Michael Walker 8944ea97a5 Use schedule bounding as the primary SCT approach.
This allows results to be naturally reported as lazy trees, rather
than as lists representing a tree traversal. This in turn means
that the actual bound can be moved outwards to the testing code, and
not used at all in the runner. Trees let us do nice things with
shrinking and short-circuiting, if we make the (fairly reasonable)
assumption that the children of a buggy result will exhibit the same

Storing results as trees does complicate the predicate helper
functions somewhat, but I think the clarity gained in the actual
SCT code is well worth it.
2015-06-19 16:50:51 +01:00

229 lines
8.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
-- | Systematic testing for concurrent computations.
module Test.DejaFu.SCT
( -- * Schedule Bounding
-- | Schedule bounding is a means of cutting down the search space of
-- schedules, by taking advantage of some intrinsic properties of
-- schedules: such as the number of pre-emptions (pre-emption
-- bounding), or the number of deviations from a deterministic
-- scheduler (delay bounding); and then exploring all schedules
-- within the bound.
, sctPreBound
, sctDelayBound
, sctBoundedIO
, sctPreBoundIO
, sctDelayBoundIO
-- * Result Trees
, SCTTree(..)
, SCTTreeIO(..)
, sequenceIOTree
-- * Utilities
, preEmpCount
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..), force)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldMap))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse), fmapDefault, foldMapDefault)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.IO (ConcIO, runConcIO)
-- * Result trees
-- | Results are presented in a lazy tree, where each node contains a
-- trace and a result. The children of a node represent those
-- schedules obtainable from it on the next bounding level.
data SCTTree a = SCTTree (Either Failure a) Trace [SCTTree a]
deriving (Eq)
instance Functor SCTTree where
fmap = fmapDefault
instance Foldable SCTTree where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable SCTTree where
traverse f (SCTTree (Left x) t trees) = SCTTree (Left x) <$> pure t <*> traverse (traverse f) trees
traverse f (SCTTree (Right x) t trees) = SCTTree . Right <$> f x <*> pure t <*> traverse (traverse f) trees
instance NFData a => NFData (SCTTree a) where
rnf (SCTTree a t trees) = rnf (a, t, trees)
-- | Results which need IO to compute. Laziness is preserved by
-- wrapping child nodes in an 'IO' list.
data SCTTreeIO a = SCTTreeIO (Either Failure a) Trace (IO [SCTTreeIO a])
instance Functor SCTTreeIO where
fmap f (SCTTreeIO a t iotrees) = SCTTreeIO (fmap f a) t $ fmap (map $ fmap f) iotrees
-- | Perform all of the 'IO' in an 'SCTTreeIO' from left to right. As
-- '>>=' for IO is strict, this will evaluate the entire tree, which
-- may be a lot of work. To counter this, a depth limit can optionally
-- be provided, where children below level @0@ will not be present in
-- the output.
sequenceIOTree :: Maybe Int -> SCTTreeIO a -> IO (SCTTree a)
sequenceIOTree (Just n) (SCTTreeIO a t iotrees)
| n <= 0 = return $ SCTTree a t []
| otherwise = do
trees <- iotrees
SCTTree a t <$> mapM (sequenceIOTree . Just $ n-1) trees
sequenceIOTree Nothing (SCTTreeIO a t iotrees) = do
trees <- iotrees
SCTTree a t <$> mapM (sequenceIOTree Nothing) trees
-- * Pre-emption bounding
-- | An SCT runner using a pre-emption bounding scheduler.
sctPreBound :: (forall t. Conc t a) -> [SCTTree a]
sctPreBound = sctBounded pbSiblings (pbOffspring False)
-- | Variant of 'sctPreBound' for computations which do 'IO'.
sctPreBoundIO :: (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [SCTTreeIO a]
sctPreBoundIO = sctBoundedIO pbSiblings (pbOffspring True)
-- | Return all modifications to this schedule which do not introduce
-- extra pre-emptions.
pbSiblings :: Trace -> [[Decision]]
pbSiblings = siblings . map (\(d,a,_) -> (d,a)) where
siblings ((Start i, alts):ds) = [[a] | a@(Start _) <- alts] ++ [Start i : o | o <- siblings ds, not $ null o]
siblings ((SwitchTo i, alts):ds) = [[a] | a@(SwitchTo _) <- alts] ++ [SwitchTo i : o | o <- siblings ds, not $ null o]
siblings ((d, _):ds) = [d : o | o <- siblings ds, not $ null o]
siblings [] = []
-- | Return all modifications to this schedule which do introduce an
-- extra pre-emption. Only introduce pre-emptions around CVar actions
-- and lifts.
pbOffspring :: Bool -> Trace -> [[Decision]]
pbOffspring lifts ((Continue, alts, ta):ds)
| interesting lifts ta = [[n] | n@(SwitchTo _) <- alts] ++ [Continue : n | n <- pbOffspring lifts ds, not $ null n]
| otherwise = [Continue : n | n <- pbOffspring lifts ds, not $ null n]
pbOffspring lifts ((d, _, _):ds) = [d : n | n <- pbOffspring lifts ds, not $ null n]
pbOffspring _ [] = []
-- | Check the pre-emption count of some scheduling decisions.
preEmpCount :: [Decision] -> Int
preEmpCount (SwitchTo _:ss) = 1 + preEmpCount ss
preEmpCount (_:ss) = preEmpCount ss
preEmpCount [] = 0
-- * Delay bounding
-- | An SCT runner using a delay-bounding scheduler.
sctDelayBound :: (forall t. Conc t a) -> [SCTTree a]
sctDelayBound = sctBounded (const []) (dbOffspring False)
-- | Variant of 'sctDelayBound' for computations which do 'IO'.
sctDelayBoundIO :: (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [SCTTreeIO a]
sctDelayBoundIO = sctBoundedIO (const []) (dbOffspring True)
-- | Return all modifications to the schedule which introduce an extra
-- delay. Only introduce delays around CVar actions and lifts.
dbOffspring :: Bool -> Trace -> [[Decision]]
dbOffspring lifts ((d, alts, ta):ds)
| interesting lifts ta = [[n] | n <- alts] ++ [d : n | n <- dbOffspring lifts ds, not $ null n]
| otherwise = [d : n | n <- dbOffspring lifts ds, not $ null n]
dbOffspring _ [] = []
-- * SCT runners
-- | SCT via schedule bounding. Results are proeduced as a lazy
-- forest, where each level represents one bounding level.
-- Schedules are generated by running the computation with a
-- deterministic scheduler with some initial list of decisions, after
-- which non-pre-emptive decisions are made. The generated suffix is
-- then used to generate \"siblings\" (schedule fragments which, when
-- appended to the prefix, form the prefix of a new schedule which
-- does not increase the bound), and \"offspring\" (like siblings, but
-- the bound has been increased by one). It is important that siblings
-- and offspring are unique, and that the same
-- prefix+sibling/offspring cannot arise from two distinct traces, as
-- otherwise the runner may loop.
-- For example, the siblings in the pre-emption bounding runner are
-- those schedule fragments which, when appended to the prefix, form
-- the prefix of a new schedule which does not introduce any new
-- pre-emptions; and the offspring do introduce one new pre-emption.
sctBounded :: (Trace -> [[Decision]])
-- ^ Sibling generation function.
-> (Trace -> [[Decision]])
-- ^ Child generation function.
-> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [SCTTree a]
sctBounded siblings offspring c = go [] where
go ds = case res of
Left f -> SCTTree (Left f) trace [] : concatMap go sibs
Right a -> SCTTree (Right a) trace (concatMap go offs) : concatMap go sibs
(res, _, trace) = runConc prefixSched ds c
(pref, suff) = let (p, s) = splitAt (length ds) trace in (map (\(a,_,_) -> a) p, s)
sibs = [ pref ++ y | y <- siblings suff]
offs = [ pref ++ y | y <- offspring suff]
-- | Variant of 'sctBounded' for computations which do 'IO'.
sctBoundedIO :: (Trace -> [[Decision]])
-> (Trace -> [[Decision]])
-> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [SCTTreeIO a]
sctBoundedIO siblings offspring c = go [] where
go ds = do
(res, _, trace) <- runConcIO prefixSched ds c
let (pref, suff) = let (p, s) = splitAt (length ds + 1) trace in (map (\(a,_,_) -> a) p, s)
let sibs = [ pref ++ y | y <- siblings suff]
let offs = [ pref ++ y | y <- offspring suff]
sibs' <- concat <$> mapM go sibs
return $ case res of
Left f -> SCTTreeIO (Left f) trace (return []) : sibs'
Right a -> SCTTreeIO (Right a) trace (concat <$> mapM go offs) : sibs'
-- * Prefix scheduler
-- | Scheduler which uses a list of scheduling decisions to drive the
-- initial decisions.
prefixSched :: Scheduler [Decision]
prefixSched = force $ \s prior threads@(next:|_) -> case s of
-- If we have a decision queued, make it.
(Start t:ds) -> (t, ds)
(Continue:ds) -> (fromMaybe 0 prior, ds)
(SwitchTo t:ds) -> (t, ds)
-- Otherwise just use a non-pre-emptive scheduler.
[] -> case prior of
Just prior' | prior' `elem` toList threads -> (prior', [])
_ -> (next, [])
-- * Utils
-- | Check if a 'ThreadAction' might be an interesting candidate for
-- pre-empting or delaying.
interesting :: Bool -> ThreadAction -> Bool
interesting _ (Put _ _) = True
interesting _ (TryPut _ _ _) = True
interesting _ (Take _ _) = True
interesting _ (TryTake _ _ _) = True
interesting _ (BlockedPut _) = True
interesting _ (Read _) = True
interesting _ (BlockedRead _) = True
interesting _ (BlockedTake _) = True
interesting _ (ReadRef _) = True
interesting _ (ModRef _) = True
interesting _ (STM _) = True
interesting _ BlockedSTM = True
interesting _ (ThrowTo _) = True
interesting _ (SetMasking _ _) = True
interesting _ (ResetMasking _ _ ) = True
interesting l Lift = l
interesting _ _ = False