2015-02-13 00:46:13 +00:00

270 lines
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Executable File

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | A 'MonadSTM' implementation, which can be run on top of 'IO' or
-- 'ST'.
module Test.DejaFu.STM
( -- * The @STMLike@ Monad
, Result(..)
, runTransaction
, runTransactionST
, runTransactionIO
, retry
, orElse
, check
, throwSTM
, catchSTM
-- * @CTVar@s
, CTVar
, CTVarId
, newCTVar
, readCTVar
, writeCTVar
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException(..), fromException)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch(..), MonadThrow(..))
import Control.Monad.Cont (Cont, cont, runCont)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Control.State
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Data.STRef (STRef)
import qualified Control.Monad.STM.Class as C
-- | The 'MonadSTM' implementation, it encapsulates a single atomic
-- transaction. The environment, that is, the collection of defined
-- 'CTVar's is implicit, there is no list of them, they exist purely
-- as references. This makes the types simpler, but means you can't
-- really get an aggregate of them (if you ever wanted to for some
-- reason).
newtype STMLike t n r a = S { unS :: Cont (STMAction t n r) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance Monad n => MonadThrow (STMLike t n r) where
throwM = throwSTM
instance Monad n => MonadCatch (STMLike t n r) where
catch = catchSTM
instance Monad n => C.MonadSTM (STMLike t n r) where
type CTVar (STMLike t n r) = CTVar t r
retry = retry
orElse = orElse
newCTVar = newCTVar
readCTVar = readCTVar
writeCTVar = writeCTVar
-- | STM transactions are represented as a sequence of primitive
-- actions.
data STMAction t n r
= forall a e. Exception e => ACatch (STMLike t n r a) (e -> STMLike t n r a) (a -> STMAction t n r)
| forall a. ARead (CTVar t r a) (a -> STMAction t n r)
| forall a. AWrite (CTVar t r a) a (STMAction t n r)
| forall a. AOrElse (STMLike t n r a) (STMLike t n r a) (a -> STMAction t n r)
| ANew (Ref n r -> CTVarId -> n (STMAction t n r))
| ALift (n (STMAction t n r))
| AThrow SomeException
| ARetry
| AStop
type Fixed t n r = Wrapper n r (STMLike t n r)
fixedST :: Fixed t (ST t) (STRef t)
fixedST = Wrapper refST lift where
lift ma = S $ cont (\c -> ALift $ c `liftM` ma)
fixedIO :: Fixed t IO IORef
fixedIO = Wrapper refIO lift where
lift ma = S $ cont (\c -> ALift $ c `liftM` ma)
-- | A 'CTVar' is a tuple of a unique ID and the value contained. The
-- ID is so that blocked transactions can be re-run when a 'CTVar'
-- they depend on has changed.
newtype CTVar t r a = V (CTVarId, r a)
-- | The unique ID of a 'CTVar'. Only meaningful within a single
-- concurrent computation.
type CTVarId = Int
-- | Abort the current transaction, restoring any 'CTVar's written to,
-- and returning the list of 'CTVar's read.
retry :: Monad n => STMLike t n r a
retry = S $ cont $ const ARetry
-- | Run the first transaction and, if it 'retry's,
orElse :: Monad n => STMLike t n r a -> STMLike t n r a -> STMLike t n r a
orElse a b = S $ cont $ AOrElse a b
-- | Check whether a condition is true and, if not, call 'retry'.
check :: Monad n => Bool -> STMLike t n r ()
check = C.check
-- | Throw an exception. This aborts the transaction and propagates
-- the exception.
throwSTM :: Exception e => e -> STMLike t n r a
throwSTM e = S $ cont $ const $ AThrow (SomeException e)
-- | Handling exceptions from 'throwSTM'.
catchSTM :: Exception e => STMLike t n r a -> (e -> STMLike t n r a) -> STMLike t n r a
catchSTM stm handler = S $ cont $ ACatch stm handler
-- | Create a new 'CTVar' containing the given value.
newCTVar :: Monad n => a -> STMLike t n r (CTVar t r a)
newCTVar a = S $ cont lifted where
lifted c = ANew $ \ref ctvid -> c `liftM` newCTVar' ref ctvid
newCTVar' ref ctvid = (\r -> V (ctvid, r)) `liftM` newRef ref a
-- | Return the current value stored in a 'CTVar'.
readCTVar :: Monad n => CTVar t r a -> STMLike t n r a
readCTVar ctvar = S $ cont $ ARead ctvar
-- | Write the supplied value into the 'CTVar'.
writeCTVar :: Monad n => CTVar t r a -> a -> STMLike t n r ()
writeCTVar ctvar a = S $ cont $ \c -> AWrite ctvar a $ c ()
-- | The result of an STM transaction, along with which 'CTVar's it
-- touched whilst executing.
data Result a =
Success [CTVarId] a
-- ^ The transaction completed successfully, and mutated the returned 'CTVar's.
| Retry [CTVarId]
-- ^ The transaction aborted by calling 'retry', and read the
-- returned 'CTVar's. It should be retried when at least one of the
-- 'CTVar's has been mutated.
| Exception SomeException
-- ^ The transaction aborted by throwing an exception.
deriving Show
-- | Run a transaction in the 'ST' monad, starting from a clean
-- environment, and discarding the environment afterwards. This is
-- suitable for testing individual transactions, but not for composing
-- multiple ones.
runTransaction :: (forall t. STMLike t (ST t) (STRef t) a) -> Result a
runTransaction ma = fst $ runST $ runTransactionST ma 0
-- | Run a transaction in the 'ST' monad, returning the result and new
-- initial 'CTVarId'. If the transaction ended by calling 'retry', any
-- 'CTVar' modifications are undone.
runTransactionST :: STMLike t (ST t) (STRef t) a -> CTVarId -> ST t (Result a, CTVarId)
runTransactionST ma ctvid = do
(res, undo, ctvid') <- doTransaction fixedST ma ctvid
case res of
Success _ _ -> return (res, ctvid')
_ -> undo >> return (res, ctvid)
-- | Run a transaction in the 'IO' monad, returning the result and new
-- initial 'CTVarId'. If the transaction ended by calling 'retry', any
-- 'CTVar' modifications are undone.
runTransactionIO :: STMLike t IO IORef a -> CTVarId -> IO (Result a, CTVarId)
runTransactionIO ma ctvid = do
(res, undo, ctvid') <- doTransaction fixedIO ma ctvid
case res of
Success _ _ -> return (res, ctvid')
_ -> undo >> return (res, ctvid)
-- | Run a STM transaction, returning an action to undo its effects.
doTransaction :: Monad n => Fixed t n r -> STMLike t n r a -> CTVarId -> n (Result a, n (), CTVarId)
doTransaction fixed ma newctvid = do
ref <- newRef (wref fixed) Nothing
let c = runCont (unS $ ma >>= liftN fixed . writeRef (wref fixed) ref . Just . Right) $ const AStop
(newctvid', undo, readen, written) <- go ref c (return ()) newctvid [] []
res <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
case res of
Just (Right val) -> return (Success (nub written) val, undo, newctvid')
Just (Left exc) -> undo >> return (Exception exc, return (), newctvid)
Nothing -> undo >> return (Retry $ nub readen, return (), newctvid)
go ref act undo nctvid readen written = do
(act', undo', nctvid', readen', written') <- stepTrans fixed act nctvid
let ret = (nctvid', undo >> undo', readen' ++ readen, written' ++ written)
case act' of
AStop -> return ret
ARetry -> writeRef (wref fixed) ref Nothing >> return ret
AThrow exc -> writeRef (wref fixed) ref (Just $ Left exc) >> return ret
_ -> go ref act' (undo >> undo') nctvid' (readen' ++ readen) (written' ++ written)
-- | Run a transaction for one step.
stepTrans :: forall t n r. Monad n => Fixed t n r -> STMAction t n r -> CTVarId -> n (STMAction t n r, n (), CTVarId, [CTVarId], [CTVarId])
stepTrans fixed act newctvid = case act of
ACatch stm h c -> stepCatch stm h c
ARead ref c -> stepRead ref c
AWrite ref a c -> stepWrite ref a c
ANew na -> stepNew na
AOrElse a b c -> stepOrElse a b c
ALift na -> stepLift na
AThrow exc -> return (AThrow exc, nothing, newctvid, [], [])
ARetry -> return (ARetry, nothing, newctvid, [], [])
AStop -> return (AStop, nothing, newctvid, [], [])
nothing = return ()
stepCatch :: Exception e => STMLike t n r a -> (e -> STMLike t n r a) -> (a -> STMAction t n r) -> n (STMAction t n r, n (), CTVarId, [CTVarId], [CTVarId])
stepCatch stm h c = do
(res, undo, newctvid') <- doTransaction fixed stm newctvid
case res of
Success written val -> return (c val, undo, newctvid', [], written)
Retry readen -> return (ARetry, nothing, newctvid, readen, [])
Exception exc -> case fromException exc of
Just exc' -> do
(rese, undoe, newctvide') <- doTransaction fixed (h exc') newctvid
case rese of
Success written val -> return (c val, undoe, newctvide', [], written)
Exception exce -> return (AThrow exce, nothing, newctvid, [], [])
Retry readen -> return (ARetry, nothing, newctvid, readen, [])
Nothing -> return (AThrow exc, nothing, newctvid, [], [])
stepRead :: CTVar t r a -> (a -> STMAction t n r) -> n (STMAction t n r, n (), CTVarId, [CTVarId], [CTVarId])
stepRead (V (ctvid, ref)) c = do
val <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
return (c val, nothing, newctvid, [ctvid], [])
stepWrite :: CTVar t r a -> a -> STMAction t n r -> n (STMAction t n r, n (), CTVarId, [CTVarId], [CTVarId])
stepWrite (V (ctvid, ref)) a c = do
old <- readRef (wref fixed) ref
writeRef (wref fixed) ref a
return (c, writeRef (wref fixed) ref old, newctvid, [], [ctvid])
stepNew :: (Ref n r -> CTVarId -> n (STMAction t n r)) -> n (STMAction t n r, n (), CTVarId, [CTVarId], [CTVarId])
stepNew na = do
let newctvid' = newctvid + 1
a <- na (wref fixed) newctvid
return (a, nothing, newctvid', [], [newctvid])
stepOrElse :: STMLike t n r a -> STMLike t n r a -> (a -> STMAction t n r) -> n (STMAction t n r, n (), CTVarId, [CTVarId], [CTVarId])
stepOrElse a b c = do
(resa, undoa, newctvida') <- doTransaction fixed a newctvid
case resa of
Success written val -> return (c val, undoa, newctvida', [], written)
Exception exc -> return (AThrow exc, nothing, newctvid, [], [])
Retry _ -> do
(resb, undob, newctvidb') <- doTransaction fixed b newctvid
case resb of
Success written val -> return (c val, undob, newctvidb', [], written)
Exception exc -> return (AThrow exc, nothing, newctvid, [], [])
Retry readen -> return (ARetry, nothing, newctvid, readen, [])
stepLift :: n (STMAction t n r) -> n (STMAction t n r, n (), CTVarId, [CTVarId], [CTVarId])
stepLift na = do
a <- na
return (a, nothing, newctvid, [], [])