Use strict IntMaps where possible.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2015-07-24 14:52:18 +01:00
parent 9d2c3cd42e
commit a6055a30a0
4 changed files with 57 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-- | Extra ordering functions and types.
module Data.Ord.Extra where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..), fmapDefault, foldMapDefault)
-- | A newtype for tuples which only checks the first element for 'Eq'
-- and 'Ord'.
newtype First a b = First { unFirst :: (a, b) }
deriving (Read, Show)
instance Eq a => Eq (First a b) where
(First (a1,_)) == (First (a2,_)) = a1 == a2
(First (a1,_)) /= (First (a2,_)) = a1 /= a2
instance Ord a => Ord (First a b) where
compare (First (a1,_)) (First (a2,_)) = compare a1 a2
(First (a1,_)) <= (First (a2,_)) = a1 <= a2
instance Functor (First a) where
fmap = fmapDefault
instance Foldable (First a) where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable (First a) where
traverse f (First (a, b)) = (\b -> First (a, b)) <$> f b
instance (NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (First a b) where
rnf = rnf . unFirst

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@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ module Test.DejaFu.SCT
, sctPreBoundIO
, BacktrackStep(..)
, First(..)
, sctBounded
, sctBoundedIO
@ -41,12 +40,13 @@ module Test.DejaFu.SCT
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Ord.Extra (First(..))
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, isNothing)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.IO (ConcIO, runConcIO')
import Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as I
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- * Pre-emption bounding
@ -86,12 +86,13 @@ pbBacktrack bs i tid = backtrack True (backtrack False bs i tid) (maximum js) ti
-- UNLESS this would force it to backtrack (it's conservative)
-- where before it might not.
| t `S.member` _runnable b =
if First (t,c) `S.member` _backtrack b && not c
then bx
else b { _backtrack = First (t,c) `S.insert` _backtrack b } : bs
let val = I.lookup t $ _backtrack b
in if isNothing val || (val == Just False && c)
then b { _backtrack = I.insert t c $ _backtrack b } : bs
else bx
-- Otherwise just backtrack to everything runnable.
| otherwise = b { _backtrack = (\t -> First (t,c)) $ _runnable b } : bs
| otherwise = b { _backtrack = I.fromList [ (t,c) | t <- S.toList $ _runnable b ] } : bs
backtrack c (b:bs) n t = b : backtrack c bs (n-1) t
backtrack _ [] _ _ = error "Ran out of schedule whilst backtracking!"
@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ data SchedState = SchedState
, _sbpoints :: [(NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction'), [ThreadId])]
-- ^ Which threads are runnable at each step, and the alternative
-- decisions still to make.
, _scvstate :: [(ThreadId, Bool)]
, _scvstate :: IntMap Bool
-- ^ The 'CVar' block state.

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@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ module Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import Data.List (foldl', partition, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
import Data.Ord.Extra
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromJust)
import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as I
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- * BPOR state
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ data BacktrackStep = BacktrackStep
-- ^ What happened at this step.
, _runnable :: Set ThreadId
-- ^ The threads runnable at this step
, _backtrack :: Set (First ThreadId Bool)
, _backtrack :: IntMap Bool
-- ^ The list of alternative threads to run, and whether those
-- alternatives were added conservatively due to the bound.
} deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -37,20 +36,20 @@ instance NFData BacktrackStep where
data BPOR = BPOR
{ _brunnable :: Set ThreadId
-- ^ What threads are runnable at this step.
, _btodo :: Set (First ThreadId Bool)
, _btodo :: IntMap Bool
-- ^ Follow-on decisions still to make, and whether that decision
-- was added conservatively due to the bound.
, _bignore :: Set ThreadId
, _bignore :: Set ThreadId
-- ^ Follow-on decisions never to make, because they will result in
-- the chosen thread immediately blocking without achieving
-- anything, which can't have any effect on the result of the
-- program.
, _bdone :: Map ThreadId BPOR
, _bdone :: IntMap BPOR
-- ^ Follow-on decisions that have been made.
, _bsleep :: Set (First ThreadId ThreadAction)
, _bsleep :: IntMap ThreadAction
-- ^ Transitions to ignore (in this node and children) until a
-- dependent transition happens.
, _btaken :: Set (First ThreadId ThreadAction)
, _btaken :: IntMap ThreadAction
-- ^ Transitions which have been taken, excluding
-- conservatively-added ones, in the (reverse) order that they were
-- taken, as the 'Map' doesn't preserve insertion order. This is
@ -61,11 +60,11 @@ data BPOR = BPOR
initialState :: BPOR
initialState = BPOR
{ _brunnable = S.singleton 0
, _btodo = S.singleton $ First (0, False)
, _btodo = I.singleton 0 False
, _bignore = S.empty
, _bdone = M.empty
, _bsleep = S.empty
, _btaken = S.empty
, _bdone = I.empty
, _bsleep = I.empty
, _btaken = I.empty
-- | Produce a new schedule from a BPOR tree. If there are no new
@ -80,22 +79,22 @@ next = go 0 where
go tid bpor =
-- All the possible prefix traces from this point, with
-- updated BPOR subtrees if taken from the done list.
let prefixes = [Left t | t <- S.toList $ _btodo bpor] ++ mapMaybe go' (M.toList $ _bdone bpor)
let prefixes = [Left t | t <- I.toList $ _btodo bpor] ++ mapMaybe go' (I.toList $ _bdone bpor)
-- Sort by number of preemptions, in descending order.
sorted = sortBy (comparing $ Down . preEmps tid bpor . either (\f -> [fst $ unFirst f]) (\(a,_,_) -> a)) prefixes
sorted = sortBy (comparing $ Down . preEmps tid bpor . either (\(a,_) -> [a]) (\(a,_,_) -> a)) prefixes
in case sorted of
-- If the prefix with the most preemptions is from the done list, update that.
(Right (ts@(t:_), c, b):_) -> Just (ts, c, bpor { _bdone = M.insert t b $ _bdone bpor })
(Right (ts@(t:_), c, b):_) -> Just (ts, c, bpor { _bdone = I.insert t b $ _bdone bpor })
-- If from the todo list, remove it.
(Left f:_) -> Just ([fst $ unFirst f], snd $ unFirst f, bpor { _btodo = S.filter (/=f) $ _btodo bpor })
(Left (t,c):_) -> Just ([t], c, bpor { _btodo = I.delete t $ _btodo bpor })
_ -> Nothing
go' (tid, bpor) = (\(ts,c,b) -> Right (tid:ts, c, b)) <$> go tid bpor
preEmps tid bpor (t:ts) =
let rest = preEmps t (fromJust . M.lookup t $ _bdone bpor) ts
let rest = preEmps t (fromJust . I.lookup t $ _bdone bpor) ts
in if tid /= t && tid `S.member` _brunnable bpor then 1 + rest else rest
preEmps _ _ [] = 0::Int
@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ findBacktrack backtrack = go S.empty [] where
go allThreads bs ((e,i):is) ((d,_,a):ts) =
let this = BacktrackStep { _decision = (d, a)
, _runnable = S.fromList . map fst . toList $ e
, _backtrack = S.fromList $ map (\i' -> First (i', False)) i
, _backtrack = I.fromList $ map (\i' -> (i', False)) i
bs' = doBacktrack allThreads (toList e) bs
allThreads' = allThreads `S.union` _runnable this
@ -136,28 +135,28 @@ grow conservative = grow' initialCVState 0 where
grow' cvstate tid trc@((d, _, a):rest) bpor =
let tid' = tidOf tid d
cvstate' = updateCVState cvstate a
in case M.lookup tid' $ _bdone bpor of
Just bpor' -> bpor { _bdone = M.insert tid' (grow' cvstate' tid' rest bpor') $ _bdone bpor }
Nothing -> bpor { _btaken = if conservative then _btaken bpor else First (tid', a) `S.insert` _btaken bpor
, _bdone = M.insert tid' (subtree cvstate' tid' (_bsleep bpor `S.union` _btaken bpor) trc) $ _bdone bpor }
in case I.lookup tid' $ _bdone bpor of
Just bpor' -> bpor { _bdone = I.insert tid' (grow' cvstate' tid' rest bpor') $ _bdone bpor }
Nothing -> bpor { _btaken = if conservative then _btaken bpor else I.insert tid' a $ _btaken bpor
, _bdone = I.insert tid' (subtree cvstate' tid' (_bsleep bpor `I.union` _btaken bpor) trc) $ _bdone bpor }
grow' _ _ [] bpor = bpor
subtree cvstate tid sleep ((d, ts, a):rest) =
let cvstate' = updateCVState cvstate a
sleep' = S.filter (not . dependent a . unFirst) sleep
sleep' = I.filterWithKey (\t a' -> not $ dependent a (t,a')) sleep
{ _brunnable = S.fromList $ tids tid d a ts
, _btodo = S.empty
, _btodo = I.empty
, _bignore = S.fromList [tidOf tid d | (d,as) <- ts, willBlockSafely cvstate' $ toList as]
, _bdone = M.fromList $ case rest of
, _bdone = I.fromList $ case rest of
((d', _, _):_) ->
let tid' = tidOf tid d'
in [(tid', subtree cvstate' tid' sleep' rest)]
[] -> []
, _bsleep = sleep'
, _btaken = case rest of
((d', _, a'):_) -> S.singleton $ First (tidOf tid d', a')
[] -> S.empty
((d', _, a'):_) -> I.singleton (tidOf tid d') a'
[] -> I.empty
tids tid d (Fork t) ts = tidOf tid d : t : map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
@ -175,31 +174,31 @@ todo :: ([Decision] -> Bool) -> [BacktrackStep] -> BPOR -> BPOR
todo bv = step where
step bs bpor =
let (bpor', bs') = go 0 [] Nothing bs bpor
in if all (S.null . _backtrack) bs'
in if all (I.null . _backtrack) bs'
then bpor'
else step bs' bpor'
go tid pref lastb (b:bs) bpor =
let (bpor', blocked) = backtrack pref b bpor
tid' = tidOf tid . fst $ _decision b
(child, blocked') = go tid' (pref++[fst $ _decision b]) (Just b) bs . fromJust $ M.lookup tid' (_bdone bpor)
bpor'' = bpor' { _bdone = M.insert tid' child $ _bdone bpor' }
(child, blocked') = go tid' (pref++[fst $ _decision b]) (Just b) bs . fromJust $ I.lookup tid' (_bdone bpor)
bpor'' = bpor' { _bdone = I.insert tid' child $ _bdone bpor' }
in case lastb of
Just b' -> (bpor'', b' { _backtrack = blocked } : blocked')
Nothing -> (bpor'', blocked')
go _ _ (Just b') _ bpor = (bpor, [b' { _backtrack = S.empty }])
go _ _ (Just b') _ bpor = (bpor, [b' { _backtrack = I.empty }])
go _ _ Nothing _ bpor = (bpor, [])
backtrack pref b bpor =
let todo' = [ x
| x@(First (t,c)) <- S.toList $ _backtrack b
| x@(t,c) <- I.toList $ _backtrack b
, bv $ pref ++ [decisionOf (Just $ activeTid pref) (_brunnable bpor) t]
, t `notElem` M.keys (_bdone bpor)
, c || t `S.notMember` (fst . unFirst) (_bsleep bpor)
, t `notElem` I.keys (_bdone bpor)
, c || I.notMember t (_bsleep bpor)
(blocked, next) = partition (\(First (t,_)) -> t `S.member` _bignore bpor) todo'
in (bpor { _btodo = _btodo bpor `S.union` S.fromList next }, S.fromList blocked)
(blocked, next) = partition (\(t,_) -> t `S.member` _bignore bpor) todo'
in (bpor { _btodo = _btodo bpor `I.union` I.fromList next }, I.fromList blocked)
-- * Utilities
@ -301,27 +300,27 @@ dependent' d1 (_, d2) = cref || cvar || ctvar where
-- * Keeping track of 'CVar' full/empty states
-- | Initial global 'CVar' state
initialCVState :: [(CVarId, Bool)]
initialCVState = []
initialCVState :: IntMap Bool
initialCVState = I.empty
-- | Update the 'CVar' state with the action that has just happened.
updateCVState :: [(CVarId, Bool)] -> ThreadAction -> [(CVarId, Bool)]
updateCVState cvstate (Put c _) = (c,True) : filter (/=(c,False)) cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (Take c _) = (c,False) : filter (/=(c,True)) cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (TryPut c True _) = (c,True) : filter (/=(c,False)) cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (TryTake c True _) = (c,False) : filter (/=(c,True)) cvstate
updateCVState :: IntMap Bool -> ThreadAction -> IntMap Bool
updateCVState cvstate (Put c _) = I.insert c True cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (Take c _) = I.insert c False cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (TryPut c True _) = I.insert c True cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (TryTake c True _) = I.insert c False cvstate
updateCVState cvstate _ = cvstate
-- | Check if an action will block.
willBlock :: [(CVarId, Bool)] -> ThreadAction' -> Bool
willBlock cvstate (Put' c) = (c, True) `elem` cvstate
willBlock cvstate (Take' c) = (c, False) `elem` cvstate
willBlock :: IntMap Bool -> ThreadAction' -> Bool
willBlock cvstate (Put' c) = I.lookup c cvstate == Just True
willBlock cvstate (Take' c) = I.lookup c cvstate == Just False
willBlock _ _ = False
-- | Check if a list of actions will block safely (without modifying
-- any global state). This allows further lookahead at, say, the
-- 'spawn' of a thread (which always starts with 'KnowsAbout'.
willBlockSafely :: [(CVarId, Bool)] -> [ThreadAction'] -> Bool
willBlockSafely :: IntMap Bool -> [ThreadAction'] -> Bool
willBlockSafely cvstate (KnowsAbout':as) = willBlockSafely cvstate as
willBlockSafely cvstate (Forgets':as) = willBlockSafely cvstate as
willBlockSafely cvstate (AllKnown':as) = willBlockSafely cvstate as

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@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ library
, Control.State
, Data.List.Extra
, Data.Ord.Extra
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.5 && <5