blacken all the code
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Waldmann 2022-07-06 15:37:27 +02:00
parent 7f8f671102
commit 7957af562d
78 changed files with 10568 additions and 8337 deletions

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
import pytest
# needed to get pretty assertion failures in unit tests:
if hasattr(pytest, 'register_assert_rewrite'):
if hasattr(pytest, "register_assert_rewrite"):
import borg.cache # noqa: E402
@ -21,11 +21,10 @@
def clean_env(tmpdir_factory, monkeypatch):
# avoid that we access / modify the user's normal .config / .cache directory:
monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('xdg-config-home')))
monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME', str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('xdg-cache-home')))
monkeypatch.setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("xdg-config-home")))
monkeypatch.setenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("xdg-cache-home")))
# also avoid to use anything from the outside environment:
keys = [key for key in os.environ
if key.startswith('BORG_') and key not in ('BORG_FUSE_IMPL', )]
keys = [key for key in os.environ if key.startswith("BORG_") and key not in ("BORG_FUSE_IMPL",)]
for key in keys:
monkeypatch.delenv(key, raising=False)
# Speed up tests
@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ def pytest_report_header(config, startdir):
"symlinks": are_symlinks_supported(),
"hardlinks": are_hardlinks_supported(),
"atime/mtime": is_utime_fully_supported(),
"modes": "BORG_TESTS_IGNORE_MODES" not in os.environ
"modes": "BORG_TESTS_IGNORE_MODES" not in os.environ,
enabled = []
disabled = []
@ -60,9 +59,11 @@ def __init__(self, request):
self.org_cache_wipe_cache = borg.cache.LocalCache.wipe_cache
def wipe_should_not_be_called(*a, **kw):
raise AssertionError("Cache wipe was triggered, if this is part of the test add "
if 'allow_cache_wipe' not in request.keywords:
raise AssertionError(
"Cache wipe was triggered, if this is part of the test add " "@pytest.mark.allow_cache_wipe"
if "allow_cache_wipe" not in request.keywords:
borg.cache.LocalCache.wipe_cache = wipe_should_not_be_called

View File

@ -13,84 +13,85 @@
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../src'))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../src"))
from borg import __version__ as sw_version
# -- General configuration -----------------------------------------------------
# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
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# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
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templates_path = ["_templates"]
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source_suffix = ".rst"
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#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'
master_doc = "index"
# General information about the project.
project = 'Borg - Deduplicating Archiver'
copyright = '2010-2014 Jonas Borgström, 2015-2022 The Borg Collective (see AUTHORS file)'
project = "Borg - Deduplicating Archiver"
copyright = "2010-2014 Jonas Borgström, 2015-2022 The Borg Collective (see AUTHORS file)"
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
split_char = '+' if '+' in sw_version else '-'
split_char = "+" if "+" in sw_version else "-"
version = sw_version.split(split_char)[0]
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
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# for a list of supported languages.
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# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
#today = ''
# today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
today_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
today_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
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# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
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exclude_patterns = ["_build"]
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
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# default_role = None
# The Borg docs contain no or very little Python docs.
# Thus, the primary domain is rst.
primary_domain = 'rst'
primary_domain = "rst"
# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
#add_function_parentheses = True
# add_function_parentheses = True
# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
# unit titles (such as .. function::).
#add_module_names = True
# add_module_names = True
# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
# output. They are ignored by default.
#show_authors = False
# show_authors = False
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pygments_style = 'sphinx'
pygments_style = "sphinx"
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#modindex_common_prefix = []
# modindex_common_prefix = []
# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------------
@ -100,79 +101,73 @@
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html_theme_path = guzzle_sphinx_theme.html_theme_path()
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app.connect("builder-inited", set_rst_settings)
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# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
html_theme_options = {
'project_nav_name': 'Borg %s' % version,
html_theme_options = {"project_nav_name": "Borg %s" % version}
# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
#html_theme_path = ['_themes']
# html_theme_path = ['_themes']
# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
# "<project> v<release> documentation".
#html_title = None
# html_title = None
# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
#html_short_title = None
# html_short_title = None
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
# of the sidebar.
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html_logo = "_static/logo.svg"
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# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
# pixels large.
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html_favicon = "_static/favicon.ico"
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# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
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html_static_path = ["borg_theme"]
html_extra_path = ['../src/borg/paperkey.html']
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# using the given strftime format.
html_last_updated_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
html_last_updated_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
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# typographically correct entities.
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smartquotes_action = "qe" # no D in there means "do not transform -- and ---"
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'**': ['logo-text.html', 'searchbox.html', 'globaltoc.html'],
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# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
# template names.
#html_additional_pages = {}
# html_additional_pages = {}
# If false, no module index is generated.
#html_domain_indices = True
# html_domain_indices = True
# If false, no index is generated.
html_use_index = False
# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
#html_split_index = False
# html_split_index = False
# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
html_show_sourcelink = False
@ -186,57 +181,45 @@ def setup(app):
# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
#html_use_opensearch = ''
# html_use_opensearch = ''
# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
#html_file_suffix = None
# html_file_suffix = None
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = 'borgdoc'
htmlhelp_basename = "borgdoc"
# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('book', 'Borg.tex', 'Borg Documentation',
'The Borg Collective', 'manual'),
latex_documents = [("book", "Borg.tex", "Borg Documentation", "The Borg Collective", "manual")]
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
# the title page.
latex_logo = '_static/logo.pdf'
latex_logo = "_static/logo.pdf"
latex_elements = {
'papersize': 'a4paper',
'pointsize': '10pt',
'figure_align': 'H',
latex_elements = {"papersize": "a4paper", "pointsize": "10pt", "figure_align": "H"}
# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
# not chapters.
#latex_use_parts = False
# latex_use_parts = False
# If true, show page references after internal links.
#latex_show_pagerefs = False
# latex_show_pagerefs = False
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
latex_show_urls = 'footnote'
latex_show_urls = "footnote"
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
#latex_preamble = ''
# latex_preamble = ''
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
latex_appendices = [
latex_appendices = ["support", "resources", "changes", "authors"]
# If false, no module index is generated.
#latex_domain_indices = True
# latex_domain_indices = True
# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
@ -244,21 +227,24 @@ def setup(app):
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
('usage', 'borg',
'BorgBackup is a deduplicating backup program with optional compression and authenticated encryption.',
['The Borg Collective (see AUTHORS file)'],
"BorgBackup is a deduplicating backup program with optional compression and authenticated encryption.",
["The Borg Collective (see AUTHORS file)"],
extensions = [
extlinks = {
'issue': ('', '#'),
'targz_url': ('' % version, None),
"issue": ("", "#"),
"targz_url": ("" % version, None),

View File

@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
for cls in sorted(classes, key=lambda cls: (cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__)):
if cls is ErrorWithTraceback:
print(' ', cls.__qualname__)
print(indent(cls.__doc__, ' ' * 8))
print(" ", cls.__qualname__)
print(indent(cls.__doc__, " " * 8))

View File

@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
verbose = True
objdump = "objdump -T %s"
glibc_re = re.compile(r'GLIBC_([0-9]\.[0-9]+)')
glibc_re = re.compile(r"GLIBC_([0-9]\.[0-9]+)")
def parse_version(v):
major, minor = v.split('.')
major, minor = v.split(".")
return int(major), int(minor)
@ -32,11 +32,9 @@ def main():
overall_versions = set()
for filename in filenames:
output = subprocess.check_output(objdump % filename, shell=True,
output = subprocess.check_output(objdump % filename, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = output.decode()
versions = {parse_version(
for match in glibc_re.finditer(output)}
versions = {parse_version( for match in glibc_re.finditer(output)}
requires_glibc = max(versions)
if verbose:
@ -50,14 +48,15 @@ def main():
if verbose:
if ok:
print("The binaries work with the given glibc %s." %
print("The binaries work with the given glibc %s." % format_version(given))
print("The binaries do not work with the given glibc %s. "
"Minimum is: %s" % (format_version(given), format_version(wanted)))
"The binaries do not work with the given glibc %s. "
"Minimum is: %s" % (format_version(given), format_version(wanted))
return ok
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == "__main__":
ok = main()
sys.exit(0 if ok else 1)

View File

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
# which growth factor to use when growing a hashtable of size < upto
# grow fast (*2.0) at the start so we do not have to resize too often (expensive).
# grow slow (*1.1) for huge hash tables (do not jump too much in memory usage)
Policy(256*K, 2.0),
Policy(2*M, 1.7),
Policy(16*M, 1.4),
Policy(128*M, 1.2),
Policy(2*G-1, 1.1),
Policy(256 * K, 2.0),
Policy(2 * M, 1.7),
Policy(16 * M, 1.4),
Policy(128 * M, 1.2),
Policy(2 * G - 1, 1.1),
@ -92,12 +92,15 @@ def main():
i = int(i * grow_factor)
static int hash_sizes[] = {
""" % ', '.join(str(size) for size in sizes))
% ", ".join(str(size) for size in sizes)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
sys.path += [os.path.dirname(__file__)]
import setup_docs
is_win32 = sys.platform.startswith('win32')
is_openbsd = sys.platform.startswith('openbsd')
is_win32 = sys.platform.startswith("win32")
is_openbsd = sys.platform.startswith("openbsd")
# Number of threads to use for cythonize, not used on windows
cpu_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if multiprocessing and multiprocessing.get_start_method() != 'spawn' else None
cpu_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if multiprocessing and multiprocessing.get_start_method() != "spawn" else None
# How the build process finds the system libs:
@ -38,27 +38,23 @@
# 3. otherwise raise a fatal error.
# Are we building on ReadTheDocs?
on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS')
on_rtd = os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS")
# Extra cflags for all extensions, usually just warnings we want to explicitly enable
cflags = [
cflags = ["-Wall", "-Wextra", "-Wpointer-arith"]
compress_source = 'src/borg/compress.pyx'
crypto_ll_source = 'src/borg/crypto/low_level.pyx'
chunker_source = 'src/borg/chunker.pyx'
hashindex_source = 'src/borg/hashindex.pyx'
item_source = 'src/borg/item.pyx'
checksums_source = 'src/borg/checksums.pyx'
platform_posix_source = 'src/borg/platform/posix.pyx'
platform_linux_source = 'src/borg/platform/linux.pyx'
platform_syncfilerange_source = 'src/borg/platform/syncfilerange.pyx'
platform_darwin_source = 'src/borg/platform/darwin.pyx'
platform_freebsd_source = 'src/borg/platform/freebsd.pyx'
platform_windows_source = 'src/borg/platform/windows.pyx'
compress_source = "src/borg/compress.pyx"
crypto_ll_source = "src/borg/crypto/low_level.pyx"
chunker_source = "src/borg/chunker.pyx"
hashindex_source = "src/borg/hashindex.pyx"
item_source = "src/borg/item.pyx"
checksums_source = "src/borg/checksums.pyx"
platform_posix_source = "src/borg/platform/posix.pyx"
platform_linux_source = "src/borg/platform/linux.pyx"
platform_syncfilerange_source = "src/borg/platform/syncfilerange.pyx"
platform_darwin_source = "src/borg/platform/darwin.pyx"
platform_freebsd_source = "src/borg/platform/freebsd.pyx"
platform_windows_source = "src/borg/platform/windows.pyx"
cython_sources = [
@ -67,7 +63,6 @@
@ -79,19 +74,20 @@
if cythonize:
Sdist = sdist
class Sdist(sdist):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise Exception('Cython is required to run sdist')
raise Exception("Cython is required to run sdist")
cython_c_files = [fn.replace('.pyx', '.c') for fn in cython_sources]
cython_c_files = [fn.replace(".pyx", ".c") for fn in cython_sources]
if not on_rtd and not all(os.path.exists(path) for path in cython_c_files):
raise ImportError('The GIT version of Borg needs Cython. Install Cython or use a released version.')
raise ImportError("The GIT version of Borg needs Cython. Install Cython or use a released version.")
def rm(file):
print('rm', file)
print("rm", file)
except FileNotFoundError:
@ -107,19 +103,19 @@ def finalize_options(self):
def run(self):
for source in cython_sources:
genc = source.replace('.pyx', '.c')
genc = source.replace(".pyx", ".c")
compiled_glob = source.replace('.pyx', '.cpython*')
compiled_glob = source.replace(".pyx", ".cpython*")
for compiled in sorted(glob(compiled_glob)):
cmdclass = {
'build_ext': build_ext,
'build_usage': setup_docs.build_usage,
'build_man': setup_docs.build_man,
'sdist': Sdist,
'clean2': Clean,
"build_ext": build_ext,
"build_usage": setup_docs.build_usage,
"build_man": setup_docs.build_man,
"sdist": Sdist,
"clean2": Clean,
@ -137,16 +133,18 @@ def members_appended(*ds):
import pkgconfig as pc
except ImportError:
print('Warning: can not import pkgconfig python package.')
print("Warning: can not import pkgconfig python package.")
pc = None
def lib_ext_kwargs(pc, prefix_env_var, lib_name, lib_pkg_name, pc_version, lib_subdir='lib'):
def lib_ext_kwargs(pc, prefix_env_var, lib_name, lib_pkg_name, pc_version, lib_subdir="lib"):
system_prefix = os.environ.get(prefix_env_var)
if system_prefix:
print(f"Detected and preferring {lib_pkg_name} [via {prefix_env_var}]")
return dict(include_dirs=[os.path.join(system_prefix, 'include')],
library_dirs=[os.path.join(system_prefix, lib_subdir)],
return dict(
include_dirs=[os.path.join(system_prefix, "include")],
library_dirs=[os.path.join(system_prefix, lib_subdir)],
if pc and pc.installed(lib_pkg_name, pc_version):
print(f"Detected and preferring {lib_pkg_name} [via pkg-config]")
@ -158,16 +156,13 @@ def lib_ext_kwargs(pc, prefix_env_var, lib_name, lib_pkg_name, pc_version, lib_s
crypto_ldflags = []
if is_win32:
crypto_ext_lib = lib_ext_kwargs(
pc, 'BORG_OPENSSL_PREFIX', 'libcrypto', 'libcrypto', '>=1.1.1', lib_subdir='')
crypto_ext_lib = lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_OPENSSL_PREFIX", "libcrypto", "libcrypto", ">=1.1.1", lib_subdir="")
elif is_openbsd:
# use openssl (not libressl) because we need AES-OCB and CHACHA20-POLY1305 via EVP api
crypto_ext_lib = lib_ext_kwargs(
pc, 'BORG_OPENSSL_PREFIX', 'crypto', 'libecrypto11', '>=1.1.1')
crypto_ldflags += ['-Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/eopenssl11']
crypto_ext_lib = lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_OPENSSL_PREFIX", "crypto", "libecrypto11", ">=1.1.1")
crypto_ldflags += ["-Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/eopenssl11"]
crypto_ext_lib = lib_ext_kwargs(
pc, 'BORG_OPENSSL_PREFIX', 'crypto', 'libcrypto', '>=1.1.1')
crypto_ext_lib = lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_OPENSSL_PREFIX", "crypto", "libcrypto", ">=1.1.1")
crypto_ext_kwargs = members_appended(
@ -178,57 +173,60 @@ def lib_ext_kwargs(pc, prefix_env_var, lib_name, lib_pkg_name, pc_version, lib_s
compress_ext_kwargs = members_appended(
lib_ext_kwargs(pc, 'BORG_LIBLZ4_PREFIX', 'lz4', 'liblz4', '>= 1.7.0'),
lib_ext_kwargs(pc, 'BORG_LIBZSTD_PREFIX', 'zstd', 'libzstd', '>= 1.3.0'),
lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_LIBLZ4_PREFIX", "lz4", "liblz4", ">= 1.7.0"),
lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_LIBZSTD_PREFIX", "zstd", "libzstd", ">= 1.3.0"),
checksums_ext_kwargs = members_appended(
lib_ext_kwargs(pc, 'BORG_LIBXXHASH_PREFIX', 'xxhash', 'libxxhash', '>= 0.7.3'),
lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_LIBXXHASH_PREFIX", "xxhash", "libxxhash", ">= 0.7.3"),
ext_modules += [
Extension('borg.crypto.low_level', **crypto_ext_kwargs),
Extension('borg.compress', **compress_ext_kwargs),
Extension('borg.hashindex', [hashindex_source], extra_compile_args=cflags),
Extension('borg.item', [item_source], extra_compile_args=cflags),
Extension('borg.chunker', [chunker_source], extra_compile_args=cflags),
Extension('borg.checksums', **checksums_ext_kwargs),
Extension("borg.crypto.low_level", **crypto_ext_kwargs),
Extension("borg.compress", **compress_ext_kwargs),
Extension("borg.hashindex", [hashindex_source], extra_compile_args=cflags),
Extension("borg.item", [item_source], extra_compile_args=cflags),
Extension("borg.chunker", [chunker_source], extra_compile_args=cflags),
Extension("borg.checksums", **checksums_ext_kwargs),
posix_ext = Extension('borg.platform.posix', [platform_posix_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
linux_ext = Extension('borg.platform.linux', [platform_linux_source], libraries=['acl'], extra_compile_args=cflags)
syncfilerange_ext = Extension('borg.platform.syncfilerange', [platform_syncfilerange_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
freebsd_ext = Extension('borg.platform.freebsd', [platform_freebsd_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
darwin_ext = Extension('borg.platform.darwin', [platform_darwin_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
windows_ext = Extension('', [platform_windows_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
posix_ext = Extension("borg.platform.posix", [platform_posix_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
linux_ext = Extension("borg.platform.linux", [platform_linux_source], libraries=["acl"], extra_compile_args=cflags)
syncfilerange_ext = Extension(
"borg.platform.syncfilerange", [platform_syncfilerange_source], extra_compile_args=cflags
freebsd_ext = Extension("borg.platform.freebsd", [platform_freebsd_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
darwin_ext = Extension("borg.platform.darwin", [platform_darwin_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
windows_ext = Extension("", [platform_windows_source], extra_compile_args=cflags)
if not is_win32:
if sys.platform == 'linux':
if sys.platform == "linux":
elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
elif sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"):
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
elif sys.platform == "darwin":
# sometimes there's no need to cythonize
# this breaks chained commands like 'clean sdist'
cythonizing = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] not in (
('clean', 'clean2', 'egg_info', '--help-commands', '--version')) and '--help' not in sys.argv[1:]
cythonizing = (
len(sys.argv) > 1
and sys.argv[1] not in (("clean", "clean2", "egg_info", "--help-commands", "--version"))
and "--help" not in sys.argv[1:]
if cythonize and cythonizing:
cython_opts = dict(
compiler_directives={'language_level': '3str'},
cython_opts = dict(compiler_directives={"language_level": "3str"})
if not is_win32:
# compile .pyx extensions to .c in parallel, does not work on windows
cython_opts['nthreads'] = cpu_threads
cython_opts["nthreads"] = cpu_threads
# generate C code from Cython for ALL supported platforms, so we have them in the sdist.
# the sdist does not require Cython at install time, so we need all as C.
@ -237,8 +235,4 @@ def lib_ext_kwargs(pc, prefix_env_var, lib_name, lib_pkg_name, pc_version, lib_s
ext_modules = cythonize(ext_modules, **cython_opts)
setup(cmdclass=cmdclass, ext_modules=ext_modules, long_description=setup_docs.long_desc_from_readme())

View File

@ -12,36 +12,34 @@
def long_desc_from_readme():
with open('README.rst') as fd:
with open("README.rst") as fd:
long_description =
# remove header, but have one \n before first headline
start = long_description.find('What is BorgBackup?')
start = long_description.find("What is BorgBackup?")
assert start >= 0
long_description = '\n' + long_description[start:]
long_description = "\n" + long_description[start:]
# remove badges
long_description = re.compile(r'^\.\. start-badges.*^\.\. end-badges', re.M | re.S).sub('', long_description)
long_description = re.compile(r"^\.\. start-badges.*^\.\. end-badges", re.M | re.S).sub("", long_description)
# remove unknown directives
long_description = re.compile(r'^\.\. highlight:: \w+$', re.M).sub('', long_description)
long_description = re.compile(r"^\.\. highlight:: \w+$", re.M).sub("", long_description)
return long_description
def format_metavar(option):
if option.nargs in ('*', '...'):
return '[%s...]' % option.metavar
elif option.nargs == '?':
return '[%s]' % option.metavar
if option.nargs in ("*", "..."):
return "[%s...]" % option.metavar
elif option.nargs == "?":
return "[%s]" % option.metavar
elif option.nargs is None:
return option.metavar
raise ValueError(f'Can\'t format metavar {option.metavar}, unknown nargs {option.nargs}!')
raise ValueError(f"Can't format metavar {option.metavar}, unknown nargs {option.nargs}!")
class build_usage(Command):
description = "generate usage for each command"
user_options = [
('output=', 'O', 'output directory'),
user_options = [("output=", "O", "output directory")]
def initialize_options(self):
@ -50,17 +48,19 @@ def finalize_options(self):
def run(self):
print('generating usage docs')
print("generating usage docs")
import borg
borg.doc_mode = 'build_man'
if not os.path.exists('docs/usage'):
borg.doc_mode = "build_man"
if not os.path.exists("docs/usage"):
# allows us to build docs without the C modules fully loaded during help generation
from borg.archiver import Archiver
parser = Archiver(prog='borg').build_parser()
parser = Archiver(prog="borg").build_parser()
# borgfs has a separate man page to satisfy debian's "every program from a package
# must have a man page" requirement, but it doesn't need a separate HTML docs page
#borgfs_parser = Archiver(prog='borgfs').build_parser()
# borgfs_parser = Archiver(prog='borgfs').build_parser()
self.generate_level("", parser, Archiver)
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def generate_level(self, prefix, parser, Archiver, extra_choices=None):
is_subcommand = False
choices = {}
for action in parser._actions:
if action.choices is not None and 'SubParsersAction' in str(action.__class__):
if action.choices is not None and "SubParsersAction" in str(action.__class__):
is_subcommand = True
for cmd, parser in action.choices.items():
choices[prefix + cmd] = parser
@ -76,32 +76,37 @@ def generate_level(self, prefix, parser, Archiver, extra_choices=None):
if prefix and not choices:
print('found commands: %s' % list(choices.keys()))
print("found commands: %s" % list(choices.keys()))
for command, parser in sorted(choices.items()):
if command.startswith('debug'):
print('skipping', command)
if command.startswith("debug"):
print("skipping", command)
print('generating help for %s' % command)
print("generating help for %s" % command)
if self.generate_level(command + " ", parser, Archiver):
with open('docs/usage/' % command.replace(" ", "_"), 'w') as doc:
with open("docs/usage/" % command.replace(" ", "_"), "w") as doc:
doc.write(".. IMPORTANT: this file is auto-generated from borg's built-in help, do not edit!\n\n")
if command == 'help':
if command == "help":
for topic in Archiver.helptext:
params = {"topic": topic,
"underline": '~' * len('borg help ' + topic)}
params = {"topic": topic, "underline": "~" * len("borg help " + topic)}
doc.write(".. _borg_{topic}:\n\n".format(**params))
doc.write("borg help {topic}\n{underline}\n\n".format(**params))
params = {"command": command,
"command_": command.replace(' ', '_'),
"underline": '-' * len('borg ' + command)}
params = {
"command": command,
"command_": command.replace(" ", "_"),
"underline": "-" * len("borg " + command),
doc.write(".. _borg_{command_}:\n\n".format(**params))
doc.write("borg {command}\n{underline}\n.. code-block:: none\n\n borg [common options] {command}".format(**params))
"borg {command}\n{underline}\n.. code-block:: none\n\n borg [common options] {command}".format(
self.write_usage(parser, doc)
epilog = parser.epilog
parser.epilog = None
@ -109,21 +114,21 @@ def generate_level(self, prefix, parser, Archiver, extra_choices=None):
if 'create' in choices:
common_options = [group for group in choices['create']._action_groups if group.title == 'Common options'][0]
with open('docs/usage/', 'w') as doc:
if "create" in choices:
common_options = [group for group in choices["create"]._action_groups if group.title == "Common options"][0]
with open("docs/usage/", "w") as doc:
self.write_options_group(common_options, doc, False, base_indent=0)
return is_subcommand
def write_usage(self, parser, fp):
if any(len(o.option_strings) for o in parser._actions):
fp.write(' [options]')
fp.write(" [options]")
for option in parser._actions:
if option.option_strings:
fp.write(' ' + format_metavar(option))
fp.write(" " + format_metavar(option))
def write_options(self, parser, fp):
def is_positional_group(group):
@ -134,58 +139,58 @@ def is_positional_group(group):
def html_write(s):
for line in s.splitlines():
fp.write(' ' + line + '\n')
fp.write(" " + line + "\n")
rows = []
for group in parser._action_groups:
if group.title == 'Common options':
if group.title == "Common options":
# (no of columns used, columns, ...)
rows.append((1, '.. class:: borg-common-opt-ref\n\n:ref:`common_options`'))
rows.append((1, ".. class:: borg-common-opt-ref\n\n:ref:`common_options`"))
if not group._group_actions:
group_header = '**%s**' % group.title
group_header = "**%s**" % group.title
if group.description:
group_header += '' + group.description
group_header += "" + group.description
rows.append((1, group_header))
if is_positional_group(group):
for option in group._group_actions:
rows.append((3, '', '``%s``' % option.metavar, or ''))
rows.append((3, "", "``%s``" % option.metavar, or ""))
for option in group._group_actions:
if option.metavar:
option_fmt = '``%s ' + option.metavar + '``'
option_fmt = "``%s " + option.metavar + "``"
option_fmt = '``%s``'
option_str = ', '.join(option_fmt % s for s in option.option_strings)
option_desc = textwrap.dedent(( or '') % option.__dict__)
rows.append((3, '', option_str, option_desc))
option_fmt = "``%s``"
option_str = ", ".join(option_fmt % s for s in option.option_strings)
option_desc = textwrap.dedent(( or "") % option.__dict__)
rows.append((3, "", option_str, option_desc))
fp.write('.. only:: html\n\n')
fp.write(".. only:: html\n\n")
table = io.StringIO()
table.write('.. class:: borg-options-table\n\n')
table.write(".. class:: borg-options-table\n\n")
self.rows_to_table(rows, table.write)
fp.write(textwrap.indent(table.getvalue(), ' ' * 4))
fp.write(textwrap.indent(table.getvalue(), " " * 4))
# LaTeX output:
# Regular rST option lists (irregular column widths)
latex_options = io.StringIO()
for group in parser._action_groups:
if group.title == 'Common options':
latex_options.write(' |')
if group.title == "Common options":
latex_options.write(" |")
self.write_options_group(group, latex_options)
fp.write('\n.. only:: latex\n\n')
fp.write(textwrap.indent(latex_options.getvalue(), ' ' * 4))
fp.write("\n.. only:: latex\n\n")
fp.write(textwrap.indent(latex_options.getvalue(), " " * 4))
def rows_to_table(self, rows, write):
def write_row_separator():
for column_width in column_widths:
write('-' * (column_width + 1))
write("-" * (column_width + 1))
# Find column count and width
column_count = max(columns for columns, *_ in rows)
@ -201,22 +206,22 @@ def write_row_separator():
# where each cell contains no newline.
rowspanning_cells = []
original_cells = list(original_cells)
while any('\n' in cell for cell in original_cells):
while any("\n" in cell for cell in original_cells):
cell_bloc = []
for i, cell in enumerate(original_cells):
pre, _, original_cells[i] = cell.partition('\n')
pre, _, original_cells[i] = cell.partition("\n")
for cells in rowspanning_cells:
for i, column_width in enumerate(column_widths):
if i < columns:
write('| ')
write("| ")
write(' ')
write(" ")
# This bit of JavaScript kills the <colgroup> that is invariably inserted by docutils,
@ -224,7 +229,9 @@ def write_row_separator():
# with CSS alone.
# Since this is HTML-only output, it would be possible to just generate a <table> directly,
# but then we'd lose rST formatting.
.. raw:: html
<script type='text/javascript'>
@ -232,88 +239,88 @@ def write_row_separator():
$('.borg-options-table colgroup').remove();
def write_options_group(self, group, fp, with_title=True, base_indent=4):
def is_positional_group(group):
return any(not o.option_strings for o in group._group_actions)
indent = ' ' * base_indent
indent = " " * base_indent
if is_positional_group(group):
for option in group._group_actions:
fp.write(option.metavar + '\n')
fp.write(textwrap.indent( or '', ' ' * base_indent) + '\n')
fp.write(option.metavar + "\n")
fp.write(textwrap.indent( or "", " " * base_indent) + "\n")
if not group._group_actions:
if with_title:
fp.write(group.title + '\n')
fp.write(group.title + "\n")
opts = OrderedDict()
for option in group._group_actions:
if option.metavar:
option_fmt = '%s ' + option.metavar
option_fmt = "%s " + option.metavar
option_fmt = '%s'
option_str = ', '.join(option_fmt % s for s in option.option_strings)
option_desc = textwrap.dedent(( or '') % option.__dict__)
opts[option_str] = textwrap.indent(option_desc, ' ' * 4)
option_fmt = "%s"
option_str = ", ".join(option_fmt % s for s in option.option_strings)
option_desc = textwrap.dedent(( or "") % option.__dict__)
opts[option_str] = textwrap.indent(option_desc, " " * 4)
padding = len(max(opts)) + 1
for option, desc in opts.items():
fp.write(indent + option.ljust(padding) + desc + '\n')
fp.write(indent + option.ljust(padding) + desc + "\n")
class build_man(Command):
description = 'build man pages'
description = "build man pages"
user_options = []
see_also = {
'create': ('delete', 'prune', 'check', 'patterns', 'placeholders', 'compression'),
'recreate': ('patterns', 'placeholders', 'compression'),
'list': ('info', 'diff', 'prune', 'patterns'),
'info': ('list', 'diff'),
'rcreate': ('rdelete', 'rlist', 'check', 'key-import', 'key-export', 'key-change-passphrase'),
'key-import': ('key-export', ),
'key-export': ('key-import', ),
'mount': ('umount', 'extract'), # Would be cooler if these two were on the same page
'umount': ('mount', ),
'extract': ('mount', ),
'delete': ('compact', ),
'prune': ('compact', ),
"create": ("delete", "prune", "check", "patterns", "placeholders", "compression"),
"recreate": ("patterns", "placeholders", "compression"),
"list": ("info", "diff", "prune", "patterns"),
"info": ("list", "diff"),
"rcreate": ("rdelete", "rlist", "check", "key-import", "key-export", "key-change-passphrase"),
"key-import": ("key-export",),
"key-export": ("key-import",),
"mount": ("umount", "extract"), # Would be cooler if these two were on the same page
"umount": ("mount",),
"extract": ("mount",),
"delete": ("compact",),
"prune": ("compact",),
rst_prelude = textwrap.dedent("""
rst_prelude = textwrap.dedent(
.. role:: ref(title)
.. |project_name| replace:: Borg
usage_group = {
'break-lock': 'lock',
'with-lock': 'lock',
'key_change-passphrase': 'key',
'key_change-location': 'key',
'key_export': 'key',
'key_import': 'key',
'key_migrate-to-repokey': 'key',
'export-tar': 'tar',
'import-tar': 'tar',
'benchmark_crud': 'benchmark',
'benchmark_cpu': 'benchmark',
'umount': 'mount',
"break-lock": "lock",
"with-lock": "lock",
"key_change-passphrase": "key",
"key_change-location": "key",
"key_export": "key",
"key_import": "key",
"key_migrate-to-repokey": "key",
"export-tar": "tar",
"import-tar": "tar",
"benchmark_crud": "benchmark",
"benchmark_cpu": "benchmark",
"umount": "mount",
def initialize_options(self):
@ -323,16 +330,18 @@ def finalize_options(self):
def run(self):
print('building man pages (in docs/man)', file=sys.stderr)
print("building man pages (in docs/man)", file=sys.stderr)
import borg
borg.doc_mode = 'build_man'
os.makedirs('docs/man', exist_ok=True)
borg.doc_mode = "build_man"
os.makedirs("docs/man", exist_ok=True)
# allows us to build docs without the C modules fully loaded during help generation
from borg.archiver import Archiver
parser = Archiver(prog='borg').build_parser()
borgfs_parser = Archiver(prog='borgfs').build_parser()
self.generate_level('', parser, Archiver, {'borgfs': borgfs_parser})
parser = Archiver(prog="borg").build_parser()
borgfs_parser = Archiver(prog="borgfs").build_parser()
self.generate_level("", parser, Archiver, {"borgfs": borgfs_parser})
@ -340,7 +349,7 @@ def generate_level(self, prefix, parser, Archiver, extra_choices=None):
is_subcommand = False
choices = {}
for action in parser._actions:
if action.choices is not None and 'SubParsersAction' in str(action.__class__):
if action.choices is not None and "SubParsersAction" in str(action.__class__):
is_subcommand = True
for cmd, parser in action.choices.items():
choices[prefix + cmd] = parser
@ -350,50 +359,50 @@ def generate_level(self, prefix, parser, Archiver, extra_choices=None):
for command, parser in sorted(choices.items()):
if command.startswith('debug') or command == 'help':
if command.startswith("debug") or command == "help":
if command == "borgfs":
man_title = command
man_title = 'borg-' + command.replace(' ', '-')
print('building man page', man_title + '(1)', file=sys.stderr)
man_title = "borg-" + command.replace(" ", "-")
print("building man page", man_title + "(1)", file=sys.stderr)
is_intermediary = self.generate_level(command + ' ', parser, Archiver)
is_intermediary = self.generate_level(command + " ", parser, Archiver)
doc, write = self.new_doc()
self.write_man_header(write, man_title, parser.description)
self.write_heading(write, 'SYNOPSIS')
self.write_heading(write, "SYNOPSIS")
if is_intermediary:
subparsers = [action for action in parser._actions if 'SubParsersAction' in str(action.__class__)][0]
subparsers = [action for action in parser._actions if "SubParsersAction" in str(action.__class__)][0]
for subcommand in subparsers.choices:
write('| borg', '[common options]', command, subcommand, '...')
self.see_also.setdefault(command, []).append(f'{command}-{subcommand}')
write("| borg", "[common options]", command, subcommand, "...")
self.see_also.setdefault(command, []).append(f"{command}-{subcommand}")
if command == "borgfs":
write(command, end='')
write(command, end="")
write('borg', '[common options]', command, end='')
write("borg", "[common options]", command, end="")
self.write_usage(write, parser)
description, _, notes = parser.epilog.partition('\n.. man NOTES')
description, _, notes = parser.epilog.partition("\n.. man NOTES")
if description:
self.write_heading(write, 'DESCRIPTION')
self.write_heading(write, "DESCRIPTION")
if not is_intermediary:
self.write_heading(write, 'OPTIONS')
write('See `borg-common(1)` for common options of Borg commands.')
self.write_heading(write, "OPTIONS")
write("See `borg-common(1)` for common options of Borg commands.")
self.write_options(write, parser)
self.write_examples(write, command)
if notes:
self.write_heading(write, 'NOTES')
self.write_heading(write, "NOTES")
self.write_see_also(write, man_title)
@ -401,14 +410,14 @@ def generate_level(self, prefix, parser, Archiver, extra_choices=None):
self.gen_man_page(man_title, doc.getvalue())
# Generate the borg-common(1) man page with the common options.
if 'create' in choices:
if "create" in choices:
doc, write = self.new_doc()
man_title = 'borg-common'
self.write_man_header(write, man_title, 'Common options of Borg commands')
man_title = "borg-common"
self.write_man_header(write, man_title, "Common options of Borg commands")
common_options = [group for group in choices['create']._action_groups if group.title == 'Common options'][0]
common_options = [group for group in choices["create"]._action_groups if group.title == "Common options"][0]
self.write_heading(write, 'SYNOPSIS')
self.write_heading(write, "SYNOPSIS")
self.write_options_group(write, common_options)
self.write_see_also(write, man_title)
self.gen_man_page(man_title, doc.getvalue())
@ -418,20 +427,20 @@ def generate_level(self, prefix, parser, Archiver, extra_choices=None):
def build_topic_pages(self, Archiver):
for topic, text in Archiver.helptext.items():
doc, write = self.new_doc()
man_title = 'borg-' + topic
print('building man page', man_title + '(1)', file=sys.stderr)
man_title = "borg-" + topic
print("building man page", man_title + "(1)", file=sys.stderr)
self.write_man_header(write, man_title, 'Details regarding ' + topic)
self.write_heading(write, 'DESCRIPTION')
self.write_man_header(write, man_title, "Details regarding " + topic)
self.write_heading(write, "DESCRIPTION")
self.gen_man_page(man_title, doc.getvalue())
def build_intro_page(self):
doc, write = self.new_doc()
man_title = 'borg'
print('building man page borg(1)', file=sys.stderr)
man_title = "borg"
print("building man page borg(1)", file=sys.stderr)
with open('docs/man_intro.rst') as fd:
with open("docs/man_intro.rst") as fd:
man_intro =
self.write_man_header(write, man_title, "deduplicating and encrypting backup tool")
@ -446,9 +455,10 @@ def new_doc(self):
def printer(self, fd):
def write(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=fd, **kwargs)
return write
def write_heading(self, write, header, char='-', double_sided=False):
def write_heading(self, write, header, char="-", double_sided=False):
if double_sided:
write(char * len(header))
@ -457,43 +467,43 @@ def write_heading(self, write, header, char='-', double_sided=False):
def write_man_header(self, write, title, description):
self.write_heading(write, title, '=', double_sided=True)
self.write_heading(write, title, "=", double_sided=True)
self.write_heading(write, description, double_sided=True)
# man page metadata
write(':Author: The Borg Collective')
write(':Date:', datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat())
write(':Manual section: 1')
write(':Manual group: borg backup tool')
write(":Author: The Borg Collective")
write(":Date:", datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat())
write(":Manual section: 1")
write(":Manual group: borg backup tool")
def write_examples(self, write, command):
command = command.replace(' ', '_')
with open('docs/usage/%s.rst' % self.usage_group.get(command, command)) as fd:
command = command.replace(" ", "_")
with open("docs/usage/%s.rst" % self.usage_group.get(command, command)) as fd:
usage =
usage_include = '.. include::' % command
usage_include = ".. include::" % command
begin = usage.find(usage_include)
end = usage.find('.. include', begin + 1)
end = usage.find(".. include", begin + 1)
# If a command has a dedicated anchor, it will occur before the command's include.
if 0 < usage.find('.. _', begin + 1) < end:
end = usage.find('.. _', begin + 1)
if 0 < usage.find(".. _", begin + 1) < end:
end = usage.find(".. _", begin + 1)
examples = usage[begin:end]
examples = examples.replace(usage_include, '')
examples = examples.replace('Examples\n~~~~~~~~', '')
examples = examples.replace('Miscellaneous Help\n------------------', '')
examples = examples.replace('``docs/misc/prune-example.txt``:', '``docs/misc/prune-example.txt``.')
examples = examples.replace('.. highlight:: none\n', '') # we don't support highlight
examples = re.sub('^(~+)$', lambda matches: '+' * len(, examples, flags=re.MULTILINE)
examples = examples.replace(usage_include, "")
examples = examples.replace("Examples\n~~~~~~~~", "")
examples = examples.replace("Miscellaneous Help\n------------------", "")
examples = examples.replace("``docs/misc/prune-example.txt``:", "``docs/misc/prune-example.txt``.")
examples = examples.replace(".. highlight:: none\n", "") # we don't support highlight
examples = re.sub("^(~+)$", lambda matches: "+" * len(, examples, flags=re.MULTILINE)
examples = examples.strip()
if examples:
self.write_heading(write, 'EXAMPLES', '-')
self.write_heading(write, "EXAMPLES", "-")
def write_see_also(self, write, man_title):
see_also = self.see_also.get(man_title.replace('borg-', ''), ())
see_also = ['`borg-%s(1)`' % s for s in see_also]
see_also.insert(0, '`borg-common(1)`')
self.write_heading(write, 'SEE ALSO')
write(', '.join(see_also))
see_also = self.see_also.get(man_title.replace("borg-", ""), ())
see_also = ["`borg-%s(1)`" % s for s in see_also]
see_also.insert(0, "`borg-common(1)`")
self.write_heading(write, "SEE ALSO")
write(", ".join(see_also))
def gen_man_page(self, name, rst):
from docutils.writers import manpage
@ -502,29 +512,29 @@ def gen_man_page(self, name, rst):
from docutils.parsers.rst import roles
def issue(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
return [inline(rawtext, '#' + text)], []
return [inline(rawtext, "#" + text)], []
roles.register_local_role('issue', issue)
roles.register_local_role("issue", issue)
# We give the source_path so that docutils can find relative includes
# as-if the document where located in the docs/ directory.
man_page = publish_string(source=rst, source_path='docs/%s.rst' % name, writer=manpage.Writer())
with open('docs/man/%s.1' % name, 'wb') as fd:
man_page = publish_string(source=rst, source_path="docs/%s.rst" % name, writer=manpage.Writer())
with open("docs/man/%s.1" % name, "wb") as fd:
def write_usage(self, write, parser):
if any(len(o.option_strings) for o in parser._actions):
write(' [options] ', end='')
write(" [options] ", end="")
for option in parser._actions:
if option.option_strings:
write(format_metavar(option), end=' ')
write(format_metavar(option), end=" ")
def write_options(self, write, parser):
for group in parser._action_groups:
if group.title == 'Common options' or not group._group_actions:
if group.title == "Common options" or not group._group_actions:
title = 'arguments' if group.title == 'positional arguments' else group.title
self.write_heading(write, title, '+')
title = "arguments" if group.title == "positional arguments" else group.title
self.write_heading(write, title, "+")
self.write_options_group(write, group)
def write_options_group(self, write, group):
@ -534,19 +544,19 @@ def is_positional_group(group):
if is_positional_group(group):
for option in group._group_actions:
write(textwrap.indent( or '', ' ' * 4))
write(textwrap.indent( or "", " " * 4))
opts = OrderedDict()
for option in group._group_actions:
if option.metavar:
option_fmt = '%s ' + option.metavar
option_fmt = "%s " + option.metavar
option_fmt = '%s'
option_str = ', '.join(option_fmt % s for s in option.option_strings)
option_desc = textwrap.dedent(( or '') % option.__dict__)
opts[option_str] = textwrap.indent(option_desc, ' ' * 4)
option_fmt = "%s"
option_str = ", ".join(option_fmt % s for s in option.option_strings)
option_desc = textwrap.dedent(( or "") % option.__dict__)
opts[option_str] = textwrap.indent(option_desc, " " * 4)
padding = len(max(opts)) + 1

View File

@ -9,11 +9,13 @@
# assert that all semver components are integers
# this is mainly to show errors when people repackage poorly
# and setuptools_scm determines a version
assert all(isinstance(v, int) for v in __version_tuple__), \
assert all(isinstance(v, int) for v in __version_tuple__), (
broken borgbackup version metadata: %r
version metadata is obtained dynamically on installation via setuptools_scm,
please ensure your git repo has the correct tags or you provide the version
using SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION in your build script.
""" % __version__
% __version__

View File

@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
# containing the dll is not in the search path. The dll is shipped
# with python in the "DLLs" folder, so let's add this folder
# to the path. The folder is always in sys.path, get it from there.
if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
if sys.platform.startswith("win32"):
# Keep it an iterable to support multiple folder which contain "DLLs".
dll_path = (p for p in sys.path if 'DLLs' in os.path.normpath(p).split(os.path.sep))
os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(dll_path) + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
dll_path = (p for p in sys.path if "DLLs" in os.path.normpath(p).split(os.path.sep))
os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(dll_path) + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
from borg.archiver import main

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
logger = create_logger()
files_cache_logger = create_logger('borg.debug.files_cache')
files_cache_logger = create_logger("borg.debug.files_cache")
from .hashindex import ChunkIndex, ChunkIndexEntry, CacheSynchronizer
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
from .repository import LIST_SCAN_LIMIT
# note: cmtime might me either a ctime or a mtime timestamp
FileCacheEntry = namedtuple('FileCacheEntry', 'age inode size cmtime chunk_ids')
FileCacheEntry = namedtuple("FileCacheEntry", "age inode size cmtime chunk_ids")
class SecurityManager:
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ def __init__(self, repository):
self.repository = repository
self.dir = get_security_dir(repository.id_str)
self.cache_dir = cache_dir(repository)
self.key_type_file = os.path.join(self.dir, 'key-type')
self.location_file = os.path.join(self.dir, 'location')
self.manifest_ts_file = os.path.join(self.dir, 'manifest-timestamp')
self.key_type_file = os.path.join(self.dir, "key-type")
self.location_file = os.path.join(self.dir, "location")
self.manifest_ts_file = os.path.join(self.dir, "manifest-timestamp")
def destroy(repository, path=None):
@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ def destroy(repository, path=None):
def known(self):
return all(os.path.exists(f)
for f in (self.key_type_file, self.location_file, self.manifest_ts_file))
return all(os.path.exists(f) for f in (self.key_type_file, self.location_file, self.manifest_ts_file))
def key_matches(self, key):
if not self.known():
@ -87,14 +86,14 @@ def key_matches(self, key):
type =
return type == str(key.TYPE)
except OSError as exc:
logger.warning('Could not read/parse key type file: %s', exc)
logger.warning("Could not read/parse key type file: %s", exc)
def save(self, manifest, key):
logger.debug('security: saving state for %s to %s', self.repository.id_str, self.dir)
logger.debug("security: saving state for %s to %s", self.repository.id_str, self.dir)
current_location = self.repository._location.canonical_path()
logger.debug('security: current location %s', current_location)
logger.debug('security: key type %s', str(key.TYPE))
logger.debug('security: manifest timestamp %s', manifest.timestamp)
logger.debug("security: current location %s", current_location)
logger.debug("security: key type %s", str(key.TYPE))
logger.debug("security: manifest timestamp %s", manifest.timestamp)
with SaveFile(self.location_file) as fd:
with SaveFile(self.key_type_file) as fd:
@ -107,28 +106,36 @@ def assert_location_matches(self, cache_config=None):
with open(self.location_file) as fd:
previous_location =
logger.debug('security: read previous location %r', previous_location)
logger.debug("security: read previous location %r", previous_location)
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.debug('security: previous location file %s not found', self.location_file)
logger.debug("security: previous location file %s not found", self.location_file)
previous_location = None
except OSError as exc:
logger.warning('Could not read previous location file: %s', exc)
logger.warning("Could not read previous location file: %s", exc)
previous_location = None
if cache_config and cache_config.previous_location and previous_location != cache_config.previous_location:
# Reconcile cache and security dir; we take the cache location.
previous_location = cache_config.previous_location
logger.debug('security: using previous_location of cache: %r', previous_location)
logger.debug("security: using previous_location of cache: %r", previous_location)
repository_location = self.repository._location.canonical_path()
if previous_location and previous_location != repository_location:
msg = ("Warning: The repository at location {} was previously located at {}\n".format(
repository_location, previous_location) +
"Do you want to continue? [yN] ")
if not yes(msg, false_msg="Aborting.", invalid_msg="Invalid answer, aborting.",
retry=False, env_var_override='BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK'):
msg = (
"Warning: The repository at location {} was previously located at {}\n".format(
repository_location, previous_location
+ "Do you want to continue? [yN] "
if not yes(
invalid_msg="Invalid answer, aborting.",
raise Cache.RepositoryAccessAborted()
# adapt on-disk config immediately if the new location was accepted
logger.debug('security: updating location stored in cache and security dir')
logger.debug("security: updating location stored in cache and security dir")
with SaveFile(self.location_file) as fd:
if cache_config:
@ -138,16 +145,16 @@ def assert_no_manifest_replay(self, manifest, key, cache_config=None):
with open(self.manifest_ts_file) as fd:
timestamp =
logger.debug('security: read manifest timestamp %r', timestamp)
logger.debug("security: read manifest timestamp %r", timestamp)
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.debug('security: manifest timestamp file %s not found', self.manifest_ts_file)
timestamp = ''
logger.debug("security: manifest timestamp file %s not found", self.manifest_ts_file)
timestamp = ""
except OSError as exc:
logger.warning('Could not read previous location file: %s', exc)
timestamp = ''
logger.warning("Could not read previous location file: %s", exc)
timestamp = ""
if cache_config:
timestamp = max(timestamp, cache_config.timestamp or '')
logger.debug('security: determined newest manifest timestamp as %s', timestamp)
timestamp = max(timestamp, cache_config.timestamp or "")
logger.debug("security: determined newest manifest timestamp as %s", timestamp)
# If repository is older than the cache or security dir something fishy is going on
if timestamp and timestamp > manifest.timestamp:
if isinstance(key, PlaintextKey):
@ -175,30 +182,36 @@ def assert_secure(self, manifest, key, *, cache_config=None, warn_if_unencrypted
self._assert_secure(manifest, key, cache_config)
self._assert_secure(manifest, key)
logger.debug('security: repository checks ok, allowing access')
logger.debug("security: repository checks ok, allowing access")
def _assert_secure(self, manifest, key, cache_config=None):
self.assert_key_type(key, cache_config)
self.assert_no_manifest_replay(manifest, key, cache_config)
if not self.known():
logger.debug('security: remembering previously unknown repository')
logger.debug("security: remembering previously unknown repository"), key)
def assert_access_unknown(self, warn_if_unencrypted, manifest, key):
# warn_if_unencrypted=False is only used for initializing a new repository.
# Thus, avoiding asking about a repository that's currently initializing.
if not key.logically_encrypted and not self.known():
msg = ("Warning: Attempting to access a previously unknown unencrypted repository!\n" +
"Do you want to continue? [yN] ")
allow_access = not warn_if_unencrypted or yes(msg, false_msg="Aborting.",
msg = (
"Warning: Attempting to access a previously unknown unencrypted repository!\n"
+ "Do you want to continue? [yN] "
allow_access = not warn_if_unencrypted or yes(
invalid_msg="Invalid answer, aborting.",
retry=False, env_var_override='BORG_UNKNOWN_UNENCRYPTED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK')
if allow_access:
if warn_if_unencrypted:
logger.debug('security: remembering unknown unencrypted repository (explicitly allowed)')
logger.debug("security: remembering unknown unencrypted repository (explicitly allowed)")
logger.debug('security: initializing unencrypted repository')
logger.debug("security: initializing unencrypted repository"), key)
raise Cache.CacheInitAbortedError()
@ -214,10 +227,17 @@ def recanonicalize_relative_location(cache_location, repository):
repo_location = repository._location.canonical_path()
rl = Location(repo_location)
cl = Location(cache_location)
if cl.proto == rl.proto and cl.user == rl.user and == and cl.port == rl.port \
and \
cl.path and rl.path and \
cl.path.startswith('/~/') and rl.path.startswith('/./') and cl.path[3:] == rl.path[3:]:
if (
cl.proto == rl.proto
and cl.user == rl.user
and ==
and cl.port == rl.port
and cl.path
and rl.path
and cl.path.startswith("/~/")
and rl.path.startswith("/./")
and cl.path[3:] == rl.path[3:]
# everything is same except the expected change in relative path canonicalization,
# update previous_location to avoid warning / user query about changed location:
return repo_location
@ -230,19 +250,19 @@ def cache_dir(repository, path=None):
def files_cache_name():
suffix = os.environ.get('BORG_FILES_CACHE_SUFFIX', '')
return 'files.' + suffix if suffix else 'files'
suffix = os.environ.get("BORG_FILES_CACHE_SUFFIX", "")
return "files." + suffix if suffix else "files"
def discover_files_cache_name(path):
return [fn for fn in os.listdir(path) if fn == 'files' or fn.startswith('files.')][0]
return [fn for fn in os.listdir(path) if fn == "files" or fn.startswith("files.")][0]
class CacheConfig:
def __init__(self, repository, path=None, lock_wait=None):
self.repository = repository
self.path = cache_dir(repository, path)
self.config_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'config')
self.config_path = os.path.join(self.path, "config")
self.lock = None
self.lock_wait = lock_wait
@ -259,17 +279,17 @@ def exists(self):
def create(self):
assert not self.exists()
config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
config.set('cache', 'version', '1')
config.set('cache', 'repository', self.repository.id_str)
config.set('cache', 'manifest', '')
config.set('integrity', 'manifest', '')
config.set("cache", "version", "1")
config.set("cache", "repository", self.repository.id_str)
config.set("cache", "manifest", "")
config.set("integrity", "manifest", "")
with SaveFile(self.config_path) as fd:
def open(self):
self.lock = Lock(os.path.join(self.path, 'lock'), exclusive=True, timeout=self.lock_wait).acquire()
self.lock = Lock(os.path.join(self.path, "lock"), exclusive=True, timeout=self.lock_wait).acquire()
def load(self):
@ -277,15 +297,17 @@ def load(self):
with open(self.config_path) as fd:
self._check_upgrade(self.config_path) = self._config.get('cache', 'repository')
self.manifest_id = unhexlify(self._config.get('cache', 'manifest'))
self.timestamp = self._config.get('cache', 'timestamp', fallback=None)
self.key_type = self._config.get('cache', 'key_type', fallback=None)
self.ignored_features = set(parse_stringified_list(self._config.get('cache', 'ignored_features', fallback='')))
self.mandatory_features = set(parse_stringified_list(self._config.get('cache', 'mandatory_features', fallback=''))) = self._config.get("cache", "repository")
self.manifest_id = unhexlify(self._config.get("cache", "manifest"))
self.timestamp = self._config.get("cache", "timestamp", fallback=None)
self.key_type = self._config.get("cache", "key_type", fallback=None)
self.ignored_features = set(parse_stringified_list(self._config.get("cache", "ignored_features", fallback="")))
self.mandatory_features = set(
parse_stringified_list(self._config.get("cache", "mandatory_features", fallback=""))
self.integrity = dict(self._config.items('integrity'))
if self._config.get('cache', 'manifest') != self.integrity.pop('manifest'):
self.integrity = dict(self._config.items("integrity"))
if self._config.get("cache", "manifest") != self.integrity.pop("manifest"):
# The cache config file is updated (parsed with ConfigParser, the state of the ConfigParser
# is modified and then written out.), not re-created.
# Thus, older versions will leave our [integrity] section alone, making the section's data invalid.
@ -293,30 +315,30 @@ def load(self):
# can discern whether an older version interfered by comparing the manifest IDs of this section
# and the main [cache] section.
self.integrity = {}
logger.warning('Cache integrity data not available: old Borg version modified the cache.')
logger.warning("Cache integrity data not available: old Borg version modified the cache.")
except configparser.NoSectionError:
logger.debug('Cache integrity: No integrity data found (files, chunks). Cache is from old version.')
logger.debug("Cache integrity: No integrity data found (files, chunks). Cache is from old version.")
self.integrity = {}
previous_location = self._config.get('cache', 'previous_location', fallback=None)
previous_location = self._config.get("cache", "previous_location", fallback=None)
if previous_location:
self.previous_location = recanonicalize_relative_location(previous_location, self.repository)
self.previous_location = None
self._config.set('cache', 'previous_location', self.repository._location.canonical_path())
self._config.set("cache", "previous_location", self.repository._location.canonical_path())
def save(self, manifest=None, key=None):
if manifest:
self._config.set('cache', 'manifest', manifest.id_str)
self._config.set('cache', 'timestamp', manifest.timestamp)
self._config.set('cache', 'ignored_features', ','.join(self.ignored_features))
self._config.set('cache', 'mandatory_features', ','.join(self.mandatory_features))
if not self._config.has_section('integrity'):
self._config.set("cache", "manifest", manifest.id_str)
self._config.set("cache", "timestamp", manifest.timestamp)
self._config.set("cache", "ignored_features", ",".join(self.ignored_features))
self._config.set("cache", "mandatory_features", ",".join(self.mandatory_features))
if not self._config.has_section("integrity"):
for file, integrity_data in self.integrity.items():
self._config.set('integrity', file, integrity_data)
self._config.set('integrity', 'manifest', manifest.id_str)
self._config.set("integrity", file, integrity_data)
self._config.set("integrity", "manifest", manifest.id_str)
if key:
self._config.set('cache', 'key_type', str(key.TYPE))
self._config.set("cache", "key_type", str(key.TYPE))
with SaveFile(self.config_path) as fd:
@ -327,20 +349,21 @@ def close(self):
def _check_upgrade(self, config_path):
cache_version = self._config.getint('cache', 'version')
cache_version = self._config.getint("cache", "version")
wanted_version = 1
if cache_version != wanted_version:
raise Exception('%s has unexpected cache version %d (wanted: %d).' %
(config_path, cache_version, wanted_version))
raise Exception(
"%s has unexpected cache version %d (wanted: %d)." % (config_path, cache_version, wanted_version)
except configparser.NoSectionError:
raise Exception('%s does not look like a Borg cache.' % config_path) from None
raise Exception("%s does not look like a Borg cache." % config_path) from None
class Cache:
"""Client Side cache
"""Client Side cache"""
class RepositoryIDNotUnique(Error):
"""Cache is newer than repository - do you have multiple, independently updated repos with same ID?"""
@ -359,29 +382,56 @@ class EncryptionMethodMismatch(Error):
def break_lock(repository, path=None):
path = cache_dir(repository, path)
Lock(os.path.join(path, 'lock'), exclusive=True).break_lock()
Lock(os.path.join(path, "lock"), exclusive=True).break_lock()
def destroy(repository, path=None):
"""destroy the cache for ``repository`` or at ``path``"""
path = path or os.path.join(get_cache_dir(), repository.id_str)
config = os.path.join(path, 'config')
config = os.path.join(path, "config")
if os.path.exists(config):
os.remove(config) # kill config first
def __new__(cls, repository, key, manifest, path=None, sync=True, warn_if_unencrypted=True,
progress=False, lock_wait=None, permit_adhoc_cache=False, cache_mode=FILES_CACHE_MODE_DISABLED,
consider_part_files=False, iec=False):
def __new__(
def local():
return LocalCache(repository=repository, key=key, manifest=manifest, path=path, sync=sync,
warn_if_unencrypted=warn_if_unencrypted, progress=progress, iec=iec,
lock_wait=lock_wait, cache_mode=cache_mode, consider_part_files=consider_part_files)
return LocalCache(
def adhoc():
return AdHocCache(repository=repository, key=key, manifest=manifest, lock_wait=lock_wait, iec=iec,
return AdHocCache(
if not permit_adhoc_cache:
return local()
@ -397,9 +447,9 @@ def adhoc():
# Don't nest cache locks
if cache_in_sync:
# Local cache is in sync, use it
logger.debug('Cache: choosing local cache (in sync)')
logger.debug("Cache: choosing local cache (in sync)")
return local()
logger.debug('Cache: choosing ad-hoc cache (local cache does not exist or is not in sync)')
logger.debug("Cache: choosing ad-hoc cache (local cache does not exist or is not in sync)")
return adhoc()
@ -417,10 +467,11 @@ def __init__(self, iec=False):
def __str__(self):
return self.str_format.format(self.format_tuple())
Summary = namedtuple('Summary', ['total_size', 'unique_size', 'total_unique_chunks', 'total_chunks'])
Summary = namedtuple("Summary", ["total_size", "unique_size", "total_unique_chunks", "total_chunks"])
def stats(self):
from .archive import Archive
# XXX: this should really be moved down to `hashindex.pyx`
total_size, unique_size, total_unique_chunks, total_chunks = self.chunks.summarize()
# the above values have the problem that they do not consider part files,
@ -430,8 +481,9 @@ def stats(self):
# so we can just sum up all archives to get the "all archives" stats:
total_size = 0
for archive_name in self.manifest.archives:
archive = Archive(self.repository, self.key, self.manifest, archive_name,
archive = Archive(
self.repository, self.key, self.manifest, archive_name, consider_part_files=self.consider_part_files
stats = archive.calc_stats(self, want_unique=False)
total_size += stats.osize
stats = self.Summary(total_size, unique_size, total_unique_chunks, total_chunks)._asdict()
@ -439,7 +491,7 @@ def stats(self):
def format_tuple(self):
stats = self.stats()
for field in ['total_size', 'unique_size']:
for field in ["total_size", "unique_size"]:
stats[field] = format_file_size(stats[field], iec=self.iec)
return self.Summary(**stats)
@ -449,9 +501,20 @@ class LocalCache(CacheStatsMixin):
Persistent, local (client-side) cache.
def __init__(self, repository, key, manifest, path=None, sync=True, warn_if_unencrypted=True,
progress=False, lock_wait=None, cache_mode=FILES_CACHE_MODE_DISABLED, consider_part_files=False,
def __init__(
:param warn_if_unencrypted: print warning if accessing unknown unencrypted repository
:param lock_wait: timeout for lock acquisition (int [s] or None [wait forever])
@ -500,30 +563,32 @@ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def create(self):
"""Create a new empty cache at `self.path`
"""Create a new empty cache at `self.path`"""
with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'README'), 'w') as fd:
with open(os.path.join(self.path, "README"), "w") as fd:
ChunkIndex().write(os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks'))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks.archive.d'))
ChunkIndex().write(os.path.join(self.path, "chunks"))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.path, "chunks.archive.d"))
with SaveFile(os.path.join(self.path, files_cache_name()), binary=True):
pass # empty file
def _do_open(self):
with IntegrityCheckedFile(path=os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks'), write=False,
integrity_data=self.cache_config.integrity.get('chunks')) as fd:
with IntegrityCheckedFile(
path=os.path.join(self.path, "chunks"),
) as fd:
self.chunks =
if 'd' in self.cache_mode: # d(isabled)
if "d" in self.cache_mode: # d(isabled)
self.files = None
def open(self):
if not os.path.isdir(self.path):
raise Exception('%s Does not look like a Borg cache' % self.path)
raise Exception("%s Does not look like a Borg cache" % self.path)
@ -535,12 +600,15 @@ def close(self):
def _read_files(self):
self.files = {}
self._newest_cmtime = None
logger.debug('Reading files cache ...')
logger.debug("Reading files cache ...")
files_cache_logger.debug("FILES-CACHE-LOAD: starting...")
msg = None
with IntegrityCheckedFile(path=os.path.join(self.path, files_cache_name()), write=False,
integrity_data=self.cache_config.integrity.get(files_cache_name())) as fd:
with IntegrityCheckedFile(
path=os.path.join(self.path, files_cache_name()),
) as fd:
u = msgpack.Unpacker(use_list=True)
while True:
data = * 1024)
@ -561,43 +629,41 @@ def _read_files(self):
msg = "The files cache is corrupted. [%s]" % str(fie)
if msg is not None:
logger.warning('Continuing without files cache - expect lower performance.')
logger.warning("Continuing without files cache - expect lower performance.")
self.files = {}
files_cache_logger.debug("FILES-CACHE-LOAD: finished, %d entries loaded.", len(self.files))
def begin_txn(self):
# Initialize transaction snapshot
pi = ProgressIndicatorMessage(msgid='cache.begin_transaction')
txn_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp')
pi = ProgressIndicatorMessage(msgid="cache.begin_transaction")
txn_dir = os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp")
pi.output('Initializing cache transaction: Reading config')
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.path, 'config'), txn_dir)
pi.output('Initializing cache transaction: Reading chunks')
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks'), txn_dir)
pi.output('Initializing cache transaction: Reading files')
pi.output("Initializing cache transaction: Reading config")
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.path, "config"), txn_dir)
pi.output("Initializing cache transaction: Reading chunks")
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.path, "chunks"), txn_dir)
pi.output("Initializing cache transaction: Reading files")
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.path, files_cache_name()), txn_dir)
except FileNotFoundError:
with SaveFile(os.path.join(txn_dir, files_cache_name()), binary=True):
pass # empty file
os.rename(os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp'),
os.path.join(self.path, ''))
os.rename(os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp"), os.path.join(self.path, ""))
self.txn_active = True
def commit(self):
"""Commit transaction
"""Commit transaction"""
if not self.txn_active:
return, self.key)
pi = ProgressIndicatorMessage(msgid='cache.commit')
pi = ProgressIndicatorMessage(msgid="cache.commit")
if self.files is not None:
if self._newest_cmtime is None:
# was never set because no files were modified/added
self._newest_cmtime = 2 ** 63 - 1 # nanoseconds, good until y2262
ttl = int(os.environ.get('BORG_FILES_CACHE_TTL', 20))
pi.output('Saving files cache')
self._newest_cmtime = 2**63 - 1 # nanoseconds, good until y2262
ttl = int(os.environ.get("BORG_FILES_CACHE_TTL", 20))
pi.output("Saving files cache")
files_cache_logger.debug("FILES-CACHE-SAVE: starting...")
with IntegrityCheckedFile(path=os.path.join(self.path, files_cache_name()), write=True) as fd:
entry_count = 0
@ -606,41 +672,45 @@ def commit(self):
# this is to avoid issues with filesystem snapshots and cmtime granularity.
# Also keep files from older backups that have not reached BORG_FILES_CACHE_TTL yet.
entry = FileCacheEntry(*msgpack.unpackb(item))
if entry.age == 0 and timestamp_to_int(entry.cmtime) < self._newest_cmtime or \
entry.age > 0 and entry.age < ttl:
if (
entry.age == 0
and timestamp_to_int(entry.cmtime) < self._newest_cmtime
or entry.age > 0
and entry.age < ttl
msgpack.pack((path_hash, entry), fd)
entry_count += 1
files_cache_logger.debug("FILES-CACHE-KILL: removed all old entries with age >= TTL [%d]", ttl)
files_cache_logger.debug("FILES-CACHE-KILL: removed all current entries with newest cmtime %d", self._newest_cmtime)
"FILES-CACHE-KILL: removed all current entries with newest cmtime %d", self._newest_cmtime
files_cache_logger.debug("FILES-CACHE-SAVE: finished, %d remaining entries saved.", entry_count)
self.cache_config.integrity[files_cache_name()] = fd.integrity_data
pi.output('Saving chunks cache')
with IntegrityCheckedFile(path=os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks'), write=True) as fd:
pi.output("Saving chunks cache")
with IntegrityCheckedFile(path=os.path.join(self.path, "chunks"), write=True) as fd:
self.cache_config.integrity['chunks'] = fd.integrity_data
pi.output('Saving cache config')
self.cache_config.integrity["chunks"] = fd.integrity_data
pi.output("Saving cache config"), self.key)
os.rename(os.path.join(self.path, ''),
os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp'))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp'))
os.rename(os.path.join(self.path, ""), os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp"))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp"))
self.txn_active = False
def rollback(self):
"""Roll back partial and aborted transactions
"""Roll back partial and aborted transactions"""
# Remove partial transaction
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp')):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp'))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp")):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp"))
# Roll back active transaction
txn_dir = os.path.join(self.path, '')
txn_dir = os.path.join(self.path, "")
if os.path.exists(txn_dir):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(txn_dir, 'config'), self.path)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(txn_dir, 'chunks'), self.path)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(txn_dir, "config"), self.path)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(txn_dir, "chunks"), self.path)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(txn_dir, discover_files_cache_name(txn_dir)), self.path)
os.rename(txn_dir, os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp'))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp')):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, 'txn.tmp'))
os.rename(txn_dir, os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp"))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp")):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, "txn.tmp"))
self.txn_active = False
@ -654,13 +724,13 @@ def sync(self):
get removed and a new master chunks index is built by merging all
archive indexes.
archive_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks.archive.d')
archive_path = os.path.join(self.path, "chunks.archive.d")
# Instrumentation
processed_item_metadata_bytes = 0
processed_item_metadata_chunks = 0
compact_chunks_archive_saved_space = 0
def mkpath(id, suffix=''):
def mkpath(id, suffix=""):
id_hex = bin_to_hex(id)
path = os.path.join(archive_path, id_hex + suffix)
return path
@ -670,8 +740,9 @@ def cached_archives():
fns = os.listdir(archive_path)
# filenames with 64 hex digits == 256bit,
# or compact indices which are 64 hex digits + ".compact"
return {unhexlify(fn) for fn in fns if len(fn) == 64} | \
{unhexlify(fn[:64]) for fn in fns if len(fn) == 72 and fn.endswith('.compact')}
return {unhexlify(fn) for fn in fns if len(fn) == 64} | {
unhexlify(fn[:64]) for fn in fns if len(fn) == 72 and fn.endswith(".compact")
return set()
@ -685,14 +756,14 @@ def cleanup_outdated(ids):
def cleanup_cached_archive(id, cleanup_compact=True):
os.unlink(mkpath(id) + '.integrity')
os.unlink(mkpath(id) + ".integrity")
except FileNotFoundError:
if not cleanup_compact:
os.unlink(mkpath(id, suffix='.compact'))
os.unlink(mkpath(id, suffix='.compact') + '.integrity')
os.unlink(mkpath(id, suffix=".compact"))
os.unlink(mkpath(id, suffix=".compact") + ".integrity")
except FileNotFoundError:
@ -703,7 +774,7 @@ def fetch_and_build_idx(archive_id, decrypted_repository, chunk_idx):
chunk_idx.add(archive_id, 1, len(data))
archive = ArchiveItem(internal_dict=msgpack.unpackb(data))
if archive.version not in (1, 2): # legacy
raise Exception('Unknown archive metadata version')
raise Exception("Unknown archive metadata version")
sync = CacheSynchronizer(chunk_idx)
for item_id, (csize, data) in zip(archive.items, decrypted_repository.get_many(archive.items)):
chunk_idx.add(item_id, 1, len(data))
@ -716,11 +787,12 @@ def fetch_and_build_idx(archive_id, decrypted_repository, chunk_idx):
def write_archive_index(archive_id, chunk_idx):
nonlocal compact_chunks_archive_saved_space
compact_chunks_archive_saved_space += chunk_idx.compact()
fn = mkpath(archive_id, suffix='.compact')
fn_tmp = mkpath(archive_id, suffix='.tmp')
fn = mkpath(archive_id, suffix=".compact")
fn_tmp = mkpath(archive_id, suffix=".tmp")
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(path=fn_tmp, write=True,
filename=bin_to_hex(archive_id) + '.compact') as fd:
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(
path=fn_tmp, write=True, filename=bin_to_hex(archive_id) + ".compact"
) as fd:
except Exception:
@ -733,7 +805,7 @@ def read_archive_index(archive_id, archive_name):
# Attempt to load compact index first
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(path=archive_chunk_idx_path + '.compact', write=False) as fd:
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(path=archive_chunk_idx_path + ".compact", write=False) as fd:
archive_chunk_idx =, permit_compact=True)
# In case a non-compact index exists, delete it.
cleanup_cached_archive(archive_id, cleanup_compact=False)
@ -744,14 +816,14 @@ def read_archive_index(archive_id, archive_name):
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(path=archive_chunk_idx_path, write=False) as fd:
archive_chunk_idx =
except FileIntegrityError as fie:
logger.error('Cached archive chunk index of %s is corrupted: %s', archive_name, fie)
logger.error("Cached archive chunk index of %s is corrupted: %s", archive_name, fie)
# Delete corrupted index, set warning. A new index must be build.
return None
# Convert to compact index. Delete the existing index first.
logger.debug('Found non-compact index for %s, converting to compact.', archive_name)
logger.debug("Found non-compact index for %s, converting to compact.", archive_name)
write_archive_index(archive_id, archive_chunk_idx)
return archive_chunk_idx
@ -769,12 +841,16 @@ def get_archive_ids_to_names(archive_ids):
return archive_names
def create_master_idx(chunk_idx):'Synchronizing chunks cache...')"Synchronizing chunks cache...")
cached_ids = cached_archives()
archive_ids = repo_archives()'Archives: %d, w/ cached Idx: %d, w/ outdated Idx: %d, w/o cached Idx: %d.',
len(archive_ids), len(cached_ids),
len(cached_ids - archive_ids), len(archive_ids - cached_ids))
"Archives: %d, w/ cached Idx: %d, w/ outdated Idx: %d, w/o cached Idx: %d.",
len(cached_ids - archive_ids),
len(archive_ids - cached_ids),
# deallocates old hashindex, creates empty hashindex:
cleanup_outdated(cached_ids - archive_ids)
@ -783,9 +859,12 @@ def create_master_idx(chunk_idx):
master_index_capacity = len(self.repository)
if archive_ids:
chunk_idx = None if not self.do_cache else ChunkIndex(usable=master_index_capacity)
pi = ProgressIndicatorPercent(total=len(archive_ids), step=0.1,
msg='%3.0f%% Syncing chunks cache. Processing archive %s',
pi = ProgressIndicatorPercent(
msg="%3.0f%% Syncing chunks cache. Processing archive %s",
archive_ids_to_names = get_archive_ids_to_names(archive_ids)
for archive_id, archive_name in archive_ids_to_names.items():[remove_surrogates(archive_name)])
@ -797,31 +876,36 @@ def create_master_idx(chunk_idx):
if archive_id not in cached_ids:
# Do not make this an else branch; the FileIntegrityError exception handler
# above can remove *archive_id* from *cached_ids*.'Fetching and building archive index for %s ...', archive_name)"Fetching and building archive index for %s ...", archive_name)
archive_chunk_idx = ChunkIndex()
fetch_and_build_idx(archive_id, decrypted_repository, archive_chunk_idx)"Merging into master chunks index ...")
chunk_idx = chunk_idx or ChunkIndex(usable=master_index_capacity)'Fetching archive index for %s ...', archive_name)"Fetching archive index for %s ...", archive_name)
fetch_and_build_idx(archive_id, decrypted_repository, chunk_idx)
logger.debug('Cache sync: processed %s (%d chunks) of metadata',
format_file_size(processed_item_metadata_bytes), processed_item_metadata_chunks)
logger.debug('Cache sync: compact chunks.archive.d storage saved %s bytes',
"Cache sync: processed %s (%d chunks) of metadata",
"Cache sync: compact chunks.archive.d storage saved %s bytes",
return chunk_idx
def legacy_cleanup():
"""bring old cache dirs into the desired state (cleanup and adapt)"""
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks.archive'))
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.path, "chunks.archive"))
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks.archive.tmp'))
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.path, "chunks.archive.tmp"))
@ -832,7 +916,7 @@ def legacy_cleanup():
# The cache can be used by a command that e.g. only checks against Manifest.Operation.WRITE,
# which does not have to include all flags from Manifest.Operation.READ.
# Since the sync will attempt to read archives, check compatibility with Manifest.Operation.READ.
self.manifest.check_repository_compatibility((Manifest.Operation.READ, ))
with cache_if_remote(self.repository, decrypted_cache=self.key) as decrypted_repository:
@ -856,15 +940,15 @@ def check_cache_compatibility(self):
def wipe_cache(self):
logger.warning("Discarding incompatible cache and forcing a cache rebuild")
archive_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks.archive.d')
archive_path = os.path.join(self.path, "chunks.archive.d")
if os.path.isdir(archive_path):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks.archive.d'))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.path, 'chunks.archive.d'))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, "chunks.archive.d"))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.path, "chunks.archive.d"))
self.chunks = ChunkIndex()
with SaveFile(os.path.join(self.path, files_cache_name()), binary=True):
pass # empty file
self.cache_config.manifest_id = ''
self.cache_config._config.set('cache', 'manifest', '')
self.cache_config.manifest_id = ""
self.cache_config._config.set("cache", "manifest", "")
self.cache_config.ignored_features = set()
self.cache_config.mandatory_features = set()
@ -900,8 +984,9 @@ def seen_chunk(self, id, size=None):
if size is not None and stored_size is not None and size != stored_size:
# we already have a chunk with that id, but different size.
# this is either a hash collision (unlikely) or corruption or a bug.
raise Exception("chunk has same id [%r], but different size (stored: %d new: %d)!" % (
id, stored_size, size))
raise Exception(
"chunk has same id [%r], but different size (stored: %d new: %d)!" % (id, stored_size, size)
return refcount
def chunk_incref(self, id, stats, size=None, part=False):
@ -936,32 +1021,32 @@ def file_known_and_unchanged(self, hashed_path, path_hash, st):
if not stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
return False, None
cache_mode = self.cache_mode
if 'd' in cache_mode: # d(isabled)
files_cache_logger.debug('UNKNOWN: files cache disabled')
if "d" in cache_mode: # d(isabled)
files_cache_logger.debug("UNKNOWN: files cache disabled")
return False, None
# note: r(echunk) does not need the files cache in this method, but the files cache will
# be updated and saved to disk to memorize the files. To preserve previous generations in
# the cache, this means that it also needs to get loaded from disk first.
if 'r' in cache_mode: # r(echunk)
files_cache_logger.debug('UNKNOWN: rechunking enforced')
if "r" in cache_mode: # r(echunk)
files_cache_logger.debug("UNKNOWN: rechunking enforced")
return False, None
entry = self.files.get(path_hash)
if not entry:
files_cache_logger.debug('UNKNOWN: no file metadata in cache for: %r', hashed_path)
files_cache_logger.debug("UNKNOWN: no file metadata in cache for: %r", hashed_path)
return False, None
# we know the file!
entry = FileCacheEntry(*msgpack.unpackb(entry))
if 's' in cache_mode and entry.size != st.st_size:
files_cache_logger.debug('KNOWN-CHANGED: file size has changed: %r', hashed_path)
if "s" in cache_mode and entry.size != st.st_size:
files_cache_logger.debug("KNOWN-CHANGED: file size has changed: %r", hashed_path)
return True, None
if 'i' in cache_mode and entry.inode != st.st_ino:
files_cache_logger.debug('KNOWN-CHANGED: file inode number has changed: %r', hashed_path)
if "i" in cache_mode and entry.inode != st.st_ino:
files_cache_logger.debug("KNOWN-CHANGED: file inode number has changed: %r", hashed_path)
return True, None
if 'c' in cache_mode and timestamp_to_int(entry.cmtime) != st.st_ctime_ns:
files_cache_logger.debug('KNOWN-CHANGED: file ctime has changed: %r', hashed_path)
if "c" in cache_mode and timestamp_to_int(entry.cmtime) != st.st_ctime_ns:
files_cache_logger.debug("KNOWN-CHANGED: file ctime has changed: %r", hashed_path)
return True, None
elif 'm' in cache_mode and timestamp_to_int(entry.cmtime) != st.st_mtime_ns:
files_cache_logger.debug('KNOWN-CHANGED: file mtime has changed: %r', hashed_path)
elif "m" in cache_mode and timestamp_to_int(entry.cmtime) != st.st_mtime_ns:
files_cache_logger.debug("KNOWN-CHANGED: file mtime has changed: %r", hashed_path)
return True, None
# we ignored the inode number in the comparison above or it is still same.
# if it is still the same, replacing it in the tuple doesn't change it.
@ -979,21 +1064,26 @@ def memorize_file(self, hashed_path, path_hash, st, ids):
cache_mode = self.cache_mode
# note: r(echunk) modes will update the files cache, d(isabled) mode won't
if 'd' in cache_mode:
files_cache_logger.debug('FILES-CACHE-NOUPDATE: files cache disabled')
if "d" in cache_mode:
files_cache_logger.debug("FILES-CACHE-NOUPDATE: files cache disabled")
if 'c' in cache_mode:
cmtime_type = 'ctime'
if "c" in cache_mode:
cmtime_type = "ctime"
cmtime_ns = safe_ns(st.st_ctime_ns)
elif 'm' in cache_mode:
cmtime_type = 'mtime'
elif "m" in cache_mode:
cmtime_type = "mtime"
cmtime_ns = safe_ns(st.st_mtime_ns)
entry = FileCacheEntry(age=0, inode=st.st_ino, size=st.st_size, cmtime=int_to_timestamp(cmtime_ns), chunk_ids=ids)
entry = FileCacheEntry(
age=0, inode=st.st_ino, size=st.st_size, cmtime=int_to_timestamp(cmtime_ns), chunk_ids=ids
self.files[path_hash] = msgpack.packb(entry)
self._newest_cmtime = max(self._newest_cmtime or 0, cmtime_ns)
files_cache_logger.debug('FILES-CACHE-UPDATE: put %r [has %s] <- %r',
entry._replace(chunk_ids='[%d entries]' % len(entry.chunk_ids)),
cmtime_type, hashed_path)
"FILES-CACHE-UPDATE: put %r [has %s] <- %r",
entry._replace(chunk_ids="[%d entries]" % len(entry.chunk_ids)),
class AdHocCache(CacheStatsMixin):
@ -1012,8 +1102,9 @@ class AdHocCache(CacheStatsMixin):
Unique chunks Total chunks
Chunk index: {0.total_unique_chunks:20d} unknown"""
def __init__(self, repository, key, manifest, warn_if_unencrypted=True, lock_wait=None, consider_part_files=False,
def __init__(
self, repository, key, manifest, warn_if_unencrypted=True, lock_wait=None, consider_part_files=False, iec=False
CacheStatsMixin.__init__(self, iec=iec)
self.repository = repository
self.key = key
@ -1024,7 +1115,7 @@ def __init__(self, repository, key, manifest, warn_if_unencrypted=True, lock_wai
self.security_manager = SecurityManager(repository)
self.security_manager.assert_secure(manifest, key, lock_wait=lock_wait)
logger.warning('Note: --no-cache-sync is an experimental feature.')
logger.warning("Note: --no-cache-sync is an experimental feature.")
# Public API
@ -1035,7 +1126,7 @@ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
files = None
cache_mode = 'd'
cache_mode = "d"
def file_known_and_unchanged(self, hashed_path, path_hash, st):
files_cache_logger.debug("UNKNOWN: files cache not implemented")
@ -1045,7 +1136,7 @@ def memorize_file(self, hashed_path, path_hash, st, ids):
def add_chunk(self, id, chunk, stats, *, overwrite=False, wait=True, compress=True, size=None):
assert not overwrite, 'AdHocCache does not permit overwrites — trying to use it for recreate?'
assert not overwrite, "AdHocCache does not permit overwrites — trying to use it for recreate?"
if not self._txn_active:
if size is None and compress:
@ -1111,8 +1202,9 @@ def begin_txn(self):
# Since we're creating an archive, add 10 % from the start.
num_chunks = len(self.repository)
self.chunks = ChunkIndex(usable=num_chunks * 1.1)
pi = ProgressIndicatorPercent(total=num_chunks, msg='Downloading chunk list... %3.0f%%',
pi = ProgressIndicatorPercent(
total=num_chunks, msg="Downloading chunk list... %3.0f%%", msgid="cache.download_chunks"
t0 = perf_counter()
num_requests = 0
marker = None
@ -1134,7 +1226,12 @@ def begin_txn(self):
del self.chunks[self.manifest.MANIFEST_ID]
duration = perf_counter() - t0 or 0.01
logger.debug('AdHocCache: downloaded %d chunk IDs in %.2f s (%d requests), ~%s/s',
num_chunks, duration, num_requests, format_file_size(num_chunks * 34 / duration))
"AdHocCache: downloaded %d chunk IDs in %.2f s (%d requests), ~%s/s",
format_file_size(num_chunks * 34 / duration),
# Chunk IDs in a list are encoded in 34 bytes: 1 byte msgpack header, 1 byte length, 32 ID bytes.
# Protocol overhead is neglected in this calculation.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# fmt: on
# this is the set of keys that are always present in items:
REQUIRED_ITEM_KEYS = frozenset(['path', 'mtime', ])
REQUIRED_ITEM_KEYS = frozenset(["path", "mtime"])
# this set must be kept complete, otherwise rebuild_manifest might malfunction:
# fmt: off
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# fmt: on
# this is the set of keys that are always present in archives:
REQUIRED_ARCHIVE_KEYS = frozenset(['version', 'name', 'items', 'cmdline', 'time', ])
REQUIRED_ARCHIVE_KEYS = frozenset(["version", "name", "items", "cmdline", "time"])
# default umask, overridden by --umask, defaults to read/write only for owner
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
# forcing to 0o100XXX later
CACHE_TAG_CONTENTS = b'Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55'
CACHE_TAG_CONTENTS = b"Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55"
# A large, but not unreasonably large segment size. Always less than 2 GiB (for legacy file systems). We choose
# 500 MiB which means that no indirection from the inode is needed for typical Linux file systems.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
MAX_OBJECT_SIZE = MAX_DATA_SIZE + 41 + 8 # see assertion at end of repository module
# repo config max_segment_size value must be below this limit to stay within uint32 offsets:
# have one all-zero bytes object
# we use it at all places where we need to detect or create all-zero buffers
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
CHUNK_MIN_EXP = 19 # 2**19 == 512kiB
CHUNK_MAX_EXP = 23 # 2**23 == 8MiB
HASH_WINDOW_SIZE = 0xfff # 4095B
HASH_MASK_BITS = 21 # results in ~2MiB chunks statistically
# chunker algorithms
CH_BUZHASH = 'buzhash'
CH_FIXED = 'fixed'
CH_BUZHASH = "buzhash"
CH_FIXED = "fixed"
# defaults, use --chunker-params to override
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
# operating mode of the files cache (for fast skipping of unchanged files)
FILES_CACHE_MODE_UI_DEFAULT = 'ctime,size,inode' # default for "borg create" command (CLI UI)
FILES_CACHE_MODE_DISABLED = 'd' # most borg commands do not use the files cache at all (disable)
FILES_CACHE_MODE_UI_DEFAULT = "ctime,size,inode" # default for "borg create" command (CLI UI)
FILES_CACHE_MODE_DISABLED = "d" # most borg commands do not use the files cache at all (disable)
# return codes returned by borg command
# when borg is killed by signal N, rc = 128 + N
@ -101,30 +101,30 @@
# never use datetime.isoformat(), it is evil. always use one of these:
# datetime.strftime(ISO_FORMAT) # output always includes .microseconds
# datetime.strftime(ISO_FORMAT_NO_USECS) # output never includes microseconds
DASHES = '-' * 78
DASHES = "-" * 78
ARGON2_ARGS = {'time_cost': 3, 'memory_cost': 2**16, 'parallelism': 4, 'type': 'id'}
ARGON2_ARGS = {"time_cost": 3, "memory_cost": 2**16, "parallelism": 4, "type": "id"}
# Maps the CLI argument to our internal identifier for the format
# encrypt-and-MAC, kdf: PBKDF2(HMACSHA256), encryption: AES256-CTR, authentication: HMAC-SHA256
'pbkdf2': 'sha256',
"pbkdf2": "sha256",
# encrypt-then-MAC, kdf: argon2, encryption: chacha20, authentication: poly1305
'argon2': 'argon2 chacha20-poly1305',
"argon2": "argon2 chacha20-poly1305",
class KeyBlobStorage:
NO_STORAGE = 'no_storage'
KEYFILE = 'keyfile'
REPO = 'repository'
NO_STORAGE = "no_storage"
KEYFILE = "keyfile"
REPO = "repository"
class KeyType:

View File

@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ def hash_length(self, seek_to_end=False):
class SHA512FileHashingWrapper(FileHashingWrapper):
FACTORY = hashlib.sha512
class XXH64FileHashingWrapper(FileHashingWrapper):
FACTORY = StreamingXXH64
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class IntegrityCheckedFile(FileLikeWrapper):
def __init__(self, path, write, filename=None, override_fd=None, integrity_data=None):
self.path = path
self.writing = write
mode = 'wb' if write else 'rb'
mode = "wb" if write else "rb"
self.file_fd = override_fd or open(path, mode)
self.digests = {}
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def hash_filename(self, filename=None):
# While Borg does not use anything except ASCII in these file names, it's important to use
# the same encoding everywhere for portability. Using os.fsencode() would be wrong.
filename = os.path.basename(filename or self.path)
self.hasher.update(('%10d' % len(filename)).encode())
self.hasher.update(("%10d" % len(filename)).encode())
@ -163,44 +163,41 @@ def parse_integrity_data(cls, path: str, data: str):
integrity_data = json.loads(data)
# Provisions for agility now, implementation later, but make sure the on-disk joint is oiled.
algorithm = integrity_data['algorithm']
algorithm = integrity_data["algorithm"]
if algorithm not in SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS:
logger.warning('Cannot verify integrity of %s: Unknown algorithm %r', path, algorithm)
logger.warning("Cannot verify integrity of %s: Unknown algorithm %r", path, algorithm)
digests = integrity_data['digests']
digests = integrity_data["digests"]
# Require at least presence of the final digest
return algorithm, digests
except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError) as e:
logger.warning('Could not parse integrity data for %s: %s', path, e)
logger.warning("Could not parse integrity data for %s: %s", path, e)
raise FileIntegrityError(path)
def hash_part(self, partname, is_final=False):
if not self.writing and not self.digests:
self.hasher.update(('%10d' % len(partname)).encode())
self.hasher.update(("%10d" % len(partname)).encode())
digest = self.hasher.hexdigest()
if self.writing:
self.digests[partname] = digest
elif self.digests and not compare_digest(self.digests.get(partname, ''), digest):
elif self.digests and not compare_digest(self.digests.get(partname, ""), digest):
raise FileIntegrityError(self.path)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
exception = exc_type is not None
if not exception:
self.hash_part('final', is_final=True)
self.hash_part("final", is_final=True)
self.hasher.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
if exception:
if self.writing:
'algorithm': self.hasher.ALGORITHM,
'digests': self.digests,
self.store_integrity_data(json.dumps({"algorithm": self.hasher.ALGORITHM, "digests": self.digests}))
elif self.digests:
logger.debug('Verified integrity of %s', self.path)
logger.debug("Verified integrity of %s", self.path)
def store_integrity_data(self, data: str):
self.integrity_data = data
@ -214,12 +211,12 @@ def __init__(self, path, write, filename=None, override_fd=None):
self.output_integrity_file = self.integrity_file_path(os.path.join(output_dir, filename))
def load_integrity_data(self, path, integrity_data):
assert not integrity_data, 'Cannot pass explicit integrity_data to DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile'
assert not integrity_data, "Cannot pass explicit integrity_data to DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile"
return self.read_integrity_file(self.path)
def integrity_file_path(path):
return path + '.integrity'
return path + ".integrity"
def read_integrity_file(cls, path):
@ -227,11 +224,11 @@ def read_integrity_file(cls, path):
with open(cls.integrity_file_path(path)) as fd:
return cls.parse_integrity_data(path,
except FileNotFoundError:'No integrity file found for %s', path)"No integrity file found for %s", path)
except OSError as e:
logger.warning('Could not read integrity file for %s: %s', path, e)
logger.warning("Could not read integrity file for %s: %s", path, e)
raise FileIntegrityError(path)
def store_integrity_data(self, data: str):
with open(self.output_integrity_file, 'w') as fd:
with open(self.output_integrity_file, "w") as fd:

View File

@ -59,9 +59,11 @@ class UnsupportedKeyFormatError(Error):
class TAMRequiredError(IntegrityError):
__doc__ = textwrap.dedent("""
__doc__ = textwrap.dedent(
Manifest is unauthenticated, but it is required for this repository. Is somebody attacking you?
traceback = False
@ -71,11 +73,12 @@ class TAMInvalid(IntegrityError):
def __init__(self):
# Error message becomes: "Data integrity error: Manifest authentication did not verify"
super().__init__('Manifest authentication did not verify')
super().__init__("Manifest authentication did not verify")
class TAMUnsupportedSuiteError(IntegrityError):
"""Could not verify manifest: Unsupported suite {!r}; a newer version is needed."""
traceback = False
@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ def key_factory(repository, manifest_data):
def tam_required_file(repository):
security_dir = get_security_dir(bin_to_hex(
return os.path.join(security_dir, 'tam_required')
return os.path.join(security_dir, "tam_required")
def tam_required(repository):
@ -126,9 +129,10 @@ def uses_same_id_hash(other_key, key):
old_blake2_ids = (Blake2RepoKey, Blake2KeyfileKey)
new_blake2_ids = (Blake2AESOCBRepoKey, Blake2AESOCBKeyfileKey, Blake2CHPORepoKey, Blake2CHPOKeyfileKey)
same_ids = (
isinstance(other_key, old_hmac_sha256_ids + new_hmac_sha256_ids) and isinstance(key, new_hmac_sha256_ids)
isinstance(other_key, old_blake2_ids + new_blake2_ids) and isinstance(key, new_blake2_ids)
isinstance(other_key, old_hmac_sha256_ids + new_hmac_sha256_ids)
and isinstance(key, new_hmac_sha256_ids)
or isinstance(other_key, old_blake2_ids + new_blake2_ids)
and isinstance(key, new_blake2_ids)
return same_ids
@ -140,10 +144,10 @@ class KeyBase:
TYPES_ACCEPTABLE = None # override in subclasses
# Human-readable name
# Name used in command line / API (e.g. borg init --encryption=...)
# Storage type (no key blob storage / keyfile / repo)
@ -167,13 +171,12 @@ def __init__(self, repository): = None # key location file path / repo obj
# Some commands write new chunks (e.g. rename) but don't take a --compression argument. This duplicates
# the default used by those commands who do take a --compression argument.
self.compressor = Compressor('lz4')
self.compressor = Compressor("lz4")
self.decompress = self.compressor.decompress
self.tam_required = True
def id_hash(self, data):
"""Return HMAC hash using the "id" HMAC key
"""Return HMAC hash using the "id" HMAC key"""
raise NotImplementedError
def encrypt(self, id, data, compress=True):
@ -186,83 +189,79 @@ def assert_id(self, id, data):
if id and id != Manifest.MANIFEST_ID:
id_computed = self.id_hash(data)
if not hmac.compare_digest(id_computed, id):
raise IntegrityError('Chunk %s: id verification failed' % bin_to_hex(id))
raise IntegrityError("Chunk %s: id verification failed" % bin_to_hex(id))
def assert_type(self, type_byte, id=None):
if type_byte not in self.TYPES_ACCEPTABLE:
id_str = bin_to_hex(id) if id is not None else '(unknown)'
raise IntegrityError(f'Chunk {id_str}: Invalid encryption envelope')
id_str = bin_to_hex(id) if id is not None else "(unknown)"
raise IntegrityError(f"Chunk {id_str}: Invalid encryption envelope")
def _tam_key(self, salt, context):
return hkdf_hmac_sha512(
ikm=self.id_key + self.enc_key + self.enc_hmac_key,
info=b'borg-metadata-authentication-' + context,
info=b"borg-metadata-authentication-" + context,
def pack_and_authenticate_metadata(self, metadata_dict, context=b'manifest'):
def pack_and_authenticate_metadata(self, metadata_dict, context=b"manifest"):
metadata_dict = StableDict(metadata_dict)
tam = metadata_dict['tam'] = StableDict({
'type': 'HKDF_HMAC_SHA512',
'hmac': bytes(64),
'salt': os.urandom(64),
tam = metadata_dict["tam"] = StableDict({"type": "HKDF_HMAC_SHA512", "hmac": bytes(64), "salt": os.urandom(64)})
packed = msgpack.packb(metadata_dict)
tam_key = self._tam_key(tam['salt'], context)
tam['hmac'] = hmac.digest(tam_key, packed, 'sha512')
tam_key = self._tam_key(tam["salt"], context)
tam["hmac"] = hmac.digest(tam_key, packed, "sha512")
return msgpack.packb(metadata_dict)
def unpack_and_verify_manifest(self, data, force_tam_not_required=False):
"""Unpack msgpacked *data* and return (object, did_verify)."""
if data.startswith(b'\xc1' * 4):
if data.startswith(b"\xc1" * 4):
# This is a manifest from the future, we can't read it.
raise UnsupportedManifestError()
tam_required = self.tam_required
if force_tam_not_required and tam_required:
logger.warning('Manifest authentication DISABLED.')
logger.warning("Manifest authentication DISABLED.")
tam_required = False
data = bytearray(data)
unpacker = get_limited_unpacker('manifest')
unpacker = get_limited_unpacker("manifest")
unpacked = unpacker.unpack()
if 'tam' not in unpacked:
if "tam" not in unpacked:
if tam_required:
raise TAMRequiredError(self.repository._location.canonical_path())
logger.debug('TAM not found and not required')
logger.debug("TAM not found and not required")
return unpacked, False
tam = unpacked.pop('tam', None)
tam = unpacked.pop("tam", None)
if not isinstance(tam, dict):
raise TAMInvalid()
tam_type = tam.get('type', '<none>')
if tam_type != 'HKDF_HMAC_SHA512':
tam_type = tam.get("type", "<none>")
if tam_type != "HKDF_HMAC_SHA512":
if tam_required:
raise TAMUnsupportedSuiteError(repr(tam_type))
logger.debug('Ignoring TAM made with unsupported suite, since TAM is not required: %r', tam_type)
logger.debug("Ignoring TAM made with unsupported suite, since TAM is not required: %r", tam_type)
return unpacked, False
tam_hmac = tam.get('hmac')
tam_salt = tam.get('salt')
tam_hmac = tam.get("hmac")
tam_salt = tam.get("salt")
if not isinstance(tam_salt, (bytes, str)) or not isinstance(tam_hmac, (bytes, str)):
raise TAMInvalid()
tam_hmac = want_bytes(tam_hmac) # legacy
tam_salt = want_bytes(tam_salt) # legacy
offset = data.index(tam_hmac)
data[offset:offset + 64] = bytes(64)
tam_key = self._tam_key(tam_salt, context=b'manifest')
calculated_hmac = hmac.digest(tam_key, data, 'sha512')
data[offset : offset + 64] = bytes(64)
tam_key = self._tam_key(tam_salt, context=b"manifest")
calculated_hmac = hmac.digest(tam_key, data, "sha512")
if not hmac.compare_digest(calculated_hmac, tam_hmac):
raise TAMInvalid()
logger.debug('TAM-verified manifest')
logger.debug("TAM-verified manifest")
return unpacked, True
class PlaintextKey(KeyBase):
NAME = 'plaintext'
ARG_NAME = 'none'
NAME = "plaintext"
ARG_NAME = "none"
chunk_seed = 0
@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ def id_hash(self, data):
def encrypt(self, id, data, compress=True):
if compress:
data = self.compressor.compress(data)
return b''.join([self.TYPE_STR, data])
return b"".join([self.TYPE_STR, data])
def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
self.assert_type(data[0], id)
@ -364,8 +363,7 @@ class AESKeyBase(KeyBase):
def encrypt(self, id, data, compress=True):
if compress:
data = self.compressor.compress(data)
next_iv = self.nonce_manager.ensure_reservation(self.cipher.next_iv(),
next_iv = self.nonce_manager.ensure_reservation(self.cipher.next_iv(), self.cipher.block_count(len(data)))
return self.cipher.encrypt(data, header=self.TYPE_STR, iv=next_iv)
def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
@ -395,12 +393,10 @@ def init_from_random_data(self):
chunk_seed = bytes_to_int(data[96:100])
# Convert to signed int32
if chunk_seed & 0x80000000:
chunk_seed = chunk_seed - 0xffffffff - 1
chunk_seed = chunk_seed - 0xFFFFFFFF - 1
enc_key=data[0:32], enc_hmac_key=data[32:64], id_key=data[64:96], chunk_seed=chunk_seed
def init_ciphers(self, manifest_data=None):
self.cipher = self.CIPHERSUITE(mac_key=self.enc_hmac_key, enc_key=self.enc_key, header_len=1, aad_offset=1)
@ -418,13 +414,13 @@ def init_ciphers(self, manifest_data=None):
class FlexiKey:
def detect(cls, repository, manifest_data):
key = cls(repository)
target = key.find_key()
prompt = 'Enter passphrase for key %s: ' % target
prompt = "Enter passphrase for key %s: " % target
passphrase = Passphrase.env_passphrase()
if passphrase is None:
passphrase = Passphrase()
@ -449,18 +445,18 @@ def _load(self, key_data, passphrase):
data = msgpack.unpackb(data)
key = Key(internal_dict=data)
if key.version != 1:
raise IntegrityError('Invalid key file header')
raise IntegrityError("Invalid key file header")
self.repository_id = key.repository_id
self.enc_key = key.enc_key
self.enc_hmac_key = key.enc_hmac_key
self.id_key = key.id_key
self.chunk_seed = key.chunk_seed
self.tam_required = key.get('tam_required', tam_required(self.repository))
self.tam_required = key.get("tam_required", tam_required(self.repository))
return True
return False
def decrypt_key_file(self, data, passphrase):
unpacker = get_limited_unpacker('key')
unpacker = get_limited_unpacker("key")
data = unpacker.unpack()
encrypted_key = EncryptedKey(internal_dict=data)
@ -468,9 +464,9 @@ def decrypt_key_file(self, data, passphrase):
raise UnsupportedKeyFormatError()
self._encrypted_key_algorithm = encrypted_key.algorithm
if encrypted_key.algorithm == 'sha256':
if encrypted_key.algorithm == "sha256":
return self.decrypt_key_file_pbkdf2(encrypted_key, passphrase)
elif encrypted_key.algorithm == 'argon2 chacha20-poly1305':
elif encrypted_key.algorithm == "argon2 chacha20-poly1305":
return self.decrypt_key_file_argon2(encrypted_key, passphrase)
raise UnsupportedKeyFormatError()
@ -479,7 +475,7 @@ def decrypt_key_file(self, data, passphrase):
def pbkdf2(passphrase, salt, iterations, output_len_in_bytes):
if os.environ.get("BORG_TESTONLY_WEAKEN_KDF") == "1":
iterations = 1
return pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', passphrase.encode('utf-8'), salt, iterations, output_len_in_bytes)
return pbkdf2_hmac("sha256", passphrase.encode("utf-8"), salt, iterations, output_len_in_bytes)
def argon2(
@ -489,18 +485,14 @@ def argon2(
time_cost: int,
memory_cost: int,
parallelism: int,
type: Literal['i', 'd', 'id']
type: Literal["i", "d", "id"],
) -> bytes:
if os.environ.get("BORG_TESTONLY_WEAKEN_KDF") == "1":
time_cost = 1
parallelism = 1
# 8 is the smallest value that avoids the "Memory cost is too small" exception
memory_cost = 8
type_map = {
'i': argon2.low_level.Type.I,
'd': argon2.low_level.Type.D,
'id': argon2.low_level.Type.ID,
type_map = {"i": argon2.low_level.Type.I, "d": argon2.low_level.Type.D, "id": argon2.low_level.Type.ID}
key = argon2.low_level.hash_secret_raw(
@ -514,7 +506,7 @@ def argon2(
def decrypt_key_file_pbkdf2(self, encrypted_key, passphrase):
key = self.pbkdf2(passphrase, encrypted_key.salt, encrypted_key.iterations, 32)
data = AES(key, b'\0'*16).decrypt(
data = AES(key, b"\0" * 16).decrypt(
if hmac.compare_digest(hmac_sha256(key, data), encrypted_key.hash):
return data
return None
@ -536,44 +528,32 @@ def decrypt_key_file_argon2(self, encrypted_key, passphrase):
return None
def encrypt_key_file(self, data, passphrase, algorithm):
if algorithm == 'sha256':
if algorithm == "sha256":
return self.encrypt_key_file_pbkdf2(data, passphrase)
elif algorithm == 'argon2 chacha20-poly1305':
elif algorithm == "argon2 chacha20-poly1305":
return self.encrypt_key_file_argon2(data, passphrase)
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected algorithm: {algorithm}')
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected algorithm: {algorithm}")
def encrypt_key_file_pbkdf2(self, data, passphrase):
salt = os.urandom(32)
iterations = PBKDF2_ITERATIONS
key = self.pbkdf2(passphrase, salt, iterations, 32)
hash = hmac_sha256(key, data)
cdata = AES(key, b'\0'*16).encrypt(data)
enc_key = EncryptedKey(
cdata = AES(key, b"\0" * 16).encrypt(data)
enc_key = EncryptedKey(version=1, salt=salt, iterations=iterations, algorithm="sha256", hash=hash, data=cdata)
return msgpack.packb(enc_key.as_dict())
def encrypt_key_file_argon2(self, data, passphrase):
salt = os.urandom(ARGON2_SALT_BYTES)
key = self.argon2(
key = self.argon2(passphrase, output_len_in_bytes=32, salt=salt, **ARGON2_ARGS)
ae_cipher = CHACHA20_POLY1305(key=key, iv=0, header_len=0, aad_offset=0)
encrypted_key = EncryptedKey(
algorithm='argon2 chacha20-poly1305',
algorithm="argon2 chacha20-poly1305",
**{'argon2_' + k: v for k, v in ARGON2_ARGS.items()},
**{"argon2_" + k: v for k, v in ARGON2_ARGS.items()},
return msgpack.packb(encrypted_key.as_dict())
@ -588,7 +568,7 @@ def _save(self, passphrase, algorithm):
data = self.encrypt_key_file(msgpack.packb(key.as_dict()), passphrase, algorithm)
key_data = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(b2a_base64(data).decode('ascii')))
key_data = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(b2a_base64(data).decode("ascii")))
return key_data
def change_passphrase(self, passphrase=None):
@ -612,22 +592,23 @@ def create(cls, repository, args, *, other_key=None):
passphrase = other_key._passphrase
passphrase =
target = key.get_new_target(args), passphrase, create=True, algorithm=KEY_ALGORITHMS['argon2']), passphrase, create=True, algorithm=KEY_ALGORITHMS["argon2"])'Key in "%s" created.' % target)'Keep this key safe. Your data will be inaccessible without it.')"Keep this key safe. Your data will be inaccessible without it.")
return key
def sanity_check(self, filename, id):
file_id = self.FILE_ID.encode() + b' '
file_id = self.FILE_ID.encode() + b" "
repo_id = hexlify(id)
with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
with open(filename, "rb") as fd:
# we do the magic / id check in binary mode to avoid stumbling over
# decoding errors if somebody has binary files in the keys dir for some reason.
if != file_id:
@ -653,7 +634,7 @@ def find_key(self):
raise RepoKeyNotFoundError(loc) from None
return loc
raise TypeError('Unsupported borg key storage type')
raise TypeError("Unsupported borg key storage type")
def get_existing_or_new_target(self, args):
keyfile = self._find_key_file_from_environment()
@ -683,10 +664,10 @@ def get_new_target(self, args):
elif self.STORAGE == KeyBlobStorage.REPO:
return self.repository
raise TypeError('Unsupported borg key storage type')
raise TypeError("Unsupported borg key storage type")
def _find_key_file_from_environment(self):
keyfile = os.environ.get('BORG_KEY_FILE')
keyfile = os.environ.get("BORG_KEY_FILE")
if keyfile:
return os.path.abspath(keyfile)
@ -696,17 +677,17 @@ def _get_new_target_in_keys_dir(self, args):
i = 1
while os.path.exists(path):
i += 1
path = filename + '.%d' % i
path = filename + ".%d" % i
return path
def load(self, target, passphrase):
if self.STORAGE == KeyBlobStorage.KEYFILE:
with open(target) as fd:
key_data = ''.join(fd.readlines()[1:])
key_data = "".join(fd.readlines()[1:])
elif self.STORAGE == KeyBlobStorage.REPO:
# While the repository is encrypted, we consider a repokey repository with a blank
# passphrase an unencrypted repository.
self.logically_encrypted = passphrase != ''
self.logically_encrypted = passphrase != ""
# what we get in target is just a repo location, but we already have the repo obj:
target = self.repository
@ -715,9 +696,9 @@ def load(self, target, passphrase):
# if we got an empty key, it means there is no key.
loc = target._location.canonical_path()
raise RepoKeyNotFoundError(loc) from None
key_data = key_data.decode('utf-8') # remote repo: msgpack issue #99, getting bytes
key_data = key_data.decode("utf-8") # remote repo: msgpack issue #99, getting bytes
raise TypeError('Unsupported borg key storage type')
raise TypeError("Unsupported borg key storage type")
success = self._load(key_data, passphrase)
if success: = target
@ -732,31 +713,31 @@ def save(self, target, passphrase, algorithm, create=False):
# see issue #6036
raise Error('Aborting because key in "%s" already exists.' % target)
with SaveFile(target) as fd:
fd.write(f'{self.FILE_ID} {bin_to_hex(self.repository_id)}\n')
fd.write(f"{self.FILE_ID} {bin_to_hex(self.repository_id)}\n")
elif self.STORAGE == KeyBlobStorage.REPO:
self.logically_encrypted = passphrase != ''
key_data = key_data.encode('utf-8') # remote repo: msgpack issue #99, giving bytes
self.logically_encrypted = passphrase != ""
key_data = key_data.encode("utf-8") # remote repo: msgpack issue #99, giving bytes
raise TypeError('Unsupported borg key storage type')
raise TypeError("Unsupported borg key storage type") = target
def remove(self, target):
if self.STORAGE == KeyBlobStorage.KEYFILE:
elif self.STORAGE == KeyBlobStorage.REPO:
target.save_key(b'') # save empty key (no new api at remote repo necessary)
target.save_key(b"") # save empty key (no new api at remote repo necessary)
raise TypeError('Unsupported borg key storage type')
raise TypeError("Unsupported borg key storage type")
class KeyfileKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AESKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'key file'
ARG_NAME = 'keyfile'
NAME = "key file"
ARG_NAME = "keyfile"
@ -764,8 +745,8 @@ class KeyfileKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AESKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class RepoKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AESKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'repokey'
ARG_NAME = 'repokey'
NAME = "repokey"
ARG_NAME = "repokey"
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
@ -773,8 +754,8 @@ class RepoKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AESKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class Blake2KeyfileKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AESKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'key file BLAKE2b'
ARG_NAME = 'keyfile-blake2'
NAME = "key file BLAKE2b"
ARG_NAME = "keyfile-blake2"
@ -782,8 +763,8 @@ class Blake2KeyfileKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AESKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class Blake2RepoKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AESKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'repokey BLAKE2b'
ARG_NAME = 'repokey-blake2'
NAME = "repokey BLAKE2b"
ARG_NAME = "repokey-blake2"
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
@ -810,7 +791,7 @@ def init_ciphers(self, manifest_data=None):
def encrypt(self, id, data, compress=True):
if compress:
data = self.compressor.compress(data)
return b''.join([self.TYPE_STR, data])
return b"".join([self.TYPE_STR, data])
def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
self.assert_type(data[0], id)
@ -825,15 +806,15 @@ def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
class AuthenticatedKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AuthenticatedKeyBase):
NAME = 'authenticated'
ARG_NAME = 'authenticated'
NAME = "authenticated"
ARG_NAME = "authenticated"
class Blake2AuthenticatedKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AuthenticatedKeyBase):
NAME = 'authenticated BLAKE2b'
ARG_NAME = 'authenticated-blake2'
NAME = "authenticated BLAKE2b"
ARG_NAME = "authenticated-blake2"
# ------------ new crypto ------------
@ -862,17 +843,17 @@ class AEADKeyBase(KeyBase):
logically_encrypted = True
MAX_IV = 2 ** 48 - 1
MAX_IV = 2**48 - 1
def encrypt(self, id, data, compress=True):
# to encrypt new data in this session we use always self.cipher and self.sessionid
if compress:
data = self.compressor.compress(data)
reserved = b'\0'
reserved = b"\0"
iv = self.cipher.next_iv()
if iv > self.MAX_IV: # see the data-structures docs about why the IV range is enough
raise IntegrityError("IV overflow, should never happen.")
iv_48bit = iv.to_bytes(6, 'big')
iv_48bit = iv.to_bytes(6, "big")
header = self.TYPE_STR + reserved + iv_48bit + self.sessionid
return self.cipher.encrypt(data, header=header, iv=iv, aad=id)
@ -881,7 +862,7 @@ def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
self.assert_type(data[0], id)
iv_48bit = data[2:8]
sessionid = data[8:32]
iv = int.from_bytes(iv_48bit, 'big')
iv = int.from_bytes(iv_48bit, "big")
cipher = self._get_cipher(sessionid, iv)
payload = cipher.decrypt(data, aad=id)
@ -908,27 +889,25 @@ def init_from_random_data(self):
chunk_seed = bytes_to_int(data[96:100])
# Convert to signed int32
if chunk_seed & 0x80000000:
chunk_seed = chunk_seed - 0xffffffff - 1
chunk_seed = chunk_seed - 0xFFFFFFFF - 1
enc_key=data[0:32], enc_hmac_key=data[32:64], id_key=data[64:96], chunk_seed=chunk_seed
def _get_session_key(self, sessionid):
assert len(sessionid) == 24 # 192bit
key = hkdf_hmac_sha512(
ikm=self.enc_key + self.enc_hmac_key,
info=b'borg-session-key-' + self.CIPHERSUITE.__name__.encode(),
info=b"borg-session-key-" + self.CIPHERSUITE.__name__.encode(),
return key
def _get_cipher(self, sessionid, iv):
assert isinstance(iv, int)
key = self._get_session_key(sessionid)
cipher = self.CIPHERSUITE(key=key, iv=iv, header_len=1+1+6+24, aad_offset=0)
cipher = self.CIPHERSUITE(key=key, iv=iv, header_len=1 + 1 + 6 + 24, aad_offset=0)
return cipher
def init_ciphers(self, manifest_data=None, iv=0):
@ -940,8 +919,8 @@ def init_ciphers(self, manifest_data=None, iv=0):
class AESOCBKeyfileKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'key file AES-OCB'
ARG_NAME = 'keyfile-aes-ocb'
NAME = "key file AES-OCB"
ARG_NAME = "keyfile-aes-ocb"
@ -949,8 +928,8 @@ class AESOCBKeyfileKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class AESOCBRepoKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'repokey AES-OCB'
ARG_NAME = 'repokey-aes-ocb'
NAME = "repokey AES-OCB"
ARG_NAME = "repokey-aes-ocb"
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
@ -958,8 +937,8 @@ class AESOCBRepoKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class CHPOKeyfileKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'key file ChaCha20-Poly1305'
ARG_NAME = 'keyfile-chacha20-poly1305'
NAME = "key file ChaCha20-Poly1305"
ARG_NAME = "keyfile-chacha20-poly1305"
@ -967,8 +946,8 @@ class CHPOKeyfileKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class CHPORepoKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'repokey ChaCha20-Poly1305'
ARG_NAME = 'repokey-chacha20-poly1305'
NAME = "repokey ChaCha20-Poly1305"
ARG_NAME = "repokey-chacha20-poly1305"
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
@ -976,8 +955,8 @@ class CHPORepoKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class Blake2AESOCBKeyfileKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'key file BLAKE2b AES-OCB'
ARG_NAME = 'keyfile-blake2-aes-ocb'
NAME = "key file BLAKE2b AES-OCB"
ARG_NAME = "keyfile-blake2-aes-ocb"
@ -985,8 +964,8 @@ class Blake2AESOCBKeyfileKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class Blake2AESOCBRepoKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'repokey BLAKE2b AES-OCB'
ARG_NAME = 'repokey-blake2-aes-ocb'
NAME = "repokey BLAKE2b AES-OCB"
ARG_NAME = "repokey-blake2-aes-ocb"
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
@ -994,8 +973,8 @@ class Blake2AESOCBRepoKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class Blake2CHPOKeyfileKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'key file BLAKE2b ChaCha20-Poly1305'
ARG_NAME = 'keyfile-blake2-chacha20-poly1305'
NAME = "key file BLAKE2b ChaCha20-Poly1305"
ARG_NAME = "keyfile-blake2-chacha20-poly1305"
@ -1003,26 +982,33 @@ class Blake2CHPOKeyfileKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
class Blake2CHPORepoKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AEADKeyBase, FlexiKey):
NAME = 'repokey BLAKE2b ChaCha20-Poly1305'
ARG_NAME = 'repokey-blake2-chacha20-poly1305'
NAME = "repokey BLAKE2b ChaCha20-Poly1305"
ARG_NAME = "repokey-blake2-chacha20-poly1305"
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
# legacy (AES-CTR based) crypto
KeyfileKey, RepoKey,
Blake2KeyfileKey, Blake2RepoKey,
# these are available encryption modes for new repositories
# not encrypted modes
AuthenticatedKey, Blake2AuthenticatedKey,
# new crypto
AESOCBKeyfileKey, AESOCBRepoKey,
CHPOKeyfileKey, CHPORepoKey,
Blake2AESOCBKeyfileKey, Blake2AESOCBRepoKey,
Blake2CHPOKeyfileKey, Blake2CHPORepoKey,

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def load_keyblob(self):
k = CHPOKeyfileKey(self.repository)
target = k.find_key()
with open(target) as fd:
self.keyblob = ''.join(fd.readlines()[1:])
self.keyblob = "".join(fd.readlines()[1:])
elif self.keyblob_storage == KeyBlobStorage.REPO:
key_data = self.repository.load_key().decode()
@ -70,75 +70,77 @@ def store_keyblob(self, args):
elif self.keyblob_storage == KeyBlobStorage.REPO:
def get_keyfile_data(self):
data = f'{CHPOKeyfileKey.FILE_ID} {bin_to_hex(}\n'
data = f"{CHPOKeyfileKey.FILE_ID} {bin_to_hex(}\n"
data += self.keyblob
if not self.keyblob.endswith('\n'):
data += '\n'
if not self.keyblob.endswith("\n"):
data += "\n"
return data
def store_keyfile(self, target):
with dash_open(target, 'w') as fd:
with dash_open(target, "w") as fd:
def export(self, path):
if path is None:
path = '-'
path = "-"
def export_qr(self, path):
if path is None:
path = '-'
path = "-"
with dash_open(path, 'wb') as fd:
with dash_open(path, "wb") as fd:
key_data = self.get_keyfile_data()
html = pkgutil.get_data('borg', 'paperkey.html')
html = html.replace(b'</textarea>', key_data.encode() + b'</textarea>')
html = pkgutil.get_data("borg", "paperkey.html")
html = html.replace(b"</textarea>", key_data.encode() + b"</textarea>")
def export_paperkey(self, path):
if path is None:
path = '-'
path = "-"
def grouped(s):
ret = ''
ret = ""
i = 0
for ch in s:
if i and i % 6 == 0:
ret += ' '
ret += " "
ret += ch
i += 1
return ret
export = 'To restore key use borg key import --paper /path/to/repo\n\n'
export = "To restore key use borg key import --paper /path/to/repo\n\n"
binary = a2b_base64(self.keyblob)
export += 'BORG PAPER KEY v1\n'
export += "BORG PAPER KEY v1\n"
lines = (len(binary) + 17) // 18
repoid = bin_to_hex([:18]
complete_checksum = sha256_truncated(binary, 12)
export += 'id: {:d} / {} / {} - {}\n'.format(lines,
sha256_truncated((str(lines) + '/' + repoid + '/' + complete_checksum).encode('ascii'), 2))
export += "id: {:d} / {} / {} - {}\n".format(
sha256_truncated((str(lines) + "/" + repoid + "/" + complete_checksum).encode("ascii"), 2),
idx = 0
while len(binary):
idx += 1
binline = binary[:18]
checksum = sha256_truncated(idx.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') + binline, 2)
export += f'{idx:2d}: {grouped(bin_to_hex(binline))} - {checksum}\n'
checksum = sha256_truncated(idx.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big") + binline, 2)
export += f"{idx:2d}: {grouped(bin_to_hex(binline))} - {checksum}\n"
binary = binary[18:]
with dash_open(path, 'w') as fd:
with dash_open(path, "w") as fd:
def import_keyfile(self, args):
file_id = CHPOKeyfileKey.FILE_ID
first_line = file_id + ' ' + bin_to_hex( + '\n'
with dash_open(args.path, 'r') as fd:
first_line = file_id + " " + bin_to_hex( + "\n"
with dash_open(args.path, "r") as fd:
file_first_line =
if file_first_line != first_line:
if not file_first_line.startswith(file_id):
@ -154,52 +156,52 @@ def import_paperkey(self, args):
# imported here because it has global side effects
import readline
except ImportError:
print('Note: No line editing available due to missing readline support')
print("Note: No line editing available due to missing readline support")
repoid = bin_to_hex([:18]
while True: # used for repeating on overall checksum mismatch
# id line input
while True:
idline = input('id: ').replace(' ', '')
if idline == '':
if yes('Abort import? [yN]:'):
idline = input("id: ").replace(" ", "")
if idline == "":
if yes("Abort import? [yN]:"):
raise EOFError()
(data, checksum) = idline.split('-')
(data, checksum) = idline.split("-")
except ValueError:
print("each line must contain exactly one '-', try again")
(id_lines, id_repoid, id_complete_checksum) = data.split('/')
(id_lines, id_repoid, id_complete_checksum) = data.split("/")
except ValueError:
print("the id line must contain exactly three '/', try again")
if sha256_truncated(data.lower().encode('ascii'), 2) != checksum:
print('line checksum did not match, try same line again')
if sha256_truncated(data.lower().encode("ascii"), 2) != checksum:
print("line checksum did not match, try same line again")
lines = int(id_lines)
except ValueError:
print('internal error while parsing length')
print("internal error while parsing length")
if repoid != id_repoid:
raise RepoIdMismatch()
result = b''
result = b""
idx = 1
# body line input
while True:
inline = input(f'{idx:2d}: ')
inline = inline.replace(' ', '')
if inline == '':
if yes('Abort import? [yN]:'):
inline = input(f"{idx:2d}: ")
inline = inline.replace(" ", "")
if inline == "":
if yes("Abort import? [yN]:"):
raise EOFError()
(data, checksum) = inline.split('-')
(data, checksum) = inline.split("-")
except ValueError:
print("each line must contain exactly one '-', try again")
@ -208,8 +210,8 @@ def import_paperkey(self, args):
except binascii.Error:
print("only characters 0-9 and a-f and '-' are valid, try again")
if sha256_truncated(idx.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') + part, 2) != checksum:
print(f'line checksum did not match, try line {idx} again')
if sha256_truncated(idx.to_bytes(2, byteorder="big") + part, 2) != checksum:
print(f"line checksum did not match, try line {idx} again")
result += part
if idx == lines:
@ -217,13 +219,13 @@ def import_paperkey(self, args):
idx += 1
if sha256_truncated(result, 12) != id_complete_checksum:
print('The overall checksum did not match, retry or enter a blank line to abort.')
print("The overall checksum did not match, retry or enter a blank line to abort.")
self.keyblob = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(b2a_base64(result).decode('ascii'))) + '\n'
self.keyblob = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(b2a_base64(result).decode("ascii"))) + "\n"
except EOFError:
print('\n - aborted')
print("\n - aborted")

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def __init__(self, repository, manifest_nonce):
self.repository = repository
self.end_of_nonce_reservation = None
self.manifest_nonce = manifest_nonce
self.nonce_file = os.path.join(get_security_dir(self.repository.id_str), 'nonce')
self.nonce_file = os.path.join(get_security_dir(self.repository.id_str), "nonce")
def get_local_free_nonce(self):
@ -78,7 +78,11 @@ def ensure_reservation(self, nonce, nonce_space_needed):
repo_free_nonce = self.get_repo_free_nonce()
local_free_nonce = self.get_local_free_nonce()
free_nonce_space = max(x for x in (repo_free_nonce, local_free_nonce, self.manifest_nonce, self.end_of_nonce_reservation) if x is not None)
free_nonce_space = max(
for x in (repo_free_nonce, local_free_nonce, self.manifest_nonce, self.end_of_nonce_reservation)
if x is not None
reservation_end = free_nonce_space + nonce_space_needed + NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION
assert reservation_end < MAX_REPRESENTABLE_NONCE
self.commit_repo_nonce_reservation(reservation_end, repo_free_nonce)

View File

@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ def async_wrapper(fn):
async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
trio = None
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ def async_wrapper(fn):
from .logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
from .crypto.low_level import blake2b_128
@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ class ItemCache:
# to resize it in the first place; that's free).
GROW_META_BY = 2 * 1024 * 1024
indirect_entry_struct = struct.Struct('=cII')
indirect_entry_struct = struct.Struct("=cII")
assert indirect_entry_struct.size == 9
def __init__(self, decrypted_repository):
@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ def __init__(self, decrypted_repository):
# These are items that span more than one chunk and thus cannot be efficiently cached
# by the object cache (self.decrypted_repository), which would require variable-length structures;
# possible but not worth the effort, see iter_archive_items.
self.fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='borg-tmp')
self.fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix="borg-tmp")
# A small LRU cache for chunks requested by ItemCache.get() from the object cache,
# this significantly speeds up directory traversal and similar operations which
@ -123,12 +126,12 @@ def __init__(self, decrypted_repository):
def get(self, inode):
offset = inode - self.offset
if offset < 0:
raise ValueError('ItemCache.get() called with an invalid inode number')
if self.meta[offset] == ord(b'I'):
raise ValueError("ItemCache.get() called with an invalid inode number")
if self.meta[offset] == ord(b"I"):
_, chunk_id_relative_offset, chunk_offset = self.indirect_entry_struct.unpack_from(self.meta, offset)
chunk_id_offset = offset - chunk_id_relative_offset
# bytearray slices are bytearrays as well, explicitly convert to bytes()
chunk_id = bytes(self.meta[chunk_id_offset:chunk_id_offset + 32])
chunk_id = bytes(self.meta[chunk_id_offset : chunk_id_offset + 32])
chunk = self.chunks.get(chunk_id)
if not chunk:
csize, chunk = next(self.decrypted_repository.get_many([chunk_id]))
@ -137,12 +140,12 @@ def get(self, inode):
unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker()
return Item(internal_dict=next(unpacker))
elif self.meta[offset] == ord(b'S'):
fd_offset = int.from_bytes(self.meta[offset + 1:offset + 9], 'little')
elif self.meta[offset] == ord(b"S"):
fd_offset = int.from_bytes(self.meta[offset + 1 : offset + 9], "little"), io.SEEK_SET)
return Item(internal_dict=next(msgpack.Unpacker(self.fd, read_size=1024)))
raise ValueError('Invalid entry type in self.meta')
raise ValueError("Invalid entry type in self.meta")
def iter_archive_items(self, archive_item_ids, filter=None, consider_part_files=False):
unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker()
@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ def iter_archive_items(self, archive_item_ids, filter=None, consider_part_files=
chunk_begin = 0
# Length of the chunk preceding the current chunk
last_chunk_length = 0
msgpacked_bytes = b''
msgpacked_bytes = b""
write_offset = self.write_offset
meta = self.meta
@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ def iter_archive_items(self, archive_item_ids, filter=None, consider_part_files=
# Store the chunk ID in the meta-array
if write_offset + 32 >= len(meta):
self.meta = meta = meta + bytes(self.GROW_META_BY)
meta[write_offset:write_offset + 32] = key
meta[write_offset : write_offset + 32] = key
current_id_offset = write_offset
write_offset += 32
@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ def iter_archive_items(self, archive_item_ids, filter=None, consider_part_files=
# tell() is not helpful for the need_more_data case, but we know it is the remainder
# of the data in that case. in the other case, tell() works as expected.
length = (len(data) - start) if need_more_data else (unpacker.tell() - stream_offset)
msgpacked_bytes += data[start:start+length]
msgpacked_bytes += data[start : start + length]
stream_offset += length
if need_more_data:
@ -190,14 +193,14 @@ def iter_archive_items(self, archive_item_ids, filter=None, consider_part_files=
item = Item(internal_dict=item)
if filter and not filter(item) or not consider_part_files and 'part' in item:
msgpacked_bytes = b''
if filter and not filter(item) or not consider_part_files and "part" in item:
msgpacked_bytes = b""
current_item = msgpacked_bytes
current_item_length = len(current_item)
current_spans_chunks = stream_offset - current_item_length < chunk_begin
msgpacked_bytes = b''
msgpacked_bytes = b""
if write_offset + 9 >= len(meta):
self.meta = meta = meta + bytes(self.GROW_META_BY)
@ -221,11 +224,11 @@ def iter_archive_items(self, archive_item_ids, filter=None, consider_part_files=
if current_spans_chunks:
pos =, io.SEEK_END)
meta[write_offset:write_offset + 9] = b'S' + pos.to_bytes(8, 'little')
meta[write_offset : write_offset + 9] = b"S" + pos.to_bytes(8, "little")
self.direct_items += 1
item_offset = stream_offset - current_item_length - chunk_begin
pack_indirect_into(meta, write_offset, b'I', write_offset - current_id_offset, item_offset)
pack_indirect_into(meta, write_offset, b"I", write_offset - current_id_offset, item_offset)
self.indirect_items += 1
inode = write_offset + self.offset
write_offset += 9
@ -236,8 +239,7 @@ def iter_archive_items(self, archive_item_ids, filter=None, consider_part_files=
class FuseBackend:
"""Virtual filesystem based on archive(s) to provide information to fuse
"""Virtual filesystem based on archive(s) to provide information to fuse"""
def __init__(self, key, manifest, repository, args, decrypted_repository):
self.repository_uncached = repository
@ -307,8 +309,7 @@ def _allocate_inode(self):
return self.inode_count
def _create_dir(self, parent, mtime=None):
"""Create directory
"""Create directory"""
ino = self._allocate_inode()
if mtime is not None:
self._items[ino] = Item(internal_dict=self.default_dir.as_dict())
@ -319,26 +320,31 @@ def _create_dir(self, parent, mtime=None):
return ino
def find_inode(self, path, prefix=[]):
segments = prefix + path.split(b'/')
segments = prefix + path.split(b"/")
inode = 1
for segment in segments:
inode = self.contents[inode][segment]
return inode
def _process_archive(self, archive_name, prefix=[]):
"""Build FUSE inode hierarchy from archive metadata
"""Build FUSE inode hierarchy from archive metadata"""
self.file_versions = {} # for versions mode: original path -> version
t0 = time.perf_counter()
archive = Archive(self.repository_uncached, self.key, self._manifest, archive_name,
archive = Archive(
strip_components = self._args.strip_components
matcher = Archiver.build_matcher(self._args.patterns, self._args.paths)
hlm = HardLinkManager(id_type=bytes, info_type=str) # hlid -> path
filter = Archiver.build_filter(matcher, strip_components)
for item_inode, item in self.cache.iter_archive_items(archive.metadata.items, filter=filter,
for item_inode, item in self.cache.iter_archive_items(
archive.metadata.items, filter=filter, consider_part_files=self._args.consider_part_files
if strip_components:
item.path = os.sep.join(item.path.split(os.sep)[strip_components:])
path = os.fsencode(item.path)
@ -354,24 +360,24 @@ def _process_archive(self, archive_name, prefix=[]):
self._items[inode] = item
segments = prefix + path.split(b'/')
segments = prefix + path.split(b"/")
parent = 1
for segment in segments[:-1]:
parent = self._process_inner(segment, parent)
self._process_leaf(segments[-1], item, parent, prefix, is_dir, item_inode, hlm)
duration = time.perf_counter() - t0
logger.debug('fuse: _process_archive completed in %.1f s for archive %s', duration,
logger.debug("fuse: _process_archive completed in %.1f s for archive %s", duration,
def _process_leaf(self, name, item, parent, prefix, is_dir, item_inode, hlm):
path = item.path
del item.path # save some space
def file_version(item, path):
if 'chunks' in item:
if "chunks" in item:
file_id = blake2b_128(path)
current_version, previous_id = self.versions_index.get(file_id, (0, None))
contents_id = blake2b_128(b''.join(chunk_id for chunk_id, _ in item.chunks))
contents_id = blake2b_128(b"".join(chunk_id for chunk_id, _ in item.chunks))
if contents_id != previous_id:
current_version += 1
@ -382,14 +388,14 @@ def file_version(item, path):
def make_versioned_name(name, version, add_dir=False):
if add_dir:
# add intermediate directory with same name as filename
path_fname = name.rsplit(b'/', 1)
name += b'/' + path_fname[-1]
path_fname = name.rsplit(b"/", 1)
name += b"/" + path_fname[-1]
# keep original extension at end to avoid confusing tools
name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
version_enc = os.fsencode('.%05d' % version)
version_enc = os.fsencode(".%05d" % version)
return name + version_enc + ext
if 'hlid' in item:
if "hlid" in item:
link_target = hlm.retrieve(id=item.hlid, default=None)
if link_target is not None:
# Hard link was extracted previously, just link
@ -401,10 +407,10 @@ def make_versioned_name(name, version, add_dir=False):
inode = self.find_inode(link_target, prefix)
except KeyError:
logger.warning('Skipping broken hard link: %s -> %s', path, link_target)
logger.warning("Skipping broken hard link: %s -> %s", path, link_target)
item = self.get_item(inode)
item.nlink = item.get('nlink', 1) + 1
item.nlink = item.get("nlink", 1) + 1
self._items[inode] = item
inode = item_inode
@ -439,31 +445,41 @@ def _process_inner(self, name, parent_inode):
class FuseOperations(llfuse.Operations, FuseBackend):
"""Export archive as a FUSE filesystem
"""Export archive as a FUSE filesystem"""
def __init__(self, key, repository, manifest, args, decrypted_repository):
FuseBackend.__init__(self, key, manifest, repository, args, decrypted_repository)
self.decrypted_repository = decrypted_repository
data_cache_capacity = int(os.environ.get('BORG_MOUNT_DATA_CACHE_ENTRIES', os.cpu_count() or 1))
logger.debug('mount data cache capacity: %d chunks', data_cache_capacity)
data_cache_capacity = int(os.environ.get("BORG_MOUNT_DATA_CACHE_ENTRIES", os.cpu_count() or 1))
logger.debug("mount data cache capacity: %d chunks", data_cache_capacity)
self.data_cache = LRUCache(capacity=data_cache_capacity, dispose=lambda _: None)
self._last_pos = LRUCache(capacity=FILES, dispose=lambda _: None)
def sig_info_handler(self, sig_no, stack):
logger.debug('fuse: %d synth inodes, %d edges (%s)',
self.inode_count, len(self.parent),
# getsizeof is the size of the dict itself; key and value are two small-ish integers,
# which are shared due to code structure (this has been verified).
format_file_size(sys.getsizeof(self.parent) + len(self.parent) * sys.getsizeof(self.inode_count)))
logger.debug('fuse: %d pending archives', len(self.pending_archives))
logger.debug('fuse: ItemCache %d entries (%d direct, %d indirect), meta-array size %s, direct items size %s',
self.cache.direct_items + self.cache.indirect_items, self.cache.direct_items, self.cache.indirect_items,
logger.debug('fuse: data cache: %d/%d entries, %s', len(self.data_cache.items()), self.data_cache._capacity,
format_file_size(sum(len(chunk) for key, chunk in self.data_cache.items())))
"fuse: %d synth inodes, %d edges (%s)",
# getsizeof is the size of the dict itself; key and value are two small-ish integers,
# which are shared due to code structure (this has been verified).
format_file_size(sys.getsizeof(self.parent) + len(self.parent) * sys.getsizeof(self.inode_count)),
logger.debug("fuse: %d pending archives", len(self.pending_archives))
"fuse: ItemCache %d entries (%d direct, %d indirect), meta-array size %s, direct items size %s",
self.cache.direct_items + self.cache.indirect_items,
"fuse: data cache: %d/%d entries, %s",
format_file_size(sum(len(chunk) for key, chunk in self.data_cache.items())),
def mount(self, mountpoint, mount_options, foreground=False):
@ -475,25 +491,25 @@ def pop_option(options, key, present, not_present, wanted_type, int_base=0):
if option == key:
return present
if option.startswith(key + '='):
if option.startswith(key + "="):
value = option.split('=', 1)[1]
value = option.split("=", 1)[1]
if wanted_type is bool:
v = value.lower()
if v in ('y', 'yes', 'true', '1'):
if v in ("y", "yes", "true", "1"):
return True
if v in ('n', 'no', 'false', '0'):
if v in ("n", "no", "false", "0"):
return False
raise ValueError('unsupported value in option: %s' % option)
raise ValueError("unsupported value in option: %s" % option)
if wanted_type is int:
return int(value, base=int_base)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('unsupported value in option: %s' % option) from None
raise ValueError("unsupported value in option: %s" % option) from None
return wanted_type(value)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('unsupported value in option: %s' % option) from None
raise ValueError("unsupported value in option: %s" % option) from None
return not_present
@ -502,20 +518,20 @@ def pop_option(options, key, present, not_present, wanted_type, int_base=0):
# cause security issues if used with allow_other mount option.
# When not using allow_other or allow_root, access is limited to the
# mounting user anyway.
options = ['fsname=borgfs', 'ro', 'default_permissions']
options = ["fsname=borgfs", "ro", "default_permissions"]
if mount_options:
ignore_permissions = pop_option(options, 'ignore_permissions', True, False, bool)
ignore_permissions = pop_option(options, "ignore_permissions", True, False, bool)
if ignore_permissions:
# in case users have a use-case that requires NOT giving "default_permissions",
# this is enabled by the custom "ignore_permissions" mount option which just
# removes "default_permissions" again:
pop_option(options, 'default_permissions', True, False, bool)
self.allow_damaged_files = pop_option(options, 'allow_damaged_files', True, False, bool)
self.versions = pop_option(options, 'versions', True, False, bool)
self.uid_forced = pop_option(options, 'uid', None, None, int)
self.gid_forced = pop_option(options, 'gid', None, None, int)
self.umask = pop_option(options, 'umask', 0, 0, int, int_base=8) # umask is octal, e.g. 222 or 0222
pop_option(options, "default_permissions", True, False, bool)
self.allow_damaged_files = pop_option(options, "allow_damaged_files", True, False, bool)
self.versions = pop_option(options, "versions", True, False, bool)
self.uid_forced = pop_option(options, "uid", None, None, int)
self.gid_forced = pop_option(options, "gid", None, None, int)
self.umask = pop_option(options, "umask", 0, 0, int, int_base=8) # umask is octal, e.g. 222 or 0222
dir_uid = self.uid_forced if self.uid_forced is not None else self.default_uid
dir_gid = self.gid_forced if self.gid_forced is not None else self.default_gid
dir_user = uid2user(dir_uid)
@ -523,8 +539,9 @@ def pop_option(options, key, present, not_present, wanted_type, int_base=0):
assert isinstance(dir_user, str)
assert isinstance(dir_group, str)
dir_mode = 0o40755 & ~self.umask
self.default_dir = Item(mode=dir_mode, mtime=int(time.time() * 1e9),
user=dir_user, group=dir_group, uid=dir_uid, gid=dir_gid)
self.default_dir = Item(
mode=dir_mode, mtime=int(time.time() * 1e9), user=dir_user, group=dir_group, uid=dir_uid, gid=dir_gid
llfuse.init(self, mountpoint, options)
if not foreground:
@ -533,7 +550,7 @@ def pop_option(options, key, present, not_present, wanted_type, int_base=0):
with daemonizing() as (old_id, new_id):
# local repo: the locking process' PID is changing, migrate it:
logger.debug('fuse: mount local repo, going to background: migrating lock.')
logger.debug("fuse: mount local repo, going to background: migrating lock.")
self.repository_uncached.migrate_lock(old_id, new_id)
# If the file system crashes, we do not want to umount because in that
@ -543,11 +560,10 @@ def pop_option(options, key, present, not_present, wanted_type, int_base=0):
# mirror.
umount = False
with signal_handler('SIGUSR1', self.sig_info_handler), \
signal_handler('SIGINFO', self.sig_info_handler):
with signal_handler("SIGUSR1", self.sig_info_handler), signal_handler("SIGINFO", self.sig_info_handler):
signal = fuse_main()
# no crash and no signal (or it's ^C and we're in the foreground) -> umount request
umount = (signal is None or (signal == SIGINT and foreground))
umount = signal is None or (signal == SIGINT and foreground)
@ -573,19 +589,24 @@ def _getattr(self, inode, ctx=None):
entry.entry_timeout = 300
entry.attr_timeout = 300
entry.st_mode = item.mode & ~self.umask
entry.st_nlink = item.get('nlink', 1)
entry.st_uid, entry.st_gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=self.numeric_ids,
uid_default=self.default_uid, gid_default=self.default_gid,
uid_forced=self.uid_forced, gid_forced=self.gid_forced)
entry.st_rdev = item.get('rdev', 0)
entry.st_nlink = item.get("nlink", 1)
entry.st_uid, entry.st_gid = get_item_uid_gid(
entry.st_rdev = item.get("rdev", 0)
entry.st_size = item.get_size()
entry.st_blksize = 512
entry.st_blocks = (entry.st_size + entry.st_blksize - 1) // entry.st_blksize
# note: older archives only have mtime (not atime nor ctime)
entry.st_mtime_ns = mtime_ns = item.mtime
entry.st_atime_ns = item.get('atime', mtime_ns)
entry.st_ctime_ns = item.get('ctime', mtime_ns)
entry.st_birthtime_ns = item.get('birthtime', mtime_ns)
entry.st_atime_ns = item.get("atime", mtime_ns)
entry.st_ctime_ns = item.get("ctime", mtime_ns)
entry.st_birthtime_ns = item.get("birthtime", mtime_ns)
return entry
@ -595,22 +616,22 @@ def getattr(self, inode, ctx=None):
def listxattr(self, inode, ctx=None):
item = self.get_item(inode)
return item.get('xattrs', {}).keys()
return item.get("xattrs", {}).keys()
def getxattr(self, inode, name, ctx=None):
item = self.get_item(inode)
return item.get('xattrs', {})[name] or b''
return item.get("xattrs", {})[name] or b""
except KeyError:
raise llfuse.FUSEError(llfuse.ENOATTR) from None
def lookup(self, parent_inode, name, ctx=None):
if name == b'.':
if name == b".":
inode = parent_inode
elif name == b'..':
elif name == b"..":
inode = self.parent[parent_inode]
inode = self.contents[parent_inode].get(name)
@ -622,12 +643,14 @@ def lookup(self, parent_inode, name, ctx=None):
def open(self, inode, flags, ctx=None):
if not self.allow_damaged_files:
item = self.get_item(inode)
if 'chunks_healthy' in item:
if "chunks_healthy" in item:
# Processed archive items don't carry the path anymore; for converting the inode
# to the path we'd either have to store the inverse of the current structure,
# or search the entire archive. So we just don't print it. It's easy to correlate anyway.
logger.warning('File has damaged (all-zero) chunks. Try running borg check --repair. '
'Mount with allow_damaged_files to read damaged files.')
"File has damaged (all-zero) chunks. Try running borg check --repair. "
"Mount with allow_damaged_files to read damaged files."
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EIO)
return llfuse.FileInfo(fh=inode) if has_pyfuse3 else inode
@ -669,7 +692,7 @@ def read(self, fh, offset, size):
if offset + n < len(data):
# chunk was only partially read, cache it
self.data_cache[id] = data
parts.append(data[offset:offset + n])
parts.append(data[offset : offset + n])
offset = 0
size -= n
if not size:
@ -678,12 +701,13 @@ def read(self, fh, offset, size):
self._last_pos[fh] = (chunk_no, chunk_offset)
return b''.join(parts)
return b"".join(parts)
# note: we can't have a generator (with yield) and not a generator (async) in the same method
if has_pyfuse3:
async def readdir(self, fh, off, token):
entries = [(b'.', fh), (b'..', self.parent[fh])]
entries = [(b".", fh), (b"..", self.parent[fh])]
for i, (name, inode) in enumerate(entries[off:], off):
attrs = self._getattr(inode)
@ -691,8 +715,9 @@ async def readdir(self, fh, off, token):
def readdir(self, fh, off):
entries = [(b'.', fh), (b'..', self.parent[fh])]
entries = [(b".", fh), (b"..", self.parent[fh])]
for i, (name, inode) in enumerate(entries[off:], off):
attrs = self._getattr(inode)

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
import os
BORG_FUSE_IMPL = os.environ.get('BORG_FUSE_IMPL', 'pyfuse3,llfuse')
BORG_FUSE_IMPL = os.environ.get("BORG_FUSE_IMPL", "pyfuse3,llfuse")
for FUSE_IMPL in BORG_FUSE_IMPL.split(','):
for FUSE_IMPL in BORG_FUSE_IMPL.split(","):
if FUSE_IMPL == 'pyfuse3':
if FUSE_IMPL == "pyfuse3":
import pyfuse3 as llfuse
except ImportError:
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
has_llfuse = False
has_pyfuse3 = True
elif FUSE_IMPL == 'llfuse':
elif FUSE_IMPL == "llfuse":
import llfuse
except ImportError:
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
has_llfuse = True
has_pyfuse3 = False
elif FUSE_IMPL == 'none':
elif FUSE_IMPL == "none":
raise RuntimeError("unknown fuse implementation in BORG_FUSE_IMPL: '%s'" % BORG_FUSE_IMPL)

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
# generic mechanism to enable users to invoke workarounds by setting the
# BORG_WORKAROUNDS environment variable to a list of comma-separated strings.
# see the docs for a list of known workaround strings.
workarounds = tuple(os.environ.get('BORG_WORKAROUNDS', '').split(','))
workarounds = tuple(os.environ.get("BORG_WORKAROUNDS", "").split(","))
The global exit_code variable is used so that modules other than archiver can increase the program exit code if a

View File

@ -23,15 +23,16 @@ class ExtensionModuleError(Error):
def check_extension_modules():
from .. import platform, compress, crypto, item, chunker, hashindex
if hashindex.API_VERSION != '1.2_01':
if hashindex.API_VERSION != "1.2_01":
raise ExtensionModuleError
if chunker.API_VERSION != '1.2_01':
if chunker.API_VERSION != "1.2_01":
raise ExtensionModuleError
if compress.API_VERSION != '1.2_02':
if compress.API_VERSION != "1.2_02":
raise ExtensionModuleError
if crypto.low_level.API_VERSION != '1.3_01':
if crypto.low_level.API_VERSION != "1.3_01":
raise ExtensionModuleError
if item.API_VERSION != '1.2_01':
if item.API_VERSION != "1.2_01":
raise ExtensionModuleError
if platform.API_VERSION != platform.OS_API_VERSION or platform.API_VERSION != '1.2_05':
if platform.API_VERSION != platform.OS_API_VERSION or platform.API_VERSION != "1.2_05":
raise ExtensionModuleError

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
class StableDict(dict):
"""A dict subclass with stable items() ordering"""
def items(self):
return sorted(super().items())
@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ def __init__(self, allocator, size=4096, limit=None):
Initialize the buffer: use allocator(size) call to allocate a buffer.
Optionally, set the upper <limit> for the buffer size.
assert callable(allocator), 'must give alloc(size) function as first param'
assert limit is None or size <= limit, 'initial size must be <= limit'
assert callable(allocator), "must give alloc(size) function as first param"
assert limit is None or size <= limit, "initial size must be <= limit"
self.allocator = allocator
self.limit = limit
self.resize(size, init=True)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
class Error(Exception):
"""Error: {}"""
# Error base class
# if we raise such an Error and it is only caught by the uppermost
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ def get_message(self):
class ErrorWithTraceback(Error):
"""Error: {}"""
# like Error, but show a traceback also
traceback = True

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
from ..constants import * # NOQA
from ..logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
@ -50,32 +51,32 @@ def get_base_dir():
- ~$USER, if USER is set
- ~
base_dir = os.environ.get('BORG_BASE_DIR') or os.environ.get('HOME')
base_dir = os.environ.get("BORG_BASE_DIR") or os.environ.get("HOME")
# os.path.expanduser() behaves differently for '~' and '~someuser' as
# parameters: when called with an explicit username, the possibly set
# environment variable HOME is no longer respected. So we have to check if
# it is set and only expand the user's home directory if HOME is unset.
if not base_dir:
base_dir = os.path.expanduser('~%s' % os.environ.get('USER', ''))
base_dir = os.path.expanduser("~%s" % os.environ.get("USER", ""))
return base_dir
def get_keys_dir():
"""Determine where to repository keys and cache"""
keys_dir = os.environ.get('BORG_KEYS_DIR')
keys_dir = os.environ.get("BORG_KEYS_DIR")
if keys_dir is None:
# note: do not just give this as default to the environment.get(), see issue #5979.
keys_dir = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'keys')
keys_dir = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "keys")
return keys_dir
def get_security_dir(repository_id=None):
"""Determine where to store local security information."""
security_dir = os.environ.get('BORG_SECURITY_DIR')
security_dir = os.environ.get("BORG_SECURITY_DIR")
if security_dir is None:
# note: do not just give this as default to the environment.get(), see issue #5979.
security_dir = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'security')
security_dir = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "security")
if repository_id:
security_dir = os.path.join(security_dir, repository_id)
@ -85,22 +86,28 @@ def get_security_dir(repository_id=None):
def get_cache_dir():
"""Determine where to repository keys and cache"""
# Get cache home path
cache_home = os.path.join(get_base_dir(), '.cache')
cache_home = os.path.join(get_base_dir(), ".cache")
# Try to use XDG_CACHE_HOME instead if BORG_BASE_DIR isn't explicitly set
if not os.environ.get('BORG_BASE_DIR'):
cache_home = os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME', cache_home)
if not os.environ.get("BORG_BASE_DIR"):
cache_home = os.environ.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME", cache_home)
# Use BORG_CACHE_DIR if set, otherwise assemble final path from cache home path
cache_dir = os.environ.get('BORG_CACHE_DIR', os.path.join(cache_home, 'borg'))
cache_dir = os.environ.get("BORG_CACHE_DIR", os.path.join(cache_home, "borg"))
# Create path if it doesn't exist yet
cache_tag_fn = os.path.join(cache_dir, CACHE_TAG_NAME)
if not os.path.exists(cache_tag_fn):
cache_tag_contents = CACHE_TAG_CONTENTS + textwrap.dedent("""
cache_tag_contents = (
+ textwrap.dedent(
# This file is a cache directory tag created by Borg.
# For information about cache directory tags, see:
from ..platform import SaveFile
with SaveFile(cache_tag_fn, binary=True) as fd:
return cache_dir
@ -109,12 +116,12 @@ def get_cache_dir():
def get_config_dir():
"""Determine where to store whole config"""
# Get config home path
config_home = os.path.join(get_base_dir(), '.config')
config_home = os.path.join(get_base_dir(), ".config")
# Try to use XDG_CONFIG_HOME instead if BORG_BASE_DIR isn't explicitly set
if not os.environ.get('BORG_BASE_DIR'):
config_home = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', config_home)
if not os.environ.get("BORG_BASE_DIR"):
config_home = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", config_home)
# Use BORG_CONFIG_DIR if set, otherwise assemble final path from config home path
config_dir = os.environ.get('BORG_CONFIG_DIR', os.path.join(config_home, 'borg'))
config_dir = os.environ.get("BORG_CONFIG_DIR", os.path.join(config_home, "borg"))
# Create path if it doesn't exist yet
return config_dir
@ -130,7 +137,7 @@ def dir_is_cachedir(path):
tag_path = os.path.join(path, CACHE_TAG_NAME)
if os.path.exists(tag_path):
with open(tag_path, 'rb') as tag_file:
with open(tag_path, "rb") as tag_file:
tag_data =
if tag_data == CACHE_TAG_CONTENTS:
return True
@ -157,13 +164,12 @@ def dir_is_tagged(path, exclude_caches, exclude_if_present):
return tag_names
_safe_re = re.compile(r'^((\.\.)?/+)+')
_safe_re = re.compile(r"^((\.\.)?/+)+")
def make_path_safe(path):
"""Make path safe by making it relative and local
return _safe_re.sub('', path) or '.'
"""Make path safe by making it relative and local"""
return _safe_re.sub("", path) or "."
class HardLinkManager:
@ -189,6 +195,7 @@ class HardLinkManager:
For better hardlink support (including the very first hardlink item for each group of same-target hardlinks),
we would need a 2-pass processing, which is not yet implemented.
def __init__(self, *, id_type, info_type):
self._map = {}
self.id_type = id_type
@ -198,21 +205,21 @@ def borg1_hardlinkable(self, mode): # legacy
return stat.S_ISREG(mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(mode) or stat.S_ISCHR(mode) or stat.S_ISFIFO(mode)
def borg1_hardlink_master(self, item): # legacy
return item.get('hardlink_master', True) and 'source' not in item and self.borg1_hardlinkable(item.mode)
return item.get("hardlink_master", True) and "source" not in item and self.borg1_hardlinkable(item.mode)
def borg1_hardlink_slave(self, item): # legacy
return 'source' in item and self.borg1_hardlinkable(item.mode)
return "source" in item and self.borg1_hardlinkable(item.mode)
def hardlink_id_from_path(self, path):
"""compute a hardlink id from a path"""
assert isinstance(path, str)
return hashlib.sha256(path.encode('utf-8', errors='surrogateescape')).digest()
return hashlib.sha256(path.encode("utf-8", errors="surrogateescape")).digest()
def hardlink_id_from_inode(self, *, ino, dev):
"""compute a hardlink id from an inode"""
assert isinstance(ino, int)
assert isinstance(dev, int)
return hashlib.sha256(f'{ino}/{dev}'.encode()).digest()
return hashlib.sha256(f"{ino}/{dev}".encode()).digest()
def remember(self, *, id, info):
@ -243,7 +250,7 @@ def scandir_keyfunc(dirent):
return (0, dirent.inode())
except OSError as e:
# maybe a permission denied error while doing a stat() on the dirent
logger.debug('scandir_inorder: Unable to stat %s: %s', dirent.path, e)
logger.debug("scandir_inorder: Unable to stat %s: %s", dirent.path, e)
# order this dirent after all the others lexically by file name
# we may not break the whole scandir just because of an exception in one dirent
# ignore the exception for now, since another stat will be done later anyways
@ -268,7 +275,7 @@ def secure_erase(path, *, avoid_collateral_damage):
If avoid_collateral_damage is False, we always secure erase.
If there are hardlinks pointing to the same inode as <path>, they will contain random garbage afterwards.
with open(path, 'r+b') as fd:
with open(path, "r+b") as fd:
st = os.stat(fd.fileno())
if not (st.st_nlink > 1 and avoid_collateral_damage):
@ -303,7 +310,7 @@ def safe_unlink(path):
# no other hardlink! try to recover free space by truncating this file.
# Do not create *path* if it does not exist, open for truncation in r+b mode (=O_RDWR|O_BINARY).
with open(path, 'r+b') as fd:
with open(path, "r+b") as fd:
except OSError:
# truncate didn't work, so we still have the original unlink issue - give up:
@ -314,10 +321,10 @@ def safe_unlink(path):
def dash_open(path, mode):
assert '+' not in mode # the streams are either r or w, but never both
if path == '-':
stream = sys.stdin if 'r' in mode else sys.stdout
return stream.buffer if 'b' in mode else stream
assert "+" not in mode # the streams are either r or w, but never both
if path == "-":
stream = sys.stdin if "r" in mode else sys.stdout
return stream.buffer if "b" in mode else stream
return open(path, mode)
@ -325,17 +332,17 @@ def dash_open(path, mode):
def O_(*flags):
result = 0
for flag in flags:
result |= getattr(os, 'O_' + flag, 0)
result |= getattr(os, "O_" + flag, 0)
return result
flags_base = O_('BINARY', 'NOCTTY', 'RDONLY')
flags_special = flags_base | O_('NOFOLLOW') # BLOCK == wait when reading devices or fifos
flags_base = O_("BINARY", "NOCTTY", "RDONLY")
flags_special = flags_base | O_("NOFOLLOW") # BLOCK == wait when reading devices or fifos
flags_special_follow = flags_base # BLOCK == wait when reading symlinked devices or fifos
flags_normal = flags_base | O_('NONBLOCK', 'NOFOLLOW')
flags_noatime = flags_normal | O_('NOATIME')
flags_root = O_('RDONLY')
flags_dir = O_('DIRECTORY', 'RDONLY', 'NOFOLLOW')
flags_normal = flags_base | O_("NONBLOCK", "NOFOLLOW")
flags_noatime = flags_normal | O_("NOATIME")
flags_root = O_("RDONLY")
flags_dir = O_("DIRECTORY", "RDONLY", "NOFOLLOW")
def os_open(*, flags, path=None, parent_fd=None, name=None, noatime=False):
@ -362,7 +369,7 @@ def os_open(*, flags, path=None, parent_fd=None, name=None, noatime=False):
return None
_flags_normal = flags
if noatime:
_flags_noatime = _flags_normal | O_('NOATIME')
_flags_noatime = _flags_normal | O_("NOATIME")
# if we have O_NOATIME, this likely will succeed if we are root or owner of file:
fd =, _flags_noatime, dir_fd=parent_fd)
@ -375,7 +382,8 @@ def os_open(*, flags, path=None, parent_fd=None, name=None, noatime=False):
except OSError as exc:
# O_NOATIME causes EROFS when accessing a volume shadow copy in WSL1
from . import workarounds
if 'retry_erofs' in workarounds and exc.errno == errno.EROFS and _flags_noatime != _flags_normal:
if "retry_erofs" in workarounds and exc.errno == errno.EROFS and _flags_noatime != _flags_normal:
fd =, _flags_normal, dir_fd=parent_fd)
@ -407,6 +415,6 @@ def os_stat(*, path=None, parent_fd=None, name=None, follow_symlinks=False):
def umount(mountpoint):
env = prepare_subprocess_env(system=True)
return['fusermount', '-u', mountpoint], env=env)
return["fusermount", "-u", mountpoint], env=env)
except FileNotFoundError:
return['umount', mountpoint], env=env)
return["umount", mountpoint], env=env)

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
from .errors import Error
from ..logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
from .datastruct import StableDict
@ -26,10 +27,10 @@ class MandatoryFeatureUnsupported(Error):
"""Unsupported repository feature(s) {}. A newer version of borg is required to access this repository."""
ArchiveInfo = namedtuple('ArchiveInfo', 'name id ts')
ArchiveInfo = namedtuple("ArchiveInfo", "name id ts")
AI_HUMAN_SORT_KEYS = ['timestamp'] + list(ArchiveInfo._fields)
AI_HUMAN_SORT_KEYS = ["timestamp"] + list(ArchiveInfo._fields)
class Archives(abc.MutableMapping):
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ class Archives(abc.MutableMapping):
and we can deal with str keys (and it internally encodes to byte keys) and either
str timestamps or datetime timestamps.
def __init__(self):
# key: str archive name, value: dict('id': bytes_id, 'time': str_iso_ts)
self._archives = {}
@ -53,8 +55,8 @@ def __getitem__(self, name):
values = self._archives.get(name)
if values is None:
raise KeyError
ts = parse_timestamp(values['time'])
return ArchiveInfo(name=name, id=values['id'], ts=ts)
ts = parse_timestamp(values["time"])
return ArchiveInfo(name=name, id=values["id"], ts=ts)
def __setitem__(self, name, info):
assert isinstance(name, str)
@ -64,13 +66,15 @@ def __setitem__(self, name, info):
if isinstance(ts, datetime):
ts = ts.replace(tzinfo=None).strftime(ISO_FORMAT)
assert isinstance(ts, str)
self._archives[name] = {'id': id, 'time': ts}
self._archives[name] = {"id": id, "time": ts}
def __delitem__(self, name):
assert isinstance(name, str)
del self._archives[name]
def list(self, *, glob=None, match_end=r'\Z', sort_by=(), consider_checkpoints=True, first=None, last=None, reverse=False):
def list(
self, *, glob=None, match_end=r"\Z", sort_by=(), consider_checkpoints=True, first=None, last=None, reverse=False
Return list of ArchiveInfo instances according to the parameters.
@ -84,17 +88,17 @@ def list(self, *, glob=None, match_end=r'\Z', sort_by=(), consider_checkpoints=T
some callers EXPECT to iterate over all archives in a repo for correct operation.
if isinstance(sort_by, (str, bytes)):
raise TypeError('sort_by must be a sequence of str')
regex = re.compile(shellpattern.translate(glob or '*', match_end=match_end))
raise TypeError("sort_by must be a sequence of str")
regex = re.compile(shellpattern.translate(glob or "*", match_end=match_end))
archives = [x for x in self.values() if regex.match( is not None]
if not consider_checkpoints:
archives = [x for x in archives if '.checkpoint' not in]
archives = [x for x in archives if ".checkpoint" not in]
for sortkey in reversed(sort_by):
if first:
archives = archives[:first]
elif last:
archives = archives[max(len(archives) - last, 0):]
archives = archives[max(len(archives) - last, 0) :]
if reverse:
return archives
@ -103,17 +107,25 @@ def list_considering(self, args):
get a list of archives, considering --first/last/prefix/glob-archives/sort/consider-checkpoints cmdline args
name = getattr(args, 'name', None)
consider_checkpoints = getattr(args, 'consider_checkpoints', None)
name = getattr(args, "name", None)
consider_checkpoints = getattr(args, "consider_checkpoints", None)
if name is not None:
raise Error('Giving a specific name is incompatible with options --first, --last, -a / --glob-archives, and --consider-checkpoints.')
return self.list(sort_by=args.sort_by.split(','), consider_checkpoints=consider_checkpoints, glob=args.glob_archives, first=args.first, last=args.last)
raise Error(
"Giving a specific name is incompatible with options --first, --last, -a / --glob-archives, and --consider-checkpoints."
return self.list(
def set_raw_dict(self, d):
"""set the dict we get from the msgpack unpacker"""
for k, v in d.items():
assert isinstance(k, str)
assert isinstance(v, dict) and 'id' in v and 'time' in v
assert isinstance(v, dict) and "id" in v and "time" in v
self._archives[k] = v
def get_raw_dict(self):
@ -122,7 +134,6 @@ def get_raw_dict(self):
class Manifest:
class Operation(enum.Enum):
# The comments here only roughly describe the scope of each feature. In the end, additions need to be
@ -133,25 +144,25 @@ class Operation(enum.Enum):
# The READ operation describes which features are needed to safely list and extract the archives in the
# repository.
READ = 'read'
READ = "read"
# The CHECK operation is for all operations that need either to understand every detail
# of the repository (for consistency checks and repairs) or are seldom used functions that just
# should use the most restrictive feature set because more fine grained compatibility tracking is
# not needed.
CHECK = 'check'
CHECK = "check"
# The WRITE operation is for adding archives. Features here ensure that older clients don't add archives
# in an old format, or is used to lock out clients that for other reasons can no longer safely add new
# archives.
WRITE = 'write'
WRITE = "write"
# The DELETE operation is for all operations (like archive deletion) that need a 100% correct reference
# count and the need to be able to find all (directly and indirectly) referenced chunks of a given archive.
DELETE = 'delete'
DELETE = "delete"
MANIFEST_ID = b'\0' * 32
MANIFEST_ID = b"\0" * 32
def __init__(self, key, repository, item_keys=None):
self.archives = Archives()
@ -175,6 +186,7 @@ def load(cls, repository, operations, key=None, force_tam_not_required=False):
from ..item import ManifestItem
from ..crypto.key import key_factory, tam_required_file, tam_required
from ..repository import Repository
cdata = repository.get(cls.MANIFEST_ID)
except Repository.ObjectNotFound:
@ -183,26 +195,28 @@ def load(cls, repository, operations, key=None, force_tam_not_required=False):
key = key_factory(repository, cdata)
manifest = cls(key, repository)
data = key.decrypt(cls.MANIFEST_ID, cdata)
manifest_dict, manifest.tam_verified = key.unpack_and_verify_manifest(data, force_tam_not_required=force_tam_not_required)
manifest_dict, manifest.tam_verified = key.unpack_and_verify_manifest(
data, force_tam_not_required=force_tam_not_required
m = ManifestItem(internal_dict=manifest_dict) = key.id_hash(data)
if m.get('version') not in (1, 2):
raise ValueError('Invalid manifest version')
if m.get("version") not in (1, 2):
raise ValueError("Invalid manifest version")
manifest.timestamp = m.get('timestamp')
manifest.timestamp = m.get("timestamp")
manifest.config = m.config
# valid item keys are whatever is known in the repo or every key we know
manifest.item_keys = ITEM_KEYS | frozenset(m.get('item_keys', []))
manifest.item_keys = ITEM_KEYS | frozenset(m.get("item_keys", []))
if manifest.tam_verified:
manifest_required = manifest.config.get('tam_required', False)
manifest_required = manifest.config.get("tam_required", False)
security_required = tam_required(repository)
if manifest_required and not security_required:
logger.debug('Manifest is TAM verified and says TAM is required, updating security database...')
logger.debug("Manifest is TAM verified and says TAM is required, updating security database...")
file = tam_required_file(repository)
open(file, 'w').close()
open(file, "w").close()
if not manifest_required and security_required:
logger.debug('Manifest is TAM verified and says TAM is *not* required, updating security database...')
logger.debug("Manifest is TAM verified and says TAM is *not* required, updating security database...")
return manifest, key
@ -210,32 +224,33 @@ def load(cls, repository, operations, key=None, force_tam_not_required=False):
def check_repository_compatibility(self, operations):
for operation in operations:
assert isinstance(operation, self.Operation)
feature_flags = self.config.get('feature_flags', None)
feature_flags = self.config.get("feature_flags", None)
if feature_flags is None:
if operation.value not in feature_flags:
requirements = feature_flags[operation.value]
if 'mandatory' in requirements:
unsupported = set(requirements['mandatory']) - self.SUPPORTED_REPO_FEATURES
if "mandatory" in requirements:
unsupported = set(requirements["mandatory"]) - self.SUPPORTED_REPO_FEATURES
if unsupported:
raise MandatoryFeatureUnsupported(list(unsupported))
def get_all_mandatory_features(self):
result = {}
feature_flags = self.config.get('feature_flags', None)
feature_flags = self.config.get("feature_flags", None)
if feature_flags is None:
return result
for operation, requirements in feature_flags.items():
if 'mandatory' in requirements:
result[operation] = set(requirements['mandatory'])
if "mandatory" in requirements:
result[operation] = set(requirements["mandatory"])
return result
def write(self):
from ..item import ManifestItem
if self.key.tam_required:
self.config['tam_required'] = True
self.config["tam_required"] = True
# self.timestamp needs to be strictly monotonically increasing. Clocks often are not set correctly
if self.timestamp is None:
self.timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime(ISO_FORMAT)

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
from operator import attrgetter
from ..logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
from .time import to_localtime
@ -30,15 +31,17 @@ def prune_within(archives, hours, kept_because):
return result
("secondly", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
("minutely", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
("hourly", '%Y-%m-%d %H'),
("daily", '%Y-%m-%d'),
("weekly", '%G-%V'),
("monthly", '%Y-%m'),
("yearly", '%Y'),
("secondly", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
("minutely", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
("hourly", "%Y-%m-%d %H"),
("daily", "%Y-%m-%d"),
("weekly", "%G-%V"),
("monthly", "%Y-%m"),
("yearly", "%Y"),
def prune_split(archives, rule, n, kept_because=None):
@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ def prune_split(archives, rule, n, kept_because=None):
return keep
a = None
for a in sorted(archives, key=attrgetter('ts'), reverse=True):
for a in sorted(archives, key=attrgetter("ts"), reverse=True):
period = to_localtime(a.ts).strftime(pattern)
if period != last:
last = period
@ -63,14 +66,14 @@ def prune_split(archives, rule, n, kept_because=None):
# Keep oldest archive if we didn't reach the target retention count
if a is not None and len(keep) < n and not in kept_because:
kept_because[] = (rule+"[oldest]", len(keep))
kept_because[] = (rule + "[oldest]", len(keep))
return keep
def sysinfo():
show_sysinfo = os.environ.get('BORG_SHOW_SYSINFO', 'yes').lower()
if show_sysinfo == 'no':
return ''
show_sysinfo = os.environ.get("BORG_SHOW_SYSINFO", "yes").lower()
if show_sysinfo == "no":
return ""
python_implementation = platform.python_implementation()
python_version = platform.python_version()
@ -80,30 +83,34 @@ def sysinfo():
uname = os.uname()
except AttributeError:
uname = None
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
linux_distribution = ('Unknown Linux', '', '')
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
linux_distribution = ("Unknown Linux", "", "")
linux_distribution = None
msgpack_version = '.'.join(str(v) for v in msgpack.version)
msgpack_version = ".".join(str(v) for v in msgpack.version)
msgpack_version = 'unknown'
msgpack_version = "unknown"
from ..fuse_impl import llfuse, BORG_FUSE_IMPL
llfuse_name = llfuse.__name__ if llfuse else 'None'
llfuse_version = (' %s' % llfuse.__version__) if llfuse else ''
llfuse_info = f'{llfuse_name}{llfuse_version} [{BORG_FUSE_IMPL}]'
llfuse_name = llfuse.__name__ if llfuse else "None"
llfuse_version = (" %s" % llfuse.__version__) if llfuse else ""
llfuse_info = f"{llfuse_name}{llfuse_version} [{BORG_FUSE_IMPL}]"
info = []
if uname is not None:
info.append('Platform: {}'.format(' '.join(uname)))
info.append("Platform: {}".format(" ".join(uname)))
if linux_distribution is not None:
info.append('Linux: %s %s %s' % linux_distribution)
info.append('Borg: {} Python: {} {} msgpack: {} fuse: {}'.format(
borg_version, python_implementation, python_version, msgpack_version, llfuse_info))
info.append('PID: %d CWD: %s' % (os.getpid(), os.getcwd()))
info.append('sys.argv: %r' % sys.argv)
info.append('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND: %r' % os.environ.get('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND'))
return '\n'.join(info)
info.append("Linux: %s %s %s" % linux_distribution)
"Borg: {} Python: {} {} msgpack: {} fuse: {}".format(
borg_version, python_implementation, python_version, msgpack_version, llfuse_info
info.append("PID: %d CWD: %s" % (os.getpid(), os.getcwd()))
info.append("sys.argv: %r" % sys.argv)
info.append("SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND: %r" % os.environ.get("SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"))
return "\n".join(info)
def log_multi(*msgs, level=logging.INFO, logger=logger):
@ -133,7 +140,7 @@ def __init__(self, chunk_iterator, read_callback=None):
self.chunk_iterator = chunk_iterator
self.chunk_offset = 0
self.chunk = b''
self.chunk = b""
self.exhausted = False
self.read_callback = read_callback
@ -152,11 +159,11 @@ def _refill(self):
def _read(self, nbytes):
if not nbytes:
return b''
return b""
remaining = self._refill()
will_read = min(remaining, nbytes)
self.chunk_offset += will_read
return self.chunk[self.chunk_offset - will_read:self.chunk_offset]
return self.chunk[self.chunk_offset - will_read : self.chunk_offset]
def read(self, nbytes):
parts = []
@ -166,7 +173,7 @@ def read(self, nbytes):
if self.read_callback:
return b''.join(parts)
return b"".join(parts)
def open_item(archive, item):
@ -207,7 +214,7 @@ def read(self, n):
except OSError:
return ''
return ""
def write(self, s):
if not self.closed:
@ -225,8 +232,8 @@ def iter_separated(fd, sep=None, read_size=4096):
"""Iter over chunks of open file ``fd`` delimited by ``sep``. Doesn't trim."""
buf =
is_str = isinstance(buf, str)
part = '' if is_str else b''
sep = sep or ('\n' if is_str else b'\n')
part = "" if is_str else b""
sep = sep or ("\n" if is_str else b"\n")
while len(buf) > 0:
part2, *items = buf.split(sep)
*full, part = (part + part2, *items)
@ -240,17 +247,17 @@ def iter_separated(fd, sep=None, read_size=4096):
def get_tar_filter(fname, decompress):
# Note that filter is None if fname is '-'.
if fname.endswith(('.tar.gz', '.tgz')):
filter = 'gzip -d' if decompress else 'gzip'
elif fname.endswith(('.tar.bz2', '.tbz')):
filter = 'bzip2 -d' if decompress else 'bzip2'
elif fname.endswith(('.tar.xz', '.txz')):
filter = 'xz -d' if decompress else 'xz'
elif fname.endswith(('.tar.lz4', )):
filter = 'lz4 -d' if decompress else 'lz4'
elif fname.endswith(('.tar.zstd', )):
filter = 'zstd -d' if decompress else 'zstd'
if fname.endswith((".tar.gz", ".tgz")):
filter = "gzip -d" if decompress else "gzip"
elif fname.endswith((".tar.bz2", ".tbz")):
filter = "bzip2 -d" if decompress else "bzip2"
elif fname.endswith((".tar.xz", ".txz")):
filter = "xz -d" if decompress else "xz"
elif fname.endswith((".tar.lz4",)):
filter = "lz4 -d" if decompress else "lz4"
elif fname.endswith((".tar.zstd",)):
filter = "zstd -d" if decompress else "zstd"
filter = None
logger.debug('Automatically determined tar filter: %s', filter)
logger.debug("Automatically determined tar filter: %s", filter)
return filter

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
RAW = False
UNICODE_ERRORS = 'surrogateescape'
UNICODE_ERRORS = "surrogateescape"
class PackException(Exception):
@ -76,13 +76,25 @@ class UnpackException(Exception):
class Packer(mp_Packer):
def __init__(self, *, default=None, unicode_errors=UNICODE_ERRORS,
use_single_float=False, autoreset=True, use_bin_type=USE_BIN_TYPE,
def __init__(
assert unicode_errors == UNICODE_ERRORS
super().__init__(default=default, unicode_errors=unicode_errors,
use_single_float=use_single_float, autoreset=autoreset, use_bin_type=use_bin_type,
def pack(self, obj):
@ -108,18 +120,36 @@ def pack(o, stream, *, use_bin_type=USE_BIN_TYPE, unicode_errors=UNICODE_ERRORS,
class Unpacker(mp_Unpacker):
def __init__(self, file_like=None, *, read_size=0, use_list=True, raw=RAW,
object_hook=None, object_pairs_hook=None, list_hook=None,
unicode_errors=UNICODE_ERRORS, max_buffer_size=0,
def __init__(
assert raw == RAW
assert unicode_errors == UNICODE_ERRORS
kw = dict(file_like=file_like, read_size=read_size, use_list=use_list, raw=raw,
object_hook=object_hook, object_pairs_hook=object_pairs_hook, list_hook=list_hook,
unicode_errors=unicode_errors, max_buffer_size=max_buffer_size,
kw = dict(
def unpack(self):
@ -141,28 +171,22 @@ def __next__(self):
next = __next__
def unpackb(packed, *, raw=RAW, unicode_errors=UNICODE_ERRORS,
def unpackb(packed, *, raw=RAW, unicode_errors=UNICODE_ERRORS, strict_map_key=False, **kwargs):
assert raw == RAW
assert unicode_errors == UNICODE_ERRORS
kw = dict(raw=raw, unicode_errors=unicode_errors,
kw = dict(raw=raw, unicode_errors=unicode_errors, strict_map_key=strict_map_key)
return mp_unpackb(packed, **kw)
except Exception as e:
raise UnpackException(e)
def unpack(stream, *, raw=RAW, unicode_errors=UNICODE_ERRORS,
def unpack(stream, *, raw=RAW, unicode_errors=UNICODE_ERRORS, strict_map_key=False, **kwargs):
assert raw == RAW
assert unicode_errors == UNICODE_ERRORS
kw = dict(raw=raw, unicode_errors=unicode_errors,
kw = dict(raw=raw, unicode_errors=unicode_errors, strict_map_key=strict_map_key)
return mp_unpack(stream, **kw)
except Exception as e:
@ -171,32 +195,34 @@ def unpack(stream, *, raw=RAW, unicode_errors=UNICODE_ERRORS,
# msgpacking related utilities -----------------------------------------------
def is_slow_msgpack():
import msgpack
import msgpack.fallback
return msgpack.Packer is msgpack.fallback.Packer
def is_supported_msgpack():
# DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE! See also requirements and comments in
import msgpack
return (1, 0, 3) <= msgpack.version <= (1, 0, 4) and \
msgpack.version not in [] # < add bad releases here to deny list
return (1, 0, 3) <= msgpack.version <= (
) and msgpack.version not in [] # < add bad releases here to deny list
def get_limited_unpacker(kind):
"""return a limited Unpacker because we should not trust msgpack data received from remote"""
# Note: msgpack >= 0.6.1 auto-computes DoS-safe max values from len(data) for
# unpack(data) or from max_buffer_size for Unpacker(max_buffer_size=N).
args = dict(use_list=False, # return tuples, not lists
max_buffer_size=3 * max(BUFSIZE, MAX_OBJECT_SIZE),
if kind in ('server', 'client'):
args = dict(use_list=False, max_buffer_size=3 * max(BUFSIZE, MAX_OBJECT_SIZE)) # return tuples, not lists
if kind in ("server", "client"):
pass # nothing special
elif kind in ('manifest', 'key'):
args.update(dict(use_list=True, # default value
elif kind in ("manifest", "key"):
args.update(dict(use_list=True, object_hook=StableDict)) # default value
raise ValueError('kind must be "server", "client", "manifest" or "key"')
return Unpacker(**args)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
from string import Formatter
from ..logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
from .errors import Error
@ -28,34 +29,34 @@
def bin_to_hex(binary):
return hexlify(binary).decode('ascii')
return hexlify(binary).decode("ascii")
def safe_decode(s, coding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape'):
def safe_decode(s, coding="utf-8", errors="surrogateescape"):
"""decode bytes to str, with round-tripping "invalid" bytes"""
if s is None:
return None
return s.decode(coding, errors)
def safe_encode(s, coding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape'):
def safe_encode(s, coding="utf-8", errors="surrogateescape"):
"""encode str to bytes, with round-tripping "invalid" bytes"""
if s is None:
return None
return s.encode(coding, errors)
def remove_surrogates(s, errors='replace'):
def remove_surrogates(s, errors="replace"):
"""Replace surrogates generated by fsdecode with '?'"""
return s.encode('utf-8', errors).decode('utf-8')
return s.encode("utf-8", errors).decode("utf-8")
def eval_escapes(s):
"""Evaluate literal escape sequences in a string (eg `\\n` -> `\n`)."""
return s.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace').decode('unicode-escape')
return s.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace").decode("unicode-escape")
def decode_dict(d, keys, encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape'):
def decode_dict(d, keys, encoding="utf-8", errors="surrogateescape"):
for key in keys:
if isinstance(d.get(key), bytes):
d[key] = d[key].decode(encoding, errors)
@ -66,13 +67,13 @@ def positive_int_validator(value):
"""argparse type for positive integers"""
int_value = int(value)
if int_value <= 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('A positive integer is required: %s' % value)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("A positive integer is required: %s" % value)
return int_value
def interval(s):
"""Convert a string representing a valid interval to a number of hours."""
multiplier = {'H': 1, 'd': 24, 'w': 24 * 7, 'm': 24 * 31, 'y': 24 * 365}
multiplier = {"H": 1, "d": 24, "w": 24 * 7, "m": 24 * 31, "y": 24 * 365}
if s.endswith(tuple(multiplier.keys())):
number = s[:-1]
@ -80,8 +81,7 @@ def interval(s):
# range suffixes in ascending multiplier order
ranges = [k for k, v in sorted(multiplier.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])]
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
f'Unexpected interval time unit "{s[-1]}": expected one of {ranges!r}')
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'Unexpected interval time unit "{s[-1]}": expected one of {ranges!r}')
hours = int(number) * multiplier[suffix]
@ -89,17 +89,16 @@ def interval(s):
hours = -1
if hours <= 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
'Unexpected interval number "%s": expected an integer greater than 0' % number)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Unexpected interval number "%s": expected an integer greater than 0' % number)
return hours
def ChunkerParams(s):
params = s.strip().split(',')
params = s.strip().split(",")
count = len(params)
if count == 0:
raise ValueError('no chunker params given')
raise ValueError("no chunker params given")
algo = params[0].lower()
if algo == CH_FIXED and 2 <= count <= 3: # fixed, block_size[, header_size]
block_size = int(params[1])
@ -110,36 +109,36 @@ def ChunkerParams(s):
# or in-memory chunk management.
# choose the block (chunk) size wisely: if you have a lot of data and you cut
# it into very small chunks, you are asking for trouble!
raise ValueError('block_size must not be less than 64 Bytes')
raise ValueError("block_size must not be less than 64 Bytes")
if block_size > MAX_DATA_SIZE or header_size > MAX_DATA_SIZE:
raise ValueError('block_size and header_size must not exceed MAX_DATA_SIZE [%d]' % MAX_DATA_SIZE)
raise ValueError("block_size and header_size must not exceed MAX_DATA_SIZE [%d]" % MAX_DATA_SIZE)
return algo, block_size, header_size
if algo == 'default' and count == 1: # default
if algo == "default" and count == 1: # default
# this must stay last as it deals with old-style compat mode (no algorithm, 4 params, buzhash):
if algo == CH_BUZHASH and count == 5 or count == 4: # [buzhash, ]chunk_min, chunk_max, chunk_mask, window_size
chunk_min, chunk_max, chunk_mask, window_size = (int(p) for p in params[count - 4:])
chunk_min, chunk_max, chunk_mask, window_size = (int(p) for p in params[count - 4 :])
if not (chunk_min <= chunk_mask <= chunk_max):
raise ValueError('required: chunk_min <= chunk_mask <= chunk_max')
raise ValueError("required: chunk_min <= chunk_mask <= chunk_max")
if chunk_min < 6:
# see comment in 'fixed' algo check
raise ValueError('min. chunk size exponent must not be less than 6 (2^6 = 64B min. chunk size)')
raise ValueError("min. chunk size exponent must not be less than 6 (2^6 = 64B min. chunk size)")
if chunk_max > 23:
raise ValueError('max. chunk size exponent must not be more than 23 (2^23 = 8MiB max. chunk size)')
raise ValueError("max. chunk size exponent must not be more than 23 (2^23 = 8MiB max. chunk size)")
return CH_BUZHASH, chunk_min, chunk_max, chunk_mask, window_size
raise ValueError('invalid chunker params')
raise ValueError("invalid chunker params")
def FilesCacheMode(s):
ENTRIES_MAP = dict(ctime='c', mtime='m', size='s', inode='i', rechunk='r', disabled='d')
VALID_MODES = ('cis', 'ims', 'cs', 'ms', 'cr', 'mr', 'd', 's') # letters in alpha order
entries = set(s.strip().split(','))
ENTRIES_MAP = dict(ctime="c", mtime="m", size="s", inode="i", rechunk="r", disabled="d")
VALID_MODES = ("cis", "ims", "cs", "ms", "cr", "mr", "d", "s") # letters in alpha order
entries = set(s.strip().split(","))
if not entries <= set(ENTRIES_MAP):
raise ValueError('cache mode must be a comma-separated list of: %s' % ','.join(sorted(ENTRIES_MAP)))
raise ValueError("cache mode must be a comma-separated list of: %s" % ",".join(sorted(ENTRIES_MAP)))
short_entries = {ENTRIES_MAP[entry] for entry in entries}
mode = ''.join(sorted(short_entries))
mode = "".join(sorted(short_entries))
if mode not in VALID_MODES:
raise ValueError('cache mode short must be one of: %s' % ','.join(VALID_MODES))
raise ValueError("cache mode short must be one of: %s" % ",".join(VALID_MODES))
return mode
@ -151,9 +150,9 @@ def partial_format(format, mapping):
for key, value in mapping.items():
key = re.escape(key)
format = re.sub(fr'(?<!\{{)((\{{{key}\}})|(\{{{key}:[^\}}]*\}}))',
lambda match:,
format = re.sub(
rf"(?<!\{{)((\{{{key}\}})|(\{{{key}:[^\}}]*\}}))", lambda match:, format
return format
@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ def __init__(self, dt):
self.dt = dt
def __format__(self, format_spec):
if format_spec == '':
if format_spec == "":
format_spec = ISO_FORMAT_NO_USECS
return self.dt.__format__(format_spec)
@ -190,20 +189,21 @@ def format_line(format, data):
def replace_placeholders(text, overrides={}):
"""Replace placeholders in text with their values."""
from ..platform import fqdn, hostname, getosusername
current_time =
data = {
'pid': os.getpid(),
'fqdn': fqdn,
'reverse-fqdn': '.'.join(reversed(fqdn.split('.'))),
'hostname': hostname,
'now': DatetimeWrapper(current_time.astimezone(None)),
'utcnow': DatetimeWrapper(current_time),
'user': getosusername(),
'uuid4': str(uuid.uuid4()),
'borgversion': borg_version,
'borgmajor': '%d' % borg_version_tuple[:1],
'borgminor': '%d.%d' % borg_version_tuple[:2],
'borgpatch': '%d.%d.%d' % borg_version_tuple[:3],
"pid": os.getpid(),
"fqdn": fqdn,
"reverse-fqdn": ".".join(reversed(fqdn.split("."))),
"hostname": hostname,
"now": DatetimeWrapper(current_time.astimezone(None)),
"utcnow": DatetimeWrapper(current_time),
"user": getosusername(),
"uuid4": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"borgversion": borg_version,
"borgmajor": "%d" % borg_version_tuple[:1],
"borgminor": "%d.%d" % borg_version_tuple[:2],
"borgpatch": "%d.%d.%d" % borg_version_tuple[:3],
return format_line(text, data)
@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ def replace_placeholders(text, overrides={}):
def SortBySpec(text):
from .manifest import AI_HUMAN_SORT_KEYS
for token in text.split(','):
for token in text.split(","):
if token not in AI_HUMAN_SORT_KEYS:
raise ValueError('Invalid sort key: %s' % token)
return text.replace('timestamp', 'ts')
raise ValueError("Invalid sort key: %s" % token)
return text.replace("timestamp", "ts")
def format_file_size(v, precision=2, sign=False, iec=False):
"""Format file size into a human friendly format
"""Format file size into a human friendly format"""
fn = sizeof_fmt_iec if iec else sizeof_fmt_decimal
return fn(v, suffix='B', sep=' ', precision=precision, sign=sign)
return fn(v, suffix="B", sep=" ", precision=precision, sign=sign)
class FileSize(int):
@ -250,22 +250,16 @@ def parse_file_size(s):
suffix = s[-1]
power = 1000
factor = {
'K': power,
'M': power**2,
'G': power**3,
'T': power**4,
'P': power**5,
factor = {"K": power, "M": power**2, "G": power**3, "T": power**4, "P": power**5}[suffix]
s = s[:-1]
except KeyError:
factor = 1
return int(float(s) * factor)
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B', units=None, power=None, sep='', precision=2, sign=False):
sign = '+' if sign and num > 0 else ''
fmt = '{0:{1}.{2}f}{3}{4}{5}'
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix="B", units=None, power=None, sep="", precision=2, sign=False):
sign = "+" if sign and num > 0 else ""
fmt = "{0:{1}.{2}f}{3}{4}{5}"
prec = 0
for unit in units[:-1]:
if abs(round(num, precision)) < power:
@ -277,27 +271,37 @@ def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B', units=None, power=None, sep='', precision=2, sig
return fmt.format(num, sign, prec, sep, unit, suffix)
def sizeof_fmt_iec(num, suffix='B', sep='', precision=2, sign=False):
return sizeof_fmt(num, suffix=suffix, sep=sep, precision=precision, sign=sign,
units=['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi'], power=1024)
def sizeof_fmt_iec(num, suffix="B", sep="", precision=2, sign=False):
return sizeof_fmt(
units=["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi"],
def sizeof_fmt_decimal(num, suffix='B', sep='', precision=2, sign=False):
return sizeof_fmt(num, suffix=suffix, sep=sep, precision=precision, sign=sign,
units=['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'], power=1000)
def sizeof_fmt_decimal(num, suffix="B", sep="", precision=2, sign=False):
return sizeof_fmt(
units=["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"],
def format_archive(archive):
return '%-36s %s [%s]' % (,
return "%-36s %s [%s]" % (, format_time(to_localtime(archive.ts)), bin_to_hex(
def parse_stringified_list(s):
l = re.split(" *, *", s)
return [item for item in l if item != '']
return [item for item in l if item != ""]
class Location:
@ -343,28 +347,42 @@ class Location:
# regexes for misc. kinds of supported location specifiers:
ssh_re = re.compile(r"""
ssh_re = re.compile(
(?P<proto>ssh):// # ssh://
""" + optional_user_re + host_re + r""" # user@ (optional), host name or address
+ optional_user_re
+ host_re
+ r""" # user@ (optional), host name or address
(?::(?P<port>\d+))? # :port (optional)
""" + abs_path_re, re.VERBOSE) # path
+ abs_path_re,
) # path
file_re = re.compile(r"""
file_re = re.compile(
(?P<proto>file):// # file://
""" + file_path_re, re.VERBOSE) # servername/path or path
+ file_path_re,
) # servername/path or path
local_re = re.compile(local_path_re, re.VERBOSE) # local path
local_re = re.compile(local_path_re, re.VERBOSE) # local path
win_file_re = re.compile(r"""
win_file_re = re.compile(
(?:file://)? # optional file protocol
(?:[a-zA-Z]:)? # Drive letter followed by a colon (optional)
(?:[^:]+) # Anything which does not contain a :, at least one character
""", re.VERBOSE)
def __init__(self, text='', overrides={}, other=False):
self.repo_env_var = 'BORG_OTHER_REPO' if other else 'BORG_REPO'
def __init__(self, text="", overrides={}, other=False):
self.repo_env_var = "BORG_OTHER_REPO" if other else "BORG_REPO"
self.valid = False
self.proto = None
self.user = None
@ -393,15 +411,15 @@ def parse(self, text, overrides={}):
def _parse(self, text):
def normpath_special(p):
# avoid that normpath strips away our relative path hack and even makes p absolute
relative = p.startswith('/./')
relative = p.startswith("/./")
p = os.path.normpath(p)
return ('/.' + p) if relative else p
return ("/." + p) if relative else p
if is_win32:
m = self.win_file_re.match(text)
if m:
self.proto = 'file'
self.path ='path')
self.proto = "file"
self.path ="path")
return True
# On windows we currently only support windows paths.
@ -409,38 +427,38 @@ def normpath_special(p):
m = self.ssh_re.match(text)
if m:
self.proto ='proto')
self.user ='user')
self._host ='host')
self.port ='port') and int('port')) or None
self.path = normpath_special('path'))
self.proto ="proto")
self.user ="user")
self._host ="host")
self.port ="port") and int("port")) or None
self.path = normpath_special("path"))
return True
m = self.file_re.match(text)
if m:
self.proto ='proto')
self.path = normpath_special('path'))
self.proto ="proto")
self.path = normpath_special("path"))
return True
m = self.local_re.match(text)
if m:
self.proto = 'file'
self.path = normpath_special('path'))
self.proto = "file"
self.path = normpath_special("path"))
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
items = [
'proto=%r' % self.proto,
'user=%r' % self.user,
'host=%r' %,
'port=%r' % self.port,
'path=%r' % self.path,
"proto=%r" % self.proto,
"user=%r" % self.user,
"host=%r" %,
"port=%r" % self.port,
"path=%r" % self.path,
return ', '.join(items)
return ", ".join(items)
def to_key_filename(self):
name = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', self.path).strip('_')
if self.proto != 'file':
name = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', + '__' + name
name = re.sub(r"[^\w]", "_", self.path).strip("_")
if self.proto != "file":
name = re.sub(r"[^\w]", "_", + "__" + name
if len(name) > 100:
# Limit file names to some reasonable length. Most file systems
# limit them to 255 [unit of choice]; due to variations in unicode
@ -455,28 +473,30 @@ def __repr__(self):
def host(self):
# strip square brackets used for IPv6 addrs
if self._host is not None:
return self._host.lstrip('[').rstrip(']')
return self._host.lstrip("[").rstrip("]")
def canonical_path(self):
if self.proto == 'file':
if self.proto == "file":
return self.path
if self.path and self.path.startswith('~'):
path = '/' + self.path # /~/x = path x relative to home dir
elif self.path and not self.path.startswith('/'):
path = '/./' + self.path # /./x = path x relative to cwd
if self.path and self.path.startswith("~"):
path = "/" + self.path # /~/x = path x relative to home dir
elif self.path and not self.path.startswith("/"):
path = "/./" + self.path # /./x = path x relative to cwd
path = self.path
return 'ssh://{}{}{}{}'.format(f'{self.user}@' if self.user else '',
self._host, # needed for ipv6 addrs
f':{self.port}' if self.port else '',
return "ssh://{}{}{}{}".format(
f"{self.user}@" if self.user else "",
self._host, # needed for ipv6 addrs
f":{self.port}" if self.port else "",
def with_timestamp(self, timestamp):
return Location(self.raw, overrides={
'now': DatetimeWrapper(timestamp.astimezone(None)),
'utcnow': DatetimeWrapper(timestamp),
return Location(
overrides={"now": DatetimeWrapper(timestamp.astimezone(None)), "utcnow": DatetimeWrapper(timestamp)},
def location_validator(proto=None, other=False):
@ -486,33 +506,35 @@ def validator(text):
except ValueError as err:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(str(err)) from None
if proto is not None and loc.proto != proto:
if proto == 'file':
if proto == "file":
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('"%s": Repository must be local' % text)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('"%s": Repository must be remote' % text)
return loc
return validator
def archivename_validator():
def validator(text):
text = replace_placeholders(text)
if '/' in text or '::' in text or not text:
if "/" in text or "::" in text or not text:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid archive name: "%s"' % text)
return text
return validator
class BaseFormatter:
# Formatting aids
'LF': '\n',
'SPACE': ' ',
'TAB': '\t',
'CR': '\r',
'NUL': '\0',
'NEWLINE': os.linesep,
'NL': os.linesep,
"LF": "\n",
"SPACE": " ",
"TAB": "\t",
"CR": "\r",
"NUL": "\0",
"NEWLINE": os.linesep,
"NL": os.linesep,
def get_item_data(self, item):
@ -523,42 +545,45 @@ def format_item(self, item):
def keys_help():
return "- NEWLINE: OS dependent line separator\n" \
"- NL: alias of NEWLINE\n" \
"- NUL: NUL character for creating print0 / xargs -0 like output, see barchive and bpath keys below\n" \
"- SPACE\n" \
"- TAB\n" \
"- CR\n" \
"- LF"
return (
"- NEWLINE: OS dependent line separator\n"
"- NL: alias of NEWLINE\n"
"- NUL: NUL character for creating print0 / xargs -0 like output, see barchive and bpath keys below\n"
"- SPACE\n"
"- TAB\n"
"- CR\n"
"- LF"
class ArchiveFormatter(BaseFormatter):
'archive': 'archive name interpreted as text (might be missing non-text characters, see barchive)',
'name': 'alias of "archive"',
'barchive': 'verbatim archive name, can contain any character except NUL',
'comment': 'archive comment interpreted as text (might be missing non-text characters, see bcomment)',
'bcomment': 'verbatim archive comment, can contain any character except NUL',
"archive": "archive name interpreted as text (might be missing non-text characters, see barchive)",
"name": 'alias of "archive"',
"barchive": "verbatim archive name, can contain any character except NUL",
"comment": "archive comment interpreted as text (might be missing non-text characters, see bcomment)",
"bcomment": "verbatim archive comment, can contain any character except NUL",
# *start* is the key used by borg-info for this timestamp, this makes the formats more compatible
'start': 'time (start) of creation of the archive',
'time': 'alias of "start"',
'end': 'time (end) of creation of the archive',
'command_line': 'command line which was used to create the archive',
'id': 'internal ID of the archive',
'hostname': 'hostname of host on which this archive was created',
'username': 'username of user who created this archive',
"start": "time (start) of creation of the archive",
"time": 'alias of "start"',
"end": "time (end) of creation of the archive",
"command_line": "command line which was used to create the archive",
"id": "internal ID of the archive",
"hostname": "hostname of host on which this archive was created",
"username": "username of user who created this archive",
('archive', 'name', 'barchive', 'comment', 'bcomment', 'id'),
('start', 'time', 'end', 'command_line'),
('hostname', 'username'),
("archive", "name", "barchive", "comment", "bcomment", "id"),
("start", "time", "end", "command_line"),
("hostname", "username"),
def available_keys(cls):
from .manifest import ArchiveInfo
fake_archive_info = ArchiveInfo('archivename', b'\1'*32, datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
formatter = cls('', None, None, None)
fake_archive_info = ArchiveInfo("archivename", b"\1" * 32, datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
formatter = cls("", None, None, None)
keys = []
@ -596,12 +621,12 @@ def __init__(self, format, repository, manifest, key, *, json=False, iec=False):
self.format = partial_format(format, static_keys)
self.format_keys = {f[1] for f in Formatter().parse(format)}
self.call_keys = {
'hostname': partial(self.get_meta, 'hostname', rs=True),
'username': partial(self.get_meta, 'username', rs=True),
'comment': partial(self.get_meta, 'comment', rs=True),
'bcomment': partial(self.get_meta, 'comment', rs=False),
'end': self.get_ts_end,
'command_line': self.get_cmdline,
"hostname": partial(self.get_meta, "hostname", rs=True),
"username": partial(self.get_meta, "username", rs=True),
"comment": partial(self.get_meta, "comment", rs=True),
"bcomment": partial(self.get_meta, "comment", rs=False),
"end": self.get_ts_end,
"command_line": self.get_cmdline,
self.used_call_keys = set(self.call_keys) & self.format_keys
if self.json:
@ -611,21 +636,23 @@ def __init__(self, format, repository, manifest, key, *, json=False, iec=False):
self.item_data = static_keys
def format_item_json(self, item):
return json.dumps(self.get_item_data(item), cls=BorgJsonEncoder) + '\n'
return json.dumps(self.get_item_data(item), cls=BorgJsonEncoder) + "\n"
def get_item_data(self, archive_info): = =
item_data = {}
'name': remove_surrogates(,
'archive': remove_surrogates(,
'id': bin_to_hex(,
'time': self.format_time(archive_info.ts),
'start': self.format_time(archive_info.ts),
"name": remove_surrogates(,
"archive": remove_surrogates(,
"id": bin_to_hex(,
"time": self.format_time(archive_info.ts),
"start": self.format_time(archive_info.ts),
for key in self.used_call_keys:
item_data[key] = self.call_keys[key]()
return item_data
@ -635,19 +662,20 @@ def archive(self):
"""lazy load / update loaded archive"""
if self._archive is None or !=
from ..archive import Archive
self._archive = Archive(self.repository, self.key, self.manifest,, iec=self.iec)
return self._archive
def get_meta(self, key, rs):
value = self.archive.metadata.get(key, '')
value = self.archive.metadata.get(key, "")
return remove_surrogates(value) if rs else value
def get_cmdline(self):
cmdline = map(remove_surrogates, self.archive.metadata.get('cmdline', []))
cmdline = map(remove_surrogates, self.archive.metadata.get("cmdline", []))
if self.json:
return list(cmdline)
return ' '.join(map(shlex.quote, cmdline))
return " ".join(map(shlex.quote, cmdline))
def get_ts_end(self):
return self.format_time(self.archive.ts_end)
@ -659,31 +687,29 @@ def format_time(self, ts):
class ItemFormatter(BaseFormatter):
# we provide the hash algos from python stdlib (except shake_*) and additionally xxh64.
# shake_* is not provided because it uses an incompatible .digest() method to support variable length.
hash_algorithms = hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed.union({'xxh64'}).difference({'shake_128', 'shake_256'})
hash_algorithms = hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed.union({"xxh64"}).difference({"shake_128", "shake_256"})
'bpath': 'verbatim POSIX path, can contain any character except NUL',
'path': 'path interpreted as text (might be missing non-text characters, see bpath)',
'source': 'link target for symlinks (identical to linktarget)',
'hlid': 'hard link identity (same if hardlinking same fs object)',
'extra': 'prepends {source} with " -> " for soft links and " link to " for hard links',
'dsize': 'deduplicated size',
'num_chunks': 'number of chunks in this file',
'unique_chunks': 'number of unique chunks in this file',
'xxh64': 'XXH64 checksum of this file (note: this is NOT a cryptographic hash!)',
'health': 'either "healthy" (file ok) or "broken" (if file has all-zero replacement chunks)',
"bpath": "verbatim POSIX path, can contain any character except NUL",
"path": "path interpreted as text (might be missing non-text characters, see bpath)",
"source": "link target for symlinks (identical to linktarget)",
"hlid": "hard link identity (same if hardlinking same fs object)",
"extra": 'prepends {source} with " -> " for soft links and " link to " for hard links',
"dsize": "deduplicated size",
"num_chunks": "number of chunks in this file",
"unique_chunks": "number of unique chunks in this file",
"xxh64": "XXH64 checksum of this file (note: this is NOT a cryptographic hash!)",
"health": 'either "healthy" (file ok) or "broken" (if file has all-zero replacement chunks)',
('type', 'mode', 'uid', 'gid', 'user', 'group', 'path', 'bpath', 'source', 'linktarget', 'hlid', 'flags'),
('size', 'dsize', 'num_chunks', 'unique_chunks'),
('mtime', 'ctime', 'atime', 'isomtime', 'isoctime', 'isoatime'),
("type", "mode", "uid", "gid", "user", "group", "path", "bpath", "source", "linktarget", "hlid", "flags"),
("size", "dsize", "num_chunks", "unique_chunks"),
("mtime", "ctime", "atime", "isomtime", "isoctime", "isoatime"),
('archiveid', 'archivename', 'extra'),
('health', )
("archiveid", "archivename", "extra"),
'dsize', 'unique_chunks',
KEYS_REQUIRING_CACHE = ("dsize", "unique_chunks")
def available_keys(cls):
@ -691,7 +717,8 @@ class FakeArchive:
fpr = name = ""
from ..item import Item
fake_item = Item(mode=0, path='', user='', group='', mtime=0, uid=0, gid=0)
fake_item = Item(mode=0, path="", user="", group="", mtime=0, uid=0, gid=0)
formatter = cls(FakeArchive, "")
keys = []
@ -723,13 +750,11 @@ def format_needs_cache(cls, format):
def __init__(self, archive, format, *, json_lines=False):
from ..checksums import StreamingXXH64
self.xxh64 = StreamingXXH64
self.archive = archive
self.json_lines = json_lines
static_keys = {
'archiveid': archive.fpr,
static_keys = {"archivename":, "archiveid": archive.fpr}
if self.json_lines:
self.item_data = {}
@ -739,23 +764,23 @@ def __init__(self, archive, format, *, json_lines=False):
self.format = partial_format(format, static_keys)
self.format_keys = {f[1] for f in Formatter().parse(format)}
self.call_keys = {
'size': self.calculate_size,
'dsize': partial(self.sum_unique_chunks_metadata, lambda chunk: chunk.size),
'num_chunks': self.calculate_num_chunks,
'unique_chunks': partial(self.sum_unique_chunks_metadata, lambda chunk: 1),
'isomtime': partial(self.format_iso_time, 'mtime'),
'isoctime': partial(self.format_iso_time, 'ctime'),
'isoatime': partial(self.format_iso_time, 'atime'),
'mtime': partial(self.format_time, 'mtime'),
'ctime': partial(self.format_time, 'ctime'),
'atime': partial(self.format_time, 'atime'),
"size": self.calculate_size,
"dsize": partial(self.sum_unique_chunks_metadata, lambda chunk: chunk.size),
"num_chunks": self.calculate_num_chunks,
"unique_chunks": partial(self.sum_unique_chunks_metadata, lambda chunk: 1),
"isomtime": partial(self.format_iso_time, "mtime"),
"isoctime": partial(self.format_iso_time, "ctime"),
"isoatime": partial(self.format_iso_time, "atime"),
"mtime": partial(self.format_time, "mtime"),
"ctime": partial(self.format_time, "ctime"),
"atime": partial(self.format_time, "atime"),
for hash_function in self.hash_algorithms:
self.call_keys[hash_function] = partial(self.hash_item, hash_function)
self.used_call_keys = set(self.call_keys) & self.format_keys
def format_item_json(self, item):
return json.dumps(self.get_item_data(item), cls=BorgJsonEncoder) + '\n'
return json.dumps(self.get_item_data(item), cls=BorgJsonEncoder) + "\n"
def get_item_data(self, item):
item_data = {}
@ -763,30 +788,30 @@ def get_item_data(self, item):
mode = stat.filemode(item.mode)
item_type = mode[0]
source = item.get('source', '')
extra = ''
source = item.get("source", "")
extra = ""
if source:
source = remove_surrogates(source)
extra = ' -> %s' % source
hlid = item.get('hlid')
hlid = bin_to_hex(hlid) if hlid else ''
item_data['type'] = item_type
item_data['mode'] = mode
item_data['user'] = item.get('user', str(item.uid))
item_data['group'] = item.get('group', str(item.gid))
item_data['uid'] = item.uid
item_data['gid'] = item.gid
item_data['path'] = remove_surrogates(item.path)
extra = " -> %s" % source
hlid = item.get("hlid")
hlid = bin_to_hex(hlid) if hlid else ""
item_data["type"] = item_type
item_data["mode"] = mode
item_data["user"] = item.get("user", str(item.uid))
item_data["group"] = item.get("group", str(item.gid))
item_data["uid"] = item.uid
item_data["gid"] = item.gid
item_data["path"] = remove_surrogates(item.path)
if self.json_lines:
item_data['healthy'] = 'chunks_healthy' not in item
item_data["healthy"] = "chunks_healthy" not in item
item_data['bpath'] = item.path
item_data['extra'] = extra
item_data['health'] = 'broken' if 'chunks_healthy' in item else 'healthy'
item_data['source'] = source
item_data['linktarget'] = source
item_data['hlid'] = hlid
item_data['flags'] = item.get('bsdflags')
item_data["bpath"] = item.path
item_data["extra"] = extra
item_data["health"] = "broken" if "chunks_healthy" in item else "healthy"
item_data["source"] = source
item_data["linktarget"] = source
item_data["hlid"] = hlid
item_data["flags"] = item.get("bsdflags")
for key in self.used_call_keys:
item_data[key] = self.call_keys[key](item)
return item_data
@ -801,21 +826,21 @@ def sum_unique_chunks_metadata(self, metadata_func, item):
the metadata needed from the chunk
chunk_index = self.archive.cache.chunks
chunks = item.get('chunks', [])
chunks = item.get("chunks", [])
chunks_counter = Counter( for c in chunks)
return sum(metadata_func(c) for c in chunks if chunk_index[].refcount == chunks_counter[])
def calculate_num_chunks(self, item):
return len(item.get('chunks', []))
return len(item.get("chunks", []))
def calculate_size(self, item):
# note: does not support hardlink slaves, they will be size 0
return item.get_size()
def hash_item(self, hash_function, item):
if 'chunks' not in item:
if "chunks" not in item:
return ""
if hash_function == 'xxh64':
if hash_function == "xxh64":
hash = self.xxh64()
elif hash_function in self.hash_algorithms:
hash =
@ -832,18 +857,18 @@ def format_iso_time(self, key, item):
def file_status(mode):
if stat.S_ISREG(mode):
return 'A'
return "A"
elif stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
return 'd'
return "d"
elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
return 'b'
return "b"
elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
return 'c'
return "c"
elif stat.S_ISLNK(mode):
return 's'
return "s"
elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
return 'f'
return '?'
return "f"
return "?"
def clean_lines(lines, lstrip=None, rstrip=None, remove_empty=True, remove_comments=True):
@ -868,7 +893,7 @@ def clean_lines(lines, lstrip=None, rstrip=None, remove_empty=True, remove_comme
line = line.rstrip(rstrip)
if remove_empty and not line:
if remove_comments and line.startswith('#'):
if remove_comments and line.startswith("#"):
yield line
@ -883,6 +908,7 @@ def swidth_slice(string, max_width):
Latin characters are usually one cell wide, many CJK characters are two cells wide.
from ..platform import swidth
reverse = max_width < 0
max_width = abs(max_width)
if reverse:
@ -896,7 +922,7 @@ def swidth_slice(string, max_width):
if reverse:
return ''.join(result)
return "".join(result)
def ellipsis_truncate(msg, space):
@ -905,15 +931,15 @@ def ellipsis_truncate(msg, space):
this_is_a_very_long_string -------> this_is..._string
from ..platform import swidth
ellipsis_width = swidth('...')
ellipsis_width = swidth("...")
msg_width = swidth(msg)
if space < 8:
# if there is very little space, just show ...
return '...' + ' ' * (space - ellipsis_width)
return "..." + " " * (space - ellipsis_width)
if space < ellipsis_width + msg_width:
return '{}...{}'.format(swidth_slice(msg, space // 2 - ellipsis_width),
swidth_slice(msg, -space // 2))
return msg + ' ' * (space - msg_width)
return "{}...{}".format(swidth_slice(msg, space // 2 - ellipsis_width), swidth_slice(msg, -space // 2))
return msg + " " * (space - msg_width)
class BorgJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
@ -922,23 +948,16 @@ def default(self, o):
from ..remote import RemoteRepository
from ..archive import Archive
from ..cache import LocalCache, AdHocCache
if isinstance(o, Repository) or isinstance(o, RemoteRepository):
return {
'id': bin_to_hex(,
'location': o._location.canonical_path(),
return {"id": bin_to_hex(, "location": o._location.canonical_path()}
if isinstance(o, Archive):
if isinstance(o, LocalCache):
return {
'path': o.path,
'stats': o.stats(),
return {"path": o.path, "stats": o.stats()}
if isinstance(o, AdHocCache):
return {
'stats': o.stats(),
if callable(getattr(o, 'to_json', None)):
return {"stats": o.stats()}
if callable(getattr(o, "to_json", None)):
return o.to_json()
return super().default(o)
@ -946,17 +965,12 @@ def default(self, o):
def basic_json_data(manifest, *, cache=None, extra=None):
key = manifest.key
data = extra or {}
'repository': BorgJsonEncoder().default(manifest.repository),
'encryption': {
'mode': key.ARG_NAME,
data['repository']['last_modified'] = OutputTimestamp(manifest.last_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc))
if key.NAME.startswith('key file'):
data['encryption']['keyfile'] = key.find_key()
data.update({"repository": BorgJsonEncoder().default(manifest.repository), "encryption": {"mode": key.ARG_NAME}})
data["repository"]["last_modified"] = OutputTimestamp(manifest.last_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc))
if key.NAME.startswith("key file"):
data["encryption"]["keyfile"] = key.find_key()
if cache:
data['cache'] = cache
data["cache"] = cache
return data
@ -975,13 +989,13 @@ def decode_bytes(value):
# look nice and chunk ids should mostly show in hex. Use a special
# inband signaling character (ASCII DEL) to distinguish between
# decoded and hex mode.
if not value.startswith(b'\x7f'):
if not value.startswith(b"\x7f"):
value = value.decode()
return value
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return '\u007f' + bin_to_hex(value)
return "\u007f" + bin_to_hex(value)
def decode_tuple(t):
res = []

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def _env_passphrase(cls, env_var, default=None):
def env_passphrase(cls, default=None):
passphrase = cls._env_passphrase('BORG_PASSPHRASE', default)
passphrase = cls._env_passphrase("BORG_PASSPHRASE", default)
if passphrase is not None:
return passphrase
passphrase = cls.env_passcommand()
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def env_passphrase(cls, default=None):
def env_passcommand(cls, default=None):
passcommand = os.environ.get('BORG_PASSCOMMAND', None)
passcommand = os.environ.get("BORG_PASSCOMMAND", None)
if passcommand is not None:
# passcommand is a system command (not inside pyinstaller env)
env = prepare_subprocess_env(system=True)
@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ def env_passcommand(cls, default=None):
passphrase = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(passcommand), universal_newlines=True, env=env)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError) as e:
raise PasscommandFailure(e)
return cls(passphrase.rstrip('\n'))
return cls(passphrase.rstrip("\n"))
def fd_passphrase(cls):
fd = int(os.environ.get('BORG_PASSPHRASE_FD'))
fd = int(os.environ.get("BORG_PASSPHRASE_FD"))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return None
with os.fdopen(fd, mode='r') as f:
with os.fdopen(fd, mode="r") as f:
passphrase =
return cls(passphrase.rstrip('\n'))
return cls(passphrase.rstrip("\n"))
def env_new_passphrase(cls, default=None):
return cls._env_passphrase('BORG_NEW_PASSPHRASE', default)
return cls._env_passphrase("BORG_NEW_PASSPHRASE", default)
def getpass(cls, prompt):
@ -83,32 +83,38 @@ def getpass(cls, prompt):
if prompt:
print() # avoid err msg appearing right of prompt
msg = []
env_var_set = os.environ.get(env_var) is not None
msg.append('{} is {}.'.format(env_var, 'set' if env_var_set else 'not set'))
msg.append('Interactive password query failed.')
raise NoPassphraseFailure(' '.join(msg)) from None
msg.append("{} is {}.".format(env_var, "set" if env_var_set else "not set"))
msg.append("Interactive password query failed.")
raise NoPassphraseFailure(" ".join(msg)) from None
return cls(pw)
def verification(cls, passphrase):
msg = 'Do you want your passphrase to be displayed for verification? [yN]: '
if yes(msg, retry_msg=msg, invalid_msg='Invalid answer, try again.',
retry=True, env_var_override='BORG_DISPLAY_PASSPHRASE'):
print('Your passphrase (between double-quotes): "%s"' % passphrase,
print('Make sure the passphrase displayed above is exactly what you wanted.',
msg = "Do you want your passphrase to be displayed for verification? [yN]: "
if yes(
invalid_msg="Invalid answer, try again.",
print('Your passphrase (between double-quotes): "%s"' % passphrase, file=sys.stderr)
print("Make sure the passphrase displayed above is exactly what you wanted.", file=sys.stderr)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
print('Your passphrase (UTF-8 encoding in hex): %s' %
print('As you have a non-ASCII passphrase, it is recommended to keep the '
'UTF-8 encoding in hex together with the passphrase at a safe place.',
"Your passphrase (UTF-8 encoding in hex): %s" % bin_to_hex(passphrase.encode("utf-8")),
"As you have a non-ASCII passphrase, it is recommended to keep the "
"UTF-8 encoding in hex together with the passphrase at a safe place.",
def new(cls, allow_empty=False):
@ -119,17 +125,17 @@ def new(cls, allow_empty=False):
if passphrase is not None:
return passphrase
for retry in range(1, 11):
passphrase = cls.getpass('Enter new passphrase: ')
passphrase = cls.getpass("Enter new passphrase: ")
if allow_empty or passphrase:
passphrase2 = cls.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ')
passphrase2 = cls.getpass("Enter same passphrase again: ")
if passphrase == passphrase2:
cls.verification(passphrase)'Remember your passphrase. Your data will be inaccessible without it.')"Remember your passphrase. Your data will be inaccessible without it.")
return passphrase
print('Passphrases do not match', file=sys.stderr)
print("Passphrases do not match", file=sys.stderr)
print('Passphrase must not be blank', file=sys.stderr)
print("Passphrase must not be blank", file=sys.stderr)
raise PasswordRetriesExceeded

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
from ..platformflags import is_win32, is_linux, is_freebsd, is_darwin
from ..logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
def _daemonize():
from ..platform import get_process_id
old_id = get_process_id()
pid = os.fork()
if pid:
@ -30,13 +32,13 @@ def _daemonize():
except _ExitCodeException as e:
exit_code = e.exit_code
logger.debug('Daemonizing: Foreground process (%s, %s, %s) is now dying.' % old_id)
logger.debug("Daemonizing: Foreground process (%s, %s, %s) is now dying." % old_id)
pid = os.fork()
if pid:
fd =, os.O_RDWR)
@ -78,12 +80,12 @@ def daemonizing(*, timeout=5):
with _daemonize() as (old_id, new_id):
if new_id is None:
# The original / parent process, waiting for a signal to die.
logger.debug('Daemonizing: Foreground process (%s, %s, %s) is waiting for background process...' % old_id)
logger.debug("Daemonizing: Foreground process (%s, %s, %s) is waiting for background process..." % old_id)
exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS
# Indeed, SIGHUP and SIGTERM handlers should have been set on Just in case...
with signal_handler('SIGINT', raising_signal_handler(KeyboardInterrupt)), \
signal_handler('SIGHUP', raising_signal_handler(SigHup)), \
signal_handler('SIGTERM', raising_signal_handler(SigTerm)):
with signal_handler("SIGINT", raising_signal_handler(KeyboardInterrupt)), signal_handler(
"SIGHUP", raising_signal_handler(SigHup)
), signal_handler("SIGTERM", raising_signal_handler(SigTerm)):
if timeout > 0:
@ -96,15 +98,17 @@ def daemonizing(*, timeout=5):
exit_code = EXIT_WARNING
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Manual termination.
logger.debug('Daemonizing: Foreground process (%s, %s, %s) received SIGINT.' % old_id)
logger.debug("Daemonizing: Foreground process (%s, %s, %s) received SIGINT." % old_id)
exit_code = EXIT_SIGNAL_BASE + 2
except BaseException as e:
# Just in case...
logger.warning('Daemonizing: Foreground process received an exception while waiting:\n' +
''.join(traceback.format_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__)))
"Daemonizing: Foreground process received an exception while waiting:\n"
+ "".join(traceback.format_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__))
exit_code = EXIT_WARNING
logger.warning('Daemonizing: Background process did not respond (timeout). Is it alive?')
logger.warning("Daemonizing: Background process did not respond (timeout). Is it alive?")
exit_code = EXIT_WARNING
# Don't call with-body, but die immediately!
@ -113,22 +117,26 @@ def daemonizing(*, timeout=5):
# The background / grandchild process.
sig_to_foreground = signal.SIGTERM
logger.debug('Daemonizing: Background process (%s, %s, %s) is starting...' % new_id)
logger.debug("Daemonizing: Background process (%s, %s, %s) is starting..." % new_id)
yield old_id, new_id
except BaseException as e:
sig_to_foreground = signal.SIGHUP
logger.warning('Daemonizing: Background process raised an exception while starting:\n' +
''.join(traceback.format_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__)))
"Daemonizing: Background process raised an exception while starting:\n"
+ "".join(traceback.format_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__))
raise e
logger.debug('Daemonizing: Background process (%s, %s, %s) has started.' % new_id)
logger.debug("Daemonizing: Background process (%s, %s, %s) has started." % new_id)
os.kill(old_id[1], sig_to_foreground)
except BaseException as e:
logger.error('Daemonizing: Trying to kill the foreground process raised an exception:\n' +
''.join(traceback.format_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__)))
"Daemonizing: Trying to kill the foreground process raised an exception:\n"
+ "".join(traceback.format_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__))
class _ExitCodeException(BaseException):
@ -187,7 +195,7 @@ def __init__(self):
self._sig_int_triggered = False
self._action_triggered = False
self._action_done = False
self.ctx = signal_handler('SIGINT', self.handler)
self.ctx = signal_handler("SIGINT", self.handler)
def __bool__(self):
# this will be True (and stay True) after the first Ctrl-C/SIGINT
@ -228,7 +236,7 @@ def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
sig_int = SigIntManager()
def popen_with_error_handling(cmd_line: str, log_prefix='', **kwargs):
def popen_with_error_handling(cmd_line: str, log_prefix="", **kwargs):
Handle typical errors raised by subprocess.Popen. Return None if an error occurred,
otherwise return the Popen object.
@ -240,27 +248,27 @@ def popen_with_error_handling(cmd_line: str, log_prefix='', **kwargs):
Does not change the exit code.
assert not kwargs.get('shell'), 'Sorry pal, shell mode is a no-no'
assert not kwargs.get("shell"), "Sorry pal, shell mode is a no-no"
command = shlex.split(cmd_line)
if not command:
raise ValueError('an empty command line is not permitted')
raise ValueError("an empty command line is not permitted")
except ValueError as ve:
logger.error('%s%s', log_prefix, ve)
logger.error("%s%s", log_prefix, ve)
logger.debug('%scommand line: %s', log_prefix, command)
logger.debug("%scommand line: %s", log_prefix, command)
return subprocess.Popen(command, **kwargs)
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.error('%sexecutable not found: %s', log_prefix, command[0])
logger.error("%sexecutable not found: %s", log_prefix, command[0])
except PermissionError:
logger.error('%spermission denied: %s', log_prefix, command[0])
logger.error("%spermission denied: %s", log_prefix, command[0])
def is_terminal(fd=sys.stdout):
return hasattr(fd, 'isatty') and fd.isatty() and (not is_win32 or 'ANSICON' in os.environ)
return hasattr(fd, "isatty") and fd.isatty() and (not is_win32 or "ANSICON" in os.environ)
def prepare_subprocess_env(system, env=None):
@ -278,8 +286,8 @@ def prepare_subprocess_env(system, env=None):
# but we do not want that system binaries (like ssh or other) pick up
# (non-matching) libraries from there.
# thus we install the original LDLP, before pyinstaller has modified it:
lp_key = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'
lp_orig = env.get(lp_key + '_ORIG') # pyinstaller >= 20160820 / v3.2.1 has this
lp_key = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
lp_orig = env.get(lp_key + "_ORIG") # pyinstaller >= 20160820 / v3.2.1 has this
if lp_orig is not None:
env[lp_key] = lp_orig
@ -292,12 +300,12 @@ def prepare_subprocess_env(system, env=None):
# in this case, we must kill LDLP.
# We can recognize this via sys.frozen and sys._MEIPASS being set.
lp = env.get(lp_key)
if lp is not None and getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) and hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'):
if lp is not None and getattr(sys, "frozen", False) and hasattr(sys, "_MEIPASS"):
# security: do not give secrets to subprocess
env.pop('BORG_PASSPHRASE', None)
env.pop("BORG_PASSPHRASE", None)
# for information, give borg version to the subprocess
env['BORG_VERSION'] = __version__
env["BORG_VERSION"] = __version__
return env
@ -314,13 +322,15 @@ def create_filter_process(cmd, stream, stream_close, inbound=True):
# communication with the process is a one-way road, i.e. the process can never block
# for us to do something while we block on the process for something different.
if inbound:
proc = popen_with_error_handling(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=filter_stream,
log_prefix='filter-process: ', env=env)
proc = popen_with_error_handling(
cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=filter_stream, log_prefix="filter-process: ", env=env
proc = popen_with_error_handling(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=filter_stream,
log_prefix='filter-process: ', env=env)
proc = popen_with_error_handling(
cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=filter_stream, log_prefix="filter-process: ", env=env
if not proc:
raise Error(f'filter {cmd}: process creation failed')
raise Error(f"filter {cmd}: process creation failed")
stream = proc.stdout if inbound else proc.stdin
# inbound: do not close the pipe (this is the task of the filter process [== writer])
# outbound: close the pipe, otherwise the filter process would not notice when we are done.
@ -331,7 +341,7 @@ def create_filter_process(cmd, stream, stream_close, inbound=True):
except Exception:
# something went wrong with processing the stream by borg
logger.debug('Exception, killing the filter...')
logger.debug("Exception, killing the filter...")
if cmd:
borg_succeeded = False
@ -343,11 +353,11 @@ def create_filter_process(cmd, stream, stream_close, inbound=True):
if cmd:
logger.debug('Done, waiting for filter to die...')
logger.debug("Done, waiting for filter to die...")
rc = proc.wait()
logger.debug('filter cmd exited with code %d', rc)
logger.debug("filter cmd exited with code %d", rc)
if filter_stream_close:
if borg_succeeded and rc:
# if borg did not succeed, we know that we killed the filter process
raise Error('filter %s failed, rc=%d' % (cmd, rc))
raise Error("filter %s failed, rc=%d" % (cmd, rc))

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from shutil import get_terminal_size
from ..logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
from .parseformat import ellipsis_truncate
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ def justify_to_terminal_size(message):
class ProgressIndicatorBase:
LOGGER = 'borg.output.progress'
LOGGER = "borg.output.progress"
json = False
@ -43,15 +44,15 @@ def __init__(self, msgid=None):
if not self.logger.handlers:
self.handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
logger = logging.getLogger('borg')
logger = logging.getLogger("borg")
# Some special attributes on the borg logger, created by setup_logging
# But also be able to work without that
formatter = logger.formatter
terminator = '\n' if logger.json else '\r'
terminator = "\n" if logger.json else "\r"
self.json = logger.json
except AttributeError:
terminator = '\r'
terminator = "\r"
self.handler.terminator = terminator
@ -79,24 +80,20 @@ def output_json(self, *, finished=False, **kwargs):
assert self.json
if not self.emit:
dict(, msgid=self.msgid, type=self.JSON_TYPE, finished=finished, time=time.time())
print(json.dumps(kwargs), file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
def finish(self):
if self.json:
class ProgressIndicatorMessage(ProgressIndicatorBase):
JSON_TYPE = 'progress_message'
JSON_TYPE = "progress_message"
def output(self, msg):
if self.json:
@ -106,7 +103,7 @@ def output(self, msg):
class ProgressIndicatorPercent(ProgressIndicatorBase):
JSON_TYPE = 'progress_percent'
JSON_TYPE = "progress_percent"
def __init__(self, total=0, step=5, start=0, msg="%3.0f%%", msgid=None):
@ -150,7 +147,7 @@ def show(self, current=None, increase=1, info=None):
# no need to truncate if we're not outputting to a terminal
terminal_space = get_terminal_size(fallback=(-1, -1))[0]
if terminal_space != -1:
space = terminal_space - len(self.msg % tuple([pct] + info[:-1] + ['']))
space = terminal_space - len(self.msg % tuple([pct] + info[:-1] + [""]))
info[-1] = ellipsis_truncate(info[-1], space)
return self.output(self.msg % tuple([pct] + info), justify=False, info=info)
@ -193,7 +190,7 @@ def show(self):
return self.output(self.triggered)
def output(self, triggered):
print('.', end='', file=self.file, flush=True)
print(".", end="", file=self.file, flush=True)
def finish(self):

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def to_localtime(ts):
def parse_timestamp(timestamp, tzinfo=timezone.utc):
"""Parse a ISO 8601 timestamp string"""
fmt = ISO_FORMAT if '.' in timestamp else ISO_FORMAT_NO_USECS
fmt = ISO_FORMAT if "." in timestamp else ISO_FORMAT_NO_USECS
dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, fmt)
if tzinfo is not None:
dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
@ -27,11 +27,16 @@ def timestamp(s):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=timezone.utc)
except OSError:
# didn't work, try parsing as timestamp. UTC, no TZ, no microsecs support.
for format in ('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00',
'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',
'%Y-%m-%d', '%Y-%j',
for format in (
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
return datetime.strptime(s, format).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
except ValueError:
@ -54,7 +59,7 @@ def timestamp(s):
# subtract last 48h to avoid any issues that could be caused by tz calculations.
# this is in the year 2038, so it is also less than y9999 (which is a datetime internal limit).
# msgpack can pack up to uint64.
MAX_S = 2**31-1 - 48*3600
MAX_S = 2**31 - 1 - 48 * 3600
MAX_NS = MAX_S * 1000000000
# nanosecond timestamps will fit into a signed int64.
@ -62,7 +67,7 @@ def timestamp(s):
# this is in the year 2262, so it is also less than y9999 (which is a datetime internal limit).
# round down to 1e9 multiple, so MAX_NS corresponds precisely to a integer MAX_S.
# msgpack can pack up to uint64.
MAX_NS = (2**63-1 - 48*3600*1000000000) // 1000000000 * 1000000000
MAX_NS = (2**63 - 1 - 48 * 3600 * 1000000000) // 1000000000 * 1000000000
MAX_S = MAX_NS // 1000000000
@ -89,11 +94,11 @@ def safe_timestamp(item_timestamp_ns):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(t_ns / 1e9)
def format_time(ts: datetime, format_spec=''):
def format_time(ts: datetime, format_spec=""):
Convert *ts* to a human-friendly format with textual weekday.
return ts.strftime('%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' if format_spec == '' else format_spec)
return ts.strftime("%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" if format_spec == "" else format_spec)
def isoformat_time(ts: datetime):
@ -105,19 +110,18 @@ def isoformat_time(ts: datetime):
def format_timedelta(td):
"""Format timedelta in a human friendly format
"""Format timedelta in a human friendly format"""
ts = td.total_seconds()
s = ts % 60
m = int(ts / 60) % 60
h = int(ts / 3600) % 24
txt = '%.2f seconds' % s
txt = "%.2f seconds" % s
if m:
txt = '%d minutes %s' % (m, txt)
txt = "%d minutes %s" % (m, txt)
if h:
txt = '%d hours %s' % (h, txt)
txt = "%d hours %s" % (h, txt)
if td.days:
txt = '%d days %s' % (td.days, txt)
txt = "%d days %s" % (td.days, txt)
return txt
@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ def __format__(self, format_spec):
return format_time(self.ts, format_spec=format_spec)
def __str__(self):
return f'{self}'
return f"{self}"
def isoformat(self):
return isoformat_time(self.ts)

View File

@ -4,16 +4,30 @@
import os.path
import sys
FALSISH = ('No', 'NO', 'no', 'N', 'n', '0', )
TRUISH = ('Yes', 'YES', 'yes', 'Y', 'y', '1', )
DEFAULTISH = ('Default', 'DEFAULT', 'default', 'D', 'd', '', )
FALSISH = ("No", "NO", "no", "N", "n", "0")
TRUISH = ("Yes", "YES", "yes", "Y", "y", "1")
DEFAULTISH = ("Default", "DEFAULT", "default", "D", "d", "")
def yes(msg=None, false_msg=None, true_msg=None, default_msg=None,
retry_msg=None, invalid_msg=None, env_msg='{} (from {})',
falsish=FALSISH, truish=TRUISH, defaultish=DEFAULTISH,
default=False, retry=True, env_var_override=None, ofile=None, input=input, prompt=True,
def yes(
env_msg="{} (from {})",
"""Output <msg> (usually a question) and let user input an answer.
Qualifies the answer according to falsish, truish and defaultish as True, False or <default>.
If it didn't qualify and retry is False (no retries wanted), return the default [which
@ -43,18 +57,15 @@ def yes(msg=None, false_msg=None, true_msg=None, default_msg=None,
:param input: input function [input from builtins]
:return: boolean answer value, True or False
def output(msg, msg_type, is_prompt=False, **kwargs):
json_output = getattr(logging.getLogger('borg'), 'json', False)
json_output = getattr(logging.getLogger("borg"), "json", False)
if json_output:
type='question_%s' % msg_type,
kwargs.update(dict(type="question_%s" % msg_type, msgid=msgid, message=msg))
print(json.dumps(kwargs), file=sys.stderr)
if is_prompt:
print(msg, file=ofile, end='', flush=True)
print(msg, file=ofile, end="", flush=True)
print(msg, file=ofile)
@ -66,13 +77,13 @@ def output(msg, msg_type, is_prompt=False, **kwargs):
if default not in (True, False):
raise ValueError("invalid default value, must be True or False")
if msg:
output(msg, 'prompt', is_prompt=True)
output(msg, "prompt", is_prompt=True)
while True:
answer = None
if env_var_override:
answer = os.environ.get(env_var_override)
if answer is not None and env_msg:
output(env_msg.format(answer, env_var_override), 'env_answer', env_var=env_var_override)
output(env_msg.format(answer, env_var_override), "env_answer", env_var=env_var_override)
if answer is None:
if not prompt:
return default
@ -83,22 +94,22 @@ def output(msg, msg_type, is_prompt=False, **kwargs):
answer = truish[0] if default else falsish[0]
if answer in defaultish:
if default_msg:
output(default_msg, 'accepted_default')
output(default_msg, "accepted_default")
return default
if answer in truish:
if true_msg:
output(true_msg, 'accepted_true')
output(true_msg, "accepted_true")
return True
if answer in falsish:
if false_msg:
output(false_msg, 'accepted_false')
output(false_msg, "accepted_false")
return False
# if we get here, the answer was invalid
if invalid_msg:
output(invalid_msg, 'invalid_answer')
output(invalid_msg, "invalid_answer")
if not retry:
return default
if retry_msg:
output(retry_msg, 'prompt_retry', is_prompt=True)
output(retry_msg, "prompt_retry", is_prompt=True)
# in case we used an environment variable and it gave an invalid answer, do not use it again:
env_var_override = None

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
from .helpers import Error, ErrorWithTraceback
from .logger import create_logger
ADD, REMOVE = 'add', 'remove'
SHARED, EXCLUSIVE = 'shared', 'exclusive'
ADD, REMOVE = "add", "remove"
SHARED, EXCLUSIVE = "shared", "exclusive"
logger = create_logger(__name__)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class TimeoutTimer:
It can also compute and optionally execute a reasonable sleep time (e.g. to avoid
polling too often or to support thread/process rescheduling).
def __init__(self, timeout=None, sleep=None):
Initialize a timer.
@ -43,8 +44,8 @@ def __init__(self, timeout=None, sleep=None):
def __repr__(self):
return "<{}: start={!r} end={!r} timeout={!r} sleep={!r}>".format(
self.__class__.__name__, self.start_time, self.end_time,
self.timeout_interval, self.sleep_interval)
self.__class__.__name__, self.start_time, self.end_time, self.timeout_interval, self.sleep_interval
def start(self):
self.start_time = time.time()
@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ class ExclusiveLock:
This makes sure the lock is released again if the block is left, no
matter how (e.g. if an exception occurred).
def __init__(self, path, timeout=None, sleep=None, id=None):
self.timeout = timeout
self.sleep = sleep
@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ def acquire(self, timeout=None, sleep=None):
unique_base_name = os.path.basename(self.unique_name)
temp_path = None
temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", base_name + '.', parent_path)
temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(".tmp", base_name + ".", parent_path)
temp_unique_name = os.path.join(temp_path, unique_base_name)
with open(temp_unique_name, "wb"):
@ -192,8 +194,8 @@ def kill_stale_lock(self):
for name in names:
host_pid, thread_str = name.rsplit('-', 1)
host, pid_str = host_pid.rsplit('.', 1)
host_pid, thread_str = name.rsplit("-", 1)
host, pid_str = host_pid.rsplit(".", 1)
pid = int(pid_str)
thread = int(thread_str)
except ValueError:
@ -207,17 +209,19 @@ def kill_stale_lock(self):
if not self.kill_stale_locks:
if not self.stale_warning_printed:
# Log this at warning level to hint the user at the ability
logger.warning("Found stale lock %s, but not deleting because self.kill_stale_locks = False.", name)
"Found stale lock %s, but not deleting because self.kill_stale_locks = False.", name
self.stale_warning_printed = True
return False
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.path, name))
logger.warning('Killed stale lock %s.', name)
logger.warning("Killed stale lock %s.", name)
except OSError as err:
if not self.stale_warning_printed:
# This error will bubble up and likely result in locking failure
logger.error('Found stale lock %s, but cannot delete due to %s', name, str(err))
logger.error("Found stale lock %s, but cannot delete due to %s", name, str(err))
self.stale_warning_printed = True
return False
@ -228,7 +232,7 @@ def kill_stale_lock(self):
# Directory is not empty or doesn't exist any more = we lost the race to somebody else--which is ok.
return False
# EACCES or EIO or ... = we cannot operate anyway
logger.error('Failed to remove lock dir: %s', str(err))
logger.error("Failed to remove lock dir: %s", str(err))
return False
return True
@ -257,6 +261,7 @@ class LockRoster:
Note: you usually should call the methods with an exclusive lock held,
to avoid conflicting access by multiple threads/processes/machines.
def __init__(self, path, id=None):
self.path = path = id or platform.get_process_id()
@ -279,8 +284,9 @@ def load(self):
if platform.process_alive(host, pid, thread):
elements.add((host, pid, thread))
logger.warning('Removed stale %s roster lock for host %s pid %d thread %d.',
key, host, pid, thread)
"Removed stale %s roster lock for host %s pid %d thread %d.", key, host, pid, thread
data[key] = list(elements)
except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError):
# no or corrupt/empty roster file?
@ -315,7 +321,7 @@ def modify(self, key, op):
elif op == REMOVE:
raise ValueError('Unknown LockRoster op %r' % op)
raise ValueError("Unknown LockRoster op %r" % op)
roster[key] = list(list(e) for e in elements)
@ -354,6 +360,7 @@ class Lock:
This makes sure the lock is released again if the block is left, no
matter how (e.g. if an exception occurred).
def __init__(self, path, exclusive=False, sleep=None, timeout=None, id=None):
self.path = path
self.is_exclusive = exclusive
@ -361,11 +368,11 @@ def __init__(self, path, exclusive=False, sleep=None, timeout=None, id=None):
self.timeout = timeout = id or platform.get_process_id()
# globally keeping track of shared and exclusive lockers:
self._roster = LockRoster(path + '.roster', id=id)
self._roster = LockRoster(path + ".roster", id=id)
# an exclusive lock, used for:
# - holding while doing roster queries / updates
# - holding while the Lock itself is exclusive
self._lock = ExclusiveLock(path + '.exclusive', id=id, timeout=timeout)
self._lock = ExclusiveLock(path + ".exclusive", id=id, timeout=timeout)
def __enter__(self):
return self.acquire()

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def _log_warning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):
def setup_logging(stream=None, conf_fname=None, env_var='BORG_LOGGING_CONF', level='info', is_serve=False, json=False):
def setup_logging(stream=None, conf_fname=None, env_var="BORG_LOGGING_CONF", level="info", is_serve=False, json=False):
"""setup logging module according to the arguments provided
if conf_fname is given (or the config file name can be determined via
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def setup_logging(stream=None, conf_fname=None, env_var='BORG_LOGGING_CONF', lev
configured = True
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
borg_logger = logging.getLogger('borg')
borg_logger = logging.getLogger("borg")
borg_logger.json = json
logger.debug(f'using logging configuration read from "{conf_fname}"')
warnings.showwarning = _log_warning
@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ def setup_logging(stream=None, conf_fname=None, env_var='BORG_LOGGING_CONF', lev
except Exception as err: # XXX be more precise
err_msg = str(err)
# if we did not / not successfully load a logging configuration, fallback to this:
logger = logging.getLogger('')
logger = logging.getLogger("")
handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
if is_serve and not json:
fmt = '$LOG %(levelname)s %(name)s Remote: %(message)s'
fmt = "$LOG %(levelname)s %(name)s Remote: %(message)s"
fmt = '%(message)s'
fmt = "%(message)s"
formatter = JsonFormatter(fmt) if json else logging.Formatter(fmt)
borg_logger = logging.getLogger('borg')
borg_logger = logging.getLogger("borg")
borg_logger.formatter = formatter
borg_logger.json = json
if configured and logger.handlers:
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def setup_logging(stream=None, conf_fname=None, env_var='BORG_LOGGING_CONF', lev
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if err_msg:
logger.warning(f'setup_logging for "{conf_fname}" failed with "{err_msg}".')
logger.debug('using builtin fallback logging configuration')
logger.debug("using builtin fallback logging configuration")
warnings.showwarning = _log_warning
return handler
@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ def create_logger(name=None):
be careful not to call any logger methods before the setup_logging() call.
If you try, you'll get an exception.
class LazyLogger:
def __init__(self, name=None):
self.__name = name or find_parent_module()
@ -162,49 +163,49 @@ def __logger(self):
if not configured:
raise Exception("tried to call a logger before setup_logging() was called")
self.__real_logger = logging.getLogger(self.__name)
if self.__name.startswith('borg.debug.') and self.__real_logger.level == logging.NOTSET:
if self.__name.startswith("borg.debug.") and self.__real_logger.level == logging.NOTSET:
return self.__real_logger
def getChild(self, suffix):
return LazyLogger(self.__name + '.' + suffix)
return LazyLogger(self.__name + "." + suffix)
def setLevel(self, *args, **kw):
return self.__logger.setLevel(*args, **kw)
def log(self, *args, **kw):
if 'msgid' in kw:
kw.setdefault('extra', {})['msgid'] = kw.pop('msgid')
if "msgid" in kw:
kw.setdefault("extra", {})["msgid"] = kw.pop("msgid")
return self.__logger.log(*args, **kw)
def exception(self, *args, **kw):
if 'msgid' in kw:
kw.setdefault('extra', {})['msgid'] = kw.pop('msgid')
if "msgid" in kw:
kw.setdefault("extra", {})["msgid"] = kw.pop("msgid")
return self.__logger.exception(*args, **kw)
def debug(self, *args, **kw):
if 'msgid' in kw:
kw.setdefault('extra', {})['msgid'] = kw.pop('msgid')
if "msgid" in kw:
kw.setdefault("extra", {})["msgid"] = kw.pop("msgid")
return self.__logger.debug(*args, **kw)
def info(self, *args, **kw):
if 'msgid' in kw:
kw.setdefault('extra', {})['msgid'] = kw.pop('msgid')
if "msgid" in kw:
kw.setdefault("extra", {})["msgid"] = kw.pop("msgid")
return*args, **kw)
def warning(self, *args, **kw):
if 'msgid' in kw:
kw.setdefault('extra', {})['msgid'] = kw.pop('msgid')
if "msgid" in kw:
kw.setdefault("extra", {})["msgid"] = kw.pop("msgid")
return self.__logger.warning(*args, **kw)
def error(self, *args, **kw):
if 'msgid' in kw:
kw.setdefault('extra', {})['msgid'] = kw.pop('msgid')
if "msgid" in kw:
kw.setdefault("extra", {})["msgid"] = kw.pop("msgid")
return self.__logger.error(*args, **kw)
def critical(self, *args, **kw):
if 'msgid' in kw:
kw.setdefault('extra', {})['msgid'] = kw.pop('msgid')
if "msgid" in kw:
kw.setdefault("extra", {})["msgid"] = kw.pop("msgid")
return self.__logger.critical(*args, **kw)
return LazyLogger(name)
@ -212,11 +213,11 @@ def critical(self, *args, **kw):
class JsonFormatter(logging.Formatter):
# msgid is an attribute we made up in Borg to expose a non-changing handle for log messages
# Other attributes that are not very useful but do exist:
@ -229,12 +230,7 @@ class JsonFormatter(logging.Formatter):
def format(self, record):
data = {
'type': 'log_message',
'time': record.created,
'message': '',
'levelname': 'CRITICAL',
data = {"type": "log_message", "time": record.created, "message": "", "levelname": "CRITICAL"}
for attr in self.RECORD_ATTRIBUTES:
value = getattr(record, attr, None)
if value:

View File

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ def __init__(self, capacity, dispose):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
assert key not in self._cache, (
"Unexpected attempt to replace a cached item,"
" without first deleting the old item.")
"Unexpected attempt to replace a cached item," " without first deleting the old item."
while len(self._lru) > self._capacity:
del self[self._lru[0]]

View File

@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ def __init__(self, s):
def read(self, n):
self.i += n
return self.str[self.i - n:self.i]
return self.str[self.i - n : self.i]
def peek(self, n):
if n >= 0:
return self.str[self.i:self.i + n]
return self.str[self.i : self.i + n]
return self.str[self.i + n - 1:self.i - 1]
return self.str[self.i + n - 1 : self.i - 1]
def peekline(self):
out = ''
out = ""
i = self.i
while i < len(self.str) and self.str[i] != '\n':
while i < len(self.str) and self.str[i] != "\n":
out += self.str[i]
i += 1
return out
@ -34,18 +34,18 @@ def readline(self):
def process_directive(directive, arguments, out, state_hook):
if directive == 'container' and arguments == 'experimental':
state_hook('text', '**', out)
out.write('++ Experimental ++')
state_hook('**', 'text', out)
if directive == "container" and arguments == "experimental":
state_hook("text", "**", out)
out.write("++ Experimental ++")
state_hook("**", "text", out)
state_hook('text', '**', out)
state_hook("text", "**", out)
state_hook('**', 'text', out)
state_hook("**", "text", out)
if arguments:
def rst_to_text(text, state_hook=None, references=None):
@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ def rst_to_text(text, state_hook=None, references=None):
state_hook = state_hook or (lambda old_state, new_state, out: None)
references = references or {}
state = 'text'
inline_mode = 'replace'
state = "text"
inline_mode = "replace"
text = TextPecker(text)
out = io.StringIO()
inline_single = ('*', '`')
inline_single = ("*", "`")
while True:
char =
@ -71,81 +71,83 @@ def rst_to_text(text, state_hook=None, references=None):
next = text.peek(1) # type: str
if state == 'text':
if char == '\\' and text.peek(1) in inline_single:
if state == "text":
if char == "\\" and text.peek(1) in inline_single:
if text.peek(-1) != '\\':
if text.peek(-1) != "\\":
if char in inline_single and next != char:
state_hook(state, char, out)
state = char
if char == next == '*':
state_hook(state, '**', out)
state = '**'
if char == next == "*":
state_hook(state, "**", out)
state = "**"
if char == next == '`':
state_hook(state, '``', out)
state = '``'
if char == next == "`":
state_hook(state, "``", out)
state = "``"
if text.peek(-1).isspace() and char == ':' and text.peek(5) == 'ref:`':
if text.peek(-1).isspace() and char == ":" and text.peek(5) == "ref:`":
# translate reference
ref = ''
ref = ""
while True:
char = text.peek(1)
if char == '`':
if char == "`":
if char == '\n':
if char == "\n":
continue # merge line breaks in :ref:`...\n...`
ref +=
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Undefined reference in Archiver help: %r — please add reference "
"substitution to 'rst_plain_text_references'" % ref)
raise ValueError(
"Undefined reference in Archiver help: %r — please add reference "
"substitution to 'rst_plain_text_references'" % ref
if char == ':' and text.peek(2) == ':\n': # End of line code block
if char == ":" and text.peek(2) == ":\n": # End of line code block
state_hook(state, 'code-block', out)
state = 'code-block'
state_hook(state, "code-block", out)
state = "code-block"
if text.peek(-2) in ('\n\n', '') and char == next == '.':
if text.peek(-2) in ("\n\n", "") and char == next == ".":
directive, is_directive, arguments = text.readline().partition('::')
directive, is_directive, arguments = text.readline().partition("::")
if not is_directive:
# partition: if the separator is not in the text, the leftmost output is the entire input
if directive == 'nanorst: inline-fill':
inline_mode = 'fill'
elif directive == 'nanorst: inline-replace':
inline_mode = 'replace'
if directive == "nanorst: inline-fill":
inline_mode = "fill"
elif directive == "nanorst: inline-replace":
inline_mode = "replace"
process_directive(directive, arguments.strip(), out, state_hook)
if state in inline_single and char == state:
state_hook(state, 'text', out)
state = 'text'
if inline_mode == 'fill':
out.write(2 * ' ')
state_hook(state, "text", out)
state = "text"
if inline_mode == "fill":
out.write(2 * " ")
if state == '``' and char == next == '`':
state_hook(state, 'text', out)
state = 'text'
if state == "``" and char == next == "`":
state_hook(state, "text", out)
state = "text"
if inline_mode == 'fill':
out.write(4 * ' ')
if inline_mode == "fill":
out.write(4 * " ")
if state == '**' and char == next == '*':
state_hook(state, 'text', out)
state = 'text'
if state == "**" and char == next == "*":
state_hook(state, "text", out)
state = "text"
if state == 'code-block' and char == next == '\n' and text.peek(5)[1:] != ' ':
if state == "code-block" and char == next == "\n" and text.peek(5)[1:] != " ":
# Foo::
# *stuff* *code* *ignore .. all markup*
@ -153,11 +155,11 @@ def rst_to_text(text, state_hook=None, references=None):
# More arcane stuff
# Regular text...
state_hook(state, 'text', out)
state = 'text'
state_hook(state, "text", out)
state = "text"
assert state == 'text', 'Invalid final state %r (This usually indicates unmatched */**)' % state
assert state == "text", "Invalid final state %r (This usually indicates unmatched */**)" % state
return out.getvalue()
@ -191,12 +193,12 @@ def __contains__(self, item):
def ansi_escapes(old_state, new_state, out):
if old_state == 'text' and new_state in ('*', '`', '``'):
if old_state == 'text' and new_state == '**':
if old_state in ('*', '`', '``', '**') and new_state == 'text':
if old_state == "text" and new_state in ("*", "`", "``"):
if old_state == "text" and new_state == "**":
if old_state in ("*", "`", "``", "**") and new_state == "text":
def rst_to_terminal(rst, references=None, destination=sys.stdout):

View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ class PatternMatcher:
*fallback* is a boolean value that *match()* returns if no matching patterns are found.
def __init__(self, fallback=None):
self._items = []
@ -96,18 +97,13 @@ def __init__(self, fallback=None):
self.include_patterns = []
# TODO: move this info to parse_inclexcl_command and store in PatternBase subclass?
self.is_include_cmd = {
IECommand.Exclude: False,
IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse: False,
IECommand.Include: True
self.is_include_cmd = {IECommand.Exclude: False, IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse: False, IECommand.Include: True}
def empty(self):
return not len(self._items) and not len(self._path_full_patterns)
def _add(self, pattern, cmd):
"""*cmd* is an IECommand value.
"""*cmd* is an IECommand value."""
if isinstance(pattern, PathFullPattern):
key = pattern.pattern # full, normalized path
self._path_full_patterns[key] = cmd
@ -123,8 +119,7 @@ def add(self, patterns, cmd):
self._add(pattern, cmd)
def add_includepaths(self, include_paths):
"""Used to add inclusion-paths from args.paths (from commandline).
"""Used to add inclusion-paths from args.paths (from commandline)."""
include_patterns = [parse_pattern(p, PathPrefixPattern) for p in include_paths]
self.add(include_patterns, IECommand.Include)
self.fallback = not include_patterns
@ -135,8 +130,7 @@ def get_unmatched_include_patterns(self):
return [p for p in self.include_patterns if p.match_count == 0]
def add_inclexcl(self, patterns):
"""Add list of patterns (of type CmdTuple) to internal list.
"""Add list of patterns (of type CmdTuple) to internal list."""
for pattern, cmd in patterns:
self._add(pattern, cmd)
@ -172,12 +166,12 @@ def normalize_path(path):
"""normalize paths for MacOS (but do nothing on other platforms)"""
# HFS+ converts paths to a canonical form, so users shouldn't be required to enter an exact match.
# Windows and Unix filesystems allow different forms, so users always have to enter an exact match.
return unicodedata.normalize('NFD', path) if sys.platform == 'darwin' else path
return unicodedata.normalize("NFD", path) if sys.platform == "darwin" else path
class PatternBase:
"""Shared logic for inclusion/exclusion patterns.
"""Shared logic for inclusion/exclusion patterns."""
PREFIX = NotImplemented
def __init__(self, pattern, recurse_dir=False):
@ -201,7 +195,7 @@ def match(self, path, normalize=True):
return matches
def __repr__(self):
return f'{type(self)}({self.pattern})'
return f"{type(self)}({self.pattern})"
def __str__(self):
return self.pattern_orig
@ -216,6 +210,7 @@ def _match(self, path):
class PathFullPattern(PatternBase):
"""Full match of a path."""
PREFIX = "pf"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
@ -236,6 +231,7 @@ class PathPrefixPattern(PatternBase):
If a directory is specified, all paths that start with that
path match as well. A trailing slash makes no difference.
PREFIX = "pp"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
@ -251,13 +247,14 @@ class FnmatchPattern(PatternBase):
"""Shell glob patterns to exclude. A trailing slash means to
exclude the contents of a directory, but not the directory itself.
PREFIX = "fm"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
if pattern.endswith(os.path.sep):
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep + '*' + os.path.sep
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep + "*" + os.path.sep
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern) + os.path.sep + '*'
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern) + os.path.sep + "*"
self.pattern = pattern.lstrip(os.path.sep) # sep at beginning is removed
@ -266,13 +263,14 @@ def _prepare(self, pattern):
self.regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(self.pattern))
def _match(self, path):
return (self.regex.match(path + os.path.sep) is not None)
return self.regex.match(path + os.path.sep) is not None
class ShellPattern(PatternBase):
"""Shell glob patterns to exclude. A trailing slash means to
exclude the contents of a directory, but not the directory itself.
PREFIX = "sh"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
@ -287,12 +285,12 @@ def _prepare(self, pattern):
self.regex = re.compile(shellpattern.translate(self.pattern))
def _match(self, path):
return (self.regex.match(path + os.path.sep) is not None)
return self.regex.match(path + os.path.sep) is not None
class RegexPattern(PatternBase):
"""Regular expression to exclude.
"""Regular expression to exclude."""
PREFIX = "re"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
@ -301,28 +299,22 @@ def _prepare(self, pattern):
def _match(self, path):
# Normalize path separators
if os.path.sep != '/':
path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
if os.path.sep != "/":
path = path.replace(os.path.sep, "/")
return ( is not None)
return is not None
_PATTERN_CLASSES = {FnmatchPattern, PathFullPattern, PathPrefixPattern, RegexPattern, ShellPattern}
CmdTuple = namedtuple('CmdTuple', 'val cmd')
CmdTuple = namedtuple("CmdTuple", "val cmd")
class IECommand(Enum):
"""A command that an InclExcl file line can represent.
"""A command that an InclExcl file line can represent."""
RootPath = 1
PatternStyle = 2
Include = 3
@ -343,9 +335,7 @@ def get_pattern_class(prefix):
def parse_pattern(pattern, fallback=FnmatchPattern, recurse_dir=True):
"""Read pattern from string and return an instance of the appropriate implementation class.
"""Read pattern from string and return an instance of the appropriate implementation class."""
if len(pattern) > 2 and pattern[2] == ":" and pattern[:2].isalnum():
(style, pattern) = (pattern[:2], pattern[3:])
cls = get_pattern_class(style)
@ -355,8 +345,7 @@ def parse_pattern(pattern, fallback=FnmatchPattern, recurse_dir=True):
def parse_exclude_pattern(pattern_str, fallback=FnmatchPattern):
"""Read pattern from string and return an instance of the appropriate implementation class.
"""Read pattern from string and return an instance of the appropriate implementation class."""
epattern_obj = parse_pattern(pattern_str, fallback, recurse_dir=False)
return CmdTuple(epattern_obj, IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse)
@ -365,21 +354,20 @@ def parse_inclexcl_command(cmd_line_str, fallback=ShellPattern):
"""Read a --patterns-from command from string and return a CmdTuple object."""
cmd_prefix_map = {
'-': IECommand.Exclude,
'!': IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse,
'+': IECommand.Include,
'R': IECommand.RootPath,
'r': IECommand.RootPath,
'P': IECommand.PatternStyle,
'p': IECommand.PatternStyle,
"-": IECommand.Exclude,
"!": IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse,
"+": IECommand.Include,
"R": IECommand.RootPath,
"r": IECommand.RootPath,
"P": IECommand.PatternStyle,
"p": IECommand.PatternStyle,
if not cmd_line_str:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("A pattern/command must not be empty.")
cmd = cmd_prefix_map.get(cmd_line_str[0])
if cmd is None:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("A pattern/command must start with anyone of: %s" %
', '.join(cmd_prefix_map))
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("A pattern/command must start with anyone of: %s" % ", ".join(cmd_prefix_map))
# remaining text on command-line following the command character
remainder_str = cmd_line_str[1:].lstrip()

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
if not is_win32:
from .posix import process_alive, local_pid_alive
# posix swidth implementation works for: linux, freebsd, darwin, openindiana, cygwin
from .posix import swidth
from .posix import get_errno

View File

@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
are correctly composed into the base functionality.
API_VERSION = '1.2_05'
API_VERSION = "1.2_05"
fdatasync = getattr(os, 'fdatasync', os.fsync)
fdatasync = getattr(os, "fdatasync", os.fsync)
from .xattr import ENOATTR
@ -86,14 +86,16 @@ def acl_set(path, item, numeric_ids=False, fd=None):
def set_flags(path, bsd_flags, fd=None):
lchflags(path, bsd_flags)
except ImportError:
def set_flags(path, bsd_flags, fd=None):
def get_flags(path, st, fd=None):
"""Return BSD-style file flags for path or stat without following symlinks."""
return getattr(st, 'st_flags', 0)
return getattr(st, "st_flags", 0)
def sync_dir(path):
@ -114,8 +116,8 @@ def sync_dir(path):
def safe_fadvise(fd, offset, len, advice):
if hasattr(os, 'posix_fadvise'):
advice = getattr(os, 'POSIX_FADV_' + advice)
if hasattr(os, "posix_fadvise"):
advice = getattr(os, "POSIX_FADV_" + advice)
os.posix_fadvise(fd, offset, len, advice)
except OSError:
@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ def __init__(self, path, *, fd=None, binary=False):
that corresponds to path (like from, ...) or os.mkstemp(...))
:param binary: whether to open in binary mode, default is False.
mode = 'xb' if binary else 'x' # x -> raise FileExists exception in open() if file exists already
mode = "xb" if binary else "x" # x -> raise FileExists exception in open() if file exists already
self.path = path
if fd is None:
self.f = open(path, mode=mode) # python file object
@ -181,15 +183,17 @@ def sync(self):
after sync().
from .. import platform
# tell the OS that it does not need to cache what we just wrote,
# avoids spoiling the cache for the OS and other processes.
safe_fadvise(self.fd, 0, 0, 'DONTNEED')
safe_fadvise(self.fd, 0, 0, "DONTNEED")
def close(self):
"""sync() and close."""
from .. import platform
dirname = None
dirname = os.path.dirname(self.path)
@ -216,23 +220,26 @@ class SaveFile:
Internally used temporary files are created in the target directory and are
named <BASENAME>-<RANDOMCHARS>.tmp and cleaned up in normal and error conditions.
def __init__(self, path, binary=False):
self.binary = binary
self.path = path
self.dir = os.path.dirname(path)
self.tmp_prefix = os.path.basename(path) + '-'
self.tmp_prefix = os.path.basename(path) + "-"
self.tmp_fd = None # OS-level fd
self.tmp_fname = None # full path/filename corresponding to self.tmp_fd
self.f = None # python-file-like SyncFile
def __enter__(self):
from .. import platform
self.tmp_fd, self.tmp_fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.tmp_prefix, suffix='.tmp', dir=self.dir)
self.tmp_fd, self.tmp_fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.tmp_prefix, suffix=".tmp", dir=self.dir)
self.f = platform.SyncFile(self.tmp_fname, fd=self.tmp_fd, binary=self.binary)
return self.f
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
from .. import platform
self.f.close() # this indirectly also closes self.tmp_fd
self.tmp_fd = None
if exc_type is not None:
@ -246,7 +253,7 @@ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# thanks to the crappy os.umask api, we can't query the umask without setting it. :-(
umask = os.umask(UMASK_DEFAULT)
os.chmod(self.tmp_fname, mode=0o666 & ~ umask)
os.chmod(self.tmp_fname, mode=0o666 & ~umask)
except OSError:
# chmod might fail if the fs does not support it.
# this is not harmful, the file will still have permissions for the owner.
@ -270,13 +277,13 @@ def swidth(s):
# patched socket.getfqdn() - see
def getfqdn(name=''):
def getfqdn(name=""):
"""Get fully qualified domain name from name.
An empty argument is interpreted as meaning the local host.
name = name.strip()
if not name or name == '':
if not name or name == "":
name = socket.gethostname()
addrs = socket.getaddrinfo(name, None, 0, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0, socket.AI_CANONNAME)
@ -296,14 +303,14 @@ def getfqdn(name=''):
fqdn = getfqdn(hostname)
# some people put the fqdn into /etc/hostname (which is wrong, should be the short hostname)
# fix this (do the same as "hostname --short" cli command does internally):
hostname = hostname.split('.')[0]
hostname = hostname.split(".")[0]
# uuid.getnode() is problematic in some environments (e.g. OpenVZ, see #3968) where the virtual MAC address
# is all-zero. uuid.getnode falls back to returning a random value in that case, which is not what we want.
# thus, we offer BORG_HOST_ID where a user can set an own, unique id for each of his hosts.
hostid = os.environ.get('BORG_HOST_ID')
hostid = os.environ.get("BORG_HOST_ID")
if not hostid:
hostid = f'{fqdn}@{uuid.getnode()}'
hostid = f"{fqdn}@{uuid.getnode()}"
def get_process_id():

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def split_string0(buf):
"""split a list of zero-terminated strings into python not-zero-terminated bytes"""
if isinstance(buf, bytearray):
buf = bytes(buf) # use a bytes object, so we return a list of bytes objects
return buf.split(b'\0')[:-1]
return buf.split(b"\0")[:-1]
def split_lstring(buf):
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ def split_lstring(buf):
mv = memoryview(buf)
while mv:
length = mv[0]
result.append(bytes(mv[1:1 + length]))
mv = mv[1 + length:]
result.append(bytes(mv[1 : 1 + length]))
mv = mv[1 + length :]
return result
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class BufferTooSmallError(Exception):
def _check(rv, path=None, detect_buffer_too_small=False):
from . import get_errno
if rv < 0:
e = get_errno()
if detect_buffer_too_small and e == errno.ERANGE:
@ -48,9 +49,9 @@ def _check(rv, path=None, detect_buffer_too_small=False):
msg = os.strerror(e)
except ValueError:
msg = ''
msg = ""
if isinstance(path, int):
path = '<FD %d>' % path
path = "<FD %d>" % path
raise OSError(e, msg, path)
if detect_buffer_too_small and rv >= len(buffer):
# freebsd does not error with ERANGE if the buffer is too small,

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import sys
is_win32 = sys.platform.startswith('win32')
is_linux = sys.platform.startswith('linux')
is_freebsd = sys.platform.startswith('freebsd')
is_darwin = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
is_win32 = sys.platform.startswith("win32")
is_linux = sys.platform.startswith("linux")
is_freebsd = sys.platform.startswith("freebsd")
is_darwin = sys.platform.startswith("darwin")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ def test_name(self, test):
def log_results(self, logger):
for test, failure in self.errors + self.failures + self.unexpectedSuccesses:
logger.error('self test %s FAILED:\n%s', self.test_name(test), failure)
logger.error("self test %s FAILED:\n%s", self.test_name(test), failure)
for test, reason in self.skipped:
logger.warning('self test %s skipped: %s', self.test_name(test), reason)
logger.warning("self test %s skipped: %s", self.test_name(test), reason)
def successful_test_count(self):
return len(self.successes)
def selftest(logger):
if os.environ.get('BORG_SELFTEST') == 'disabled':
if os.environ.get("BORG_SELFTEST") == "disabled":
logger.debug("borg selftest disabled via BORG_SELFTEST env variable")
selftest_started = time.perf_counter()
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def selftest(logger):
module = sys.modules[test_case.__module__]
# a normal borg user does not have pytest installed, we must not require it in the test modules used here.
# note: this only detects the usual toplevel import
assert 'pytest' not in dir(module), "pytest must not be imported in %s" % module.__name__
assert "pytest" not in dir(module), "pytest must not be imported in %s" % module.__name__
@ -77,12 +77,17 @@ def selftest(logger):
count_mismatch = successful_tests != SELFTEST_COUNT
if result.wasSuccessful() and count_mismatch:
# only print this if all tests succeeded
logger.error("self test count (%d != %d) mismatch, either test discovery is broken or a test was added "
"without updating borg.selftest",
successful_tests, SELFTEST_COUNT)
"self test count (%d != %d) mismatch, either test discovery is broken or a test was added "
"without updating borg.selftest",
if not result.wasSuccessful() or count_mismatch:
logger.error("self test failed\n"
"Could be a bug either in Borg, the package / distribution you use, your OS or your hardware.")
"self test failed\n"
"Could be a bug either in Borg, the package / distribution you use, your OS or your hardware."
assert False, "sanity assertion failed: ran beyond sys.exit()"
selftest_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - selftest_started

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def translate(pat, match_end=r"\Z"):
if i + 1 < n and pat[i] == "*" and pat[i + 1] == sep:
# **/ == wildcard for 0+ full (relative) directory names with trailing slashes; the forward slash stands
# for the platform-specific path separator
res += fr"(?:[^\{sep}]*\{sep})*"
res += rf"(?:[^\{sep}]*\{sep})*"
i += 2
# * == wildcard for name parts (does not cross path separator)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import filecmp
import functools
import os
import posix
except ImportError:
@ -25,14 +26,14 @@
from ..fuse_impl import llfuse, has_pyfuse3, has_llfuse
# Does this version of llfuse support ns precision?
have_fuse_mtime_ns = hasattr(llfuse.EntryAttributes, 'st_mtime_ns') if llfuse else False
have_fuse_mtime_ns = hasattr(llfuse.EntryAttributes, "st_mtime_ns") if llfuse else False
from pytest import raises
except: # noqa
raises = None
has_lchflags = hasattr(os, 'lchflags') or sys.platform.startswith('linux')
has_lchflags = hasattr(os, "lchflags") or sys.platform.startswith("linux")
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as file:
platform.set_flags(, stat.UF_NODUMP)
@ -40,14 +41,14 @@
has_lchflags = False
# The mtime get/set precision varies on different OS and Python versions
if posix and 'HAVE_FUTIMENS' in getattr(posix, '_have_functions', []):
if posix and "HAVE_FUTIMENS" in getattr(posix, "_have_functions", []):
st_mtime_ns_round = 0
elif 'HAVE_UTIMES' in sysconfig.get_config_vars():
elif "HAVE_UTIMES" in sysconfig.get_config_vars():
st_mtime_ns_round = -6
st_mtime_ns_round = -9
if sys.platform.startswith('netbsd'):
if sys.platform.startswith("netbsd"):
st_mtime_ns_round = -4 # only >1 microsecond resolution here?
@ -61,8 +62,8 @@ def unopened_tempfile():
def are_symlinks_supported():
with unopened_tempfile() as filepath:
os.symlink('somewhere', filepath)
if os.stat(filepath, follow_symlinks=False) and os.readlink(filepath) == 'somewhere':
os.symlink("somewhere", filepath)
if os.stat(filepath, follow_symlinks=False) and os.readlink(filepath) == "somewhere":
return True
except OSError:
@ -71,12 +72,12 @@ def are_symlinks_supported():
def are_hardlinks_supported():
if not hasattr(os, 'link'):
if not hasattr(os, "link"):
# some pythons do not have
return False
with unopened_tempfile() as file1path, unopened_tempfile() as file2path:
open(file1path, 'w').close()
open(file1path, "w").close()
try:, file2path)
stat1 = os.stat(file1path)
@ -108,9 +109,9 @@ def is_utime_fully_supported():
with unopened_tempfile() as filepath:
# Some filesystems (such as SSHFS) don't support utime on symlinks
if are_symlinks_supported():
os.symlink('something', filepath)
os.symlink("something", filepath)
open(filepath, 'w').close()
open(filepath, "w").close()
os.utime(filepath, (1000, 2000), follow_symlinks=False)
new_stats = os.stat(filepath, follow_symlinks=False)
@ -125,14 +126,14 @@ def is_utime_fully_supported():
def is_birthtime_fully_supported():
if not hasattr(os.stat_result, 'st_birthtime'):
if not hasattr(os.stat_result, "st_birthtime"):
return False
with unopened_tempfile() as filepath:
# Some filesystems (such as SSHFS) don't support utime on symlinks
if are_symlinks_supported():
os.symlink('something', filepath)
os.symlink("something", filepath)
open(filepath, 'w').close()
open(filepath, "w").close()
birthtime, mtime, atime = 946598400, 946684800, 946771200
os.utime(filepath, (atime, birthtime), follow_symlinks=False)
@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ def is_birthtime_fully_supported():
def no_selinux(x):
# selinux fails our FUSE tests, thus ignore selinux xattrs
SELINUX_KEY = b'security.selinux'
SELINUX_KEY = b"security.selinux"
if isinstance(x, dict):
return {k: v for k, v in x.items() if k != SELINUX_KEY}
if isinstance(x, list):
@ -157,8 +158,8 @@ def no_selinux(x):
class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
""" """
assert_in = unittest.TestCase.assertIn
assert_not_in = unittest.TestCase.assertNotIn
assert_equal = unittest.TestCase.assertEqual
@ -171,9 +172,9 @@ class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def assert_creates_file(self, path):
assert not os.path.exists(path), f'{path} should not exist'
assert not os.path.exists(path), f"{path} should not exist"
assert os.path.exists(path), f'{path} should exist'
assert os.path.exists(path), f"{path} should exist"
def assert_dirs_equal(self, dir1, dir2, **kwargs):
diff = filecmp.dircmp(dir1, dir2)
@ -191,10 +192,10 @@ def _assert_dirs_equal_cmp(self, diff, ignore_flags=False, ignore_xattrs=False,
s2 = os.stat(path2, follow_symlinks=False)
# Assume path2 is on FUSE if st_dev is different
fuse = s1.st_dev != s2.st_dev
attrs = ['st_uid', 'st_gid', 'st_rdev']
attrs = ["st_uid", "st_gid", "st_rdev"]
if not fuse or not os.path.isdir(path1):
# dir nlink is always 1 on our FUSE filesystem
d1 = [filename] + [getattr(s1, a) for a in attrs]
d2 = [filename] + [getattr(s2, a) for a in attrs]
d1.insert(1, oct(s1.st_mode))
@ -225,7 +226,9 @@ def _assert_dirs_equal_cmp(self, diff, ignore_flags=False, ignore_xattrs=False,
d2.append(no_selinux(get_all(path2, follow_symlinks=False)))
self.assert_equal(d1, d2)
for sub_diff in diff.subdirs.values():
self._assert_dirs_equal_cmp(sub_diff, ignore_flags=ignore_flags, ignore_xattrs=ignore_xattrs, ignore_ns=ignore_ns)
sub_diff, ignore_flags=ignore_flags, ignore_xattrs=ignore_xattrs, ignore_ns=ignore_ns
def fuse_mount(self, location, mountpoint=None, *options, fork=True, os_fork=False, **kwargs):
@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ def fuse_mount(self, location, mountpoint=None, *options, fork=True, os_fork=Fal
mountpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp()
args = [f'--repo={location}', 'mount', mountpoint] + list(options)
args = [f"--repo={location}", "mount", mountpoint] + list(options)
if os_fork:
# Do not spawn, but actually (OS) fork.
if os.fork() == 0:
@ -264,12 +267,11 @@ def fuse_mount(self, location, mountpoint=None, *options, fork=True, os_fork=Fal
# This should never be reached, since it daemonizes,
# and the grandchild process exits before cmd() returns.
# However, just in case...
print('Fatal: borg mount did not daemonize properly. Force exiting.',
file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
print("Fatal: borg mount did not daemonize properly. Force exiting.", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
self.cmd(*args, fork=fork, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get('exit_code', EXIT_SUCCESS) == EXIT_ERROR:
if kwargs.get("exit_code", EXIT_SUCCESS) == EXIT_ERROR:
# If argument `exit_code = EXIT_ERROR`, then this call
# is testing the behavior of an unsuccessful mount and
# we must not continue, as there is no mount to work
@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ def wait_for_mountstate(self, mountpoint, *, mounted, timeout=5):
if os.path.ismount(mountpoint) == mounted:
message = 'Waiting for {} of {}'.format('mount' if mounted else 'umount', mountpoint)
message = "Waiting for {} of {}".format("mount" if mounted else "umount", mountpoint)
raise TimeoutError(message)
@ -308,17 +310,17 @@ def read_only(self, path):
tests are running with root privileges. Instead, the folder is
rendered immutable with chattr or chflags, respectively.
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
cmd_immutable = 'chattr +i "%s"' % path
cmd_mutable = 'chattr -i "%s"' % path
elif sys.platform.startswith(('darwin', 'freebsd', 'netbsd', 'openbsd')):
elif sys.platform.startswith(("darwin", "freebsd", "netbsd", "openbsd")):
cmd_immutable = 'chflags uchg "%s"' % path
cmd_mutable = 'chflags nouchg "%s"' % path
elif sys.platform.startswith('sunos'): # openindiana
elif sys.platform.startswith("sunos"): # openindiana
cmd_immutable = 'chmod S+vimmutable "%s"' % path
cmd_mutable = 'chmod S-vimmutable "%s"' % path
message = 'Testing read-only repos is not supported on platform %s' % sys.platform
message = "Testing read-only repos is not supported on platform %s" % sys.platform
os.system('LD_PRELOAD= chmod -R ugo-w "%s"' % path)
@ -365,12 +367,13 @@ def __exit__(self, *args, **kw):
class FakeInputs:
"""Simulate multiple user inputs, can be used as input() replacement"""
def __init__(self, inputs):
self.inputs = inputs
def __call__(self, prompt=None):
if prompt is not None:
print(prompt, end='')
print(prompt, end="")
return self.inputs.pop(0)
except IndexError:

View File

@ -33,64 +33,66 @@ def test_stats_basic(stats):
def tests_stats_progress(stats, monkeypatch, columns=80):
monkeypatch.setenv('COLUMNS', str(columns))
monkeypatch.setenv("COLUMNS", str(columns))
out = StringIO()
s = '20 B O 20 B U 1 N '
buf = ' ' * (columns - len(s))
s = "20 B O 20 B U 1 N "
buf = " " * (columns - len(s))
assert out.getvalue() == s + buf + "\r"
out = StringIO()
stats.update(10 ** 3, unique=False)
stats.show_progress(item=Item(path='foo'), final=False, stream=out)
s = '1.02 kB O 20 B U 1 N foo'
buf = ' ' * (columns - len(s))
stats.update(10**3, unique=False)
stats.show_progress(item=Item(path="foo"), final=False, stream=out)
s = "1.02 kB O 20 B U 1 N foo"
buf = " " * (columns - len(s))
assert out.getvalue() == s + buf + "\r"
out = StringIO()
stats.show_progress(item=Item(path='foo'*40), final=False, stream=out)
s = '1.02 kB O 20 B U 1 N foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofo...foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoo'
buf = ' ' * (columns - len(s))
stats.show_progress(item=Item(path="foo" * 40), final=False, stream=out)
s = "1.02 kB O 20 B U 1 N foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofo...foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoo"
buf = " " * (columns - len(s))
assert out.getvalue() == s + buf + "\r"
def test_stats_format(stats):
assert str(stats) == """\
assert (
== """\
Number of files: 1
Original size: 20 B
Deduplicated size: 20 B
s = f"{stats.osize_fmt}"
assert s == "20 B"
# kind of redundant, but id is variable so we can't match reliably
assert repr(stats) == f'<Statistics object at {id(stats):#x} (20, 20)>'
assert repr(stats) == f"<Statistics object at {id(stats):#x} (20, 20)>"
def test_stats_progress_json(stats):
stats.output_json = True
out = StringIO()
stats.show_progress(item=Item(path='foo'), stream=out)
stats.show_progress(item=Item(path="foo"), stream=out)
result = json.loads(out.getvalue())
assert result['type'] == 'archive_progress'
assert isinstance(result['time'], float)
assert result['finished'] is False
assert result['path'] == 'foo'
assert result['original_size'] == 20
assert result['nfiles'] == 1
assert result["type"] == "archive_progress"
assert isinstance(result["time"], float)
assert result["finished"] is False
assert result["path"] == "foo"
assert result["original_size"] == 20
assert result["nfiles"] == 1
out = StringIO()
stats.show_progress(stream=out, final=True)
result = json.loads(out.getvalue())
assert result['type'] == 'archive_progress'
assert isinstance(result['time'], float)
assert result['finished'] is True # see #6570
assert 'path' not in result
assert 'original_size' not in result
assert 'nfiles' not in result
assert result["type"] == "archive_progress"
assert isinstance(result["time"], float)
assert result["finished"] is True # see #6570
assert "path" not in result
assert "original_size" not in result
assert "nfiles" not in result
class MockCache:
class MockRepo:
def async_response(self, wait=True):
@ -105,30 +107,24 @@ def add_chunk(self, id, chunk, stats=None, wait=True):
class ArchiveTimestampTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def _test_timestamp_parsing(self, isoformat, expected):
repository = Mock()
key = PlaintextKey(repository)
manifest = Manifest(repository, key)
a = Archive(repository, key, manifest, 'test', create=True)
a = Archive(repository, key, manifest, "test", create=True)
a.metadata = ArchiveItem(time=isoformat)
self.assert_equal(a.ts, expected)
def test_with_microseconds(self):
datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, timezone.utc))
self._test_timestamp_parsing("1970-01-01T00:00:01.000001", datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, timezone.utc))
def test_without_microseconds(self):
datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, timezone.utc))
self._test_timestamp_parsing("1970-01-01T00:00:01", datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, timezone.utc))
class ChunkBufferTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test(self):
data = [Item(path='p1'), Item(path='p2')]
data = [Item(path="p1"), Item(path="p2")]
cache = MockCache()
key = PlaintextKey(None)
chunks = CacheChunkBuffer(cache, key, None)
@ -144,7 +140,7 @@ def test(self):
def test_partial(self):
big = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" * 25000
data = [Item(path='full', source=big), Item(path='partial', source=big)]
data = [Item(path="full", source=big), Item(path="partial", source=big)]
cache = MockCache()
key = PlaintextKey(None)
chunks = CacheChunkBuffer(cache, key, None)
@ -165,12 +161,11 @@ def test_partial(self):
class RobustUnpackerTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def make_chunks(self, items):
return b''.join(msgpack.packb({'path': item}) for item in items)
return b"".join(msgpack.packb({"path": item}) for item in items)
def _validator(self, value):
return isinstance(value, dict) and value.get('path') in ('foo', 'bar', 'boo', 'baz')
return isinstance(value, dict) and value.get("path") in ("foo", "bar", "boo", "baz")
def process(self, input):
unpacker = RobustUnpacker(validator=self._validator, item_keys=ITEM_KEYS)
@ -185,14 +180,14 @@ def process(self, input):
return result
def test_extra_garbage_no_sync(self):
chunks = [(False, [self.make_chunks(['foo', 'bar'])]),
(False, [b'garbage'] + [self.make_chunks(['boo', 'baz'])])]
chunks = [
(False, [self.make_chunks(["foo", "bar"])]),
(False, [b"garbage"] + [self.make_chunks(["boo", "baz"])]),
result = self.process(chunks)
self.assert_equal(result, [
{'path': 'foo'}, {'path': 'bar'},
103, 97, 114, 98, 97, 103, 101,
{'path': 'boo'},
{'path': 'baz'}])
result, [{"path": "foo"}, {"path": "bar"}, 103, 97, 114, 98, 97, 103, 101, {"path": "boo"}, {"path": "baz"}]
def split(self, left, length):
parts = []
@ -202,22 +197,22 @@ def split(self, left, length):
return parts
def test_correct_stream(self):
chunks = self.split(self.make_chunks(['foo', 'bar', 'boo', 'baz']), 2)
chunks = self.split(self.make_chunks(["foo", "bar", "boo", "baz"]), 2)
input = [(False, chunks)]
result = self.process(input)
self.assert_equal(result, [{'path': 'foo'}, {'path': 'bar'}, {'path': 'boo'}, {'path': 'baz'}])
self.assert_equal(result, [{"path": "foo"}, {"path": "bar"}, {"path": "boo"}, {"path": "baz"}])
def test_missing_chunk(self):
chunks = self.split(self.make_chunks(['foo', 'bar', 'boo', 'baz']), 4)
chunks = self.split(self.make_chunks(["foo", "bar", "boo", "baz"]), 4)
input = [(False, chunks[:3]), (True, chunks[4:])]
result = self.process(input)
self.assert_equal(result, [{'path': 'foo'}, {'path': 'boo'}, {'path': 'baz'}])
self.assert_equal(result, [{"path": "foo"}, {"path": "boo"}, {"path": "baz"}])
def test_corrupt_chunk(self):
chunks = self.split(self.make_chunks(['foo', 'bar', 'boo', 'baz']), 4)
input = [(False, chunks[:3]), (True, [b'gar', b'bage'] + chunks[3:])]
chunks = self.split(self.make_chunks(["foo", "bar", "boo", "baz"]), 4)
input = [(False, chunks[:3]), (True, [b"gar", b"bage"] + chunks[3:])]
result = self.process(input)
self.assert_equal(result, [{'path': 'foo'}, {'path': 'boo'}, {'path': 'baz'}])
self.assert_equal(result, [{"path": "foo"}, {"path": "boo"}, {"path": "baz"}])
@ -225,12 +220,17 @@ def item_keys_serialized():
return [msgpack.packb(name) for name in ITEM_KEYS]
[b'', b'x', b'foobar', ] +
[msgpack.packb(o) for o in (
[None, 0, 0.0, False, '', {}, [], ()] +
[42, 23.42, True, b'foobar', {b'foo': b'bar'}, [b'foo', b'bar'], (b'foo', b'bar')]
[b"", b"x", b"foobar"]
+ [
for o in (
[None, 0, 0.0, False, "", {}, [], ()]
+ [42, 23.42, True, b"foobar", {b"foo": b"bar"}, [b"foo", b"bar"], (b"foo", b"bar")]
def test_invalid_msgpacked_item(packed, item_keys_serialized):
assert not valid_msgpacked_dict(packed, item_keys_serialized)
@ -239,20 +239,25 @@ def test_invalid_msgpacked_item(packed, item_keys_serialized):
IK = sorted(list(ITEM_KEYS))
[msgpack.packb(o) for o in [
{'path': b'/a/b/c'}, # small (different msgpack mapping type!)
OrderedDict((k, b'') for k in IK), # as big (key count) as it gets
OrderedDict((k, b'x' * 1000) for k in IK), # as big (key count and volume) as it gets
for o in [
{"path": b"/a/b/c"}, # small (different msgpack mapping type!)
OrderedDict((k, b"") for k in IK), # as big (key count) as it gets
OrderedDict((k, b"x" * 1000) for k in IK), # as big (key count and volume) as it gets
def test_valid_msgpacked_items(packed, item_keys_serialized):
assert valid_msgpacked_dict(packed, item_keys_serialized)
def test_key_length_msgpacked_items():
key = 'x' * 32 # 31 bytes is the limit for fixstr msgpack type
data = {key: b''}
item_keys_serialized = [msgpack.packb(key), ]
key = "x" * 32 # 31 bytes is the limit for fixstr msgpack type
data = {key: b""}
item_keys_serialized = [msgpack.packb(key)]
assert valid_msgpacked_dict(msgpack.packb(data), item_keys_serialized)
@ -277,7 +282,7 @@ def __next__(self):
normal_iterator = Iterator(StopIteration)
for _ in backup_io_iter(normal_iterator):
assert False, 'StopIteration handled incorrectly'
assert False, "StopIteration handled incorrectly"
def test_get_item_uid_gid():
@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ def test_get_item_uid_gid():
user0, group0 = uid2user(0), gid2group(0)
# this is intentionally a "strange" item, with not matching ids/names.
item = Item(path='filename', uid=1, gid=2, user=user0, group=group0)
item = Item(path="filename", uid=1, gid=2, user=user0, group=group0)
uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False)
# these are found via a name-to-id lookup
@ -306,7 +311,7 @@ def test_get_item_uid_gid():
assert gid == 4
# item metadata broken, has negative ids.
item = Item(path='filename', uid=-1, gid=-2, user=user0, group=group0)
item = Item(path="filename", uid=-1, gid=-2, user=user0, group=group0)
uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=True)
# use the uid/gid defaults (which both default to 0).
@ -319,7 +324,7 @@ def test_get_item_uid_gid():
assert gid == 6
# item metadata broken, has negative ids and non-existing user/group names.
item = Item(path='filename', uid=-3, gid=-4, user='udoesnotexist', group='gdoesnotexist')
item = Item(path="filename", uid=-3, gid=-4, user="udoesnotexist", group="gdoesnotexist")
uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False)
# use the uid/gid defaults (which both default to 0).
@ -332,7 +337,7 @@ def test_get_item_uid_gid():
assert gid == 8
# item metadata has valid uid/gid, but non-existing user/group names.
item = Item(path='filename', uid=9, gid=10, user='udoesnotexist', group='gdoesnotexist')
item = Item(path="filename", uid=9, gid=10, user="udoesnotexist", group="gdoesnotexist")
uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False)
# because user/group name does not exist here, use valid numeric ids from item metadata.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -16,35 +16,38 @@
def repo_url(request, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', '123456')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_CHECK_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING', 'YES')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_DELETE_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING', 'YES')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_KEYS_DIR', str(tmpdir.join('keys')))
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_CACHE_DIR', str(tmpdir.join('cache')))
yield str(tmpdir.join('repository'))
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "123456")
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_CHECK_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING", "YES")
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_DELETE_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING", "YES")
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_KEYS_DIR", str(tmpdir.join("keys")))
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_CACHE_DIR", str(tmpdir.join("cache")))
yield str(tmpdir.join("repository"))
@pytest.fixture(params=["none", "repokey-aes-ocb"])
def repo(request, cmd, repo_url):
cmd(f'--repo={repo_url}', 'rcreate', '--encryption', request.param)
cmd(f"--repo={repo_url}", "rcreate", "--encryption", request.param)
return repo_url
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', params=["zeros", "random"])
@pytest.fixture(scope="session", params=["zeros", "random"])
def testdata(request, tmpdir_factory):
count, size = 10, 1000*1000
count, size = 10, 1000 * 1000
assert size <= len(zeros)
p = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('data')
p = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("data")
data_type = request.param
if data_type == 'zeros':
if data_type == "zeros":
# do not use a binary zero (\0) to avoid sparse detection
def data(size):
return memoryview(zeros)[:size]
elif data_type == 'random':
elif data_type == "random":
def data(size):
return os.urandom(size)
raise ValueError("data_type must be 'random' or 'zeros'.")
for i in range(count):
@ -54,56 +57,54 @@ def data(size):
@pytest.fixture(params=['none', 'lz4'])
@pytest.fixture(params=["none", "lz4"])
def repo_archive(request, cmd, repo, testdata):
archive = 'test'
cmd(f'--repo={repo}', 'create', '--compression', request.param, archive, testdata)
archive = "test"
cmd(f"--repo={repo}", "create", "--compression", request.param, archive, testdata)
return repo, archive
def test_create_none(benchmark, cmd, repo, testdata):
result, out = benchmark.pedantic(cmd, (f'--repo={repo}', 'create', '--compression', 'none',
'test', testdata))
result, out = benchmark.pedantic(cmd, (f"--repo={repo}", "create", "--compression", "none", "test", testdata))
assert result == 0
def test_create_lz4(benchmark, cmd, repo, testdata):
result, out = benchmark.pedantic(cmd, (f'--repo={repo}', 'create', '--compression', 'lz4',
'test', testdata))
result, out = benchmark.pedantic(cmd, (f"--repo={repo}", "create", "--compression", "lz4", "test", testdata))
assert result == 0
def test_extract(benchmark, cmd, repo_archive, tmpdir):
repo, archive = repo_archive
with changedir(str(tmpdir)):
result, out = benchmark.pedantic(cmd, (f'--repo={repo}', 'extract', archive))
result, out = benchmark.pedantic(cmd, (f"--repo={repo}", "extract", archive))
assert result == 0
def test_delete(benchmark, cmd, repo_archive):
repo, archive = repo_archive
result, out = benchmark.pedantic(cmd, (f'--repo={repo}', 'delete', '-a', archive))
result, out = benchmark.pedantic(cmd, (f"--repo={repo}", "delete", "-a", archive))
assert result == 0
def test_list(benchmark, cmd, repo_archive):
repo, archive = repo_archive
result, out = benchmark(cmd, f'--repo={repo}', 'list', archive)
result, out = benchmark(cmd, f"--repo={repo}", "list", archive)
assert result == 0
def test_info(benchmark, cmd, repo_archive):
repo, archive = repo_archive
result, out = benchmark(cmd, f'--repo={repo}', 'info', '-a', archive)
result, out = benchmark(cmd, f"--repo={repo}", "info", "-a", archive)
assert result == 0
def test_check(benchmark, cmd, repo_archive):
repo, archive = repo_archive
result, out = benchmark(cmd, f'--repo={repo}', 'check')
result, out = benchmark(cmd, f"--repo={repo}", "check")
assert result == 0
def test_help(benchmark, cmd):
result, out = benchmark(cmd, 'help')
result, out = benchmark(cmd, "help")
assert result == 0

View File

@ -26,75 +26,29 @@ def sync(self, index):
return CacheSynchronizer(index)
def test_no_chunks(self, index, sync):
data = packb({
'foo': 'bar',
'baz': 1234,
'bar': 5678,
'user': 'chunks',
'chunks': []
data = packb({"foo": "bar", "baz": 1234, "bar": 5678, "user": "chunks", "chunks": []})
assert not len(index)
def test_simple(self, index, sync):
data = packb({
'foo': 'bar',
'baz': 1234,
'bar': 5678,
'user': 'chunks',
'chunks': [
(H(1), 1),
(H(2), 2),
data = packb({"foo": "bar", "baz": 1234, "bar": 5678, "user": "chunks", "chunks": [(H(1), 1), (H(2), 2)]})
assert len(index) == 2
assert index[H(1)] == (1, 1)
assert index[H(2)] == (1, 2)
def test_multiple(self, index, sync):
data = packb({
'foo': 'bar',
'baz': 1234,
'bar': 5678,
'user': 'chunks',
'chunks': [
(H(1), 1),
(H(2), 2),
data += packb({
'xattrs': {
'': 'bar',
'chunks': '123456',
'stuff': [
(1, 2, 3),
data += packb({
'xattrs': {
'': 'bar',
'chunks': '123456',
'chunks': [
(H(1), 1),
(H(2), 2),
'stuff': [
(1, 2, 3),
data += packb({
'chunks': [
(H(3), 1),
data += packb({
'chunks': [
(H(1), 1),
data = packb({"foo": "bar", "baz": 1234, "bar": 5678, "user": "chunks", "chunks": [(H(1), 1), (H(2), 2)]})
data += packb({"xattrs": {"": "bar", "chunks": "123456"}, "stuff": [(1, 2, 3)]})
data += packb(
"xattrs": {"": "bar", "chunks": "123456"},
"chunks": [(H(1), 1), (H(2), 2)],
"stuff": [(1, 2, 3)],
data += packb({"chunks": [(H(3), 1)]})
data += packb({"chunks": [(H(1), 1)]})
part1 = data[:70]
part2 = data[70:120]
@ -107,62 +61,68 @@ def test_multiple(self, index, sync):
assert index[H(2)] == (2, 2)
assert index[H(3)] == (1, 1)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('elem,error', (
({1: 2}, 'Unexpected object: map'),
(bytes(213), [
'Unexpected bytes in chunks structure', # structure 2/3
'Incorrect key length']), # structure 3/3
(1, 'Unexpected object: integer'),
(1.0, 'Unexpected object: double'),
(True, 'Unexpected object: true'),
(False, 'Unexpected object: false'),
(None, 'Unexpected object: nil'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('structure', (
lambda elem: {'chunks': elem},
lambda elem: {'chunks': [elem]},
lambda elem: {'chunks': [(elem, 1)]},
({1: 2}, "Unexpected object: map"),
["Unexpected bytes in chunks structure", "Incorrect key length"], # structure 2/3
), # structure 3/3
(1, "Unexpected object: integer"),
(1.0, "Unexpected object: double"),
(True, "Unexpected object: true"),
(False, "Unexpected object: false"),
(None, "Unexpected object: nil"),
(lambda elem: {"chunks": elem}, lambda elem: {"chunks": [elem]}, lambda elem: {"chunks": [(elem, 1)]}),
def test_corrupted(self, sync, structure, elem, error):
packed = packb(structure(elem))
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
if isinstance(error, str):
error = [error]
possible_errors = ['cache_sync_feed failed: ' + error for error in error]
possible_errors = ["cache_sync_feed failed: " + error for error in error]
assert str(excinfo.value) in possible_errors
@pytest.mark.parametrize('data,error', (
# Incorrect tuple length
({'chunks': [(bytes(32), 2, 3, 4)]}, 'Invalid chunk list entry length'),
({'chunks': [(bytes(32), )]}, 'Invalid chunk list entry length'),
# Incorrect types
({'chunks': [(1, 2)]}, 'Unexpected object: integer'),
({'chunks': [(1, bytes(32))]}, 'Unexpected object: integer'),
({'chunks': [(bytes(32), 1.0)]}, 'Unexpected object: double'),
# Incorrect tuple length
({"chunks": [(bytes(32), 2, 3, 4)]}, "Invalid chunk list entry length"),
({"chunks": [(bytes(32),)]}, "Invalid chunk list entry length"),
# Incorrect types
({"chunks": [(1, 2)]}, "Unexpected object: integer"),
({"chunks": [(1, bytes(32))]}, "Unexpected object: integer"),
({"chunks": [(bytes(32), 1.0)]}, "Unexpected object: double"),
def test_corrupted_ancillary(self, index, sync, data, error):
packed = packb(data)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == 'cache_sync_feed failed: ' + error
assert str(excinfo.value) == "cache_sync_feed failed: " + error
def make_index_with_refcount(self, refcount):
index_data = io.BytesIO()
# num_entries
index_data.write((1).to_bytes(4, 'little'))
index_data.write((1).to_bytes(4, "little"))
# num_buckets
index_data.write((1).to_bytes(4, 'little'))
index_data.write((1).to_bytes(4, "little"))
# key_size
index_data.write((32).to_bytes(1, 'little'))
index_data.write((32).to_bytes(1, "little"))
# value_size
index_data.write((3 * 4).to_bytes(1, 'little'))
index_data.write((3 * 4).to_bytes(1, "little"))
index_data.write(refcount.to_bytes(4, 'little'))
index_data.write((1234).to_bytes(4, 'little'))
index_data.write((5678).to_bytes(4, 'little'))
index_data.write(refcount.to_bytes(4, "little"))
index_data.write((1234).to_bytes(4, "little"))
index_data.write((5678).to_bytes(4, "little"))
index =
@ -171,34 +131,22 @@ def make_index_with_refcount(self, refcount):
def test_corrupted_refcount(self):
index = self.make_index_with_refcount(ChunkIndex.MAX_VALUE + 1)
sync = CacheSynchronizer(index)
data = packb({
'chunks': [
(H(0), 1),
data = packb({"chunks": [(H(0), 1)]})
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == 'cache_sync_feed failed: invalid reference count'
assert str(excinfo.value) == "cache_sync_feed failed: invalid reference count"
def test_refcount_max_value(self):
index = self.make_index_with_refcount(ChunkIndex.MAX_VALUE)
sync = CacheSynchronizer(index)
data = packb({
'chunks': [
(H(0), 1),
data = packb({"chunks": [(H(0), 1)]})
assert index[H(0)] == (ChunkIndex.MAX_VALUE, 1234)
def test_refcount_one_below_max_value(self):
index = self.make_index_with_refcount(ChunkIndex.MAX_VALUE - 1)
sync = CacheSynchronizer(index)
data = packb({
'chunks': [
(H(0), 1),
data = packb({"chunks": [(H(0), 1)]})
# Incremented to maximum
assert index[H(0)] == (ChunkIndex.MAX_VALUE, 1234)
@ -209,17 +157,17 @@ def test_refcount_one_below_max_value(self):
class TestAdHocCache:
def repository(self, tmpdir):
self.repository_location = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'repository')
self.repository_location = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "repository")
with Repository(self.repository_location, exclusive=True, create=True) as repository:
repository.put(H(1), b'1234')
repository.put(Manifest.MANIFEST_ID, b'5678')
repository.put(H(1), b"1234")
repository.put(Manifest.MANIFEST_ID, b"5678")
yield repository
def key(self, repository, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'test')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "test")
key = AESOCBRepoKey.create(repository, TestKey.MockArgs())
key.compressor = CompressionSpec('none').compressor
key.compressor = CompressionSpec("none").compressor
return key
@ -237,18 +185,18 @@ def test_does_not_contain_manifest(self, cache):
def test_does_not_delete_existing_chunks(self, repository, cache):
assert cache.seen_chunk(H(1)) == ChunkIndex.MAX_VALUE
cache.chunk_decref(H(1), Statistics())
assert repository.get(H(1)) == b'1234'
assert repository.get(H(1)) == b"1234"
def test_does_not_overwrite(self, cache):
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
cache.add_chunk(H(1), b'5678', Statistics(), overwrite=True)
cache.add_chunk(H(1), b"5678", Statistics(), overwrite=True)
def test_seen_chunk_add_chunk_size(self, cache):
assert cache.add_chunk(H(1), b'5678', Statistics()) == (H(1), 4)
assert cache.add_chunk(H(1), b"5678", Statistics()) == (H(1), 4)
def test_deletes_chunks_during_lifetime(self, cache, repository):
"""E.g. checkpoint archives"""
cache.add_chunk(H(5), b'1010', Statistics())
cache.add_chunk(H(5), b"1010", Statistics())
assert cache.seen_chunk(H(5)) == 1
cache.chunk_decref(H(5), Statistics())
assert not cache.seen_chunk(H(5))
@ -256,8 +204,8 @@ def test_deletes_chunks_during_lifetime(self, cache, repository):
def test_files_cache(self, cache):
assert cache.file_known_and_unchanged(b'foo', bytes(32), None) == (False, None)
assert cache.cache_mode == 'd'
assert cache.file_known_and_unchanged(b"foo", bytes(32), None) == (False, None)
assert cache.cache_mode == "d"
assert cache.files is None
def test_txn(self, cache):
@ -267,13 +215,13 @@ def test_txn(self, cache):
assert cache.chunks
assert not cache._txn_active
assert not hasattr(cache, 'chunks')
assert not hasattr(cache, "chunks")
def test_incref_after_add_chunk(self, cache):
assert cache.add_chunk(H(3), b'5678', Statistics()) == (H(3), 4)
assert cache.add_chunk(H(3), b"5678", Statistics()) == (H(3), 4)
assert cache.chunk_incref(H(3), Statistics()) == (H(3), 4)
def test_existing_incref_after_add_chunk(self, cache):
"""This case occurs with part files, see Archive.chunk_file."""
assert cache.add_chunk(H(1), b'5678', Statistics()) == (H(1), 4)
assert cache.add_chunk(H(1), b"5678", Statistics()) == (H(1), 4)
assert cache.chunk_incref(H(1), Statistics()) == (H(1), 4)

View File

@ -5,16 +5,24 @@
def test_xxh64():
assert bin_to_hex(checksums.xxh64(b'test', 123)) == '2b81b9401bef86cf'
assert bin_to_hex(checksums.xxh64(b'test')) == '4fdcca5ddb678139'
assert bin_to_hex(checksums.xxh64(unhexlify(
'cf8a7e6716280cd642ce48d03fdf114c9f57c20d9472bb0f81c147645e6fa3d331'))) == '35d5d2f545d9511a'
assert bin_to_hex(checksums.xxh64(b"test", 123)) == "2b81b9401bef86cf"
assert bin_to_hex(checksums.xxh64(b"test")) == "4fdcca5ddb678139"
assert (
== "35d5d2f545d9511a"
def test_streaming_xxh64():
hasher = checksums.StreamingXXH64(123)
assert bin_to_hex(hasher.digest()) == hasher.hexdigest() == '2b81b9401bef86cf'
assert bin_to_hex(hasher.digest()) == hasher.hexdigest() == "2b81b9401bef86cf"

View File

@ -12,113 +12,129 @@ def cf(chunks):
"""chunk filter"""
# this is to simplify testing: either return the data piece (bytes) or the hole length (int).
def _cf(chunk):
if chunk.meta['allocation'] == CH_DATA:
assert len( == chunk.meta['size']
if chunk.meta["allocation"] == CH_DATA:
assert len( == chunk.meta["size"]
return bytes( # make sure we have bytes, not memoryview
if chunk.meta['allocation'] in (CH_HOLE, CH_ALLOC):
if chunk.meta["allocation"] in (CH_HOLE, CH_ALLOC):
assert is None
return chunk.meta['size']
return chunk.meta["size"]
assert False, "unexpected allocation value"
return [_cf(chunk) for chunk in chunks]
class ChunkerFixedTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_chunkify_just_blocks(self):
data = b'foobar' * 1500
data = b"foobar" * 1500
chunker = ChunkerFixed(4096)
parts = cf(chunker.chunkify(BytesIO(data)))
self.assert_equal(parts, [data[0:4096], data[4096:8192], data[8192:]])
def test_chunkify_header_and_blocks(self):
data = b'foobar' * 1500
data = b"foobar" * 1500
chunker = ChunkerFixed(4096, 123)
parts = cf(chunker.chunkify(BytesIO(data)))
self.assert_equal(parts, [data[0:123], data[123:123+4096], data[123+4096:123+8192], data[123+8192:]])
parts, [data[0:123], data[123 : 123 + 4096], data[123 + 4096 : 123 + 8192], data[123 + 8192 :]]
def test_chunkify_just_blocks_fmap_complete(self):
data = b'foobar' * 1500
data = b"foobar" * 1500
chunker = ChunkerFixed(4096)
fmap = [
(0, 4096, True),
(4096, 8192, True),
(8192, 99999999, True),
fmap = [(0, 4096, True), (4096, 8192, True), (8192, 99999999, True)]
parts = cf(chunker.chunkify(BytesIO(data), fmap=fmap))
self.assert_equal(parts, [data[0:4096], data[4096:8192], data[8192:]])
def test_chunkify_header_and_blocks_fmap_complete(self):
data = b'foobar' * 1500
data = b"foobar" * 1500
chunker = ChunkerFixed(4096, 123)
fmap = [
(0, 123, True),
(123, 4096, True),
(123+4096, 4096, True),
(123+8192, 4096, True),
fmap = [(0, 123, True), (123, 4096, True), (123 + 4096, 4096, True), (123 + 8192, 4096, True)]
parts = cf(chunker.chunkify(BytesIO(data), fmap=fmap))
self.assert_equal(parts, [data[0:123], data[123:123+4096], data[123+4096:123+8192], data[123+8192:]])
parts, [data[0:123], data[123 : 123 + 4096], data[123 + 4096 : 123 + 8192], data[123 + 8192 :]]
def test_chunkify_header_and_blocks_fmap_zeros(self):
data = b'H' * 123 + b'_' * 4096 + b'X' * 4096 + b'_' * 4096
data = b"H" * 123 + b"_" * 4096 + b"X" * 4096 + b"_" * 4096
chunker = ChunkerFixed(4096, 123)
fmap = [
(0, 123, True),
(123, 4096, False),
(123+4096, 4096, True),
(123+8192, 4096, False),
fmap = [(0, 123, True), (123, 4096, False), (123 + 4096, 4096, True), (123 + 8192, 4096, False)]
parts = cf(chunker.chunkify(BytesIO(data), fmap=fmap))
# because we marked the '_' ranges as holes, we will get hole ranges instead!
self.assert_equal(parts, [data[0:123], 4096, data[123+4096:123+8192], 4096])
self.assert_equal(parts, [data[0:123], 4096, data[123 + 4096 : 123 + 8192], 4096])
def test_chunkify_header_and_blocks_fmap_partial(self):
data = b'H' * 123 + b'_' * 4096 + b'X' * 4096 + b'_' * 4096
data = b"H" * 123 + b"_" * 4096 + b"X" * 4096 + b"_" * 4096
chunker = ChunkerFixed(4096, 123)
fmap = [
(0, 123, True),
# (123, 4096, False),
(123+4096, 4096, True),
(123 + 4096, 4096, True),
# (123+8192, 4096, False),
parts = cf(chunker.chunkify(BytesIO(data), fmap=fmap))
# because we left out the '_' ranges from the fmap, we will not get them at all!
self.assert_equal(parts, [data[0:123], data[123+4096:123+8192]])
self.assert_equal(parts, [data[0:123], data[123 + 4096 : 123 + 8192]])
class ChunkerTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_chunkify(self):
data = b'0' * int(1.5 * (1 << CHUNK_MAX_EXP)) + b'Y'
data = b"0" * int(1.5 * (1 << CHUNK_MAX_EXP)) + b"Y"
parts = cf(Chunker(0, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(data)))
self.assert_equal(len(parts), 2)
self.assert_equal(b''.join(parts), data)
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(0, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(b''))), [])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(0, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'fooba', b'rboobaz', b'fooba', b'rboobaz', b'fooba', b'rboobaz'])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(1, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'fo', b'obarb', b'oob', b'azf', b'oobarb', b'oob', b'azf', b'oobarb', b'oobaz'])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(2, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'foob', b'ar', b'boobazfoob', b'ar', b'boobazfoob', b'ar', b'boobaz'])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(0, 2, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'foobarboobaz' * 3])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(1, 2, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'foobar', b'boobazfo', b'obar', b'boobazfo', b'obar', b'boobaz'])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(2, 2, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'foob', b'arboobaz', b'foob', b'arboobaz', b'foob', b'arboobaz'])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(0, 3, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'foobarboobaz' * 3])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(1, 3, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'foobarbo', b'obazfoobar', b'boobazfo', b'obarboobaz'])
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(2, 3, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b'foobarboobaz' * 3))), [b'foobarboobaz', b'foobarboobaz', b'foobarboobaz'])
self.assert_equal(b"".join(parts), data)
self.assert_equal(cf(Chunker(0, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(b""))), [])
cf(Chunker(0, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))),
[b"fooba", b"rboobaz", b"fooba", b"rboobaz", b"fooba", b"rboobaz"],
cf(Chunker(1, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))),
[b"fo", b"obarb", b"oob", b"azf", b"oobarb", b"oob", b"azf", b"oobarb", b"oobaz"],
cf(Chunker(2, 1, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 2).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))),
[b"foob", b"ar", b"boobazfoob", b"ar", b"boobazfoob", b"ar", b"boobaz"],
cf(Chunker(0, 2, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))), [b"foobarboobaz" * 3]
cf(Chunker(1, 2, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))),
[b"foobar", b"boobazfo", b"obar", b"boobazfo", b"obar", b"boobaz"],
cf(Chunker(2, 2, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))),
[b"foob", b"arboobaz", b"foob", b"arboobaz", b"foob", b"arboobaz"],
cf(Chunker(0, 3, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))), [b"foobarboobaz" * 3]
cf(Chunker(1, 3, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))),
[b"foobarbo", b"obazfoobar", b"boobazfo", b"obarboobaz"],
cf(Chunker(2, 3, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, 2, 3).chunkify(BytesIO(b"foobarboobaz" * 3))),
[b"foobarboobaz", b"foobarboobaz", b"foobarboobaz"],
def test_buzhash(self):
self.assert_equal(buzhash(b'abcdefghijklmnop', 0), 3795437769)
self.assert_equal(buzhash(b'abcdefghijklmnop', 1), 3795400502)
self.assert_equal(buzhash(b'abcdefghijklmnop', 1), buzhash_update(buzhash(b'Xabcdefghijklmno', 1), ord('X'), ord('p'), 16, 1))
self.assert_equal(buzhash(b"abcdefghijklmnop", 0), 3795437769)
self.assert_equal(buzhash(b"abcdefghijklmnop", 1), 3795400502)
buzhash(b"abcdefghijklmnop", 1), buzhash_update(buzhash(b"Xabcdefghijklmno", 1), ord("X"), ord("p"), 16, 1)
# Test with more than 31 bytes to make sure our barrel_shift macro works correctly
self.assert_equal(buzhash(b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 0), 566521248)
self.assert_equal(buzhash(b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 0), 566521248)
def test_small_reads(self):
class SmallReadFile:
input = b'a' * (20 + 1)
input = b"a" * (20 + 1)
def read(self, nbytes):
self.input = self.input[:-1]
return self.input[:1]
chunker = get_chunker(*CHUNKER_PARAMS, seed=0)
reconstructed = b''.join(cf(chunker.chunkify(SmallReadFile())))
assert reconstructed == b'a' * 20
reconstructed = b"".join(cf(chunker.chunkify(SmallReadFile())))
assert reconstructed == b"a" * 20

View File

@ -12,37 +12,27 @@
# some sparse files. X = content blocks, _ = sparse blocks.
# X__XXX____
map_sparse1 = [
(0 * BS, 1 * BS, True),
(1 * BS, 2 * BS, False),
(3 * BS, 3 * BS, True),
(6 * BS, 4 * BS, False),
map_sparse1 = [(0 * BS, 1 * BS, True), (1 * BS, 2 * BS, False), (3 * BS, 3 * BS, True), (6 * BS, 4 * BS, False)]
# _XX___XXXX
map_sparse2 = [
(0 * BS, 1 * BS, False),
(1 * BS, 2 * BS, True),
(3 * BS, 3 * BS, False),
(6 * BS, 4 * BS, True),
map_sparse2 = [(0 * BS, 1 * BS, False), (1 * BS, 2 * BS, True), (3 * BS, 3 * BS, False), (6 * BS, 4 * BS, True)]
map_notsparse = [(0 * BS, 3 * BS, True), ]
map_notsparse = [(0 * BS, 3 * BS, True)]
# ___
map_onlysparse = [(0 * BS, 3 * BS, False), ]
map_onlysparse = [(0 * BS, 3 * BS, False)]
def make_sparsefile(fname, sparsemap, header_size=0):
with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
with open(fname, "wb") as fd:
total = 0
if header_size:
fd.write(b'H' * header_size)
fd.write(b"H" * header_size)
total += header_size
for offset, size, is_data in sparsemap:
if is_data:
fd.write(b'X' * size)
fd.write(b"X" * size)
else:, os.SEEK_CUR)
total += size
@ -54,11 +44,11 @@ def make_content(sparsemap, header_size=0):
result = []
total = 0
if header_size:
result.append(b'H' * header_size)
result.append(b"H" * header_size)
total += header_size
for offset, size, is_data in sparsemap:
if is_data:
result.append(b'X' * size) # bytes!
result.append(b"X" * size) # bytes!
result.append(size) # int!
total += size
@ -69,9 +59,9 @@ def fs_supports_sparse():
if not has_seek_hole:
return False
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test_sparse')
fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test_sparse")
make_sparsefile(fn, [(0, BS, False), (BS, BS, True)])
with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
with open(fn, "rb") as f:
offset_hole =, os.SEEK_HOLE)
offset_data =, os.SEEK_DATA)
@ -81,15 +71,12 @@ def fs_supports_sparse():
return offset_hole == 0 and offset_data == BS
@pytest.mark.skipif(not fs_supports_sparse(), reason='fs does not support sparse files')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fname, sparse_map", [
('sparse1', map_sparse1),
('sparse2', map_sparse2),
('onlysparse', map_onlysparse),
('notsparse', map_notsparse),
@pytest.mark.skipif(not fs_supports_sparse(), reason="fs does not support sparse files")
"fname, sparse_map",
[("sparse1", map_sparse1), ("sparse2", map_sparse2), ("onlysparse", map_onlysparse), ("notsparse", map_notsparse)],
def test_sparsemap(tmpdir, fname, sparse_map):
def get_sparsemap_fh(fname):
fh =, flags=os.O_RDONLY)
@ -98,7 +85,7 @@ def get_sparsemap_fh(fname):
def get_sparsemap_fd(fname):
with open(fname, 'rb') as fd:
with open(fname, "rb") as fd:
return list(sparsemap(fd=fd))
fn = str(tmpdir / fname)
@ -107,30 +94,32 @@ def get_sparsemap_fd(fname):
assert get_sparsemap_fd(fn) == sparse_map
@pytest.mark.skipif(not fs_supports_sparse(), reason='fs does not support sparse files')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fname, sparse_map, header_size, sparse", [
('sparse1', map_sparse1, 0, False),
('sparse1', map_sparse1, 0, True),
('sparse1', map_sparse1, BS, False),
('sparse1', map_sparse1, BS, True),
('sparse2', map_sparse2, 0, False),
('sparse2', map_sparse2, 0, True),
('sparse2', map_sparse2, BS, False),
('sparse2', map_sparse2, BS, True),
('onlysparse', map_onlysparse, 0, False),
('onlysparse', map_onlysparse, 0, True),
('onlysparse', map_onlysparse, BS, False),
('onlysparse', map_onlysparse, BS, True),
('notsparse', map_notsparse, 0, False),
('notsparse', map_notsparse, 0, True),
('notsparse', map_notsparse, BS, False),
('notsparse', map_notsparse, BS, True),
@pytest.mark.skipif(not fs_supports_sparse(), reason="fs does not support sparse files")
"fname, sparse_map, header_size, sparse",
("sparse1", map_sparse1, 0, False),
("sparse1", map_sparse1, 0, True),
("sparse1", map_sparse1, BS, False),
("sparse1", map_sparse1, BS, True),
("sparse2", map_sparse2, 0, False),
("sparse2", map_sparse2, 0, True),
("sparse2", map_sparse2, BS, False),
("sparse2", map_sparse2, BS, True),
("onlysparse", map_onlysparse, 0, False),
("onlysparse", map_onlysparse, 0, True),
("onlysparse", map_onlysparse, BS, False),
("onlysparse", map_onlysparse, BS, True),
("notsparse", map_notsparse, 0, False),
("notsparse", map_notsparse, 0, True),
("notsparse", map_notsparse, BS, False),
("notsparse", map_notsparse, BS, True),
def test_chunkify_sparse(tmpdir, fname, sparse_map, header_size, sparse):
def get_chunks(fname, sparse, header_size):
chunker = ChunkerFixed(4096, header_size=header_size, sparse=sparse)
with open(fname, 'rb') as fd:
with open(fname, "rb") as fd:
return cf(chunker.chunkify(fd))
fn = str(tmpdir / fname)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
class ChunkerRegressionTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_chunkpoints_unchanged(self):
def twist(size):
x = 1
@ -31,10 +30,10 @@ def twist(size):
for seed in (1849058162, 1234567653):
fh = BytesIO(data)
chunker = Chunker(seed, minexp, maxexp, maskbits, winsize)
chunks = [blake2b_256(b'', c) for c in cf(chunker.chunkify(fh, -1))]
runs.append(blake2b_256(b'', b''.join(chunks)))
chunks = [blake2b_256(b"", c) for c in cf(chunker.chunkify(fh, -1))]
runs.append(blake2b_256(b"", b"".join(chunks)))
# The "correct" hash below matches the existing chunker behavior.
# Future chunker optimisations must not change this, or existing repos will bloat.
overall_hash = blake2b_256(b'', b''.join(runs))
overall_hash = blake2b_256(b"", b"".join(runs))
self.assert_equal(overall_hash, unhexlify("b559b0ac8df8daaa221201d018815114241ea5c6609d98913cd2246a702af4e3"))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import os
import zlib
import lzma
except ImportError:
@ -11,23 +12,23 @@
buffer = bytes(2**16)
data = b'fooooooooobaaaaaaaar' * 10
params = dict(name='zlib', level=6)
data = b"fooooooooobaaaaaaaar" * 10
params = dict(name="zlib", level=6)
def test_get_compressor():
c = get_compressor(name='none')
c = get_compressor(name="none")
assert isinstance(c, CNONE)
c = get_compressor(name='lz4')
c = get_compressor(name="lz4")
assert isinstance(c, LZ4)
c = get_compressor(name='zlib')
c = get_compressor(name="zlib")
assert isinstance(c, ZLIB)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_cnull():
c = get_compressor(name='none')
c = get_compressor(name="none")
cdata = c.compress(data)
assert len(cdata) > len(data)
assert data in cdata # it's not compressed and just in there 1:1
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ def test_cnull():
def test_lz4():
c = get_compressor(name='lz4')
c = get_compressor(name="lz4")
cdata = c.compress(data)
assert len(cdata) < len(data)
assert data == c.decompress(cdata)
@ -45,18 +46,18 @@ def test_lz4():
def test_lz4_buffer_allocation(monkeypatch):
# disable fallback to no compression on incompressible data
monkeypatch.setattr(LZ4, 'decide', lambda always_compress: LZ4)
monkeypatch.setattr(LZ4, "decide", lambda always_compress: LZ4)
# test with a rather huge data object to see if buffer allocation / resizing works
data = os.urandom(5 * 2**20) * 10 # 50MiB badly compressible data
assert len(data) == 50 * 2**20
c = Compressor('lz4')
c = Compressor("lz4")
cdata = c.compress(data)
assert len(cdata) > len(data)
assert data == c.decompress(cdata)
def test_zlib():
c = get_compressor(name='zlib')
c = get_compressor(name="zlib")
cdata = c.compress(data)
assert len(cdata) < len(data)
assert data == c.decompress(cdata)
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ def test_zlib():
def test_lzma():
if lzma is None:
pytest.skip("No lzma support found.")
c = get_compressor(name='lzma')
c = get_compressor(name="lzma")
cdata = c.compress(data)
assert len(cdata) < len(data)
assert data == c.decompress(cdata)
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ def test_lzma():
def test_zstd():
c = get_compressor(name='zstd')
c = get_compressor(name="zstd")
cdata = c.compress(data)
assert len(cdata) < len(data)
assert data == c.decompress(cdata)
@ -83,16 +84,16 @@ def test_zstd():
def test_autodetect_invalid():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_zlib_legacy_compat():
# for compatibility reasons, we do not add an extra header for zlib,
# nor do we expect one when decompressing / autodetecting
for level in range(10):
c = get_compressor(name='zlib_legacy', level=level)
c = get_compressor(name="zlib_legacy", level=level)
cdata1 = c.compress(data)
cdata2 = zlib.compress(data, level)
assert cdata1 == cdata2
@ -104,19 +105,19 @@ def test_zlib_legacy_compat():
def test_compressor():
params_list = [
dict(name='zstd', level=1),
dict(name='zstd', level=3),
dict(name="zstd", level=1),
dict(name="zstd", level=3),
# avoiding high zstd levels, memory needs unclear
dict(name='zlib', level=0),
dict(name='zlib', level=6),
dict(name='zlib', level=9),
dict(name="zlib", level=0),
dict(name="zlib", level=6),
dict(name="zlib", level=9),
if lzma:
params_list += [
dict(name='lzma', level=0),
dict(name='lzma', level=6),
dict(name="lzma", level=0),
dict(name="lzma", level=6),
# we do not test lzma on level 9 because of the huge memory needs
for params in params_list:
@ -125,9 +126,9 @@ def test_compressor():
def test_auto():
compressor_auto_zlib = CompressionSpec('auto,zlib,9').compressor
compressor_lz4 = CompressionSpec('lz4').compressor
compressor_zlib = CompressionSpec('zlib,9').compressor
compressor_auto_zlib = CompressionSpec("auto,zlib,9").compressor
compressor_lz4 = CompressionSpec("lz4").compressor
compressor_zlib = CompressionSpec("zlib,9").compressor
data = bytes(500)
compressed_auto_zlib = compressor_auto_zlib.compress(data)
compressed_lz4 = compressor_lz4.compress(data)
@ -135,13 +136,13 @@ def test_auto():
ratio = len(compressed_zlib) / len(compressed_lz4)
assert Compressor.detect(compressed_auto_zlib)[0] == ZLIB if ratio < 0.99 else LZ4
data = b'\x00\xb8\xa3\xa2-O\xe1i\xb6\x12\x03\xc21\xf3\x8a\xf78\\\x01\xa5b\x07\x95\xbeE\xf8\xa3\x9ahm\xb1~'
data = b"\x00\xb8\xa3\xa2-O\xe1i\xb6\x12\x03\xc21\xf3\x8a\xf78\\\x01\xa5b\x07\x95\xbeE\xf8\xa3\x9ahm\xb1~"
compressed = compressor_auto_zlib.compress(data)
assert Compressor.detect(compressed)[0] == CNONE
def test_obfuscate():
compressor = CompressionSpec('obfuscate,1,none').compressor
compressor = CompressionSpec("obfuscate,1,none").compressor
data = bytes(10000)
compressed = compressor.compress(data)
# 2 id bytes compression, 2 id bytes obfuscator. 4 length bytes
@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ def test_obfuscate():
# compressing 100 times the same data should give at least 50 different result sizes
assert len({len(compressor.compress(data)) for i in range(100)}) > 50
cs = CompressionSpec('obfuscate,2,lz4')
cs = CompressionSpec("obfuscate,2,lz4")
assert isinstance(cs.inner.compressor, LZ4)
compressor = cs.compressor
data = bytes(10000)
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ def test_obfuscate():
# compressing 100 times the same data should give multiple different result sizes
assert len({len(compressor.compress(data)) for i in range(100)}) > 10
cs = CompressionSpec('obfuscate,6,zstd,3')
cs = CompressionSpec("obfuscate,6,zstd,3")
assert isinstance(cs.inner.compressor, ZSTD)
compressor = cs.compressor
data = bytes(10000)
@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ def test_obfuscate():
# compressing 100 times the same data should give multiple different result sizes
assert len({len(compressor.compress(data)) for i in range(100)}) > 90
cs = CompressionSpec('obfuscate,2,auto,zstd,10')
cs = CompressionSpec("obfuscate,2,auto,zstd,10")
assert isinstance(cs.inner.compressor, Auto)
compressor = cs.compressor
data = bytes(10000)
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ def test_obfuscate():
# compressing 100 times the same data should give multiple different result sizes
assert len({len(compressor.compress(data)) for i in range(100)}) > 10
cs = CompressionSpec('obfuscate,110,none')
cs = CompressionSpec("obfuscate,110,none")
assert isinstance(cs.inner.compressor, CNONE)
compressor = cs.compressor
data = bytes(1000)
@ -199,44 +200,44 @@ def test_obfuscate():
def test_compression_specs():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert isinstance(CompressionSpec('none').compressor, CNONE)
assert isinstance(CompressionSpec('lz4').compressor, LZ4)
assert isinstance(CompressionSpec("none").compressor, CNONE)
assert isinstance(CompressionSpec("lz4").compressor, LZ4)
zlib = CompressionSpec('zlib').compressor
zlib = CompressionSpec("zlib").compressor
assert isinstance(zlib, ZLIB)
assert zlib.level == 6
zlib = CompressionSpec('zlib,0').compressor
zlib = CompressionSpec("zlib,0").compressor
assert isinstance(zlib, ZLIB)
assert zlib.level == 0
zlib = CompressionSpec('zlib,9').compressor
zlib = CompressionSpec("zlib,9").compressor
assert isinstance(zlib, ZLIB)
assert zlib.level == 9
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
lzma = CompressionSpec('lzma').compressor
lzma = CompressionSpec("lzma").compressor
assert isinstance(lzma, LZMA)
assert lzma.level == 6
lzma = CompressionSpec('lzma,0').compressor
lzma = CompressionSpec("lzma,0").compressor
assert isinstance(lzma, LZMA)
assert lzma.level == 0
lzma = CompressionSpec('lzma,9').compressor
lzma = CompressionSpec("lzma,9").compressor
assert isinstance(lzma, LZMA)
assert lzma.level == 9
zstd = CompressionSpec('zstd').compressor
zstd = CompressionSpec("zstd").compressor
assert isinstance(zstd, ZSTD)
assert zstd.level == 3
zstd = CompressionSpec('zstd,1').compressor
zstd = CompressionSpec("zstd,1").compressor
assert isinstance(zstd, ZSTD)
assert zstd.level == 1
zstd = CompressionSpec('zstd,22').compressor
zstd = CompressionSpec("zstd,22").compressor
assert isinstance(zstd, ZSTD)
assert zstd.level == 22
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):

View File

@ -16,18 +16,17 @@
class CryptoTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_bytes_to_int(self):
self.assert_equal(bytes_to_int(b'\0\0\0\1'), 1)
self.assert_equal(bytes_to_int(b"\0\0\0\1"), 1)
def test_bytes_to_long(self):
self.assert_equal(bytes_to_long(b'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1'), 1)
self.assert_equal(long_to_bytes(1), b'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1')
self.assert_equal(bytes_to_long(b"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1"), 1)
self.assert_equal(long_to_bytes(1), b"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1")
def test_UNENCRYPTED(self):
iv = b'' # any IV is ok, it just must be set and not None
data = b'data'
header = b'header'
iv = b"" # any IV is ok, it just must be set and not None
data = b"data"
header = b"header"
cs = UNENCRYPTED(None, None, iv, header_len=6)
envelope = cs.encrypt(data, header=header)
self.assert_equal(envelope, header + data)
@ -36,11 +35,11 @@ def test_UNENCRYPTED(self):
def test_AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(self):
# this tests the layout as in attic / borg < 1.2 (1 type byte, no aad)
mac_key = b'Y' * 32
enc_key = b'X' * 32
mac_key = b"Y" * 32
enc_key = b"X" * 32
iv = 0
data = b'foo' * 10
header = b'\x42'
data = b"foo" * 10
header = b"\x42"
# encrypt-then-mac
cs = AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(mac_key, enc_key, iv, header_len=1, aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata = cs.encrypt(data, header=header)
@ -48,10 +47,10 @@ def test_AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(self):
mac = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[1:33]
iv = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[33:41]
cdata = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[41:]
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b'42')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(mac), b'af90b488b0cc4a8f768fe2d6814fa65aec66b148135e54f7d4d29a27f22f57a8')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b'0000000000000000')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(cdata), b'c6efb702de12498f34a2c2bbc8149e759996d08bf6dc5c610aefc0c3a466')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b"42")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(mac), b"af90b488b0cc4a8f768fe2d6814fa65aec66b148135e54f7d4d29a27f22f57a8")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b"0000000000000000")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(cdata), b"c6efb702de12498f34a2c2bbc8149e759996d08bf6dc5c610aefc0c3a466")
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 2)
# auth-then-decrypt
cs = AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(mac_key, enc_key, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
@ -60,16 +59,15 @@ def test_AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(self):
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 2)
# auth-failure due to corruption (corrupted data)
cs = AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(mac_key, enc_key, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:41] + b'\0' + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[42:]
lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:41] + b"\0" + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[42:]
self.assert_raises(IntegrityError, lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
def test_AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256_aad(self):
mac_key = b'Y' * 32
enc_key = b'X' * 32
mac_key = b"Y" * 32
enc_key = b"X" * 32
iv = 0
data = b'foo' * 10
header = b'\x12\x34\x56'
data = b"foo" * 10
header = b"\x12\x34\x56"
# encrypt-then-mac
cs = AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(mac_key, enc_key, iv, header_len=3, aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata = cs.encrypt(data, header=header)
@ -77,10 +75,10 @@ def test_AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256_aad(self):
mac = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[3:35]
iv = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[35:43]
cdata = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[43:]
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b'123456')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(mac), b'7659a915d9927072ef130258052351a17ef882692893c3850dd798c03d2dd138')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b'0000000000000000')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(cdata), b'c6efb702de12498f34a2c2bbc8149e759996d08bf6dc5c610aefc0c3a466')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b"123456")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(mac), b"7659a915d9927072ef130258052351a17ef882692893c3850dd798c03d2dd138")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b"0000000000000000")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(cdata), b"c6efb702de12498f34a2c2bbc8149e759996d08bf6dc5c610aefc0c3a466")
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 2)
# auth-then-decrypt
cs = AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(mac_key, enc_key, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
@ -89,24 +87,27 @@ def test_AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256_aad(self):
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 2)
# auth-failure due to corruption (corrupted aad)
cs = AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256(mac_key, enc_key, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:1] + b'\0' + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[2:]
lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:1] + b"\0" + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[2:]
self.assert_raises(IntegrityError, lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
def test_AE(self):
# used in legacy-like layout (1 type byte, no aad)
key = b'X' * 32
key = b"X" * 32
iv_int = 0
data = b'foo' * 10
header = b'\x23' + iv_int.to_bytes(12, 'big')
data = b"foo" * 10
header = b"\x23" + iv_int.to_bytes(12, "big")
tests = [
# (ciphersuite class, exp_mac, exp_cdata)
b'877ce46d2f62dee54699cebc3ba41d9ab613f7c486778c1b3636664b1493', ),
b'a093e4b0387526f085d3c40cca84a35230a5c0dd766453b77ba38bcff775', )
for cs_cls, exp_mac, exp_cdata in tests:
# print(repr(cs_cls))
@ -117,9 +118,9 @@ def test_AE(self):
iv = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[1:13]
mac = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[13:29]
cdata = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[29:]
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b'23')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b"23")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(mac), exp_mac)
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b'000000000000000000000000')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b"000000000000000000000000")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(cdata), exp_cdata)
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 1)
# auth/decrypt
@ -129,24 +130,27 @@ def test_AE(self):
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 1)
# auth-failure due to corruption (corrupted data)
cs = cs_cls(key, iv_int, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:29] + b'\0' + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[30:]
lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:29] + b"\0" + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[30:]
self.assert_raises(IntegrityError, lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
def test_AEAD(self):
# test with aad
key = b'X' * 32
key = b"X" * 32
iv_int = 0
data = b'foo' * 10
header = b'\x12\x34\x56' + iv_int.to_bytes(12, 'big')
data = b"foo" * 10
header = b"\x12\x34\x56" + iv_int.to_bytes(12, "big")
tests = [
# (ciphersuite class, exp_mac, exp_cdata)
b'877ce46d2f62dee54699cebc3ba41d9ab613f7c486778c1b3636664b1493', ),
b'a093e4b0387526f085d3c40cca84a35230a5c0dd766453b77ba38bcff775', )
for cs_cls, exp_mac, exp_cdata in tests:
# print(repr(cs_cls))
@ -157,9 +161,9 @@ def test_AEAD(self):
iv = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[3:15]
mac = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[15:31]
cdata = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[31:]
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b'123456')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b"123456")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(mac), exp_mac)
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b'000000000000000000000000')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b"000000000000000000000000")
self.assert_equal(hexlify(cdata), exp_cdata)
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 1)
# auth/decrypt
@ -169,101 +173,117 @@ def test_AEAD(self):
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 1)
# auth-failure due to corruption (corrupted aad)
cs = cs_cls(key, iv_int, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:1] + b'\0' + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[2:]
lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:1] + b"\0" + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[2:]
self.assert_raises(IntegrityError, lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
def test_AEAD_with_more_AAD(self):
# test giving extra aad to the .encrypt() and .decrypt() calls
key = b'X' * 32
key = b"X" * 32
iv_int = 0
data = b'foo' * 10
header = b'\x12\x34'
data = b"foo" * 10
header = b"\x12\x34"
tests = [AES256_OCB, CHACHA20_POLY1305]
for cs_cls in tests:
# encrypt/mac
cs = cs_cls(key, iv_int, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=0)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata = cs.encrypt(data, header=header, aad=b'correct_chunkid')
hdr_mac_iv_cdata = cs.encrypt(data, header=header, aad=b"correct_chunkid")
# successful auth/decrypt (correct aad)
cs = cs_cls(key, iv_int, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=0)
pdata = cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata, aad=b'correct_chunkid')
pdata = cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata, aad=b"correct_chunkid")
self.assert_equal(data, pdata)
# unsuccessful auth (incorrect aad)
cs = cs_cls(key, iv_int, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=0)
lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata, aad=b'incorrect_chunkid'))
self.assert_raises(IntegrityError, lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata, aad=b"incorrect_chunkid"))
# These test vectors come from
# who claims to have verified these against independent Python and C++ implementations.
def test_hkdf_hmac_sha512(self):
ikm = b'\x0b' * 22
salt = bytes.fromhex('000102030405060708090a0b0c')
info = bytes.fromhex('f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9')
ikm = b"\x0b" * 22
salt = bytes.fromhex("000102030405060708090a0b0c")
info = bytes.fromhex("f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9")
l = 42
okm = hkdf_hmac_sha512(ikm, salt, info, l)
assert okm == bytes.fromhex('832390086cda71fb47625bb5ceb168e4c8e26a1a16ed34d9fc7fe92c1481579338da362cb8d9f925d7cb')
assert okm == bytes.fromhex(
def test_hkdf_hmac_sha512_2(self):
ikm = bytes.fromhex('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f2021222324252627'
salt = bytes.fromhex('606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868'
info = bytes.fromhex('b0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9babbbcbdbebfc0c1c2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9cacbcccdcecfd0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7'
ikm = bytes.fromhex(
salt = bytes.fromhex(
info = bytes.fromhex(
l = 82
okm = hkdf_hmac_sha512(ikm, salt, info, l)
assert okm == bytes.fromhex('ce6c97192805b346e6161e821ed165673b84f400a2b514b2fe23d84cd189ddf1b695b48cbd1c838844'
assert okm == bytes.fromhex(
def test_hkdf_hmac_sha512_3(self):
ikm = bytes.fromhex('0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b')
ikm = bytes.fromhex("0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b")
salt = None
info = b''
info = b""
l = 42
okm = hkdf_hmac_sha512(ikm, salt, info, l)
assert okm == bytes.fromhex('f5fa02b18298a72a8c23898a8703472c6eb179dc204c03425c970e3b164bf90fff22d04836d0e2343bac')
assert okm == bytes.fromhex(
def test_hkdf_hmac_sha512_4(self):
ikm = bytes.fromhex('0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b')
salt = bytes.fromhex('000102030405060708090a0b0c')
info = bytes.fromhex('f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9')
ikm = bytes.fromhex("0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b")
salt = bytes.fromhex("000102030405060708090a0b0c")
info = bytes.fromhex("f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9")
l = 42
okm = hkdf_hmac_sha512(ikm, salt, info, l)
assert okm == bytes.fromhex('7413e8997e020610fbf6823f2ce14bff01875db1ca55f68cfcf3954dc8aff53559bd5e3028b080f7c068')
assert okm == bytes.fromhex(
def test_hkdf_hmac_sha512_5(self):
ikm = bytes.fromhex('0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c')
ikm = bytes.fromhex("0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0c")
salt = None
info = b''
info = b""
l = 42
okm = hkdf_hmac_sha512(ikm, salt, info, l)
assert okm == bytes.fromhex('1407d46013d98bc6decefcfee55f0f90b0c7f63d68eb1a80eaf07e953cfc0a3a5240a155d6e4daa965bb')
assert okm == bytes.fromhex(
def test_decrypt_key_file_argon2_chacha20_poly1305():
plain = b'hello'
plain = b"hello"
# echo -n "hello, pass phrase" | argon2 saltsaltsaltsalt -id -t 1 -k 8 -p 1 -l 32 -r
key = bytes.fromhex('a1b0cba145c154fbd8960996c5ce3428e9920cfe53c84ef08b4102a70832bcec')
key = bytes.fromhex("a1b0cba145c154fbd8960996c5ce3428e9920cfe53c84ef08b4102a70832bcec")
ae_cipher = CHACHA20_POLY1305(key=key, iv=0, header_len=0, aad_offset=0)
envelope = ae_cipher.encrypt(plain)
encrypted = msgpack.packb({
'version': 1,
'salt': b'salt'*4,
'argon2_time_cost': 1,
'argon2_memory_cost': 8,
'argon2_parallelism': 1,
'argon2_type': b'id',
'algorithm': 'argon2 chacha20-poly1305',
'data': envelope,
encrypted = msgpack.packb(
"version": 1,
"salt": b"salt" * 4,
"argon2_time_cost": 1,
"argon2_memory_cost": 8,
"argon2_parallelism": 1,
"argon2_type": b"id",
"algorithm": "argon2 chacha20-poly1305",
"data": envelope,
key = CHPOKeyfileKey(None)
decrypted = key.decrypt_key_file(encrypted, "hello, pass phrase")
@ -272,20 +292,15 @@ def test_decrypt_key_file_argon2_chacha20_poly1305():
def test_decrypt_key_file_pbkdf2_sha256_aes256_ctr_hmac_sha256():
plain = b'hello'
salt = b'salt'*4
plain = b"hello"
salt = b"salt" * 4
passphrase = "hello, pass phrase"
key = FlexiKey.pbkdf2(passphrase, salt, 1, 32)
hash = hmac_sha256(key, plain)
data = AES(key, b'\0'*16).encrypt(plain)
encrypted = msgpack.packb({
'version': 1,
'algorithm': 'sha256',
'iterations': 1,
'salt': salt,
'data': data,
'hash': hash,
data = AES(key, b"\0" * 16).encrypt(plain)
encrypted = msgpack.packb(
{"version": 1, "algorithm": "sha256", "iterations": 1, "salt": salt, "data": data, "hash": hash}
key = CHPOKeyfileKey(None)
decrypted = key.decrypt_key_file(encrypted, passphrase)
@ -293,7 +308,7 @@ def test_decrypt_key_file_pbkdf2_sha256_aes256_ctr_hmac_sha256():
assert decrypted == plain
def test_repo_key_detect_does_not_raise_integrity_error(getpass, monkeypatch):
@ -322,10 +337,10 @@ def test_repo_key_detect_does_not_raise_integrity_error(getpass, monkeypatch):
2. FlexiKey.detect() relies on that interface - it tries an empty passphrase before prompting the user
3. my initial implementation of decrypt_key_file_argon2() was simply passing through the IntegrityError() from AES256_CTR_BASE.decrypt()
repository = MagicMock(id=b'repository_id')
repository = MagicMock(id=b"repository_id")
getpass.return_value = "hello, pass phrase"
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_DISPLAY_PASSPHRASE', 'no')
AESOCBRepoKey.create(repository, args=MagicMock(key_algorithm='argon2'))
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_DISPLAY_PASSPHRASE", "no")
AESOCBRepoKey.create(repository, args=MagicMock(key_algorithm="argon2"))
repository.load_key.return_value = repository.save_key.call_args.args[0]
AESOCBRepoKey.detect(repository, manifest_data=None)

View File

@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
class TestEfficientQueue:
def test_base_usage(self):
queue = EfficientCollectionQueue(100, bytes)
assert queue.peek_front() == b''
assert queue.peek_front() == b'1234'
assert queue.peek_front() == b""
assert queue.peek_front() == b"1234"
assert len(queue) == 4
assert queue
assert queue.peek_front() == b''
assert queue.peek_front() == b""
assert len(queue) == 0
assert not queue
@ -30,22 +30,22 @@ def test_usage_with_arrays(self):
def test_chunking(self):
queue = EfficientCollectionQueue(2, bytes)
assert len(queue) == 7
assert queue.peek_front() == b'12'
assert queue.peek_front() == b"12"
assert queue.peek_front() == b'4'
assert queue.peek_front() == b"4"
assert queue.peek_front() == b'56'
assert queue.peek_front() == b"56"
assert len(queue) == 1
assert queue
with pytest.raises(EfficientCollectionQueue.SizeUnderflow):
assert queue.peek_front() == b'7'
assert queue.peek_front() == b"7"
assert queue.peek_front() == b''
assert queue.peek_front() == b""
assert len(queue) == 0
assert not queue

View File

@ -5,34 +5,30 @@
class TestReadIntegrityFile:
def test_no_integrity(self, tmpdir):
protected_file = tmpdir.join('file')
protected_file = tmpdir.join("file")
assert DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile.read_integrity_file(str(protected_file)) is None
def test_truncated_integrity(self, tmpdir):
protected_file = tmpdir.join('file')
protected_file = tmpdir.join("file")
with pytest.raises(FileIntegrityError):
def test_unknown_algorithm(self, tmpdir):
protected_file = tmpdir.join('file')
tmpdir.join('file.integrity').write('{"algorithm": "HMAC_SERIOUSHASH", "digests": "1234"}')
protected_file = tmpdir.join("file")
tmpdir.join("file.integrity").write('{"algorithm": "HMAC_SERIOUSHASH", "digests": "1234"}')
assert DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile.read_integrity_file(str(protected_file)) is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('json', (
'{"ALGORITHM": "HMAC_SERIOUSHASH", "digests": "1234"}',
'"A string"',
'Invalid JSON',
"json", ('{"ALGORITHM": "HMAC_SERIOUSHASH", "digests": "1234"}', "[]", "1234.5", '"A string"', "Invalid JSON")
def test_malformed(self, tmpdir, json):
protected_file = tmpdir.join('file')
protected_file = tmpdir.join("file")
with pytest.raises(FileIntegrityError):
@ -40,74 +36,71 @@ def test_malformed(self, tmpdir, json):
class TestDetachedIntegrityCheckedFile:
def integrity_protected_file(self, tmpdir):
path = str(tmpdir.join('file'))
path = str(tmpdir.join("file"))
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(path, write=True) as fd:
fd.write(b'foo and bar')
fd.write(b"foo and bar")
return path
def test_simple(self, tmpdir, integrity_protected_file):
assert tmpdir.join('file').check(file=True)
assert tmpdir.join('file.integrity').check(file=True)
assert tmpdir.join("file").check(file=True)
assert tmpdir.join("file.integrity").check(file=True)
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(integrity_protected_file, write=False) as fd:
assert == b'foo and bar'
assert == b"foo and bar"
def test_corrupted_file(self, integrity_protected_file):
with open(integrity_protected_file, 'ab') as fd:
fd.write(b' extra data')
with open(integrity_protected_file, "ab") as fd:
fd.write(b" extra data")
with pytest.raises(FileIntegrityError):
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(integrity_protected_file, write=False) as fd:
assert == b'foo and bar extra data'
assert == b"foo and bar extra data"
def test_corrupted_file_partial_read(self, integrity_protected_file):
with open(integrity_protected_file, 'ab') as fd:
fd.write(b' extra data')
with open(integrity_protected_file, "ab") as fd:
fd.write(b" extra data")
with pytest.raises(FileIntegrityError):
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(integrity_protected_file, write=False) as fd:
data = b'foo and bar'
data = b"foo and bar"
assert == data
@pytest.mark.parametrize('new_name', (
@pytest.mark.parametrize("new_name", ("different_file", "different_file.different_ext"))
def test_renamed_file(self, tmpdir, integrity_protected_file, new_name):
new_path = tmpdir.join(new_name)
tmpdir.join('file.integrity').move(new_path + '.integrity')
tmpdir.join("file.integrity").move(new_path + ".integrity")
with pytest.raises(FileIntegrityError):
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(str(new_path), write=False) as fd:
assert == b'foo and bar'
assert == b"foo and bar"
def test_moved_file(self, tmpdir, integrity_protected_file):
new_dir = tmpdir.mkdir('another_directory')
new_path = str(new_dir.join('file'))
new_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("another_directory")
new_path = str(new_dir.join("file"))
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(new_path, write=False) as fd:
assert == b'foo and bar'
assert == b"foo and bar"
def test_no_integrity(self, tmpdir, integrity_protected_file):
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(integrity_protected_file, write=False) as fd:
assert == b'foo and bar'
assert == b"foo and bar"
class TestDetachedIntegrityCheckedFileParts:
def integrity_protected_file(self, tmpdir):
path = str(tmpdir.join('file'))
path = str(tmpdir.join("file"))
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(path, write=True) as fd:
fd.write(b'foo and bar')
fd.write(b' other data')
fd.write(b"foo and bar")
fd.write(b" other data")
return path
def test_simple(self, integrity_protected_file):
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(integrity_protected_file, write=False) as fd:
data1 = b'foo and bar'
data1 = b"foo and bar"
assert == data1
assert == b' other data'
assert == b" other data"
def test_wrong_part_name(self, integrity_protected_file):
with pytest.raises(FileIntegrityError):
@ -115,25 +108,25 @@ def test_wrong_part_name(self, integrity_protected_file):
# the failing hash_part. This is intentional: (1) it makes the code simpler (2) it's a good fail-safe
# against overly broad exception handling.
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(integrity_protected_file, write=False) as fd:
data1 = b'foo and bar'
data1 = b"foo and bar"
assert == data1
with pytest.raises(FileIntegrityError):
# This specific bit raises it directly
# Still explodes in the end.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('partial_read', (False, True))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("partial_read", (False, True))
def test_part_independence(self, integrity_protected_file, partial_read):
with open(integrity_protected_file, 'ab') as fd:
fd.write(b'some extra stuff that does not belong')
with open(integrity_protected_file, "ab") as fd:
fd.write(b"some extra stuff that does not belong")
with pytest.raises(FileIntegrityError):
with DetachedIntegrityCheckedFile(integrity_protected_file, write=False) as fd:
data1 = b'foo and bar'
data1 = b"foo and bar"
assert == data1
except FileIntegrityError:
assert False, 'This part must not raise, since this part is still valid.'
assert False, "This part must not raise, since this part is still valid."
if not partial_read:
# But overall it explodes with the final digest. Neat, eh?

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
def H(x):
# make some 32byte long thing that depends on x
return bytes('%-0.32d' % x, 'ascii')
return bytes("%-0.32d" % x, "ascii")
def H2(x):
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ def H2(x):
class HashIndexTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def _generic_test(self, cls, make_value, sha):
idx = cls()
self.assert_equal(len(idx), 0)
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ def _generic_test(self, cls, make_value, sha):
del idx
# Verify file contents
with open(filepath, 'rb') as fd:
with open(filepath, "rb") as fd:
self.assert_equal(hashlib.sha256(, sha)
# Make sure we can open the file
idx =
@ -86,12 +85,14 @@ def _generic_test(self, cls, make_value, sha):
del idx
def test_nsindex(self):
self._generic_test(NSIndex, lambda x: (x, x, x),
NSIndex, lambda x: (x, x, x), "7d70671d0b7e9d2f51b2691ecf35184b9f8ecc1202cceb2748c905c8fc04c256"
def test_chunkindex(self):
self._generic_test(ChunkIndex, lambda x: (x, x),
ChunkIndex, lambda x: (x, x), "85f72b036c692c8266e4f51ccf0cff2147204282b5e316ae508d30a448d88fef"
def test_resize(self):
n = 2000 # Must be >= MIN_BUCKETS
@ -218,8 +219,8 @@ def test_flags_iteritems(self):
class HashIndexExtraTestCase(BaseTestCase):
"""These tests are separate because they should not become part of the selftest.
"""These tests are separate because they should not become part of the selftest."""
def test_chunk_indexer(self):
# see _hashindex.c hash_sizes, we want to be close to the max. load
# because interesting errors happen there.
@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ def test_chunk_indexer(self):
index = ChunkIndex(key_count)
all_keys = [hashlib.sha256(H(k)).digest() for k in range(key_count)]
# we're gonna delete 1/3 of all_keys, so let's split them 2/3 and 1/3:
keys, to_delete_keys = all_keys[0:(2*key_count//3)], all_keys[(2*key_count//3):]
keys, to_delete_keys = all_keys[0 : (2 * key_count // 3)], all_keys[(2 * key_count // 3) :]
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
index[key] = (i, i)
@ -286,6 +287,7 @@ def merge(refcount1, refcount2):
refcount, *_ = idx1[H(1)]
return refcount
result = merge(refcounta, refcountb)
# check for commutativity
assert result == merge(refcountb, refcounta)
@ -367,22 +369,24 @@ def test_keyerror(self):
class HashIndexDataTestCase(BaseTestCase):
# This bytestring was created with borg2-pre 2022-06-10
HASHINDEX = b'eJzt0LEJg1AYhdE/JqBjOEJMNhBBrAQrO9ewc+HsoG+CPMsEz1cfbnHbceqXoZvvEVE+IuoqMu2pnOE4' \
b'juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4juM4' \
b'juM4juM4juM4jruie36vuSVT5N0rzW0n9t7r5z9+4TiO4ziO4ziO4ziO4ziO4ziO4ziO4ziO4ziO4ziO' \
def _serialize_hashindex(self, idx):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'idx')
file = os.path.join(tempdir, "idx")
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
with open(file, "rb") as f:
return self._pack(
def _deserialize_hashindex(self, bytestring):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'idx')
with open(file, 'wb') as f:
file = os.path.join(tempdir, "idx")
with open(file, "wb") as f:
@ -416,19 +420,19 @@ def test_read_known_good(self):
class HashIndexIntegrityTestCase(HashIndexDataTestCase):
def write_integrity_checked_index(self, tempdir):
idx = self._deserialize_hashindex(self.HASHINDEX)
file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'idx')
file = os.path.join(tempdir, "idx")
with IntegrityCheckedFile(path=file, write=True) as fd:
integrity_data = fd.integrity_data
assert 'final' in integrity_data
assert 'HashHeader' in integrity_data
assert "final" in integrity_data
assert "HashHeader" in integrity_data
return file, integrity_data
def test_integrity_checked_file(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
file, integrity_data = self.write_integrity_checked_index(tempdir)
with open(file, 'r+b') as fd:
with open(file, "r+b") as fd:
with self.assert_raises(FileIntegrityError):
with IntegrityCheckedFile(path=file, write=False, integrity_data=integrity_data) as fd:
@ -437,15 +441,15 @@ def test_integrity_checked_file(self):
class HashIndexCompactTestCase(HashIndexDataTestCase):
def index(self, num_entries, num_buckets):
index_data = io.BytesIO()
# num_entries
index_data.write(num_entries.to_bytes(4, 'little'))
index_data.write(num_entries.to_bytes(4, "little"))
# num_buckets
index_data.write(num_buckets.to_bytes(4, 'little'))
index_data.write(num_buckets.to_bytes(4, "little"))
# key_size
index_data.write((32).to_bytes(1, 'little'))
index_data.write((32).to_bytes(1, "little"))
# value_size
index_data.write((3 * 4).to_bytes(1, 'little'))
index_data.write((3 * 4).to_bytes(1, "little"))
self.index_data = index_data
@ -468,13 +472,13 @@ def index_from_data_compact_to_data(self):
def write_entry(self, key, *values):
for value in values:
self.index_data.write(value.to_bytes(4, 'little'))
self.index_data.write(value.to_bytes(4, "little"))
def write_empty(self, key):
self.write_entry(key, 0xffffffff, 0, 0)
self.write_entry(key, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0)
def write_deleted(self, key):
self.write_entry(key, 0xfffffffe, 0, 0)
self.write_entry(key, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0, 0)
def test_simple(self):
self.index(num_entries=3, num_buckets=6)
@ -600,7 +604,7 @@ def HH(x, y, z):
# first 4 bytes. giving a specific x targets bucket index x.
# y is to create different keys and does not go into the bucket index calculation.
# so, same x + different y --> collision
return pack('<IIIIIIII', x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # 8 * 4 == 32
return pack("<IIIIIIII", x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # 8 * 4 == 32
idx = NSIndex()

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -11,20 +11,20 @@ def test_item_empty():
assert item.as_dict() == {}
assert 'path' not in item
assert "path" not in item
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
'invalid-key' in item
"invalid-key" in item
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
b'path' in item
b"path" in item
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
42 in item
assert item.get('mode') is None
assert item.get('mode', 0o666) == 0o666
assert item.get("mode") is None
assert item.get("mode", 0o666) == 0o666
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ def test_item_empty():
def test_item_from_dict():
# does not matter whether we get str or bytes keys
item = Item({b'path': '/a/b/c', b'mode': 0o666})
assert item.path == '/a/b/c'
item = Item({b"path": "/a/b/c", b"mode": 0o666})
assert item.path == "/a/b/c"
assert item.mode == 0o666
assert 'path' in item
assert "path" in item
# does not matter whether we get str or bytes keys
item = Item({'path': '/a/b/c', 'mode': 0o666})
assert item.path == '/a/b/c'
item = Item({"path": "/a/b/c", "mode": 0o666})
assert item.path == "/a/b/c"
assert item.mode == 0o666
assert 'mode' in item
assert "mode" in item
# invalid - no dict
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ def test_item_from_dict():
# invalid - unknown key
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Item({'foobar': 'baz'})
Item({"foobar": "baz"})
def test_item_from_kw():
item = Item(path='/a/b/c', mode=0o666)
assert item.path == '/a/b/c'
item = Item(path="/a/b/c", mode=0o666)
assert item.path == "/a/b/c"
assert item.mode == 0o666
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def test_item_int_property():
item = Item()
item.mode = 0o666
assert item.mode == 0o666
assert item.as_dict() == {'mode': 0o666}
assert item.as_dict() == {"mode": 0o666}
del item.mode
assert item.as_dict() == {}
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
@ -80,34 +80,34 @@ def test_item_int_property():
def test_item_mptimestamp_property():
item = Item()
small, big = 42, 2 ** 65
small, big = 42, 2**65
item.atime = small
assert item.atime == small
assert item.as_dict() == {'atime': Timestamp.from_unix_nano(small)}
assert item.as_dict() == {"atime": Timestamp.from_unix_nano(small)}
item.atime = big
assert item.atime == big
assert item.as_dict() == {'atime': Timestamp.from_unix_nano(big)}
assert item.as_dict() == {"atime": Timestamp.from_unix_nano(big)}
def test_item_se_str_property():
# start simple
item = Item()
item.path = '/a/b/c'
assert item.path == '/a/b/c'
assert item.as_dict() == {'path': '/a/b/c'}
item.path = "/a/b/c"
assert item.path == "/a/b/c"
assert item.as_dict() == {"path": "/a/b/c"}
del item.path
assert item.as_dict() == {}
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
item.path = 42
# non-utf-8 path, needing surrogate-escaping for latin-1 u-umlaut
item = Item(internal_dict={'path': b'/a/\xfc/c'})
assert item.path == '/a/\udcfc/c' # getting a surrogate-escaped representation
assert item.as_dict() == {'path': '/a/\udcfc/c'}
item = Item(internal_dict={"path": b"/a/\xfc/c"})
assert item.path == "/a/\udcfc/c" # getting a surrogate-escaped representation
assert item.as_dict() == {"path": "/a/\udcfc/c"}
del item.path
assert 'path' not in item
item.path = '/a/\udcfc/c' # setting using a surrogate-escaped representation
assert item.as_dict() == {'path': '/a/\udcfc/c'}
assert "path" not in item
item.path = "/a/\udcfc/c" # setting using a surrogate-escaped representation
assert item.as_dict() == {"path": "/a/\udcfc/c"}
def test_item_list_property():
@ -118,18 +118,18 @@ def test_item_list_property():
assert item.chunks == [0]
assert item.chunks == [0, 1]
assert item.as_dict() == {'chunks': [0, 1]}
assert item.as_dict() == {"chunks": [0, 1]}
def test_item_dict_property():
item = Item()
item.xattrs = StableDict()
assert item.xattrs == StableDict()
item.xattrs['foo'] = 'bar'
assert item.xattrs['foo'] == 'bar'
item.xattrs['bar'] = 'baz'
assert item.xattrs == StableDict({'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz'})
assert item.as_dict() == {'xattrs': {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz'}}
item.xattrs["foo"] = "bar"
assert item.xattrs["foo"] == "bar"
item.xattrs["bar"] = "baz"
assert item.xattrs == StableDict({"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"})
assert item.as_dict() == {"xattrs": {"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}}
def test_unknown_property():
@ -142,10 +142,7 @@ def test_unknown_property():
def test_item_file_size():
item = Item(mode=0o100666, chunks=[
ChunkListEntry(size=1000, id=None),
ChunkListEntry(size=2000, id=None),
item = Item(mode=0o100666, chunks=[ChunkListEntry(size=1000, id=None), ChunkListEntry(size=2000, id=None)])
assert item.get_size() == 3000
assert item.size == 3000

View File

@ -11,7 +11,13 @@
from ..crypto.key import AESOCBRepoKey, AESOCBKeyfileKey, CHPORepoKey, CHPOKeyfileKey
from ..crypto.key import Blake2AESOCBRepoKey, Blake2AESOCBKeyfileKey, Blake2CHPORepoKey, Blake2CHPOKeyfileKey
from ..crypto.key import ID_HMAC_SHA_256, ID_BLAKE2b_256
from ..crypto.key import TAMRequiredError, TAMInvalid, TAMUnsupportedSuiteError, UnsupportedManifestError, UnsupportedKeyFormatError
from ..crypto.key import (
from ..crypto.key import identify_key
from ..crypto.low_level import IntegrityError as IntegrityErrorBase
from ..helpers import IntegrityError
@ -36,11 +42,17 @@ class MockArgs:
keyfile2_cdata = unhexlify(re.sub(r'\W', '', """
keyfile2_cdata = unhexlify(
keyfile2_id = unhexlify('c3fbf14bc001ebcc3cd86e696c13482ed071740927cd7cbe1b01b4bfcee49314')
keyfile2_id = unhexlify("c3fbf14bc001ebcc3cd86e696c13482ed071740927cd7cbe1b01b4bfcee49314")
keyfile_blake2_key_file = """
BORG_KEY 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
@ -56,8 +68,9 @@ class MockArgs:
keyfile_blake2_cdata = bytes.fromhex('04fdf9475cf2323c0ba7a99ddc011064f2e7d039f539f2e448'
keyfile_blake2_cdata = bytes.fromhex(
"04fdf9475cf2323c0ba7a99ddc011064f2e7d039f539f2e448" "0e6f5fc6ff9993d604040404040404098c8cee1c6db8c28947"
# Verified against b2sum. Entire string passed to BLAKE2, including the padded 64 byte key contained in
# keyfile_blake2_key_file above is
# 19280471de95185ec27ecb6fc9edbb4f4db26974c315ede1cd505fab4250ce7cd0d081ea66946c
@ -65,33 +78,42 @@ class MockArgs:
# 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# 00000000000000000000007061796c6f6164
# p a y l o a d
keyfile_blake2_id = bytes.fromhex('d8bc68e961c79f99be39061589e5179b2113cd9226e07b08ddd4a1fef7ce93fb')
keyfile_blake2_id = bytes.fromhex("d8bc68e961c79f99be39061589e5179b2113cd9226e07b08ddd4a1fef7ce93fb")
def keys_dir(self, request, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_KEYS_DIR', str(tmpdir))
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_KEYS_DIR", str(tmpdir))
return tmpdir
# not encrypted
AuthenticatedKey, Blake2AuthenticatedKey,
# legacy crypto
KeyfileKey, Blake2KeyfileKey,
RepoKey, Blake2RepoKey,
# new crypto
AESOCBKeyfileKey, AESOCBRepoKey,
Blake2AESOCBKeyfileKey, Blake2AESOCBRepoKey,
CHPOKeyfileKey, CHPORepoKey,
Blake2CHPOKeyfileKey, Blake2CHPORepoKey,
# not encrypted
# legacy crypto
# new crypto
def key(self, request, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'test')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "test")
return request.param.create(self.MockRepository(), self.MockArgs())
class MockRepository:
class _Location:
raw = processed = '/some/place'
raw = processed = "/some/place"
def canonical_path(self):
return self.processed
@ -114,16 +136,16 @@ def load_key(self):
def test_plaintext(self):
key = PlaintextKey.create(None, None)
chunk = b'foo'
chunk = b"foo"
id = key.id_hash(chunk)
assert hexlify(id) == b'2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae'
assert hexlify(id) == b"2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae"
assert chunk == key.decrypt(id, key.encrypt(id, chunk))
def test_keyfile(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'test')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "test")
key = KeyfileKey.create(self.MockRepository(), self.MockArgs())
assert key.cipher.next_iv() == 0
chunk = b'ABC'
chunk = b"ABC"
id = key.id_hash(chunk)
manifest = key.encrypt(id, chunk)
assert key.cipher.extract_iv(manifest) == 0
@ -137,18 +159,18 @@ def test_keyfile(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
# Key data sanity check
assert len({key2.id_key, key2.enc_key, key2.enc_hmac_key}) == 3
assert key2.chunk_seed != 0
chunk = b'foo'
chunk = b"foo"
id = key.id_hash(chunk)
assert chunk == key2.decrypt(id, key.encrypt(id, chunk))
def test_keyfile_kfenv(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
keyfile = tmpdir.join('keyfile')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_KEY_FILE', str(keyfile))
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'testkf')
keyfile = tmpdir.join("keyfile")
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_KEY_FILE", str(keyfile))
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "testkf")
assert not keyfile.exists()
key = CHPOKeyfileKey.create(self.MockRepository(), self.MockArgs())
assert keyfile.exists()
chunk = b'ABC'
chunk = b"ABC"
chunk_id = key.id_hash(chunk)
chunk_cdata = key.encrypt(chunk_id, chunk)
key = CHPOKeyfileKey.detect(self.MockRepository(), chunk_cdata)
@ -158,27 +180,27 @@ def test_keyfile_kfenv(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
CHPOKeyfileKey.detect(self.MockRepository(), chunk_cdata)
def test_keyfile2(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
with keys_dir.join('keyfile').open('w') as fd:
with keys_dir.join("keyfile").open("w") as fd:
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'passphrase')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "passphrase")
key = KeyfileKey.detect(self.MockRepository(), self.keyfile2_cdata)
assert key.decrypt(self.keyfile2_id, self.keyfile2_cdata) == b'payload'
assert key.decrypt(self.keyfile2_id, self.keyfile2_cdata) == b"payload"
def test_keyfile2_kfenv(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
keyfile = tmpdir.join('keyfile')
with'w') as fd:
keyfile = tmpdir.join("keyfile")
with"w") as fd:
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_KEY_FILE', str(keyfile))
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'passphrase')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_KEY_FILE", str(keyfile))
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "passphrase")
key = KeyfileKey.detect(self.MockRepository(), self.keyfile2_cdata)
assert key.decrypt(self.keyfile2_id, self.keyfile2_cdata) == b'payload'
assert key.decrypt(self.keyfile2_id, self.keyfile2_cdata) == b"payload"
def test_keyfile_blake2(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
with keys_dir.join('keyfile').open('w') as fd:
with keys_dir.join("keyfile").open("w") as fd:
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'passphrase')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "passphrase")
key = Blake2KeyfileKey.detect(self.MockRepository(), self.keyfile_blake2_cdata)
assert key.decrypt(self.keyfile_blake2_id, self.keyfile_blake2_cdata) == b'payload'
assert key.decrypt(self.keyfile_blake2_id, self.keyfile_blake2_cdata) == b"payload"
def _corrupt_byte(self, key, data, offset):
data = bytearray(data)
@ -186,12 +208,12 @@ def _corrupt_byte(self, key, data, offset):
# will trigger an IntegrityError (does not happen while we stay within TYPES_ACCEPTABLE).
data[offset] ^= 64
with pytest.raises(IntegrityErrorBase):
key.decrypt(b'', data)
key.decrypt(b"", data)
def test_decrypt_integrity(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
with keys_dir.join('keyfile').open('w') as fd:
with keys_dir.join("keyfile").open("w") as fd:
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'passphrase')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "passphrase")
key = KeyfileKey.detect(self.MockRepository(), self.keyfile2_cdata)
data = self.keyfile2_cdata
@ -206,7 +228,7 @@ def test_decrypt_integrity(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
def test_roundtrip(self, key):
repository = key.repository
plaintext = b'foo'
plaintext = b"foo"
id = key.id_hash(plaintext)
encrypted = key.encrypt(id, plaintext)
identified_key_class = identify_key(encrypted)
@ -216,59 +238,59 @@ def test_roundtrip(self, key):
assert decrypted == plaintext
def test_decrypt_decompress(self, key):
plaintext = b'123456789'
plaintext = b"123456789"
id = key.id_hash(plaintext)
encrypted = key.encrypt(id, plaintext)
assert key.decrypt(id, encrypted, decompress=False) != plaintext
assert key.decrypt(id, encrypted) == plaintext
def test_assert_id(self, key):
plaintext = b'123456789'
plaintext = b"123456789"
id = key.id_hash(plaintext)
key.assert_id(id, plaintext)
id_changed = bytearray(id)
id_changed[0] ^= 1
with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
key.assert_id(id_changed, plaintext)
plaintext_changed = plaintext + b'1'
plaintext_changed = plaintext + b"1"
with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
key.assert_id(id, plaintext_changed)
def test_authenticated_encrypt(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'test')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "test")
key = AuthenticatedKey.create(self.MockRepository(), self.MockArgs())
assert AuthenticatedKey.id_hash is ID_HMAC_SHA_256.id_hash
assert len(key.id_key) == 32
plaintext = b'123456789'
plaintext = b"123456789"
id = key.id_hash(plaintext)
authenticated = key.encrypt(id, plaintext)
# 0x07 is the key TYPE, \x00ff identifies no compression / unknown level.
assert authenticated == b'\x07\x00\xff' + plaintext
assert authenticated == b"\x07\x00\xff" + plaintext
def test_blake2_authenticated_encrypt(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'test')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "test")
key = Blake2AuthenticatedKey.create(self.MockRepository(), self.MockArgs())
assert Blake2AuthenticatedKey.id_hash is ID_BLAKE2b_256.id_hash
assert len(key.id_key) == 128
plaintext = b'123456789'
plaintext = b"123456789"
id = key.id_hash(plaintext)
authenticated = key.encrypt(id, plaintext)
# 0x06 is the key TYPE, 0x00ff identifies no compression / unknown level.
assert authenticated == b'\x06\x00\xff' + plaintext
assert authenticated == b"\x06\x00\xff" + plaintext
class TestTAM:
def key(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'test')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "test")
return CHPOKeyfileKey.create(TestKey.MockRepository(), TestKey.MockArgs())
def test_unpack_future(self, key):
blob = b'\xc1\xc1\xc1\xc1foobar'
blob = b"\xc1\xc1\xc1\xc1foobar"
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedManifestError):
blob = b'\xc1\xc1\xc1'
blob = b"\xc1\xc1\xc1"
with pytest.raises(msgpack.UnpackException):
@ -285,84 +307,66 @@ def test_missing(self, key):
assert not verified
def test_unknown_type_when_required(self, key):
blob = msgpack.packb({
'tam': {
'type': 'HMAC_VOLLBIT',
blob = msgpack.packb({"tam": {"type": "HMAC_VOLLBIT"}})
with pytest.raises(TAMUnsupportedSuiteError):
def test_unknown_type(self, key):
blob = msgpack.packb({
'tam': {
'type': 'HMAC_VOLLBIT',
blob = msgpack.packb({"tam": {"type": "HMAC_VOLLBIT"}})
key.tam_required = False
unpacked, verified = key.unpack_and_verify_manifest(blob)
assert unpacked == {}
assert not verified
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tam, exc', (
({}, TAMUnsupportedSuiteError),
({'type': b'\xff'}, TAMUnsupportedSuiteError),
(None, TAMInvalid),
(1234, TAMInvalid),
"tam, exc",
({}, TAMUnsupportedSuiteError),
({"type": b"\xff"}, TAMUnsupportedSuiteError),
(None, TAMInvalid),
(1234, TAMInvalid),
def test_invalid(self, key, tam, exc):
blob = msgpack.packb({
'tam': tam,
blob = msgpack.packb({"tam": tam})
with pytest.raises(exc):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('hmac, salt', (
({}, bytes(64)),
(bytes(64), {}),
(None, bytes(64)),
(bytes(64), None),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("hmac, salt", (({}, bytes(64)), (bytes(64), {}), (None, bytes(64)), (bytes(64), None)))
def test_wrong_types(self, key, hmac, salt):
data = {
'tam': {
'type': 'HKDF_HMAC_SHA512',
'hmac': hmac,
'salt': salt
tam = data['tam']
data = {"tam": {"type": "HKDF_HMAC_SHA512", "hmac": hmac, "salt": salt}}
tam = data["tam"]
if hmac is None:
del tam['hmac']
del tam["hmac"]
if salt is None:
del tam['salt']
del tam["salt"]
blob = msgpack.packb(data)
with pytest.raises(TAMInvalid):
def test_round_trip(self, key):
data = {'foo': 'bar'}
data = {"foo": "bar"}
blob = key.pack_and_authenticate_metadata(data)
assert blob.startswith(b'\x82')
assert blob.startswith(b"\x82")
unpacked = msgpack.unpackb(blob)
assert unpacked['tam']['type'] == 'HKDF_HMAC_SHA512'
assert unpacked["tam"]["type"] == "HKDF_HMAC_SHA512"
unpacked, verified = key.unpack_and_verify_manifest(blob)
assert verified
assert unpacked['foo'] == 'bar'
assert 'tam' not in unpacked
assert unpacked["foo"] == "bar"
assert "tam" not in unpacked
@pytest.mark.parametrize('which', ('hmac', 'salt'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("which", ("hmac", "salt"))
def test_tampered(self, key, which):
data = {'foo': 'bar'}
data = {"foo": "bar"}
blob = key.pack_and_authenticate_metadata(data)
assert blob.startswith(b'\x82')
assert blob.startswith(b"\x82")
unpacked = msgpack.unpackb(blob, object_hook=StableDict)
assert len(unpacked['tam'][which]) == 64
unpacked['tam'][which] = unpacked['tam'][which][0:32] + bytes(32)
assert len(unpacked['tam'][which]) == 64
assert len(unpacked["tam"][which]) == 64
unpacked["tam"][which] = unpacked["tam"][which][0:32] + bytes(32)
assert len(unpacked["tam"][which]) == 64
blob = msgpack.packb(unpacked)
with pytest.raises(TAMInvalid):
@ -372,10 +376,7 @@ def test_tampered(self, key, which):
def test_decrypt_key_file_unsupported_algorithm():
"""We will add more algorithms in the future. We should raise a helpful error."""
key = CHPOKeyfileKey(None)
encrypted = msgpack.packb({
'version': 1,
encrypted = msgpack.packb({"algorithm": "THIS ALGORITHM IS NOT SUPPORTED", "version": 1})
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedKeyFormatError):
key.decrypt_key_file(encrypted, "hello, pass phrase")
@ -384,9 +385,7 @@ def test_decrypt_key_file_unsupported_algorithm():
def test_decrypt_key_file_v2_is_unsupported():
"""There may eventually be a version 2 of the format. For now we should raise a helpful error."""
key = CHPOKeyfileKey(None)
encrypted = msgpack.packb({
'version': 2,
encrypted = msgpack.packb({"version": 2})
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedKeyFormatError):
key.decrypt_key_file(encrypted, "hello, pass phrase")
@ -394,16 +393,16 @@ def test_decrypt_key_file_v2_is_unsupported():
def test_key_file_roundtrip(monkeypatch):
def to_dict(key):
extract = 'repository_id', 'enc_key', 'enc_hmac_key', 'id_key', 'chunk_seed'
extract = "repository_id", "enc_key", "enc_hmac_key", "id_key", "chunk_seed"
return {a: getattr(key, a) for a in extract}
repository = MagicMock(id=b'repository_id')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', "hello, pass phrase")
repository = MagicMock(id=b"repository_id")
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "hello, pass phrase")
save_me = AESOCBRepoKey.create(repository, args=MagicMock(key_algorithm='argon2'))
save_me = AESOCBRepoKey.create(repository, args=MagicMock(key_algorithm="argon2"))
saved = repository.save_key.call_args.args[0]
repository.load_key.return_value = saved
load_me = AESOCBRepoKey.detect(repository, manifest_data=None)
assert to_dict(load_me) == to_dict(save_me)
assert msgpack.unpackb(a2b_base64(saved))['algorithm'] == KEY_ALGORITHMS['argon2']
assert msgpack.unpackb(a2b_base64(saved))["algorithm"] == KEY_ALGORITHMS["argon2"]

View File

@ -6,8 +6,19 @@
import pytest
from ..platform import get_process_id, process_alive
from ..locking import TimeoutTimer, ExclusiveLock, Lock, LockRoster, \
ADD, REMOVE, SHARED, EXCLUSIVE, LockTimeout, NotLocked, NotMyLock
from ..locking import (
ID1 = "foo", 1, 1
ID2 = "bar", 2, 2
@ -45,7 +56,7 @@ def test_notimeout_sleep(self):
def lockpath(tmpdir):
return str(tmpdir.join('lock'))
return str(tmpdir.join("lock"))
class TestExclusiveLock:
@ -67,7 +78,7 @@ def test_timeout(self, lockpath):
def test_kill_stale(self, lockpath, free_pid):
host, pid, tid = our_id = get_process_id()
dead_id = host, free_pid, tid
cant_know_if_dead_id = '', 1, 2
cant_know_if_dead_id = "", 1, 2
dead_lock = ExclusiveLock(lockpath, id=dead_id).acquire()
with ExclusiveLock(lockpath, id=our_id):
@ -94,9 +105,7 @@ def test_migrate_lock(self, lockpath):
assert old_unique_name != new_unique_name # locking filename is different now
def test_race_condition(self, lockpath):
class SynchronizedCounter:
def __init__(self, count=0):
self.lock = ThreadingLock()
self.count = count
@ -126,44 +135,77 @@ def print_locked(msg):
with print_lock:
def acquire_release_loop(id, timeout, thread_id, lock_owner_counter, exception_counter, print_lock, last_thread=None):
print_locked("Thread %2d: Starting acquire_release_loop(id=%s, timeout=%d); lockpath=%s" % (thread_id, id, timeout, lockpath))
def acquire_release_loop(
id, timeout, thread_id, lock_owner_counter, exception_counter, print_lock, last_thread=None
"Thread %2d: Starting acquire_release_loop(id=%s, timeout=%d); lockpath=%s"
% (thread_id, id, timeout, lockpath)
timer = TimeoutTimer(timeout, -1).start()
cycle = 0
while not timer.timed_out():
cycle += 1
with ExclusiveLock(lockpath, id=id, timeout=timeout/20, sleep=-1): # This timeout is only for not exceeding the given timeout by more than 5%. With sleep<0 it's constantly polling anyway.
with ExclusiveLock(
lockpath, id=id, timeout=timeout / 20, sleep=-1
): # This timeout is only for not exceeding the given timeout by more than 5%. With sleep<0 it's constantly polling anyway.
lock_owner_count = lock_owner_counter.incr()
print_locked("Thread %2d: Acquired the lock. It's my %d. loop cycle. I am the %d. who has the lock concurrently." % (thread_id, cycle, lock_owner_count))
"Thread %2d: Acquired the lock. It's my %d. loop cycle. I am the %d. who has the lock concurrently."
% (thread_id, cycle, lock_owner_count)
lock_owner_count = lock_owner_counter.decr()
print_locked("Thread %2d: Releasing the lock, finishing my %d. loop cycle. Currently, %d colleagues still have the lock." % (thread_id, cycle, lock_owner_count))
"Thread %2d: Releasing the lock, finishing my %d. loop cycle. Currently, %d colleagues still have the lock."
% (thread_id, cycle, lock_owner_count)
except LockTimeout:
print_locked("Thread %2d: Got LockTimeout, finishing my %d. loop cycle." % (thread_id, cycle))
exception_count = exception_counter.incr()
e = format_exc()
print_locked("Thread %2d: Exception thrown, finishing my %d. loop cycle. It's the %d. exception seen until now: %s" % (thread_id, cycle, exception_count, e))
"Thread %2d: Exception thrown, finishing my %d. loop cycle. It's the %d. exception seen until now: %s"
% (thread_id, cycle, exception_count, e)
print_locked("Thread %2d: Loop timed out--terminating after %d loop cycles." % (thread_id, cycle))
if last_thread is not None: # joining its predecessor, if any
lock_owner_counter = SynchronizedCounter()
exception_counter = SynchronizedCounter()
print_lock = ThreadingLock()
thread = None
for thread_id in range(RACE_TEST_NUM_THREADS):
thread = Thread(target=acquire_release_loop, args=(('foo', thread_id, 0), RACE_TEST_DURATION, thread_id, lock_owner_counter, exception_counter, print_lock, thread))
thread = Thread(
("foo", thread_id, 0),
thread.join() # joining the last thread
assert lock_owner_counter.maxvalue() > 0, 'Never gained the lock? Something went wrong here...'
assert lock_owner_counter.maxvalue() <= 1, "Maximal number of concurrent lock holders was %d. So exclusivity is broken." % (lock_owner_counter.maxvalue())
assert exception_counter.value() == 0, "ExclusiveLock threw %d exceptions due to unclean concurrency handling." % (exception_counter.value())
assert lock_owner_counter.maxvalue() > 0, "Never gained the lock? Something went wrong here..."
assert (
lock_owner_counter.maxvalue() <= 1
), "Maximal number of concurrent lock holders was %d. So exclusivity is broken." % (
assert (
exception_counter.value() == 0
), "ExclusiveLock threw %d exceptions due to unclean concurrency handling." % (exception_counter.value())
class TestLock:
@ -228,7 +270,7 @@ def test_timeout(self, lockpath):
def test_kill_stale(self, lockpath, free_pid):
host, pid, tid = our_id = get_process_id()
dead_id = host, free_pid, tid
cant_know_if_dead_id = '', 1, 2
cant_know_if_dead_id = "", 1, 2
dead_lock = Lock(lockpath, id=dead_id, exclusive=True).acquire()
roster = dead_lock._roster
@ -263,7 +305,7 @@ def test_migrate_lock(self, lockpath):
def rosterpath(tmpdir):
return str(tmpdir.join('roster'))
return str(tmpdir.join("roster"))
class TestLockRoster:
@ -277,13 +319,13 @@ def test_modify_get(self, rosterpath):
roster1 = LockRoster(rosterpath, id=ID1)
assert roster1.get(SHARED) == set()
roster1.modify(SHARED, ADD)
assert roster1.get(SHARED) == {ID1, }
assert roster1.get(SHARED) == {ID1}
roster2 = LockRoster(rosterpath, id=ID2)
roster2.modify(SHARED, ADD)
assert roster2.get(SHARED) == {ID1, ID2, }
assert roster2.get(SHARED) == {ID1, ID2}
roster1 = LockRoster(rosterpath, id=ID1)
roster1.modify(SHARED, REMOVE)
assert roster1.get(SHARED) == {ID2, }
assert roster1.get(SHARED) == {ID2}
roster2 = LockRoster(rosterpath, id=ID2)
roster2.modify(SHARED, REMOVE)
assert roster2.get(SHARED) == set()
@ -300,7 +342,7 @@ def test_kill_stale(self, rosterpath, free_pid):
assert roster1.get(SHARED) == {dead_id}
# put a unknown-state remote process lock into roster
cant_know_if_dead_id = '', 1, 2
cant_know_if_dead_id = "", 1, 2
roster1 = LockRoster(rosterpath, id=cant_know_if_dead_id)
roster1.kill_stale_locks = False
assert roster1.get(SHARED) == {dead_id}

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import pytest
from ..logger import find_parent_module, create_logger, setup_logging
logger = create_logger()
@ -11,27 +12,27 @@
def io_logger():
io = StringIO()
handler = setup_logging(stream=io, env_var=None)
handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(name)s: %(message)s'))
handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(name)s: %(message)s"))
return io
def test_setup_logging(io_logger):'hello world')"hello world")
assert io_logger.getvalue() == "borg.testsuite.logger: hello world\n"
def test_multiple_loggers(io_logger):
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'hello world 1')"hello world 1")
assert io_logger.getvalue() == "borg.testsuite.logger: hello world 1\n"
logger = logging.getLogger('borg.testsuite.logger')'hello world 2')
logger = logging.getLogger("borg.testsuite.logger")"hello world 2")
assert io_logger.getvalue() == "borg.testsuite.logger: hello world 1\nborg.testsuite.logger: hello world 2\n"
logger = logging.getLogger('borg.testsuite.logger')'hello world 2')
logger = logging.getLogger("borg.testsuite.logger")"hello world 2")
assert io_logger.getvalue() == "borg.testsuite.logger: hello world 2\n"

View File

@ -6,33 +6,32 @@
class TestLRUCache:
def test_lrucache(self):
c = LRUCache(2, dispose=lambda _: None)
assert len(c) == 0
assert c.items() == set()
for i, x in enumerate('abc'):
for i, x in enumerate("abc"):
c[x] = i
assert len(c) == 2
assert c.items() == {('b', 1), ('c', 2)}
assert 'a' not in c
assert 'b' in c
assert c.items() == {("b", 1), ("c", 2)}
assert "a" not in c
assert "b" in c
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
assert c.get('a') is None
assert c.get('a', 'foo') == 'foo'
assert c['b'] == 1
assert c.get('b') == 1
assert c['c'] == 2
c['d'] = 3
assert c.get("a") is None
assert c.get("a", "foo") == "foo"
assert c["b"] == 1
assert c.get("b") == 1
assert c["c"] == 2
c["d"] = 3
assert len(c) == 2
assert c['c'] == 2
assert c['d'] == 3
del c['c']
assert c["c"] == 2
assert c["d"] == 3
del c["c"]
assert len(c) == 1
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
assert c['d'] == 3
assert c["d"] == 3
assert c.items() == set()

View File

@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
def test_inline():
assert rst_to_text('*foo* and ``bar``.') == 'foo and bar.'
assert rst_to_text("*foo* and ``bar``.") == "foo and bar."
def test_inline_spread():
assert rst_to_text('*foo and bar, thusly\nfoobar*.') == 'foo and bar, thusly\nfoobar.'
assert rst_to_text("*foo and bar, thusly\nfoobar*.") == "foo and bar, thusly\nfoobar."
def test_comment_inline():
assert rst_to_text('Foo and Bar\n.. foo\nbar') == 'Foo and Bar\n.. foo\nbar'
assert rst_to_text("Foo and Bar\n.. foo\nbar") == "Foo and Bar\n.. foo\nbar"
def test_inline_escape():
@ -20,21 +20,19 @@ def test_inline_escape():
def test_comment():
assert rst_to_text('Foo and Bar\n\n.. foo\nbar') == 'Foo and Bar\n\nbar'
assert rst_to_text("Foo and Bar\n\n.. foo\nbar") == "Foo and Bar\n\nbar"
def test_directive_note():
assert rst_to_text('.. note::\n Note this and that') == 'Note:\n Note this and that'
assert rst_to_text(".. note::\n Note this and that") == "Note:\n Note this and that"
def test_ref():
references = {
'foo': 'baz'
assert rst_to_text('See :ref:`fo\no`.', references=references) == 'See baz.'
references = {"foo": "baz"}
assert rst_to_text("See :ref:`fo\no`.", references=references) == "See baz."
def test_undefined_ref():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
rst_to_text('See :ref:`foo`.')
assert 'Undefined reference' in str(exc_info.value)
rst_to_text("See :ref:`foo`.")
assert "Undefined reference" in str(exc_info.value)

View File

@ -10,10 +10,9 @@
class TestNonceManager:
class MockRepository:
class _Location:
orig = '/some/place'
orig = "/some/place"
_location = _Location()
id = bytes(32)
@ -37,15 +36,15 @@ def setUp(self):
self.repository = None
def cache_nonce(self):
with open(os.path.join(get_security_dir(self.repository.id_str), 'nonce')) as fd:
with open(os.path.join(get_security_dir(self.repository.id_str), "nonce")) as fd:
def set_cache_nonce(self, nonce):
with open(os.path.join(get_security_dir(self.repository.id_str), 'nonce'), "w") as fd:
with open(os.path.join(get_security_dir(self.repository.id_str), "nonce"), "w") as fd:
assert fd.write(nonce)
def test_empty_cache_and_old_server(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockOldRepository()
manager = NonceManager(self.repository, 0x2000)
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ def test_empty_cache_and_old_server(self, monkeypatch):
assert self.cache_nonce() == "0000000000002033"
def test_empty_cache(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockRepository()
self.repository.next_free = 0x2000
@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ def test_empty_cache(self, monkeypatch):
assert self.cache_nonce() == "0000000000002033"
def test_empty_nonce(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockRepository()
self.repository.next_free = None
@ -99,10 +98,10 @@ def test_empty_nonce(self, monkeypatch):
next_nonce = manager.ensure_reservation(0x2043, 64)
assert next_nonce == 0x2063
assert self.cache_nonce() == "00000000000020c3"
assert self.repository.next_free == 0x20c3
assert self.repository.next_free == 0x20C3
def test_sync_nonce(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockRepository()
self.repository.next_free = 0x2000
@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ def test_sync_nonce(self, monkeypatch):
assert self.repository.next_free == 0x2033
def test_server_just_upgraded(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockRepository()
self.repository.next_free = None
@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ def test_server_just_upgraded(self, monkeypatch):
assert self.repository.next_free == 0x2033
def test_transaction_abort_no_cache(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockRepository()
self.repository.next_free = 0x2000
@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ def test_transaction_abort_no_cache(self, monkeypatch):
assert self.repository.next_free == 0x2033
def test_transaction_abort_old_server(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockOldRepository()
@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ def test_transaction_abort_old_server(self, monkeypatch):
assert self.cache_nonce() == "0000000000002033"
def test_transaction_abort_on_other_client(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockRepository()
self.repository.next_free = 0x2000
@ -169,7 +168,7 @@ def test_transaction_abort_on_other_client(self, monkeypatch):
assert self.repository.next_free == 0x2033
def test_interleaved(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, 'NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION', 0x20)
monkeypatch.setattr(nonces, "NONCE_SPACE_RESERVATION", 0x20)
self.repository = self.MockRepository()
self.repository.next_free = 0x2000
@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ def test_interleaved(self, monkeypatch):
assert self.repository.next_free == 0x4000
# spans reservation boundary
next_nonce = manager.ensure_reservation(0x201f, 21)
next_nonce = manager.ensure_reservation(0x201F, 21)
assert next_nonce == 0x4000
assert self.cache_nonce() == "0000000000004035"
assert self.repository.next_free == 0x4035

View File

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
def check_patterns(files, pattern, expected):
"""Utility for testing patterns.
"""Utility for testing patterns."""
assert all([f == os.path.normpath(f) for f in files]), "Pattern matchers expect normalized input paths"
matched = [f for f in files if pattern.match(f)]
@ -20,167 +19,291 @@ def check_patterns(files, pattern, expected):
assert matched == (files if expected is None else expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/", []),
("/home", ["home"]),
("/home///", ["home"]),
("/./home", ["home"]),
("/home/user", ["home/user"]),
("/home/user2", ["home/user2"]),
("/home/user/.bashrc", ["home/user/.bashrc"]),
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/", []),
("/home", ["home"]),
("/home///", ["home"]),
("/./home", ["home"]),
("/home/user", ["home/user"]),
("/home/user2", ["home/user2"]),
("/home/user/.bashrc", ["home/user/.bashrc"]),
def test_patterns_full(pattern, expected):
files = ["home", "home/user", "home/user2", "home/user/.bashrc", ]
files = ["home", "home/user", "home/user2", "home/user/.bashrc"]
check_patterns(files, PathFullPattern(pattern), expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", []),
("relative", []),
("relative/path/", ["relative/path"]),
("relative/path", ["relative/path"]),
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", []),
("relative", []),
("relative/path/", ["relative/path"]),
("relative/path", ["relative/path"]),
def test_patterns_full_relative(pattern, expected):
files = ["relative/path", "relative/path2", ]
files = ["relative/path", "relative/path2"]
check_patterns(files, PathFullPattern(pattern), expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/", None),
("/./", None),
("", []),
("/home/u", []),
("/home/user", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("///etc//////", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/", None),
("/./", None),
("", []),
("/home/u", []),
("/home/user", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("///etc//////", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
def test_patterns_prefix(pattern, expected):
files = [
"etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts", "home", "home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc",
"home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg",
check_patterns(files, PathPrefixPattern(pattern), expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", []),
("foo", []),
("relative", ["relative/path1", "relative/two"]),
("more", ["more/relative"]),
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", []),
("foo", []),
("relative", ["relative/path1", "relative/two"]),
("more", ["more/relative"]),
def test_patterns_prefix_relative(pattern, expected):
files = ["relative/path1", "relative/two", "more/relative"]
check_patterns(files, PathPrefixPattern(pattern), expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/*", None),
("/./*", None),
("*", None),
["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts", "home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc",
"home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg",
"home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts", "home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc",
"home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg",
"home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
("/home/u", []),
["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc", "home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html",
"home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
("/home/user/*", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("*/.pr????e", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user2/.profile"]),
("///etc//////*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/*", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv*", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
("/home/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/*", None),
("/./*", None),
("*", None),
("/home/u", []),
("/home/user/*", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("*/.pr????e", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user2/.profile"]),
("///etc//////*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/*", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv*", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
("/home/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
def test_patterns_fnmatch(pattern, expected):
files = [
"etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts", "home", "home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc",
"home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg",
"home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails",
check_patterns(files, FnmatchPattern(pattern), expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("*", None),
("**/*", None),
("/**/*", None),
("/./*", None),
["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts", "home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc",
"home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg",
"srv2/blafasel", "home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts", "home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc",
"home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg",
"srv2/blafasel", "home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
("/home/u", []),
["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc", "home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html",
"home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
("/home/user/*", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc/*/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/etc/**/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/etc/**/*/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("*/.pr????e", []),
("**/.pr????e", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user2/.profile"]),
("///etc//////*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/**/*", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv*/", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv*", ["srv", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg", "srv2", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv/*", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
("/srv2/**", ["srv2", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv2/**/", ["srv2/blafasel"]),
("/home/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/.thumbnails"]),
("/home/*/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("*", None),
("**/*", None),
("/**/*", None),
("/./*", None),
("/home/u", []),
("/home/user/*", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc/*/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/etc/**/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/etc/**/*/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("*/.pr????e", []),
("**/.pr????e", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user2/.profile"]),
("///etc//////*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/**/*", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv*/", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv*", ["srv", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg", "srv2", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv/*", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
("/srv2/**", ["srv2", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv2/**/", ["srv2/blafasel"]),
("/home/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/.thumbnails"]),
("/home/*/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
def test_patterns_shell(pattern, expected):
files = [
"etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts", "home", "home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc",
"home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html", "srv", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg",
"srv2", "srv2/blafasel", "home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails",
check_patterns(files, ShellPattern(pattern), expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", None),
(".*", None),
("^/", None),
("^abc$", []),
("^[^/]", []),
["/home", "/home/user/.profile", "/home/user/.bashrc", "/home/user2/.profile",
"/home/user2/public_html/index.html", "/home/foo/.thumbnails", "/home/foo/bar/.thumbnails", ]),
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", None),
(".*", None),
("^/", None),
("^abc$", []),
("^[^/]", []),
def test_patterns_regex(pattern, expected):
files = [
'/srv/data', '/foo/bar', '/home',
'/home/user/.profile', '/home/user/.bashrc',
'/home/user2/.profile', '/home/user2/public_html/index.html',
'/opt/log/messages.txt', '/opt/log/dmesg.txt',
"/home/foo/.thumbnails", "/home/foo/bar/.thumbnails",
obj = RegexPattern(pattern)
@ -202,11 +325,12 @@ def use_normalized_unicode():
def _make_test_patterns(pattern):
return [PathPrefixPattern(pattern),
return [
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern", _make_test_patterns("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}"))
@ -227,51 +351,63 @@ def test_invalid_unicode_pattern(pattern):
assert pattern.match(str(b"ba\x80/foo", "latin1"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lines, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], None),
(["# Comment only"], None),
(["*"], []),
(["# Comment",
" *whitespace* ",
# Whitespace before comment
" #/ws*",
# Empty line
"# EOF"],
["more/data", "home", " #/wsfoobar"]),
([r"re:.*"], []),
([r"re:\s"], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home"]),
([r"re:(.)(\1)"], ["more/data", "home", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"]),
(["", "", "",
"# This is a test with mixed pattern styles",
# Case-insensitive pattern
([r" re:^\s "], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home", "whitespace/end\t"]),
([r" re:\s$ "], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace"]),
(["pp:./"], None),
# leading slash is removed
(["pp:/"], []),
(["pp:aaabbb"], None),
(["pp:/data", "pp: #/", "pp:\tstart", "pp:/whitespace"], ["more/data", "home"]),
(["/nomatch", "/more/*"],
['data/something00.txt', 'home', ' #/wsfoobar', '\tstart/whitespace', 'whitespace/end\t']),
# the order of exclude patterns shouldn't matter
(["/more/*", "/nomatch"],
['data/something00.txt', 'home', ' #/wsfoobar', '\tstart/whitespace', 'whitespace/end\t']),
"lines, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], None),
(["# Comment only"], None),
(["*"], []),
"# Comment",
" *whitespace* ",
# Whitespace before comment
" #/ws*",
# Empty line
"# EOF",
["more/data", "home", " #/wsfoobar"],
([r"re:.*"], []),
([r"re:\s"], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home"]),
([r"re:(.)(\1)"], ["more/data", "home", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"]),
"# This is a test with mixed pattern styles",
# Case-insensitive pattern
([r" re:^\s "], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home", "whitespace/end\t"]),
([r" re:\s$ "], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace"]),
(["pp:./"], None),
# leading slash is removed
(["pp:/"], []),
(["pp:aaabbb"], None),
(["pp:/data", "pp: #/", "pp:\tstart", "pp:/whitespace"], ["more/data", "home"]),
["/nomatch", "/more/*"],
["data/something00.txt", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"],
# the order of exclude patterns shouldn't matter
["/more/*", "/nomatch"],
["data/something00.txt", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"],
def test_exclude_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines, expected):
files = [
'data/something00.txt', 'more/data', 'home',
' #/wsfoobar',
files = ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"]
def evaluate(filename):
patterns = []
@ -288,26 +424,26 @@ def evaluate(filename):
assert evaluate(str(exclfile)) == (files if expected is None else expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lines, expected_roots, expected_numpatterns", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], [], 0),
(["# Comment only"], [], 0),
(["- *"], [], 1),
"-/data"], [], 2),
(["R /"], ["/"], 0),
(["R /",
"# comment"], ["/"], 0),
(["# comment",
"- /data",
"R /home"], ["/home"], 1),
"lines, expected_roots, expected_numpatterns",
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], [], 0),
(["# Comment only"], [], 0),
(["- *"], [], 1),
(["+fm:*/something00.txt", "-/data"], [], 2),
(["R /"], ["/"], 0),
(["R /", "# comment"], ["/"], 0),
(["# comment", "- /data", "R /home"], ["/home"], 1),
def test_load_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines, expected_roots, expected_numpatterns):
def evaluate(filename):
roots = []
inclexclpatterns = []
load_pattern_file(open(filename), roots, inclexclpatterns)
return roots, len(inclexclpatterns)
patternfile = tmpdir.join("patterns.txt")
with"wt") as fh:
@ -344,10 +480,9 @@ def test_switch_patterns_style():
assert isinstance(patterns[5].val, ShellPattern)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lines", [
(["X /data"]), # illegal pattern type prefix
(["/data"]), # need a pattern type prefix
"lines", [(["X /data"]), (["/data"])] # illegal pattern type prefix # need a pattern type prefix
def test_load_invalid_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines):
patternfile = tmpdir.join("patterns.txt")
with"wt") as fh:
@ -359,41 +494,47 @@ def test_load_invalid_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines):
load_pattern_file(open(filename), roots, inclexclpatterns)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lines, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], None),
(["# Comment only"], None),
(["- *"], []),
# default match type is sh: for patterns -> * doesn't match a /
['data', 'data/subdir/something01.txt',
'home', 'home/leo', 'home/leo/t', 'home/other']),
['data', 'data/subdir/something01.txt', 'home', 'home/leo', 'home/leo/t', 'home/other']),
["data", 'home', 'home/leo', 'home/leo/t', 'home/other']),
["data/something00.txt", 'home', 'home/leo', 'home/leo/t', 'home/other']),
["data/something00.txt", 'home', 'home/leo', 'home/leo/t', 'home/other']),
# include /home/leo and exclude the rest of /home:
['data', 'data/something00.txt', 'data/subdir/something01.txt', 'home', 'home/leo', 'home/leo/t']),
# wrong order, /home/leo is already excluded by -/home/*:
['data', 'data/something00.txt', 'data/subdir/something01.txt', 'home']),
['data', 'data/something00.txt', 'data/subdir/something01.txt', 'home', 'home/leo', 'home/leo/t']),
"lines, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], None),
(["# Comment only"], None),
(["- *"], []),
# default match type is sh: for patterns -> * doesn't match a /
["data", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"],
["data", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"],
(["-fm:*/something0?.txt"], ["data", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"]),
(["+/*/something0?.txt", "-/data"], ["data/something00.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"]),
(["+fm:*/something00.txt", "-/data"], ["data/something00.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"]),
# include /home/leo and exclude the rest of /home:
["+/home/leo", "-/home/*"],
["data", "data/something00.txt", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t"],
# wrong order, /home/leo is already excluded by -/home/*:
(["-/home/*", "+/home/leo"], ["data", "data/something00.txt", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home"]),
["+fm:/home/leo", "-/home/"],
["data", "data/something00.txt", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t"],
def test_inclexcl_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines, expected):
files = [
'data', 'data/something00.txt', 'data/subdir/something01.txt',
'home', 'home/leo', 'home/leo/t', 'home/other'
def evaluate(filename):
@ -412,37 +553,35 @@ def evaluate(filename):
assert evaluate(str(patternfile)) == (files if expected is None else expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, cls", [
("", FnmatchPattern),
# Default style
("*", FnmatchPattern),
("/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
# fnmatch style
("fm:", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:*", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:fm:/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
# Regular expression
("re:", RegexPattern),
("re:.*", RegexPattern),
("re:^/something/", RegexPattern),
("re:re:^/something/", RegexPattern),
# Path prefix
("pp:", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:/", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:/data/", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:pp:/data/", PathPrefixPattern),
# Shell-pattern style
("sh:", ShellPattern),
("sh:*", ShellPattern),
("sh:/data/*", ShellPattern),
("sh:sh:/data/*", ShellPattern),
"pattern, cls",
("", FnmatchPattern),
# Default style
("*", FnmatchPattern),
("/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
# fnmatch style
("fm:", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:*", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:fm:/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
# Regular expression
("re:", RegexPattern),
("re:.*", RegexPattern),
("re:^/something/", RegexPattern),
("re:re:^/something/", RegexPattern),
# Path prefix
("pp:", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:/", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:/data/", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:pp:/data/", PathPrefixPattern),
# Shell-pattern style
("sh:", ShellPattern),
("sh:*", ShellPattern),
("sh:/data/*", ShellPattern),
("sh:sh:/data/*", ShellPattern),
def test_parse_pattern(pattern, cls):
assert isinstance(parse_pattern(pattern), cls)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
@ -32,18 +34,21 @@
_acls_working = None
def fakeroot_detected():
return 'FAKEROOTKEY' in os.environ
return "FAKEROOTKEY" in os.environ
def user_exists(username):
if not is_win32:
import pwd
return True
@ -55,25 +60,24 @@ def user_exists(username):
def are_acls_working():
with unopened_tempfile() as filepath:
open(filepath, 'w').close()
open(filepath, "w").close()
access = b'user::rw-\ngroup::r--\nmask::rw-\nother::---\nuser:root:rw-:9999\ngroup:root:rw-:9999\n'
acl = {'acl_access': access}
access = b"user::rw-\ngroup::r--\nmask::rw-\nother::---\nuser:root:rw-:9999\ngroup:root:rw-:9999\n"
acl = {"acl_access": access}
acl_set(filepath, acl)
read_acl = {}
acl_get(filepath, read_acl, os.stat(filepath))
read_acl_access = read_acl.get('acl_access', None)
if read_acl_access and b'user::rw-' in read_acl_access:
read_acl_access = read_acl.get("acl_access", None)
if read_acl_access and b"user::rw-" in read_acl_access:
return True
except PermissionError:
return False
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith('linux'), 'linux only test')
@unittest.skipIf(fakeroot_detected(), 'not compatible with fakeroot')
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("linux"), "linux only test")
@unittest.skipIf(fakeroot_detected(), "not compatible with fakeroot")
class PlatformLinuxTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
@ -86,72 +90,80 @@ def get_acl(self, path, numeric_ids=False):
return item
def set_acl(self, path, access=None, default=None, numeric_ids=False):
item = {'acl_access': access, 'acl_default': default}
item = {"acl_access": access, "acl_default": default}
acl_set(path, item, numeric_ids=numeric_ids)
@unittest.skipIf(not are_acls_working(), 'ACLs do not work')
@unittest.skipIf(not are_acls_working(), "ACLs do not work")
def test_access_acl(self):
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.assert_equal(self.get_acl(, {})
self.set_acl(, access=b'user::rw-\ngroup::r--\nmask::rw-\nother::---\nuser:root:rw-:9999\ngroup:root:rw-:9999\n', numeric_ids=False)
self.assert_in(b'user:root:rw-:0', self.get_acl(['acl_access'])
self.assert_in(b'group:root:rw-:0', self.get_acl(['acl_access'])
self.assert_in(b'user:0:rw-:0', self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=True)['acl_access'])
self.assert_in(b"user:root:rw-:0", self.get_acl(["acl_access"])
self.assert_in(b"group:root:rw-:0", self.get_acl(["acl_access"])
self.assert_in(b"user:0:rw-:0", self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=True)["acl_access"])
file2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.set_acl(, access=b'user::rw-\ngroup::r--\nmask::rw-\nother::---\nuser:root:rw-:9999\ngroup:root:rw-:9999\n', numeric_ids=True)
self.assert_in(b'user:9999:rw-:9999', self.get_acl(['acl_access'])
self.assert_in(b'group:9999:rw-:9999', self.get_acl(['acl_access'])
self.assert_in(b"user:9999:rw-:9999", self.get_acl(["acl_access"])
self.assert_in(b"group:9999:rw-:9999", self.get_acl(["acl_access"])
@unittest.skipIf(not are_acls_working(), 'ACLs do not work')
@unittest.skipIf(not are_acls_working(), "ACLs do not work")
def test_default_acl(self):
self.assert_equal(self.get_acl(self.tmpdir), {})
self.set_acl(self.tmpdir, access=ACCESS_ACL, default=DEFAULT_ACL)
self.assert_equal(self.get_acl(self.tmpdir)['acl_access'], ACCESS_ACL)
self.assert_equal(self.get_acl(self.tmpdir)['acl_default'], DEFAULT_ACL)
self.assert_equal(self.get_acl(self.tmpdir)["acl_access"], ACCESS_ACL)
self.assert_equal(self.get_acl(self.tmpdir)["acl_default"], DEFAULT_ACL)
@unittest.skipIf(not user_exists('übel'), 'requires übel user')
@unittest.skipIf(not are_acls_working(), 'ACLs do not work')
@unittest.skipIf(not user_exists("übel"), "requires übel user")
@unittest.skipIf(not are_acls_working(), "ACLs do not work")
def test_non_ascii_acl(self):
# Testing non-ascii ACL processing to see whether our code is robust.
# I have no idea whether non-ascii ACLs are allowed by the standard,
# but in practice they seem to be out there and must not make our code explode.
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.assert_equal(self.get_acl(, {})
nothing_special = b'user::rw-\ngroup::r--\nmask::rw-\nother::---\n'
nothing_special = b"user::rw-\ngroup::r--\nmask::rw-\nother::---\n"
# TODO: can this be tested without having an existing system user übel with uid 666 gid 666?
user_entry = 'user:übel:rw-:666'.encode()
user_entry_numeric = b'user:666:rw-:666'
group_entry = 'group:übel:rw-:666'.encode()
group_entry_numeric = b'group:666:rw-:666'
acl = b'\n'.join([nothing_special, user_entry, group_entry])
user_entry = "user:übel:rw-:666".encode()
user_entry_numeric = b"user:666:rw-:666"
group_entry = "group:übel:rw-:666".encode()
group_entry_numeric = b"group:666:rw-:666"
acl = b"\n".join([nothing_special, user_entry, group_entry])
self.set_acl(, access=acl, numeric_ids=False)
acl_access = self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=False)['acl_access']
acl_access = self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=False)["acl_access"]
self.assert_in(user_entry, acl_access)
self.assert_in(group_entry, acl_access)
acl_access_numeric = self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=True)['acl_access']
acl_access_numeric = self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=True)["acl_access"]
self.assert_in(user_entry_numeric, acl_access_numeric)
self.assert_in(group_entry_numeric, acl_access_numeric)
file2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.set_acl(, access=acl, numeric_ids=True)
acl_access = self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=False)['acl_access']
acl_access = self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=False)["acl_access"]
self.assert_in(user_entry, acl_access)
self.assert_in(group_entry, acl_access)
acl_access_numeric = self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=True)['acl_access']
acl_access_numeric = self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=True)["acl_access"]
self.assert_in(user_entry_numeric, acl_access_numeric)
self.assert_in(group_entry_numeric, acl_access_numeric)
def test_utils(self):
from ..platform.linux import acl_use_local_uid_gid
self.assert_equal(acl_use_local_uid_gid(b'user:nonexistent1234:rw-:1234'), b'user:1234:rw-')
self.assert_equal(acl_use_local_uid_gid(b'group:nonexistent1234:rw-:1234'), b'group:1234:rw-')
self.assert_equal(acl_use_local_uid_gid(b'user:root:rw-:0'), b'user:0:rw-')
self.assert_equal(acl_use_local_uid_gid(b'group:root:rw-:0'), b'group:0:rw-')
self.assert_equal(acl_use_local_uid_gid(b"user:nonexistent1234:rw-:1234"), b"user:1234:rw-")
self.assert_equal(acl_use_local_uid_gid(b"group:nonexistent1234:rw-:1234"), b"group:1234:rw-")
self.assert_equal(acl_use_local_uid_gid(b"user:root:rw-:0"), b"user:0:rw-")
self.assert_equal(acl_use_local_uid_gid(b"group:root:rw-:0"), b"group:0:rw-")
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith('darwin'), 'OS X only test')
@unittest.skipIf(fakeroot_detected(), 'not compatible with fakeroot')
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), "OS X only test")
@unittest.skipIf(fakeroot_detected(), "not compatible with fakeroot")
class PlatformDarwinTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
@ -164,25 +176,41 @@ def get_acl(self, path, numeric_ids=False):
return item
def set_acl(self, path, acl, numeric_ids=False):
item = {'acl_extended': acl}
item = {"acl_extended": acl}
acl_set(path, item, numeric_ids=numeric_ids)
@unittest.skipIf(not are_acls_working(), 'ACLs do not work')
@unittest.skipIf(not are_acls_working(), "ACLs do not work")
def test_access_acl(self):
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
file2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.assert_equal(self.get_acl(, {})
self.set_acl(, b'!#acl 1\ngroup:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000:staff:0:allow:read\nuser:FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA00000000:root:0:allow:read\n', numeric_ids=False)
self.assert_in(b'group:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000014:staff:20:allow:read', self.get_acl(['acl_extended'])
self.assert_in(b'user:FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA00000000:root:0:allow:read', self.get_acl(['acl_extended'])
self.set_acl(, b'!#acl 1\ngroup:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000:staff:0:allow:read\nuser:FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA00000000:root:0:allow:read\n', numeric_ids=True)
self.assert_in(b'group:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000:wheel:0:allow:read', self.get_acl(['acl_extended'])
self.assert_in(b'group:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000::0:allow:read', self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=True)['acl_extended'])
b"!#acl 1\ngroup:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000:staff:0:allow:read\nuser:FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA00000000:root:0:allow:read\n",
b"group:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000014:staff:20:allow:read", self.get_acl(["acl_extended"]
b"user:FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA00000000:root:0:allow:read", self.get_acl(["acl_extended"]
b"!#acl 1\ngroup:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000:staff:0:allow:read\nuser:FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA00000000:root:0:allow:read\n",
b"group:ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000:wheel:0:allow:read", self.get_acl(["acl_extended"]
self.get_acl(, numeric_ids=True)["acl_extended"],
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith(('linux', 'freebsd', 'darwin')), 'POSIX only tests')
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith(("linux", "freebsd", "darwin")), "POSIX only tests")
class PlatformPosixTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_swidth_ascii(self):
self.assert_equal(swidth("borg"), 4)
@ -197,7 +225,7 @@ def test_process_alive(free_pid):
id = get_process_id()
assert process_alive(*id)
host, pid, tid = id
assert process_alive(host + 'abc', pid, tid)
assert process_alive(host + "abc", pid, tid)
assert process_alive(host, pid, tid + 1)
assert not process_alive(host, free_pid, tid)

View File

@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ def test_write(self, monkeypatch):
class TestRepositoryCache:
def repository(self, tmpdir):
self.repository_location = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'repository')
self.repository_location = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "repository")
with Repository(self.repository_location, exclusive=True, create=True) as repository:
repository.put(H(1), b'1234')
repository.put(H(2), b'5678')
repository.put(H(1), b"1234")
repository.put(H(2), b"5678")
repository.put(H(3), bytes(100))
yield repository
@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ def cache(self, repository):
def test_simple(self, cache: RepositoryCache):
# Single get()s are not cached, since they are used for unique objects like archives.
assert cache.get(H(1)) == b'1234'
assert cache.get(H(1)) == b"1234"
assert cache.misses == 1
assert cache.hits == 0
assert list(cache.get_many([H(1)])) == [b'1234']
assert list(cache.get_many([H(1)])) == [b"1234"]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 0
assert list(cache.get_many([H(1)])) == [b'1234']
assert list(cache.get_many([H(1)])) == [b"1234"]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 1
assert cache.get(H(1)) == b'1234'
assert cache.get(H(1)) == b"1234"
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 2
@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ def test_backoff(self, cache: RepositoryCache):
def query_size_limit():
cache.size_limit = 0
assert list(cache.get_many([H(1), H(2)])) == [b'1234', b'5678']
assert list(cache.get_many([H(1), H(2)])) == [b"1234", b"5678"]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.evictions == 0
iterator = cache.get_many([H(1), H(3), H(2)])
assert next(iterator) == b'1234'
assert next(iterator) == b"1234"
# Force cache to back off
qsl = cache.query_size_limit
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def query_size_limit():
assert cache.slow_misses == 0
# Since H(2) was in the cache when we called get_many(), but has
# been evicted during iterating the generator, it will be a slow miss.
assert next(iterator) == b'5678'
assert next(iterator) == b"5678"
assert cache.slow_misses == 1
def test_enospc(self, cache: RepositoryCache):
@ -139,16 +139,16 @@ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def write(self, data):
raise OSError(errno.ENOSPC, 'foo')
raise OSError(errno.ENOSPC, "foo")
def truncate(self, n=None):
iterator = cache.get_many([H(1), H(2), H(3)])
assert next(iterator) == b'1234'
assert next(iterator) == b"1234"
with patch('', enospc_open):
assert next(iterator) == b'5678'
with patch("", enospc_open):
assert next(iterator) == b"5678"
assert cache.enospc == 1
# We didn't patch query_size_limit which would set size_limit to some low
# value, so nothing was actually evicted.
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ def truncate(self, n=None):
def key(self, repository, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', 'test')
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "test")
key = PlaintextKey.create(repository, TestKey.MockArgs())
key.compressor = CompressionSpec('none').compressor
key.compressor = CompressionSpec("none").compressor
return key
def _put_encrypted_object(self, key, repository, data):
@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ def _put_encrypted_object(self, key, repository, data):
def H1(self, key, repository):
return self._put_encrypted_object(key, repository, b'1234')
return self._put_encrypted_object(key, repository, b"1234")
def H2(self, key, repository):
return self._put_encrypted_object(key, repository, b'5678')
return self._put_encrypted_object(key, repository, b"5678")
def H3(self, key, repository):
@ -188,14 +188,14 @@ def test_cache_corruption(self, decrypted_cache: RepositoryCache, H1, H2, H3):
list(decrypted_cache.get_many([H1, H2, H3]))
iterator = decrypted_cache.get_many([H1, H2, H3])
assert next(iterator) == (7, b'1234')
assert next(iterator) == (7, b"1234")
with open(decrypted_cache.key_filename(H2), 'a+b') as fd:
with open(decrypted_cache.key_filename(H2), "a+b") as fd:, io.SEEK_END)
corrupted = (int.from_bytes(, 'little') ^ 2).to_bytes(1, 'little')
corrupted = (int.from_bytes(, "little") ^ 2).to_bytes(1, "little"), io.SEEK_END)
with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
assert next(iterator) == (7, b'5678')
assert next(iterator) == (7, b"5678")

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class RepositoryTestCaseBase(BaseTestCase):
def open(self, create=False, exclusive=UNSPECIFIED):
if exclusive is UNSPECIFIED:
exclusive = self.exclusive
return Repository(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository'), exclusive=exclusive, create=create)
return Repository(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository"), exclusive=exclusive, create=create)
def setUp(self):
self.tmppath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ def reopen(self, exclusive=UNSPECIFIED):
self.repository =
def add_keys(self):
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(1), b'bar')
self.repository.put(H(3), b'bar')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
self.repository.put(H(1), b"bar")
self.repository.put(H(3), b"bar")
self.repository.put(H(1), b'bar2')
self.repository.put(H(2), b'boo')
self.repository.put(H(1), b"bar2")
self.repository.put(H(2), b"boo")
def repo_dump(self, label=None):
label = label + ': ' if label is not None else ''
label = label + ": " if label is not None else ""
H_trans = {H(i): i for i in range(10)}
H_trans[None] = -1 # key == None appears in commits
tag_trans = {TAG_PUT2: 'put2', TAG_PUT: 'put', TAG_DELETE: 'del', TAG_COMMIT: 'comm'}
tag_trans = {TAG_PUT2: "put2", TAG_PUT: "put", TAG_DELETE: "del", TAG_COMMIT: "comm"}
for segment, fn in
for tag, key, offset, size in
print("%s%s H(%d) -> %s[%d..+%d]" % (label, tag_trans[tag], H_trans[key], fn, offset, size))
@ -66,12 +66,11 @@ def repo_dump(self, label=None):
class RepositoryTestCase(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
def test1(self):
for x in range(100):
self.repository.put(H(x), b'SOMEDATA')
self.repository.put(H(x), b"SOMEDATA")
key50 = H(50)
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(key50), b'SOMEDATA')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(key50), b"SOMEDATA")
self.assert_raises(Repository.ObjectNotFound, lambda: self.repository.get(key50))
@ -81,59 +80,55 @@ def test1(self):
for x in range(100):
if x == 50:
self.assert_equal(repository2.get(H(x)), b'SOMEDATA')
self.assert_equal(repository2.get(H(x)), b"SOMEDATA")
def test2(self):
"""Test multiple sequential transactions
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(1), b'foo')
"""Test multiple sequential transactions"""
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
self.repository.put(H(1), b"foo")
self.repository.put(H(1), b'bar')
self.repository.put(H(1), b"bar")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(1)), b'bar')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(1)), b"bar")
def test_consistency(self):
"""Test cache consistency
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo2')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b'foo2')
self.repository.put(H(0), b'bar')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b'bar')
"""Test cache consistency"""
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b"foo")
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo2")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b"foo2")
self.repository.put(H(0), b"bar")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b"bar")
self.assert_raises(Repository.ObjectNotFound, lambda: self.repository.get(H(0)))
def test_consistency2(self):
"""Test cache consistency2
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b'foo')
"""Test cache consistency2"""
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b"foo")
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo2')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b'foo2')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo2")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b"foo2")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b'foo')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b"foo")
def test_overwrite_in_same_transaction(self):
"""Test cache consistency2
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo2')
"""Test cache consistency2"""
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo2")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b'foo2')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b"foo2")
def test_single_kind_transactions(self):
# put
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
# replace
self.repository =
with self.repository:
self.repository.put(H(0), b'bar')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"bar")
# delete
self.repository =
@ -143,7 +138,7 @@ def test_single_kind_transactions(self):
def test_list(self):
for x in range(100):
self.repository.put(H(x), b'SOMEDATA')
self.repository.put(H(x), b"SOMEDATA")
all = self.repository.list()
self.assert_equal(len(all), 100)
@ -157,7 +152,7 @@ def test_list(self):
def test_scan(self):
for x in range(100):
self.repository.put(H(x), b'SOMEDATA')
self.repository.put(H(x), b"SOMEDATA")
all = self.repository.scan()
assert len(all) == 100
@ -173,11 +168,10 @@ def test_scan(self):
assert all[x] == H(x)
def test_max_data_size(self):
max_data = b'x' * MAX_DATA_SIZE
max_data = b"x" * MAX_DATA_SIZE
self.repository.put(H(0), max_data)
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), max_data)
lambda: self.repository.put(H(1), max_data + b'x'))
self.assert_raises(IntegrityError, lambda: self.repository.put(H(1), max_data + b"x"))
class LocalRepositoryTestCase(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
@ -194,21 +188,21 @@ def _assert_sparse(self):
assert self.repository.compact[0] == 41 + 8 + 9
def test_sparse1(self):
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(1), b'123456789')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
self.repository.put(H(1), b"123456789")
self.repository.put(H(1), b'bar')
self.repository.put(H(1), b"bar")
def test_sparse2(self):
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(1), b'123456789')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
self.repository.put(H(1), b"123456789")
def test_sparse_delete(self):
self.repository.put(H(0), b'1245')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"1245")
@ -224,27 +218,26 @@ def test_sparse_delete(self):
def test_uncommitted_garbage(self):
# uncommitted garbage should be no problem, it is cleaned up automatically.
# we just have to be careful with invalidation of cached FDs in LoggedIO.
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
# write some crap to a uncommitted segment file
last_segment =
with open( + 1), 'wb') as f:
f.write(MAGIC + b'crapcrapcrap')
with open( + 1), "wb") as f:
f.write(MAGIC + b"crapcrapcrap")
# usually, opening the repo and starting a transaction should trigger a cleanup.
self.repository =
with self.repository:
self.repository.put(H(0), b'bar') # this may trigger compact_segments()
self.repository.put(H(0), b"bar") # this may trigger compact_segments()
# the point here is that nothing blows up with an exception.
class RepositoryCommitTestCase(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
def test_replay_of_missing_index(self):
for name in os.listdir(self.repository.path):
if name.startswith('index.'):
if name.startswith("index."):
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, name))
with self.repository:
@ -278,9 +271,9 @@ def test_crash_before_write_index(self):
def test_replay_lock_upgrade_old(self):
for name in os.listdir(self.repository.path):
if name.startswith('index.'):
if name.startswith("index."):
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, name))
with patch.object(Lock, 'upgrade', side_effect=LockFailed) as upgrade:
with patch.object(Lock, "upgrade", side_effect=LockFailed) as upgrade:
self.reopen(exclusive=None) # simulate old client that always does lock upgrades
with self.repository:
# the repo is only locked by a shared read lock, but to replay segments,
@ -291,9 +284,9 @@ def test_replay_lock_upgrade_old(self):
def test_replay_lock_upgrade(self):
for name in os.listdir(self.repository.path):
if name.startswith('index.'):
if name.startswith("index."):
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, name))
with patch.object(Lock, 'upgrade', side_effect=LockFailed) as upgrade:
with patch.object(Lock, "upgrade", side_effect=LockFailed) as upgrade:
self.reopen(exclusive=False) # current client usually does not do lock upgrade, except for replay
with self.repository:
# the repo is only locked by a shared read lock, but to replay segments,
@ -322,13 +315,13 @@ def test_ignores_commit_tag_in_data(self):
assert not io.is_committed_segment(io.get_latest_segment())
def test_moved_deletes_are_tracked(self):
self.repository.put(H(1), b'1')
self.repository.put(H(2), b'2')
self.repository.put(H(1), b"1")
self.repository.put(H(2), b"2")
self.repo_dump('p1 p2 c')
self.repo_dump("p1 p2 c")
self.repo_dump('d1 cc')
self.repo_dump("d1 cc")
last_segment = - 1
num_deletes = 0
for tag, key, offset, size in
@ -337,9 +330,9 @@ def test_moved_deletes_are_tracked(self):
num_deletes += 1
assert num_deletes == 1
assert last_segment in self.repository.compact
self.repository.put(H(3), b'3')
self.repository.put(H(3), b"3")
self.repo_dump('p3 cc')
self.repo_dump("p3 cc")
assert last_segment not in self.repository.compact
assert not
for segment, _ in
@ -352,7 +345,7 @@ def test_moved_deletes_are_tracked(self):
def test_shadowed_entries_are_preserved(self):
get_latest_segment =
self.repository.put(H(1), b'1')
self.repository.put(H(1), b"1")
# This is the segment with our original PUT of interest
put_segment = get_latest_segment()
@ -360,7 +353,7 @@ def test_shadowed_entries_are_preserved(self):
# We now delete H(1), and force this segment to not be compacted, which can happen
# if it's not sparse enough (symbolized by H(2) here).
self.repository.put(H(2), b'1')
self.repository.put(H(2), b"1")
delete_segment = get_latest_segment()
# We pretend these are mostly dense (not sparse) and won't be compacted
@ -380,33 +373,33 @@ def test_shadowed_entries_are_preserved(self):
# Basic case, since the index survived this must be ok
assert H(1) not in self.repository
# Nuke index, force replay
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'index.%d' % get_latest_segment()))
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, "index.%d" % get_latest_segment()))
# Must not reappear
assert H(1) not in self.repository
def test_shadow_index_rollback(self):
self.repository.put(H(1), b'1')
self.repository.put(H(1), b"1")
assert self.repository.shadow_index[H(1)] == [0]
self.repo_dump('p1 d1 cc')
self.repo_dump("p1 d1 cc")
# note how an empty list means that nothing is shadowed for sure
assert self.repository.shadow_index[H(1)] == [] # because the delete is considered unstable
self.repository.put(H(1), b'1')
self.repository.put(H(1), b"1")
self.repo_dump('p1 d1')
self.repo_dump("p1 d1")
# 0 put/delete; 1 commit; 2 compacted; 3 commit; 4 put/delete
assert self.repository.shadow_index[H(1)] == [4]
self.repository.put(H(2), b'1')
self.repository.put(H(2), b"1")
# After the rollback segment 4 shouldn't be considered anymore
assert self.repository.shadow_index[H(1)] == [] # because the delete is considered unstable
class RepositoryAppendOnlyTestCase(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
def open(self, create=False):
return Repository(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository'), exclusive=True, create=create, append_only=True)
return Repository(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository"), exclusive=True, create=create, append_only=True)
def test_destroy_append_only(self):
# Can't destroy append only repo (via the API)
@ -417,19 +410,20 @@ def test_destroy_append_only(self):
def test_append_only(self):
def segments_in_repository():
return len(list(
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
self.repository.append_only = False
assert segments_in_repository() == 2
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
# normal: compact squashes the data together, only one segment
assert segments_in_repository() == 2
self.repository.append_only = True
assert segments_in_repository() == 2
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
# append only: does not compact, only new segments written
assert segments_in_repository() == 4
@ -438,12 +432,12 @@ def segments_in_repository():
class RepositoryFreeSpaceTestCase(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
def test_additional_free_space(self):
self.repository.config.set('repository', 'additional_free_space', '1000T')
self.repository.save_key(b'shortcut to save_config')
self.repository.config.set("repository", "additional_free_space", "1000T")
self.repository.save_key(b"shortcut to save_config")
with self.repository:
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foobar')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foobar")
with pytest.raises(Repository.InsufficientFreeSpaceError):
assert os.path.exists(self.repository.path)
@ -469,7 +463,7 @@ def test_tracking(self):
with self.repository:
# Open new transaction; hints and thus quota data is not loaded unless needed.
self.repository.put(H(3), b'')
self.repository.put(H(3), b"")
assert self.repository.storage_quota_use == 1234 + 5678 + 3 * (41 + 8) # we have not compacted yet
@ -478,11 +472,11 @@ def test_tracking(self):
def test_exceed_quota(self):
assert self.repository.storage_quota_use == 0
self.repository.storage_quota = 80
self.repository.put(H(1), b'')
self.repository.put(H(1), b"")
assert self.repository.storage_quota_use == 41 + 8
with pytest.raises(Repository.StorageQuotaExceeded):
self.repository.put(H(2), b'')
self.repository.put(H(2), b"")
assert self.repository.storage_quota_use == (41 + 8) * 2
with pytest.raises(Repository.StorageQuotaExceeded):
@ -491,8 +485,10 @@ def test_exceed_quota(self):
with self.repository:
self.repository.storage_quota = 150
# Open new transaction; hints and thus quota data is not loaded unless needed.
self.repository.put(H(1), b'')
assert self.repository.storage_quota_use == (41 + 8) * 2 # we have 2 puts for H(1) here and not yet compacted.
self.repository.put(H(1), b"")
assert (
self.repository.storage_quota_use == (41 + 8) * 2
) # we have 2 puts for H(1) here and not yet compacted.
assert self.repository.storage_quota_use == 41 + 8 # now we have compacted.
@ -542,54 +538,54 @@ def test_commit_nonce_reservation(self):
class RepositoryAuxiliaryCorruptionTestCase(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
def setUp(self):
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
def do_commit(self):
with self.repository:
self.repository.put(H(0), b'fox')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"fox")
def test_corrupted_hints(self):
with open(os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'hints.1'), 'ab') as fd:
with open(os.path.join(self.repository.path, "hints.1"), "ab") as fd:
def test_deleted_hints(self):
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'hints.1'))
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, "hints.1"))
def test_deleted_index(self):
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'index.1'))
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.repository.path, "index.1"))
def test_unreadable_hints(self):
hints = os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'hints.1')
hints = os.path.join(self.repository.path, "hints.1")
with self.assert_raises(OSError):
def test_index(self):
with open(os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'index.1'), 'wb') as fd:
with open(os.path.join(self.repository.path, "index.1"), "wb") as fd:
def test_index_outside_transaction(self):
with open(os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'index.1'), 'wb') as fd:
with open(os.path.join(self.repository.path, "index.1"), "wb") as fd:
with self.repository:
assert len(self.repository) == 1
def _corrupt_index(self):
# HashIndex is able to detect incorrect headers and file lengths,
# but on its own it can't tell if the data is correct.
index_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'index.1')
with open(index_path, 'r+b') as fd:
index_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, "index.1")
with open(index_path, "r+b") as fd:
index_data =
# Flip one bit in a key stored in the index
corrupted_key = (int.from_bytes(H(0), 'little') ^ 1).to_bytes(32, 'little')
corrupted_key = (int.from_bytes(H(0), "little") ^ 1).to_bytes(32, "little")
corrupted_index_data = index_data.replace(H(0), corrupted_key)
assert corrupted_index_data != index_data
assert len(corrupted_index_data) == len(index_data)
@ -604,11 +600,11 @@ def test_index_corrupted(self):
# Data corruption is detected due to mismatching checksums
# and fixed by rebuilding the index.
assert len(self.repository) == 1
assert self.repository.get(H(0)) == b'foo'
assert self.repository.get(H(0)) == b"foo"
def test_index_corrupted_without_integrity(self):
integrity_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'integrity.1')
integrity_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, "integrity.1")
with self.repository:
# Since the corrupted key is not noticed, the repository still thinks
@ -619,7 +615,7 @@ def test_index_corrupted_without_integrity(self):
def test_unreadable_index(self):
index = os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'index.1')
index = os.path.join(self.repository.path, "index.1")
with self.assert_raises(OSError):
@ -627,36 +623,39 @@ def test_unreadable_index(self):
def test_unknown_integrity_version(self):
# For now an unknown integrity data version is ignored and not an error.
integrity_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'integrity.1')
with open(integrity_path, 'r+b') as fd:
# Borg only understands version 2
b'version': 4.7,
}, fd)
integrity_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, "integrity.1")
with open(integrity_path, "r+b") as fd:
# Borg only understands version 2
b"version": 4.7
with self.repository:
# No issues accessing the repository
assert len(self.repository) == 1
assert self.repository.get(H(0)) == b'foo'
assert self.repository.get(H(0)) == b"foo"
def _subtly_corrupted_hints_setup(self):
with self.repository:
self.repository.append_only = True
assert len(self.repository) == 1
assert self.repository.get(H(0)) == b'foo'
self.repository.put(H(1), b'bar')
self.repository.put(H(2), b'baz')
assert self.repository.get(H(0)) == b"foo"
self.repository.put(H(1), b"bar")
self.repository.put(H(2), b"baz")
self.repository.put(H(2), b'bazz')
self.repository.put(H(2), b"bazz")
hints_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'hints.5')
with open(hints_path, 'r+b') as fd:
hints_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, "hints.5")
with open(hints_path, "r+b") as fd:
hints = msgpack.unpack(fd)
# Corrupt segment refcount
assert hints['segments'][2] == 1
hints['segments'][2] = 0
assert hints["segments"][2] == 1
hints["segments"][2] = 0
msgpack.pack(hints, fd)
@ -664,37 +663,40 @@ def test_subtly_corrupted_hints(self):
with self.repository:
self.repository.append_only = False
self.repository.put(H(3), b'1234')
self.repository.put(H(3), b"1234")
# Do a compaction run. Succeeds, since the failed checksum prompted a rebuild of the index+hints.
assert len(self.repository) == 4
assert self.repository.get(H(0)) == b'foo'
assert self.repository.get(H(1)) == b'bar'
assert self.repository.get(H(2)) == b'bazz'
assert self.repository.get(H(0)) == b"foo"
assert self.repository.get(H(1)) == b"bar"
assert self.repository.get(H(2)) == b"bazz"
def test_subtly_corrupted_hints_without_integrity(self):
integrity_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, 'integrity.5')
integrity_path = os.path.join(self.repository.path, "integrity.5")
with self.repository:
self.repository.append_only = False
self.repository.put(H(3), b'1234')
self.repository.put(H(3), b"1234")
# Do a compaction run. Fails, since the corrupted refcount was not detected and leads to an assertion failure.
with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as exc_info:
assert 'Corrupted segment reference count' in str(exc_info.value)
assert "Corrupted segment reference count" in str(exc_info.value)
class RepositoryCheckTestCase(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
def list_indices(self):
return [name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository')) if name.startswith('index.')]
return [name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository")) if name.startswith("index.")]
def check(self, repair=False, status=True):
self.assert_equal(self.repository.check(repair=repair), status)
# Make sure no tmp files are left behind
self.assert_equal([name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository')) if 'tmp' in name], [], 'Found tmp files')
[name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository")) if "tmp" in name],
"Found tmp files",
def get_objects(self, *ids):
for id_ in ids:
@ -703,31 +705,35 @@ def get_objects(self, *ids):
def add_objects(self, segments):
for ids in segments:
for id_ in ids:
self.repository.put(H(id_), b'data')
self.repository.put(H(id_), b"data")
def get_head(self):
return sorted(int(n) for n in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository', 'data', '0')) if n.isdigit())[-1]
return sorted(int(n) for n in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository", "data", "0")) if n.isdigit())[
def open_index(self):
return, 'repository', f'index.{self.get_head()}'))
return, "repository", f"index.{self.get_head()}"))
def corrupt_object(self, id_):
idx = self.open_index()
segment, offset, _ = idx[H(id_)]
with open(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository', 'data', '0', str(segment)), 'r+b') as fd:
with open(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository", "data", "0", str(segment)), "r+b") as fd:
def delete_segment(self, segment):
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository', 'data', '0', str(segment)))
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository", "data", "0", str(segment)))
def delete_index(self):
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository', f'index.{self.get_head()}'))
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository", f"index.{self.get_head()}"))
def rename_index(self, new_name):
os.rename(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository', f'index.{self.get_head()}'),
os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository', new_name))
os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository", f"index.{self.get_head()}"),
os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository", new_name),
def list_objects(self):
return {int(key) for key in self.repository.list()}
@ -765,9 +771,9 @@ def test_repair_missing_commit_segment(self):
def test_repair_corrupted_commit_segment(self):
self.add_objects([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
with open(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository', 'data', '0', '3'), 'r+b') as fd:
with open(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository", "data", "0", "3"), "r+b") as fd:, os.SEEK_END)
self.assert_raises(Repository.ObjectNotFound, lambda: self.get_objects(4))
@ -775,15 +781,15 @@ def test_repair_corrupted_commit_segment(self):
def test_repair_no_commits(self):
self.add_objects([[1, 2, 3]])
with open(os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository', 'data', '0', '1'), 'r+b') as fd:
with open(os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository", "data", "0", "1"), "r+b") as fd:, os.SEEK_END)
self.assert_raises(Repository.CheckNeeded, lambda: self.get_objects(4))
self.assert_equal(self.list_indices(), ['index.1'])
self.assert_equal(self.list_indices(), ["index.1"])
self.check(repair=True, status=True)
self.assert_equal(self.list_indices(), ['index.2'])
self.assert_equal(self.list_indices(), ["index.2"])
self.assert_equal({1, 2, 3}, self.list_objects())
@ -797,30 +803,29 @@ def test_repair_missing_index(self):
def test_repair_index_too_new(self):
self.add_objects([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
self.assert_equal(self.list_indices(), ['index.3'])
self.assert_equal(self.list_indices(), ["index.3"])
self.assert_equal(self.list_indices(), ['index.3'])
self.assert_equal(self.list_indices(), ["index.3"])
self.assert_equal({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, self.list_objects())
def test_crash_before_compact(self):
self.repository.put(H(0), b'data')
self.repository.put(H(0), b'data2')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"data")
self.repository.put(H(0), b"data2")
# Simulate a crash before compact
with patch.object(Repository, 'compact_segments') as compact:
with patch.object(Repository, "compact_segments") as compact:
with self.repository:
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b'data2')
self.assert_equal(self.repository.get(H(0)), b"data2")
class RepositoryHintsTestCase(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
def test_hints_persistence(self):
self.repository.put(H(0), b'data')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"data")
shadow_index_expected = self.repository.shadow_index
@ -831,7 +836,7 @@ def test_hints_persistence(self):
with self.repository:
# see also do_compact()
self.repository.put(H(42), b'foobar') # this will call prepare_txn() and load the hints data
self.repository.put(H(42), b"foobar") # this will call prepare_txn() and load the hints data
# check if hints persistence worked:
self.assert_equal(shadow_index_expected, self.repository.shadow_index)
self.assert_equal(compact_expected, self.repository.compact)
@ -839,7 +844,7 @@ def test_hints_persistence(self):
self.assert_equal(segments_expected, self.repository.segments)
def test_hints_behaviour(self):
self.repository.put(H(0), b'data')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"data")
self.assert_equal(self.repository.shadow_index, {})
assert len(self.repository.compact) == 0
@ -848,7 +853,7 @@ def test_hints_behaviour(self):
self.assert_in(H(0), self.repository.shadow_index)
self.assert_equal(len(self.repository.shadow_index[H(0)]), 1)
self.assert_in(0, self.repository.compact) # segment 0 can be compacted
self.repository.put(H(42), b'foobar') # see also do_compact()
self.repository.put(H(42), b"foobar") # see also do_compact()
self.repository.commit(compact=True, threshold=0.0) # compact completely!
# nothing to compact any more! no info left about stuff that does not exist any more:
self.assert_not_in(H(0), self.repository.shadow_index)
@ -861,12 +866,13 @@ class RemoteRepositoryTestCase(RepositoryTestCase):
repository = None # type: RemoteRepository
def open(self, create=False):
return RemoteRepository(Location('ssh://__testsuite__' + os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository')),
exclusive=True, create=create)
return RemoteRepository(
Location("ssh://__testsuite__" + os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository")), exclusive=True, create=create
def _get_mock_args(self):
class MockArgs:
remote_path = 'borg'
remote_path = "borg"
umask = 0o077
debug_topics = []
rsh = None
@ -878,111 +884,122 @@ def __contains__(self, item):
return MockArgs()
def test_invalid_rpc(self):
self.assert_raises(InvalidRPCMethod, lambda:'__init__', {}))
self.assert_raises(InvalidRPCMethod, lambda:"__init__", {}))
def test_rpc_exception_transport(self):
s1 = 'test string'
s1 = "test string"
try:'inject_exception', {'kind': 'DoesNotExist'})"inject_exception", {"kind": "DoesNotExist"})
except Repository.DoesNotExist as e:
assert len(e.args) == 1
assert e.args[0] == self.repository.location.processed
try:'inject_exception', {'kind': 'AlreadyExists'})"inject_exception", {"kind": "AlreadyExists"})
except Repository.AlreadyExists as e:
assert len(e.args) == 1
assert e.args[0] == self.repository.location.processed
try:'inject_exception', {'kind': 'CheckNeeded'})"inject_exception", {"kind": "CheckNeeded"})
except Repository.CheckNeeded as e:
assert len(e.args) == 1
assert e.args[0] == self.repository.location.processed
try:'inject_exception', {'kind': 'IntegrityError'})"inject_exception", {"kind": "IntegrityError"})
except IntegrityError as e:
assert len(e.args) == 1
assert e.args[0] == s1
try:'inject_exception', {'kind': 'PathNotAllowed'})"inject_exception", {"kind": "PathNotAllowed"})
except PathNotAllowed as e:
assert len(e.args) == 1
assert e.args[0] == 'foo'
assert e.args[0] == "foo"
try:'inject_exception', {'kind': 'ObjectNotFound'})"inject_exception", {"kind": "ObjectNotFound"})
except Repository.ObjectNotFound as e:
assert len(e.args) == 2
assert e.args[0] == s1
assert e.args[1] == self.repository.location.processed
try:'inject_exception', {'kind': 'InvalidRPCMethod'})"inject_exception", {"kind": "InvalidRPCMethod"})
except InvalidRPCMethod as e:
assert len(e.args) == 1
assert e.args[0] == s1
try:'inject_exception', {'kind': 'divide'})"inject_exception", {"kind": "divide"})
except RemoteRepository.RPCError as e:
assert e.unpacked
assert e.get_message() == 'ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero\n'
assert e.exception_class == 'ZeroDivisionError'
assert e.get_message() == "ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero\n"
assert e.exception_class == "ZeroDivisionError"
assert len(e.exception_full) > 0
def test_ssh_cmd(self):
args = self._get_mock_args()
self.repository._args = args
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location('ssh://')) == ['ssh', '']
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location('ssh://')) == ['ssh', '']
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location('ssh://')) == ['ssh', '-p', '1234', '']
os.environ['BORG_RSH'] = 'ssh --foo'
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location('ssh://')) == ['ssh', '--foo', '']
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location("ssh://")) == ["ssh", ""]
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location("ssh://")) == ["ssh", ""]
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location("ssh://")) == [
os.environ["BORG_RSH"] = "ssh --foo"
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location("ssh://")) == ["ssh", "--foo", ""]
def test_borg_cmd(self):
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(None, testing=True) == [sys.executable, '-m', 'borg.archiver', 'serve']
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(None, testing=True) == [sys.executable, "-m", "borg.archiver", "serve"]
args = self._get_mock_args()
# XXX without next line we get spurious test fails when using pytest-xdist, root cause unknown:
# note: test logger is on info log level, so --info gets added automagically
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ['borg', 'serve', '--info']
args.remote_path = 'borg-0.28.2'
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ['borg-0.28.2', 'serve', '--info']
args.debug_topics = ['something_client_side', 'repository_compaction']
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ['borg-0.28.2', 'serve', '--info',
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ["borg", "serve", "--info"]
args.remote_path = "borg-0.28.2"
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ["borg-0.28.2", "serve", "--info"]
args.debug_topics = ["something_client_side", "repository_compaction"]
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == [
args = self._get_mock_args()
args.storage_quota = 0
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ['borg', 'serve', '--info']
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ["borg", "serve", "--info"]
args.storage_quota = 314159265
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ['borg', 'serve', '--info',
args.rsh = 'ssh -i foo'
assert self.repository.borg_cmd(args, testing=False) == ["borg", "serve", "--info", "--storage-quota=314159265"]
args.rsh = "ssh -i foo"
self.repository._args = args
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location('ssh://')) == ['ssh', '-i', 'foo', '']
assert self.repository.ssh_cmd(Location("ssh://")) == ["ssh", "-i", "foo", ""]
class RemoteLegacyFree(RepositoryTestCaseBase):
# Keep testing this so we can someday safely remove the legacy tuple format.
def open(self, create=False):
with patch.object(RemoteRepository, 'dictFormat', True):
return RemoteRepository(Location('ssh://__testsuite__' + os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository')),
exclusive=True, create=create)
with patch.object(RemoteRepository, "dictFormat", True):
return RemoteRepository(
Location("ssh://__testsuite__" + os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository")),
def test_legacy_free(self):
# put
self.repository.put(H(0), b'foo')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"foo")
# replace
self.repository =
with self.repository:
self.repository.put(H(0), b'bar')
self.repository.put(H(0), b"bar")
# delete
self.repository =
@ -992,10 +1009,10 @@ def test_legacy_free(self):
class RemoteRepositoryCheckTestCase(RepositoryCheckTestCase):
def open(self, create=False):
return RemoteRepository(Location('ssh://__testsuite__' + os.path.join(self.tmppath, 'repository')),
exclusive=True, create=create)
return RemoteRepository(
Location("ssh://__testsuite__" + os.path.join(self.tmppath, "repository")), exclusive=True, create=create
def test_crash_before_compact(self):
# skip this test, we can't mock-patch a Repository class in another process!
@ -1007,8 +1024,8 @@ def setUp(self): = io.StringIO()
self.handler = logging.StreamHandler(
logging.getLogger().handlers[:] = [self.handler]
logging.getLogger('borg.repository').handlers[:] = []
logging.getLogger('').handlers[:] = []
logging.getLogger("borg.repository").handlers[:] = []
logging.getLogger("").handlers[:] = []
# capture stderr
self.old_stderr = sys.stderr
@ -1019,31 +1036,31 @@ def tearDown(self):
def test_stderr_messages(self):
handle_remote_line("unstructured stderr message\n")
self.assert_equal(, '')
self.assert_equal(, "")
# stderr messages don't get an implicit newline
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), 'Remote: unstructured stderr message\n')
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), "Remote: unstructured stderr message\n")
def test_stderr_progress_messages(self):
handle_remote_line("unstructured stderr progress message\r")
self.assert_equal(, '')
self.assert_equal(, "")
# stderr messages don't get an implicit newline
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), 'Remote: unstructured stderr progress message\r')
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), "Remote: unstructured stderr progress message\r")
def test_pre11_format_messages(self):
handle_remote_line("$LOG INFO Remote: borg < 1.1 format message\n")
self.assert_equal(, 'Remote: borg < 1.1 format message\n')
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), '')
self.assert_equal(, "Remote: borg < 1.1 format message\n")
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), "")
def test_post11_format_messages(self):
handle_remote_line("$LOG INFO borg.repository Remote: borg >= 1.1 format message\n")
self.assert_equal(, 'Remote: borg >= 1.1 format message\n')
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), '')
self.assert_equal(, "Remote: borg >= 1.1 format message\n")
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), "")
def test_remote_messages_screened(self):
# default borg config for root logger
@ -1051,12 +1068,12 @@ def test_remote_messages_screened(self):
handle_remote_line("$LOG INFO borg.repository Remote: new format info message\n")
self.assert_equal(, '')
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), '')
self.assert_equal(, "")
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), "")
def test_info_to_correct_local_child(self):
# default borg config for root logger
@ -1064,14 +1081,14 @@ def test_info_to_correct_local_child(self):
child_stream = io.StringIO()
child_handler = logging.StreamHandler(child_stream)
logging.getLogger('borg.repository').handlers[:] = [child_handler]
logging.getLogger("borg.repository").handlers[:] = [child_handler]
foo_stream = io.StringIO()
foo_handler = logging.StreamHandler(foo_stream)
logging.getLogger('').handlers[:] = [foo_handler]
logging.getLogger("").handlers[:] = [foo_handler]
handle_remote_line("$LOG INFO borg.repository Remote: new format child message\n")
self.assert_equal(foo_stream.getvalue(), '')
self.assert_equal(child_stream.getvalue(), 'Remote: new format child message\n')
self.assert_equal(, '')
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), '')
self.assert_equal(foo_stream.getvalue(), "")
self.assert_equal(child_stream.getvalue(), "Remote: new format child message\n")
self.assert_equal(, "")
self.assert_equal(self.stderr.getvalue(), "")

View File

@ -11,103 +11,96 @@ def check(path, pattern):
return bool(compiled.match(path))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path, patterns", [
# Literal string
("foo/bar", ["foo/bar"]),
("foo\\bar", ["foo\\bar"]),
("foo/c/\u0152/e/bar", ["foo/*/\u0152/*/bar", "*/*/\u0152/*/*", "**/\u0152/*/*"]),
("\u00e4\u00f6\u00dc", ["???", "*", "\u00e4\u00f6\u00dc", "[\u00e4][\u00f6][\u00dc]"]),
# Question mark
("foo", ["fo?"]),
("foo", ["f?o"]),
("foo", ["f??"]),
("foo", ["?oo"]),
("foo", ["?o?"]),
("foo", ["??o"]),
("foo", ["???"]),
# Single asterisk
("", ["*"]),
("foo", ["*", "**", "***"]),
("foo", ["foo*"]),
("foobar", ["foo*"]),
("foobar", ["foo*bar"]),
("foobarbaz", ["foo*baz"]),
("bar", ["*bar"]),
("foobar", ["*bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo/*bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo/*ar"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo/*r"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo/*"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo*/bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["fo*/bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["f*/bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["*/bar"]),
# Double asterisk (matches 0..n directory layers)
("foo/bar", ["foo/**/bar"]),
("foo/1/bar", ["foo/**/bar"]),
("foo/1/22/333/bar", ["foo/**/bar"]),
("foo/", ["foo/**/"]),
("foo/1/", ["foo/**/"]),
("foo/1/22/333/", ["foo/**/"]),
("bar", ["**/bar"]),
("1/bar", ["**/bar"]),
("1/22/333/bar", ["**/bar"]),
("foo/bar/baz", ["foo/**/*"]),
# Set
("foo1", ["foo[12]"]),
("foo2", ["foo[12]"]),
("foo2/bar", ["foo[12]/*"]),
("f??f", ["f??f", "f[?][?]f"]),
("foo]", ["foo[]]"]),
# Inverted set
("foo3", ["foo[!12]"]),
("foo^", ["foo[^!]"]),
("foo!", ["foo[^!]"]),
"path, patterns",
# Literal string
("foo/bar", ["foo/bar"]),
("foo\\bar", ["foo\\bar"]),
("foo/c/\u0152/e/bar", ["foo/*/\u0152/*/bar", "*/*/\u0152/*/*", "**/\u0152/*/*"]),
("\u00e4\u00f6\u00dc", ["???", "*", "\u00e4\u00f6\u00dc", "[\u00e4][\u00f6][\u00dc]"]),
# Question mark
("foo", ["fo?"]),
("foo", ["f?o"]),
("foo", ["f??"]),
("foo", ["?oo"]),
("foo", ["?o?"]),
("foo", ["??o"]),
("foo", ["???"]),
# Single asterisk
("", ["*"]),
("foo", ["*", "**", "***"]),
("foo", ["foo*"]),
("foobar", ["foo*"]),
("foobar", ["foo*bar"]),
("foobarbaz", ["foo*baz"]),
("bar", ["*bar"]),
("foobar", ["*bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo/*bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo/*ar"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo/*r"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo/*"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo*/bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["fo*/bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["f*/bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["*/bar"]),
# Double asterisk (matches 0..n directory layers)
("foo/bar", ["foo/**/bar"]),
("foo/1/bar", ["foo/**/bar"]),
("foo/1/22/333/bar", ["foo/**/bar"]),
("foo/", ["foo/**/"]),
("foo/1/", ["foo/**/"]),
("foo/1/22/333/", ["foo/**/"]),
("bar", ["**/bar"]),
("1/bar", ["**/bar"]),
("1/22/333/bar", ["**/bar"]),
("foo/bar/baz", ["foo/**/*"]),
# Set
("foo1", ["foo[12]"]),
("foo2", ["foo[12]"]),
("foo2/bar", ["foo[12]/*"]),
("f??f", ["f??f", "f[?][?]f"]),
("foo]", ["foo[]]"]),
# Inverted set
("foo3", ["foo[!12]"]),
("foo^", ["foo[^!]"]),
("foo!", ["foo[^!]"]),
def test_match(path, patterns):
for p in patterns:
assert check(path, p)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path, patterns", [
("", ["?", "[]"]),
("foo", ["foo?"]),
("foo", ["?foo"]),
("foo", ["f?oo"]),
# do not match path separator
("foo/ar", ["foo?ar"]),
# do not match/cross over os.path.sep
("foo/bar", ["*"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo*bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo*ar"]),
("foo/bar", ["fo*bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["fo*ar"]),
# Double asterisk
("foobar", ["foo/**/bar"]),
# Two asterisks without slash do not match directory separator
("foo/bar", ["**"]),
# Double asterisk not matching filename
("foo/bar", ["**/"]),
# Set
("foo3", ["foo[12]"]),
# Inverted set
("foo1", ["foo[!12]"]),
("foo2", ["foo[!12]"]),
"path, patterns",
("", ["?", "[]"]),
("foo", ["foo?"]),
("foo", ["?foo"]),
("foo", ["f?oo"]),
# do not match path separator
("foo/ar", ["foo?ar"]),
# do not match/cross over os.path.sep
("foo/bar", ["*"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo*bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["foo*ar"]),
("foo/bar", ["fo*bar"]),
("foo/bar", ["fo*ar"]),
# Double asterisk
("foobar", ["foo/**/bar"]),
# Two asterisks without slash do not match directory separator
("foo/bar", ["**"]),
# Double asterisk not matching filename
("foo/bar", ["**/"]),
# Set
("foo3", ["foo[12]"]),
# Inverted set
("foo1", ["foo[!12]"]),
("foo2", ["foo[!12]"]),
def test_mismatch(path, patterns):
for p in patterns:
assert not check(path, p)
@ -115,10 +108,10 @@ def test_mismatch(path, patterns):
def test_match_end():
regex = shellpattern.translate("*-home") # default is match_end == string end
assert re.match(regex, '2017-07-03-home')
assert not re.match(regex, '2017-07-03-home.checkpoint')
assert re.match(regex, "2017-07-03-home")
assert not re.match(regex, "2017-07-03-home.checkpoint")
match_end = r'(%s)?\Z' % r'\.checkpoint(\.\d+)?' # with/without checkpoint ending
match_end = r"(%s)?\Z" % r"\.checkpoint(\.\d+)?" # with/without checkpoint ending
regex = shellpattern.translate("*-home", match_end=match_end)
assert re.match(regex, '2017-07-03-home')
assert re.match(regex, '2017-07-03-home.checkpoint')
assert re.match(regex, "2017-07-03-home")
assert re.match(regex, "2017-07-03-home.checkpoint")

View File

@ -3,51 +3,57 @@
from ..version import parse_version, format_version
@pytest.mark.parametrize("version_str, version_tuple", [
# setuptools < 8.0 uses "-"
('1.0.0a1.dev204-g8866961.d20170606', (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
('1.0.0a1.dev204-g8866961', (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
('1.0.0-d20170606', (1, 0, 0, -1)),
# setuptools >= 8.0 uses "+"
('1.0.0a1.dev204+g8866961.d20170606', (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
('1.0.0a1.dev204+g8866961', (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
('1.0.0+d20170606', (1, 0, 0, -1)),
# pre-release versions:
('1.0.0a1', (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
('1.0.0a2', (1, 0, 0, -4, 2)),
('1.0.0b3', (1, 0, 0, -3, 3)),
('1.0.0rc4', (1, 0, 0, -2, 4)),
# release versions:
('0.0.0', (0, 0, 0, -1)),
('0.0.11', (0, 0, 11, -1)),
('0.11.0', (0, 11, 0, -1)),
('11.0.0', (11, 0, 0, -1)),
"version_str, version_tuple",
# setuptools < 8.0 uses "-"
("1.0.0a1.dev204-g8866961.d20170606", (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
("1.0.0a1.dev204-g8866961", (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
("1.0.0-d20170606", (1, 0, 0, -1)),
# setuptools >= 8.0 uses "+"
("1.0.0a1.dev204+g8866961.d20170606", (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
("1.0.0a1.dev204+g8866961", (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
("1.0.0+d20170606", (1, 0, 0, -1)),
# pre-release versions:
("1.0.0a1", (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
("1.0.0a2", (1, 0, 0, -4, 2)),
("1.0.0b3", (1, 0, 0, -3, 3)),
("1.0.0rc4", (1, 0, 0, -2, 4)),
# release versions:
("0.0.0", (0, 0, 0, -1)),
("0.0.11", (0, 0, 11, -1)),
("0.11.0", (0, 11, 0, -1)),
("11.0.0", (11, 0, 0, -1)),
def test_parse_version(version_str, version_tuple):
assert parse_version(version_str) == version_tuple
def test_parse_version_invalid():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert parse_version('') # we require x.y.z versions
assert parse_version("") # we require x.y.z versions
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert parse_version('1') # we require x.y.z versions
assert parse_version("1") # we require x.y.z versions
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert parse_version('1.2') # we require x.y.z versions
assert parse_version("1.2") # we require x.y.z versions
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert parse_version('crap')
assert parse_version("crap")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("version_str, version_tuple", [
('1.0.0a1', (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
('1.0.0', (1, 0, 0, -1)),
('1.0.0a2', (1, 0, 0, -4, 2)),
('1.0.0b3', (1, 0, 0, -3, 3)),
('1.0.0rc4', (1, 0, 0, -2, 4)),
('0.0.0', (0, 0, 0, -1)),
('0.0.11', (0, 0, 11, -1)),
('0.11.0', (0, 11, 0, -1)),
('11.0.0', (11, 0, 0, -1)),
"version_str, version_tuple",
("1.0.0a1", (1, 0, 0, -4, 1)),
("1.0.0", (1, 0, 0, -1)),
("1.0.0a2", (1, 0, 0, -4, 2)),
("1.0.0b3", (1, 0, 0, -3, 3)),
("1.0.0rc4", (1, 0, 0, -2, 4)),
("0.0.0", (0, 0, 0, -1)),
("0.0.11", (0, 0, 11, -1)),
("0.11.0", (0, 11, 0, -1)),
("11.0.0", (11, 0, 0, -1)),
def test_format_version(version_str, version_tuple):
assert format_version(version_tuple) == version_str

View File

@ -10,12 +10,11 @@
from . import BaseTestCase
@unittest.skipUnless(is_enabled(), 'xattr not enabled on filesystem')
@unittest.skipUnless(is_enabled(), "xattr not enabled on filesystem")
class XattrTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.symlink = + '.symlink'
self.symlink = + ".symlink"
os.symlink(, self.symlink)
def tearDown(self):
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ def tearDown(self):
def assert_equal_se(self, is_x, want_x):
# check 2 xattr lists for equality, but ignore security.selinux attr
is_x = set(is_x) - {b'security.selinux'}
is_x = set(is_x) - {b"security.selinux"}
want_x = set(want_x)
self.assert_equal(is_x, want_x)
@ -34,32 +33,32 @@ def test(self):
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_fn), [])
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_fd), [])
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_lfn), [])
setxattr(tmp_fn, b'', b'bar')
setxattr(tmp_fd, b'', b'foo')
setxattr(tmp_fn, b'user.empty', b'')
setxattr(tmp_fn, b"", b"bar")
setxattr(tmp_fd, b"", b"foo")
setxattr(tmp_fn, b"user.empty", b"")
if not is_linux:
# linux does not allow setting user.* xattrs on symlinks
setxattr(tmp_lfn, b'user.linkxattr', b'baz')
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_fn), [b'', b'', b'user.empty'])
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_fd), [b'', b'', b'user.empty'])
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_lfn, follow_symlinks=True), [b'', b'', b'user.empty'])
setxattr(tmp_lfn, b"user.linkxattr", b"baz")
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_fn), [b"", b"", b"user.empty"])
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_fd), [b"", b"", b"user.empty"])
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_lfn, follow_symlinks=True), [b"", b"", b"user.empty"])
if not is_linux:
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_lfn), [b'user.linkxattr'])
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_fn, b''), b'bar')
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_fd, b''), b'bar')
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_lfn, b'', follow_symlinks=True), b'bar')
self.assert_equal_se(listxattr(tmp_lfn), [b"user.linkxattr"])
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_fn, b""), b"bar")
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_fd, b""), b"bar")
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_lfn, b"", follow_symlinks=True), b"bar")
if not is_linux:
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_lfn, b'user.linkxattr'), b'baz')
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_fn, b'user.empty'), b'')
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_lfn, b"user.linkxattr"), b"baz")
self.assert_equal(getxattr(tmp_fn, b"user.empty"), b"")
def test_listxattr_buffer_growth(self):
tmp_fn = os.fsencode(
# make it work even with ext4, which imposes rather low limits
buffer.resize(size=64, init=True)
# xattr raw key list will be > 64
keys = [b'user.attr%d' % i for i in range(20)]
keys = [b"user.attr%d" % i for i in range(20)]
for key in keys:
setxattr(tmp_fn, key, b'x')
setxattr(tmp_fn, key, b"x")
got_keys = listxattr(tmp_fn)
self.assert_equal_se(got_keys, keys)
assert len(buffer) > 64
@ -68,18 +67,15 @@ def test_getxattr_buffer_growth(self):
tmp_fn = os.fsencode(
# make it work even with ext4, which imposes rather low limits
buffer.resize(size=64, init=True)
value = b'x' * 126
setxattr(tmp_fn, b'user.big', value)
got_value = getxattr(tmp_fn, b'user.big')
value = b"x" * 126
setxattr(tmp_fn, b"user.big", value)
got_value = getxattr(tmp_fn, b"user.big")
self.assert_equal(value, got_value)
self.assert_equal(len(buffer), 128)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('lstring, splitted', (
(b'', []),
(b'\x00', [b'']),
(b'\x01a', [b'a']),
(b'\x01a\x02cd', [b'a', b'cd']),
"lstring, splitted", ((b"", []), (b"\x00", [b""]), (b"\x01a", [b"a"]), (b"\x01a\x02cd", [b"a", b"cd"]))
def test_split_lstring(lstring, splitted):
assert split_lstring(lstring) == splitted

View File

@ -25,8 +25,16 @@ def upgrade_compressed_chunk(self, *, chunk):
def upgrade_archive_metadata(self, *, metadata):
new_metadata = {}
# keep all metadata except archive version and stats.
for attr in ('cmdline', 'hostname', 'username', 'time', 'time_end', 'comment',
'chunker_params', 'recreate_cmdline'):
for attr in (
if hasattr(metadata, attr):
new_metadata[attr] = getattr(metadata, attr)
return new_metadata
@ -42,24 +50,45 @@ def new_archive(self, *, archive):
def upgrade_item(self, *, item):
"""upgrade item as needed, get rid of legacy crap"""
ITEM_KEY_WHITELIST = {'path', 'source', 'rdev', 'chunks', 'chunks_healthy', 'hlid',
'mode', 'user', 'group', 'uid', 'gid', 'mtime', 'atime', 'ctime', 'birthtime', 'size',
'xattrs', 'bsdflags', 'acl_nfs4', 'acl_access', 'acl_default', 'acl_extended',
if self.hlm.borg1_hardlink_master(item):
item._dict['hlid'] = hlid = self.hlm.hardlink_id_from_path(item._dict['path'])
self.hlm.remember(id=hlid, info=(item._dict.get('chunks'), item._dict.get('chunks_healthy')))
item._dict["hlid"] = hlid = self.hlm.hardlink_id_from_path(item._dict["path"])
self.hlm.remember(id=hlid, info=(item._dict.get("chunks"), item._dict.get("chunks_healthy")))
elif self.hlm.borg1_hardlink_slave(item):
item._dict['hlid'] = hlid = self.hlm.hardlink_id_from_path(item._dict['source'])
item._dict["hlid"] = hlid = self.hlm.hardlink_id_from_path(item._dict["source"])
chunks, chunks_healthy = self.hlm.retrieve(id=hlid, default=(None, None))
if chunks is not None:
item._dict['chunks'] = chunks
item._dict["chunks"] = chunks
for chunk_id, _ in chunks:
self.cache.chunk_incref(chunk_id, self.archive.stats)
if chunks_healthy is not None:
item._dict['chunks_healthy'] = chunks
item._dict.pop('source') # not used for hardlinks any more, replaced by hlid
item._dict["chunks_healthy"] = chunks
item._dict.pop("source") # not used for hardlinks any more, replaced by hlid
# make sure we only have desired stuff in the new item. specifically, make sure to get rid of:
# - 'acl' remnants of bug in attic <= 0.13
# - 'hardlink_master' (superseded by hlid)
@ -80,17 +109,17 @@ def upgrade_zlib_and_level(chunk):
return chunk
ctype = chunk[0:1]
level = b'\xFF' # FF means unknown compression level
level = b"\xFF" # FF means unknown compression level
if ctype == ObfuscateSize.ID:
# in older borg, we used unusual byte order
old_header_fmt = Struct('>I')
old_header_fmt = Struct(">I")
new_header_fmt = ObfuscateSize.header_fmt
length = ObfuscateSize.header_len
size_bytes = chunk[2:2+length]
size_bytes = chunk[2 : 2 + length]
size = old_header_fmt.unpack(size_bytes)
size_bytes = new_header_fmt.pack(size)
compressed = chunk[2+length:]
compressed = chunk[2 + length :]
compressed = upgrade_zlib_and_level(compressed)
chunk = ctype + level + size_bytes + compressed
@ -101,8 +130,16 @@ def upgrade_archive_metadata(self, *, metadata):
new_metadata = {}
# keep all metadata except archive version and stats. also do not keep
# recreate_source_id, recreate_args, recreate_partial_chunks which were used only in 1.1.0b1 .. b2.
for attr in ('cmdline', 'hostname', 'username', 'time', 'time_end', 'comment',
'chunker_params', 'recreate_cmdline'):
for attr in (
if hasattr(metadata, attr):
new_metadata[attr] = getattr(metadata, attr)
return new_metadata

View File

@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ def parse_version(version):
m = re.match(version_re, version, re.VERBOSE)
if m is None:
raise ValueError('Invalid version string %s' % version)
raise ValueError("Invalid version string %s" % version)
gd = m.groupdict()
version = [int(gd['major']), int(gd['minor']), int(gd['patch'])]
if m.lastgroup == 'prerelease':
p_type = {'a': -4, 'b': -3, 'rc': -2}[gd['ptype']]
p_num = int(gd['pnum'])
version = [int(gd["major"]), int(gd["minor"]), int(gd["patch"])]
if m.lastgroup == "prerelease":
p_type = {"a": -4, "b": -3, "rc": -2}[gd["ptype"]]
p_num = int(gd["pnum"])
version += [p_type, p_num]
version += [-1]
@ -44,6 +44,6 @@ def format_version(version):
elif part == -1:
f[-1] = f[-1] + {-2: 'rc', -3: 'b', -4: 'a'}[part] + str(next(it))
f[-1] = f[-1] + {-2: "rc", -3: "b", -4: "a"}[part] + str(next(it))
return '.'.join(f)
return ".".join(f)

View File

@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
# TODO: Check whether fakeroot supports xattrs on all platforms supported below.
# TODO: If that's the case then we can make Borg fakeroot-xattr-compatible on these as well.
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
LD_PRELOAD = os.environ.get('LD_PRELOAD', '')
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
LD_PRELOAD = os.environ.get("LD_PRELOAD", "")
preloads = re.split("[ :]", LD_PRELOAD)
for preload in preloads:
if preload.startswith("libfakeroot"):
env = prepare_subprocess_env(system=True)
fakeroot_output = subprocess.check_output(['fakeroot', '-v'], env=env)
fakeroot_version = parse_version(fakeroot_output.decode('ascii').split()[-1])
fakeroot_output = subprocess.check_output(["fakeroot", "-v"], env=env)
fakeroot_version = parse_version(fakeroot_output.decode("ascii").split()[-1])
if fakeroot_version >= parse_version("1.20.2"):
# 1.20.2 has been confirmed to have xattr support
# 1.18.2 has been confirmed not to have xattr support
@ -39,11 +39,10 @@
def is_enabled(path=None):
"""Determine if xattr is enabled on the filesystem
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=path, prefix='borg-tmp') as f:
"""Determine if xattr is enabled on the filesystem"""
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=path, prefix="borg-tmp") as f:
fd = f.fileno()
name, value = b'', b'value'
name, value = b"", b"value"
setxattr(fd, name, value)
except OSError:
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ def get_all(path, follow_symlinks=False):
except OSError as e:
name_str = name.decode()
if isinstance(path, int):
path_str = '<FD %d>' % path
path_str = "<FD %d>" % path
path_str = os.fsdecode(path)
if e.errno == ENOATTR:
@ -89,8 +88,9 @@ def get_all(path, follow_symlinks=False):
elif e.errno == errno.EPERM:
# we were not permitted to read this attribute, still can continue trying to read others
logger.warning('{}: Operation not permitted when reading extended attribute {}'.format(
path_str, name_str))
"{}: Operation not permitted when reading extended attribute {}".format(path_str, name_str)
except OSError as e:
@ -125,21 +125,21 @@ def set_all(path, xattrs, follow_symlinks=False):
warning = True
k_str = k.decode()
if isinstance(path, int):
path_str = '<FD %d>' % path
path_str = "<FD %d>" % path
path_str = os.fsdecode(path)
if e.errno == errno.E2BIG:
err_str = 'too big for this filesystem'
err_str = "too big for this filesystem"
elif e.errno == errno.ENOTSUP:
err_str = 'xattrs not supported on this filesystem'
err_str = "xattrs not supported on this filesystem"
elif e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
# ext4 reports ENOSPC when trying to set an xattr with >4kiB while ext4 can only support 4kiB xattrs
# (in this case, this is NOT a "disk full" error, just a ext4 limitation).
err_str = 'no space left on device [xattr len = %d]' % (len(v),)
err_str = "no space left on device [xattr len = %d]" % (len(v),)
# generic handler
# EACCES: permission denied to set this specific xattr (this may happen related to security.* keys)
# EPERM: operation not permitted
err_str = os.strerror(e.errno)
logger.warning('%s: when setting extended attribute %s: %s', path_str, k_str, err_str)
logger.warning("%s: when setting extended attribute %s: %s", path_str, k_str, err_str)
return warning