let reflex-dom tables return arbitrary Monoids

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Martin 2017-09-28 09:55:03 -04:00
parent e3f2eb8ccf
commit 50ffb67738

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@ -587,16 +587,16 @@ data Visible a = Visible !Bool a
-- It would be nice to use foldDynMaybeM, but we still need an initial
-- value. We could try to wait to generate the rows until we've seen
-- a value, but that seems confusing.
paginated :: forall t b h m a c.
(Sizable t b h, Cellular t m c, Headedness b, MonadFix m, Functor h)
paginated :: forall t b h m a c e.
(Sizable t b h, Cellular t m c, Headedness b, MonadFix m, Functor h, Monoid e)
=> Bureau t b a -- ^ table class settings
-> Pagination t m -- ^ pagination settings
-> a -- ^ An inhabitant of type @a@ only used for the cells in hidden rows.
-> Colonnade h (Dynamic t a) (c ()) -- ^ column blueprint
-> Colonnade h (Dynamic t a) (c e) -- ^ column blueprint
-> Dynamic t (Vector a) -- ^ table row data
-> m ()
-> m e
paginated (Bureau tableAttrs theadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs) (Pagination pageSize arrange makePagination) aDef col vecD = do
let colLifted :: Colonnade h (Dynamic t (Visible a)) (c ())
let colLifted :: Colonnade h (Dynamic t (Visible a)) (c e)
colLifted = PF.lmap (fmap (\(Visible _ a) -> a)) col
makeVals :: Dynamic t Int -> Vector (Dynamic t (Visible a))
makeVals page = V.generate pageSize $ \ix -> do
@ -620,13 +620,13 @@ paginated (Bureau tableAttrs theadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs) (Pagination pageSize
ArrangementFooter tfootAttrs tfootTrAttrs tfootThAttrs -> mdo
tableHeader theadAttrs colLifted
let vals = makeVals page
tableBody bodyAttrs trAttrsLifted colLifted vals
e <- tableBody bodyAttrs trAttrsLifted colLifted vals
page <- elDynAttr "tfoot" (hideWhenUnipage tfootAttrs) $ do
elDynAttr "tr" tfootTrAttrs $ do
let attrs = zipDynWith insertSizeAttr size tfootThAttrs
elDynAttr "th" attrs $ do
makePagination totalPages
return ()
return e
_ -> error "Reflex.Dom.Colonnade: paginated: write this code"
-- | A paginated table with a fixed number of rows. Each row can