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280 lines
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Executable File
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
-- Impredicative polymorphism checks got stronger in GHC 8, breaking
-- the use of 'unsafeCoerce' below.
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
-- | This module allows using Deja Fu predicates with HUnit to test
-- the behaviour of concurrent systems.
module Test.HUnit.DejaFu
( -- * Unit testing
-- | This is supported by the 'Assertable' and 'Testable'
-- instances for 'ConcST' and 'ConcIO'. These instances try all
-- executions, reporting as failures the cases which throw an
-- 'HUnitFailure' exception.
-- @instance Testable (ConcST t ())@
-- @instance Assertable (ConcST t ())@
-- @instance Testable (ConcIO ())@
-- @instance Assertable (ConcIO ())@
-- These instances use the default memory model and schedule bounds.
-- * Property testing
, testDejafu
, testDejafus
, testAuto'
, testDejafu'
, testDejafus'
-- ** @IO@
, testAutoIO
, testDejafuIO
, testDejafusIO
, testAutoIO'
, testDejafuIO'
, testDejafusIO'
-- * Re-exports
, Bounds(..)
, MemType(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch (try)
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse)
import Test.DejaFu
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic (ConcST, ConcIO, Trace, ThreadId, ThreadAction, Lookahead, showFail, showTrace)
import qualified Test.DejaFu.SCT as SCT
import Test.HUnit (Assertable(..), Test(..), Testable(..), assertString)
import Test.HUnit.Lang (HUnitFailure(..))
-- Can't put the necessary forall in the @Assertable ConcST t@
-- instance :(
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
#if MIN_VERSION_dejafu(0,3,0)
type Trc = Trace ThreadId ThreadAction Lookahead
type Trc = Trace
sctBoundST :: MemType -> Bounds -> (forall t. ConcST t a) -> [(Either Failure a, Trc)]
sctBoundIO :: MemType -> Bounds -> ConcIO a -> IO [(Either Failure a, Trc)]
#if MIN_VERSION_dejafu(0,4,0)
sctBoundST memtype cb conc = runST (SCT.sctBound memtype cb conc)
sctBoundIO = SCT.sctBound
sctBoundST = SCT.sctBound
sctBoundIO = SCT.sctBoundIO
-- Unit testing
instance Testable (ConcST t ()) where
test conc = TestCase (assert conc)
instance Testable (ConcIO ()) where
test conc = TestCase (assert conc)
instance Assertable (ConcST t ()) where
assert conc = do
let traces = sctBound' conc'
assertString . showErr $ assertableP traces
conc' :: ConcST t (Either HUnitFailure ())
conc' = try conc
sctBound' :: ConcST t (Either HUnitFailure ()) -> [(Either Failure (Either HUnitFailure ()), Trc)]
sctBound' = unsafeCoerce $ sctBoundST defaultMemType defaultBounds
instance Assertable (ConcIO ()) where
assert conc = do
traces <- sctBoundIO defaultMemType defaultBounds (try conc)
assertString . showErr $ assertableP traces
assertableP :: Predicate (Either HUnitFailure ())
assertableP = alwaysTrue $ \r -> case r of
Right (Left (HUnitFailure {})) -> False
_ -> True
-- Property testing
-- | Automatically test a computation. In particular, look for
-- deadlocks, uncaught exceptions, and multiple return values.
-- This uses the 'Conc' monad for testing, which is an instance of
-- 'MonadConc'. If you need to test something which also uses
-- 'MonadIO', use 'testAutoIO'.
testAuto :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> (forall t. ConcST t a)
-- ^ The computation to test
-> Test
testAuto = testAuto' defaultMemType
-- | Variant of 'testAuto' which tests a computation under a given
-- memory model.
testAuto' :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> MemType
-- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @CRef@ operations.
-> (forall t. ConcST t a)
-- ^ The computation to test
-> Test
testAuto' memtype conc = testDejafus' memtype defaultBounds conc autocheckCases
-- | Variant of 'testAuto' for computations which do 'IO'.
testAutoIO :: (Eq a, Show a) => ConcIO a -> Test
testAutoIO = testAutoIO' defaultMemType
-- | Variant of 'testAuto'' for computations which do 'IO'.
testAutoIO' :: (Eq a, Show a) => MemType -> ConcIO a -> Test
testAutoIO' memtype concio = testDejafusIO' memtype defaultBounds concio autocheckCases
-- | Predicates for the various autocheck functions.
autocheckCases :: Eq a => [(String, Predicate a)]
autocheckCases =
[("Never Deadlocks", representative deadlocksNever)
, ("No Exceptions", representative exceptionsNever)
, ("Consistent Result", alwaysSame)
-- | Check that a predicate holds.
testDejafu :: Show a
=> (forall t. ConcST t a)
-- ^ The computation to test
-> String
-- ^ The name of the test.
-> Predicate a
-- ^ The predicate to check
-> Test
testDejafu = testDejafu' defaultMemType defaultBounds
-- | Variant of 'testDejafu' which takes a memory model and
-- schedule bounds.
testDejafu' :: Show a
=> MemType
-- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @CRef@ operations.
-> Bounds
-- ^ The schedule bound.
-> (forall t. ConcST t a)
-- ^ The computation to test
-> String
-- ^ The name of the test.
-> Predicate a
-- ^ The predicate to check
-> Test
testDejafu' memtype cb conc name p = testDejafus' memtype cb conc [(name, p)]
-- | Variant of 'testDejafu' which takes a collection of predicates to
-- test. This will share work between the predicates, rather than
-- running the concurrent computation many times for each predicate.
testDejafus :: Show a
=> (forall t. ConcST t a)
-- ^ The computation to test
-> [(String, Predicate a)]
-- ^ The list of predicates (with names) to check
-> Test
testDejafus = testDejafus' defaultMemType defaultBounds
-- | Variant of 'testDejafus' which takes a memory model and schedule
-- bounds.
testDejafus' :: Show a
=> MemType
-- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @CRef@ operations.
-> Bounds
-- ^ The schedule bounds
-> (forall t. ConcST t a)
-- ^ The computation to test
-> [(String, Predicate a)]
-- ^ The list of predicates (with names) to check
-> Test
testDejafus' = testst
-- | Variant of 'testDejafu' for computations which do 'IO'.
testDejafuIO :: Show a => ConcIO a -> String -> Predicate a -> Test
testDejafuIO = testDejafuIO' defaultMemType defaultBounds
-- | Variant of 'testDejafu'' for computations which do 'IO'.
testDejafuIO' :: Show a => MemType -> Bounds -> ConcIO a -> String -> Predicate a -> Test
testDejafuIO' memtype cb concio name p = testDejafusIO' memtype cb concio [(name, p)]
-- | Variant of 'testDejafus' for computations which do 'IO'.
testDejafusIO :: Show a => ConcIO a -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> Test
testDejafusIO = testDejafusIO' defaultMemType defaultBounds
-- | Variant of 'dejafus'' for computations which do 'IO'.
testDejafusIO' :: Show a => MemType -> Bounds -> ConcIO a -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> Test
testDejafusIO' = testio
-- HUnit integration
-- | Produce a HUnit 'Test' from a Deja Fu test.
testst :: Show a => MemType -> Bounds -> (forall t. ConcST t a) -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> Test
testst memtype cb conc tests = case map toTest tests of
[t] -> t
ts -> TestList ts
toTest (name, p) = TestLabel name . TestCase $
assertString . showErr $ p traces
traces = sctBoundST memtype cb conc
-- | Produce a HUnit 'Test' from an IO-using Deja Fu test.
testio :: Show a => MemType -> Bounds -> ConcIO a -> [(String, Predicate a)] -> Test
testio memtype cb concio tests = case map toTest tests of
[t] -> t
ts -> TestList ts
toTest (name, p) = TestLabel name . TestCase $ do
-- Sharing of traces probably not possible (without something
-- really unsafe) here, as 'test' doesn't allow side-effects
-- (eg, constructing an 'MVar' to share the traces after one
-- test computed them).
traces <- sctBoundIO memtype cb concio
assertString . showErr $ p traces
-- Utilities
-- | Convert a test result into an error message on failure (empty
-- string on success).
showErr :: Show a => Result a -> String
showErr res
| _pass res = ""
| otherwise = "Failed after " ++ show (_casesChecked res) ++ " cases:\n" ++ msg ++ unlines failures ++ rest where
msg = if null (_failureMsg res) then "" else _failureMsg res ++ "\n"
failures = intersperse "" . map (indent . showres) . take 5 $ _failures res
showres (r, t) = either showFail show r ++ " " ++ showTrace t
rest = if moreThan (_failures res) 5 then "\n\t..." else ""
-- | Check if a list has more than some number of elements.
moreThan :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
moreThan [] n = n < 0
moreThan _ 0 = True
moreThan (_:xs) n = moreThan xs (n-1)
-- | Indent every line of a string.
indent :: String -> String
indent = intercalate "\n" . map ('\t':) . lines