module Cases.MultiThreaded where import Control.Exception (ArithException(..)) import Test.DejaFu (Failure(..), gives, gives', isUncaughtException) import Test.Framework (Test) import Control.Concurrent.Classy hiding (newQSemN, signalQSemN, waitQSemN) import Test.DejaFu.Conc (subconcurrency) import Common tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "Threading" threadingTests , testGroup "MVar" mvarTests , testGroup "CRef" crefTests , testGroup "STM" stmTests , testGroup "Exceptions" exceptionTests , testGroup "Subconcurrency" subconcurrencyTests ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- threadingTests :: [Test] threadingTests = toTestList [ djfuT "Fork reports the thread ID of the child" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVar tid <- fork $ myThreadId >>= putMVar var (tid ==) <$> readMVar var , djfuT "Different threads have different thread IDs" (gives' [True]) $ do tid <- spawn myThreadId (/=) <$> myThreadId <*> readMVar tid , djfuT "A thread doesn't wait for its children before terminating" (gives' [Nothing, Just ()]) $ do x <- newCRef Nothing _ <- fork . writeCRef x $ Just () readCRef x ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mvarTests :: [Test] mvarTests = toTestList [ djfuT "Racey MVar computations may deadlock" (gives [Left Deadlock, Right 0]) $ do a <- newEmptyMVar b <- newEmptyMVar c <- newMVarInt 0 let lock m = putMVar m () let unlock = takeMVar j1 <- spawn $ lock a >> lock b >> modifyMVar_ c (return . succ) >> unlock b >> unlock a j2 <- spawn $ lock b >> lock a >> modifyMVar_ c (return . pred) >> unlock a >> unlock b takeMVar j1 takeMVar j2 takeMVar c , djfuT "Racey MVar computations are nondeterministic" (gives' [0,1]) $ do x <- newEmptyMVarInt _ <- fork $ putMVar x 0 _ <- fork $ putMVar x 1 readMVar x ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crefTests :: [Test] crefTests = toTestList [ djfuT "Racey CRef computations are nondeterministic" (gives' [0,1]) $ do x <- newCRefInt 0 j1 <- spawn $ writeCRef x 0 j2 <- spawn $ writeCRef x 1 takeMVar j1 takeMVar j2 readCRef x , djfuT "CASing CRef changes its value" (gives' [0,1]) $ do x <- newCRefInt 0 _ <- fork $ modifyCRefCAS x (\_ -> (1, ())) readCRef x , djfuT "Racey CAS computations are nondeterministic" (gives' [(True, 2), (False, 2)]) $ do x <- newCRefInt 0 t <- readForCAS x j <- spawn $ casCRef x t 1 writeCRef x 2 b <- fst <$> readMVar j v <- readCRef x pure (b, v) , djfuT "A failed CAS gives an updated ticket" (gives' [(True, 1), (True, 2)]) $ do x <- newCRefInt 0 t <- readForCAS x v <- newEmptyMVar j <- spawn $ do o@(f, t') <- casCRef x t 1 takeMVar v if f then pure o else casCRef x t' 1 writeCRef x 2 putMVar v () b <- fst <$> readMVar j o <- readCRef x pure (b, o) , djfuT "A ticket is only good for one CAS" (gives' [(True, False, 1), (False, True, 2)]) $ do x <- newCRefInt 0 t <- readForCAS x j1 <- spawn $ casCRef x t 1 j2 <- spawn $ casCRef x t 2 b1 <- fst <$> readMVar j1 b2 <- fst <$> readMVar j2 v <- readCRef x pure (b1, b2, v) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stmTests :: [Test] stmTests = toTestList [ djfuT "Transactions are atomic" (gives' [0,2]) $ do x <- atomically $ newTVarInt 0 _ <- fork . atomically $ writeTVar x 1 >> writeTVar x 2 atomically $ readTVar x , djfuT "'retry' is the left identity of 'orElse'" (gives' [()]) $ do x <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing let readJust var = maybe retry pure =<< readTVar var _ <- fork . atomically . writeTVar x $ Just () atomically $ retry `orElse` readJust x , djfuT "'retry' is the right identity of 'orElse'" (gives' [()]) $ do x <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing let readJust var = maybe retry pure =<< readTVar var fork . atomically . writeTVar x $ Just () atomically $ readJust x `orElse` retry ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exceptionTests :: [Test] exceptionTests = toTestList [ djfuT "Exceptions can kill unmasked threads" (gives [Left Deadlock, Right ()]) $ do x <- newEmptyMVar tid <- fork $ putMVar x () killThread tid readMVar x , djfuT "Exceptions cannot kill nonblocking masked threads" (gives' [()]) $ do x <- newEmptyMVar y <- newEmptyMVar tid <- fork $ mask $ \_ -> putMVar x () >> putMVar y () readMVar x killThread tid readMVar y , djfuT "Throwing to an uninterruptible thread blocks" (gives [Left Deadlock]) $ do x <- newEmptyMVar y <- newEmptyMVar tid <- fork $ uninterruptibleMask $ \_ -> putMVar x () >> takeMVar y readMVar x killThread tid , djfuT "Exceptions can kill masked threads which have unmasked" (gives [Left Deadlock, Right ()]) $ do x <- newEmptyMVar y <- newEmptyMVar tid <- fork $ mask $ \umask -> putMVar x () >> umask (putMVar y ()) readMVar x killThread tid readMVar y , djfuT "Throwing to main kills the computation, if unhandled" (alwaysFailsWith isUncaughtException) $ do tid <- myThreadId j <- spawn $ throwTo tid Overflow readMVar j , djfuT "Throwing to main doesn't kill the computation, if handled" (gives' [()]) $ do tid <- myThreadId catchArithException (spawn (throwTo tid Overflow) >>= readMVar) (\_ -> pure ()) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subconcurrencyTests :: [Test] subconcurrencyTests = toTestList [ djfuT "Failure is observable" (gives' [Left Deadlock, Right ()]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVar subconcurrency $ do _ <- fork $ putMVar var () putMVar var () , djfuT "Failure does not abort the outer computation" (gives' [(Left Deadlock, ()), (Right (), ())]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVar res <- subconcurrency $ do _ <- fork $ putMVar var () putMVar var () (,) <$> pure res <*> readMVar var , djfuT "Success is observable" (gives' [Right ()]) $ do var <- newMVar () subconcurrency $ do out <- newEmptyMVar _ <- fork $ takeMVar var >>= putMVar out takeMVar out , djfuT "It is illegal to start subconcurrency after forking" (gives [Left IllegalSubconcurrency]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVar _ <- fork $ readMVar var _ <- subconcurrency $ pure () pure () ]