
540 lines
19 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- | This module is a version of the
-- < async> package using the
-- < dejafu> concurrency
-- abstraction. It provides a set of operations for running
-- @MonadConc@ operations asynchronously and waiting for their
-- results.
-- For example, assuming a suitable @getURL@ function, we can fetch
-- the contents of two web pages at the same time:
-- > withAsync (getURL url1) $ \a1 -> do
-- > withAsync (getURL url2) $ \a2 -> do
-- > page1 <- wait a1
-- > page2 <- wait a2
-- > ...
-- The 'withAsync' function starts an operation in a separate thread,
-- and kills it if the inner action finishes before it completes.
-- There are a few deviations from the regular async package:
-- * 'asyncBound' and 'withAsyncBound' are missing as dejafu does
-- not support bound threads.
-- * The @Alternative@ instance for 'Concurrently' uses @forever
-- yield@ in the definition of @empty@, rather than @forever
-- (threadDelay maxBound)@.
module Control.Concurrent.Async
( -- * Asynchronous actions
-- * Spawning
, async
, asyncOn
, asyncWithUnmask
, asyncOnWithUnmask
-- * Spawning with automatic 'cancel'ation
, withAsync
, withAsyncOn
, withAsyncWithUnmask
, withAsyncOnWithUnmask
-- * Querying 'Async's
, wait, waitSTM
, poll, pollSTM
, waitCatch, waitCatchSTM
, cancel
, cancelWith
, asyncThreadId
-- * Waiting for multiple 'Async's
, waitAny, waitAnySTM
, waitAnyCatch, waitAnyCatchSTM
, waitAnyCancel
, waitAnyCatchCancel
, waitEither, waitEitherSTM
, waitEitherCatch, waitEitherCatchSTM
, waitEitherCancel
, waitEitherCatchCancel
, waitEither_, waitEitherSTM_
, waitBoth, waitBothSTM
-- * Linking
, link
, link2
-- * Convenient utilities
, race
, race_
, concurrently
, mapConcurrently
, forConcurrently
, Concurrently(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (AsyncException(ThreadKilled), BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM(..), Exception, SomeException)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch (finally, try, onException)
import Control.Monad.Conc.Class
import Control.Monad.STM.Class
import Control.Concurrent.Classy.STM.TMVar (newEmptyTMVar, putTMVar, readTMVar)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Traversable
-- Asynchronous and Concurrent Actions
-- | An asynchronous action spawned by 'async' or
-- 'withAsync'. Asynchronous actions are executed in a separate
-- thread, and operations are provided for waiting for asynchronous
-- actions to complete and obtaining their results (see e.g. 'wait').
-- Note that, unlike the \"async\" package, 'Async' here does not have
-- an 'Ord' instance. This is because 'MonadConc' 'ThreadId's do not
-- necessarily have one.
data Async m a = Async
{ asyncThreadId :: !(ThreadId m)
, _asyncWait :: STM m (Either SomeException a)
instance MonadConc m => Eq (Async m a) where
Async t1 _ == Async t2 _ = t1 == t2
instance MonadConc m => Functor (Async m) where
fmap f (Async t w) = Async t $ fmap f <$> w
-- | A value of type @Concurrently m a@ is a @MonadConc@ operation
-- that can be composed with other @Concurrently@ values, using the
-- @Applicative@ and @Alternative@ instances.
-- Calling @runConcurrently@ on a value of type @Concurrently m a@
-- will execute the @MonadConc@ operations it contains concurrently,
-- before delivering the result of type @a@.
-- For example
-- > (page1, page2, page3)
-- > <- runConcurrently $ (,,)
-- > <$> Concurrently (getURL "url1")
-- > <*> Concurrently (getURL "url2")
-- > <*> Concurrently (getURL "url3")
newtype Concurrently m a = Concurrently { runConcurrently :: m a }
instance MonadConc m => Functor (Concurrently m) where
fmap f (Concurrently a) = Concurrently $ f <$> a
instance MonadConc m => Applicative (Concurrently m) where
pure = Concurrently . return
Concurrently fs <*> Concurrently as =
Concurrently $ (\(f, a) -> f a) <$> concurrently fs as
instance MonadConc m => Alternative (Concurrently m) where
empty = Concurrently $ forever yield
Concurrently as <|> Concurrently bs =
Concurrently $ either id id <$> race as bs
-- Spawning
-- | Spawn an asynchronous action in a separate thread.
async :: MonadConc m => m a -> m (Async m a)
async = asyncUsing fork
-- | Like 'async' but using 'forkOn' internally.
asyncOn :: MonadConc m => Int -> m a -> m (Async m a)
asyncOn = asyncUsing . forkOn
-- | Like 'async' but using 'forkWithUnmask' internally.
asyncWithUnmask :: MonadConc m => ((forall b. m b -> m b) -> m a) -> m (Async m a)
asyncWithUnmask = asyncUnmaskUsing forkWithUnmask
-- | Like 'asyncOn' but using 'forkOnWithUnmask' internally.
asyncOnWithUnmask :: MonadConc m => Int -> ((forall b. m b -> m b) -> m a) -> m (Async m a)
asyncOnWithUnmask i = asyncUnmaskUsing (forkOnWithUnmask i)
-- | Fork a thread with the given forking function
asyncUsing :: MonadConc m => (m () -> m (ThreadId m)) -> m a -> m (Async m a)
asyncUsing doFork action = do
var <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
tid <- mask $ \restore -> doFork $ try (restore action) >>= atomically . putTMVar var
return $ Async tid (readTMVar var)
-- | Fork a thread with the given forking function and give it an
-- action to unmask exceptions
asyncUnmaskUsing :: MonadConc m => (((forall b. m b -> m b) -> m ()) -> m (ThreadId m)) -> ((forall b. m b -> m b) -> m a) -> m (Async m a)
asyncUnmaskUsing doFork action = do
var <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
tid <- doFork $ \restore -> try (action restore) >>= atomically . putTMVar var
return $ Async tid (readTMVar var)
-- | Spawn an asynchronous action in a separate thread, and pass its
-- @Async@ handle to the supplied function. When the function returns
-- or throws an exception, 'cancel' is called on the @Async@.
-- > withAsync action inner = bracket (async action) cancel inner
-- This is a useful variant of 'async' that ensures an @Async@ is
-- never left running unintentionally.
-- Since 'cancel' may block, 'withAsync' may also block; see 'cancel'
-- for details.
withAsync :: MonadConc m => m a -> (Async m a -> m b) -> m b
withAsync = withAsyncUsing fork
-- | Like 'withAsync' but uses 'forkOn' internally.
withAsyncOn :: MonadConc m => Int -> m a -> (Async m a -> m b) -> m b
withAsyncOn = withAsyncUsing . forkOn
-- | Like 'withAsync' bit uses 'forkWithUnmask' internally.
withAsyncWithUnmask :: MonadConc m => ((forall x. m x -> m x) -> m a) -> (Async m a -> m b) -> m b
withAsyncWithUnmask = withAsyncUnmaskUsing forkWithUnmask
-- | Like 'withAsyncOn' bit uses 'forkOnWithUnmask' internally.
withAsyncOnWithUnmask :: MonadConc m => Int -> ((forall x. m x -> m x) -> m a) -> (Async m a -> m b) -> m b
withAsyncOnWithUnmask i = withAsyncUnmaskUsing (forkOnWithUnmask i)
-- | Fork a thread with the given forking function and kill it when
-- the inner action completes.
-- The 'bracket' version appears to hang, even with just IO stuff and
-- using the normal async package. Curious.
withAsyncUsing :: MonadConc m => (m () -> m (ThreadId m)) -> m a -> (Async m a -> m b) -> m b
withAsyncUsing doFork action inner = do
var <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
tid <- mask $ \restore -> doFork $ try (restore action) >>= atomically . putTMVar var
let a = Async tid (readTMVar var)
res <- inner a `catchAll` (\e -> cancel a >> throw e)
cancel a
return res
-- | Fork a thread with the given forking function, give it an action
-- to unmask exceptions, and kill it when the inner action completed.
withAsyncUnmaskUsing :: MonadConc m => (((forall x. m x -> m x) -> m ()) -> m (ThreadId m)) -> ((forall x. m x -> m x) -> m a) -> (Async m a -> m b) -> m b
withAsyncUnmaskUsing doFork action inner = do
var <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
tid <- doFork $ \restore -> try (action restore) >>= atomically . putTMVar var
let a = Async tid (readTMVar var)
res <- inner a `catchAll` (\e -> cancel a >> throw e)
cancel a
return res
catchAll :: MonadConc m => m a -> (SomeException -> m a) -> m a
catchAll = catch
-- Querying
-- | Wait for an asynchronous action to complete, and return its
-- value. If the asynchronous value threw an exception, then the
-- exception is re-thrown by 'wait'.
-- > wait = atomically . waitSTM
wait :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> m a
wait = atomically . waitSTM
-- | A version of 'wait' that can be used inside a @MonadSTM@ transaction.
waitSTM :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> STM m a
waitSTM a = do
r <- waitCatchSTM a
either throwSTM return r
-- | Check whether an 'Async' has completed yet. If it has not
-- completed yet, then the result is @Nothing@, otherwise the result
-- is @Just e@ where @e@ is @Left x@ if the @Async@ raised an
-- exception @x@, or @Right a@ if it returned a value @a@.
-- > poll = atomically . pollSTM
poll :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> m (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
poll = atomically . pollSTM
-- | A version of 'poll' that can be used inside a @MonadSTM@ transaction.
pollSTM :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> STM m (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
pollSTM (Async _ w) = (Just <$> w) `orElse` return Nothing
-- | Wait for an asynchronous action to complete, and return either
-- @Left e@ if the action raised an exception @e@, or @Right a@ if it
-- returned a value @a@.
waitCatch :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> m (Either SomeException a)
waitCatch = tryAgain . atomically . waitCatchSTM where
-- See:
tryAgain f = f `catch` \BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM -> f
-- | A version of 'waitCatch' that can be used inside a @MonadSTM@ transaction.
waitCatchSTM :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> STM m (Either SomeException a)
waitCatchSTM (Async _ w) = w
-- | Cancel an asynchronous action by throwing the @ThreadKilled@
-- exception to it. Has no effect if the 'Async' has already
-- completed.
-- > cancel a = throwTo (asyncThreadId a) ThreadKilled
-- Note that 'cancel' is synchronous in the same sense as 'throwTo'.
-- It does not return until the exception has been thrown in the
-- target thread, or the target thread has completed. An asynchronous
-- 'cancel' can of course be obtained by wrapping 'cancel' itself in
-- 'async'.
cancel :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> m ()
cancel (Async tid _) = throwTo tid ThreadKilled
-- | Cancel an asynchronous action by throwing the supplied exception
-- to it.
-- > cancelWith a e = throwTo (asyncThreadId a) e
-- The notes about the synchronous nature of 'cancel' also apply to
-- 'cancelWith'.
cancelWith :: (MonadConc m, Exception e) => Async m a -> e -> m ()
cancelWith (Async tid _) = throwTo tid
-- Waiting for multiple 'Async's
-- | Wait for any of the supplied 'Async's to complete. If the first
-- to complete throws an exception, then that exception is re-thrown
-- by 'waitAny'.
-- If multiple 'Async's complete or have completed, then the value
-- returned corresponds to the first completed 'Async' in the list.
waitAny :: MonadConc m => [Async m a] -> m (Async m a, a)
waitAny = atomically . waitAnySTM
-- | A version of 'waitAny' that can be used inside a @MonadSTM@
-- transaction.
waitAnySTM :: MonadConc m => [Async m a] -> STM m (Async m a, a)
waitAnySTM = foldr (orElse . (\a -> do r <- waitSTM a; return (a, r))) retry
-- | Wait for any of the supplied asynchronous operations to complete.
-- The value returned is a pair of the 'Async' that completed, and the
-- result that would be returned by 'wait' on that 'Async'.
-- If multiple 'Async's complete or have completed, then the value
-- returned corresponds to the first completed 'Async' in the list.
waitAnyCatch :: MonadConc m => [Async m a] -> m (Async m a, Either SomeException a)
waitAnyCatch = atomically . waitAnyCatchSTM
-- | A version of 'waitAnyCatch' that can be used inside a @MonadSTM@
-- transaction.
waitAnyCatchSTM :: MonadConc m => [Async m a] -> STM m (Async m a, Either SomeException a)
waitAnyCatchSTM = foldr (orElse . (\a -> do r <- waitCatchSTM a; return (a, r))) retry
-- | Like 'waitAny', but also cancels the other asynchronous
-- operations as soon as one has completed.
waitAnyCancel :: MonadConc m => [Async m a] -> m (Async m a, a)
waitAnyCancel asyncs = waitAny asyncs `finally` mapM_ cancel asyncs
-- | Like 'waitAnyCatch', but also cancels the other asynchronous
-- operations as soon as one has completed.
waitAnyCatchCancel :: MonadConc m => [Async m a] -> m (Async m a, Either SomeException a)
waitAnyCatchCancel asyncs = waitAnyCatch asyncs `finally` mapM_ cancel asyncs
-- | Wait for the first of two @Async@s to finish. If the @Async@
-- that finished first raised an exception, then the exception is
-- re-thrown by 'waitEither'.
waitEither :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b -> m (Either a b)
waitEither left right = atomically $ waitEitherSTM left right
-- | A version of 'waitEither' that can be used inside a @MonadSTM@
-- transaction.
waitEitherSTM :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b -> STM m (Either a b)
waitEitherSTM left right =
(Left <$> waitSTM left) `orElse` (Right <$> waitSTM right)
-- | Wait for the first of two @Async@s to finish.
waitEitherCatch :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b
-> m (Either (Either SomeException a) (Either SomeException b))
waitEitherCatch left right = atomically $ waitEitherCatchSTM left right
-- | A version of 'waitEitherCatch' that can be used inside a
-- @MonadSTM@ transaction.
waitEitherCatchSTM :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b
-> STM m (Either (Either SomeException a) (Either SomeException b))
waitEitherCatchSTM left right =
(Left <$> waitCatchSTM left) `orElse` (Right <$> waitCatchSTM right)
-- | Like 'waitEither', but also 'cancel's both @Async@s before
-- returning.
waitEitherCancel :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b -> m (Either a b)
waitEitherCancel left right =
waitEither left right `finally` (cancel left >> cancel right)
-- | Like 'waitEitherCatch', but also 'cancel's both @Async@s before
-- returning.
waitEitherCatchCancel :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b
-> m (Either (Either SomeException a) (Either SomeException b))
waitEitherCatchCancel left right =
waitEitherCatch left right `finally` (cancel left >> cancel right)
-- | Like 'waitEither', but the result is ignored.
waitEither_ :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b -> m ()
waitEither_ left right = atomically $ waitEitherSTM_ left right
-- | A version of 'waitEither_' that can be used inside a @MonadSTM@
-- transaction.
waitEitherSTM_:: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b -> STM m ()
waitEitherSTM_ left right = void $ waitEitherSTM left right
-- | Waits for both @Async@s to finish, but if either of them throws
-- an exception before they have both finished, then the exception is
-- re-thrown by 'waitBoth'.
waitBoth :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b -> m (a, b)
waitBoth left right = atomically $ waitBothSTM left right
-- | A version of 'waitBoth' that can be used inside a @MonadSTM@
-- transaction.
waitBothSTM :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b -> STM m (a, b)
waitBothSTM left right = do
a <- waitSTM left `orElse` (waitSTM right >> retry)
b <- waitSTM right
return (a, b)
-- Linking
-- | Link the given @Async@ to the current thread, such that if the
-- @Async@ raises an exception, that exception will be re-thrown in
-- the current thread.
link :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> m ()
link (Async _ w) = do
me <- myThreadId
void $ forkRepeat $ do
r <- atomically w
case r of
Left e -> throwTo me e
_ -> return ()
-- | Link two @Async@s together, such that if either raises an
-- exception, the same exception is re-thrown in the other @Async@.
link2 :: MonadConc m => Async m a -> Async m b -> m ()
link2 left@(Async tl _) right@(Async tr _) =
void $ forkRepeat $ do
r <- waitEitherCatch left right
case r of
Left (Left e) -> throwTo tr e
Right (Left e) -> throwTo tl e
_ -> return ()
-- | Fork a thread that runs the supplied action, and if it raises an
-- exception, re-runs the action. The thread terminates only when the
-- action runs to completion without raising an exception.
forkRepeat :: MonadConc m => m a -> m (ThreadId m)
forkRepeat action = mask $ \restore ->
let go = do
r <- (try :: MonadConc m => m a -> m (Either SomeException a)) $ restore action
case r of
Left _ -> go
_ -> return ()
in fork go
-- Convenient Utilities
-- | Run two @MonadConc@ actions concurrently, and return the first to
-- finish. The loser of the race is 'cancel'led.
-- > race left right =
-- > withAsync left $ \a ->
-- > withAsync right $ \b ->
-- > waitEither a b
race :: MonadConc m => m a -> m b -> m (Either a b)
race left right = concurrently' left right collect where
collect m = do
e <- takeMVar m
case e of
Left ex -> throw ex
Right r -> return r
-- | Like 'race', but the result is ignored.
-- > race_ left right =
-- > withAsync left $ \a ->
-- > withAsync right $ \b ->
-- > waitEither_ a b
race_ :: MonadConc m => m a -> m b -> m ()
race_ a b = void $ race a b
-- | Run two @MonadConc@ actions concurrently, and return both
-- results. If either action throws an exception at any time, then the
-- other action is 'cancel'led, and the exception is re-thrown by
-- 'concurrently'.
-- > concurrently left right =
-- > withAsync left $ \a ->
-- > withAsync right $ \b ->
-- > waitBoth a b
concurrently :: MonadConc m => m a -> m b -> m (a, b)
concurrently left right = concurrently' left right (collect []) where
collect [Left a, Right b] _ = return (a, b)
collect [Right b, Left a] _ = return (a, b)
collect xs m = do
e <- takeMVar m
case e of
Left ex -> throw ex
Right r -> collect (r:xs) m
-- Run two things concurrently. Faster than the 'Async' version.
concurrently' :: MonadConc m => m a -> m b
-> (MVar m (Either SomeException (Either a b)) -> m r)
-> m r
concurrently' left right collect = do
done <- newEmptyMVar
mask $ \restore -> do
lid <- fork $ restore (left >>= putMVar done . Right . Left)
`catch` (putMVar done . Left)
rid <- fork $ restore (right >>= putMVar done . Right . Right)
`catch` (putMVar done . Left)
-- See:
let stop = killThread rid >> killThread lid
r <- restore (collect done) `onException` stop
return r
-- | Maps a @MonadConc@-performing function over any @Traversable@
-- data type, performing all the @MonadConc@ actions concurrently, and
-- returning the original data structure with the arguments replaced
-- by the results.
-- For example, @mapConcurrently@ works with lists:
-- > pages <- mapConcurrently getURL ["url1", "url2", "url3"]
mapConcurrently :: (Traversable t, MonadConc m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
mapConcurrently f = runConcurrently . traverse (Concurrently . f)
-- | `forConcurrently` is `mapConcurrently` with its arguments flipped
-- > pages <- forConcurrently ["url1", "url2", "url3"] $ \url -> getURL url
forConcurrently :: (Traversable t, MonadConc m) => t a -> (a -> m b)-> m (t b)
forConcurrently = flip mapConcurrently