Jerin Philip 8771078177
Basic HTML property testing for WebAssembly (#425)
Import and
attach it to CI.  NodeJS-14 is failing on trying to use the WebAssembly
binary. So we use node-16 independently setup.  This paves way for more
complicated testing for WebAssembly bindings in the future.
2022-06-21 14:07:17 +01:00

126 lines
3.7 KiB

const {Blob} = require('buffer');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const {JSDOM} = require('jsdom');
const wasmBinary = fs.readFileSync('./bergamot-translator-worker.wasm');
global.Module = {
// Execute bergamot-translation-worker.js in this scope
const js = fs.readFileSync('./bergamot-translator-worker.js', {encoding: 'utf8'});, js);
* Helper to download file into ArrayBuffer.
function download(url) {
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
https.get(url, (res) => {
const chunks = [];
res.on('error', reject);
res.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk));
res.on('end', async () => {
const data = new Blob(chunks);
data.arrayBuffer().then(accept, reject);
* Loads ArrayBuffer into AlignedMemory.
function load(buffer, alignment) {
const bytes = new Int8Array(buffer);
const memory = new Module.AlignedMemory(bytes.byteLength, alignment);
return memory;
* Called from inside the worker.js script once the wasm module is loaded
* and all the emscripten magic and linking has been done.
async function onRuntimeInitialized() {
// Root url for our models for now.
const root = '';
// In order of TranslationMemory's arguments
const files = [
{url: `${root}/ende/model.ende.intgemm.alphas.bin`, alignment: 256},
{url: `${root}/ende/lex.50.50.ende.s2t.bin`, alignment: 64},
{url: `${root}/ende/vocab.deen.spm`, alignment: 64},
// Download model data and load it into aligned memory
const [modelMem, shortlistMem, vocabMem] = await Promise.all( (file) => {
return load(await download(file.url), file.alignment);
// Config yaml (split as array to allow for indentation without adding tabs
// or spaces to the strings themselves.)
const config = [
'beam-size: 1',
'normalize: 1.0',
'word-penalty: 0',
'alignment: soft',
'max-length-break: 128',
'mini-batch-words: 1024',
'workspace: 128',
'max-length-factor: 2.0',
'skip-cost: true',
'cpu-threads: 0',
'quiet: true',
'quiet-translation: true',
'gemm-precision: int8shiftAll',
// Set up translation service
const service = new Module.BlockingService({cacheSize: 0});
// Put vocab into its own std::vector<AlignedMemory>
const vocabs = new Module.AlignedMemoryList();
// Setup up model with config yaml and AlignedMemory objects
const model = new Module.TranslationModel(config, modelMem, shortlistMem, vocabs, /*qualityModel=*/ null);
// Construct std::vector<std::string> inputs;
const input = new Module.VectorString();
input.push_back('<p> Hello world! </p> <p> Goodbye World! </p>');
// Construct std::vector<ResponseOptions>
const options = new Module.VectorResponseOptions();
options.push_back({qualityScores: false, alignment: true, html: true});
// Translate our batch (of 1)
const output = service.translate(model, input, options);
// Get output from std::vector<Response>
// The following works as a simple black-box test of the API, based on
// properties of HTML.
const translation = output.get(0).getTranslatedText()
// Print raw translation for inspection.
const fragment = JSDOM.fragment(translation)
// Print two expected tags.
// Assertion that there are two children at the output.
assert(fragment.childElementCount === 2);
// Clean-up