Add *WithSettings to Test.DejaFu and deprecate *Discard

This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2018-03-04 10:30:19 +00:00
parent c36685b53e
commit bdb1d82dae
3 changed files with 228 additions and 151 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ Added
* (:issue:`221`) A record-based approach to SCT configuration:
* ``Test.DejaFu.Settings`` (re-exported from ``Test.DejaFu.SCT``)
* ``Test.DejaFu.Settings``
(re-exported from ``Test.Dejafu`` and ``Test.DejaFu.SCT``)
* ``Test.DejaFu.Settings.Settings``
* ``Test.DejaFu.Settings.defaultSettings``
* ``Test.DejaFu.Settings.fromWayAndMemType``
@ -34,6 +35,13 @@ Added
* ``Test.DejaFu.SCT.resultsSetWithSettings``
* ``Test.DejaFu.SCT.resultsSetWithSettings'``
* (:issue:`221`) Settings-based test functions:
* ``Test.DejaFu.autocheckWithSettings``
* ``Test.DejaFu.dejafuWithSettings``
* ``Test.DejaFu.dejafusWithSettings``
* ``Test.DejaFu.runTestWithSettings``
@ -53,6 +61,8 @@ Deprecated
* (:issue:`221`) The ``Test.DejaFu.Defaults`` module. Import
``Test.DejaFu.Settings`` instead.
* (:issue:`221`) ``Test.DejaFu.dejafuDiscard``.

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{- |
Module : Test.DejaFu
Copyright : (c) 2015--2017 Michael Walker
Copyright : (c) 2015--2018 Michael Walker
License : MIT
Maintainer : Michael Walker <>
Stability : experimental
@ -120,133 +120,11 @@ few tricks available.
, autocheckWay
, dejafuWay
, dejafusWay
, dejafuDiscard
, autocheckWithSettings
, dejafuWithSettings
, dejafusWithSettings
-- *** Defaults
, defaultWay
, defaultMemType
-- *** Exploration
, Way
, systematically
, randomly
, uniformly
, swarmy
-- **** Schedule bounding
{- |
Schedule bounding is used by the 'systematically' approach to limit
the search-space, which in general will be huge.
There are three types of bounds used:
* The 'PreemptionBound', which bounds the number of pre-emptive
context switches. Empirical evidence suggests @2@ is a good value
for this, if you have a small test case.
* The 'FairBound', which bounds the difference between how many times
threads can yield. This is necessary to test certain kinds of
potentially non-terminating behaviour, such as spinlocks.
* The 'LengthBound', which bounds how long a test case can run, in
terms of scheduling decisions. This is necessary to test certain
kinds of potentially non-terminating behaviour, such as livelocks.
Schedule bounding is not used by the non-systematic exploration
, Bounds(..)
, defaultBounds
, noBounds
, PreemptionBound(..)
, defaultPreemptionBound
, FairBound(..)
, defaultFairBound
, LengthBound(..)
, defaultLengthBound
-- *** Memory model
{- |
When executed on a multi-core processor some @CRef@ / @IORef@ programs
can exhibit \"relaxed memory\" behaviours, where the apparent
behaviour of the program is not a simple interleaving of the actions
of each thread.
__Example:__ This is a simple program which creates two @CRef@s
containing @False@, and forks two threads. Each thread writes @True@
to one of the @CRef@s and reads the other. The value that each thread
reads is communicated back through an @MVar@:
>>> :{
let relaxed = do
r1 <- newCRef False
r2 <- newCRef False
x <- spawn $ writeCRef r1 True >> readCRef r2
y <- spawn $ writeCRef r2 True >> readCRef r1
(,) <$> readMVar x <*> readMVar y
We see something surprising if we ask for the results:
>>> autocheck relaxed
[pass] Never Deadlocks
[pass] No Exceptions
[fail] Consistent Result
(False,True) S0---------S1----S0--S2----S0--
(False,False) S0---------S1--P2----S1--S0---
(True,False) S0---------S2----S1----S0---
(True,True) S0---------S1-C-S2----S1---S0---
It's possible for both threads to read the value @False@, even though
each writes @True@ to the other @CRef@ before reading. This is
because processors are free to re-order reads and writes to
independent memory addresses in the name of performance.
Execution traces for relaxed memory computations can include \"C\"
actions, as above, which show where @CRef@ writes were explicitly
/committed/, and made visible to other threads.
However, modelling this behaviour can require more executions. If you
do not care about the relaxed-memory behaviour of your program, use
the 'SequentialConsistency' model.
, MemType(..)
-- *** Reducing memory usage
{- |
Sometimes we know that a result is uninteresting and cannot affect the
result of a test, in which case there is no point in keeping it
around. Execution traces can be large, so any opportunity to get rid
of them early is possibly a great saving of memory.
A discard function, which has type @Either Failure a -> Maybe
Discard@, can selectively discard results or execution traces before
the schedule exploration finishes, allowing them to be garbage
collected sooner.
__Note:__ This is only relevant if you are producing your own
predicates. The predicates and helper functions provided by this
module do discard results and traces wherever possible.
, Discard(..)
, module Test.DejaFu.Settings
-- ** Manual testing
@ -390,6 +268,9 @@ interference we have provided: the left term never empties a full
, module Test.DejaFu.Refinement
-- * Deprecated
, dejafuDiscard
) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
@ -457,7 +338,7 @@ autocheck :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Eq a, Show a)
=> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
autocheck = autocheckWay defaultWay defaultMemType
autocheck = autocheckWithSettings defaultSettings
-- | Variant of 'autocheck' which takes a way to run the program and a
-- memory model.
@ -495,11 +376,42 @@ autocheckWay :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Eq a, Show a)
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
autocheckWay way memtype = dejafusWay way memtype autocheckCases
autocheckWay way = autocheckWithSettings . fromWayAndMemType way
-- | Predicates for the various autocheck functions.
autocheckCases :: Eq a => [(String, Predicate a)]
autocheckCases =
-- | Variant of 'autocheck' which takes a settings record.
-- >>> autocheckWithSettings (fromWayAndMemType defaultWay defaultMemType) relaxed
-- [pass] Never Deadlocks
-- [pass] No Exceptions
-- [fail] Consistent Result
-- (False,True) S0---------S1----S0--S2----S0--
-- (False,False) S0---------S1--P2----S1--S0---
-- (True,False) S0---------S2----S1----S0---
-- (True,True) S0---------S1-C-S2----S1---S0---
-- False
-- >>> autocheckWithSettings (fromWayAndMemType defaultWay SequentialConsistency) relaxed
-- [pass] Never Deadlocks
-- [pass] No Exceptions
-- [fail] Consistent Result
-- (False,True) S0---------S1----S0--S2----S0--
-- (True,True) S0---------S1-P2----S1---S0---
-- (True,False) S0---------S2----S1----S0---
-- False
-- @since unreleased
autocheckWithSettings :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Eq a, Show a)
=> Settings n a
-- ^ The SCT settings.
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
autocheckWithSettings settings = dejafusWithSettings settings
[ ("Never Deadlocks", representative deadlocksNever)
, ("No Exceptions", representative exceptionsNever)
, ("Consistent Result", alwaysSame) -- already representative
@ -528,7 +440,7 @@ dejafu :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Show b)
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
dejafu = dejafuWay defaultWay defaultMemType
dejafu = dejafuWithSettings defaultSettings
-- | Variant of 'dejafu' which takes a way to run the program and a
-- memory model.
@ -562,7 +474,32 @@ dejafuWay :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Show b)
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
dejafuWay = dejafuDiscard (const Nothing)
dejafuWay way = dejafuWithSettings . fromWayAndMemType way
-- | Variant of 'dejafu' which takes a settings record.
-- >>> import System.Random
-- >>> dejafuWithSettings (fromWayAndMemType (randomly (mkStdGen 1) 100) defaultMemType) "Randomly!" alwaysSame example
-- [fail] Randomly!
-- "hello" S0----S1--S0--
-- "world" S0----S2--S1-S0--
-- False
-- @since unreleased
dejafuWithSettings :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Show b)
=> Settings n a
-- ^ The SCT settings.
-> String
-- ^ The name of the test.
-> ProPredicate a b
-- ^ The predicate to check.
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
dejafuWithSettings settings name test =
dejafusWithSettings settings [(name, test)]
-- | Variant of 'dejafuWay' which can selectively discard results.
@ -588,10 +525,9 @@ dejafuDiscard :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Show b)
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
dejafuDiscard discard way memtype name test conc = do
let discarder = strengthenDiscard discard (pdiscard test)
traces <- runSCTDiscard discarder way memtype conc
liftIO $ doTest name (peval test traces)
dejafuDiscard discard way =
dejafuWithSettings . set ldiscard (Just discard) . fromWayAndMemType way
{-# DEPRECATED dejafuDiscard "Use dejafuWithSettings instead" #-}
-- | Variant of 'dejafu' which takes a collection of predicates to
-- test, returning 'True' if all pass.
@ -611,7 +547,7 @@ dejafus :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Show b)
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
dejafus = dejafusWay defaultWay defaultMemType
dejafus = dejafusWithSettings defaultSettings
-- | Variant of 'dejafus' which takes a way to run the program and a
-- memory model.
@ -637,12 +573,35 @@ dejafusWay :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Show b)
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
dejafusWay way memtype tests conc = do
traces <- runSCTDiscard discarder way memtype conc
dejafusWay way = dejafusWithSettings . fromWayAndMemType way
-- | Variant of 'dejafus' which takes a settings record.
-- >>> dejafusWithSettings (fromWayAndMemType defaultWay SequentialConsistency) [("A", alwaysSame), ("B", exceptionsNever)] relaxed
-- [fail] A
-- (False,True) S0---------S1----S0--S2----S0--
-- (True,True) S0---------S1-P2----S1---S0---
-- (True,False) S0---------S2----S1----S0---
-- [pass] B
-- False
-- @since unreleased
dejafusWithSettings :: (MonadConc n, MonadIO n, MonadRef r n, Show b)
=> Settings n a
-- ^ The SCT settings.
-> [(String, ProPredicate a b)]
-- ^ The list of predicates (with names) to check.
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test.
-> n Bool
dejafusWithSettings settings tests conc = do
traces <- runSCTWithSettings (set ldiscard (Just discarder) settings) conc
results <- mapM (\(name, test) -> liftIO . doTest name $ chk test traces) tests
pure (and results)
discarder = foldr
discarder = maybe id strengthenDiscard (get ldiscard settings) $ foldr
(weakenDiscard . pdiscard . snd)
(const (Just DiscardResultAndTrace))
@ -652,11 +611,14 @@ dejafusWay way memtype tests conc = do
-- include more than this if the different predicates have
-- different discard functions, so we do another pass of
-- discarding.
chk p = peval p . mapMaybe go where
go r@(efa, _) = case pdiscard p efa of
Just DiscardResultAndTrace -> Nothing
Just DiscardTrace -> Just (efa, [])
Nothing -> Just r
chk p rs
| moreThan 1 rs =
let go r@(efa, _) = case pdiscard p efa of
Just DiscardResultAndTrace -> Nothing
Just DiscardTrace -> Just (efa, [])
Nothing -> Just r
in peval p (mapMaybe go rs)
| otherwise = peval p rs
-- Test cases
@ -708,7 +670,7 @@ runTest :: (MonadConc n, MonadRef r n)
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test
-> n (Result b)
runTest = runTestWay defaultWay defaultMemType
runTest = runTestWithSettings defaultSettings
-- | Variant of 'runTest' which takes a way to run the program and a
-- memory model.
@ -728,8 +690,26 @@ runTestWay :: (MonadConc n, MonadRef r n)
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test
-> n (Result b)
runTestWay way memtype p conc =
peval p <$> runSCTDiscard (pdiscard p) way memtype conc
runTestWay way = runTestWithSettings . fromWayAndMemType way
-- | Variant of 'runTest' which takes a settings record.
-- The exact executions tried, and the order in which results are
-- found, is unspecified and may change between releases. This may
-- affect which failing traces are reported, when there is a failure.
-- @since unreleased
runTestWithSettings :: (MonadConc n, MonadRef r n)
=> Settings n a
-- ^ The SCT settings.
-> ProPredicate a b
-- ^ The predicate to check
-> ConcT r n a
-- ^ The computation to test
-> n (Result b)
runTestWithSettings settings p conc =
let discarder = maybe id strengthenDiscard (get ldiscard settings) (pdiscard p)
in peval p <$> runSCTWithSettings (set ldiscard (Just discarder) settings) conc

View File

@ -25,6 +25,29 @@ module Test.DejaFu.Settings
, swarmy
-- *** Schedule bounds
-- | Schedule bounding is used by the 'systematically' approach to
-- limit the search-space, which in general will be huge.
-- There are three types of bound:
-- * The 'PreemptionBound', which bounds the number of pre-emptive
-- context switches. Empirical evidence suggests @2@ is a good
-- value for this, if you have a small test case.
-- * The 'FairBound', which bounds the difference between how many
-- times threads can yield. This is necessary to test certain
-- kinds of potentially non-terminating behaviour, such as
-- spinlocks.
-- * The 'LengthBound', which bounds how long a test case can run,
-- in terms of scheduling decisions. This is necessary to test
-- certain kinds of potentially non-terminating behaviour, such
-- as livelocks.
-- Schedule bounding is not used by the non-systematic exploration
-- behaviours.
, Bounds(..)
, PreemptionBound(..)
, FairBound(..)
@ -36,11 +59,75 @@ module Test.DejaFu.Settings
, noBounds
-- ** The @MemType@
-- | When executed on a multi-core processor some @CRef@ / @IORef@
-- programs can exhibit \"relaxed memory\" behaviours, where the
-- apparent behaviour of the program is not a simple interleaving of
-- the actions of each thread.
-- __Example:__ This is a simple program which creates two @CRef@s
-- containing @False@, and forks two threads. Each thread writes
-- @True@ to one of the @CRef@s and reads the other. The value that
-- each thread reads is communicated back through an @MVar@:
-- > >>> :{
-- > let relaxed = do
-- > r1 <- newCRef False
-- > r2 <- newCRef False
-- > x <- spawn $ writeCRef r1 True >> readCRef r2
-- > y <- spawn $ writeCRef r2 True >> readCRef r1
-- > (,) <$> readMVar x <*> readMVar y
-- > :}
-- We see something surprising if we ask for the results:
-- > >>> autocheck relaxed
-- > [pass] Never Deadlocks
-- > [pass] No Exceptions
-- > [fail] Consistent Result
-- > (False,True) S0---------S1----S0--S2----S0--
-- >
-- > (False,False) S0---------S1--P2----S1--S0---
-- >
-- > (True,False) S0---------S2----S1----S0---
-- >
-- > (True,True) S0---------S1-C-S2----S1---S0---
-- > False
-- It's possible for both threads to read the value @False@, even
-- though each writes @True@ to the other @CRef@ before reading.
-- This is because processors are free to re-order reads and writes
-- to independent memory addresses in the name of performance.
-- Execution traces for relaxed memory computations can include
-- \"C\" actions, as above, which show where @CRef@ writes were
-- explicitly /committed/, and made visible to other threads.
-- However, modelling this behaviour can require more executions.
-- If you do not care about the relaxed-memory behaviour of your
-- program, use the 'SequentialConsistency' model.
, MemType(..)
, defaultMemType
, lmemtype
-- ** Discard functions
-- | Sometimes we know that a result is uninteresting and cannot
-- affect the result of a test, in which case there is no point in
-- keeping it around. Execution traces can be large, so any
-- opportunity to get rid of them early is possibly a great saving
-- of memory.
-- A discard function, which has type @Either Failure a -> Maybe
-- Discard@, can selectively discard results or execution traces
-- before the schedule exploration finishes, allowing them to be
-- garbage collected sooner.
-- __Note:__ The predicates and helper functions in Test.DejaFu come
-- with discard functions built in, to discard results and traces
-- wherever possible.
, Discard(..)
, ldiscard