make annotated cornice more flexible, allow reflex-dom tables whose columns can be hidden

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Martin 2017-09-15 14:43:04 -04:00
parent a0b4b1aa7e
commit 01a75dc318
5 changed files with 204 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ encodeTable mtheadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs colonnade xs =
encodeCappedCellTable :: Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
-> Fascia p Attribute -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice p a Cell
-> Cornice Headed p a Cell
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> Html
encodeCappedCellTable = encodeCappedTable mempty mempty (const mempty) htmlFromCell
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ encodeCappedTable :: Foldable f
-> ((Html -> Html) -> c -> Html) -- ^ Wrap content and convert to 'Html'
-> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
-> Fascia p Attribute -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice p a c
-> Cornice Headed p a c
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> Html
encodeCappedTable theadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs fascia cornice xs = do
@ -366,7 +366,12 @@ encodeCappedTable theadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs fascia co
H.thead ! theadAttrs $ do
(Just (fascia, \attrs theHtml -> ! attrs $ theHtml))
[(\sz c -> wrapContent c ! HA.colspan (H.toValue (show sz)),id)]
[ ( \msz c -> case msz of
Just sz -> wrapContent c ! HA.colspan (H.toValue (show sz))
Nothing -> mempty
, id
-- ! trAttrs $ do
-- Encode.headerMonoidalGeneral colonnade (wrapContent

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@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ replaceWhen = modifyWhen . const
-- >>> let cor = mconcat [cap "Person" colPersonFst, cap "House" colHouseSnd]
-- >>> :t cor
-- cor :: Cornice ('Cap 'Base) (Person, House) [Char]
-- cor :: Cornice Headed ('Cap 'Base) (Person, House) [Char]
-- >>> putStr (asciiCapped cor personHomePairs)
-- +-------------+-----------------+
-- | Person | House |
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ replaceWhen = modifyWhen . const
-- | Sonia | 12 | Green | $150000 |
-- +-------+-----+-------+---------+
cap :: c -> Colonnade Headed a c -> Cornice (Cap Base) a c
cap :: c -> Colonnade h a c -> Cornice h (Cap Base) a c
cap h = E.CorniceCap . Vector.singleton . E.OneCornice h . E.CorniceBase
-- | Add another cap to a cornice. There is no limit to how many times
@ -319,11 +319,11 @@ cap h = E.CorniceCap . Vector.singleton . E.OneCornice h . E.CorniceBase
-- | Weekday | $8 | $8 | $8 | $6 | $7 | $8 | $8 | $8 | $6 | $7 |
-- | Weekend | $9 | $9 | $9 | $7 | $8 | $9 | $9 | $9 | $7 | $8 |
-- +---------+----+----+----+------+-------+----+----+----+------+-------+
recap :: c -> Cornice p a c -> Cornice (Cap p) a c
recap :: c -> Cornice h p a c -> Cornice h (Cap p) a c
recap h cor = E.CorniceCap (Vector.singleton (E.OneCornice h cor))
asciiCapped :: Foldable f
=> Cornice p a String -- ^ columnar encoding
=> Cornice Headed p a String -- ^ columnar encoding
-> f a -- ^ rows
-> String
asciiCapped cor xs =
@ -332,8 +332,16 @@ asciiCapped cor xs =
sizedCol = E.uncapAnnotated annCor
in E.headersMonoidal
[ (\sz _ -> hyphens (sz + 2) ++ "+", \s -> "+" ++ s ++ "\n")
, (\sz c -> " " ++ rightPad sz ' ' c ++ " |", \s -> "|" ++ s ++ "\n")
[ ( \msz _ -> case msz of
Just sz -> "+" ++ hyphens (sz + 2)
Nothing -> ""
, \s -> s ++ "+\n"
, ( \msz c -> case msz of
Just sz -> "| " ++ rightPad sz ' ' c ++ " "
Nothing -> ""
, \s -> s ++ "|\n"
] annCor ++ asciiBody sizedCol xs
@ -349,41 +357,49 @@ ascii :: Foldable f
ascii col xs =
let sizedCol = E.sizeColumns List.length xs col
divider = concat
[ "+"
, E.headerMonoidalFull sizedCol
(\(E.Sized sz _) -> hyphens (sz + 2) ++ "+")
, "\n"
[ E.headerMonoidalFull sizedCol
(\(E.Sized msz _) -> case msz of
Just sz -> "+" ++ hyphens (sz + 2)
Nothing -> ""
, "+\n"
in List.concat
[ divider
, concat
[ "|"
, E.headerMonoidalFull sizedCol
(\(E.Sized s (Headed h)) -> " " ++ rightPad s ' ' h ++ " |")
, "\n"
[ E.headerMonoidalFull sizedCol
(\(E.Sized msz (Headed h)) -> case msz of
Just sz -> "| " ++ rightPad sz ' ' h ++ " "
Nothing -> ""
, "|\n"
, asciiBody sizedCol xs
asciiBody :: Foldable f
=> Colonnade (E.Sized Headed) a String
=> Colonnade (E.Sized (Maybe Int) Headed) a String
-> f a
-> String
asciiBody sizedCol xs =
let divider = concat
[ "+"
, E.headerMonoidalFull sizedCol
(\(E.Sized sz _) -> hyphens (sz + 2) ++ "+")
, "\n"
[ E.headerMonoidalFull sizedCol
(\(E.Sized msz _) -> case msz of
Just sz -> "+" ++ hyphens (sz + 2)
Nothing -> ""
, "+\n"
rowContents = foldMap
(\x -> concat
[ "|"
, E.rowMonoidalHeader
[ E.rowMonoidalHeader
(\(E.Sized sz _) c -> " " ++ rightPad sz ' ' c ++ " |")
(\(E.Sized msz _) c -> case msz of
Nothing -> ""
Just sz -> "| " ++ rightPad sz ' ' c ++ " "
, "\n"
, "|\n"
) xs
in List.concat

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@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ sizeColumns :: (Foldable f, Foldable h)
=> (c -> Int) -- ^ Get size from content
-> f a
-> Colonnade h a c
-> Colonnade (Sized h) a c
-> Colonnade (Sized (Maybe Int) h) a c
sizeColumns toSize rows colonnade = runST $ do
mcol <- newMutableSizedColonnade colonnade
headerUpdateSize toSize mcol
@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ newMutableSizedColonnade (Colonnade v) = do
mv <- MVU.replicate (V.length v) 0
return (MutableSizedColonnade v mv)
freezeMutableSizedColonnade :: MutableSizedColonnade s h a c -> ST s (Colonnade (Sized h) a c)
freezeMutableSizedColonnade :: MutableSizedColonnade s h a c -> ST s (Colonnade (Sized (Maybe Int) h) a c)
freezeMutableSizedColonnade (MutableSizedColonnade v mv) =
if MVU.length mv /= V.length v
then error "rowMonoidalSize: vector sizes mismatched"
else do
sizeVec <- VU.freeze mv
return $ Colonnade
$ (\(OneColonnade h enc,sz) -> OneColonnade (Sized sz h) enc)
$ (\(OneColonnade h enc,sz) -> OneColonnade (Sized (Just sz) h) enc)
$ v (GV.convert sizeVec)
rowMonadicWith ::
@ -266,37 +266,41 @@ headerMonadic_ (Colonnade v) g = Vector.mapM_ (g . getHeaded . oneColonnadeHead)
foldlMapM :: (Foldable t, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m b
foldlMapM f = foldlM (\b a -> fmap (mappend b) (f a)) mempty
discard :: Cornice p a c -> Colonnade Headed a c
discard :: Cornice h p a c -> Colonnade h a c
discard = go where
go :: forall p a c. Cornice p a c -> Colonnade Headed a c
go :: forall h p a c. Cornice h p a c -> Colonnade h a c
go (CorniceBase c) = c
go (CorniceCap children) = Colonnade (getColonnade . go . oneCorniceBody =<< children)
endow :: forall p a c. (c -> c -> c) -> Cornice p a c -> Colonnade Headed a c
endow :: forall p a c. (c -> c -> c) -> Cornice Headed p a c -> Colonnade Headed a c
endow f x = case x of
CorniceBase colonnade -> colonnade
CorniceCap v -> Colonnade (V.concatMap (\(OneCornice h b) -> go h b) v)
go :: forall p'. c -> Cornice p' a c -> Vector (OneColonnade Headed a c)
go :: forall p'. c -> Cornice Headed p' a c -> Vector (OneColonnade Headed a c)
go c (CorniceBase (Colonnade v)) = (mapOneColonnadeHeader (f c)) v
go c (CorniceCap v) = V.concatMap (\(OneCornice h b) -> go (f c h) b) v
uncapAnnotated :: forall p a c. AnnotatedCornice p a c -> Colonnade (Sized Headed) a c
uncapAnnotated :: forall sz p a c.
AnnotatedCornice sz p a c
-> Colonnade (Sized sz Headed) a c
uncapAnnotated x = case x of
AnnotatedCorniceBase _ colonnade -> colonnade
AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v -> Colonnade (V.concatMap (\(OneCornice _ b) -> go b) v)
go :: forall p'. AnnotatedCornice p' a c -> Vector (OneColonnade (Sized Headed) a c)
go :: forall p'.
AnnotatedCornice sz p' a c
-> Vector (OneColonnade (Sized sz Headed) a c)
go (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v)) = v
go (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v) = V.concatMap (\(OneCornice _ b) -> go b) v
annotate :: Cornice p a c -> AnnotatedCornice p a c
annotate :: Cornice Headed p a c -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a c
annotate = go where
go :: forall p a c. Cornice p a c -> AnnotatedCornice p a c
go :: forall p a c. Cornice Headed p a c -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a c
go (CorniceBase c) = let len = V.length (getColonnade c) in
(if len > 0 then (Just len) else Nothing)
(mapHeadedness (Sized 1) c)
(mapHeadedness (Sized (Just 1)) c)
go (CorniceCap children) =
let annChildren = fmap (mapOneCorniceBody go) children
in AnnotatedCorniceCap
@ -324,8 +328,8 @@ annotateFinely :: Foldable f
-> (Int -> Int) -- ^ finalize
-> (c -> Int) -- ^ Get size from content
-> f a
-> Cornice p a c
-> AnnotatedCornice p a c
-> Cornice Headed p a c
-> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a c
annotateFinely g finish toSize xs cornice = runST $ do
m <- newMutableSizedCornice cornice
sizeColonnades toSize xs m
@ -352,16 +356,18 @@ freezeMutableSizedCornice :: forall s p a c.
(Int -> Int -> Int) -- ^ fold function
-> (Int -> Int) -- ^ finalize
-> MutableSizedCornice s p a c
-> ST s (AnnotatedCornice p a c)
-> ST s (AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a c)
freezeMutableSizedCornice step finish = go
go :: forall p' a' c'. MutableSizedCornice s p' a' c' -> ST s (AnnotatedCornice p' a' c')
go :: forall p' a' c'.
MutableSizedCornice s p' a' c'
-> ST s (AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p' a' c')
go (MutableSizedCorniceBase msc) = do
szCol <- freezeMutableSizedColonnade msc
let sz =
( mapJustInt finish
. V.foldl' (combineJustInt step) Nothing
. (Just . sizedSize . oneColonnadeHead)
. (sizedSize . oneColonnadeHead)
) (getColonnade szCol)
return (AnnotatedCorniceBase sz szCol)
go (MutableSizedCorniceCap v1) = do
@ -374,10 +380,10 @@ freezeMutableSizedCornice step finish = go
return $ AnnotatedCorniceCap sz v2
newMutableSizedCornice :: forall s p a c.
Cornice p a c
Cornice Headed p a c
-> ST s (MutableSizedCornice s p a c)
newMutableSizedCornice = go where
go :: forall p'. Cornice p' a c -> ST s (MutableSizedCornice s p' a c)
go :: forall p'. Cornice Headed p' a c -> ST s (MutableSizedCornice s p' a c)
go (CorniceBase c) = fmap MutableSizedCorniceBase (newMutableSizedColonnade c)
go (CorniceCap v) = fmap MutableSizedCorniceCap (V.mapM (traverseOneCorniceBody go) v)
@ -390,7 +396,7 @@ mapHeadedness f (Colonnade v) =
-- | This is an O(1) operation, sort of
size :: AnnotatedCornice p a c -> Maybe Int
size :: AnnotatedCornice sz p a c -> sz
size x = case x of
AnnotatedCorniceBase m _ -> m
AnnotatedCorniceCap sz _ -> sz
@ -401,15 +407,15 @@ mapOneCorniceBody f (OneCornice h b) = OneCornice h (f b)
mapOneColonnadeHeader :: Functor h => (c -> c) -> OneColonnade h a c -> OneColonnade h a c
mapOneColonnadeHeader f (OneColonnade h b) = OneColonnade (fmap f h) b
headersMonoidal :: forall r m c p a.
headersMonoidal :: forall sz r m c p a.
Monoid m
=> Maybe (Fascia p r, r -> m -> m) -- ^ Apply the Fascia header row content
-> [(Int -> c -> m, m -> m)] -- ^ Build content from cell content and size
-> AnnotatedCornice p a c
-> [(sz -> c -> m, m -> m)] -- ^ Build content from cell content and size
-> AnnotatedCornice sz p a c
-> m
headersMonoidal wrapRow fromContentList = go wrapRow
go :: forall p'. Maybe (Fascia p' r, r -> m -> m) -> AnnotatedCornice p' a c -> m
go :: forall p'. Maybe (Fascia p' r, r -> m -> m) -> AnnotatedCornice sz p' a c -> m
go ef (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v)) =
let g :: m -> m
g m = case ef of
@ -424,10 +430,7 @@ headersMonoidal wrapRow fromContentList = go wrapRow
Nothing -> m
Just (FasciaCap r _, f) -> f r m
in g (foldMap (\(fromContent,wrap) -> wrap (foldMap (\(OneCornice h b) ->
(case size b of
Nothing -> mempty
Just sz -> fromContent sz h)
) v)) fromContentList)
(fromContent (size b) h)) v)) fromContentList)
<> case ef of
Nothing -> case flattenAnnotated v of
Nothing -> mempty
@ -436,23 +439,33 @@ headersMonoidal wrapRow fromContentList = go wrapRow
Nothing -> mempty
Just annCoreNext -> go (Just (fn,f)) annCoreNext
flattenAnnotated :: Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice p a c) -> Maybe (AnnotatedCornice p a c)
flattenAnnotated ::
Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) p a c)
-> Maybe (AnnotatedCornice sz p a c)
flattenAnnotated v = case v V.!? 0 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (OneCornice _ x) -> Just $ case x of
AnnotatedCorniceBase m _ -> flattenAnnotatedBase m v
AnnotatedCorniceCap m _ -> flattenAnnotatedCap m v
flattenAnnotatedBase :: Maybe Int -> Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice Base a c) -> AnnotatedCornice Base a c
flattenAnnotatedBase ::
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) Base a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz Base a c
flattenAnnotatedBase msz = AnnotatedCorniceBase msz
. Colonnade
. V.concatMap
(\(OneCornice _ (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v))) -> v)
flattenAnnotatedCap :: Maybe Int -> Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice (Cap p) a c) -> AnnotatedCornice (Cap p) a c
flattenAnnotatedCap ::
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) (Cap p) a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz (Cap p) a c
flattenAnnotatedCap m = AnnotatedCorniceCap m . V.concatMap getTheVector
getTheVector :: OneCornice AnnotatedCornice (Cap p) a c -> Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice p a c)
getTheVector ::
OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) (Cap p) a c
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) p a c)
getTheVector (OneCornice _ (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v)) = v
data MutableSizedCornice s (p :: Pillar) a c where
@ -492,8 +505,8 @@ newtype Headed a = Headed { getHeaded :: a }
data Headless a = Headless
deriving (Eq,Ord,Functor,Show,Read,Foldable)
data Sized f a = Sized
{ sizedSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
data Sized sz f a = Sized
{ sizedSize :: !sz
, sizedContent :: !(f a)
} deriving (Functor, Foldable)
@ -554,7 +567,7 @@ instance Semigroup (Colonnade h a c) where
data Pillar = Cap !Pillar | Base
class ToEmptyCornice (p :: Pillar) where
toEmptyCornice :: Cornice p a c
toEmptyCornice :: Cornice h p a c
instance ToEmptyCornice Base where
toEmptyCornice = CorniceBase mempty
@ -571,36 +584,39 @@ data OneCornice k (p :: Pillar) a c = OneCornice
, oneCorniceBody :: !(k p a c)
data Cornice (p :: Pillar) a c where
CorniceBase :: !(Colonnade Headed a c) -> Cornice Base a c
CorniceCap :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice Cornice p a c)) -> Cornice (Cap p) a c
data Cornice h (p :: Pillar) a c where
CorniceBase :: !(Colonnade h a c) -> Cornice h Base a c
CorniceCap :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c)) -> Cornice h (Cap p) a c
instance Semigroup (Cornice p a c) where
instance Semigroup (Cornice h p a c) where
CorniceBase a <> CorniceBase b = CorniceBase (mappend a b)
CorniceCap a <> CorniceCap b = CorniceCap (a Vector.++ b)
sconcat xs@(x :| _) = case x of
CorniceBase _ -> CorniceBase (Colonnade (vectorConcatNE (fmap (getColonnade . getCorniceBase) xs)))
CorniceCap _ -> CorniceCap (vectorConcatNE (fmap getCorniceCap xs))
instance ToEmptyCornice p => Monoid (Cornice p a c) where
instance ToEmptyCornice p => Monoid (Cornice h p a c) where
mempty = toEmptyCornice
mappend = (Semigroup.<>)
mconcat xs1 = case xs1 of
[] -> toEmptyCornice
x : xs2 -> Semigroup.sconcat (x :| xs2)
getCorniceBase :: Cornice Base a c -> Colonnade Headed a c
getCorniceBase :: Cornice h Base a c -> Colonnade h a c
getCorniceBase (CorniceBase c) = c
getCorniceCap :: Cornice (Cap p) a c -> Vector (OneCornice Cornice p a c)
getCorniceCap :: Cornice h (Cap p) a c -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c)
getCorniceCap (CorniceCap c) = c
data AnnotatedCornice (p :: Pillar) a c where
AnnotatedCorniceBase :: !(Maybe Int) -> !(Colonnade (Sized Headed) a c) -> AnnotatedCornice Base a c
data AnnotatedCornice sz (p :: Pillar) a c where
AnnotatedCorniceBase ::
-> !(Colonnade (Sized sz Headed) a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz Base a c
AnnotatedCorniceCap ::
!(Maybe Int)
-> {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice p a c))
-> AnnotatedCornice (Cap p) a c
-> {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) p a c))
-> AnnotatedCornice sz (Cap p) a c
-- data MaybeInt = JustInt {-# UNPACK #-} !Int | NothingInt

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
@ -11,10 +14,12 @@ module Reflex.Dom.Colonnade
-- * Types
, Resizable(..)
-- * Table Encoders
, basic
, static
, capped
, cappedResizable
, cappedTraversing
, dynamic
, dynamicCapped
@ -35,12 +40,16 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LT
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..),for_,forM_)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Reflex.Dom
import Colonnade (Colonnade,Headed,Fascia,Cornice)
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import qualified Colonnade as C
import qualified Colonnade.Encode as E
data Cell t m b = Cell
@ -48,6 +57,13 @@ data Cell t m b = Cell
, cellContents :: !(m b)
} deriving (Functor)
-- | In practice, this size will only ever be set to zero
-- or one.
data Resizable t h b = Resizable
{ resizableSize :: !(Dynamic t Int)
, resizableContent :: !(h b)
elFromCell :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) => T.Text -> Cell t m b -> m b
elFromCell e (Cell attr m) = elDynAttr e attr m
@ -99,7 +115,7 @@ basic tableAttrs = static tableAttrs (Just (M.empty,M.empty)) mempty (const memp
body :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> Colonnade p a (Cell t m e)
-> Colonnade h a (Cell t m e)
-> f a
-> m e
body bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection =
@ -117,6 +133,19 @@ bodyRows trAttrs colonnade collection =
unWrappedApplicative $
E.rowMonoidal colonnade (WrappedApplicative . elFromCell "td") a
bodyResizable :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> Map Text Text
-> (a -> Map Text Text)
-> Colonnade (Resizable t h) a (Cell t m e)
-> f a
-> m e
bodyResizable bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection = elAttr "tbody" bodyAttrs $ do
unWrappedApplicative . flip foldMap collection $ \a -> WrappedApplicative
$ elAttr "tr" (trAttrs a)
$ unWrappedApplicative
$ E.rowMonoidalHeader colonnade (\(Resizable dynSize _) (Cell cattr content) ->
WrappedApplicative (elDynAttr "td" (zipDynWith (\i at -> M.insert "colspan" (T.pack (show i)) at) dynSize cattr) content)) a
static ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Foldable h, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
@ -160,10 +189,10 @@ sectioned tableAttrs mheadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs dividerContent colonnade@(E.Co
bodyRows trAttrs colonnade as
encodeCorniceHead ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e)
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text
-> Fascia p (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice p a (Cell t m e)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a (Cell t m e)
-> m e
encodeCorniceHead headAttrs fascia annCornice =
elAttr "thead" headAttrs (unWrappedApplicative thead)
@ -172,14 +201,33 @@ encodeCorniceHead headAttrs fascia annCornice =
where addColspan = M.insert "colspan" (T.pack (show size))
addAttr attrs = WrappedApplicative . elAttr "tr" attrs . unWrappedApplicative
encodeCorniceResizableHead :: forall t m e p a.
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text
-> Fascia p (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) p a (Cell t m e)
-> m e
encodeCorniceResizableHead headAttrs fascia annCornice =
elAttr "thead" headAttrs (unWrappedApplicative thead)
thead :: WrappedApplicative m e
thead = E.headersMonoidal (Just (fascia, addAttr)) [(th,id)] annCornice
th :: Dynamic t Int -> Cell t m e -> WrappedApplicative m e
th size (Cell attrs contents) = WrappedApplicative (elDynAttr "th" (zipDynWith addColspan size attrs) contents)
addColspan :: Int -> Map Text Text -> Map Text Text
addColspan i = M.insert "colspan" (T.pack (show i))
addAttr :: Map Text Text -> WrappedApplicative m b -> WrappedApplicative m b
addAttr attrs = WrappedApplicative . elAttr "tr" attrs . unWrappedApplicative
capped ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<thead\>@ tag attributes
-> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Fascia p (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice p a (Cell t m e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> Cornice Headed p a (Cell t m e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> m e
capped tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection =
@ -188,6 +236,42 @@ capped tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection =
b <- body bodyAttrs trAttrs (E.discard cornice) collection
return (h `mappend` b)
cappedResizable ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> Map Text Text -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Map Text Text -- ^ @\<thead\>@ tag attributes
-> Map Text Text -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> Map Text Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Fascia p (Map Text Text) -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice (Resizable t Headed) p a (Cell t m e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> m e
cappedResizable tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection = do
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
h <- encodeCorniceResizableHead headAttrs fascia (dynamicAnnotate cornice)
b <- bodyResizable bodyAttrs trAttrs (E.discard cornice) collection
return (h `mappend` b)
dynamicAnnotate :: Reflex t
=> Cornice (Resizable t Headed) p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) p a c
dynamicAnnotate = go where
go :: forall t p a c. Reflex t
=> Cornice (Resizable t Headed) p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) p a c
go (E.CorniceBase c@(E.Colonnade cs)) =
let parentSz :: Dynamic t (Sum Int)
parentSz = foldMap (\(E.OneColonnade (Resizable sz _) _) -> (coerceDynamic sz :: Dynamic t (Sum Int))) cs
in E.AnnotatedCorniceBase (coerceDynamic parentSz) (C.mapHeadedness (\(Resizable dynSize (E.Headed content)) -> E.Sized dynSize (E.Headed content)) c)
go (E.CorniceCap children) =
let annChildren = fmap (mapOneCorniceBody go) children
parentSz :: Dynamic t (Sum Int)
parentSz = foldMap (\(E.OneCornice _ theBody) -> (coerceDynamic (E.size theBody) :: Dynamic t (Sum Int))) annChildren
in E.AnnotatedCorniceCap (coerceDynamic parentSz) annChildren
mapOneCorniceBody :: (forall p' a' c'. k p' a' c' -> j p' a' c') -> E.OneCornice k p a c -> E.OneCornice j p a c
mapOneCorniceBody f (E.OneCornice h b) = E.OneCornice h (f b)
bodyTraversing :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Traversable f, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text)
@ -207,7 +291,7 @@ cappedTraversing ::
-> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Fascia p (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice p a (Cell t m e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> Cornice Headed p a (Cell t m e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> m (f e)
cappedTraversing tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection =
@ -251,7 +335,7 @@ encodeCorniceHeadDynamic ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> Fascia p (Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text))
-> E.AnnotatedCornice p a (Cell t m e)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a (Cell t m e)
-> m e
encodeCorniceHeadDynamic headAttrs fascia annCornice =
elDynAttr "thead" headAttrs (unWrappedApplicative thead)
@ -267,7 +351,7 @@ dynamicCapped ::
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Fascia p (Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text)) -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice p a (Cell t m e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> Cornice Headed p a (Cell t m e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> Dynamic t (f a) -- ^ Collection of data
-> m (Event t e)
dynamicCapped tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection =

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ packages:
- 'yesod-colonnade'
- 'blaze-colonnade'
- 'siphon'
- 'geolite-csv'
# - 'geolite-csv'
# Dependency packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver
# (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)