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synced 2024-12-18 02:51:42 +03:00
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@ -2,16 +2,18 @@ module Cases.Discard where
import Control.Concurrent.Classy
import Test.DejaFu (gives')
import Test.Framework (Test)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (hUnitTestToTests)
import Test.HUnit (test)
import Test.HUnit.DejaFu (Discard(..), defaultMemType, defaultWay, testDejafuDiscard)
import Common
tests :: [Test]
tests = hUnitTestToTests $ test
[ check "all results" [1, 2, 3] (const Nothing)
, check "no results" [] (const $ Just DiscardResultAndTrace)
, check "some results" [1, 2] (\x -> if x == Right 3 then Just DiscardResultAndTrace else Nothing)
tests = toTestList
[ check "All results are kept when none are discarded" [1, 2, 3] $
const Nothing
, check "No results are kept when all are discarded" [] $
const (Just DiscardResultAndTrace)
, check "Results failing the test are not present" [1, 2] $
\x -> if x == Right 3 then Just DiscardResultAndTrace else Nothing
check name xs f = testDejafuDiscard f defaultWay defaultMemType nondet name (gives' xs)
@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ tests = hUnitTestToTests $ test
nondet :: MonadConc m => m Int
nondet = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
fork $ putMVar mvar 1
fork $ putMVar mvar 2
fork $ putMVar mvar 3
_ <- fork $ putMVar mvar 1
_ <- fork $ putMVar mvar 2
_ <- fork $ putMVar mvar 3
readMVar mvar
@ -17,45 +17,31 @@ import Control.Monad.Conc.Class
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ litmusTest "intelWP21" intelWP21
[ let out = [(a,b) | a <- [0..1], b <- [0..1], (a,b) /= (1,0)]
in litmusTest "Loads are not reordered with other loads and stores are not reordered with other stores" intelWP21 out out out
, litmusTest "intelWP22" intelWP22
, let out = [(a,b) | a <- [0..1], b <- [0..1], (a,b) /= (1,1)]
in litmusTest "Stores are not reordered with older loads" intelWP22 out out out
, litmusTest "intelWP23" intelWP23
, let sq = [(a,b) | a <- [0..1], b <- [0..1], (a,b) /= (0,0)]
rel = [(a,b) | a <- [0..1], b <- [0..1]]
in litmusTest "Loads may be reordered with older stores to different locations" intelWP23 sq rel rel
, litmusTest "intelWP24" intelWP24
, let out = [(1,1)]
in litmusTest "Loads are not reordered with older stores to the same location" intelWP24 out out out
, litmusTest "intelWP25" intelWP25
, let sq = [((1,0),(1,1)),((1,1),(1,0)),((1,1),(1,1))]
rel = [((1,0),(1,0)),((1,0),(1,1)),((1,1),(1,0)),((1,1),(1,1))]
in litmusTest "Intra-processor forwarding is allowed" intelWP25 sq rel rel
, litmusTest "intelWP26" intelWP26
, let out = [(0,0,0),(0,0,1),(1,0,0),(1,0,1)]
in litmusTest "Stores are transitively visible" intelWP26 out out out
, litmusTest "intelWP27" intelWP27
, let out = [((0,0),(0,0)),((0,0),(0,1)),((0,0),(0,2)),((0,0),(1,1)),((0,0),(1,2)),((0,0),(2,1)),((0,0),(2,2)),((0,1),(0,0)),((0,1),(0,1)),((0,1),(0,2)),((0,1),(1,1)),((0,1),(1,2)),((0,1),(2,1)),((0,1),(2,2)),((0,2),(0,0)),((0,2),(0,1)),((0,2),(0,2)),((0,2),(1,1)),((0,2),(1,2)),((0,2),(2,1)),((0,2),(2,2)),((1,1),(0,0)),((1,1),(0,1)),((1,1),(0,2)),((1,1),(1,1)),((1,1),(1,2)),((1,1),(2,1)),((1,1),(2,2)),((1,2),(0,0)),((1,2),(0,1)),((1,2),(0,2)),((1,2),(1,1)),((1,2),(1,2)),((1,2),(2,2)),((2,1),(0,0)),((2,1),(0,1)),((2,1),(0,2)),((2,1),(1,1)),((2,1),(2,1)),((2,1),(2,2)),((2,2),(0,0)),((2,2),(0,1)),((2,2),(0,2)),((2,2),(1,1)),((2,2),(1,2)),((2,2),(2,1)),((2,2),(2,2))]
in litmusTest "Total order on stores to the same location" intelWP27 out out out
, litmusTest "intelWP28" intelWP28
, let out = [((a,b),(c,d)) | a <- [0..1], b <- [0..1], c <- [0..1], d <- [0..1], ((a,b),(c,d)) /= ((1,0),(1,0))]
in litmusTest "Independent Read Independent Write" intelWP28 out out out
litmusTest :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> (forall t. ConcST t a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> Test
@ -14,84 +14,74 @@ import QSemN
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Threading"
[ T "child thread ID" threadId1 $ gives' [True]
, T "parent thread ID" threadId2 $ gives' [True]
, T "no wait" threadNoWait $ gives' [Nothing, Just ()]
[ threadId1
, threadId2
, threadNoWait
, testGroup "MVar"
[ T "deadlock" cvarLock $ gives [Left Deadlock, Right 0]
, T "race" cvarRace $ gives' [0,1]
[ mvarLock
, mvarRace
, testGroup "CRef"
[ T "race" crefRace $ gives' [0,1]
, T "cas modify" crefCASModify $ gives' [0,1]
, T "cas race" crefCASRace $ gives' [(True, 2), (False, 2)]
, T "cas race (redo)" crefCASRaceRedo $ gives' [(True, 1), (True, 2)]
, T "cas tickets" crefCASTickets $ gives' [(True, False, 1), (False, True, 2)]
[ crefRace
, crefCASModify
, crefCASRace
, crefCASRaceRedo
, crefCASTickets
, testGroup "STM"
[ T "atomicity" stmAtomic $ gives' [0,2]
, T "left retry" stmLeftRetry $ gives' [()]
, T "right retry" stmRightRetry $ gives' [()]
, T "issue 55" stmIssue55 $ gives' [True]
, T "issue 111" stmIssue111 $ gives' [1]
[ stmAtomic
, stmLeftRetry
, stmRightRetry
, stmIssue55
, stmIssue111
, testGroup "Killing Threads"
[ T "no masking" threadKill $ gives [Left Deadlock, Right ()]
, T "masked" threadKillMask $ gives' [()]
, T "masked (uninterruptible)" threadKillUninterruptibleMask $ gives [Left Deadlock]
, T "unmasked" threadKillUmask $ gives [Left Deadlock, Right ()]
, T "throw to main (uncaught)" threadKillToMain1 $ gives [Left UncaughtException]
, T "throw to main (caught)" threadKillToMain2 $ gives' [()]
[ threadKill
, threadKillMask
, threadKillUninterruptibleMask
, threadKillUmask
, threadKillToMain1
, threadKillToMain2
, testGroup "Daemons"
[ T "schedule daemon" schedDaemon $ gives' [0,1]
[ schedDaemon
, testGroup "Subconcurrency"
[ T "deadlock1" scDeadlock1 $ gives' [Left Deadlock, Right ()]
, T "deadlock2" scDeadlock2 $ gives' [(Left Deadlock, ()), (Right (), ())]
, T "success" scSuccess $ gives' [Right ()]
, T "illegal" scIllegal $ gives [Left IllegalSubconcurrency]
, T "issue 71" scIssue71 $ gives' [()]
, T "issue 81" scIssue81 $ gives' [(Right (),0)]
[ scDeadlock1
, scDeadlock2
, scSuccess
, scIllegal
, scIssue71
, scIssue81
-- Threading
-- | Fork reports the good @ThreadId@.
threadId1 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
threadId1 = do
threadId1 :: [Test]
threadId1 = djfuT "Fork reports the thread ID of the child" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- fork $ myThreadId >>= putMVar var
(tid ==) <$> readMVar var
-- | A child and parent thread have different @ThreadId@s.
threadId2 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
threadId2 = do
threadId2 :: [Test]
threadId2 = djfuT "Different threads have different thread IDs" (gives' [True]) $ do
tid <- spawn myThreadId
(/=) <$> myThreadId <*> readMVar tid
-- | A parent thread doesn't wait for child threads before
-- terminating.
threadNoWait :: MonadConc m => m (Maybe ())
threadNoWait = do
threadNoWait :: [Test]
threadNoWait = djfuT "A thread doesn't wait for its children before terminating" (gives' [Nothing, Just ()]) $ do
x <- newCRef Nothing
void . fork . writeCRef x $ Just ()
readCRef x
-- @MVar@s
-- | Deadlocks sometimes due to order of acquision of locks.
cvarLock :: MonadConc m => m Int
cvarLock = do
mvarLock :: [Test]
mvarLock = djfuT "Racey MVar computations may deadlock" (gives [Left Deadlock, Right 0]) $ do
a <- newEmptyMVar
b <- newEmptyMVar
@ -108,22 +98,18 @@ cvarLock = do
takeMVar c
-- | When racing two @putMVar@s, one of them will win.
cvarRace :: MonadConc m => m Int
cvarRace = do
mvarRace :: [Test]
mvarRace = djfuT "Racey MVar computations are nondeterministic" (gives' [0,1]) $ do
x <- newEmptyMVar
void . fork $ putMVar x 0
void . fork $ putMVar x 1
_ <- fork $ putMVar x 0
_ <- fork $ putMVar x 1
readMVar x
-- @CRef@s
-- | When racing two @writeCRef@s, one of them will win.
crefRace :: MonadConc m => m Int
crefRace = do
crefRace :: [Test]
crefRace = djfuT "Racey CRef computations are nondeterministic" (gives' [0,1]) $ do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
j1 <- spawn $ writeCRef x 0
@ -134,16 +120,14 @@ crefRace = do
readCRef x
-- | Modify CAS works.
crefCASModify :: MonadConc m => m Int
crefCASModify = do
crefCASModify :: [Test]
crefCASModify = djfuT "CASing CRef changes its value" (gives' [0,1]) $ do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
fork $ modifyCRefCAS x (\_ -> (1, ()))
readCRef x
-- | CAS with two threads is racey.
crefCASRace :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Int)
crefCASRace = do
crefCASRace :: [Test]
crefCASRace = djfuT "Racey CAS computations are nondeterministic" (gives' [(True, 2), (False, 2)]) $ do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
t <- readForCAS x
j <- spawn $ casCRef x t 1
@ -152,9 +136,8 @@ crefCASRace = do
v <- readCRef x
pure (b, v)
-- | Failed CAS can use the new ticket to succeed.
crefCASRaceRedo :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Int)
crefCASRaceRedo = do
crefCASRaceRedo :: [Test]
crefCASRaceRedo = djfuT "A failed CAS gives an updated ticket" (gives' [(True, 1), (True, 2)]) $ do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
t <- readForCAS x
v <- newEmptyMVar
@ -168,9 +151,8 @@ crefCASRaceRedo = do
v <- readCRef x
pure (b, v)
-- | A ticket is only good for one CAS.
crefCASTickets :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Bool, Int)
crefCASTickets = do
crefCASTickets :: [Test]
crefCASTickets = djfuT "A ticket is only good for one CAS" (gives' [(True, False, 1), (False, True, 2)]) $ do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
t <- readForCAS x
j1 <- spawn $ casCRef x t 1
@ -183,41 +165,36 @@ crefCASTickets = do
-- STM
-- | Transactions are atomic.
stmAtomic :: MonadConc m => m Int
stmAtomic = do
stmAtomic :: [Test]
stmAtomic = djfuT "Transactions are atomic" (gives' [0,2]) $ do
x <- atomically $ newTVar (0::Int)
void . fork . atomically $ writeTVar x 1 >> writeTVar x 2
atomically $ readTVar x
-- | 'retry' is the left identity of 'orElse'.
stmLeftRetry :: MonadConc m => m ()
stmLeftRetry = do
stmLeftRetry :: [Test]
stmLeftRetry = djfuT "'retry' is the left identity of 'orElse'" (gives' [()]) $ do
x <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing
let readJust var = maybe retry pure =<< readTVar var
fork . atomically . writeTVar x $ Just ()
atomically $ retry `orElse` readJust x
-- | 'retry' is the right identity of 'orElse'.
stmRightRetry :: MonadConc m => m ()
stmRightRetry = do
stmRightRetry :: [Test]
stmRightRetry = djfuT "'retry' is the right identity of 'orElse'" (gives' [()]) $ do
x <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing
let readJust var = maybe retry pure =<< readTVar var
fork . atomically . writeTVar x $ Just ()
atomically $ readJust x `orElse` retry
-- | Test case from issue #55.
stmIssue55 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
stmIssue55 = do
stmIssue55 :: [Test]
stmIssue55 = djfuT "https://github.com/barrucadu/dejafu/issues/55" (gives' [True]) $ do
a <- atomically $ newTQueue
b <- atomically $ newTQueue
fork . atomically $ writeTQueue b True
let both a b = readTQueue a `orElse` readTQueue b `orElse` retry
atomically $ both a b
-- | Test case from issue #111
stmIssue111 :: MonadConc m => m Int
stmIssue111 = do
stmIssue111 :: [Test]
stmIssue111 = djfuT "https://github.com/barrucadu/dejafu/issues/111" (gives' [1]) $ do
v <- atomically $ newTVar 1
fork . atomically $ do
writeTVar v 2
@ -228,17 +205,15 @@ stmIssue111 = do
-- Exceptions
-- | Cause a deadlock sometimes by killing a thread.
threadKill :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKill = do
threadKill :: [Test]
threadKill = djfuT "Exceptions can kill unmasked threads" (gives [Left Deadlock, Right ()]) $ do
x <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- fork $ putMVar x ()
killThread tid
readMVar x
-- | Never deadlock by masking a thread.
threadKillMask :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillMask = do
threadKillMask :: [Test]
threadKillMask = djfuT "Exceptions cannot kill nonblocking masked threads" (gives' [()]) $ do
x <- newEmptyMVar
y <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- fork $ mask $ \_ -> putMVar x () >> putMVar y ()
@ -246,19 +221,16 @@ threadKillMask = do
killThread tid
readMVar y
-- | Deadlock trying to throw an exception to an
-- uninterruptibly-masked thread.
threadKillUninterruptibleMask :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillUninterruptibleMask = do
threadKillUninterruptibleMask :: [Test]
threadKillUninterruptibleMask = djfuT "Throwing to an uninterruptible thread blocks" (gives [Left Deadlock]) $ do
x <- newEmptyMVar
y <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- fork $ uninterruptibleMask $ \_ -> putMVar x () >> takeMVar y
readMVar x
killThread tid
-- | Sometimes deadlock by killing a thread.
threadKillUmask :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillUmask = do
threadKillUmask :: [Test]
threadKillUmask = djfuT "Exceptions can kill nonblocking masked threads which have unmasked" (gives [Left Deadlock, Right ()]) $ do
x <- newEmptyMVar
y <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- fork $ mask $ \umask -> putMVar x () >> umask (putMVar y ())
@ -266,18 +238,14 @@ threadKillUmask = do
killThread tid
readMVar y
-- | Throw an exception to the main thread with 'throwTo', without a
-- handler.
threadKillToMain1 :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillToMain1 = do
threadKillToMain1 :: [Test]
threadKillToMain1 = djfuT "Throwing to main kills the computation, if unhandled" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $ do
tid <- myThreadId
j <- spawn $ throwTo tid Overflow
readMVar j
-- | Throw an exception to the main thread with 'throwTo', with a
-- handler.
threadKillToMain2 :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillToMain2 = do
threadKillToMain2 :: [Test]
threadKillToMain2 = djfuT "Throwing to main doesn't kill the computation, if handled" (gives' [()]) $ do
tid <- myThreadId
catchArithException (spawn (throwTo tid Overflow) >>= readMVar)
(\_ -> pure ())
@ -285,11 +253,8 @@ threadKillToMain2 = do
-- Daemon threads
-- | Fork off a thread where the first action has no dependency with
-- anything the initial thread does, but which has a later action
-- which does. This exhibits issue #40.
schedDaemon :: MonadConc m => m Int
schedDaemon = do
schedDaemon :: [Test]
schedDaemon = djfuT "https://github.com/barrucadu/dejafu/issues/40" (gives' [0,1]) $ do
x <- newCRef 0
_ <- fork $ myThreadId >> writeCRef x 1
readCRef x
@ -297,52 +262,44 @@ schedDaemon = do
-- Subconcurrency
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks sometimes.
scDeadlock1 :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure ())
scDeadlock1 = do
scDeadlock1 :: [Test]
scDeadlock1 = djfuT "Failure is observable" (gives' [Left Deadlock, Right ()]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVar
subconcurrency $ do
void . fork $ putMVar var ()
putMVar var ()
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks sometimes, and action after it still
-- happens.
scDeadlock2 :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure (), ())
scDeadlock2 = do
scDeadlock2 :: [Test]
scDeadlock2 = djfuT "Failure does not abort the outer computation" (gives' [(Left Deadlock, ()), (Right (), ())]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVar
res <- subconcurrency $ do
void . fork $ putMVar var ()
putMVar var ()
(,) <$> pure res <*> readMVar var
-- | Subcomputation successfully completes.
scSuccess :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure ())
scSuccess = do
scSuccess :: [Test]
scSuccess = djfuT "Success is observable" (gives' [Right ()]) $ do
var <- newMVar ()
subconcurrency $ do
out <- newEmptyMVar
void . fork $ takeMVar var >>= putMVar out
takeMVar out
-- | Illegal usage
scIllegal :: Monad n => ConcT r n ()
scIllegal = do
scIllegal :: [Test]
scIllegal = djfuT "It is illegal to start subconcurrency after forking" (gives [Left IllegalSubconcurrency]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVar
void . fork $ readMVar var
void . subconcurrency $ pure ()
-- | Test case from issue 71. This won't fail if the bug is
-- reintroduced, it will just hang.
scIssue71 :: Monad n => ConcT r n ()
scIssue71 = do
scIssue71 :: [Test]
scIssue71 = djfuT "https://github.com/barrucadu/dejafu/issues/71" (gives' [()]) $ do
let ma ||| mb = do { j1 <- spawn ma; j2 <- spawn mb; takeMVar j1; takeMVar j2; pure () }
s <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- subconcurrency (takeMVar s ||| pure ())
pure ()
-- | Test case from issue 81.
scIssue81 :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure (), Int)
scIssue81 = do
scIssue81 :: [Test]
scIssue81 = djfuT "https://github.com/barrucadu/dejafu/issues/81" (gives' [(Right (),0)]) $ do
s <- newQSemN 0
let interfere = waitQSemN s 0 >> signalQSemN s 0
x <- subconcurrency (signalQSemN s 0 ||| waitQSemN s 0 ||| interfere)
@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
module Cases.SingleThreaded where
import Control.Exception (ArithException(..), ArrayException(..))
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Test.DejaFu (Failure(..), gives, gives')
import Test.HUnit.DejaFu (testDejafu)
import Control.Concurrent.Classy
import Test.DejaFu.Conc (ConcT, subconcurrency)
import Test.DejaFu.Conc (subconcurrency)
import Common
@ -19,348 +17,308 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "MVar"
[ testDejafu emptyMVarTake "empty take" $ gives [Left Deadlock]
, testDejafu emptyMVarTryTake "empty take (try)" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu emptyMVarPut "empty put" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu emptyMVarTryPut "empty put (try)" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu emptyMVarRead "empty read" $ gives [Left Deadlock]
, testDejafu emptyMVarTryRead "empty read (try)" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu fullMVarPut "full put" $ gives [Left Deadlock]
, testDejafu fullMVarTryPut "full put (try)" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu fullMVarTake "full take" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu fullMVarTryTake "full take (try)" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu fullMVarRead "full read" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu fullMVarTryRead "full read (try)" $ gives' [True]
[ emptyMVarPut
, emptyMVarTryPut
, emptyMVarTake
, emptyMVarTryTake
, emptyMVarRead
, emptyMVarTryRead
, fullMVarPut
, fullMVarTryPut
, fullMVarTake
, fullMVarTryTake
, fullMVarRead
, fullMVarTryRead
, testGroup "CRef"
[ testDejafu crefRead "read" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu crefWrite "write" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu crefModify "modify" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu crefTicketPeek "ticket peek" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu crefTicketPeek2 "ticket peek (2)" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu crefCas1 "cas" $ gives' [(True, True)]
, testDejafu crefCas2 "cas (modified)" $ gives' [(False, False)]
[ crefRead
, crefWrite
, crefModify
, crefTicketPeek
, crefTicketPeek2
, crefCas1
, crefCas2
, testGroup "STM"
[ testDejafu stmWrite "write" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu stmPreserve "write (across transactions)" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu stmRetry "retry" $ gives [Left STMDeadlock]
, testDejafu stmOrElse "or else" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu stmCatch1 "single catch" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu stmCatch2 "nested catch" $ gives' [True]
[ stmWrite
, stmPreserve
, stmRetry
, stmOrElse
, stmCatch1
, stmCatch2
, stmMFail
, testGroup "Exceptions"
[ testDejafu excCatch "single catch" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu excNest "nested catch" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu excEscape "uncaught" $ gives [Left UncaughtException]
, testDejafu excCatchAll "catch all" $ gives' [(True, True)]
, testDejafu excSTM "from stm" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu excToMain1 "throw to main (uncaught)" $ gives [Left UncaughtException]
, testDejafu excToMain2 "throw to main (caught)" $ gives' [()]
, testDejafu excMFail "monadfail" $ gives [Left UncaughtException]
, testDejafu excMFailSTM "monadfail (stm)" $ gives [Left UncaughtException]
[ excCatch
, excNest
, excEscape
, excCatchAll
, excSTM
, excToMain1
, excToMain2
, excMFail
, testGroup "Capabilities"
[ testDejafu capsGet "get" $ gives' [True]
, testDejafu capsSet "set" $ gives' [True]
[ capsGet
, capsSet
, testGroup "Subconcurrency"
[ testDejafu scDeadlock1 "deadlock1" $ gives' [Left Deadlock]
, testDejafu scDeadlock2 "deadlock2" $ gives' [(Left Deadlock, ())]
, testDejafu scSuccess "success" $ gives' [Right ()]
[ scDeadlock1
, scDeadlock2
, scSuccess
-- @MVar@s
-- | An empty @MVar@ cannot be taken from.
emptyMVarTake :: MonadConc m => m ()
emptyMVarTake = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
emptyMVarTake :: Test
emptyMVarTake = djfu "Taking from an empty MVar blocks" (gives [Left Deadlock]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVarInt
takeMVar var
-- | An empty @MVar@ cannot be taken from.
emptyMVarTryTake :: MonadConc m => m Bool
emptyMVarTryTake = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
res <- tryTakeMVar var
emptyMVarTryTake :: Test
emptyMVarTryTake = djfu "Non-blockingly taking from an empty MVar gives nothing" (gives' [Nothing]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVarInt
tryTakeMVar var
return $ (res :: Maybe ()) == Nothing
-- | An empty @MVar@ can be put into.
emptyMVarPut :: MonadConc m => m Bool
emptyMVarPut = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
emptyMVarPut :: Test
emptyMVarPut = djfu "Putting into an empty MVar updates it" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVarInt
putMVar var 7
(==7) <$> readMVar var
-- | An empty @MVar@ can be put into.
emptyMVarTryPut :: MonadConc m => m Bool
emptyMVarTryPut = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
tryPutMVar var 7
emptyMVarTryPut :: Test
emptyMVarTryPut = djfu "Non-blockingly putting into an empty MVar updates it" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVarInt
_ <- tryPutMVar var 7
(==7) <$> readMVar var
-- | An empty @MVar@ cannot be read from.
emptyMVarRead :: MonadConc m => m ()
emptyMVarRead = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
emptyMVarRead :: Test
emptyMVarRead = djfu "Reading an empty MVar blocks" (gives [Left Deadlock]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVarInt
readMVar var
-- | An empty @MVar@ cannot be read from.
emptyMVarTryRead :: MonadConc m => m Bool
emptyMVarTryRead = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
isNothing <$> tryReadMVar var
emptyMVarTryRead :: Test
emptyMVarTryRead = djfu "Non-blockingly reading an empty MVar gives nothing" (gives' [Nothing]) $ do
var <- newEmptyMVarInt
tryReadMVar var
-- | A full @MVar@ cannot be put into.
fullMVarPut :: MonadConc m => m ()
fullMVarPut = do
var <- newMVar ()
putMVar var ()
fullMVarPut :: Test
fullMVarPut = djfu "Putting into a full MVar blocks" (gives [Left Deadlock]) $ do
var <- newMVarInt 7
putMVar var 10
-- | A full @MVar@ cannot be put into.
fullMVarTryPut :: MonadConc m => m Bool
fullMVarTryPut = do
var <- newMVar ()
not <$> tryPutMVar var ()
fullMVarTryPut :: Test
fullMVarTryPut = djfu "Non-blockingly putting into a full MVar fails" (gives' [False]) $ do
var <- newMVarInt 7
tryPutMVar var 10
-- | A full @MVar@ can be taken from.
fullMVarTake :: MonadConc m => m Bool
fullMVarTake = do
var <- newMVar ()
(() ==) <$> takeMVar var
fullMVarTake :: Test
fullMVarTake = djfu "Taking from a full MVar works" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newMVarInt 7
(==7) <$> takeMVar var
-- | A full @MVar@ can be taken from.
fullMVarTryTake :: MonadConc m => m Bool
fullMVarTryTake = do
var <- newMVar ()
(Just () ==) <$> tryTakeMVar var
fullMVarTryTake :: Test
fullMVarTryTake = djfu "Non-blockingly taking from a full MVar works" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newMVarInt 7
(==Just 7) <$> tryTakeMVar var
-- | A full @MVar@ can be read from.
fullMVarRead :: MonadConc m => m Bool
fullMVarRead = do
var <- newMVar ()
(() ==) <$> readMVar var
fullMVarRead :: Test
fullMVarRead = djfu "Reading a full MVar works" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newMVarInt 7
(==7) <$> readMVar var
-- | A full @MVar@ can be read from.
fullMVarTryRead :: MonadConc m => m Bool
fullMVarTryRead = do
var <- newMVar ()
(Just () ==) <$> tryReadMVar var
fullMVarTryRead :: Test
fullMVarTryRead = djfu "Non-blockingly reading a full MVar works" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newMVarInt 7
(==Just 7) <$> tryReadMVar var
-- @CRef@s
-- | A @CRef@ can be read from.
crefRead :: MonadConc m => m Bool
crefRead = do
ref <- newCRef (5::Int)
crefRead :: Test
crefRead = djfu "Reading a non-updated CRef gives its initial value" (gives' [True]) $ do
ref <- newCRefInt 5
(5==) <$> readCRef ref
-- | A @CRef@ can be written to.
crefWrite :: MonadConc m => m Bool
crefWrite = do
ref <- newCRef (5::Int)
crefWrite :: Test
crefWrite = djfu "Reading an updated CRef gives its new value" (gives' [True]) $ do
ref <- newCRefInt 5
writeCRef ref 6
(6==) <$> readCRef ref
-- | A @CRef@ can be modified.
crefModify :: MonadConc m => m Bool
crefModify = do
ref <- newCRef (5::Int)
crefModify :: Test
crefModify = djfu "Updating a CRef by a function changes its value" (gives' [True]) $ do
ref <- newCRefInt 5
atomicModifyCRef ref (\i -> (i+1, ()))
(6==) <$> readCRef ref
-- | A @Ticket@ contains the value as of when it was created.
crefTicketPeek :: MonadConc m => m Bool
crefTicketPeek = do
ref <- newCRef (5::Int)
crefTicketPeek :: Test
crefTicketPeek = djfu "A ticket contains the value of the CRef at the time of its creation" (gives' [True]) $ do
ref <- newCRefInt 5
tick <- readForCAS ref
writeCRef ref 6
(5==) <$> peekTicket tick
-- | A @Ticket@ contains the value as of when it was created (and
-- casCRef returns a correct new ticket).
crefTicketPeek2 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
crefTicketPeek2 = do
ref <- newCRef (5::Int)
crefTicketPeek2 :: Test
crefTicketPeek2 = djfu "Compare-and-swap returns a ticket containing the new value" (gives' [True]) $ do
ref <- newCRefInt 5
tick <- readForCAS ref
(_, tick') <- casCRef ref tick 6
(6==) <$> peekTicket tick'
-- | A compare-and-swap can be done on a @CRef@ which hasn't been
-- modified.
crefCas1 :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Bool)
crefCas1 = do
ref <- newCRef (5::Int)
crefCas1 :: Test
crefCas1 = djfu "Compare-and-swap on an unmodified CRef succeeds" (gives' [True]) $ do
ref <- newCRefInt 5
tick <- readForCAS ref
(suc, _) <- casCRef ref tick 6
val <- readCRef ref
return (suc, 6 == val)
return (suc && (6 == val))
-- | A compare-and-swap cannot be done on a @CRef@ which has been
-- modified.
crefCas2 :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Bool)
crefCas2 = do
ref <- newCRef (5::Int)
crefCas2 :: Test
crefCas2 = djfu "Compare-and-swap on a modified CRef fails" (gives' [True]) $ do
ref <- newCRefInt 5
tick <- readForCAS ref
writeCRef ref 6
(suc, _) <- casCRef ref tick 7
val <- readCRef ref
return (suc, 7 == val)
return (not suc && not (7 == val))
-- STM
-- | A @TVar@ can be written to.
stmWrite :: MonadConc m => m Bool
stmWrite =
(6==) <$> atomically (do { v <- newTVar (5::Int); writeTVar v 6; readTVar v })
stmWrite :: Test
stmWrite = djfu "When a TVar is updated in a transaction, its new value is visible later in the transaction" (gives' [True]) $
(6==) <$> atomically (do { v <- newTVarInt 5; writeTVar v 6; readTVar v })
-- | A @TVar@ preserves its value between transactions.
stmPreserve :: MonadConc m => m Bool
stmPreserve = do
ctv <- atomically $ newTVar (5::Int)
stmPreserve :: Test
stmPreserve = djfu "When a TVar is updated, its new value is visible in a later transaction" (gives' [True]) $ do
ctv <- atomically $ newTVarInt 5
(5==) <$> atomically (readTVar ctv)
-- | A transaction can be aborted, which blocks the thread.
stmRetry :: MonadConc m => m ()
stmRetry = atomically retry
stmRetry :: Test
stmRetry = djfu "Aborting a transaction blocks the thread" (gives [Left STMDeadlock]) $
(atomically retry :: MonadConc m => m ()) -- avoid an ambiguous type
-- | An abort can be caught by an @orElse@.
stmOrElse :: MonadConc m => m Bool
stmOrElse = do
ctv <- atomically $ newTVar (5::Int)
stmOrElse :: Test
stmOrElse = djfu "Aborting a transaction can be caught and recovered from" (gives' [True]) $ do
ctv <- atomically $ newTVarInt 5
atomically $ orElse retry (writeTVar ctv 6)
(6==) <$> atomically (readTVar ctv)
-- | An exception can be caught by an appropriate handler.
stmCatch1 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
stmCatch1 = do
ctv <- atomically $ newTVar (5::Int)
stmCatch1 :: Test
stmCatch1 = djfu "An exception thrown in a transaction can be caught" (gives' [True]) $ do
ctv <- atomically $ newTVarInt 5
atomically $ catchArithException
(throwSTM Overflow)
(\_ -> writeTVar ctv 6)
(6==) <$> atomically (readTVar ctv)
-- | Nested exception handlers can catch different types of exception.
stmCatch2 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
stmCatch2 = do
ctv <- atomically $ newTVar (5::Int)
stmCatch2 :: Test
stmCatch2 = djfu "Nested exception handlers in transactions work" (gives' [True]) $ do
ctv <- atomically $ newTVarInt 5
atomically $ catchArithException
(throwSTM Overflow)
(\_ -> writeTVar ctv 0))
(\_ -> writeTVar ctv 6)
(6==) <$> atomically (readTVar ctv)
stmMFail :: Test
stmMFail = djfu "MonadSTM is a MonadFail" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $
(atomically $ fail "hello world" :: MonadConc m => m ())
-- Exceptions
-- | An exception can be caught by an appropriate handler.
excCatch :: MonadConc m => m Bool
excCatch = catchArithException
(throw Overflow)
(\_ -> return True)
-- | Nested exception handlers can catch different types of exception.
excNest :: MonadConc m => m Bool
excNest = catchArithException
excCatch :: Test
excCatch = djfu "An exception thrown can be caught" (gives' [True]) $
(throw Overflow)
(\_ -> return False))
(\_ -> return True)
(\_ -> return True)
-- | Exceptions of the wrong type kill the computation
excEscape :: MonadConc m => m ()
excEscape = catchArithException
(throw $ IndexOutOfBounds "")
(\_ -> return undefined)
excNest :: Test
excNest = djfu "Nested exception handlers work" (gives' [True]) $
(throw Overflow)
(\_ -> return False))
(\_ -> return True)
-- | @SomeException@ matches all exception types.
excCatchAll :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Bool)
excCatchAll = do
excEscape :: Test
excEscape = djfu "Uncaught exceptions kill the computation" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $
(throw $ IndexOutOfBounds "")
(\_ -> return False)
excCatchAll :: Test
excCatchAll = djfu "SomeException matches all exception types" (gives' [True]) $ do
a <- catchSomeException
(throw Overflow)
(\_ -> return True)
b <- catchSomeException
(throw $ IndexOutOfBounds "")
(\_ -> return True)
return (a && b)
return (a, b)
excSTM :: Test
excSTM = djfu "Exceptions thrown in a transaction can be caught outside it" (gives' [True]) $
(atomically $ throwSTM Overflow)
(\_ -> return True)
-- | Exceptions thrown from STM can be caught.
excSTM :: MonadConc m => m Bool
excSTM = catchArithException
(atomically $ throwSTM Overflow)
(\_ -> return True)
-- | Throw an exception to the main thread with 'throwTo', without a
-- handler.
excToMain1 :: MonadConc m => m ()
excToMain1 = do
excToMain1 :: Test
excToMain1 = djfu "Throwing an unhandled exception to the main thread kills it" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $ do
tid <- myThreadId
throwTo tid Overflow
-- | Throw an exception to the main thread with 'throwTo', with a
-- handler.
excToMain2 :: MonadConc m => m ()
excToMain2 = do
excToMain2 :: Test
excToMain2 = djfu "Throwing a handled exception to the main thread does not kill it" (gives' [True]) $ do
tid <- myThreadId
catchArithException (throwTo tid Overflow) (\_ -> pure ())
catchArithException (throwTo tid Overflow >> pure False) (\_ -> pure True)
-- | Throw an exception using 'fail'. Using 'ConcT' directly to avoid
-- a 'MonadFail' constraint, which won't work with base < 4.9.
excMFail :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure ())
excMFail = fail "hello world"
-- | Throw an exception in an STM transaction using 'fail'.
excMFailSTM :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure ())
excMFailSTM = atomically $ fail "hello world"
excMFail :: Test
excMFail = djfu "MonadConc is a MonadFail" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $
(fail "hello world" :: MonadConc m => m ())
-- Capabilities
-- | Check that the capabilities are consistent when retrieved.
capsGet :: MonadConc m => m Bool
capsGet = (==) <$> getNumCapabilities <*> getNumCapabilities
capsGet :: Test
capsGet = djfu "Reading the capabilities twice without update gives the same result" (gives' [True]) $ do
c1 <- getNumCapabilities
c2 <- getNumCapabilities
return (c1 == c2)
-- | Check that the capabilities can be set.
capsSet :: MonadConc m => m Bool
capsSet = do
capsSet :: Test
capsSet = djfu "Getting the updated capabilities gives the new value" (gives' [True]) $ do
caps <- getNumCapabilities
setNumCapabilities $ caps + 1
setNumCapabilities (caps + 1)
(== caps + 1) <$> getNumCapabilities
-- Subconcurrency
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks.
scDeadlock1 :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure ())
scDeadlock1 = subconcurrency (newEmptyMVar >>= readMVar)
scDeadlock1 :: Test
scDeadlock1 = djfu "Failures in subconcurrency can be observed" (gives' [True]) $ do
x <- subconcurrency (newEmptyMVar >>= readMVar)
pure (either (==Deadlock) (const False) x)
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks, and action after it still happens.
scDeadlock2 :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure (), ())
scDeadlock2 = do
var <- newMVar ()
(,) <$> subconcurrency (putMVar var ()) <*> readMVar var
scDeadlock2 :: Test
scDeadlock2 = djfu "Actions after a failing subconcurrency still happen" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newMVarInt 0
x <- subconcurrency (putMVar var 1)
y <- readMVar var
pure (either (==Deadlock) (const False) x && y == 0)
-- | Subcomputation successfully completes.
scSuccess :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure ())
scSuccess = do
var <- newMVar ()
subconcurrency (takeMVar var)
scSuccess :: Test
scSuccess = djfu "Non-failing subconcurrency returns the final result" (gives' [True]) $ do
var <- newMVarInt 3
x <- subconcurrency (takeMVar var)
pure (either (const False) (==3) x)
@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ module Common
import Control.Exception (ArithException, ArrayException, SomeException)
import Control.Monad (void)
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as C
import Control.Monad.Conc.Class (MonadConc, readMVar, spawn)
import Control.Monad.Conc.Class
import Control.Monad.STM.Class
import System.Random (mkStdGen)
import Test.DejaFu (Predicate)
import Test.DejaFu.Conc (ConcST)
import qualified Test.Framework as TF
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (hUnitTestToTests)
import qualified Test.HUnit as TH
import Test.HUnit.DejaFu (Bounds, defaultBounds, defaultMemType, uniformly, randomly, swarmy, systematically, testDejafuWay)
import Test.HUnit.DejaFu (Bounds, defaultBounds, defaultMemType, uniformly, randomly, swarmy, systematically, testDejafu, testDejafuWay)
-- Tests
@ -51,6 +52,12 @@ data T where
testGroup :: IsTest t => String -> t -> TF.Test
testGroup name = TF.testGroup name . toTestList
djfu :: Show a => String -> Predicate a -> (forall t. ConcST t a) -> TF.Test
djfu name p c = head . toTestList $ testDejafu c name p
djfuT :: Show a => String -> Predicate a -> (forall t. ConcST t a) -> [TF.Test]
djfuT name p c = toTestList $ T name c p
-- Exceptions
@ -71,3 +78,19 @@ a ||| b = do
j <- spawn a
void b
void (readMVar j)
-- | Create an empty monomorphic @MVar@.
newEmptyMVarInt :: MonadConc m => m (MVar m Int)
newEmptyMVarInt = newEmptyMVar
-- | Create a full monomorphic @MVar@.
newMVarInt :: MonadConc m => Int -> m (MVar m Int)
newMVarInt = newMVar
-- | Create a monomorphic @CRef@.
newCRefInt :: MonadConc m => Int -> m (CRef m Int)
newCRefInt = newCRef
-- | Create a monomorphic @TVar@.
newTVarInt :: MonadSTM stm => Int -> stm (TVar stm Int)
newTVarInt = newTVar
Reference in New Issue
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