add the logic language to the specification

This commit is contained in:
Geoffroy Couprie 2019-02-26 16:59:59 +01:00
parent 0a9887df08
commit 27e22393f6
2 changed files with 129 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -68,158 +68,164 @@ A biscuit is structured as a cryptographic, append-only list; its elements are
called *caveats*, and describe authorization properties. As with Macaroons,
an operation must comply with all caveats in order to be allowed by the biscuit.
Caveats describe which operations are authorized by providing predicates over
the operation's attributes.
Caveats are written as queries defined in a flavor of Datalog that supports
constraints on some data types ( ),
without support for negation. This simplifies its implementation and makes
the caveat more precise.
Attributes are data, associated with the operation,
that is known when the policy is evaluated, such as an identifier for the
ressource being accessed, the type of the operation (read, write, append, ...),
the operation's parameters (if any), the client's IP address or a
channel-binding value (like the TLS transcript hash).
### Terminology
Available attributes, and their type, are known ahead of time by the verifier.
Some of those attributes are *critical*, and all caveats must provide a *bound*
for each critical attribute.
A Biscuit Datalog program contains *facts* and *rules*, which are made of *predicates*
over the following types: *symbol*, *variable*, *integer*, *string* and *date*.
While Biscuit does not use a textual representation for storage, we will use
one for this specification and for pretty printing of caveats.
A *predicate* has the form `Predicate(v0, v1, ..., vn)`.
A *fact* is a *predicate* that does not contain any *variable*.
A *rule* has the form:
`Pr(r0, r1, ..., rk) <- P0(t1_1, t1_2, ..., t1_m1), ..., Pn(tn_1, tn_2, ..., tn_mn), C0(v0), ..., Cx(vx)`.
The part of the left of the arrow is called the *head* and on the right, the *body*.
In a *rule*, each of the `ri` or `ti_j` terms can be of any type. A *rule* is safe
if all of the variables in the head appear somewhere in the body.
We also define a *constraint* `Cx` over the variable `vx`. *Constraints* define
a check of a variable's value when applying the *rule*. If the *constraint* returns
`false`, the *rule* application fails.
A *query* is a type of *rule* that has no head. It has the following form:
`?- P0(t1_1, t1_2, ..., t1_m1), ..., Pn(tn_1, tn_2, ..., tn_mn), C0(v0), ..., Cx(vx)`.
When applying a *rule*, if there is a combination of *facts* that matches the body's
predicates, we generate a new *fact* corresponding to the head (with the variables
bound to the corresponding values).
We will represent the various types as follows:
- symbol: `#a`
- variable: `v?`
- integer: `12`
- string: `"hello"`
- date in RFC 3339 format
Bounds are a subset of predicates, that only allow the following:
- `any`: all values match;
- `in <subset>`: only elements in `subset` match; this can be an explicit
enumeration, or a (non-infinite) range in the case of numeric types.
As an example, assuming we have the following facts: `parent(#a, #b)`, `parent(#b, #c)`, `#parent(#c, #d)`.
If we apply the rule `grandparent(x?, z?) <- parent(x?, y?), parent(y? z?)`, we will
try to replace the predicates in the body by matching facts. We will get the following combinations:
- `grandparent(#a, #c) <- parent(#a, #b), parent(#b, #c)`
- `grandparent(#b, #d) <- parent(#b, #c), parent(#c, #d)`
The system will now contain the two new facts `grandparent(#a, #c)` and `grandparent(#b, #d)`.
Whenever we generate new facts, we have to reapply all of the system's rules on the facts,
because some rules might give a new result. Once rules application does not generate any new facts,
we can stop.
### Rationale
### Data types
Some attributes grant authority (such as ressource identifiers, operation type,
...), and failing to include a caveat limiting acceptable values is a common
failure with Macaroons, resulting in authority being accidentally granted.
A *symbol* indicates a value that supports equality, set inclusion and set exclusion constraints.
Its internal representation has no specific meaning.
By marking them critical, two things are achieved:
- They must be bound by caveats, preventing accidental authority grants when new
values are added.
- Their presence is required in all caveats for a biscuit to be valid; as such:
- if developers accidentally fail to provide a bound, the biscuit is invalid;
- biscuits issued before the attribute was defined are implicitely revoked.
An *integer* is a signed 64 bits integer. It supports the following constraints: lower, larger,
lower or equal, larger or equal, equal, set inclusion and set exclusion.
For example, consider a data store, which initially only provides read access.
Assume I was granted a biscuit for ressources in it, before a developper
implemented read-write access, along with a `type` attribute (which can be
`Read` or `Write`). My biscuit suddenly grants me read-write access.
A *string* is a suite of UTF-8 characters. It supports the following constraints: prefix, suffix,
equak, set inclusion, set exclusion.
Marking the `type` attribute as critical means that I must request a new
biscuit, that properly specifies whether my access is read and/or write.
A *date* is a 64 bit unsigned integer representing a TAI64. It supports the following constraints:
before, after.
Now, if I was to be issued a biscuit with the caveat `type != Write`, before the
types `Append`, `Create`, and `Delete` were added, my the biscuit would again go
from granting read-only access to granting write access; this is why critical
attributes must use bounds.
### Usage
A biscuit token defines some scopes for facts and rules. The *authority* scope is defined in the first
block of the token. It provides a set of facts and rules indicating the starting rights of the token.
An *authority* fact will be defined as `predicate(#authority, t0, t1, ..., tn)`. *Authority* facts can
only be defined by *authority* rules.
The *ambient* scope is provided by the verifier. It contains facts corresponding to the query, like
which resource we try to access, with which operation (read, write, etc), the current time, the source IP, etc.
*Ambient* facts can only be defined by the verifier.
The *local* scope contains facts specific to one block of the token. Between each block evaluation,
we do not keep the *local* facts, instead restarting from the *authority* and *ambient* facts.
Each block can contain caveats, which are *queries* that must all succeed for the token to be valid.
Additionally, the verifier can have its own set of queries that must succeed to validate the token.
By requiring that all caveats provide a bound for each critical attribute, we
can guarantee that a biscuit does not gain unintended authority when new
attributes, or new values for them, are added in the system. (The use of `any`
is considered intentional.)
#### Examples
### Interpretation
Given an operation's `attributes`, the set of `critical` attributes, a given
`biscuit` is evaluated as follows:
for caveat in biscuit:
bounds = set()
for predicate in caveat:
if not predicate.eval(attributes):
return False
if predicate.isbound:
if not bounds.contains(critical):
return False
return True
## Format
XXXTODO: Update for caveats
A biscuit token is an ordered list of key and value tuples, stored in HPACK
format. HPACK was chosen to avoid specifying yet another serialization format,
and reusing its data compression features to make tokens small enough to
fit in a cookie.
This first token defines a list of authority facts giving `read` and `write` rights on `file1`, `read`
on `file2`. The first caveat checks that the operation is `read` (and will not allow any other `operation` fact),
and then that we have the `read` right over the resource.
The second caveat checks that the resource is `file1`.
biscuit := block\*, signature
block := HPACK{ kv\* }
kv := ["rights", rights] | ["pub", pubkey] | [TEXT, TEXT]
TEXT := characters (UTF-8 or ASCII?)
pubkey := base64(public key)
rights := namespace { right,\* }
namespace := TEXT
right := (+|-) tag : feature(options)
tag := TEXT | /regexp/ | *
feature := TEXT | /regexp/ | *
options := (r|w|e),\*
authority=[right(#authority, #file1, #read), right(#authority, #file2, #read), right(#authority, #file1, #write)]
caveat1 = resource(#ambient, X?), operation(#ambient, #read), right(#authority, X?, #read) // restrict to read operations
caveat2 = resource(#ambient, #file1) // restrict to file1 resource
##### broad authority rules
In this example, we have a token with very large rights, that will be attenuated before giving to a user:
issuer = Clever Cloud
user = user_id_123
rights = clevercloud{-/.*prod/ : *(*) +/org_456-*/: *(*) +lapin-prod:log(r) +sozu-prod:metric(r)}
authority_rules = [
right(#authority, X?, #read) <- resource(#ambient, X?), owner(#ambient, Y?, X?), // if there is an ambient resource and we own it, we can read it
right(#authority, X?, #write) <- resource(#ambient, X?), owner(#ambient, Y?, X?) // if there is an ambient resource and we own it, we can write to it
<signature = base_64(64 bytes signature)>
caveat1 = right(#authority, X?, Y?), resource(#ambient, X?), operation(#ambient, Y?)
caveat2 = resource(#ambient, X?), owner(#alice, X?) // defines a token only usable by alice
This token was issued by "Clever Cloud" for user "user_id_123".
It defines the following capabilities, applied in order:
- remove all rights from any tag with the "prod" suffix
- give all rights on any tag that has the "org_456" prefix (even those with "prod" suffix)
- add on the "lapin-prod" tag the "log" feature with right "r"
- add on the "sozu-prod" tag the "metric" feature with right "r"
These rules will define authority facts depending on ambient data.
If we had the ambient facts `resource(#ambient, #file1)` and `owner(#ambient, #alice, #file1)`,
the authority rules will define `right(#authority, #file1, #read)` and `right(#authority, #file1, #write)`,
which will allow caveat 1 and caveat 2 to succeed.
Example of attenuated token:
If the owner ambient fact does not match the restriction in caveat2, the token check will fail.
##### Constraints
We can define queries or rules with constraints on some predicate values, and restrict usage
based on ambient values:
issuer = Clever Cloud
user = user_id_123
organization = org_456
rights = clevercloud{-/.*prod/ : *(*) +/org_456-*/: *(*) +lapin-prod:log(r) +sozu-prod:metric(r)}
pub = base64(128 bytes key)
rights = clevercloud { -/org_456-*/: *(*) +/org_456-test/ database(*) }
<signature = base_64(new 64 bytes signature)>
authority=[right(#authority, "/folder/file1", #read), right(#authority, "/folder/file2", #read),
right(#authority, "/folder2/file3", #read)]
caveat1 = resource(#ambient, X?), right(#authority, X?, Y?)
caveat2 = time(#ambient, T?), T? < 2019-02-05T23:00:00Z // expiration date
caveat3 = source_IP(#ambient, X?) | X? in ["", ""] // set membership
caveat4 = resource(#ambient, X?) | prefix(X?, "/folder/") // prefix or suffix match
This new token starts from the same rights as the previous one, but attenuates it
that way:
- all access to tags with "org_456-" prefix is removed
- except that "org_456-test" tag, on which we activate the "database" feature with all accesses
## Implementation
The new token has a signature derived from the previous one and the second block.
A biscuit token has the following operations:
- token = create(authority_facts, authority_rules, root_private_key)
- new_token = append(token, local_facts, caveats, current_public_key)
- verify(token, ambient_facts, verifier_queries, root_public_key)
### Common keys and values
### Caveat creation API
Key-value tuples can contain arbitrary data, but some of them have predefined
semantics (and could be part of HPACK's static tables to reduce the size of
the token):
- issuer: original creator of the token (validators are able to look up the root public key from the issuer field). Appears in the first block
- holder: current holder of the token (will be used for audit purpose). Can appear once per block
- pub: public key used to sign the current block. Appears in every block except the first
- created-on: creation date, in ISO 8601 format. Can appear once per block
- expires-on: expiration date, in ISO 8601 format. Can appear once per block. Must be lower than the expiration dates from previous blocks if present
- restricts: comma separated list of public keys. Any future block can only be signed by one of those keys
- sealed: if present, stops delegation (no further block can be added). Its only value is "true"
- rights: string specifying the rights restriction for this block
Rights and attenuation could be written directly as datalog rules,
but it would be useful to provide a high level API that defines
some usual facts and rules without errors.
### Format
TODO: no specified format for now, as it depends on finding a proper
serialization for the datalog language, and choosing which cryptographic
solution we're going for
- add a symbol table to the token, which is a map symbol(number) -> name, that
will be used to compress information and improve pretty printing. Possible
issue: the symbol table should not be easy to modify from one block to the
next (so that a same symbol does not refer to two different things).
so either the symbol table is predefined in the authority part, or
each caveat could have its own local symbol table that is appended to the
global one
- the symbol table could contain some common predicate names and values, like
`authority`, `ambient`, `issuer`, `holder`, `revocation-id`, `right`, `read`,
Those common keys and values will be present in the HPACK static table
## Cryptography

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@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ architectures with the following properties:
- capabilities based: authorization in microservices should be tied to rights
related to the request, instead of relying to an identity that might not make
sense to the verifier;
- flexible rights managements: the token specifies a pattern based right
specification and attenuation syntax that can map to other rights management
- flexible rights managements: the token uses a logic language to specify attenuation
and add bounds on ambient data;
- small enough to fit anywhere (cookies, etc).
Non goals: