specify the format

for now, we use packed CBOR encoding
This commit is contained in:
Geoffroy Couprie 2019-03-06 16:09:26 +01:00
parent 1fd2cf6546
commit a731f0b875

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@ -210,23 +210,218 @@ some usual facts and rules without errors.
### Format
TODO: no specified format for now, as it depends on finding a proper
serialization for the datalog language, and choosing which cryptographic
solution we're going for
A Biscuit token relies on [packed CBOR (Compact Binary Object Representation)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049)
encoding as base format.
- add a symbol table to the token, which is a map symbol(number) -> name, that
will be used to compress information and improve pretty printing. Possible
issue: the symbol table should not be easy to modify from one block to the
next (so that a same symbol does not refer to two different things).
so either the symbol table is predefined in the authority part, or
each caveat could have its own local symbol table that is appended to the
global one
- the symbol table could contain some common predicate names and values, like
`authority`, `ambient`, `issuer`, `holder`, `revocation-id`, `right`, `read`,
Basic elements:
- u8: 8 bits unsigned integer
- u32: 32 bits unsigned integer
- `[u8]`: byte array of unspecified length
- `string`: UTF-8 string of unspecified length
- `date`: TAI64 label, as specified in https://cr.yp.to/libtai/tai64.html
- `Symbol`: 64 bits unsigned integer. Index of a string inside the symbol table
Here is the "on the wire" format:
Biscuit {
authority: [u8],
blocks: [[u8]], // array of byte arrays
The `signature` field can contain the aggregated public key signatures
in the case of the main token, or the symmetric signature data, in the
case of the sealed token.
The `signature` applies to the content of the `authority` block, and
the content of each element of `blocks`.
Once the signature is verified, the `authority` and `blocks` elements
can be further deserialized. They represent a `Block` structure in CBOR
Block {
index: u32,
symbols: SymbolTable,
facts: [Fact],
caveats: [Rule]
Each `Block` has a unique index field, to check their order of appearance.
The `authority` block always has index 0.
The symbol table contains an array of UTF-8 strings. It indicates a mapping
index -> string to avoid repeating some strings in the token:
SymbolTable {
symbols: [string]
When deserializing the token, the token's symbol table is created as follows:
- start from the default symbol table, which contains the common symbols:
`authority`, `ambient`, `resource`, `operation`, `right`, `current_time`, `revocation_id`
- append the symbol table of the `authority` block
- append the symbol table of each block of `blocks`, in order
The datalog implementation relies on the `ID` and `Predicate` basic types:
ID = Symbol | Variable | Integer | Str | Date
Variable = u32
Integer = i64
Str = string
Date = date
Predicate {
name: Symbol,
ids: [ID]
Datalog facts are specified as follows:
Fact = Predicate
a `Fact` cannot contain a `Variable` `ID`.
Datalog rules are specified as follows:
Rule {
head: Predicate,
body: [Predicate],
constraints: [Constraint],
any `Variable` appearing in the `head` of a `Rule` must also appear
in one of the predicates of its `body`
Constraints express some restrictions on the rules, without having to
implement negation in the datalog engine.
Constraint {
id: u32,
kind: ConstraintKind,
ConstraintKind = IntConstraint | StrConstraint | DateConstraint | SymbolConstraint
The `id` field of a constraint must match a `Variable` in the rule.
Integer constraints can have the following values:
IntConstraint = Lower | Larger | LowerOrEqual | LargerOrEqual | Equal | In | NotIn
Lower {
bound: i64
Larger {
bound: i64
LowerOrEqual {
bound: i64
LargerOrEqual {
bound: i64
Equal {
bound: i64
In {
set: [i64]
NotIn {
set: [i64]
The `set` parameter of `In` and `NotIn` constraints is an array of unique values.
String constraints:
StrConstraint = Prefix | Suffix | Equal | In | NotIn
Prefix {
bound: string
Suffix {
bound: string
Equal {
bound: string
In {
set: [string]
NotIn {
set: [string]
Date constraints:
DateConstraint = Before | After
Before {
bound: date
After {
bound: date
Symbol constraints:
StrConstraint = In | NotIn
In {
set: [Symbol]
NotIn {
set: [Symbol]
#### Adding a new block
A new block will have an index that increments on the last block's index.
It reuses the token's symbol table. If new symbols must be added to the
table when adding facts and rules, the new block will only hold the new
When serializing the new token, the new block must first be serialized
to a byte array via CBOR encoding. Then a new aggregated signature is created
from the previous blocks, the previous aggregated signature and the
new key pair for this block. The new serialized token will have the same
authority block as the previous one, its blocks field will have the previous
one's blocks with the new block appended, and the new signature.
## Cryptography