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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
-- |
-- Module: Clock
-- Copyright: Copyright © 2017 Lars Kuhtz <lakuhtz@gmail.com>.
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer: Lars Kuhtz <lakuhtz@gmail.com>
-- Stability: experimental
-- A sharded clock for use with DejaFu.
-- The implementation
-- * avoids unbounded computations by stoping the clock if
-- not timer is active,
-- * tries not introduce more non-determinism than needed into
-- the system.
-- The default value of 'boundsFair' is often not enough when working
-- with a clock. You may trie to increase that value aggressively.
module Clock
( Ticks
, Timer
, Clock
, TimeoutException(..)
, withClock
, sleep
, withTimeout
, withTimeout'
-- * Tests
, runTest
, runAllTests
, tests
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Classy
import Control.Monad.Catch (SomeException, Exception, catchAll, toException)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Numeric.Natural
-- Tests
import Control.Concurrent.Classy.Async
import Data.Monoid
import Test.DejaFu hiding (check, runTest)
import Test.DejaFu.Conc hiding (check, runTest, ThreadId)
import System.Random
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Public Interface
newtype Ticks = Ticks Natural
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Num)
data TimeoutException = TimeoutException deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Exception TimeoutException
withClock ∷ ∀ m a . MonadConc m ⇒ (Clock m → m a) → m a
withClock = withClockInternal
sleep ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Clock m → Ticks→ m ()
sleep clock ticks = setTimer clock ticks >>= waitTimer
-- The timeout isn't prompt. If this function returns
-- a value or throws an exception other than TimeoutException,
-- it is guaranteed that it completed within the
-- given number of ticks. If it throws a TimeoutException
-- the computation may have consumed any amount of ticks and
-- it may throw after any amount of ticks.
-- (If the timeout exception isn't thrown by an inner
-- call to `assertTimeout`, it is guaranteed that the
-- computation consumed at least the given number of ticks.)
withTimeout ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Clock m → Ticks → m a → m a
withTimeout clock ticks inner = mask $ \umask → do
timer ← setTimer clock ticks
r ← umask inner `catchAll` \e → tryWaitTimer timer >>= \case
False → throw e
True → throw TimeoutException
tryWaitTimer timer >>= \case
False → return r
True → throw TimeoutException
-- If this function throws it is guaranteed that the exception
-- is raised within the given number of ticks and no work
-- is done by the computation after that.
withTimeout' ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Clock m → Ticks → m a → m a
withTimeout' clock ticks inner =
wait =<< (asyncN "withtimeout" $ setTimeout clock ticks >> inner)
data Clock m = Clock
{ timers ∷ !(MVar m [(Ticks, Either (Timeout m) (Timer m))])
, active ∷ !(MVar m ())
newtype Timer m = Timer (MVar m ())
newtype Timeout m = Timeout (ThreadId m)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Internal
withClockInternal ∷ ∀ m a . MonadConc m ⇒ (Clock m → m a) → m a
withClockInternal inner = do
clock ← Clock <$> newMVarN "timers" [] <*> newEmptyMVarN "active"
mask $ \umask → do
tid ← forkN "clock" $ umask $ forever $ do
readMVar (active clock)
tick clock
-- yield
r ← umask (inner clock) `catchAll` \e → do
killThread tid
throw e
killThread tid
return r
tick ∷ Clock m → m ()
tick (Clock var activeVar) = modifyMVar_ var $ \timers → do
r ← go timers
when (null r) $ takeMVar activeVar
return r
∷ [(Ticks, Either (Timeout m) (Timer m))]
→ m [(Ticks, Either (Timeout m) (Timer m))]
go [] = pure []
go ((x, Right (Timer var)) : t)
| x <= 0 = putMVar var () >> go t
| otherwise = (:) (x - 1, Right (Timer var)) <$> go t
go ((x, Left (Timeout target)) : t)
| x <= 0 = throwTo target TimeoutException *> go t
| otherwise = (:) (x - 1, Left (Timeout target)) <$> go t
setTimer ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Clock m → Ticks → m (Timer m)
setTimer clock ticks = do
var ← newEmptyMVar
modifyMVar_ (timers clock) $ pure . (:) (ticks, Right (Timer var))
tryPutMVar (active clock) ()
return $ Timer var
waitTimer ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Timer m → m ()
waitTimer (Timer var) = void $ readMVar var
tryWaitTimer ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Timer m → m Bool
tryWaitTimer (Timer var) = isJust <$> tryReadMVar var
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Asynchronous Timeouts
setTimeout ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Clock m → Ticks → m ()
setTimeout clock ticks = do
tid ← myThreadId
modifyMVar_ (timers clock) $ pure . (:) (ticks, Left (Timeout tid))
void $ tryPutMVar (active clock) ()
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Tests
timeout = Left $ UncaughtException $ toException TimeoutException
data Test m a = Test
{ description ∷ String
, result ∷ !(Predicate a)
, test ∷ m a
test1 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m Int
test1 = Test "" (gives [Right 1, Right 2]) $
withClock $ \c → do
var ← newCRef 0
r₁ ← spawn $ sleep c 2 >> atomicWriteCRef var 1
r₂ ← spawn $ sleep c 1 >> atomicWriteCRef var 2
void $ readMVar r₁
void $ readMVar r₂
readCRef var
test2 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m Int
test2 = Test "" (gives [Right 1, Right 2, timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → do
var ← newCRef 0
r₁ ← async $ sleep c 2 >> atomicWriteCRef var 1
r₂ ← async $ withTimeout c 1 $ atomicWriteCRef var 2
wait r₁
wait r₂
readCRef var
test3 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m Int
test3 = Test "" (gives [Right 1, Right 2]) $
withClock $ \c → do
var ← newCRef 0
r₁ ← spawn $ sleep c 2 >> atomicWriteCRef var 1
r₂ ← spawn $ atomicWriteCRef var 2
void $ readMVar r₁
void $ readMVar r₂
readCRef var
test4 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test4 = Test "" (gives [timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → withTimeout c 1 $ sleep c 2
test5 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test5 = Test "" (representative deadlocksNever) $
withClock $ \c → sleep c 2
test6 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test6 = Test "" (gives [Right(), timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → withTimeout c 2 $ return ()
test7 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test7 = Test "" (gives [timeout, Right ()]) $
withClock $ \c → do
withTimeout c 0 $ return ()
withTimeout c 1 $ return ()
withTimeout c 3 $ return ()
test8 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test8 = Test "" (gives [Right (), timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → withTimeout c 2 $ withTimeout c 2 $ return ()
test9 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test9 = Test "" (gives [Right (), timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → withTimeout c 1 $ withTimeout c 2 $ return ()
test10 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test10 = Test "" (gives [Right (), timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → withTimeout c 2 $ withTimeout c 1 $ return ()
test11 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test11 = Test "" (gives [Right ()]) $
withClock $ \c → sleep c 1 >> sleep c 1
test12 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test12 = Test "" (gives [timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → sleep c 1 >> withTimeout c 1 (sleep c 2)
test13 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test13 = Test "" (gives [timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → do
sleep c 1
withTimeout c 1 $ do
sleep c 2
sleep c 2
sleep c 1
test14 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test14 = Test "" (gives [Right (), timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → do
sleep c 1
withTimeout c 5 $ do
sleep c 2
sleep c 2
sleep c 1
-- -------
-- tests for withTimeout'
test15 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test15 = Test "withTimeout'" (gives [Right (), timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → withTimeout' c 1 $ return ()
test16 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test16 = Test "withTimeout'" (gives [timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → withTimeout' c 1 $ sleep c 2
test17 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m ()
test17 = Test "withTimeout'" (gives [Right (), timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → withTimeout' c 2 $ sleep c 2
test18 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m Int
test18 = Test "" (gives [Right 1, Right 2, timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → do
var ← newCRef 0
r₁ ← async $ sleep c 2 >> atomicWriteCRef var 1
r₂ ← async $ withTimeout' c 1 $ atomicWriteCRef var 2
wait r₁
wait r₂
readCRef var
test19 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m Int
test19 = Test "" (gives [Right 1, Right 2, timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → do
var ← newCRef 0
withTimeout' c 3 $ do
r₁ ← async $ sleep c 1 >> atomicWriteCRef var 1
sleep c 1
r₂ ← async $ withTimeout' c 1 $ atomicWriteCRef var 2
wait r₁
wait r₂
readCRef var
test20 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m Int
test20 = Test "" (gives [Right 1, Right 2, timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → do
var ← newCRef 0
withTimeout' c 4 $ do
r₁ ← async $ sleep c 2 >> atomicWriteCRef var 1
sleep c 1 -- Why is this needed?
r₂ ← async $ withTimeout' c 2 $ atomicWriteCRef var 2
wait r₁
wait r₂
readCRef var
test21 ∷ MonadConc m ⇒ Test m Int
test21 = Test "" (gives [Right 2, timeout]) $
withClock $ \c → do
var ← newCRef 0
withTimeout' c 3 $ do
r₁ ← async $ sleep c 2 >> atomicWriteCRef var 1
sleep c 1 -- Why is this needed?
r₂ ← async $ withTimeout' c 2 $ atomicWriteCRef var 2
wait r₁
wait r₂
readCRef var
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- running tests
runTestRandom ∷ (Show a) ⇒ Int → (∀ t . Test (ConcST t) a) → IO Bool
runTestRandom i t = do
gen ← newStdGen
runTest (randomly gen i) t
runTestDefault ∷ (Show a) ⇒ (∀ t . Test (ConcST t) a) → IO Bool
runTestDefault = runTest (systematically bounds)
bounds = defaultBounds
{ boundLength = Nothing
, boundPreemp = Just 2
, boundFair = Just 25
runTest ∷ (Show a) ⇒ Way → (∀ t . Test (ConcST t) a) → IO Bool
runTest way t = dejafuWay way SequentialConsistency
(test t)
(description t, result t)
data SomeTest where
SomeTest ∷ (Show a) ⇒ (∀ t . Test (ConcST t) a) → SomeTest
runAllTests ∷ IO Bool
runAllTests = (getAll . foldMap All) <$> forM ([1∷Int ..] `zip` tests) go
go (i, SomeTest t) = do
putStr (show i <> ": ")
runTestDefault t
tests ∷ [SomeTest]
tests =
[ SomeTest test1
, SomeTest test2
, SomeTest test3
, SomeTest test4
, SomeTest test5
, SomeTest test6
, SomeTest test7
, SomeTest test8
, SomeTest test9
, SomeTest test10
, SomeTest test11
, SomeTest test12
, SomeTest test13
, SomeTest test14
, SomeTest test15
, SomeTest test16
, SomeTest test17
, SomeTest test18
, SomeTest test19
, SomeTest test20
, SomeTest test21