB = [ y | y <- ordNub $ concatMap next done', preEmpCount y == pc' ]
-- | Return all modifications to this schedule which do not
-- introduce extra pre-emptions.
others ((Start i, alts):ds) = [Start i : o | o <- others ds, not $ null o] ++ [[a] | a <- alts]
others ((SwitchTo i, alts):ds) = [SwitchTo i : o | o <- others ds, not $ null o] ++ [[a] | a <- alts]
others ((d, _):ds) = [d : o | o <- others ds, not $ null o]
others [] = []
-- | Return all modifications to this schedule which do introduce
-- an extra pre-emption. Only introduce pre-emptions around CVar
-- actions.
next ((Continue, alts, ta):ds) = [Continue : n | n <- next ds] ++ if preCand ta then [[n] | n <- alts] else []
next ((Start t, _, _):ds) = [Start t : n | n <- next ds]
next ((SwitchTo t, _, _):ds) = [SwitchTo t : n | n <- next ds]
next [] = []
-- | Check if a 'ThreadAction' is a candidate for pre-emption.
preCand (Put _) = True
preCand (TryPut _ _) = True
preCand (Take _) = True
preCand (TryTake _ _) = True
preCand BlockedPut = True
preCand Read = True
preCand BlockedRead = True
preCand BlockedTake = True
preCand _ = False
-- | Check if a trace could be modified to have additional pre-emptions
couldPre ((Continue, [], _):ds) = couldPre ds
couldPre ((Continue, _, ta):ds) = preCand ta || couldPre ds
couldPre (_:ds) = couldPre ds
couldPre [] = False
-- | Check the pre-emption count of some scheduling decisions.
preEmpCount :: [Decision] -> Int
preEmpCount (SwitchTo _:ss) = 1 + preEmpCount ss
preEmpCount (_:ss) = preEmpCount ss
preEmpCount [] = 0
-- * Utils
-- | Convert a 'Scheduler' to an 'SCTScheduler' by recording the
@ -333,16 +98,3 @@ showTrace = trace "" 0 . map fst where
trace prefix num [] = thread prefix num
thread prefix num = prefix ++ replicate num '-'
-- | Zip a list of 'SchedTrace's and a 'Trace' together into an
-- 'SCTTrace'.
scttrace :: SchedTrace -> Trace -> SCTTrace
scttrace = zipWith $ \(d, alts) (_, act) -> (d, alts, act)
-- | O(nlogn) nub, <>
ordNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
ordNub = go Set.empty where
go _ [] = []
go s (x:xs)
| x `Set.member` s = go s xs
| otherwise = x : go (Set.insert x s) xs

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- | A runner for concurrent monads to systematically detect
-- concurrency errors such as data races and deadlocks: internal definitions.
module Control.Monad.Conc.SCT.Internal where
import Control.Monad.Conc.Fixed
import qualified Control.Monad.Conc.Fixed.IO as CIO
-- * Types
-- | An @SCTScheduler@ is like a regular 'Scheduler', except it builds
-- a trace of scheduling decisions made.
-- Note that the 'SchedTrace' is built in *reverse*, this is more
-- efficient than appending to the list every time.
type SCTScheduler s = Scheduler (s, SchedTrace)
-- | A @SchedTrace@ is just a list of all the decisions that were made,
-- with the alternative decisions that could have been made at each
-- step.
type SchedTrace = [(Decision, [Decision])]
-- | A @SCTTrace@ is a combined 'SchedTrace' and 'Trace'.
type SCTTrace = [(Decision, [Decision], ThreadAction)]
-- | Scheduling decisions are based on the state of the running
-- program, and so we can capture some of that state in recording what
-- specific decision we made.
data Decision =
Start ThreadId
-- ^ Start a new thread, because the last was blocked (or it's the
-- initial thread).
| Continue
-- ^ Continue running the last thread for another step.
| SwitchTo ThreadId
-- ^ Pre-empt the running thread, and switch to another.
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- * SCT Runners
-- | Run a concurrent program under a given scheduler a number of
-- times, collecting the results and the scheduling that gave rise to
-- them.
-- The initial state for each run is the final state of the last run,
-- so it is important that the scheduler actually maintain some
-- internal state, or all the results will be identical.
runSCT :: SCTScheduler s -> s -> Int -> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
runSCT sched s n = runSCT' sched s n term step where
term _ g = g == 0
step s' g _ = (s', g - 1)
-- | A varant of 'runSCT' for concurrent programs that do 'IO'.
-- Warning! The IO will be executed lots of times, in lots of
-- interleavings! Be very confident that nothing in a 'liftIO' can
-- block on the action of another thread, or you risk deadlocking this
-- function!
runSCTIO :: SCTScheduler s -> s -> Int -> (forall t. CIO.Conc t a) -> IO [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
runSCTIO sched s n = runSCTIO' sched s n term step where
term _ g = g == 0
step s' g _ = (s', g - 1)
-- | Run a concurrent program under a given scheduler, where the SCT
-- runner itself maintains some internal state, and has a function to
-- produce a new scheduler state for each run, and decide termination
-- based on the internal state.
-- Note: the state step function takes the state returned by the
-- scheduler, not the initial state!
runSCT' :: SCTScheduler s -- ^ The scheduler
-> s -- ^ The scheduler's initial satte
-> g -- ^ The runner's initial state
-> (s -> g -> Bool) -- ^ Termination decider
-> (s -> g -> SCTTrace -> (s, g)) -- ^ State step function
-> (forall t. Conc t a) -- ^ Conc program
-> [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
runSCT' sched s g term step c
| term s g = []
| otherwise = (res, trace) : rest where
(res, (s', strace), ttrace) = runConc' sched (s, [(Start 0, [])]) c
trace = reverse $ scttrace strace ttrace
(s'', g') = step s' g trace
rest = runSCT' sched s'' g' term step c
-- | A variant of runSCT' for concurrent programs that do IO.
-- Warning! The IO will be executed lots of times, in lots of
-- interleavings! Be very confident that nothing in a 'liftIO' can
-- block on the action of another thread, or you risk deadlocking this
-- function!
runSCTIO' :: SCTScheduler s -> s -> g -> (s -> g -> Bool) -> (s -> g -> SCTTrace -> (s, g)) -> (forall t. CIO.Conc t a) -> IO [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
runSCTIO' sched s g term step c
| term s g = return []
| otherwise = do
(res, (s', strace), ttrace) <- CIO.runConc' sched (s, [(Start 0, [])]) c
let trace = reverse $ scttrace strace ttrace
let (s'', g') = step s' g trace
rest <- runSCTIO' sched s'' g' term step c
return $ (res, trace) : rest
-- * Utils (Internal)
-- | Zip a list of 'SchedTrace's and a 'Trace' together into an
-- 'SCTTrace'.
scttrace :: SchedTrace -> Trace -> SCTTrace
scttrace = zipWith $ \(d, alts) (_, act) -> (d, alts, act)

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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- Pre-emption bounding SCT runner for Conc monads.
module Control.Monad.Conc.SCT.PreBound
( -- * SCT Runners
, sctPreBoundIO
-- * Utils
, preEmpCount
) where
import Control.Monad.Conc.Fixed
import Control.Monad.Conc.SCT.Internal
import qualified Control.Monad.Conc.Fixed.IO as CIO
-- * SCT Runners
-- | An SCT runner using a pre-emption bounding scheduler. Schedules
-- will be explored systematically, starting with all
-- pre-emption-count zero schedules, and gradually adding more
-- pre-emptions.
sctPreBound :: Int
-- ^ The pre-emption bound. Anything < 0 will be
-- interpreted as 0.
-> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
sctPreBound pb = runSCT' pbSched pbInitialS pbInitialG (pbTerm pb') (pbStep pb') where
pb' = if pb < 0 then 0 else pb
-- | Variant of 'sctPreBound' using 'IO'. See usual caveats about IO.
sctPreBoundIO :: Int -> (forall t. CIO.Conc t a) -> IO [(Maybe a, SCTTrace)]
sctPreBoundIO pb = runSCTIO' pbSched pbInitialS pbInitialG (pbTerm pb') (pbStep pb') where
pb' = if pb < 0 then 0 else pb
-- * Utils
-- | Check the pre-emption count of some scheduling decisions.
preEmpCount :: [Decision] -> Int
preEmpCount (SwitchTo _:ss) = 1 + preEmpCount ss
preEmpCount (_:ss) = preEmpCount ss
preEmpCount [] = 0
-- * State
-- | Data type representing a lazy, chunky, stream of data.
data Lazy a = Lazy [a] (Lazy a) | Empty
-- | Prepend a value onto a lazy stream.
(+|) :: [a] -> Lazy a -> Lazy a
[] +| l = l
xs +| l = Lazy xs l
infixr +|
data PreBoundState = P
{ _pc :: Int
-- ^ Current pre-emption count.
, _next :: Lazy [Decision]
-- ^ Schedules to try.
, _halt :: Bool
-- ^ Indicates more schedules couldn't be found, and to halt
-- immediately.
-- | Initial scheduler state for the PB scheduler.
pbInitialS :: ([Decision], SchedTrace, SchedTrace)
pbInitialS = ([], [], [])
-- | Initial runner state for the PB scheduler.
pbInitialG :: PreBoundState
pbInitialG = P { _pc = 0, _next = Empty, _halt = False }
-- * PB Scheduler
-- | Pre-emption bounding scheduler, which uses a queue of scheduling
-- decisions to drive the initial trace, returning the generated
-- suffix.
pbSched :: SCTScheduler ([Decision], SchedTrace, SchedTrace)
pbSched ((d, pref, suff), trc) prior threads@(next:_) = case d of
-- If we have a decision queued, make it.
(Start t:ds) -> let trc' = (Start t, alters t) in (t, ((ds, trc':pref, suff), trc':trc))
(Continue:ds) -> let trc' = (Continue, alters prior) in (prior, ((ds, trc':pref, suff), trc':trc))
(SwitchTo t:ds) -> let trc' = (SwitchTo t, alters t) in (t, ((ds, trc':pref, suff), trc':trc))
-- Otherwise just use a non-pre-emptive scheduler.
[] | prior `elem` threads -> let trc' = (Continue, alters prior) in (prior, (([], pref, trc':suff), trc':trc))
| otherwise -> let trc' = (Start next, alters next) in (next, (([], pref, trc':suff), trc':trc))
alters tid
| tid == prior = map SwitchTo $ filter (/=prior) threads
| prior `elem` threads = Continue : map SwitchTo (filter (\t -> t /= prior && t /= tid) threads)
| otherwise = map Start $ filter (/=tid) threads
-- | Pre-emption bounding termination function: terminates on attempt
-- to start a PB above the limit.
pbTerm :: Int -> a -> PreBoundState -> Bool
pbTerm pb _ g = (_pc g == pb + 1) || _halt g
-- | Pre-emption bounding state step function: computes remaining
-- schedules to try and chooses one.
-- This effectively produces schedules in a depth-first order, rather
-- than breadth-first. This means it will explore some schedules with
-- a higher pre-emption count before all the ones with a lower
-- count. Testing with a very concurrent problem (finding a deadlock
-- in 100 dining philosophers) has revealed this may work better in
-- practice.
pbStep :: Int -> (a, SchedTrace, SchedTrace) -> PreBoundState -> SCTTrace -> (([Decision], SchedTrace, SchedTrace), PreBoundState)
pbStep pb (_, rPref, rSuff) g t = case _next g of
-- We have schedules remaining, so run the next
Lazy (x:xs) rest -> (s' x, g { _next = nextPB +| thisPB +| xs +| rest })
-- We have no schedules remaining, try to generate some more.
-- If there are no more schedules, halt.
Empty ->
case thisPB of
| pb /= _pc g -> (s' x, g { _next = nextPB +| xs +| Empty })
| pb == _pc g -> (s' x, g { _next = xs +| Empty })
[] -> (s' [], g { _halt = True })
-- The prefix and suffix are in reverse order, fix those.
pref = reverse rPref
suff = reverse rSuff
-- A prefix we can append decisions to, and a suffix with
-- 'ThreadAction' information.
pref' rest = if null pref then (\((d,_,_):_) -> d:rest) t else map fst pref ++ rest
suff' = drop (length pref) t
-- | New scheduler state, with a given list of initial decisions.
s' ds = (tail ds, [], [])
-- | All schedules we get from the current one WITHOUT introducing
-- any pre-emptions.
thisPB = [ pref' y | y <- siblings suff]
-- | All schedules we get from the current one with ONE extra
-- pre-emption.
nextPB = [ pref' y | y <- offspring suff']
-- * Utils (Internal)
-- | Return all modifications to this schedule which do not introduce
-- extra pre-emptions.
siblings :: SchedTrace -> [[Decision]]
siblings ((Start i, alts):ds) = [Start i : o | o <- siblings ds, not $ null o] ++ [[a] | a <- alts]
siblings ((SwitchTo i, alts):ds) = [SwitchTo i : o | o <- siblings ds, not $ null o] ++ [[a] | a <- alts]
siblings ((d, _):ds) = [d : o | o <- siblings ds, not $ null o]
siblings [] = []
-- | Return all modifications to this schedule which do introduce an
-- extra pre-emption. Only introduce pre-emptions around CVar actions.
offspring :: SCTTrace -> [[Decision]]
offspring ((Continue, alts, ta):ds)
| preCand ta = [Continue : n | n <- offspring ds, not $ null n] ++ [[n] | n <- alts]
| preCand ta = [Continue : n | n <- offspring ds, not $ null n]
offspring ((d, _, _):ds) = [d : n | n <- offspring ds]
offspring [] = []
-- | Check if a 'ThreadAction' is a candidate for pre-emption.
preCand :: ThreadAction -> Bool
preCand (Put _) = True
preCand (TryPut _ _) = True
preCand (Take _) = True
preCand (TryTake _ _) = True
preCand BlockedPut = True
preCand Read = True
preCand BlockedRead = True
preCand BlockedTake = True
preCand _ = False

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@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ testCases =
, Test "2 Philosophers" $ testNot "No deadlocks found!" $ testDeadlockFree 1 $ philosophers 2
, Test "3 Philosophers" $ testNot "No deadlocks found!" $ testDeadlockFree 1 $ philosophers 3
, Test "4 Philosophers" $ testNot "No deadlocks found!" $ testDeadlockFree 1 $ philosophers 4
, Test "5 Philosophers" $ testNot "No deadlocks found!" $ testDeadlockFree 1 $ philosophers 5
--, Test "100 Philosophers" $ testNot "No deadlocks found!" $ testDeadlockFree 2 $ philosophers 100
, Test "25 Philosophers" $ testNot "No deadlocks found!" $ testDeadlockFree 1 $ philosophers 25
, Test "100 Philosophers" $ testNot "No deadlocks found!" $ testDeadlockFree 2 $ philosophers 100
, Test "Threshold Value" $ testNot "All values equal!" $ testAlwaysSame 1 thresholdValue
, Test "Forgotten Unlock" $ testDeadlocks 1 forgottenUnlock
, Test "Simple 2-Race" $ testNot "All values equal!" $ testAlwaysSame 1 simple2Race

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@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ library
, Control.Monad.Conc.Fixed.Schedulers
, Control.Monad.Conc.SCT
other-modules: Control.Monad.Conc.Fixed.Internal
, Control.Monad.Conc.SCT.Internal
, Control.Monad.Conc.SCT.PreBound
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.6 && <5
, containers