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{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
-- | Concurrent monads with a fixed scheduler: internal types and
-- functions.
module Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.Internal where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Monad (liftM, mapAndUnzipM)
import Control.Monad.Cont (Cont, runCont)
import Control.State
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- * The @Conc@ Monad
-- | The underlying monad is based on continuations over Actions.
type M n r a = Cont (Action n r) a
-- | CVars are represented as a reference containing a Maybe value, a
-- list of things blocked on it, and a unique numeric identifier.
type R r a = r (CVarId, Maybe a, [Block])
-- | Dict of methods for implementations to override.
type Fixed n r = Wrapper n r (Cont (Action n r))
-- * Running @Conc@ Computations
-- | Scheduling is done in terms of a trace of 'Action's. Blocking can
-- only occur as a result of an action, and they cover (most of) the
-- primitives of the concurrency. 'spawn' is absent as it is
-- implemented in terms of 'newEmptyCVar', 'fork', and 'putCVar'.
data Action n r =
AFork (Action n r) (Action n r)
| forall a. APut (R r a) a (Action n r)
| forall a. ATryPut (R r a) a (Bool -> Action n r)
| forall a. AGet (R r a) (a -> Action n r)
| forall a. ATake (R r a) (a -> Action n r)
| forall a. ATryTake (R r a) (Maybe a -> Action n r)
| forall a. ANoTest (M n r a) (a -> Action n r)
| ANew (CVarId -> n (Action n r))
| ALift (n (Action n r))
| AStop
-- | Every live thread has a unique identitifer.
type ThreadId = Int
-- | Every 'CVar' also has a unique identifier.
type CVarId = Int
-- | A @Scheduler@ maintains some internal state, @s@, takes the
-- 'ThreadId' of the last thread scheduled, and the list of runnable
-- threads. It produces a 'ThreadId' to schedule, and a new state.
-- Note: In order to prevent computation from hanging, the runtime
-- will assume that a deadlock situation has arisen if the scheduler
-- attempts to (a) schedule a blocked thread, or (b) schedule a
-- nonexistent thread. In either of those cases, the computation will
-- be halted.
type Scheduler s = s -> ThreadId -> NonEmpty ThreadId -> (ThreadId, s)
-- | One of the outputs of the runner is a @Trace@, which is a log of
-- decisions made, alternative decisions, and the action a thread took
-- in its step.
type Trace = [(Decision, [Decision], ThreadAction)]
-- | Pretty-print a trace.
showTrace :: Trace -> String
showTrace = trace "" 0 where
trace prefix num ((Start tid,_,_):ds) = thread prefix num ++ trace ("S" ++ show tid) 1 ds
trace prefix num ((SwitchTo tid,_,_):ds) = thread prefix num ++ trace ("P" ++ show tid) 1 ds
trace prefix num ((Continue,_,_):ds) = trace prefix (num + 1) ds
trace prefix num [] = thread prefix num
thread prefix num = prefix ++ replicate num '-'
-- | Scheduling decisions are based on the state of the running
-- program, and so we can capture some of that state in recording what
-- specific decision we made.
data Decision =
Start ThreadId
-- ^ Start a new thread, because the last was blocked (or it's the
-- start of computation).
| Continue
-- ^ Continue running the last thread for another step.
| SwitchTo ThreadId
-- ^ Pre-empt the running thread, and switch to another.
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData Decision where
rnf (Start tid) = rnf tid
rnf (SwitchTo tid) = rnf tid
rnf Continue = ()
-- | All the actions that a thread can perform.
data ThreadAction =
Fork ThreadId
-- ^ Start a new thread.
| New CVarId
-- ^ Create a new 'CVar'.
| Put CVarId [ThreadId]
-- ^ Put into a 'CVar', possibly waking up some threads.
| BlockedPut CVarId
-- ^ Get blocked on a put.
| TryPut CVarId Bool [ThreadId]
-- ^ Try to put into a 'CVar', possibly waking up some threads.
| Read CVarId
-- ^ Read from a 'CVar'.
| BlockedRead CVarId
-- ^ Get blocked on a read.
| Take CVarId [ThreadId]
-- ^ Take from a 'CVar', possibly waking up some threads.
| BlockedTake CVarId
-- ^ Get blocked on a take.
| TryTake CVarId Bool [ThreadId]
-- ^ Try to take from a 'CVar', possibly waking up some threads.
| NoTest
-- ^ A computation annotated with '_concNoTest' was executed in a
-- single step.
| Lift
-- ^ Lift an action from the underlying monad. Note that the
-- penultimate action in a trace will always be a @Lift@, this is an
-- artefact of how the runner works.
| Stop
-- ^ Cease execution and terminate.
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData ThreadAction where
rnf (TryTake c b tids) = rnf (c, b, tids)
rnf (TryPut c b tids) = rnf (c, b, tids)
rnf (BlockedRead c) = rnf c
rnf (BlockedTake c) = rnf c
rnf (BlockedPut c) = rnf c
rnf (Take c tids) = rnf (c, tids)
rnf (Put c tids) = rnf (c, tids)
rnf (Fork tid) = rnf tid
rnf (New c) = rnf c
rnf (Read c) = rnf c
rnf ta = ta `seq` ()
-- | An indication of how a concurrent computation failed.
data Failure =
-- ^ Will be raised if the scheduler does something bad. This should
-- never arise unless you write your own, faulty, scheduler! If it
-- does, please file a bug report.
| Deadlock
-- ^ The computation became blocked indefinitely on @CVar@s
| FailureInNoTest
-- ^ A computation annotated with '_concNoTest' produced a failure,
-- rather than a result.
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData Failure where
rnf f = f `seq` () -- All failures are in WHNF already.
-- | Run a concurrent computation with a given 'Scheduler' and initial
-- state, returning a 'Just' if it terminates, and 'Nothing' if a
-- deadlock is detected. Also returned is the final state of the
-- scheduler, and an execution trace.
runFixed :: Monad n => Fixed n r
-> Scheduler s -> s -> M n r a -> n (Either Failure a, s, Trace)
runFixed fixed sched s ma = do
ref <- newRef (wref fixed) Nothing
let c = ma >>= liftN fixed . writeRef (wref fixed) ref . Just . Right
let threads = M.fromList [(0, (runCont c $ const AStop, False))]
(s', trace) <- runThreads fixed (-1, 0) [] (negate 1) sched s threads ref
out <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
return (fromJust out, s', reverse trace)
-- * Running threads
-- | A @Block@ is used to determine what sort of block a thread is
-- experiencing.
data Block = WaitFull ThreadId | WaitEmpty ThreadId deriving Eq
-- | Threads are represented as a tuple of (next action, is blocked).
type Threads n r = Map ThreadId (Action n r, Bool)
-- | Run a collection of threads, until there are no threads left.
-- A thread is represented as a tuple of (next action, is blocked).
-- Note: this returns the trace in reverse order, because it's more
-- efficient to prepend to a list than append. As this function isn't
-- exposed to users of the library, this is just an internal gotcha to
-- watch out for.
runThreads :: Monad n => Fixed n r
-> (CVarId, ThreadId) -> Trace -> ThreadId -> Scheduler s -> s -> Threads n r -> r (Maybe (Either Failure a)) -> n (s, Trace)
runThreads fixed (lastcvid, lasttid) sofar prior sched s threads ref
| isTerminated = return (s, sofar)
| isDeadlocked = writeRef (wref fixed) ref (Just $ Left Deadlock) >> return (s, sofar)
| isNonexistant = writeRef (wref fixed) ref (Just $ Left InternalError) >> return (s, sofar)
| isBlocked = writeRef (wref fixed) ref (Just $ Left InternalError) >> return (s, sofar)
| otherwise = do
stepped <- stepThread fixed (fst $ fromJust thread) (sched, s) (lastcvid, lasttid) chosen threads
case stepped of
Right (threads', act) -> do
let sofar' = (decision, alternatives, act) : sofar
let lastcvid' = case act of { New c -> c; _ -> lastcvid }
let lasttid' = case act of { Fork t -> t; _ -> lasttid }
runThreads fixed (lastcvid', lasttid') sofar' chosen sched s' threads' ref
Left failure -> writeRef (wref fixed) ref (Just $ Left failure) >> return (s, sofar)
(chosen, s') = if prior == -1 then (0, s) else sched s prior $ head runnable' :| tail runnable'
runnable' = M.keys runnable
runnable = M.filter (not . snd) threads
thread = M.lookup chosen threads
isBlocked = snd $ fromJust thread
isNonexistant = isNothing thread
isTerminated = 0 `notElem` M.keys threads
isDeadlocked = M.null runnable
| chosen == prior = Continue
| prior `elem` runnable' = SwitchTo chosen
| otherwise = Start chosen
| chosen == prior = map SwitchTo $ filter (/=prior) runnable'
| prior `elem` runnable' = Continue : map SwitchTo (filter (\t -> t /= prior && t /= chosen) runnable')
| otherwise = map Start $ filter (/=chosen) runnable'
-- | Run a single thread one step, by dispatching on the type of
-- 'Action'.
stepThread :: Monad n => Fixed n r
-> Action n r
-> (Scheduler s, s) -> (CVarId, ThreadId) -> ThreadId -> Threads n r -> n (Either Failure (Threads n r, ThreadAction))
stepThread fixed action (scheduler, schedstate) (lastcvid, lasttid) tid threads = case action of
AFork a b -> stepFork a b
APut ref a c -> stepPut ref a c
ATryPut ref a c -> stepTryPut ref a c
AGet ref c -> stepGet ref c
ATake ref c -> stepTake ref c
ATryTake ref c -> stepTryTake ref c
ANew na -> stepNew na
ALift na -> stepLift na
ANoTest ma a -> stepNoTest ma a
AStop -> stepStop
-- | Start a new thread, assigning it the next 'ThreadId'
stepFork a b = return $ Right (goto b tid threads', Fork newtid) where
threads' = launch newtid a threads
newtid = lasttid + 1
-- | Put a value into a @CVar@, blocking the thread until it's
-- empty.
stepPut ref a c = do
(success, threads', woken) <- putIntoCVar True ref a (const c) fixed tid threads
cvid <- getCVarId fixed ref
return $ Right (threads', if success then Put cvid woken else BlockedPut cvid)
-- | Try to put a value into a @CVar@, without blocking.
stepTryPut ref a c = do
(success, threads', woken) <- putIntoCVar False ref a c fixed tid threads
cvid <- getCVarId fixed ref
return $ Right (threads', TryPut cvid success woken)
-- | Get the value from a @CVar@, without emptying, blocking the
-- thread until it's full.
stepGet ref c = do
(cvid, val, _) <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
case val of
Just val' -> return $ Right (goto (c val') tid threads, Read cvid)
Nothing -> do
threads' <- block fixed ref WaitFull tid threads
return $ Right (threads', BlockedRead cvid)
-- | Take the value from a @CVar@, blocking the thread until it's
-- full.
stepTake ref c = do
(success, threads', woken) <- takeFromCVar True ref (c . fromJust) fixed tid threads
cvid <- getCVarId fixed ref
return $ Right (threads', if success then Take cvid woken else BlockedTake cvid)
-- | Try to take the value from a @CVar@, without blocking.
stepTryTake ref c = do
(success, threads', woken) <- takeFromCVar True ref c fixed tid threads
cvid <- getCVarId fixed ref
return $ Right (threads', TryTake cvid success woken)
-- | Create a new @CVar@, using the next 'CVarId'.
stepNew na = do
let newcvid = lastcvid + 1
a <- na newcvid
return $ Right (goto a tid threads, New newcvid)
-- | Lift an action from the underlying monad into the @Conc@
-- computation.
stepLift na = do
a <- na
return $ Right (goto a tid threads, Lift)
-- | Run a computation atomically. If this fails, the entire thing fails.
stepNoTest ma c = do
(a, _, _) <- runFixed fixed scheduler schedstate ma
return $
case a of
Right a' -> Right (goto (c a') tid threads, NoTest)
_ -> Left FailureInNoTest
-- | Kill the current thread.
stepStop = return $ Right (kill tid threads, Stop)
-- * Manipulating @CVar@s
-- | Get the ID of a CVar
getCVarId :: Monad n => Fixed n r -> R r a -> n CVarId
getCVarId fixed ref = (\(cvid,_,_) -> cvid) `liftM` readRef (wref fixed) ref
-- | Put a value into a @CVar@, in either a blocking or nonblocking
-- way.
putIntoCVar :: Monad n
=> Bool -> R r a -> a -> (Bool -> Action n r)
-> Fixed n r -> ThreadId -> Threads n r -> n (Bool, Threads n r, [ThreadId])
putIntoCVar blocking ref a c fixed threadid threads = do
(cvid, val, blocks) <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
case val of
Just _
| blocking -> do
threads' <- block fixed ref WaitEmpty threadid threads
return (False, threads', [])
| otherwise ->
return (False, goto (c False) threadid threads, [])
Nothing -> do
writeRef (wref fixed) ref (cvid, Just a, blocks)
(threads', woken) <- wake fixed ref WaitFull threads
return (True, goto (c True) threadid threads', woken)
-- | Take a value from a @CVar@, in either a blocking or nonblocking
-- way.
takeFromCVar :: Monad n
=> Bool -> R r a -> (Maybe a -> Action n r)
-> Fixed n r -> ThreadId -> Threads n r -> n (Bool, Threads n r, [ThreadId])
takeFromCVar blocking ref c fixed threadid threads = do
(cvid, val, blocks) <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
case val of
Just _ -> do
writeRef (wref fixed) ref (cvid, Nothing, blocks)
(threads', woken) <- wake fixed ref WaitEmpty threads
return (True, goto (c val) threadid threads', woken)
| blocking -> do
threads' <- block fixed ref WaitFull threadid threads
return (False, threads', [])
| otherwise ->
return (False, goto (c Nothing) threadid threads, [])
-- * Manipulating threads
-- | Replace the @Action@ of a thread.
goto :: Action n r -> ThreadId -> Threads n r -> Threads n r
goto a = M.alter $ \(Just (_, b)) -> Just (a, b)
-- | Block a thread on a @CVar@.
block :: Monad n
=> Fixed n r -> R r a -> (ThreadId -> Block) -> ThreadId -> Threads n r -> n (Threads n r)
block fixed ref typ tid threads = do
(cvid, val, blocks) <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
writeRef (wref fixed) ref (cvid, val, typ tid : blocks)
return $ M.alter (\(Just (a, _)) -> Just (a, True)) tid threads
-- | Start a thread with the given ID. This must not already be in use!
launch :: ThreadId -> Action n r -> Threads n r -> Threads n r
launch tid a = M.insert tid (a, False)
-- | Kill a thread.
kill :: ThreadId -> Threads n r -> Threads n r
kill = M.delete
-- | Wake every thread blocked on a @CVar@ read/write.
wake :: Monad n
=> Fixed n r -> R r a -> (ThreadId -> Block) -> Threads n r -> n (Threads n r, [ThreadId])
wake fixed ref typ m = do
(m', woken) <- mapAndUnzipM wake' (M.toList m)
return (M.fromList m', catMaybes woken)
wake' a@(tid, (act, True)) = do
let blck = typ tid
(cvid, val, blocks) <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
if blck `elem` blocks
then writeRef (wref fixed) ref (cvid, val, filter (/= blck) blocks) >> return ((tid, (act, False)), Just tid)
else return (a, Nothing)
wake' a = return (a, Nothing)