{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Cases.SingleThreaded where import Control.Exception (ArithException(..), ArrayException(..)) import Test.DejaFu (Failure(..), gives, gives') import Control.Concurrent.Classy import Test.DejaFu.Conc (subconcurrency) import Common #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) #endif tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "MVar" mvarTests , testGroup "CRef" crefTests , testGroup "STM" stmTests , testGroup "Exceptions" exceptionTests , testGroup "Capabilities" capabilityTests , testGroup "Subconcurrency" subconcurrencyTests ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mvarTests :: [Test] mvarTests = [ djfu "Taking from an empty MVar blocks" (gives [Left Deadlock]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVarInt takeMVar var , djfu "Non-blockingly taking from an empty MVar gives nothing" (gives' [Nothing]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVarInt tryTakeMVar var , djfu "Putting into an empty MVar updates it" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVarInt putMVar var 7 (==7) <$> readMVar var , djfu "Non-blockingly putting into an empty MVar updates it" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVarInt _ <- tryPutMVar var 7 (==7) <$> readMVar var , djfu "Reading an empty MVar blocks" (gives [Left Deadlock]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVarInt readMVar var , djfu "Non-blockingly reading an empty MVar gives nothing" (gives' [Nothing]) $ do var <- newEmptyMVarInt tryReadMVar var , djfu "Putting into a full MVar blocks" (gives [Left Deadlock]) $ do var <- newMVarInt 7 putMVar var 10 , djfu "Non-blockingly putting into a full MVar fails" (gives' [False]) $ do var <- newMVarInt 7 tryPutMVar var 10 , djfu "Taking from a full MVar works" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newMVarInt 7 (==7) <$> takeMVar var , djfu "Non-blockingly taking from a full MVar works" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newMVarInt 7 (==Just 7) <$> tryTakeMVar var , djfu "Reading a full MVar works" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newMVarInt 7 (==7) <$> readMVar var , djfu "Non-blockingly reading a full MVar works" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newMVarInt 7 (==Just 7) <$> tryReadMVar var ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crefTests :: [Test] crefTests = [ djfu "Reading a non-updated CRef gives its initial value" (gives' [True]) $ do ref <- newCRefInt 5 (5==) <$> readCRef ref , djfu "Reading an updated CRef gives its new value" (gives' [True]) $ do ref <- newCRefInt 5 writeCRef ref 6 (6==) <$> readCRef ref , djfu "Updating a CRef by a function changes its value" (gives' [True]) $ do ref <- newCRefInt 5 atomicModifyCRef ref (\i -> (i+1, ())) (6==) <$> readCRef ref , djfu "A ticket contains the value of the CRef at the time of its creation" (gives' [True]) $ do ref <- newCRefInt 5 tick <- readForCAS ref writeCRef ref 6 (5==) <$> peekTicket tick , djfu "Compare-and-swap returns a ticket containing the new value" (gives' [True]) $ do ref <- newCRefInt 5 tick <- readForCAS ref (_, tick') <- casCRef ref tick 6 (6==) <$> peekTicket tick' , djfu "Compare-and-swap on an unmodified CRef succeeds" (gives' [True]) $ do ref <- newCRefInt 5 tick <- readForCAS ref (suc, _) <- casCRef ref tick 6 val <- readCRef ref return (suc && (6 == val)) , djfu "Compare-and-swap on a modified CRef fails" (gives' [True]) $ do ref <- newCRefInt 5 tick <- readForCAS ref writeCRef ref 6 (suc, _) <- casCRef ref tick 7 val <- readCRef ref return (not suc && not (7 == val)) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stmTests :: [Test] stmTests = [ djfu "When a TVar is updated, its new value is visible later in same transaction" (gives' [True]) $ (6==) <$> atomically (do { v <- newTVarInt 5; writeTVar v 6; readTVar v }) , djfu "When a TVar is updated, its new value is visible in a later transaction" (gives' [True]) $ do ctv <- atomically $ newTVarInt 5 (5==) <$> atomically (readTVar ctv) , djfu "Aborting a transaction blocks the thread" (gives [Left STMDeadlock]) $ (atomically retry :: MonadConc m => m ()) -- avoid an ambiguous type , djfu "Aborting a transaction can be caught and recovered from" (gives' [True]) $ do ctv <- atomically $ newTVarInt 5 atomically $ orElse retry (writeTVar ctv 6) (6==) <$> atomically (readTVar ctv) , djfu "An exception thrown in a transaction can be caught" (gives' [True]) $ do ctv <- atomically $ newTVarInt 5 atomically $ catchArithException (throwSTM Overflow) (\_ -> writeTVar ctv 6) (6==) <$> atomically (readTVar ctv) , djfu "Nested exception handlers in transactions work" (gives' [True]) $ do ctv <- atomically $ newTVarInt 5 atomically $ catchArithException (catchArrayException (throwSTM Overflow) (\_ -> writeTVar ctv 0)) (\_ -> writeTVar ctv 6) (6==) <$> atomically (readTVar ctv) , djfu "MonadSTM is a MonadFail" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $ (atomically $ fail "hello world" :: MonadConc m => m ()) -- avoid an ambiguous type ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exceptionTests :: [Test] exceptionTests = [ djfu "An exception thrown can be caught" (gives' [True]) $ catchArithException (throw Overflow) (\_ -> return True) , djfu "Nested exception handlers work" (gives' [True]) $ catchArithException (catchArrayException (throw Overflow) (\_ -> return False)) (\_ -> return True) , djfu "Uncaught exceptions kill the computation" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $ catchArithException (throw $ IndexOutOfBounds "") (\_ -> return False) , djfu "SomeException matches all exception types" (gives' [True]) $ do a <- catchSomeException (throw Overflow) (\_ -> return True) b <- catchSomeException (throw $ IndexOutOfBounds "") (\_ -> return True) return (a && b) , djfu "Exceptions thrown in a transaction can be caught outside it" (gives' [True]) $ catchArithException (atomically $ throwSTM Overflow) (\_ -> return True) , djfu "Throwing an unhandled exception to the main thread kills it" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $ do tid <- myThreadId throwTo tid Overflow , djfu "Throwing a handled exception to the main thread does not kill it" (gives' [True]) $ do tid <- myThreadId catchArithException (throwTo tid Overflow >> pure False) (\_ -> pure True) , djfu "MonadConc is a MonadFail" (gives [Left UncaughtException]) $ (fail "hello world" :: MonadConc m => m ()) -- avoid an ambiguous type ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- capabilityTests :: [Test] capabilityTests = [ djfu "Reading the capabilities twice without update gives the same result" (gives' [True]) $ do c1 <- getNumCapabilities c2 <- getNumCapabilities return (c1 == c2) , djfu "Getting the updated capabilities gives the new value" (gives' [True]) $ do caps <- getNumCapabilities setNumCapabilities (caps + 1) (== caps + 1) <$> getNumCapabilities ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subconcurrencyTests :: [Test] subconcurrencyTests = [ djfu "Failures in subconcurrency can be observed" (gives' [True]) $ do x <- subconcurrency (newEmptyMVar >>= readMVar) pure (either (==Deadlock) (const False) x) , djfu "Actions after a failing subconcurrency still happen" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newMVarInt 0 x <- subconcurrency (putMVar var 1) y <- readMVar var pure (either (==Deadlock) (const False) x && y == 0) , djfu "Non-failing subconcurrency returns the final result" (gives' [True]) $ do var <- newMVarInt 3 x <- subconcurrency (takeMVar var) pure (either (const False) (==3) x) ]