#!/usr/bin/env bash function testcmd() { local name=$1 shift local command=$* echo "== ${name}" if $command; then echo else echo "== FAILED" exit 1 fi } function testdejafu() { local name=$1 shift local stackopts=$* echo "== $name" if ! stack $stackopts build dejafu-tests; then echo "== FAILED (build)" exit 1 fi if ! stack $stackopts exec dejafu-tests; then echo "== FAILED (test)" exit 1 fi } # Set the resolver. Uses the environment variable "RESOLVER" if set, # otherwise whatever is in the "stack.yaml" file. STACKOPTS="--no-terminal --install-ghc --resolver=$RESOLVER" if [[ "$RESOLVER" == "" ]]; then STACKOPTS="--no-terminal --install-ghc" fi stack $STACKOPTS setup # Test dejafu-0.2 compat of async/hunit/tasty-dejafu if [[ -z "$SKIP_OLD_DEJAFU" ]]; then sed 's:^- dejafu$::' stack.yaml > stack-old-dejafu.yaml sed -i 's/^extra-deps: \[\]/extra-deps: [ dejafu- ]/' stack-old-dejafu.yaml for pkg in hunit-dejafu tasty-dejafu; do testcmd "${pkg} (dejafu-0.2)" stack $STACKOPTS --stack-yaml=stack-old-dejafu.yaml test $pkg done fi # Test dpor-0.1 compat of dejafu if [[ -z "$SKIP_OLD_DPOR" ]]; then # Use because it builds with ghc 8. sed 's:^- dpor$::' stack.yaml > stack-old-dpor.yaml sed -i 's/^extra-deps: \[\]/extra-deps: [ dpor- ]/' stack-old-dpor.yaml testdejafu "dejafu (dpor-0.1)" $STACKOPTS --stack-yaml=stack-old-dpor.yaml fi # Test HEAD version of everything testcmd "dpor" stack $STACKOPTS test dpor testdejafu "dejafu" $STACKOPTS for pkg in hunit-dejafu tasty-dejafu async-dejafu; do testcmd "${pkg}" stack $STACKOPTS test $pkg done