{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import Control.Exception (SomeException (..), try) import Data.Aeson (KeyValue ((.=))) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID import qualified System.Environment as Env import qualified System.Exit as Exit import Urbit.Airlock main :: IO () main = do port <- Text.pack <$> Env.getEnv "PORT" let ship = fakezod port sess <- connect ship testing "ship connection" $ connect ship >> return True testing "poke ship" $ do uuid <- UUID.nextRandom _ <- poke sess ship "zod" "chat-hook" "json" $ Aeson.object [ "message" .= Aeson.object [ "path" .= Text.pack "/~/~zod/mc", "envelope" .= Aeson.object [ "uid" .= UUID.toText uuid, "number" .= (1 :: Int), -- FIXME: should this be lastEventId? "author" .= Text.pack "~zod", "when" .= (1602118786225 :: Int), "letter" .= Aeson.object ["text" .= Text.pack "hello world from haskell!"] ] ] ] return $ True testing "ack" $ ack sess ship 1 >> return True -- These tests are basically just checking that a connection happens and -- doesn't throw, I need to pull in async in order to check for more -- correctness. Ideally: subscribe, send a message, then read the message to -- ensure its the same as the one sent. But maybe this is already tested in -- urbit core? testing "subscribe" $ do _ <- subscribe sess ship "/mailbox/~/~zod/mc" Data.Conduit.Binary.sinkLbs return True fakezod :: Text -> Ship fakezod port = Ship { uid = "0123456789abcdef", name = "zod", lastEventId = 1, url = "http://localhost:" <> port, code = "lidlut-tabwed-pillex-ridrup" } -- | Poor man's testing framework testing :: Text -> IO Bool -> IO () testing description f = (putStrLn $ replicate 80 '-') >> try f >>= \case Left (err :: SomeException) -> do Text.IO.putStrLn $ "FAIL: " <> description Exit.die $ show err Right False -> do Text.IO.putStrLn $ "FAIL: " <> description Exit.die "expected True, got False" Right True -> Text.IO.putStrLn $ "PASS: " <> description