Geoffroy Couprie fea8c3327f rename caveat to check, introduce allow/deny policies and new syntax
the meaning of "caveat" was not clear enough for users (outside of those
already familiar with macaroons), while "check" is more obvious: in a
"checklist", all items must be validated.

Allow and deny policies can be added only in the verifier (not in
tokens so there's no format change here). They use rules under the hood
like checks, and are tested one by one until one of them matches.
A default policy should be added to the verifier, otherwise it will
return the NoMatchingPolicy error. To keep the current behaviour of
accepting the request once all checks have been validated, we use the
default policy "allow if true", that only contains the expression

At last, we introduce a new syntax for checks and policies:

caveat1($0) <- resource(#ambient, $0), operation(#ambient, #read), right(#authority, $0, #read)

is rewritten as:

check if resource(#ambient, $0), operation(#ambient, #read), right(#authority, $0, #read)

Similarly, allow and deny policies use "allow if" and "deny if"
prefixes. If a check contains multiple rules, they are separated with
"or". All of those keywords are case insensitive.
2021-01-25 16:50:15 +01:00

325 lines
5.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto2";
package biscuit.format.schema;
message Biscuit {
required bytes authority = 1;
repeated bytes blocks = 2;
repeated bytes keys = 3;
required Signature signature = 4;
message SealedBiscuit {
required bytes authority = 1;
repeated bytes blocks = 2;
required bytes signature = 3;
message Signature {
repeated bytes parameters = 1;
required bytes z = 2;
message Block {
required uint32 index = 1;
repeated string symbols = 2;
repeated FactV0 facts_v0 = 3;
repeated RuleV0 rules_v0 = 4;
repeated CaveatV0 caveats_v0 = 5;
optional string context = 6;
optional uint32 version = 7;
repeated FactV1 facts_v1 = 8;
repeated RuleV1 rules_v1 = 9;
repeated CheckV1 checks_v1 = 10;
message FactV0 {
required PredicateV0 predicate = 1;
message RuleV0 {
required PredicateV0 head = 1;
repeated PredicateV0 body = 2;
repeated ConstraintV0 constraints = 3;
message CaveatV0 {
repeated RuleV0 queries = 1;
message PredicateV0 {
required uint64 name = 1;
repeated IDV0 ids = 2;
message IDV0 {
enum Kind {
STR = 3;
DATE = 4;
BYTES = 5;
required Kind kind = 1;
optional uint64 symbol = 2;
optional uint32 variable = 3;
optional int64 integer = 4;
optional string str = 5;
optional uint64 date = 6;
optional bytes bytes = 7;
message ConstraintV0 {
required uint32 id = 1;
enum Kind {
INT = 0;
DATE = 2;
BYTES = 4;
required Kind kind = 2;
optional IntConstraintV0 int = 3;
optional StringConstraintV0 str = 4;
optional DateConstraintV0 date = 5;
optional SymbolConstraintV0 symbol = 6;
optional BytesConstraintV0 bytes = 7;
message IntConstraintV0 {
enum Kind {
LOWER = 0;
EQUAL = 4;
IN = 5;
NOT_IN = 6;
required Kind kind = 1;
optional int64 lower = 2;
optional int64 larger = 3;
optional int64 lower_or_equal = 4;
optional int64 larger_or_equal = 5;
optional int64 equal = 6;
repeated int64 in_set = 7 [packed=true];
repeated int64 not_in_set = 8 [packed=true];
message StringConstraintV0 {
enum Kind {
EQUAL = 2;
IN = 3;
NOT_IN = 4;
REGEX = 5;
required Kind kind = 1;
optional string prefix = 2;
optional string suffix = 3;
optional string equal = 4;
repeated string in_set = 5;
repeated string not_in_set = 6;
optional string regex = 7;
message DateConstraintV0 {
enum Kind {
AFTER = 1;
required Kind kind = 1;
optional uint64 before = 2;
optional uint64 after = 3;
message SymbolConstraintV0 {
enum Kind {
IN = 0;
NOT_IN = 1;
required Kind kind = 1;
repeated uint64 in_set = 2;
repeated uint64 not_in_set = 3;
message BytesConstraintV0 {
enum Kind {
EQUAL = 0;
IN = 1;
NOT_IN = 2;
required Kind kind = 1;
optional bytes equal = 2;
repeated bytes in_set = 3;
repeated bytes not_in_set = 4;
message FactV1 {
required PredicateV1 predicate = 1;
message RuleV1 {
required PredicateV1 head = 1;
repeated PredicateV1 body = 2;
repeated ExpressionV1 expressions = 3;
message CheckV1 {
repeated RuleV1 queries = 1;
message PredicateV1 {
required uint64 name = 1;
repeated IDV1 ids = 2;
message IDV1 {
oneof Content {
uint64 symbol = 1;
uint32 variable = 2;
int64 integer = 3;
string string = 4;
uint64 date = 5;
bytes bytes = 6;
bool bool = 7;
IDSet set = 8;
message IDSet {
repeated IDV1 set = 1;
message ConstraintV1 {
required uint32 id = 1;
oneof Constraint {
IntConstraintV1 int = 2;
StringConstraintV1 string = 3;
DateConstraintV1 date = 4;
SymbolConstraintV1 symbol = 5;
BytesConstraintV1 bytes = 6;
message IntConstraintV1 {
oneof Constraint {
int64 less_than = 1;
int64 greater_than = 2;
int64 less_or_equal = 3;
int64 greater_or_equal = 4;
int64 equal = 5;
IntSet in_set = 6;
IntSet not_in_set = 7;
message IntSet {
repeated int64 set = 7 [packed=true];
message StringConstraintV1 {
oneof Constraint {
string prefix = 1;
string suffix = 2;
string equal = 3;
StringSet in_set = 4;
StringSet not_in_set = 5;
string regex = 6;
message StringSet {
repeated string set = 1;
message DateConstraintV1 {
oneof Constraint {
uint64 before = 1;
uint64 after = 2;
message SymbolConstraintV1 {
oneof Constraint {
SymbolSet in_set = 1;
SymbolSet not_in_set = 2;
message SymbolSet {
repeated uint64 set = 1 [packed=true];
message BytesConstraintV1 {
oneof Constraint {
bytes equal = 1;
BytesSet in_set = 2;
BytesSet not_in_set = 3;
message BytesSet {
repeated bytes set = 1;
message ExpressionV1 {
repeated Op ops = 1;
message Op {
oneof Content {
IDV1 value = 1;
OpUnary unary = 2;
OpBinary Binary = 3;
message OpUnary {
enum Kind {
Negate = 0;
required Kind kind = 1;
message OpBinary {
enum Kind {
LessThan = 0;
GreaterThan = 1;
LessOrEqual = 2;
GreaterOrEqual = 3;
Equal = 4;
In = 5;
NotIn = 6;
Prefix = 7;
Suffix = 8;
Regex = 9;
Add = 10;
Sub = 11;
Mul = 12;
Div = 13;
And = 14;
Or = 15;
required Kind kind = 1;