Implement BPOR for SCT, return to listy predicates.

This performs better with "real" code (the Par monad) but surprisingly does far
worse with the included tests! The next thing to do is implement the orthogonal
sleep sets algorithm to cut down on available choices even further and
hopefully correct this issue.

See also: "Bounded Partial-Order Reduction" [Coons, Musuvathi, McKinley 2013]
This commit is contained in:
Michael Walker 2015-07-16 22:32:30 +01:00
parent 23c350c4b1
commit c12cbcf707
7 changed files with 399 additions and 321 deletions

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@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.List.Extra
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.IO (ConcIO)
@ -117,8 +116,8 @@ dejafus = dejafus' 2
-- | Variant of 'dejafus' which takes a pre-emption bound.
dejafus' :: (Eq a, Show a) => Int -> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> IO Bool
dejafus' pb conc tests = do
let traces = sctPreBound conc
results <- mapM (\(name, test) -> doTest name $ runTest'' pb test traces) tests
let traces = sctPreBound pb conc
results <- mapM (\(name, test) -> doTest name $ test traces) tests
return $ and results
-- | Variant of 'dejafus' for computations which do 'IO'.
@ -128,9 +127,8 @@ dejafusIO = dejafusIO' 2
-- | Variant of 'dejafus'' for computations which do 'IO'.
dejafusIO' :: (Eq a, Show a) => Int -> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> IO Bool
dejafusIO' pb concio tests = do
traces <- sctPreBoundIO concio
traces' <- mapM (sequenceIOTree $ Just pb) traces
results <- mapM (\(name, test) -> doTest name $ runTest'' pb test traces') tests
traces <- sctPreBoundIO pb concio
results <- mapM (\(name, test) -> doTest name $ test traces) tests
return $ and results
-- | Automatically test a computation. In particular, look for
@ -185,25 +183,17 @@ runTestIO = runTestIO' 2
-- | Variant of 'runTest' which takes a pre-emption bound.
runTest' :: Eq a => Int -> Predicate a -> (forall t. Conc t a) -> Result a
runTest' pb predicate conc = runTest'' pb predicate $ sctPreBound conc
-- | Variant of 'runTest'' which takes a tree of results and a depth limit.
runTest'' :: Eq a => Int -> Predicate a -> [SCTTree a] -> Result a
runTest'' pb predicate results = predicate $ map (bound pb) results where
bound 0 (SCTTree a t _) = SCTTree a t []
bound n (SCTTree a t os) = SCTTree a t $ map (bound $ n - 1) os
runTest' pb predicate conc = predicate $ sctPreBound pb conc
-- | Variant of 'runTest'' for computations which do 'IO'.
runTestIO' :: Eq a => Int -> Predicate a -> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO (Result a)
runTestIO' pb predicate conc = do
results <- sctPreBoundIO conc
runTest'' pb predicate <$> mapM (sequenceIOTree $ Just pb) results
runTestIO' pb predicate conc = predicate <$> sctPreBoundIO pb conc
-- * Predicates
-- | A @Predicate@ is a function which collapses a list of results
-- into a 'Result'.
type Predicate a = [SCTTree a] -> Result a
type Predicate a = [(Either Failure a, Trace)] -> Result a
-- | Check that a computation never deadlocks.
deadlocksNever :: Predicate a
@ -237,33 +227,23 @@ alwaysSame = alwaysTrue2 (==)
-- | Check that the result of a computation is not always the same.
notAlwaysSame :: Eq a => Predicate a
notAlwaysSame ts = go ts Result { _pass = False, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = [] } where
go (SCTTree a t offs:sibs) res = case (offs, sibs) of
(SCTTree o u _:_, SCTTree s v _:_) -> case (a /= o, a /= s) of
(True, True) -> incCC . incCC $ res { _pass = True }
(True, False) -> incCC . incCC $ res { _pass = True, _failures = (a, t) : (s, v) : _failures res }
(False, True) -> incCC . incCC $ res { _pass = True, _failures = (a, t) : (o, u) : _failures res }
(False, False) -> go sibs . incCC . incCC $ res { _failures = (a, t) : (s, v) : (o, u) : _failures res }
(SCTTree o u _:_, [])
| a /= o -> incCC $ res { _pass = True }
| otherwise -> go (offs++sibs) . incCC $ res { _failures = (a, t) : (o, u) : _failures res }
([], SCTTree s v _:_)
| a /= s -> incCC $ res { _pass = True }
| otherwise -> go (offs++sibs) . incCC $ res { _failures = (a, t) : (s, v) : _failures res }
([], []) -> incCC res
go [] res = res
notAlwaysSame [x] = Result { _pass = False, _casesChecked = 1, _failures = [x] }
notAlwaysSame xs = go xs Result { _pass = False, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = [] } where
go [y1,y2] res
| fst y1 /= fst y2 = incCC res { _pass = True }
| otherwise = incCC res { _failures = y1 : y2 : _failures res }
go (y1:y2:ys) res
| fst y1 /= fst y2 = go (y2:ys) . incCC $ res { _pass = True }
| otherwise = go (y2:ys) . incCC $ res { _failures = y1 : y2 : _failures res }
go _ res = res
-- | Check that the result of a unary boolean predicate is always
-- true.
alwaysTrue :: (Either Failure a -> Bool) -> Predicate a
alwaysTrue p ts = go ts Result { _pass = True, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = [] } where
go (SCTTree a t offs:sibs) res
| p a = go (offs++sibs) . incCC $ res
| otherwise = (go sibs res { _failures = (a, t) : _failures res }) { _pass = False, _casesChecked = 1+_casesChecked res }
alwaysTrue p xs = go xs Result { _pass = True, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = filter (not . p . fst) xs } where
go (y:ys) res
| p (fst y) = go ys . incCC $ res
| otherwise = incCC $ res { _pass = False }
go [] res = res
-- | Check that the result of a binary boolean predicate is true
@ -274,38 +254,29 @@ alwaysTrue p ts = go ts Result { _pass = True, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = []
-- to the failures list.
alwaysTrue2 :: (Either Failure a -> Either Failure a -> Bool) -> Predicate a
alwaysTrue2 _ [_] = Result { _pass = True, _casesChecked = 1, _failures = [] }
alwaysTrue2 p ts = go ts Result { _pass = True, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = [] } where
go (SCTTree a t offs:sibs) res =
let r' = dosibs res
in if _pass r' then dooffs r' else dooffs r' { _casesChecked = _casesChecked r' }
alwaysTrue2 p xs = go xs Result { _pass = True, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = failures xs } where
go [y1,y2] res
| p (fst y1) (fst y2) = incCC res
| otherwise = incCC res { _pass = False }
go (y1:y2:ys) res
| p (fst y1) (fst y2) = go (y2:ys) . incCC $ res
| otherwise = go (y2:ys) . incCC $ res { _pass = False }
go _ res = res
dosibs r = case partition (\(SCTTree x _ _) -> p a x) sibs of
(good, []) -> go good (r { _casesChecked = length good + _casesChecked r })
([], bad) -> r { _casesChecked = 1 + _casesChecked r
, _failures = [(a,t)| _pass r] ++ map (\(SCTTree x y _) -> (x,y)) bad ++ _failures r
, _pass = False }
(good, bad) -> (go good r) { _casesChecked = length good + _casesChecked r
, _failures = [(a,t)| _pass r] ++ map (\(SCTTree x y _) -> (x,y)) bad ++ _failures r
, _pass = False }
failures (y1:y2:ys)
| p (fst y1) (fst y2) = failures (y2:ys)
| otherwise = y1 : if null ys then [y2] else failures (y2:ys)
failures _ = []
dooffs r = case partition (\(SCTTree x _ _) -> p a x) offs of
(good, []) -> go good (r { _casesChecked = length good + _casesChecked r })
([], bad) -> r { _casesChecked = 1 + _casesChecked r
, _failures = [(a,t)| _pass r] ++ map (\(SCTTree x y _) -> (x,y)) bad ++ _failures r
, _pass = False }
(good, bad) -> (go good r) { _casesChecked = length good + _casesChecked r
, _failures = [(a,t)| _pass r] ++ map (\(SCTTree x y _) -> (x,y)) bad ++ _failures r
, _pass = False }
go [] res = res
-- alwaysTrue2 almost certainly reports the number of cases checked incorrectly.
-- | Check that the result of a unary boolean predicate is true at
-- least once.
somewhereTrue :: (Either Failure a -> Bool) -> Predicate a
somewhereTrue p ts = go ts Result { _pass = False, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = [] } where
go (SCTTree a t offs:sibs) res
| p a = incCC res { _pass = True }
| otherwise = go (offs++sibs) $ incCC res { _failures = (a, t) : _failures res }
somewhereTrue p xs = go xs Result { _pass = False, _casesChecked = 0, _failures = filter (not . p . fst) xs } where
go (y:ys) res
| p (fst y) = incCC $ res { _pass = True }
| otherwise = go ys . incCC $ res { _failures = y : _failures res }
go [] res = res
-- * Internal

View File

@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ module Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal
, Failure(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..))
import Control.Monad.Cont (cont, runCont)
import Control.State
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing, listToMaybe)
import Test.DejaFu.STM (CTVarId, Result(..))
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal.Common
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal.CVar
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ runThreads fixed runstm sched origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc [] Nothing
Left failure -> writeRef (wref fixed) ref (Just $ Left failure) >> return (g, idSource, sofar)
(chosen, g') = sched g prior $ head runnable' :| tail runnable'
(chosen, g') = sched g ((\p (_,_,a) -> (p,a)) <$> prior <*> listToMaybe sofar) $ head runnable' :| tail runnable'
runnable' = [(t, nextAction t) | t <- sort $ M.keys runnable]
runnable = M.filter (isNothing . _blocking) threads
thread = M.lookup chosen threads

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@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ initialIdSource = Id 0 0 0 0
-- attempts to (a) schedule a blocked thread, or (b) schedule a
-- nonexistent thread. In either of those cases, the computation will
-- be halted.
type Scheduler s = s -> Maybe ThreadId -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> (ThreadId, s)
type Scheduler s = s -> Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> (ThreadId, s)
-- | One of the outputs of the runner is a @Trace@, which is a log of
-- decisions made, alternative decisions (including what action would

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ randomSchedNP = makeNP randomSched
-- thread with the next 'ThreadId'.
roundRobinSched :: Scheduler ()
roundRobinSched _ Nothing _ = (0, ())
roundRobinSched _ (Just prior) threads
roundRobinSched _ (Just (prior, _)) threads
| prior >= maximum threads' = (minimum threads', ())
| otherwise = (minimum $ filter (>prior) threads', ())
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ roundRobinSchedNP = makeNP roundRobinSched
-- one.
makeNP :: Scheduler s -> Scheduler s
makeNP sched = newsched where
newsched s (Just prior) threads
newsched s p@(Just (prior, _)) threads
| prior `elem` map fst (toList threads) = (prior, s)
| otherwise = sched s (Just prior) threads
| otherwise = sched s p threads
newsched s Nothing threads = sched s Nothing threads

Test/DejaFu/SCT.hs Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -2,282 +2,155 @@
-- | Systematic testing for concurrent computations.
module Test.DejaFu.SCT
( -- * Schedule Bounding
-- | Schedule bounding is a means of cutting down the search space of
-- schedules, by taking advantage of some intrinsic properties of
-- schedules: such as the number of pre-emptions (pre-emption
-- bounding), or the number of deviations from a deterministic
-- scheduler (delay bounding); and then exploring all schedules
-- within the bound.
, sctPreBound
, sctDelayBound
, sctBoundedIO
, sctPreBoundIO
, sctDelayBoundIO
( -- * Bounded Partial-order Reduction
-- * Result Trees
, SCTTree(..)
, SCTTreeIO(..)
, sequenceIOTree
-- | We can characterise the state of a concurrent computation by
-- considering the ordering of dependent events. This is a partial
-- order: independent events can be performed in any order without
-- affecting the result, and so are /not/ ordered.
-- Partial-order reduction is a technique for computing these
-- partial orders, and only testing one total order for each
-- partial order. This cuts down the amount of work to be done
-- significantly. /Bounded/ partial-order reduction is a further
-- optimisation, which only considers schedules within some bound.
-- This module provides both a generic function for BPOR, and also
-- a pre-emption bounding BPOR runner, which is used by the
-- "Test.DejaFu" module.
-- * Utilities
, preEmpCount
) where
, sctPreBoundIO
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
, BacktrackStep(..)
, sctBounded
, sctBoundedIO
-- * Utilities
, tidOf
, tidTag
, decisionOf
, activeTid
, preEmpCount
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..), force)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldMap))
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse), fmapDefault, foldMapDefault)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromJust)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.IO (ConcIO, runConcIO)
import Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use record patterns" :: String) #-}
-- * Result trees
-- | Results are presented in a lazy tree, where each node contains a
-- trace and a result. The children of a node represent those
-- schedules obtainable from it on the next bounding level.
data SCTTree a = SCTTree (Either Failure a) Trace [SCTTree a]
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor SCTTree where
fmap = fmapDefault
instance Foldable SCTTree where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable SCTTree where
traverse f (SCTTree (Left x) t trees) = SCTTree (Left x) <$> pure t <*> traverse (traverse f) trees
traverse f (SCTTree (Right x) t trees) = SCTTree . Right <$> f x <*> pure t <*> traverse (traverse f) trees
instance NFData a => NFData (SCTTree a) where
rnf (SCTTree a t trees) = rnf (a, t, trees)
-- | Results which need IO to compute. Laziness is preserved by
-- wrapping child nodes in an 'IO' list.
data SCTTreeIO a = SCTTreeIO (Either Failure a) Trace (IO [SCTTreeIO a])
instance Functor SCTTreeIO where
fmap f (SCTTreeIO a t iotrees) = SCTTreeIO (fmap f a) t $ fmap (map $ fmap f) iotrees
-- | Perform all of the 'IO' in an 'SCTTreeIO' from left to right. As
-- '>>=' for IO is strict, this will evaluate the entire tree, which
-- may be a lot of work. To counter this, a depth limit can optionally
-- be provided, where children below level @0@ will not be present in
-- the output.
sequenceIOTree :: Maybe Int -> SCTTreeIO a -> IO (SCTTree a)
sequenceIOTree (Just n) (SCTTreeIO a t iotrees)
| n <= 0 = return $ SCTTree a t []
| otherwise = do
trees <- iotrees
SCTTree a t <$> mapM (sequenceIOTree . Just $ n-1) trees
sequenceIOTree Nothing (SCTTreeIO a t iotrees) = do
trees <- iotrees
SCTTree a t <$> mapM (sequenceIOTree Nothing) trees
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- * Pre-emption bounding
-- | An SCT runner using a pre-emption bounding scheduler.
sctPreBound :: (forall t. Conc t a) -> [SCTTree a]
sctPreBound = sctBounded pbSiblings (pbOffspring False)
sctPreBound :: Int -> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(Either Failure a, Trace)]
sctPreBound pb = sctBounded (pbBv pb) pbBacktrack pbInitialise
-- | Variant of 'sctPreBound' for computations which do 'IO'.
sctPreBoundIO :: (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [SCTTreeIO a]
sctPreBoundIO = sctBoundedIO pbSiblings (pbOffspring True)
sctPreBoundIO :: Int -> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [(Either Failure a, Trace)]
sctPreBoundIO pb = sctBoundedIO (pbBv pb) pbBacktrack pbInitialise
-- | Return all modifications to this schedule which do not introduce
-- extra pre-emptions.
pbSiblings :: [(CVarId, Bool)] -> Trace -> [[Decision]]
pbSiblings cvstate = siblings [] where
siblings pref (t@(Start i, alts, _):ds) =
let alters = [[a] | (a@(Start _), act) <- alts, doesntBlock pref act]
balters = [[a] | (a@(Start _), act) <- alts, not $ doesntBlock pref act]
in (if null alters then balters else alters) ++
[Start i : o | o <- siblings (pref++[t]) ds, not $ null o]
-- | Check if a schedule is in the bound.
pbBv :: Int -> [Decision] -> Bool
pbBv pb ds = preEmpCount ds <= pb
siblings pref (t@(SwitchTo i, alts, _):ds) =
let alters = [[a] | (a@(SwitchTo _), act) <- alts, doesntBlock pref act]
balters = [[a] | (a@(SwitchTo _), act) <- alts, not $ doesntBlock pref act]
in (if null alters then balters else alters) ++
[SwitchTo i : o | o <- siblings (pref++[t]) ds, not $ null o]
-- | Add a backtrack point, and also conservatively add one prior to
-- the most recent transition before that point. This may result in
-- the same state being reached multiple times, but is needed because
-- of the artificial dependency imposed by the bound.
pbBacktrack :: [BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep]
pbBacktrack bs i tid = backtrack (backtrack bs i tid) (maximum js) tid where
js = 0:[j | ((_,t1), (j,t2)) <- (zip <*> tail) . zip [0..] $ tidTag (fst . _decision) 0 bs, t1 /= t2, j < i]
siblings pref (t@(d, _, _):ds) = [d : o | o <- siblings (pref++[t]) ds, not $ null o]
siblings _ [] = []
backtrack (b:bs) 0 t
| t `elem` _runnable b = b { _backtrack = nub $ t : _backtrack b } : bs
| otherwise = b { _backtrack = _runnable b } : bs
backtrack (b:bs) n t = b : backtrack bs (n-1) t
backtrack [] _ _ = error "Ran out of schedule whilst backtracking!"
-- TODO: Include also blocking on throwing exceptions to masked
-- threads.
doesntBlock pref (Put' c) = (c, False) `elem` updateCVState cvstate pref
doesntBlock pref (Read' c) = (c, True) `elem` updateCVState cvstate pref
doesntBlock pref (Take' c) = (c, True) `elem` updateCVState cvstate pref
doesntBlock _ _ = True
-- | Pick a new thread to run. Choose the current thread if available,
-- otherwise add all runnable threads.
pbInitialise :: Maybe (ThreadId, a) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, b) -> NonEmpty ThreadId
pbInitialise prior threads@((next, _):|rest) = case prior of
Just (tid, _)
| any (\(t, _) -> t == tid) $ toList threads -> tid:|[]
_ -> next:|map fst rest
-- | Return all modifications to this schedule which do introduce an
-- extra pre-emption. Only introduce pre-emptions around CVar actions
-- and lifts.
pbOffspring :: Bool -> [(CVarId, Bool)] -> Trace -> [[Decision]]
pbOffspring lifts cvstate = offspring [] where
offspring pref (t@(Continue, alts, ta):ds)
| interesting lifts ta =
let alters = [[n] | (n@(SwitchTo _), act) <- alts, doesntBlock pref act]
balters = [[n] | (n@(SwitchTo _), act) <- alts, not $ doesntBlock pref act]
in (if null alters then balters else alters) ++
[Continue : n | n <- offspring (pref++[t]) ds, not $ null n]
| otherwise = [Continue : n | n <- offspring (pref++[t]) ds, not $ null n]
-- * BPOR
offspring pref (t@(d, _, _):ds) = [d : n | n <- offspring (pref++[t]) ds, not $ null n]
offspring _ [] = []
-- TODO: Include also blocking on throwing exceptions to masked
-- threads.
doesntBlock pref (Put' c) = (c, False) `elem` updateCVState cvstate pref
doesntBlock pref (Read' c) = (c, True) `elem` updateCVState cvstate pref
doesntBlock pref (Take' c) = (c, True) `elem` updateCVState cvstate pref
doesntBlock _ _ = True
-- | Check the pre-emption count of some scheduling decisions.
preEmpCount :: [Decision] -> Int
preEmpCount (SwitchTo _:ss) = 1 + preEmpCount ss
preEmpCount (_:ss) = preEmpCount ss
preEmpCount [] = 0
-- * Delay bounding
-- | An SCT runner using a delay-bounding scheduler.
sctDelayBound :: (forall t. Conc t a) -> [SCTTree a]
sctDelayBound = sctBounded (\_ _ -> []) (dbOffspring False)
-- | Variant of 'sctDelayBound' for computations which do 'IO'.
sctDelayBoundIO :: (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [SCTTreeIO a]
sctDelayBoundIO = sctBoundedIO (\_ _ -> []) (dbOffspring True)
-- | Return all modifications to the schedule which introduce an extra
-- delay. Only introduce delays around CVar actions and lifts.
dbOffspring :: Bool -> [(CVarId, Bool)] -> Trace -> [[Decision]]
dbOffspring lifts _ = offspring where
offspring ((d, alts, ta):ds)
| interesting lifts ta = [[fst n] | n <- alts] ++ [d : n | n <- offspring ds, not $ null n]
| otherwise = [d : n | n <- dbOffspring lifts [] ds, not $ null n]
offspring [] = []
-- * SCT runners
-- | SCT via schedule bounding. Results are proeduced as a lazy
-- forest, where each level represents one bounding level.
-- | SCT via BPOR.
-- Schedules are generated by running the computation with a
-- deterministic scheduler with some initial list of decisions, after
-- which non-pre-emptive decisions are made. The generated suffix is
-- then used to generate \"siblings\" (schedule fragments which, when
-- appended to the prefix, form the prefix of a new schedule which
-- does not increase the bound), and \"offspring\" (like siblings, but
-- the bound has been increased by one). It is important that siblings
-- and offspring are unique, and that the same
-- prefix+sibling/offspring cannot arise from two distinct traces, as
-- otherwise the runner may loop. In addition to the trace, the
-- sibling and offspring functions take a list of whether each 'CVar'
-- existing at this point is full or not, allowing blocking behaviour
-- to be factored into decision-making.
-- which the supplied function is called. At each step of execution,
-- possible-conflicting actions are looked for, if any are found,
-- \"backtracking points\" are added, to cause the events to happen in
-- a different order in a future execution.
-- For example, the siblings in the pre-emption bounding runner are
-- those schedule fragments which, when appended to the prefix, form
-- the prefix of a new schedule which does not introduce any new
-- pre-emptions; and the offspring do introduce one new pre-emption.
sctBounded :: ([(CVarId, Bool)] -> Trace -> [[Decision]])
-- ^ Sibling generation function.
-> ([(CVarId, Bool)] -> Trace -> [[Decision]])
-- ^ Child generation function.
-> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [SCTTree a]
sctBounded siblings offspring c = go [] where
go ds = case res of
Left f -> SCTTree (Left f) trace [] : concatMap go sibs
Right a -> SCTTree (Right a) trace (concatMap go offs) : concatMap go sibs
-- Note that unlike with non-bounded partial-order reduction, this may
-- do some redundant work as the introduction of a bound can make
-- previously non-interfering events interfere with each other.
sctBounded :: ([Decision] -> Bool)
-- ^ Check if a prefix trace is within the bound.
-> ([BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep])
-- ^ Add a new backtrack point, this takes the history of
-- the execution so far, the index to insert the
-- backtracking point, and the thread to backtrack to. This
-- may insert more than one backtracking point.
-> (Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> NonEmpty ThreadId)
-- ^ Produce possible scheduling decisions, all will be
-- tried.
-> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(Either Failure a, Trace)]
sctBounded bv backtrack initialise c = go initialState where
go bpor = case next bpor of
Just (sched, bpor') ->
-- Run the computation
let (res, (_, bs), trace) = runConc (bporSched initialise) (sched, []) c
-- Identify the backtracking points
bpoints = findBacktrack False backtrack bs trace
-- Add new nodes to the tree
bpor'' = grow trace bpor'
-- Add new backtracking information
bpor''' = todo bv bpoints bpor''
-- Loop
in (res, trace) : go bpor'''
(res, _, trace) = runConc prefixSched ds c
(p, suff) = splitAt (length ds) trace
pref = map (\(a,_,_) -> a) p
cvstate = computeCVState p
sibs = [ pref ++ y | y <- siblings cvstate suff]
offs = [ pref ++ y | y <- offspring cvstate suff]
Nothing -> []
-- | Variant of 'sctBounded' for computations which do 'IO'.
sctBoundedIO :: ([(CVarId, Bool)] -> Trace -> [[Decision]])
-> ([(CVarId, Bool)] -> Trace -> [[Decision]])
-> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [SCTTreeIO a]
sctBoundedIO siblings offspring c = go [] where
go ds = do
(res, _, trace) <- runConcIO prefixSched ds c
sctBoundedIO :: ([Decision] -> Bool)
-> ([BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep])
-> (Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> NonEmpty ThreadId)
-> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [(Either Failure a, Trace)]
sctBoundedIO bv backtrack initialise c = go initialState where
go bpor = case next bpor of
Just (sched, bpor') -> do
(res, (_, bs), trace) <- runConcIO (bporSched initialise) (sched, []) c
let (p, suff) = splitAt (length ds + 1) trace
let pref = map (\(a,_,_) -> a) p
let bpoints = findBacktrack True backtrack bs trace
let bpor'' = grow trace bpor'
let bpor''' = todo bv bpoints bpor''
let cvstate = computeCVState p
((res, trace):) <$> go bpor'''
let sibs = [ pref ++ y | y <- siblings cvstate suff]
let offs = [ pref ++ y | y <- offspring cvstate suff]
Nothing -> return []
sibs' <- concat <$> mapM go sibs
-- | BPOR scheduler: takes a list of decisions, and maintains a trace
-- including the runnable threads, and the alternative choices allowed
-- by the bound-specific initialise function.
bporSched :: (Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> NonEmpty ThreadId)
-> Scheduler ([ThreadId], [(NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction'), [ThreadId])])
bporSched initialise = force sched where
-- If there is a decision available, make it
sched (d:ds, bs) _ threads = (d, (ds, bs ++ [(threads, [])]))
return $ case res of
Left f -> SCTTreeIO (Left f) trace (return []) : sibs'
Right a -> SCTTreeIO (Right a) trace (concat <$> mapM go offs) : sibs'
-- | Compute the state of every 'CVar' after executing the given
-- prefix trace. This assumes that the trace is valid (no double-puts,
-- etc).
computeCVState :: Trace -> [(CVarId, Bool)]
computeCVState = updateCVState []
-- | Compute the state of every 'CVar' from the given starting point
-- after executing the given prefix trace. This assumes that the trace
-- is valid.
updateCVState :: [(CVarId, Bool)] -> Trace -> [(CVarId, Bool)]
updateCVState = foldl' go where
go state (_, _, New c) = (c, False) : state
go state (_, _, Put c _) = (c, True) : filter ((/=c) . fst) state
go state (_, _, Take c _) = (c, False) : filter ((/=c) . fst) state
go state (_, _, TryPut c b _) = (c, b) : filter ((/=c) . fst) state
go state (_, _, TryTake c b _) = (c, not b) : filter ((/=c) . fst) state
go state _ = state
-- * Prefix scheduler
-- | Scheduler which uses a list of scheduling decisions to drive the
-- initial decisions.
prefixSched :: Scheduler [Decision]
prefixSched = force $ \s prior threads@((next,_):|_) -> case s of
-- If we have a decision queued, make it.
(Start t:ds) -> (t, ds)
(Continue:ds) -> (fromMaybe 0 prior, ds)
(SwitchTo t:ds) -> (t, ds)
-- Otherwise just use a non-pre-emptive scheduler.
[] -> case prior of
Just prior' | prior' `elem` map fst (toList threads) -> (prior', [])
_ -> (next, [])
-- * Utils
-- | Check if a 'ThreadAction' might be an interesting candidate for
-- pre-empting or delaying.
interesting :: Bool -> ThreadAction -> Bool
interesting _ (Put _ _) = True
interesting _ (TryPut _ _ _) = True
interesting _ (Take _ _) = True
interesting _ (TryTake _ _ _) = True
interesting _ (Read _) = True
interesting _ (ReadRef _) = True
interesting _ (ModRef _) = True
interesting _ (STM _) = True
interesting _ (ThrowTo _) = True
interesting _ (SetMasking _ _) = True
interesting _ (ResetMasking _ _ ) = True
interesting l Lift = l
interesting _ _ = False
-- Otherwise query the initialise function for a list of possible
-- choices, and make one of them arbitrarily (recording the others).
sched ([], bs) prior threads = case initialise prior threads of
(next:|rest) -> (next, ([], bs ++ [(threads, rest)]))

Test/DejaFu/SCT/Internal.hs Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
-- | Internal utilities and types for BPOR.
module Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.List (foldl', nub, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromJust)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- * BPOR state
-- | One step of the execution, including information for backtracking
-- purposes. This backtracking information is used to generate new
-- schedules.
data BacktrackStep = BacktrackStep
{ _decision :: (Decision, ThreadAction)
-- ^ What happened at this step.
, _runnable :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ The threads runnable at this step
, _backtrack :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ The list of alternative threads to run.
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData BacktrackStep where
rnf b = rnf (_decision b, _runnable b, _backtrack b)
-- | BPOR execution is represented as a tree of states, characterised
-- by the decisions that lead to that state.
data BPOR = BPOR
{ _brunnable :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ What threads are runnable at this step.
, _btodo :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ Follow-on decisions still to make.
, _bdone :: Map ThreadId BPOR
-- | Initial BPOR state.
initialState :: BPOR
initialState = BPOR
{ _brunnable = [0]
, _btodo = [0]
, _bdone = M.empty
-- | Produce a new schedule from a BPOR tree. If there are no new
-- schedules remaining, return 'Nothing'.
-- This returns the prefix with the most preemptions in, on the
-- assumption that preemptions are likely to exhibit bugs, and so lead
-- to earlier test failures.
next :: BPOR -> Maybe ([ThreadId], BPOR)
next = go 0 where
go tid bpor =
-- All the possible prefix traces from this point, with
-- updated BPOR subtrees if taken from the done list.
let prefixes = [Left t | t <- _btodo bpor] ++ mapMaybe go' (M.toList $ _bdone bpor)
-- Sort by number of preemptions, in descending order.
sorted = sortBy (comparing $ Down . preEmps tid bpor . either (:[]) fst) prefixes
in case sorted of
-- If the schedule with the most preemptions is from the done list, update that.
(Right (ts@(t:_), b):_) -> Just (ts, bpor { _bdone = M.insert t b $ _bdone bpor })
-- If from the todo list, remove it.
(Left t:_) -> Just ([t], bpor { _btodo = filter (/=t) $ _btodo bpor })
_ -> Nothing
go' (tid, bpor) = Right . first (tid:) <$> go tid bpor
preEmps tid bpor (t:ts) =
let rest = preEmps t (fromJust . M.lookup t $ _bdone bpor) ts
in if tid /= t && tid `elem` _brunnable bpor then 1 + rest else rest
preEmps _ _ [] = 0::Int
-- | Produce a list of new backtracking points from an execution
-- trace.
findBacktrack :: Bool
-> ([BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep])
-> [(NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction'), [ThreadId])]
-> Trace
-> [BacktrackStep]
findBacktrack deplifts backtrack = go [] where
go bs ((e,i):is) ((d,_,a):ts) =
let this = BacktrackStep { _decision = (d, a), _runnable = map fst . toList $ e, _backtrack = i }
bs' = doBacktrack (toList e) bs
in go (bs' ++ [this]) is ts
go bs _ _ = bs
doBacktrack enabledThreads bs =
let idxs = [ (maximum is, u)
| (u, n) <- enabledThreads
, v <- allThreads bs
, u /= v
, let is = [ i
| (i, (t, b)) <- zip [0..] $ tidTag (fst . _decision) 0 bs
, t == v
, dependent deplifts (snd $ _decision b) (u, n)
, not $ null is] :: [(Int, ThreadId)]
in foldl' (\bs (i, u) -> backtrack bs i u) bs idxs
allThreads = nub . concatMap _runnable
-- | Add a new trace to the tree, creating a new subtree.
grow :: Trace -> BPOR -> BPOR
grow = grow' 0 where
grow' tid trc@((d, _, _):rest) bpor =
let tid' = tidOf tid d
in case M.lookup tid' $ _bdone bpor of
Just bpor' -> bpor { _bdone = M.insert tid' (grow' tid' rest bpor') $ _bdone bpor }
Nothing -> bpor { _bdone = M.insert tid' (subtree tid' trc) $ _bdone bpor }
grow' _ [] bpor = bpor
subtree tid ((d, ts, a):rest) = BPOR
{ _brunnable = tids tid d a ts
, _btodo = []
, _bdone = M.fromList $ case rest of
((d', _, _):_) ->
let tid' = tidOf tid d'
in [(tid', subtree tid' rest)]
[] -> []
tids tid d (Fork t) ts = tidOf tid d : t : map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ (BlockedPut _) ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ (BlockedRead _) ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ (BlockedTake _) ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ BlockedSTM ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ (BlockedThrowTo _) ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ Stop ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid d _ ts = tidOf tid d : map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
-- | Add new backtracking points, if they have not already been
-- visited and fit into the bound.
todo :: ([Decision] -> Bool) -> [BacktrackStep] -> BPOR -> BPOR
todo bv = go 0 [] where
go tid pref (b:bs) bpor =
let bpor' = backtrack pref b bpor
tid' = tidOf tid . fst $ _decision b
in bpor' { _bdone = M.adjust (go tid' (pref++[fst $ _decision b]) bs) tid' $ _bdone bpor' }
go _ _ _ bpor = bpor
backtrack pref b bpor =
let todo' = nub $ _btodo bpor ++ [ t
| t <- _backtrack b
, bv $ pref ++ [decisionOf (Just $ activeTid pref) (_brunnable bpor) t]
, t `notElem` M.keys (_bdone bpor)
in bpor { _btodo = todo' }
-- * Utilities
-- | Get the resultant 'ThreadId' of a 'Decision', with a default case
-- for 'Continue'.
tidOf :: ThreadId -> Decision -> ThreadId
tidOf _ (Start t) = t
tidOf _ (SwitchTo t) = t
tidOf tid Continue = tid
-- | Tag a list of items encapsulating 'Decision's with 'ThreadId's,
-- with an initial default case for 'Continue'.
tidTag :: (a -> Decision) -> ThreadId -> [a] -> [(ThreadId, a)]
tidTag df = go where
go t (a:as) =
let t' = tidOf t $ df a
in (t', a) : go t' as
go _ [] = []
-- | Get the 'Decision' that would have resulted in this 'ThreadId',
-- given a prior 'ThreadId' (if any) and list of runnable threds.
decisionOf :: Maybe ThreadId -> [ThreadId] -> ThreadId -> Decision
decisionOf prior runnable chosen
| prior == Just chosen = Continue
| prior `elem` map Just runnable = SwitchTo chosen
| otherwise = Start chosen
-- | Get the tid of the currently active thread after executing a
-- series of decisions. The list MUST begin with a 'Start'.
activeTid :: [Decision] -> ThreadId
activeTid = foldl' go 0 where
go _ (Start t) = t
go _ (SwitchTo t) = t
go t Continue = t
-- | Count the number of preemptions in a schedule
preEmpCount :: [Decision] -> Int
preEmpCount (SwitchTo _:ds) = 1 + preEmpCount ds
preEmpCount (_:ds) = preEmpCount ds
preEmpCount [] = 0
-- | Check if an action is dependent on another, assumes the actions
-- are from different threads (two actions in the same thread are
-- always dependent).
dependent :: Bool -> ThreadAction -> (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> Bool
dependent deplifts Lift (_, Lift') = deplifts
dependent _ (ThrowTo t) (t2, _) = t == t2
dependent _ d1 (_, d2) = cref || cvar || ctvar where
cref = Just True == ((\(r1, w1) (r2, w2) -> r1 == r2 && (w1 || w2)) <$> cref' d1 <*> cref'' d2)
cref' (ReadRef r) = Just (r, False)
cref' (ModRef r) = Just (r, True)
cref' _ = Nothing
cref'' (ReadRef' r) = Just (r, False)
cref'' (ModRef' r) = Just (r, True)
cref'' _ = Nothing
cvar = Just True == ((==) <$> cvar' d1 <*> cvar'' d2)
cvar' (BlockedPut _) = Nothing
cvar' (BlockedRead _) = Nothing
cvar' (BlockedTake _) = Nothing
cvar' (TryPut c _ _) = Just c
cvar' (TryTake c _ _) = Just c
cvar' (Put c _) = Just c
cvar' (Read c) = Just c
cvar' (Take c _) = Just c
cvar' _ = Nothing
cvar'' (TryPut' c) = Just c
cvar'' (TryTake' c) = Just c
cvar'' (Put' c) = Just c
cvar'' (Read' c) = Just c
cvar'' (Take' c) = Just c
cvar'' _ = Nothing
ctvar = ctvar' d1 && ctvar'' d2
ctvar' (STM _) = True
ctvar' BlockedSTM = False
ctvar' _ = False
ctvar'' STM' = True
ctvar'' _ = False

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@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ library
, Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal.Common
, Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal.CVar
, Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal.Threading
, Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal
, Test.DejaFu.STM.Internal
, Control.State