Describe caveats, as discussed with tarcieri and geal

This commit is contained in:
The Fox in the Shell 2019-01-08 22:37:02 +01:00
parent e0e6943196
commit cd5b1121c4

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@ -61,8 +61,69 @@ specific authorizations
- capabilities: a request carries a token that contains a set of rights
that will be used for authorization, instead of deploying ACLs on every node
## Structure and semantics
A biscuit is structured as a cryptographic, append-only list; its elements are
called *caveats*, and describe authorization properties. As with Macaroons,
an operation must comply with all caveats in order to be allowed by the biscuit.
Caveats describe which operations are authorized by providing predicates over
the operation's attributes.
Attributes are data, associated with the operation,
that is known when the policy is evaluated, such as an identifier for the
ressource being accessed, the type of the operation (read, write, append, ...),
the operation's parameters (if any), the client's IP address or a
channel-binding value (like the TLS transcript hash).
Available attributes, and their type, are known ahead of time by the verifier.
Some of those attributes are *critical*, and all caveats must provide a *bound*
for each critical attribute.
Bounds are a subset of predicates, that only allow the following:
- `any`: all values match;
- `in <subset>`: only elements in `subset` match; this can be an explicit
enumeration, or a (non-infinite) range in the case of numeric types.
### Rationale
Some attributes grant authority (such as ressource identifiers, operation type,
...), and failing to include a caveat limiting acceptable values is a common
failure with Macaroons, resulting in authority being accidentally granted.
By marking them critical, two things are achieved:
- They must be bound by caveats, preventing accidental authority grants when new
values are added.
- Their presence is required in all caveats for a biscuit to be valid; as such:
- if developers accidentally fail to provide a bound, the biscuit is invalid;
- biscuits issued before the attribute was defined are implicitely revoked.
For example, consider a data store, which initially only provides read access.
Assume I was granted a biscuit for ressources in it, before a developper
implemented read-write access, along with a `type` attribute (which can be
`Read` or `Write`). My biscuit suddenly grants me read-write access.
Marking the `type` attribute as critical means that I must request a new
biscuit, that properly specifies whether my access is read and/or write.
Now, if I was to be issued a biscuit with the caveat `type != Write`, before the
types `Append`, `Create`, and `Delete` were added, my the biscuit would again go
from granting read-only access to granting write access; this is why critical
attributes must use bounds.
By requiring that all caveats provide a bound for each critical attribute, we
can guarantee that a biscuit does not gain unintended authority when new
attributes, or new values for them, are added in the system. (The use of `any`
is considered intentional.)
## Format
XXXTODO: Update for caveats
A biscuit token is an ordered list of key and value tuples, stored in HPACK
format. HPACK was chosen to avoid specifying yet another serialization format,
and reusing its data compression features to make tokens small enough to