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{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
-- | This is a separate module because of the need for
-- ImpredicativeTypes, which breaks things elsewhere in the main
-- SearchParty module.
module Examples.SearchParty.Impredicative where
import Control.Concurrent.Classy.STM.TMVar (TMVar, newTMVar)
import Control.Monad.Conc.Class
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- | A unit of work in a monad @m@ which will produce a final result
-- of type @a@.
newtype WorkItem m a = WorkItem { unWrap :: forall x. WorkItem' m x a }
instance Functor (WorkItem m) where
fmap f (WorkItem w) = workItem (_result w) (f . _mapped w) (_killme w)
-- | A unit of work in a monad @m@ producing a result of type @x@,
-- which will then be transformed into a value of type @a@.
data WorkItem' m x a = WorkItem'
{ _result :: TMVar (STM m) (Maybe x)
-- ^ The future result of the computation.
, _mapped :: x -> a
-- ^ Some post-processing to do.
, _killme :: m ()
-- ^ Fail the computation, if it's still running.
-- | The possible states that a work item may be in.
data WorkState = StillComputing | HasFailed | HasSucceeded
deriving (Eq)
-- | Construct a 'WorkItem'.
workItem :: TMVar (STM m) (Maybe x) -> (x -> a) -> m () -> WorkItem m a
workItem res mapp kill = wrap $ WorkItem' res mapp kill where
-- Really not nice, but I have had difficulty getting GHC to unify
-- @WorkItem' m x a@ with @forall x. WorkItem' m x a@
-- This needs ImpredicativeTypes in GHC 7.8.
wrap :: WorkItem' m x a -> WorkItem m a
wrap = WorkItem . unsafeCoerce
-- | Construct a 'WorkItem' containing a result.
workItem' :: MonadConc m => Maybe a -> m (WorkItem m a)
workItem' a = (\v -> workItem v id $ pure ()) <$> atomically (newTMVar a)