{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- | This module allows using Deja Fu predicates with HUnit to test -- the behaviour of concurrent systems. module Test.HUnit.DejaFu ( -- * Testing testAuto , testDejafu , testDejafus , testAutoIO , testDejafuIO , testDejafusIO -- * Testing under Relaxed Memory , MemType(..) , testAuto' , testAutoIO' , testDejafu' , testDejafus' , testDejafuIO' , testDejafusIO' ) where import Test.DejaFu import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic (Conc, showFail, showTrace) import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.IO (ConcIO) import Test.DejaFu.SCT (sctPreBound, sctPreBoundIO) import Test.HUnit (Test(..), assertString) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Automated testing -- | Automatically test a computation. In particular, look for -- deadlocks, uncaught exceptions, and multiple return values. -- -- This uses the 'Conc' monad for testing, which is an instance of -- 'MonadConc'. If you need to test something which also uses -- 'MonadIO', use 'testAutoIO'. testAuto :: (Eq a, Show a) => (forall t. Conc t a) -- ^ The computation to test -> Test testAuto = testAuto' SequentialConsistency -- | Variant of 'testAuto' which tests a computation under a given -- memory model. testAuto' :: (Eq a, Show a) => MemType -- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @CRef@ operations. -> (forall t. Conc t a) -- ^ The computation to test -> Test testAuto' memtype conc = testDejafus' memtype 2 conc autocheckCases -- | Variant of 'testAuto' for computations which do 'IO'. testAutoIO :: (Eq a, Show a) => (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> Test testAutoIO = testAutoIO' SequentialConsistency -- | Variant of 'testAuto'' for computations which do 'IO'. testAutoIO' :: (Eq a, Show a) => MemType -> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> Test testAutoIO' memtype concio = testDejafusIO' memtype 2 concio autocheckCases -- | Predicates for the various autocheck functions. autocheckCases :: Eq a => [(String, Predicate a)] autocheckCases = [("Never Deadlocks", deadlocksNever) , ("No Exceptions", exceptionsNever) , ("Consistent Result", alwaysSame) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Manual testing -- | Check that a predicate holds. testDejafu :: Show a => (forall t. Conc t a) -- ^ The computation to test -> String -- ^ The name of the test. -> Predicate a -- ^ The predicate to check -> Test testDejafu = testDejafu' SequentialConsistency 2 -- | Variant of 'testDejafu' which takes a memory model and -- pre-emption bound. testDejafu' :: Show a => MemType -- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @CRef@ operations. -> Int -- ^ The maximum number of pre-emptions to allow in a single -- execution -> (forall t. Conc t a) -- ^ The computation to test -> String -- ^ The name of the test. -> Predicate a -- ^ The predicate to check -> Test testDejafu' memtype pb conc name p = testDejafus' memtype pb conc [(name, p)] -- | Variant of 'testDejafu' which takes a collection of predicates to -- test. This will share work between the predicates, rather than -- running the concurrent computation many times for each predicate. testDejafus :: Show a => (forall t. Conc t a) -- ^ The computation to test -> [(String, Predicate a)] -- ^ The list of predicates (with names) to check -> Test testDejafus = testDejafus' SequentialConsistency 2 -- | Variant of 'testDejafus' which takes a memory model and pre-emption -- bound. testDejafus' :: Show a => MemType -- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @CRef@ operations. -> Int -- ^ The maximum number of pre-emptions to allow in a single -- execution -> (forall t. Conc t a) -- ^ The computation to test -> [(String, Predicate a)] -- ^ The list of predicates (with names) to check -> Test testDejafus' = test -- | Variant of 'testDejafu' for computations which do 'IO'. testDejafuIO :: Show a => (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> String -> Predicate a -> Test testDejafuIO = testDejafuIO' SequentialConsistency 2 -- | Variant of 'testDejafu'' for computations which do 'IO'. testDejafuIO' :: Show a => MemType -> Int -> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> String -> Predicate a -> Test testDejafuIO' memtype pb concio name p = testDejafusIO' memtype pb concio [(name, p)] -- | Variant of 'testDejafus' for computations which do 'IO'. testDejafusIO :: Show a => (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> Test testDejafusIO = testDejafusIO' SequentialConsistency 2 -- | Variant of 'dejafus'' for computations which do 'IO'. testDejafusIO' :: Show a => MemType -> Int -> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> Test testDejafusIO' = testio -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HUnit integration -- | Produce a HUnit 'Test' from a Deja Fu test. test :: Show a => MemType -> Int -> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> Test test memtype pb conc tests = case map toTest tests of [t] -> t ts -> TestList ts where toTest (name, p) = TestLabel name . TestCase $ assertString . showErr $ p traces traces = sctPreBound memtype pb conc -- | Produce a HUnit 'Test' from an IO-using Deja Fu test. testio :: Show a => MemType -> Int -> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> Test testio memtype pb concio tests = case map toTest tests of [t] -> t ts -> TestList ts where toTest (name, p) = TestLabel name . TestCase $ do -- Sharing of traces probably not possible (without something -- really unsafe) here, as 'test' doesn't allow side-effects -- (eg, constructing an 'MVar' to share the traces after one -- test computed them). traces <- sctPreBoundIO memtype pb concio assertString . showErr $ p traces -- | Convert a test result into an error message on failure (empty -- string on success). showErr :: Show a => Result a -> String showErr res | _pass res = "" | otherwise = "Failed after " ++ show (_casesChecked res) ++ " cases:\n" ++ unlines failures ++ rest where failures = map (\(r, t) -> "\t" ++ either showFail show r ++ " " ++ showTrace t) . take 5 $ _failures res rest = if moreThan (_failures res) 5 then "\n\t..." else "" -- | Check if a list has more than some number of elements. moreThan :: [a] -> Int -> Bool moreThan [] n = n < 0 moreThan _ 0 = True moreThan (_:xs) n = moreThan xs (n-1)