mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:49:27 +03:00
Add setNumCapabilities. Closes #23.
This commit is contained in:
@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ class ( Applicative m, Monad m
-- | Get the number of Haskell threads that can run simultaneously.
getNumCapabilities :: m Int
-- | Set the number of Haskell threads that can run simultaneously.
setNumCapabilities :: Int -> m ()
-- | Get the @ThreadId@ of the current thread.
myThreadId :: m (ThreadId m)
@ -315,6 +318,7 @@ instance MonadConc IO where
forkOn = C.forkOn
forkOnWithUnmask = C.forkOnWithUnmask
getNumCapabilities = C.getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities = C.setNumCapabilities
myThreadId = C.myThreadId
yield = C.yield
throwTo = C.throwTo
@ -393,6 +397,7 @@ instance MonadConc m => MonadConc (ReaderT r m) where
forkOnWithUnmask i ma = ReaderT $ \r -> forkOnWithUnmask i (\f -> runReaderT (ma $ reader f) r)
getNumCapabilities = lift getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities = lift . setNumCapabilities
myThreadId = lift myThreadId
yield = lift yield
throwTo t = lift . throwTo t
@ -432,6 +437,7 @@ instance (MonadConc m, Monoid w) => MonadConc (WL.WriterT w m) where
forkOnWithUnmask i ma = lift $ forkOnWithUnmask i (\f -> fst `liftM` WL.runWriterT (ma $ writerlazy f))
getNumCapabilities = lift getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities = lift . setNumCapabilities
myThreadId = lift myThreadId
yield = lift yield
throwTo t = lift . throwTo t
@ -471,6 +477,7 @@ instance (MonadConc m, Monoid w) => MonadConc (WS.WriterT w m) where
forkOnWithUnmask i ma = lift $ forkOnWithUnmask i (\f -> fst `liftM` WS.runWriterT (ma $ writerstrict f))
getNumCapabilities = lift getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities = lift . setNumCapabilities
myThreadId = lift myThreadId
yield = lift yield
throwTo t = lift . throwTo t
@ -510,6 +517,7 @@ instance MonadConc m => MonadConc (SL.StateT s m) where
forkOnWithUnmask i ma = SL.StateT $ \s -> (\a -> (a,s)) `liftM` forkOnWithUnmask i (\f -> SL.evalStateT (ma $ statelazy f) s)
getNumCapabilities = lift getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities = lift . setNumCapabilities
myThreadId = lift myThreadId
yield = lift yield
throwTo t = lift . throwTo t
@ -549,6 +557,7 @@ instance MonadConc m => MonadConc (SS.StateT s m) where
forkOnWithUnmask i ma = SS.StateT $ \s -> (\a -> (a,s)) `liftM` forkOnWithUnmask i (\f -> SS.evalStateT (ma $ statestrict f) s)
getNumCapabilities = lift getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities = lift . setNumCapabilities
myThreadId = lift myThreadId
yield = lift yield
throwTo t = lift . throwTo t
@ -588,6 +597,7 @@ instance (MonadConc m, Monoid w) => MonadConc (RL.RWST r w s m) where
forkOnWithUnmask i ma = RL.RWST $ \r s -> (\a -> (a,s,mempty)) `liftM` forkOnWithUnmask i (\f -> fst `liftM` RL.evalRWST (ma $ rwslazy f) r s)
getNumCapabilities = lift getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities = lift . setNumCapabilities
myThreadId = lift myThreadId
yield = lift yield
throwTo t = lift . throwTo t
@ -627,6 +637,7 @@ instance (MonadConc m, Monoid w) => MonadConc (RS.RWST r w s m) where
forkOnWithUnmask i ma = RS.RWST $ \r s -> (\a -> (a,s,mempty)) `liftM` forkOnWithUnmask i (\f -> fst `liftM` RS.evalRWST (ma $ rwsstrict f) r s)
getNumCapabilities = lift getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities = lift . setNumCapabilities
myThreadId = lift myThreadId
yield = lift yield
throwTo t = lift . throwTo t
@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ instance Monad n => C.MonadConc (Conc n r (STMLike n r)) where
forkWithUnmask ma = toConc (AFork (\umask -> runCont (unC $ ma $ wrap umask) (\_ -> AStop)))
forkOnWithUnmask _ = C.forkWithUnmask
-- This implementation lies and always returns 2. There is no way to
-- verify in the computation that this is a lie, and will
-- potentially avoid special-case behaviour for 1 capability, so it
-- seems a sane choice.
getNumCapabilities = return 2
-- This implementation lies and returns 2 until a value is set. This
-- will potentially avoid special-case behaviour for 1 capability,
-- so it seems a sane choice.
getNumCapabilities = toConc AGetNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities caps = toConc (\c -> ASetNumCapabilities caps (c ()))
myThreadId = toConc AMyTId
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ runFixed' fixed runstm sched memtype s idSource ma = do
-- watch out for.
runThreads :: (Functor n, Monad n) => Fixed n r s -> (forall x. s x -> CTVarId -> n (Result x, CTVarId))
-> Scheduler g -> MemType -> g -> Threads n r s -> IdSource -> r (Maybe (Either Failure a)) -> n (g, IdSource, Trace')
runThreads fixed runstm sched memtype origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc [] Nothing origg origthreads emptyBuffer where
go idSource sofar prior g threads wb
runThreads fixed runstm sched memtype origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc [] Nothing origg origthreads emptyBuffer 2 where
go idSource sofar prior g threads wb caps
| isTerminated = stop g
| isDeadlocked = die g Deadlock
| isSTMLocked = die g STMDeadlock
@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ runThreads fixed runstm sched memtype origg origthreads idsrc ref = go idsrc []
| isNonexistant = die g' InternalError
| isBlocked = die g' InternalError
| otherwise = do
stepped <- stepThread fixed runstm memtype (_continuation $ fromJust thread) idSource chosen threads wb
stepped <- stepThread fixed runstm memtype (_continuation $ fromJust thread) idSource chosen threads wb caps
case stepped of
Right (threads', idSource', act, wb') -> loop threads' idSource' act wb'
Right (threads', idSource', act, wb', caps') -> loop threads' idSource' act wb' caps'
Left UncaughtException
| chosen == 0 -> die g' UncaughtException
| otherwise -> loop (kill chosen threads) idSource Killed wb
| otherwise -> loop (kill chosen threads) idSource Killed wb caps
Left failure -> die g' failure
@ -189,10 +189,14 @@ stepThread :: forall n r s. (Functor n, Monad n) => Fixed n r s
-- ^ Current state of threads
-> WriteBuffer r
-- ^ @CRef@ write buffer
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r))
stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
-> Int
-- ^ The number of capabilities
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r, Int))
stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb caps = case action of
AFork a b -> stepFork a b
AMyTId c -> stepMyTId c
AGetNumCapabilities c -> stepGetNumCapabilities c
ASetNumCapabilities i c -> stepSetNumCapabilities i c
AYield c -> stepYield c
ANewVar c -> stepNewVar c
APutVar var a c -> stepPutVar var a c
@ -225,13 +229,19 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
-- | Start a new thread, assigning it the next 'ThreadId'
stepFork a b = return $ Right (goto (b newtid) tid threads', idSource', Fork newtid, wb) where
stepFork a b = return $ Right (goto (b newtid) tid threads', idSource', Fork newtid, wb, caps) where
threads' = launch tid newtid a threads
(idSource', newtid) = nextTId idSource
-- | Get the 'ThreadId' of the current thread
stepMyTId c = simple (goto (c tid) tid threads) MyThreadId
-- | Get the number of capabilities
stepGetNumCapabilities c = simple (goto (c caps) tid threads) $ GetNumCapabilities caps
-- | Set the number of capabilities
stepSetNumCapabilities i c = return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, SetNumCapabilities i, wb, i)
-- | Yield the current thread
stepYield c = simple (goto c tid threads) Yield
@ -300,13 +310,13 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
TotalStoreOrder -> do
let (ThreadId tid') = tid
wb' <- bufferWrite fixed wb tid' cref a tid
return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, WriteRef crid, wb')
return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, WriteRef crid, wb', caps)
-- Add to buffer using cref id
PartialStoreOrder -> do
let (CRefId crid') = crid
wb' <- bufferWrite fixed wb crid' cref a tid
return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, WriteRef crid, wb')
return $ Right (goto c tid threads, idSource, WriteRef crid, wb', caps)
-- | Perform a compare-and-swap on a @CRef@.
stepCasRef cref@(CRef (crid, _)) tick a c = synchronised $ do
@ -326,7 +336,7 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
-- Commit using the cref id.
PartialStoreOrder -> commitWrite fixed wb c'
return $ Right (threads, idSource, CommitRef t c, wb')
return $ Right (threads, idSource, CommitRef t c, wb', caps)
-- | Run a STM transaction atomically.
stepAtom stm c = synchronised $ do
@ -336,12 +346,12 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
Success readen written val
| any (<oldctvid) readen || any (<oldctvid) written ->
let (threads', woken) = wake (OnCTVar written) threads
in return $ Right (knows (map Right written) tid $ goto (c val) tid threads', idSource { _nextCTVId = newctvid }, STM woken, wb)
in return $ Right (knows (map Right written) tid $ goto (c val) tid threads', idSource { _nextCTVId = newctvid }, STM woken, wb, caps)
| otherwise ->
return $ Right (knows (map Right written) tid $ goto (c val) tid threads, idSource { _nextCTVId = newctvid }, FreshSTM, wb)
return $ Right (knows (map Right written) tid $ goto (c val) tid threads, idSource { _nextCTVId = newctvid }, FreshSTM, wb, caps)
Retry touched ->
let threads' = block (OnCTVar touched) tid threads
in return $ Right (threads', idSource { _nextCTVId = newctvid }, BlockedSTM, wb)
in return $ Right (threads', idSource { _nextCTVId = newctvid }, BlockedSTM, wb, caps)
Exception e -> stepThrow e
-- | Run a subcomputation in an exception-catching context.
@ -386,7 +396,7 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
stepMasking :: MaskingState
-> ((forall b. M n r s b -> M n r s b) -> M n r s a)
-> (a -> Action n r s)
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r))
-> n (Either Failure (Threads n r s, IdSource, ThreadAction, WriteBuffer r, Int))
stepMasking m ma c = simple threads' $ SetMasking False m where
a = runCont (ma umask) (AResetMask False False m' . c)
@ -406,14 +416,14 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
let (idSource', newcvid) = nextCVId idSource
ref <- newRef fixed Nothing
let cvar = CVar (newcvid, ref)
return $ Right (knows [Left newcvid] tid $ goto (c cvar) tid threads, idSource', NewVar newcvid, wb)
return $ Right (knows [Left newcvid] tid $ goto (c cvar) tid threads, idSource', NewVar newcvid, wb, caps)
-- | Create a new @CRef@, using the next 'CRefId'.
stepNewRef a c = do
let (idSource', newcrid) = nextCRId idSource
ref <- newRef fixed (M.empty, 0, a)
let cref = CRef (newcrid, ref)
return $ Right (goto (c cref) tid threads, idSource', NewRef newcrid, wb)
return $ Right (goto (c cref) tid threads, idSource', NewRef newcrid, wb, caps)
-- | Lift an action from the underlying monad into the @Conc@
-- computation.
@ -438,7 +448,7 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
-- | Helper for actions which don't touch the 'IdSource' or
-- 'WriteBuffer'
simple threads' act = return $ Right (threads', idSource, act, wb)
simple threads' act = return $ Right (threads', idSource, act, wb, caps)
-- | Helper for actions impose a write barrier.
synchronised ma = do
@ -446,7 +456,7 @@ stepThread fixed runstm memtype action idSource tid threads wb = case action of
res <- ma
return $ case res of
Right (threads', idSource', act', _) -> Right (threads', idSource', act', emptyBuffer)
Right (threads', idSource', act', _, caps') -> Right (threads', idSource', act', emptyBuffer, caps')
_ -> res
-- | Helper function for wrapping up exceptions.
@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ data Action n r s =
AFork ((forall b. M n r s b -> M n r s b) -> Action n r s) (ThreadId -> Action n r s)
| AMyTId (ThreadId -> Action n r s)
| AGetNumCapabilities (Int -> Action n r s)
| ASetNumCapabilities Int (Action n r s)
| forall a. ANewVar (CVar r a -> Action n r s)
| forall a. APutVar (CVar r a) a (Action n r s)
| forall a. ATryPutVar (CVar r a) a (Bool -> Action n r s)
@ -242,6 +245,10 @@ data ThreadAction =
-- ^ Start a new thread.
| MyThreadId
-- ^ Get the 'ThreadId' of the current thread.
| GetNumCapabilities Int
-- ^ Get the number of Haskell threads that can run simultaneously.
| SetNumCapabilities Int
-- ^ Set the number of Haskell threads that can run simultaneously.
| Yield
-- ^ Yield the current thread.
| NewVar CVarId
@ -328,6 +335,8 @@ data ThreadAction =
instance NFData ThreadAction where
rnf (Fork t) = rnf t
rnf (GetNumCapabilities i) = rnf i
rnf (SetNumCapabilities i) = rnf i
rnf (NewVar c) = rnf c
rnf (PutVar c ts) = rnf (c, ts)
rnf (BlockedPutVar c) = rnf c
@ -359,6 +368,12 @@ data Lookahead =
-- ^ Will start a new thread.
| WillMyThreadId
-- ^ Will get the 'ThreadId'.
| WillGetNumCapabilities
-- ^ Will get the number of Haskell threads that can run
-- simultaneously.
| WillSetNumCapabilities Int
-- ^ Will set the number of Haskell threads that can run
-- simultaneously.
| WillYield
-- ^ Will yield the current thread.
| WillNewVar
@ -428,6 +443,7 @@ data Lookahead =
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData Lookahead where
rnf (WillSetNumCapabilities i) = rnf i
rnf (WillPutVar c) = rnf c
rnf (WillTryPutVar c) = rnf c
rnf (WillReadVar c) = rnf c
@ -451,6 +467,8 @@ lookahead :: Action n r s -> NonEmpty Lookahead
lookahead = unsafeToNonEmpty . lookahead' where
lookahead' (AFork _ _) = [WillFork]
lookahead' (AMyTId _) = [WillMyThreadId]
lookahead' (AGetNumCapabilities _) = [WillGetNumCapabilities]
lookahead' (ASetNumCapabilities i k) = WillSetNumCapabilities i : lookahead' k
lookahead' (ANewVar _) = [WillNewVar]
lookahead' (APutVar (CVar (c, _)) _ k) = WillPutVar c : lookahead' k
lookahead' (ATryPutVar (CVar (c, _)) _ _) = [WillTryPutVar c]
@ -304,6 +304,9 @@ dependent _ _ (_, Lift) (_, Lift) = True
dependent _ _ (_, ThrowTo t) (t2, a) = t == t2 && a /= Stop
dependent _ _ (t2, a) (_, ThrowTo t) = t == t2 && a /= Stop
dependent _ _ (_, STM _) (_, STM _) = True
dependent _ _ (_, GetNumCapabilities a) (_, SetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
dependent _ _ (_, SetNumCapabilities a) (_, GetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
dependent _ _ (_, SetNumCapabilities a) (_, SetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
dependent memtype buf (_, d1) (_, d2) = dependentActions memtype buf (simplify d1) (simplify d2)
-- | Variant of 'dependent' to handle 'ThreadAction''s
@ -312,6 +315,9 @@ dependent' _ _ (_, Lift) (_, WillLift) = True
dependent' _ _ (_, ThrowTo t) (t2, a) = t == t2 && a /= WillStop
dependent' _ _ (t2, a) (_, WillThrowTo t) = t == t2 && a /= Stop
dependent' _ _ (_, STM _) (_, WillSTM) = True
dependent' _ _ (_, GetNumCapabilities a) (_, WillSetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
dependent' _ _ (_, SetNumCapabilities a) (_, WillGetNumCapabilities) = True
dependent' _ _ (_, SetNumCapabilities a) (_, WillSetNumCapabilities b) = a /= b
dependent' memtype buf (_, d1) (_, d2) = dependentActions memtype buf (simplify d1) (simplify' d2)
-- | Check if two 'ActionType's are dependent. Note that this is not
@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ tests = test
, testDejafu excCatchAll "excCatchAll" $ gives' [(True, True)]
, testDejafu excSTM "excSTM" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu capsGet "capsGet" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu capsSet "capsSet" $ gives' [True]
@ -219,3 +221,17 @@ excSTM :: MonadConc m => m Bool
excSTM = catchArithException
(atomically $ throwSTM Overflow)
(\_ -> return True)
-- Capabilities
-- | Check that the capabilities are consistent when retrieved.
capsGet :: MonadConc m => m Bool
capsGet = (==) <$> getNumCapabilities <*> getNumCapabilities
-- | Check that the capabilities can be set.
capsSet :: MonadConc m => m Bool
capsSet = do
caps <- getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities $ caps + 1
(== caps + 1) <$> getNumCapabilities
Reference in New Issue
Block a user