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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | Deterministic traced execution of concurrent computations which
-- don't do @IO@.
-- This works by executing the computation on a single thread, calling
-- out to the supplied scheduler after each step to determine which
-- thread runs next.
module Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
( -- * The @Conc@ Monad
, Failure(..)
, runConc
, fork
, spawn
, atomically
-- * Communication: CVars
, CVar
, newEmptyCVar
, putCVar
, tryPutCVar
, readCVar
, takeCVar
, tryTakeCVar
-- * Testing
, _concNoTest
-- * Execution traces
, Trace
, Decision(..)
, ThreadAction(..)
, CVarId
, showTrace
-- * Scheduling
, module Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Schedule
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Monad.Cont (cont, runCont)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Control.State (Wrapper(..), refST)
import Data.STRef (STRef, newSTRef)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Schedule
import Test.DejaFu.STM (STMLike, runTransactionST)
import qualified Control.Monad.Conc.Class as C
-- | The @Conc@ monad itself. This uses the same
-- universally-quantified indexing state trick as used by 'ST' and
-- 'STRef's to prevent mutable references from leaking out of the
-- monad.
newtype Conc t a = C { unC :: M (ST t) (STRef t) (STMLike t) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance C.MonadConc (Conc t) where
type CVar (Conc t) = CVar t
type STMLike (Conc t) = STMLike t (ST t) (STRef t)
fork = fork
newEmptyCVar = newEmptyCVar
putCVar = putCVar
tryPutCVar = tryPutCVar
readCVar = readCVar
takeCVar = takeCVar
tryTakeCVar = tryTakeCVar
atomically = atomically
_concNoTest = _concNoTest
fixed :: Fixed (ST t) (STRef t) (STMLike t)
fixed = Wrapper refST $ \ma -> cont (\c -> ALift $ c <$> ma)
-- | The concurrent variable type used with the 'Conc' monad. One
-- notable difference between these and 'MVar's is that 'MVar's are
-- single-wakeup, and wake up in a FIFO order. Writing to a @CVar@
-- wakes up all threads blocked on reading it, and it is up to the
-- scheduler which one runs next. Taking from a @CVar@ behaves
-- analogously.
newtype CVar t a = V { unV :: R (STRef t) a } deriving Eq
-- | Run the provided computation concurrently, returning the result.
spawn :: Conc t a -> Conc t (CVar t a)
spawn = C.spawn
-- | Block on a 'CVar' until it is full, then read from it (without
-- emptying).
readCVar :: CVar t a -> Conc t a
readCVar cvar = C $ cont $ AGet $ unV cvar
-- | Run the provided computation concurrently.
fork :: Conc t () -> Conc t ()
fork (C ma) = C $ cont $ \c -> AFork (runCont ma $ const AStop) $ c ()
-- | Run the provided 'MonadSTM' transaction atomically. If 'retry' is
-- called, it will be blocked until any of the touched 'CTVar's have
-- been written to.
atomically :: STMLike t (ST t) (STRef t) a -> Conc t a
atomically stm = C $ cont $ AAtom stm
-- | Create a new empty 'CVar'.
newEmptyCVar :: Conc t (CVar t a)
newEmptyCVar = C $ cont lifted where
lifted c = ANew $ \cvid -> c <$> newEmptyCVar' cvid
newEmptyCVar' cvid = V <$> newSTRef (cvid, Nothing)
-- | Block on a 'CVar' until it is empty, then write to it.
putCVar :: CVar t a -> a -> Conc t ()
putCVar cvar a = C $ cont $ \c -> APut (unV cvar) a $ c ()
-- | Put a value into a 'CVar' if there isn't one, without blocking.
tryPutCVar :: CVar t a -> a -> Conc t Bool
tryPutCVar cvar a = C $ cont $ ATryPut (unV cvar) a
-- | Block on a 'CVar' until it is full, then read from it (with
-- emptying).
takeCVar :: CVar t a -> Conc t a
takeCVar cvar = C $ cont $ ATake $ unV cvar
-- | Read a value from a 'CVar' if there is one, without blocking.
tryTakeCVar :: CVar t a -> Conc t (Maybe a)
tryTakeCVar cvar = C $ cont $ ATryTake $ unV cvar
-- | Run the argument in one step. If the argument fails, the whole
-- computation will fail.
_concNoTest :: Conc t a -> Conc t a
_concNoTest ma = C $ cont $ \c -> ANoTest (unC ma) c
-- | Run a concurrent computation with a given 'Scheduler' and initial
-- state, returning a failure reason on error. Also returned is the
-- final state of the scheduler, and an execution trace.
-- Note how the @t@ in 'Conc' is universally quantified, what this
-- means in practice is that you can't do something like this:
-- > runConc (\s _ (x:_) -> (x, s)) () newEmptyCVar
-- So 'CVar's cannot leak out of the 'Conc' computation. If this is
-- making your head hurt, check out the \"How @runST@ works\" section
-- of <https://ocharles.org.uk/blog/guest-posts/2014-12-18-rank-n-types.html>
runConc :: Scheduler s -> s -> (forall t. Conc t a) -> (Either Failure a, s, Trace)
runConc sched s ma = runST $ runFixed fixed runTransactionST sched s $ unC ma