2018-02-16 20:04:20 +00:00

39 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Test.Tasty.LeanCheck where
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Test.Tasty.Providers
import Test.Tasty.Options
import qualified Test.LeanCheck as LeanCheck
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-- | Create a 'Test' for a LeanCheck 'LeanCheck.Testable' property.
testProperty :: LeanCheck.Testable p => TestName -> p -> TestTree
testProperty name = singleTest name . LeanCheckTest
-- | The number of tests for LeanCheck to try.
newtype LeanCheckTests = LeanCheckTests Int
deriving (Num, Ord, Eq, Real, Enum, Integral)
-- | A LeanCheck test.
data LeanCheckTest where
LeanCheckTest :: LeanCheck.Testable p => p -> LeanCheckTest
instance IsOption LeanCheckTests where
defaultValue = 2500
parseValue = fmap LeanCheckTests . readMaybe
optionName = pure "leancheck-tests"
optionHelp = return "Tests to use for leancheck tests"
instance IsTest LeanCheckTest where
testOptions = pure [Option (Proxy :: Proxy LeanCheckTests)]
run opts (LeanCheckTest prop) _ = pure $
let LeanCheckTests tests = lookupOption opts
in case LeanCheck.counterExample tests prop of
Just ce -> testFailed (printf "*** Failed! Counter example:\n%s" (unlines ce))
Nothing -> testPassed (printf "+++ OK, passed %d tests." tests)