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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Typeclass laws for @Concurrently@ from the async package.
module Examples.ClassLaws where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Monad ((>=>), ap, liftM, forever)
import Control.Monad.Catch (onException)
import Control.Monad.Conc.Class
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Set (Set, fromList)
import Test.DejaFu (Failure(..), defaultMemType)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic (ConcST, Trace)
import qualified Test.DejaFu.Deterministic as D
import Test.DejaFu.SCT (sctBound, defaultBounds)
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), expectFailure, monomorphic)
import Test.QuickCheck.Function (Fun, apply)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
-- Tests at bottom of file due to Template Haskell silliness.
-- | A value of type @Concurrently m a@ is a @MonadConc@ operation
-- that can be composed with other @Concurrently@ values, using the
-- @Applicative@ and @Alternative@ instances.
-- Calling @runConcurrently@ on a value of type @Concurrently m a@
-- will execute the @MonadConc@ operations it contains concurrently,
-- before delivering the result of type @a@.
newtype Concurrently m a = Concurrently { runConcurrently :: m a }
type CST t = Concurrently (ConcST t)
-- Functor
instance MonadConc m => Functor (Concurrently m) where
fmap f (Concurrently a) = Concurrently $ f <$> a
-- fmap id a = a
prop_functor_id :: Ord a => CST t a -> Bool
prop_functor_id ca = ca `eq` (fmap id ca)
-- fmap f . fmap g = fmap (f . g)
prop_functor_comp :: Ord c => CST t a -> Fun a b -> Fun b c -> Bool
prop_functor_comp ca (apply -> f) (apply -> g) = (g . f <$> ca) `eq` (g <$> (f <$> ca))
-- Applicative
instance MonadConc m => Applicative (Concurrently m) where
pure = Concurrently . pure
Concurrently fs <*> Concurrently as = Concurrently $ (\(f, a) -> f a) <$> concurrently fs as
-- pure id <*> a = a
prop_applicative_id :: Ord a => CST t a -> Bool
prop_applicative_id ca = ca `eq` (pure id <*> ca)
-- pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
prop_applicative_homo :: Ord b => a -> Fun a b -> Bool
prop_applicative_homo a (apply -> f) = (pure $ f a) `eq` (pure f <*> pure a)
-- u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u
prop_applicative_inter :: Ord b => CST t (Fun a b) -> a -> Bool
prop_applicative_inter u y = (u' <*> pure y) `eq` (pure ($ y) <*> u') where
u' = apply <$> u
-- u <*> (v <*> w) = pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w
prop_applicative_comp :: Ord c => CST t (Fun b c) -> CST t (Fun a b) -> CST t a -> Bool
prop_applicative_comp u v w = (u' <*> (v' <*> w)) `eq` (pure (.) <*> u' <*> v' <*> w) where
u' = apply <$> u
v' = apply <$> v
-- f <$> x = pure f <*> x
prop_applicative_fmap :: Ord b => Fun a b -> CST t a -> Bool
prop_applicative_fmap (apply -> f) a = (f <$> a) `eq` (pure f <*> a)
-- Monad
instance MonadConc m => Monad (Concurrently m) where
return = pure
Concurrently a >>= f = Concurrently $ a >>= runConcurrently . f
-- return >=> f = f
prop_monad_left_id :: Ord b => Fun a (CST t b) -> a -> Bool
prop_monad_left_id (apply -> f) = f `eqf` (return >=> f)
-- f >=> return = f
prop_monad_right_id :: Ord b => Fun a (CST t b) -> a -> Bool
prop_monad_right_id (apply -> f) = f `eqf` (f >=> return)
-- (f >=> g) >=> h = f >=> (g >=> h)
prop_monad_assoc :: Ord d => Fun a (CST t b) -> Fun b (CST t c) -> Fun c (CST t d) -> a -> Bool
prop_monad_assoc (apply -> f) (apply -> g) (apply -> h) = ((f >=> g) >=> h) `eqf` (f >=> (g >=> h))
-- f <$> a = f `liftM` a
prop_monad_fmap :: Ord b => Fun a b -> CST t a -> Bool
prop_monad_fmap (apply -> f) a = (f <$> a) `eq` (f `liftM` a)
-- return = pure
prop_monad_pure :: Ord a => a -> Bool
prop_monad_pure = pure `eqf` return
-- (<*>) = ap
prop_monad_ap :: Ord b => Fun a b -> a -> Bool
prop_monad_ap (apply -> f) a = (pure f <*> pure a) `eq` (return f `ap` return a)
-- (<*>) = ap, side-effect-testing version
prop_monad_ap' :: forall a b. Ord b => Fun a b -> Fun a b -> a -> Bool
prop_monad_ap' (apply -> f) (apply -> g) a = go (<*>) `eq'` go ap where
go :: (CST t (a -> b) -> CST t a -> CST t b) -> ConcST t b
go combine = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
let cf = do { res <- tryTakeMVar var; pure $ if isJust res then f else g }
let ca = do { putMVar var (); pure a }
runConcurrently $ Concurrently cf `combine` Concurrently ca
-- Alternative
instance MonadConc m => Alternative (Concurrently m) where
empty = Concurrently $ forever yield
Concurrently as <|> Concurrently bs =
Concurrently $ either id id <$> race as bs
-- x <|> (y <|> z) = (x <|> y) <|> z
prop_alternative_assoc :: Ord a => CST t a -> CST t a -> CST t a -> Bool
prop_alternative_assoc x y z = (x <|> (y <|> z)) `eq` ((x <|> y) <|> z)
-- x = x <|> empty
prop_alternative_right_id :: Ord a => CST t a -> Bool
prop_alternative_right_id x = x `eq` (x <|> empty)
-- x = empty <|> x
prop_alternative_left_id :: Ord a => CST t a -> Bool
prop_alternative_left_id x = x `eq` (empty <|> x)
-- Stuff for testing
instance Show (Concurrently m a) where
show _ = "<concurrently>"
instance (Arbitrary a, Applicative m) => Arbitrary (Concurrently m a) where
arbitrary = Concurrently . pure <$> arbitrary
instance Monoid Integer where
mempty = 0
mappend = (+)
eq :: Ord a => CST t a -> CST t a -> Bool
eq left right = runConcurrently left `eq'` runConcurrently right
eq' :: Ord a => ConcST t a -> ConcST t a -> Bool
eq' left right = results left == results right
results :: forall t a. Ord a => ConcST t a -> Set (Either Failure a)
results cst = fromList . map fst $ sctBound' cst where
sctBound' :: ConcST t a -> [(Either Failure a, Trace D.ThreadId D.ThreadAction D.Lookahead)]
sctBound' = unsafeCoerce $ sctBound defaultMemType defaultBounds
eqf :: Ord b => (a -> CST t b) -> (a -> CST t b) -> a -> Bool
eqf left right a = left a `eq` right a
-- Stuff copied from async
concurrently :: MonadConc m => m a -> m b -> m (a, b)
concurrently left right = concurrently' left right (collect []) where
collect [Left a, Right b] _ = return (a, b)
collect [Right b, Left a] _ = return (a, b)
collect xs m = do
e <- takeMVar m
case e of
Left ex -> throw ex
Right r -> collect (r:xs) m
concurrently' :: MonadConc m => m a -> m b
-> (MVar m (Either SomeException (Either a b)) -> m r)
-> m r
concurrently' left right collect = do
done <- newEmptyMVar
mask $ \restore -> do
lid <- fork $ restore (left >>= putMVar done . Right . Left)
`catch` (putMVar done . Left)
rid <- fork $ restore (right >>= putMVar done . Right . Right)
`catch` (putMVar done . Left)
-- See: https://github.com/simonmar/async/issues/27
let stop = killThread rid >> killThread lid
r <- restore (collect done) `onException` stop
return r
race :: MonadConc m => m a -> m b -> m (Either a b)
race left right = concurrently' left right collect where
collect m = do
e <- takeMVar m
case e of
Left ex -> throw ex
Right r -> return r
return []
-- QuickChecking the Applicative composition and Alternative
-- associativity laws is really slow to run every time, sadly. I have
-- done all I can think of for now to cut down the number of
-- executions tried, they give rise to something on the order of 10000
-- or so executions (100 sets of random inputs, 2 computations per
-- test, 40 to 50 schedules for each computation)
-- I expect a large portion of it is due to the exception handling,
-- which is admittedly rather heavy-handed right now. There's got to
-- be some better way than just having all exceptions be dependent
-- with everything ever, except Stop.
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Functor Laws"
[ testProperty "identity" $(monomorphic 'prop_functor_id)
, testProperty "composition" $(monomorphic 'prop_functor_comp)
, testGroup "Applicative Laws"
[ testProperty "identity" $(monomorphic 'prop_applicative_id)
, testProperty "homomorphism" $(monomorphic 'prop_applicative_homo)
, testProperty "interchange" $(monomorphic 'prop_applicative_inter)
, testProperty "composition" $(monomorphic 'prop_applicative_comp)
, testProperty "fmap" $(monomorphic 'prop_applicative_fmap)
, testGroup "Monad Laws"
[ testProperty "left identity" $(monomorphic 'prop_monad_left_id)
, testProperty "right identity" $(monomorphic 'prop_monad_right_id)
, testProperty "associativity" $(monomorphic 'prop_monad_assoc)
, testProperty "fmap" $(monomorphic 'prop_monad_fmap)
, testProperty "pure" $(monomorphic 'prop_monad_pure)
, testProperty "ap" $(monomorphic 'prop_monad_ap)
, testProperty "ap (side effects)" $ expectFailure $(monomorphic 'prop_monad_ap')
, testGroup "Alternative Laws"
[ testProperty "left identity" $(monomorphic 'prop_alternative_left_id)
, testProperty "right identity" $(monomorphic 'prop_alternative_right_id)
--, testProperty "associativity" $(monomorphic 'prop_alternative_assoc)