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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Cases.Properties where
import Control.Monad (zipWithM, liftM2)
import qualified Control.Monad.ST as ST
import qualified Data.STRef as ST
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Test.DejaFu.Common (ThreadAction, Lookahead)
import qualified Test.DejaFu.Common as D
import qualified Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.Common as D
import qualified Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.Memory as Mem
import qualified Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal as SCT
import Test.Framework (Test)
import Test.LeanCheck (Listable(..), (\/), (><), (==>), cons0, cons1, cons2, cons3, mapT)
import Common
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Class Laws"
[ testGroup "ThreadId" (eqord (Proxy :: Proxy D.ThreadId))
, testGroup "CRefId" (eqord (Proxy :: Proxy D.CRefId))
, testGroup "MVarId" (eqord (Proxy :: Proxy D.MVarId))
, testGroup "TVarId" (eqord (Proxy :: Proxy D.TVarId))
, testGroup "Failure" (eqord (Proxy :: Proxy D.Failure))
, testGroup "Common"
[ leancheck "simplifyAction a == simplifyLookahead (rewind a)" $
\act -> canRewind act ==>
D.simplifyAction act == D.simplifyLookahead (rewind' act)
, leancheck "isBarrier a ==> synchronises a r" $
\a r -> D.isBarrier a ==> D.synchronises a r
, leancheck "isCommit a r ==> synchronises a r" $
\a r -> D.isCommit a r ==> D.synchronises a r
, testGroup "Memory"
[ leancheck "bufferWrite emptyBuffer k c a /= emptyBuffer" $
\k a -> crefProp $ \cref -> do
wb <- Mem.bufferWrite Mem.emptyBuffer k cref a
not <$> wb `eq_wb` Mem.emptyBuffer
, leancheck "commitWrite emptyBuffer k == emptyBuffer" $
\k -> ST.runST $ do
wb <- Mem.commitWrite Mem.emptyBuffer k
wb `eq_wb` Mem.emptyBuffer
, leancheck "commitWrite (bufferWrite emptyBuffer k a) k == emptyBuffer" $
\k a -> crefProp $ \cref -> do
wb1 <- Mem.bufferWrite Mem.emptyBuffer k cref a
wb2 <- Mem.commitWrite wb1 k
wb2 `eq_wb` Mem.emptyBuffer
, leancheck "Single buffered write/read from same thread" $
\k@(tid, _) a -> crefProp $ \cref -> do
Mem.bufferWrite Mem.emptyBuffer k cref a
(a ==) <$> Mem.readCRef cref tid
, leancheck "Overriding buffered write/read from same thread" $
\k@(tid, _) a1 a2 -> crefProp $ \cref -> do
Mem.bufferWrite Mem.emptyBuffer k cref a1
Mem.bufferWrite Mem.emptyBuffer k cref a2
(a2 ==) <$> Mem.readCRef cref tid
, leancheck "Buffered write/read from different thread" $
\k1@(tid1, _) k2@(tid2, _) a1 a2 -> crefProp $ \cref -> do
Mem.bufferWrite Mem.emptyBuffer k1 cref a1
Mem.bufferWrite Mem.emptyBuffer k2 cref a2
a' <- Mem.readCRef cref tid1
pure (tid1 /= tid2 ==> a' == a1)
, testGroup "SCT"
[ leancheck "canInterrupt ==> canInterruptL" $
\ds tid act ->
canRewind act && SCT.canInterrupt ds tid act ==>
SCT.canInterruptL ds tid (rewind' act)
, leancheck "dependent ==> dependent'" $
\mem ds tid1 tid2 ta1 ta2 ->
canRewind ta2 && SCT.dependent mem ds tid1 ta1 tid2 ta2 ==>
SCT.dependent' mem ds tid1 ta1 tid2 (rewind' ta2)
, leancheck "dependent x y == dependent y x" $
\mem ds tid1 tid2 ta1 ta2 ->
SCT.dependent mem ds tid1 ta1 tid2 ta2 ==
SCT.dependent mem ds tid2 ta2 tid1 ta1
, leancheck "dependentActions x y == dependentActions y x" $
\mem ds a1 a2 ->
SCT.dependentActions mem ds a1 a2 == SCT.dependentActions mem ds a2 a1
eqord :: forall a. (Eq a, Ord a, Listable a, Show a) => Proxy a -> [Test]
eqord _ =
[ leancheck "Reflexivity (==)" $ \(x :: a) -> x == x
, leancheck "Symmetry (==)" $ \(x :: a) y -> (x == y) == (y == x)
, leancheck "Transitivity (==)" $ \(x :: a) y z -> x == y && y == z ==> x == z
, leancheck "Reflexivity (<=)" $ \(x :: a) -> x <= x
, leancheck "Antisymmetry (<=)" $ \(x :: a) y -> x <= y && y <= x ==> x == y
, leancheck "Transitivity (<=)" $ \(x :: a) y z -> x <= y && y <= z ==> x <= z
, leancheck "Eq / Ord Consistency" $ \(x :: a) y -> x == y ==> x <= y
crefProp :: (forall s. D.CRef (ST.STRef s) Int -> ST.ST s Bool) -> D.CRefId -> Bool
crefProp prop crid = ST.runST $ makeCRef crid >>= prop
-- Utils
canRewind :: ThreadAction -> Bool
canRewind = isJust . D.rewind
rewind' :: ThreadAction -> Lookahead
rewind' = fromJust . D.rewind
makeCRef :: D.CRefId -> ST.ST t (D.CRef (ST.STRef t) Int)
makeCRef crid = D.CRef crid <$> ST.newSTRef (M.empty, 0, 42)
-- equality for writebuffers is a little tricky as we can't directly
-- compare the buffered values, so we compare everything else:
-- - the sets of nonempty buffers must be equal
-- - each pair of buffers for the same key must have the same size
-- - each pair of buffers for the same key must have an equal sequence of writes
-- individual writes are compared like so:
-- - the threadid and crefid must be the same
-- - the cache and number of writes inside the ref must be the same
eq_wb :: Mem.WriteBuffer (ST.STRef t) -> Mem.WriteBuffer (ST.STRef t) -> ST.ST t Bool
eq_wb (Mem.WriteBuffer wb1) (Mem.WriteBuffer wb2) = andM (pure (ks1 == ks2) :
[ (&&) (S.length ws1 == S.length ws2) <$> (and <$> zipWithM eq_bw (F.toList ws1) (F.toList ws2))
| k <- ks1
, let (Just ws1) = M.lookup k wb1
, let (Just ws2) = M.lookup k wb2
ks1 = M.keys $ M.filter (not . S.null) wb1
ks2 = M.keys $ M.filter (not . S.null) wb2
eq_bw (Mem.BufferedWrite t1 (D.CRef crid1 ref1) _) (Mem.BufferedWrite t2 (D.CRef crid2 ref2) _) = do
d1 <- (\(m,i,_) -> (M.keys m, i)) <$> ST.readSTRef ref1
d2 <- (\(m,i,_) -> (M.keys m, i)) <$> ST.readSTRef ref2
pure (t1 == t2 && crid1 == crid2 && d1 == d2)
andM [] = pure True
andM (p:ps) = do
q <- p
if q then andM ps else pure False
-- Typeclass instances
instance Listable D.ThreadId where
tiers = mapT (D.ThreadId Nothing) tiers
instance Listable D.CRefId where
tiers = mapT (D.CRefId Nothing) tiers
instance Listable D.MVarId where
tiers = mapT (D.MVarId Nothing) tiers
instance Listable D.TVarId where
tiers = mapT (D.TVarId Nothing) tiers
instance Listable D.ThreadAction where
tiers =
cons1 D.Fork
\/ cons0 D.MyThreadId
\/ cons1 D.GetNumCapabilities
\/ cons1 D.SetNumCapabilities
\/ cons0 D.Yield
\/ cons1 D.ThreadDelay
\/ cons1 D.NewMVar
\/ cons2 D.PutMVar
\/ cons1 D.BlockedPutMVar
\/ cons3 D.TryPutMVar
\/ cons1 D.ReadMVar
\/ cons2 D.TryReadMVar
\/ cons1 D.BlockedReadMVar
\/ cons2 D.TakeMVar
\/ cons1 D.BlockedTakeMVar
\/ cons3 D.TryTakeMVar
\/ cons1 D.NewCRef
\/ cons1 D.ReadCRef
\/ cons1 D.ReadCRefCas
\/ cons1 D.ModCRef
\/ cons1 D.ModCRefCas
\/ cons1 D.WriteCRef
\/ cons2 D.CasCRef
\/ cons2 D.CommitCRef
\/ cons2 D.STM
\/ cons1 D.BlockedSTM
\/ cons0 D.Catching
\/ cons0 D.PopCatching
\/ cons0 D.Throw
\/ cons1 D.ThrowTo
\/ cons1 D.BlockedThrowTo
\/ cons0 D.Killed
\/ cons2 D.SetMasking
\/ cons2 D.ResetMasking
\/ cons0 D.LiftIO
\/ cons0 D.Return
\/ cons0 D.Stop
\/ cons0 D.Subconcurrency
\/ cons0 D.StopSubconcurrency
instance Listable D.TAction where
tiers =
cons1 D.TNew
\/ cons1 D.TRead
\/ cons1 D.TWrite
\/ cons0 D.TRetry
\/ cons2 D.TOrElse
\/ cons0 D.TThrow
\/ cons2 D.TCatch
\/ cons0 D.TStop
instance Listable E.MaskingState where
list =
[ E.Unmasked
, E.MaskedInterruptible
, E.MaskedUninterruptible
instance Listable D.ActionType where
tiers =
cons1 D.UnsynchronisedRead
\/ cons1 D.UnsynchronisedWrite
\/ cons0 D.UnsynchronisedOther
\/ cons1 D.PartiallySynchronisedCommit
\/ cons1 D.PartiallySynchronisedWrite
\/ cons1 D.PartiallySynchronisedModify
\/ cons1 D.SynchronisedModify
\/ cons1 D.SynchronisedRead
\/ cons1 D.SynchronisedWrite
\/ cons0 D.SynchronisedOther
instance Listable D.MemType where
list =
[ D.SequentialConsistency
, D.TotalStoreOrder
, D.PartialStoreOrder
instance Listable SCT.DepState where
tiers = mapT (uncurry SCT.DepState) (tiers >< tiers)
instance (Ord k, Listable k, Listable v) => Listable (Map k v) where
tiers = mapT M.fromList tiers
instance Listable D.Failure where
list =
[ D.InternalError
, D.Abort
, D.Deadlock
, D.STMDeadlock
, D.IllegalSubconcurrency
] ++ map D.UncaughtException -- have a few different exception types
[ E.toException E.Overflow
, E.toException E.ThreadKilled
, E.toException E.NonTermination