add a draft of the EC VRF solution

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Geoffroy Couprie 2019-01-02 16:49:01 +01:00
parent 2c54321e1b
commit d164f40c7f

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@ -238,6 +238,8 @@ could also be present in the list of common keys and values
### Pairing based cryptography
proposed by @geal
Assuming we have a pairing e: G1 x G2 -> Gt with G1 and G2 two additive cyclic groups of prime order q, Gt a multiplicative cyclic group of order q
with a, b from Fq* finite field of order q
with P from G1, Q from G2
@ -290,16 +292,106 @@ Example of library this can be implemented with:
- pairing crate:
- mcl:
#### Elliptic curve verifiable random functions
### Elliptic curve verifiable random functions
proposed by @KellerFuchs
#### Gamma signatures
Using the primitives defined in :
F - finite field
2n - length, in octets, of a field element in F
E - elliptic curve (EC) defined over F
m - length, in octets, of an EC point encoded as an octet string
G - subgroup of E of large prime order
q - prime order of group G
cofactor - number of points on E divided by q
g - generator of group G
Hash - cryptographic hash function
hLen - output length in octets of Hash
Constraints on options:
Field elements in F have bit lengths divisible by 16
hLen is equal to 2n
`(pk, sk) <- Keygen()`: sk random x with 0 < x < q
Sign(pk, sk, message):
creating a proof pi = ECVRF_prove(pk, sk, message):
- h = ECVRF_hash_to_curve(pk, message)
- gamma = h^sk
- choose a random integer nonce k from [0, q-1]
- c = ECVRF_hash_points(g, h, pk, gamma, g^k, h^k)
- s = k - c*sk mod q
- pi = (gamma, c, s)
Verify(pk, pi, message) for one message and its signature:
- (gamma, c, s) = pi
- u = pk^c * g^s
= g^(sk*c)*g^(k - c*sk)
= g^k
- h = ECVRF_hash_to_curve(pk, message)
- v = gamma^c * h^s
= h^(sk*c)*h^(k - c*sk)
= h^k
- c' = ECVRF_hash_points(g, h, pk, gamma, u, v)
- return c == c'
Aggregate(pk', pi', [pk], PI) with [pk] list of public keys and PI aggregated signature:
- (gamma', c', s') = pi'
- ([gamma], [c], S, W, C) = PI
- h' = ECVRF_hash_to_curve(pk', message')
- S' = S + s'
- if previous signature was:
- the first block:
- set W' = h_0^-s_1 * h_1^-s_0
- else:
- W == (h_0 ^ (s_0 - S) * .. * h_n^(s_n - S))
- W' = W * (h_0^-s') * .. * (h_n^-s') * (h'^-S)
= (h_0 ^ (s_0 - S - s') * .. * h_n^(s_n - S - s')) * h'^(s' - S')
= (h_0 ^ (s_0 - S') * .. * h_n^(s_n - S')) * h'^(s' - S')
- C' = ECVRF_hash_points(g, h, pk_0 * .. * pk_n, gamma_0 * .. * gamma_n, U', V')
- PI' = ([gamma]||gamma', [c]||c', S', W', C')
Verify([pk], PI, [message]):
- ([gamma], [c], S, W, C) = PI
- check that n = |[pk]| == |[message]| == |[gamma]| == |[c]|
- for each tuple (pk_i, message_i, gamma_i, c_i) with i from 0 to n:
- p_i = pk_i^c_i
- h_i = ECVRF_hash_to_curve(pk_i, message_i)
- v_i = gamma_i^c_i * h_i^S
- U = (p_0* .. * p_n) * g^S
= pk_0^c_0 * .. * pk_n ^ c_n * g^((k_0 - c_0*sk_0) + .. + (k_n - c_n*sk_n))
= g^(sk0 * c_0 + .. + sk_n * c_n + (k_0 - c_0*sk_0) + .. + (k_n - c_n*sk_n))
= g^(k_0 + .. + k_n)
- V = v_0 * .. * v_n * W
= gamma_0^c_0 * .. * gamma_n^c_n * h_0^S * .. * h_n^S * h_0^(s_0 - S) * .. * h_n^(s_n - S)
= h_0^(sk_0*c_0) * .. * h_n^(sk_n*c_n) * h_0^s_0 * .. * h_n^s_n
= h_0^(sk_0*c_0) * .. * h_n^(sk_n*c_n) * h_0^(k_0 - sk0*c0) * .. * h_n^(k_n - sk_n*c_n)
= h_0^k_0 * .. * h_n^k_n
- C' = ECVRF_hash_points(g, h, pk_0 * .. * pk_n, gamma_0 * .. * gamma_n, U, V)
- return C == C'
### Gamma signatures
proposed by @bascule
Yao, A. C.-C., & Yunlei Zhao. (2013). Online/Offline Signatures for Low-Power Devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 8(2), 283294.
Aggregation of Gamma-Signatures and Applications to Bitcoin, Yunlei Zhao
#### BIP32 derived keys
### BIP32 derived keys
proposed by @bascule