Jelmer 8d5f877596
More portable WASM demo (#437)
* Replace most of the wasm demo page with code from the firefox extension

This code should be more generic and copy/pastable into other projects. Maybe one day it will be an npm package?

* Fix Ukrainian model support

* Add quality estimation output

Automatically enabled when the model(s) support it

* Little "Translating…" indicator

* Don't make Safari fail on something tiny

* Rewire lots of async state to be able to predictably know when the translator is working or not

Previously so much was lazy loaded that it was not easy to catch lack of SIMD support. Now I can just enable the interface only after it has properly loaded.

* No need for a two-stage setup for the worker. Just promise to call `initialize()`!

* More (correct) types and comments for code

* Keyboard shortcuts for input area for bold, italic and underline.

Enough to demo mark-up translation

* Fix `delete()`

* Move javascript glue code into its own npm package

* Add nodejs support and test to package

* More stand-alone build command

…for now, not really used by anything I think

* Ignore build packages

* Use local filesystem for build so it is automatically cached

* fix overflow on demo page

But this might break the mobile demo? I'll have to check into that

* Bring back integrity check, except for NodeJS for now

* Make `build` part of `prepare` so we always make sure we build a complete package

* Move worker code into its own folder

This way I can mark it as a commonjs module which will help cause nodejs treat the files the same as WebWorkers do right now. Firefox doesn't implement `{type: 'module'}` yet for WebWorkers.


* Fix paths

* Add npm publish automation

* Make sure webpack ignores node compatibility code

* Add missing webpack:ignore around a worker

* Default to getting models from S3

* Separate "loading" and "translating" indicators

* Bump npm package version

* Add credits

* Don't block on the worker loading

* Not just Mozilla, but Bergamot!

* Make individual translation requests cancelable

* Swap button turns vertically when in skyscraper mode

* Make it easier to debug errors from inside the worker

* Don't bork on deleting a failed worker

* Don't bork on calling translate() with a failed worker

* Handle compilation error with more grace

* `contenteditable=true` seems to work better with some browser extensions

Looking at you, Vimium!

* Clean up abort promise

* Bump npm package version

* Remove `workerUrl` option in favour of better webpack support

With that option it was hard for Webpack to figure out dependencies, and it did not enter my worker script for rewriting. With the hardcoded url it does, and with a bit of `new webpack.DefinePlugin({'typeof self': JSON.stringify('object')}),` we can have webpack remove node-specific code on build!

* Bump version

Minor API change hehe

Co-authored-by: Nikolay Bogoychev <>
2023-01-18 19:41:39 +00:00
worker More portable WASM demo (#437) 2023-01-18 19:41:39 +00:00
main.js More portable WASM demo (#437) 2023-01-18 19:41:39 +00:00
package.json More portable WASM demo (#437) 2023-01-18 19:41:39 +00:00 More portable WASM demo (#437) 2023-01-18 19:41:39 +00:00
translator.js More portable WASM demo (#437) 2023-01-18 19:41:39 +00:00


npm install @browsermt/bergamot-translator

Quick start

import {BatchTranslator} from "@browsermt/bergamot-translator/translator.js";

const translator = new BatchTranslator();

const response = await translator.translate({
  from: "en",
  to: "es",
  text: "Hello <em>world</em>!",
  html: true


// Stops worker threads

Throughput vs Latency

This package comes with two translator implementations:

  • LatencyOptimisedTranslator is more useful for an interactive session, say like Google Translate, where you're only working on translating one input at a time.
  • BatchTranslator is optimised for processing a large number of translations as fast as possible (but individual translations might take some time), e.g. translating a large number of strings or all paragraphs in a document.


Translator best suited for interactive usage. Runs with a single worker thread and a batch-size of 1 to give you a response as quickly as possible. It will cancel any pending translations that aren't currently being processed if you submit a new one.

const translator = new LatencyOptimisedTranslator({
  pivotLanguage?: string?,
  registryUrl?: string,
  workerUrl?: string,
  downloadTimeout?: number,
  cacheSize?: number,
  useNativeIntGemm?: boolean,
  • pivotLanguage - language code for the language to use as an intermediate if there is no direct translation model available. Defaults to "en". Set to null to disable pivoting.
  • registryUrl - url to a list of models and their paths. Defaults to
  • workerUrl - url to translator-worker.js. Defaults to "worker/translator-worker.js" relative to the path of translator.js.
  • downloadTimeout - Maximum time we're attempting to download model files before failing. Defaults to 60000 or 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable.
  • cacheSize - Maximum number of sentences in kept translation cache (per worker, workers do not share their cache). This is an ideal maximum as it is a hash-map, in practice about 1/3th is occupied. If set to 0, translation cache is disabled (the default).
  • useNativeIntGemm - Try to link to native IntGEMM implementation when loading the WASM binary. This is only implemented in the privileged extension context of Firefox Nightly. If it fails, it will always fall back to the included implementation. Defaults to false.


const {request, target: {text:string}} = await translator.translate({
  from: string,
  to: string,
  text: string,
  html?: boolean,
  qualityScores?: boolean

Submits a translation request. Multiple of these are processed in a batch. A batch will be started the next tick (if there is a worker available).

  • from - language code of the source language, e.g. "de"
  • to - language code of the target language, e.g. "en"
  • text - string of text to translate, e.g. "Hallo Welt!"
  • html - boolean indicating whether text contains just plain text or HTML
  • qualityScores - whether to calculate quality scores. Not all models support this, and you need to load a separate quality scores model file for it. Quality scores are returned as <font x-bergamot-sentence-quality=""> and <font x-bergamot-word-quality=""> wrapped around sentences and words in the output. When enabled, the output is always HTML, regardless of whether the input was.


A promise to a translation response object, with target.text being the text or HTML of the translated output, and request a reference to the original translation request.



Cancels all pending requests with a CancelledError and terminates the worker immediately. This will free all the resources used.

In a nodejs context you'll need to call this, otherwise your script won't exit because the translator will still be listening for messages from the worker.


const translator = new BatchTranslator({
  pivotLanguage?: string?,
  registryUrl?: string,
  workerUrl?: string,
  downloadTimeout?: number,
  cacheSize?: number,
  useNativeIntGemm?: boolean,
  workers?: number,
  batchSize?: number,

General translator options:

See LatencyOptimisedTranslator.

BatchTranslator-specific options:

  • workers - Number of worker threads. These are full-on instances of the translator, with their own copy of the model loaded. This is an upper bound. If not that many workers can be fed, it won't create new ones. Minimally 1. Default is 1.
  • batchSize - Number of translation requests per batch. All sentences from all translation requests are packed into a bunch of matrix operations. With a larger batch size the translator has more material to find ideal sets of sentences for filling the matrix. However, you'll only get the results for each of the requests in a batch once the whole batch is finished. Defaults to 8.


const {target: {text:string}} = await translator.translate({
  from: string,
  to: string,
  text: string,
  html?: boolean,
  qualityScores?: boolean,
  priority?: number

Submits a translation request. Multiple of these are processed in a batch. A batch will be started the next tick (if there is a worker available).

  • (See LatencyOptimisedTranslator.translate() for most options)
  • priority - When grouping translation requests into batches to give to workers, requests with a lower number are considered first. For example, if you're translating a web page, you can give requests of parts that are in the current frame a lower number to make sure they're processed first.


translator.remove(request => {
  // true deletes the request from the queue.
  return true;

Removes requests from the translation queue, i.e. only when they haven't been sent to a worker yet.

The filter function should return true-ish for each request that should be cancelled. Their promises are rejected with a CancelledError error.



Cancels all pending requests with a CancelledError and terminates all workers immediately. This will free all the resources used.


Both translators accept a backing option, which tells it where to get model data and the translation engine implementation from. They default to using BergamotTranslator which gets its models from the same repository as firefox-translations.

To customize the model, reimplement the loadModelRegistry and loadTranslationModel methods.

loadModelRegistry() has the hard requirement to return a promise to a list that looks like {from: string, to: string, ...}[]. The from and to keys are used as key for model selection.

loadTranslationModel() should return a promise with ArrayBuffers for model, shortlist, vocabs, and optionally qualityModel. It can include a config object as well.

Example of an alternative implementation that loads models from, i.e. the same as translateLocally:

class CustomBacking extends TranslatorBacking {
    async loadModelRegistery() {
        const response = await fetch('');
        const {models} = await response.json();

        // Add 'from' and 'to' keys for each model. Since theoretically a model
        // can have multiple froms keys in TranslateLocally, we do a little
        // product here.
        return models.reduce((list, model) => {
            try {
                const to = first(Intl.getCanonicalLocales(model.trgTag));
                for (let from of Intl.getCanonicalLocales(Object.keys(model.srcTags))) {
                    list.push({from, to, model});
            } catch (err) {
                console.log('Skipped model', model, 'because', err);

            return list;
        }, []);

    async loadTranslationModel({from, to}) {
        // Find that model in the registry which will tell us about its files
        const entries = (await this.registry).filter(model => model.from === from && === to);

        // Prefer tiny models above non-tiny ones
        entries.sort(({model: a}, {model: b}) => (a.shortName.indexOf('tiny') === -1 ? 1 : 0) - (b.shortName.indexOf('tiny') === -1 ? 1 : 0));

        if (!entries)
            throw new Error(`No model for '${from}' -> '${to}'`);

        const entry = entries[0].model;

        const response = await fetch(entry.url, {
            integrity: `sha256-${entry.checksum}`

        // pako from
        const archive = pako.inflate(await response.arrayBuffer());

        // untar from
        const files = await untar(archive.buffer);

        const find = (filename) => {
            const found = files.find(file =>^|\/)([^\/]+)$/)[1] === filename)
            if (found === undefined)
                throw new Error(`Could not find '${filename}' in model archive`);
            return found;

        // YAML.parse is found in worker/translator-worker.js
        const config = YAML.parse(find('config.intgemm8bitalpha.yml').readAsString());

        const model = find(config.models[0]).buffer;

        const vocabs = => find(vocab).buffer);

        const shortlist = find(config.shortlist[0]).buffer;

        // Return the buffers
        return {model, vocabs, shortlist, config};

const translator = new BatchTranslator(options, new CustomBacking(options));

Supported languages

See You may need to set the registryUrl option to point to the latest release.